I Flew in Japan's Most Dangerous Airplane | Nightmare at 10,000 Feet

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mendezmen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Such great shots with the drone.

Not sure how I feel about the lack of fried chicken though.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SlapMuhFro πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man I really hope we can bump the numbers up on these video and make them the best video series he has ever done! It makes me sad that he said they topically don’t do well.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OhScottyboy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know I'm getting old when my first thought was "Joey really needs a haircut".

Excited for the rest of the episodes! My boyfriends family is from this area of Japan so excited to see more.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Matcha_Maiden πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Got hyped so much for it!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Toricxx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Natsuki losing his pirate pants in the waterfall was the true highlight of this episode.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/metalslug123 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

He bring joey again instead of Connor :v

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DewaOdeAMG πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I just have to say that they definitely weren’t 10,000 ft and Cessna 172s don’t go 200mph.. they were maybe 4,000 ft and going 100mph. Still liked the video though.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tootall4school πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

First time commenting here so I'm not sure how this sub handles criticism, but here goes.

Chris has pegged JAJ season 3 to have the longest episodes and this one certainly delivers on that promise with 34 minutes. However, to be honest I feel like this could have been cut down by 5-8 minutes easily. Nothing here is filler per se, but the pacing is a little too slow and they didn't really do that much interesting stuff beside the plane and the waterfall.

