CAN YOU BEAT THE IMPOSSIBLE ANIME QUIZ?? (ft. akidearest, Gigguk, CDawgVA, Sydsnap & Bakashift)

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yeah how's going everyone this is the anime man or in this case your host skinny penis because today we're going to be playing who wants to be a weebly there [ __ ] so today we have five contestants here about to indulge in the hardest anime quiz ever uh we have here starting on the left here my boy c dog va down here we have barkershift from goog what's up i guess that's how you install it we have sid snap we have the anime zone himself we have hockey dearest so the five of you will be participating in who has to be with me there much like who wants to be a millionaire there's 15 questions and with each succeeding question it gradually gets harder until the million dollar question um and also like who wants to be a millionaire it's multiple choice until maybe the last couple of questions we're gonna make it nice and difficult and they all have to do around basic anime manga otaku culture trivia so you don't some of them you need to like probably know the series to like fully get it but i've made sure to make it as general as possible so that there wouldn't be you know too much bias and you guys at home can play along as well if somebody happens to get all 15 questions correct which could happen i will give you 10 000 yen off out of my pocket money yo it's about 100 bucks not quite a million but for every question you get wrong i will be filling up your personal spoon with some of this stuff right here this is called queen sun now if you've seen the video i did with eddie link's in the description then you'll know i use this but basically this is the stuff that makes sour things sour so on the packet here it says in three lemons there are four grams of this stuff two so more than likely uh the more questions you get wrong the more you'll have to eat at the end of the quiz and now you guys have got your own whiteboard so yeah just write you know abcd all that good stuff all right you ready to start yes all right let's do it starting off with the hundred dollar question in evangelion where did oscar langley sword you previously live is it a united states b germany c austria or d netherlands thinking time also don't look at other people's answers we're disadvantaged on the bottom right yeah we are wait what you're disadvantaged because everyone can see what we're writing oh yeah yeah just like keep it close just let me look keep your eyes on the whiteboard okay there's this video footage video footage there's this camera and this one okay does everyone have an answer down okay show the camera in three two one we have b b yours is the other one e b and b everyone said germany i mean i don't know if that's the right answer yeah but it's okay because it is yes here it is the 200 dollar question takeuchi the creator of sailor moon married which of the following famous manga artists is it a kishimoto masashi the creator of naruto b hojo tsukasa the creator of city hunter c toriyama akira the creator of dragon ball z well d togashi yoshihiro the creator of yu yu huksha can we do a 50 50. can i call joey [Music] no you can use ask the audience but that's like the comment section in like a week's time three two one we have c c c c m d oh [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here is the 300 question which of these manga magazines do not exist is it a monthly morning b ultra jump c dessert or d cheese okay does everyone have their answers that's a straight up guess man if this was the easy questions i'm basing this off my standards that's not fair okay everyone have their answers we have d b a c d oh someone's gonna be wrong okay so the answer is [Music] a monthly one oh my god so so to explain you're telling yeah and dessert and cheese are both is one of the most popular and in demand seiyus of this decade with an instantly recognizable voice i'm sure everybody's heard of at least one of her works but out of these four anime which series has she not voiced it [ __ ] is it a tokyo ghoul b dead man wonderland c oriemo or d death parade so to give context of what hanazarkana sounds like um have you guys watched miso koi okay she was almost dead yeah can you pick another one she was nadiko in the malawati series yeah can you pick another one three two we have d d d c and d oh okay so everybody said it's c right see that was the most obvious one she would be in like c was oriented wait i thought we were we're picking ones that she wasn't yeah it wasn't yeah yeah okay good okay good the answer is the death brain [Applause] okay so put into context in tokyo ghouls she voiced in dead men wonderland she bought shiro in oremo ori mashiva's kurodeko yeah all right we're doing well guys are we i mean kinda one thousand dollar question oh my god i get a thousand bucks yeah has the guinness world record for being the longest running anime and longest-running animated television series ever how many episodes as of the recording of this video does it have is it a 1493 b 4421 c 7542 or d 11 385 any of these are observed yeah for reference one piece that's like 700 right no one says like 900 100 currently three two one we have c oh one b c c and c so everybody said seven thousand five hundred forty two except for who said four thousand four hundred 421 the answer is see so to put it in perspective started in 1969. how i figured it out was i figured out how many one piece episodes there were