Which Rank is the FASTEST in Rocket League?

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one of the really cool things about rock league is the sheer amount of ways to practice and train instead of sitting in aimleb for five hours a day you can mix and match free play scrims training packs workshop maps and season mode which to be honest i don't think anyone uses anymore anyway one of the best of this selection is workshop maps where some really talented creators have made some absolutely amazing maps for people to refine their skills and have fun quite a few of these are courses with different levels which you must try to complete and get the best time so i thought why not make a race where i get every rank to try to complete the courses in the fastest time possible obviously the higher ranks are going to win so i created a handicap system to level the playing field depending on the course i would give a time penalty to the higher ranks so silver has no penalty at all then gold has a small one all the way up to ssl which has the largest of them all so the three maps that are part of the race are speed jump boost the medium level rings three and the dribbling challenge too also if you're enjoying the content be sure to subscribe it helps me out a lot and gets us closer to our goal of 200k anyway start your engines and let's begin i wouldn't say i'm extremely familiar with it but i uh i know i know the general gist of it and how it works so i've not tried it myself but let's try nice and easy slow and then this is second yellow rings on the second so as we start to move our way through the course all the players are showing great control i expected there to be a much larger gap but ranks as low as gold are actually doing extremely well and are on track with some of their higher end counterparts so it will be interesting to see who takes this one out okay so supposed to air through them oh oh oh okay all right let's go again oh my oh okay maybe huh it's really putting my ego in place yikes oh god oh god shot like this yeah bad idea don't do that going around the corner here made a nice turn there very nice oh no wait calculated oh my gosh why did i even say oh no i had it i had it in the bag not that hard so we've already had our first player drop out the silver really struggled with that first level as we saw which is to be expected as they don't really know how to aerial let alone controller through rings i personally found this course to be a case of making sure you don't mess up and being very careful because getting reset can waste precious seconds which could end up costing you at the end the underdog gold player is definitely proving himself here as well okay so the yellow rings are the smaller ones i see this is really difficult i'm gonna take it way more slowly it's better than not dying go a little bit slower than trying to race through it and die once or twice i thought it was screwed then oh my god i saw i was about to hit it so i was like please don't send me the other way just gave me a little love tap now i'm back clean smooth calm okay dude i hit that did you guys hear that oh my god as many of the players near the end there are some very good times being posted i think i only died once and was still behind multiple players however you have to remember that this is handicapped so even if a lower rank gets a slower time if it is good for that rank they could beat a high rank player with the worst time for their rank okay all right let's go and then just finally yellow ring we're doing pretty well though we haven't died oh we died once i think which was uh unfortunate but it was alright at the start of the level so i only sent me back with a couple seconds all right i have a dodge here i don't need it though and i'm not going to use it just just in case i don't want to mess up this this far on a good run you know okay nice okay just go slowly through these this red ring is pretty easy you just drive through it these are a bit harder and the sweat ring is the hardest okay now as players enter the final level or two which are the most difficult this is where the race is won or lost if you can finesse your way through these levels with minimal or even no deaths then you're an extremely good chance of winning it's all about taking it slow and ensuring that you don't mess up it's kind of similar to a case of the tortoise and the hare i think this is the second last level we've got a couple reds really are pushing it here we're actually done all right though have we got through and this is the last level here we have nine seconds i don't think we're gonna finish it in time we're gonna get close though okay now we're not all right let's get it 391 wait what how does that even work seconds and minutes and whatever i'll take it great eight minutes wait that's it i thought it was way more okay well that's nice i guess 340 holy that was a great time it was actually four minutes nine i'm pretty happy with that time so we can see the time results for each rank here with the handicap time on the right using that it gives us the standings after the first race with gold's eight minute run topping them all all right let's see this one looks pretty simple just got to be careful not to hit anything