Edit: looks at downvotes I guess this sub handles criticism poorly

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ascarea πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
we make it out of this alive you owe me a king ice cream i want to get out [Music] kyushu the last place in japan that i've truly yet to explore the last time i passed through kyushu is when i did the original journey across japan when i cycled from yamagata all the way down here to kagoshima only problem was because it was a 2000 kilometer cycle i was dead by the end of it and i don't really remember anything about kyushu except pain loss and lots of pain now a lot of people think japan is just made up of four or five islands and i suppose that's true to some extent but really it's actually got over six thousand some are huge massive others barely big enough to stand on but i propose to go to three islands here around kyushu two of them are abandoned and one of them is a subtropical paradise called yakushima over here the southern tip of the map it's barely on the map and i know only one person who's actually visited yakushima and that is joey the animation man he can be our guide now after that i propose we go through kishu to the super volcano the aso caldera japan's largest volcano natsuki is actually from kyushu his family are from aso because his name is natsuki asso even though he's never been to kyushu before so he could be our guide aso by name asso by nature he's a real asso through and through i could do this all day long and finally nagasaki the city that i want to go to the most because it's the last actual major city in japan i've yet to visit and i've always wanted to go there and it seems like poetry to kick things off in kagoshima where the original journey across japan ended three islands three idiots this is going to be intense now there's just one thing left to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello it's chris sachibali good to see you how are you doing yeah very good great great i know you're busy but you want to go on a holiday holiday really yeah do you want to go on journey across japan wow really johnny across zipper s3 amazing good timing nice idea so [ __ ] you crazy god so here we are folks back in kagoshima on the southern tip of kyushu overlooking the incredible sakurajima volcano the most active volcano in all of japan 1170 metres like in south england where i'm from we have like a hill here at kagoshima they've got the most active volcano in all of japan in fact it's so active there's smoke coming out of it right now and on a bad day when the wind blows over the city people have to use umbrellas here to shield themselves from the ash the only sad thing is we're not here that long i've got a ferry to yakishima in about three hours and uh unfortunately we're not going alone either good morning joseph welcome to kakashima christopher hey jim all right um a little disappointed to be honest with you what's there to be disappointed about you're on the abroad japan channel well i mean that's one disappointment but also the fact that this is my first time in kagoshima well actually first time in kyushu ever ever i didn't know that yeah i mean i've been to yakushima once which we're about to head to that's key shooting i mean technically you're lying you're live never been on i'm not lying to the viewers of the japan channel how dare you let me rephrase i've never been to kagoshima all right the thing is i want to explore as much of kagoshima as possible in the shortest amount of time well we're kind of doing that now from this view like this is the best view in kagoshima oh i don't think so you ever heard of a cessna a cessna yeah the plane the plane like a little three to four man tiny little plane yeah uh what if i told you that there's a cessna that we can take together that goes right over that volcano you can go [ __ ] yourself yeah enjoy that you know i don't like flying right there's a reason you flew here well i took the bullet train for like seven years no getting it on your own i'll talk about it do you know how good of a view that's going to be no yeah because i can see it right now from here this is a good view is it but the view from the cessna is it really going to be legendary we're categorically not getting an assessment jelly [Music] this isn't even funny jose this is like abuse seriously what are you doing what is it abuse well you're going to get over your fear of flying today over my fear of flying that's right in a single engine play with one pilot through an active volcano that's spewing out smoke correct that's not that's not going to be good think about it this is hard mode of flying and if you get over this everything else is going to be easy mode for you seriously jeff we make it out of this alive you owe me a [ __ ] ice cream look at the size of it it's going to get tossed around like a dog toy a bit worrying there's a guy like literally doing something to the wings right now what i don't think i could do this legitimately i don't i don't know the sad truth is up until five years ago i actually quite enjoyed flying but then on one particular long-haul flight from london we hit severe turbulence amidst the screams of the passengers and the spill orange juice i thought it might be the end ever since then i found the idea of getting into an inescapable flying box to be increasingly unappealing and it certainly doesn't help that i've been allocated the window seat and given the daunting task of opening the window during the flight so we don't all suffocate inside the roasting cabin one of the pilots masanori kanakor tries to put my mind at ease is it safe this plane should be should be should be no no no if the engine if the engine stops is it okay can we glide down of course and this aircraft has some best great speed really like a grinder oh take officer captain ah i can tell you freezing open up when you open the window we can open the window on the plane but i don't know if i'm excited or scared about that i'm scared is the weather good today uh a little bit bumpy bumpy bumpy why because i'm very sunny today yeah so oh the heat rising right um the heat from ground now a little bit bumpy today scary very scary enjoy oh yeah this is