We challenged the world’s best Rocket League player to a 2v1. Here's what happened

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Classic meme theme. Blonde Redhead — For the Damaged Coda

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/001Guy001 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey gamer today I wanted to do a little experiment where I try to defeat the best rocket League player in the existence of Rockley but to do this I would obviously need some help you gotta be kidding me so I got some of my youtuber friends to help me out so we're playing world champion rocket League player Justin in four different rounds each round there's only one game where we 2v1 him and the only rule is that we can't excessively bump him and each round is with a different youtuber on my team so we're gonna be testing to see first if it's even possible to be Justin and if so to see which team at we play best to it so here the four teammates we're gonna try to take Justin down with first mercy then Floop John Santa man and finally in round four sunless Khan who if you don't know it's racing us to 1 million subscribers right now and here's how we're gonna beat it apparently some list thought it would be a good idea to give away 10 must-see cars on his channel which essentially promotes mean my channel thanks even after the free promo I'm still gonna have to one-up him by giving away 11 rusty cars so everyone who subscribes to my channel right now will be entered in a giveaway for 6 lime Octane's and 620 axe exit and I'm doing another giveaway for my current subscribers where you can receive the remaining 5 cars plus if you win you can be featured in one of my future videos because I need a lot of musty cars for it I have something really cool plan just a recap if you touch a button on your screen you can win a free new Rockley car and you can be in one of my next videos if you still aren't subscribed after that you're gonna have five years of Babla anyway let's get into round number one with mercy have you played with anybody else know you're the first game first game that's best of all I'm gonna set the bar now okay I'll go back right oh he's taking the kickoff yeah you say with me okay thank you are you trying to bone together oh gosh it he actually we're gonna get OH I'm shy God as hard as I thought man he's so fast I know this I'm scared shitless oh my god pass if you can okay you go right baby yeah okay what'd it say it say let's say my ceiling yeah let's go passes oh my god we have to win this Pro cheating you're dumped you tell me tell me why you say what I say let's go the thanks I was actually so bad he didn't expect it back yes yes I mean are you gonna play this illness I can't have like us losing and then sunless like yeah yeah justin is under so much pressure there dude I mean it's two people against him like it's pretty fair laughs Allah are shade are she I'm nervous like I know me too I'm playing way worse than normal man I'll kind of pre jump in oh my god he's gonna once he's in the earth like he's on stuff like that again yeah good thing there too buddy Kenny Kenny left oh he got you he sees the play before I even see I know maybe you so that's what the heck I can't believe he's getting the boost and then you can still fly up for it faster than I are you telling myself amid this I'll shadow a shadow I thought it my god oh god okay nice everything on the line there man everything scale let's go actually oh I try to choose usually I feel like I could've gone click yeah how are your pub oh my god no oh my god that is my bad bro my freaking fascism and backflip this is a fist of three best of one man he beat us what unfortunate I kind of threw that game at the end but to be fair Justin played extremely well blocking almost all of our shots so me and mercy took the El but now it's time for round two you with flute dude do you know how many eggs are in the stands in at man field 768 you're not even close I'm not gonna tell you exactly what it is it's a secret thank you alright let's try this out focus on let's go I started you go you go let's go let's go let's go like I said best of all are you questions one person push one person defend I'm deer boosts I'm so dumb I'm so dumb I'm so done we can literally get this back so easily man gave me the ball I'll [ __ ] flick dude howdy not get baited for that uh you gotta get I bet it on my bed AB let's go let's go one two one we're good you got maybe I'm back you just are yourself I didn't oh good I gotta gotta go nice oh my god who says that I'm nervous dude I'm nervous like I normally would never miss that Jesus oh my god yet yes let's go to 2 we are fine who were fine that would give up a goal we're not fine we're not fine place of Maya place of our we can do this spanking it's like I'm shooting let's go let's go it was just like the kickoff it was so unfortunate for they shouldn't make it like where he gets an even kickoff yeah yeah you play I'm gonna cost maybe okay sighing it's night we are any okay he read my really bad pass right all right our shoot I'm taking it oh dude we're doing way better than like you did with mercy were you guys like communicating well cuz I feel happy are yeah we were communicating really well maybe it's the math bro we were on man field manic with mercy no mercy like worked he kind of sucks but I will keep that in the video try not to let him get like those air dribble setup just gotta go there's the air drill set up in a cage okay you're fine you're fine I'm trying to my seats like that oh I got good power no hey try that double flip reset you didn't train I saw your Instagram play 1 2 wait you actually almost got it he has hundreds I didn't get on it let's go nice nice Oh baby I knew it he's doing like I was like he's gonna definitely go for the air dribble from the ground I'm not missing I'm so stupid it's all good that's the kind of stuff I can I can be doing I don't want to slow the mercy game for you boy that's kind of how it is how did I hit the training C so slow so slow for Justin it's like we Deus like I've ever been in winter yeah so slow is still just like flicking it over our heads