okay and aerial car control so we got that first level done i have done this quite a few times before out of the three maps there are this is the one i've done the most so hopefully i can uh pull a decent time i still don't like how the ball came works in these things like it is really smart with the ball here so this course is a little harder than the last one and i expect the lower ranks to struggle on top of the fact that unlimited boost is off it forces them to focus on speed and boost management messing up isn't as much of a problem as the rings as some of the levels can take multiple attempts to finish what am i supposed to do here no no this is actually way too hard what the hell man i give up i cannot do that so as we just saw the silver bail out the gold wasn't able to follow up on his stellar first course only managing to reach level three he gave it multiple attempts but just kept running out of boost oh no do i have to go straight up oh no i hate this this is so hard for me nearly ran out of boost the headbutt we got there on the end this corner you need to really be conservative of your boost not because you need to make it to this we just got there in the end that was extremely close come on no so the plot was only able to reach level eight which is a great effort given the difficulty of the course and later levels i'm making good time up these you want to save a little bit of boost you're only running on empty because you've got a little bit of an ar extra little hurdle here can we get it yes nice i think i got it all right let's go perfect that was a pretty good run we did it nice okay good all right so that was so again we can see the times and handicaps given for each rank and take note that sometimes were stopped because they couldn't go any further after this course i managed to take a narrow lead but then came dribbling challenge two level one of 30. so the first few levels there they're pretty easy you know we can't i'll be dropping lives on these ones hopefully it's supposed to be a speed run so i'm just going to sweat it out i'm not going to be talking and i think i'm pretty good at dribbling so i think this will this one anyways i think this will okay i can just all right i think this will be pretty quick so for those of you that played this course before you know it is extremely hard take the difficulties of the last two courses and multiply them by 10 and you get dribbling challenge 2. not only this but there are 30 levels and some of the later ones are absolutely ridiculous it is a long and punishing course that is a recipe for tilt and tilt it delivered yeah this is gonna be okay what the hell am i supposed to do here oh oh oh oh my god i'm actually gonna watch a video on how to dribble i'll be right back three videos actually so now i consider myself a pro at dribbling so let's try it out okay so keep um okay you know what now let's let's try the hips so for this one i took the level that the rank reached and compared that to the handicap as i didn't expect most ranks to finish no come on no okay no why oh i'm gonna stop it here no oh no i accidentally flipped oh my god so close yes yes yes yes please tell me this oh my god no this is even worse like playing when you played fortnite with all right i'm just getting worse and worse so i don't know what i'm doing anymore but this is like torture i'm just quitting now i can't do this anymore balls all over the drink what's going on oh oh oh oh oh oh we gotta jump oh the whole this this is so off-putting oh my god the thing's spinning left left left right oh what it's moving no there's just this turn i'd like to it's like moving as well but the ground isn't moving no no not downside down okay we're good we're good we're good why is this the end oh it's the end we've done it we did it oh my god we actually did it nope hit the wall literally like as when i'm dribbling like as soon as it hits the wall i just give up i just i just can't recover from it wait oh that's it that's it done done so these are levels and times that every rank accomplished we all lost a piece of our sanity doing this so it better have been worth it anyway after an amazing final run for his rank the ssl managed to snag the win at the last second with myself and the champ tied second then platt and diamond tied fourth with the gold and silver in 5th and 6th respectively anyway a big thanks to all the guys who participated it was a lot of fun and a bit of tilt but i'm really happy with how it went again if you enjoyed be sure to subscribe to help us out and i'll catch you on the next one [Music] cheers
Channel: Helical
Views: 560,030
Rating: 4.9440403 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league ranks, ranks rocket league, rocket league ranked, ranks, rocket league ranks they deserve, ranks rocket league 2020, ranks rocket league mmr, helical rocket league, helical, comparing ranks rocket league, rocket league montage, montage rocket league, bronze to ssl rocket league, rank progression rocket league, Which Rank is the FASTEST in Rocket League?, rocket league race, race rocket league, fastest car rocket league, fastest car
Id: oASZssp7CWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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