it we're going in the plane we're flying in is a cessna 172 the most successful aircraft in history with over 44 000 produced and reassuringly our pilot for the journey masahiko norma has clocked up 20 000 hours of flying time for the japanese air force and japan airlines but like most anxieties facts and logic feel irrelevant in the face of terror i'm stuck in the back of a hot cramped box about to fly over an active volcano while sitting next to an annoyingly enthusiastic australian [ __ ] my life worst friend ever jerry the worst friend ever it's a mixture of excitement and dread yeah i'm feeling that i'd say 30 percent excitement 60 percent dread what's the other this is the worst way to die sitting next to joey the anime man flying into a volcano [Music] i'm sorry there's literally nothing to hold on because the cessna is so small if you move your body weight you can feel the entire plane start to sway it's a pretty surreal sensation as if you're almost floating in mid-air with nothing to hold on to but just as i'm on the cusp of having a full-blown heart attack we're finally rewarded when the smoldering sakurajima volcano comes into view that's so cool as we move in for a closer look we fly through the sulfuric plumes of smoke leading to some uncomfortable turbulence and air that quickly becomes difficult to breathe that is insane now i'm a bit scared the view from 10 000 feet above sakurajima is nothing short of spectacular with the scenery below looking like the gateway to hell that is so [ __ ] cool and it's so insanely wicked incredibly sakurajima was once an island but in 1914 it suffered the most powerful eruption of any volcano in japan during the 20th century and wave after wave of lava flowed down into the sea bridging the island to the mainland and turning it into a peninsula today the area surrounding the base of the volcano is inhabited by 4 000 locals though it's forbidden to ascend the volcano up to the crater and let's face it it's not hard to see why [Applause] i actually got a bit nauseous when we went through this all the sunfury kind of smoke oh really are you not no i was fine i mean you were right next to the window i was right by the window and hailing it all but an incredible view one of the most amazing beasts i've ever had to my delight for our descent back to the airport the tables have well and truly turned as the previously smug joey is panicking amidst the turbulent my landing [Music] gently [Music] first time ever i understand why people slap off the land wow that was really something special how'd you find it feeling a little sick after that but that's pretty funny was interesting for the first half i was the nervous one then the second half second half i was the nervous one yeah and i fell all the sulfur coming in through the window as well when i opened it like it blew me in the face well that was such a cool view it's one of the best feeds i've ever had insane no doubt about that yeah it was surprisingly fun i would do it again but uh jesus christ we've got a ferry to catch here we do go get to yakashima let's go [Music] are they uh chris there's your ice cream yes i've earned this did you i flew through yes i heard i flew through the sulfuric ash cloud also of an active volcano with the window open at 200 miles per hour i've earned this hard drive you know i was sitting next to you the entire time right i also got an ice cream myself and uh i don't think i made it clear enough i do have a mild fear of flying because i about five years ago i had a really bad turbulence jumbo jet and i've actually got this app on my phone called am i going down a real app where you can put in your airline and the airplane it will tell you statistically how likely you are of going down so your flight the uk mom right to kagoshima a a yeah tokyo kagoshima yeah on airbus a320 you have a one in 4.6 million chance of dying if you took this flight every day you'd expect to last twelve thousand seven hundred years before you went down oh god i'm shaking my boots now unfortunately we can't put the cessna in here because the cessna and the airline we use don't exist on this one what if we put in the cessna it's like you had a one and two ship one in four channels speaking of going down though i'm all worried about this bloody boat like this boat is huge and ancient it's like they've salvaged the titanic they've got like a theater they've got a public bath they've got a games room they've got everything an ice cream they've got hugging darts randomly on the boat not all that bad is it like this boat i went on top deck earlier and this boat's putting out more smoke than sakurajima volcano i'm just pumping it out seriously so we've got four hours on the ghost ship to yakashima and uh i've never been but you've been briefly to yakushima right yeah i went with my girlfriend naki about three or four years ago very briefly but yeah it was wonderful great time i'm really looking forward to your reaction actually to the to the wonders of yoga the wonders i'm looking forward to your reaction to the wonders of the car i've rented this time around i'm scared now it should be massive absolutely oh is it i don't know how i'm gonna drive it generally [Music] yakishima is a fairly secluded island four hours south of kakashima by ferry though it is also accessible by plane in fact it turns out the very cessna we flew in this morning is able to fly all the way to the island although i'm not sure how i'd feel about sitting in the flying sauna for such a lengthy journey as our ferry approaches the mysterious island the luscious mountains of the subtropical paradise begin to come into view and what looks like japan's answer to treasure island is a stunning sight to behold yakushima is effectively one big unesco world heritage site with its ancient forests serving as inspiration for hayao miyazaki's princess mononoke and hideo kojima's metal gear solid three with a population of around just 13 000 people and no mainstream convenience stores to be found from the moment you step on the island it feels distinctly at odds with the japanese mainland but before we get exploring first things first it's time to introduce our ridiculous mode of transport that we'll be using throughout our journey