I'll care for animal anyone shoutout shadow please please oh my god okay that's far now oh my god I'd he scored that that would have been well worth it not in love pancake a little awkward oh no oh no doubt that was that was 200 IQ I'm so go he just seized everything you know right air dribble puffs are terrible rotate you push I rotate you push I rotate you alright okay okay guys this guy's go let's go thank God baby that's a GG though man Justin feeling slow I'm glad I feel slow man so in round two we got the win with flume and we felt overall a bit more comfortable than round one as we scored six goals but this was still a one goal game so we had to try our hardest in round three with a john-san man I've been played rocket League in two days this is gonna be great oh god let's play Neotech yeah let's win this real quick you might take the kickoff just be away yeah he's not gonna go oh I'm nervous I know me too I'm the last nervous so now than I was before though okay oh good go good come on bro I got you good stuff I mean that I'm net okay oh what that was yeah he's a speedy boy he says he's playing slow right now but he's like Usain Bolt no what was that thing that's my bounce you just did some Jedi mind tricks right there key to it is making sure one of us is back at all times like yeah we can okay you can go confer pacify he's a pro we don't read the pass and now shoot it almost worth let's go let's go oh we got kind of passing by to try to catch it try to catch me John John that is the wrong goal John we need to score in there I don't okay boom boom Machado listen man this is how it's supposed to go we're making this exciting I'll be right right oh my god I'm so out with them yeah oh no no I think I get I have time it's gonna Rob you how does that bounce out oh my god yeah I'm still here I'm good behind you I'm out good good good good good it's fine to sign I'll say that I'll say they never mind what a shot dude oh god what I it's in what is a wave yeah we'll say something really cool I'll push on you guys he's trying to there we go yeah turn this open try to take your time I'm right if you need me Yeah right don't worry we're gonna get ticketed man I'll take it I dropped it I dropped it you shoot you shoot yep oh he blocked my going that's good that's good yep that's me maybe or score [Music] I mean it's just them so yeah it kind of is like that's playing the role isn't it oh it's probably a go again I'm gonna tell him no way don't do it oh my god rope in the bathroom he's insane oh my goodness say we keep living each other and in windy ones okay so around three we took quite the loss with the John Sandman as we were both making a lot of it easy to fix mistakes and just leaving each other and a lot of one thing ones but now it's time for round for with some was calm and just another reminder to subscribe if you're enjoying the content because sunless is the new trying to catch up to you in sub count we actually to be Wan kenobe you remember that back in the day yeah it's like a year ago hope sheet softly can see something doesn't have to be a little awkward sure okay no he's backing off nice shots and let's go let's go I think we just caught a little booze yep it'll be like if I say nice is it again let's go let's go oh come with dot wait dude what I think it is this is gonna sound stupid I have a conspiracy theory it's the it's like the light maps and make it harder for Justin me and flipper dominating outta money's like maps sounds like definitely a real theory it's my I'm waiting I'm waiting he's got double flip reset you gotta buted me through but that's actually good yeah I'm taking all technologies okay it's fine a little dark minutes fine I mean I'm down done good and I mean I mean I got this nice staying at night yeah I'm bumping up my things you push you push what I say you're insane boom boom smart smart what the heck it was a blue trail though now you definitely better pain oh my god he got so unlucky that's ago let's go Eddie got it let's go bald my thumb list put that in your Twitter bio mantaur I told you the maths what did I say I literally knew it was the mouse he's like a little troll he needs the dark I know I'm sitting he's gonna be as an annoying as possible I'm just gonna be so annoying it's 50/50 oh oh no oh god it's such as man was so hard to say true like I was literally right I honestly can't believe I was actually right about that against Corey that's not Angela we're fine fine I'm waiting that he might doubler I'm the way I'm waiting there we go trying to try catch it I'm zero thanks very good oh dude is a freaking machine to get it over it looks like his car is like faster like literally faster than I know it really does feel like that I'm pre-jump know your stuff I tried oh you miss you miss right our score Oh nice accent good minute class oh he's seeing speedy boy I wasn't focusing and it doesn't even count you get the win anyways did I care you yeah that's the usual breath subscribed as Musti everyone subscribed Musti so in round four we took quite the dub and that puts us at two wins with fluent sunless and two losses with mercy and John Sandman so confirmed it's very hard but it is possible to beat the best rock league player in a 2v1 make sure to check out Justin on YouTube because he's fairly new to the platform and everyone else's links will of course would be in the description as well thanks again for watching don't forget to like the video if you enjoyed it and click on this video if you want to see if I can be 5 platinum play [Music] [Music]
Channel: amustycow
Views: 5,034,074
Rating: 4.9417634 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League, We challenged the world’s best Rocket League player to a 2v1. Here's what happened, We challenged the world’s best Rocket League player to a 2v1, 2 grand champs vs 1 world champion, world champion vs 2 grand champs, rocket league world champion, rocket league world champ, best rocket league player, rocket league 2v1, 2v1 rocket league, rlcs, jstn, jstn rocket league, itsjstn
Id: tCbJbJLn5AQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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