We Rented Out the Most UNIQUE Capsule Hotel in Japan

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how's going everyone this is the anime man and you're probably wondering where the [ __ ] i am so right now i am in the middle of yamanashi prefecture pretty close to where mount fuji is and i'm on journey across japan escape to fuji trip if you guys don't know what that is the little series that me and chris are doing over on chris's channel now if you know anything about japan you might know of a little thing called capsule hotels now capsule hotels for those of you don't know is a type of accommodation that was invented in japan around in the 70s where as the name suggests the beds are just capsules they pretty much look like mores with very comfy beds inside of it i'm sure you've seen a million j vloggers do videos on her but surprisingly your boy has never actually stayed in a capsule hotel before i've stayed at a manga cafe for 24 hours and i've stayed in all sorts of weird places all over the world but weirdly enough i've never experienced the capsule hotel so when chris told me that we were going to be staying in possibly one of the weirdest capsule hotels in japan and we rented out the entire capsule hotel for ourselves i was like i have to show this to you guys so here we are we're standing right in front of it it is a giant shipping container full of capsule hotels so let's go inside and check it out and the grand reveal oh no this is actually a capsule hotel but like the entire thing what the [ __ ] well i can't believe the first time i am experiencing a capsule hotel i pretty much get the entire place to myself as you can see there are roughly 10 capsules in this room in this giant shipping container of a room and uh yeah i get the whole place to myself spoiled for choice basically this is what a capsule in a capsule hotel looks like this one's actually quite a fancy one from what i saw usually the ones over in tokyo are a little bit smaller than this but it doesn't really matter because i get 10 of these to myself we also have i don't know what this little container is in the side here this is this is the bad one this is the good one that you can go into this is the bad one that you have to go into and there's a bunch of them wait why is this one closed i've been waiting there for 20 minutes 20 minutes why couldn't it be quicker at presenting this damn video it's a broadest in japanese okay you're not gonna come out no come on don't be a bad boy get out get i'm happy yeah i mean i've heard you say we've got the whole place to myself the whole time it's two people now yeah it's to ourselves my bad oh this is my side the west side of the capsule hotel it's on the west side you've got the east side right i mean from the looks of it the east side seems a million times bigger and it comes with a hammock yeah i know yeah let's check out we'll go back to the capsule hotel actual capsules later but let's check out this room because it's so dope do you want to go on the hammock i haven't been in a hammock for nine years nine years yeah or then that's nine years of missing so slick so elegant how is it you gotta you gotta like wrap yourself up in a cocoon there you go look at that you are ready to be reborn i look like a corpse about to be dragged off the throne in a river by a gangster and that gangster is your boy can this take my way it just was just made for like a foreigner in mind you're not that fat are you feeling relaxed all right you know what the future is hammers yeah this is it i know i've been i've been wanting to buy a hammock for the trash taste studio for longest time because we have like a giant balcony in our studio by the way go check out trash taste my podcast plug in your own [ __ ] channel i'm plugging my arm i'm plugging my own podcast on my own there's 10 capsules in here but technically speaking you can stay here with 11 people one person just has to sleep in the hammock oh actually there's like some really fancy couches over here if you can see as well so this is actually really really spacious i mean there's only the two of us here today but i think primarily this place is built for at least 10 people and again you probably fit even more than that you're gonna come out anytime soon all right we'll just leave him there for the time being let's go check out the rest of it here's a bun we're gonna go check out the bathroom mix there's a bathroom and the grand reveal that that is a giant pot plant i believe get in the pot plant do it do it for your channel give the people what they want jump in the pot plant oh it's really cold [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] this [ __ ] i have to present stop wasting water you son of a [ __ ] i wonder which one he could be in could it possibly be the one that is entirely closed off you're like a crazy homeless dude like the bottom of a bridge i hear this help i was about to say that's how you do it but i guess that's not how you do it so this is what the inside of one of the rooms looks like and feels like the mattress is pretty solid and it's quite spacious actually i can't quite stretch both my arms out but still it's not too bad considering that there's 10 rooms in here obviously there's a light switch thing going