across japan all right so here we are in the lovely island of yakshima chris told me to wait here because he's going to pick up the car and uh not gonna lie i'm a little scared because he seemed way too overly excited about it for some reason but uh yeah it's uh there's no way that's him that's it hey look at this what what do you reckon what do i reckon it's a school bus it is a school bus it's huge this is insane come and check this out come on the other side all right yeah welcome to my car it's a bit big it's a bus you could fit the entire cessna in here that we flew in this morning how many people fit in here allegedly you could fit 10 to 12 people so on the last series of journey across japan natsuki complained that the car wasn't big enough and so to compensate for that i've uh i've gone a little bit too far and rented this monstrosity it's only a bit of an upgrade bit of an upgrade and i'm not looking forward to driving it is the biggest thing i've ever driven so pray for pray for me and of course no series of journey across japan will be complete without the really fun daily challenges and so it's time for our first challenge of journey across japan lost islands let's go so you guys have sent in over 5 000 challenges this series and uh each and every day in our coordinators gonna choose three of the best ones put them into anpanman and then joey is gonna twist and get one of them out and hopefully he's so violent people from essex what's going on go on there let's see what's our first challenge all right it's time for i want to check into our hotel it's been a very long day w grover who says very simply catch your own food what does that mean what we're gonna go and steal some cats this island has like endangered species this is a unesco world heritage site we've not come here to like steal the livestock and eat the animals anyway whatever we'll we'll give it a shot thanks to whoever w grover thank you i think thanks all right let's go pick one of the seats sport for choice let's go for our two night stay on yakushima i've rather bravely left joey in charge of the accommodation and as i try to get the hang of operating the largest vehicle i've ever driven he finally reveals where we're gonna be staying honestly driving this abomination is like taming a wild beast i've never driven anything quite like this before like i've driven a a big car not even a people carrier a big car and this is like three big cars like a small boss this is terrifying but the beautiful scenery of yakushima is making up for it the coral blue sea it's amazing so as soon as you're the expert of yakushima joey given you've been here once once five years ago for 10 minutes right you're our guide and i left you in charge of booking the accommodation well i asked my friend who's been here more times than he's more of an expert than i am more than expert than you basically uh i said well what are some like cool places to stay young my friend said well there's this place i know that has a goat that's that's how he sent it to me he said i know this place that has a goat is it a farm i think it's just like a traditional inn that just so happens to have a goat on the premises have you ever stayed anywhere that has no what happened have you no i've never even heard of a place that's a god [Music] you weren't joking about the gateway jay that's a guard hey buddy all right all right he's not very fond of me jenny crosstalk is about to end prematurely yeah jesus what is this place joey uh this is a b and b with a goat a better breakfast with a goat bed and breakfast with a goat why don't you say scary why not do they sound creepy there's a reason why satan is model after a goat terrifying what do you say it's like a farmer's bun yeah it's very nice isn't this like a wooden cabin in the middle of nowhere a wooden cabin in the middle of no it's very rustic yeah on a scale of one to rustic accommodation joey's favorite it's a hammock is this this is the real reason you chose this place isn't it joey it comes with a hammock and a goat the moment you put a hammock in a cabin it becomes a cast come on up chris good lord to climb to the master bedroom this ladder wasn't made for a british pet of 85 kilograms wow that's uh that's a loft i i like it but we're in the middle of what can only be described as a jungle and uh i don't like insects and creatures and spiders and you british are weak this is what an average house is in australia you're from australia you know you deal with this bit like for me i've already been bitten like three times since we walked into this place yeah on the back of my neck oh wow but we'll make it work i'm open-minded that's good for today for today only where's the go that's good he's open minded because this is the only place we'll be staying tonight [Music] over 300 000 tourists descend upon yakishima each year most of who come to do one thing hike the luscious wilderness high up in the mountains the ancient forest has been a world heritage site since 1993 and unlike the japanese mainland where nature has been dammed up and concreted over at every turn here the forest lies completely untouched it's not hard to see how this enchanting landscape has served as inspiration for japanese artists filmmakers and games designers and early this morning before natsuki flies into town joey insists that we trek deep into the mountains to see something truly special there it is look at that chris it's the yayoi the what it's a really really old tree in fact it's i think it's in the top 100 oldest trees in japan the top 100 trip you brought me up here for our top 100 tree this thing is roughly estimated to be about 3 000 years old that's pretty cool i've walked through a jungle through mosquitoes through the rain for a tree that's not even one of the top 10 trees in japan i mean it could be the top 10 it just says top 100. a mere top 100 i mean and i can't even see it because this is trees and rain in my eye and now we're going to be late to pick up natsuki so when he comes out the airport with an angry expression he's going to rip your head off not mine come on 100 top 103 oh [Music] very windy it is very windy how was the flight ah shaking shaking oh nice shaking the last time natsuki joined us for