on here as well and a fan what what's the fan what what fan is that the fan that has to be it because there's no there's no other place for a fan at least we have a fan of some kind yeah my only fan is right here only fans and it's and it's pretty much diy we have to do the bed sheets and whatnot by ourselves but still we get complete privacy pretty much i feel that as well i don't know if these capsule hotels are specifically built to kind of hold in the sound maybe as well but i don't know if it's just me but yeah it seems quite soundproof or maybe you know obviously not as soundproof but it's a little bit okay never mind it's not who is it hello so yeah a lot of people tend to think that capsule hotels are just a thing that is in japan and while it did start in japan in the 70s i believe it started around or sucker from what i saw there's actually a couple of countries that have implemented the whole capsule hotel thing to varying levels of success mind you i believe countries like norway and iceland have adopted a lot of capsule hotels and they seem to be doing pretty well but from what chris told me earlier apparently there was one capsule hotel in london and it didn't particularly do all that well isn't that right chris nice treat oh he's out there i mean i don't think british people really want to sleep in a hotel that's a glorified box coughing no less pretty much it feels a bit degrading sometimes climbing a little ladder and just stuffing yourself into a box to go to sleep yeah and it might feel especially degrading if you're also in a room like this or in a capsule hotel where right next to you as a bunch of random people that you don't really know might seem a little weird i mean capsule hotels work in japan because people are more mindful of the noises they're making around other people so generally people don't aren't too noisy yeah but of course you'll have your exceptions like the one time chris had to leave a capsule hotel yeah because of some drunk bastards i've stayed captured hotels about five or six times over the years and the last time i did it there were just some really loud people i just couldn't sleep yeah yeah i was there i was supposed to be there for three nights so i checked out after just one night because i didn't sleep until now and also they're pretty they're not overly well ventilated so it can be quite stuffy that's what the one fan is for fun fan i don't know where it is you're better off just going against the wall that would be more effective than the imaginary fan that comes with the capsules but they're great for one night and uh you know if you come in japan for a holiday just one night quite fun interesting experience do it once tell your friends about it get the instagram photo yeah definitely and if you come over to the fuji area mount fuji which i'm sure a lot of you guys would if you come and travel japan then this place is pretty close to the fuji area so if you're here with a family or with a giant group of friends maybe a trip of some kind then i definitely recommend this place i mean we've only been here for not even 10 minutes and i already love it so yeah guys that was just a short little tour of a capsule hotel i of course had to do a video on a capsule hotel living in japan because i believe every youtuber who lives in japan has to make a capsule hotel video isn't that right chris absolutely big views big views no effort required every youtuber who's made a video about a capsule hotel gets a million dollars so if this video doesn't have a million views hit the prep zone yeah i know who to blame so yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed this video let me know down in the comments below of your experiences if you ever stayed in a capsule hotel in japan or wherever what were the coolest capsule hotels you've been to would you like to stay in a capsule hotel and of course uh this all of this i was able to do because of the awesome abroad in japan's channel and the journey across japan escape to fuji series that him and i are making together which is at his channel which i'll leave down in the description below as always watch it it's good you heard him get a man himself ever watched it yes we don't know if it's good watch this video series that we haven't finished making we've done some pretty crazy stuff yeah we stayed in a thousand-year-old vlog yesterday yeah uh we we didn't stay in it we had a bath and a thousand-year-old vlog yeah and there was the abandoned love hotel yes which i also previously made a video on so again i'll leave that in the description as well and we also went to the mouthful the mouthful of these oh yeah yeah like bee lava that was lovely best forgotten so yeah all of that and a whole lot more is coming up so again make sure to check the description as always and again guys i'll see you in the next one thanks for watching like your favorite if you enjoy subscribe for more better keep watching anime [ __ ] amazing all right [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 894,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Rent, Unique, Capsule Hotel, Journey Across Japan, Abroad in Japan
Id: LwJDay3fp1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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