journey across japan he spent the entire time complaining about the size of the car so this time unsurprisingly he's pretty delighted when he lays his eyes upon our butts speaker it's okay he's happy now well while you guys were picking up natsuki i did a little bit of research right and i figured since we didn't catch anything in the mountains yeah there's only one other place to catch food and that's in the ocean can you fish yeah oh this is very confident easy easy easy easy all right well then let's go fishing [Music] hello oh come back pilots pilots of yakshima yeah yakshiman pilots really two compass horoscope that's a periscope telescope joey's been able to convince the owner of the b b we're staying at tamoya-san and his good friend nunorski a local fisherman to take us out for the afternoon and see if we can catch some of yakushima's famous seafood and with joey ionetsky in charge of catching the fish what could possibly go wrong pilot's throwing you fisher style go over i'm letting uh natsuki and jay do the fishing because i can't bothered i'll uh they'll share the spoils with me they have to because i've got a drive i'm driving so how's it going jay there's definitely something out there i've had two of my bait getting nibbled on oh [ __ ] took my bait there's something out there that's stealing my stuff wrong way wrong way increasingly hungry and desperate for results after patiently waiting an entire 20 minutes without a fish being caught i decided to find new ways to motivate natsuki [Music] [Music] oh i'm so disappointed in you two you had one hour to get some points how many fish did you get zero zero zero zero zero you got zero as well i was the person who held the camera a [ __ ] hobby no fish forever i'm holiday beautiful where do you want to go where do you want to go i think waterfall waterfall waterfall all right you know we'll go to a waterfall the constant stops for smoking breaks the request for bigger cars and now to go and see a waterfall natsuki the diva has finally pushed me to the brink and as we arrive at one of yakashima's most stunning waterfalls i hatch a plan to get revenge once and for all what do you think nasty big scout it's a nature you want to go closer yeah let's go it's a pretty spectacular waterfall it looks pretty dangerous getting over to it look at that ski and joey make their way over the rock i think nasty wants to go swimming he just doesn't know it yet i lure natsuki close to the edge of the water under the guise of getting a selfie and then at last revenge [Music] he wanted a waterfall he got a waterfall pesky patch [Music] he's lost his pam [Music] pretty much instantaneously after going in natsuki has lost his beloved pirate pants the ferocious current from the waterfall swept them clean off with frightening efficiency too cold too much wow sleeping well it looks like nasty had fun in the uh in the pool he looks like a boy band member of a boy band or something was that fun now ski did you enjoy your swim oh fantastic fantastic nice and warm oh nice water [Music] where are your pants oh they go but that's simple the pirate's symbol lost him in five seconds the moment he went in they were gone and i don't know i don't know what happened to them only my pants only his pants though yeah good friends good friends of course yeah back at our rustic barn natsuki takes his evening bath in what could only be described as a giant hot pot called a goemon burrow so peculiar looking i hadn't even noticed it was a bath the night before i just assumed it was a pile of bricks underneath the tree good and like a heaven forecast i think he's got mental that waterfall what did it do to him [ __ ] so this is called a goemburo which is a type of it's called goemon bath in other words um it's named after ishikawa goemon who got executed in a boiling tub of hot water like this so it's pretty [ __ ] ominous name but uh it's lovely natsuki seems to be enjoying that is loving it so there's a fire place right underneath there that one fire pretty much boils the water wow brand new name bon jovi bus battle rapper wow wow wow wow while natsuki's been destroying various bon jovi songs in his bathtub our generous b and b hosts have laid on an impressive supper of freshly caught fish that they'd had much better luck catching earlier in the day with a platter of sea bream squid and even vinegar rice for preparing sushi we don't deserve such a wonderful dinner and we certainly don't deserve chef natsuki like seriously nobody deserves that nice clean hands there that's jvc i like meat we're not eating the goat we've got the meat we're not eating the goat that is family goat it is good in the curry it is good we're not eating the goat we've actually failed this challenge today though no no no no no we totally called these foods oh yeah we caught the squid we absolutely caught these fish but the fact that i was able to fly in a tiny cessna i'm that's that's a done with you for me that's a win yeah that's that was that was that should have been the challenge of the bloody day flying the downside oh [Music] well guys so concludes the first leg of our crazy adventure that has joined across japan the lost islands we've been on a plane we've been on our boat we've been in a giant car natsuki's been in the waterfall and onsen how was your first day on journey close japan natsuki did you enjoy it i have fun and tomorrow we begin our journey off to kuumoto back on the mainland to the aso caldera the largest volcano in all of japan and also natsuki's spiritual homeland his family comes from that part of japan but he's never been before right my uncle tongue [ __ ] natsuki's uncle town but for now guys as always many thanks for joining us on our trip on journey across japan and we look forward to seeing you right back here to do it all over again in the next episode but for now bedtime oh i'm so dead write and perform a rap song about your day so much volcano let's go
Channel: Abroad in Japan
Views: 1,954,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abroad in japan, journey across japan, japan travel, trash taste, kagoshima, abroad in japan natsuki
Id: T-rIWP1icf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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