and then i extrapolated that to like the beginning of anime which was something in the 1960s but i just i just [ __ ] maps okay here is the 2 000 question now uh this might be a little bit of an advantage towards seed or va right here maybe it's long because the question is which means it's definitely blown butler because the question is who is the creator of black butler oh okay yeah i know this is it a hinomatsuri b so b for black butler [Applause] the answer is b so let's explain a hinomatsuri is the creator of vampire knight uh mochizuki jun is the creator of uh pandora hearts and d he getaki says the credit of rosario vampire all right here is the 4 000 dollar question hayao miyazaki has made a lot of jubilee films but sometimes he's not always sitting in the director's chair which of these ghibli films did he not direct [ __ ] yes okay is it a porco rosso b the cat returns c castle in the sky or d kiki's delivery service okay does that have an answer okay so you have a chance to change it show your answers in three two one we have c b a b c yeah okay oh [ __ ] that was the camera and we'll find out right after these commercial breaks hey did you know i have merch now get some sick shirts hoodies and a lot more new designs every month the anime man dot merch all links in the description rip that weeb [ __ ] boy the correct answer is b the characters okay that was my first answer here is the eight thousand dollar question got him in fist of the north star roughly how many times in the manga does kenshiro say oh my god what this is rounded to the closest number a 1 b 10 c 50 or d 100. everyone knows the meme but in the manga how many times does he say how long is the manga the manga started around early 80s i believe and had 27 volumes has anyone read the system or something no no it's one of my favorite manga series three two one c b i'm guessing that's a a c okay so nobody said a hunter no you didn't say it a hundred times he may have punched a hundred times i mean he's definitely punched a hundred times yeah yeah i don't think i'm pretty sure he didn't say it every time okay well the answer is just a blessing that i've only seen one clip here is the ten thousand dollar question studio ghibli is actually named after something that hayao miyazaki loves what is it chicken giblets is it a a castle b an airplane c the name of a person he admired or d a japanese mythical creature i'd just like to say for like the past five questions i think we've all just pretty much guessed it yeah i don't know how [ __ ] named after a world war ii scouting aircraft called the ca 309 jubilee all right here's the 25 thousand dollar question sometimes in certain situations characters change voice roles to other actors in the anime cornell zombie disco the mostly mute character euclid hellscythe actually goes through what is recognized as the most amount of voice changes an anime character has ever had throughout the two seasons of the anime how many times did her voice change this is rounding to the closest number a 5 b 10 c 15 d 20. i think okay who's seen zombies okay i don't think it would help i've seen both seasons that i didn't even know you just you're just guessing really yeah well i mean what else is [Music] she actually has 22 different voice actresses i'm so good at this four of you are even and one of you is just not doing that great all right on to the 50 000 question what two companies currently hold copyrights to dragon ball dragon ball z and dragon ball gt well let's wait for the ambulance applause shut up how dare you be hurt is it a pioneer b toe a antonio c toei and funimation or d pioneer and funimation three two one b c what did you write c b and c the answer is funimation owns the rights because akira toriyama isn't a company yeah yeah he's just a person we're moving on now to the 100 000 question now sid might have a little bit of an advantage in this one light novels are sometimes known for having hilariously long titles out of these four ridiculously long titles which light novel does not exist now listen carefully because these are long hey my girlfriend thinks i cheated on her with her best friend's big brother so i decided to play along with this yowie b i'm a successful light novel author at a boys high school but i'm being strangled by a female classmate who's a voice actress and is younger than me c i tried training a girl who looks exactly like my student body president hoping to make her my lover and i turned out to be the servant or d sew it up take it off change my girlfriend failed her high school debut and became a hikikomori so i decided to coordinate her youth fashion which of those does not exist what the [ __ ] can you read them out again the fact that you guys are struggling to figure out which one of these means that i can make a pretty convincing you just take the first paragraph of any given light novel yeah show it off in three two one a a a a b okay so all of it's uh four of you said my girlfriend thinks i cheated on her with her best friend's big brother so i decided to play along with his youngest revenge does not exist the answer is the other one sounded like i guess too too stupid yeah you know what i think awesome my one made too much sense i think it was more down to the grammar of your one the other ones like the grammar seemed off so it sounded like okay so i should have had a little bit more english in there yeah throw you guys off the real loser here is the light novel industry just [ __ ] do one word bro all right now we're moving on to the 250 000 question but from here it is no longer multiple choice well rip but i've structured it in a way where it's not like completely like out of the question but it's huge so here is the 250 000 question takashi rumiko is considered one of the most influential female manga authors of all time name three takashi domiko manga series to put in perspective in her entire career she's written nine take all the time we'll they'll be able to write three takasuna manga series you'll find out after the break do you like mangoes and light novellas whatever they are then you should check out book walker with their massive selection of mangoes and lady novelli straight from japan 100 translated there's no easier way to support your favorite artists and authors use coupon code the anime man or the anime man 2 to get a discount of some kanye and if you click the link in the description below you can see my recommendations for mangies and like novel letters that you should check out too what are you doing go do it now if you can't name three then just at least try and think one because there is at least two on this list that everybody knows yeah i think okay maybe maybe three maybe three that everybody knows if everybody gets at least one but someone gets two points then only they get no points we'll do it like [Laughter] [Applause] okay so i'm going to read off her most popular to the least popular so she made any usher yep yay she made uh yeah always [ __ ] she made ramaha yes yep uh she made dinner is a different series oh [ __ ] yeah but you were close uh she made is also a very popular one yeah um and then some of the smaller ones are mermaid saga one pound gospel rubik's theater all that kind of stuff and kind of get a point i feel like you should give me a point because the reason i got it was because i noticed allen put down inu looking away because you were writing it like putting your board down like i was like i'm down here you know what i appreciate your honesty so i'll literally yes so here is the 500 000 question now uh alan's going to have a bit of an advantage oh [ __ ] it's going to be a [ __ ] dumb it's going to be a gun department yeah according to tomino yoshiyuki the creator of the gundam franchise what is the origin of the name gundam write your answer down oh i don't know if you don't know this question this is a good question to like test out at these attitudes creativity it's just one answer right it's one answer yeah well i mean technically there's two answers there is the original answer and then the thing that he changed into i would just watch this [ __ ] man it's like amaro ray goes did you know why they're called this okay does everyone have an answer yep yep okay let's start with god what's your answer he looked at a cool looking gun and was like gunned down well because he did that can i go next okay he saw guns and said damn where did the damn my original answer was uh that he was eating some good ham while looking at a robot but now i just said sounds cool out loud it doesn't matter because you're all wrong yeah surprise so who would have what did you know originally called gun dom g-u-n-d-o-m which stood for gun and freedom but then he changed the spelling to g-u-n-d-a-m as the robots were like a damn stopping enemies from coming into earth that was going to be like joke guess that's the actual chance so here is the one million dollar question out of these four manga series list them in the highest selling order the series that sold the most to the series that saw the least hunter hunter fist of the north star fairy tale jojo's bizarre adventure okay so to put it in perspective okay to give you a little bit of a hint because this is difficult i'm going to give you guys the top five highest selling manga of all time can anyone guess one piece one piece is number one 445 million i know that one dragon ball dragon balls number two 365 i'll give you a clue out of these four the highest selling is a hundred and ten million copies let's go one at a time with this one let's start with aki fairy tale hunter hunter jojo physical monster okay see um fairy tale jojo fist and nostalgia okay so here's the answer we'll go from four to one number four with 60 million copies sold it's fairy tale number three with 66 million copies sold is hunter hunter number two with a hundred million copies sold is jojo and number one with and ten million copies is fisted and all stuff okay i got one did anybody get those i got one you got one i got one one two you got two right mm-hmm all right everyone else gets a point yes let's eat this [ __ ] and there we go guys that is the end of february now the points are connor has seven points alan six points aki six points sid eight points gone nine points so technically god loses oh man but technically all five of you lose but the amount of powder that you get in each of your spoons is going to differ depending on how many points you get all right so let's go prepare the goods should we just snort it oh god so there's some queen sun right here look at that it's kind of uh crystally it's not like swimming in that's fine i mean you see it better you can't see it i say like one is about that okay one one's like that okay you should measure this out like gram per gram for grandma okay so that's [Music] that's a lot of six guns is going to be like you know that's why i'm ready to smash this [ __ ] like a like button that's all i can say well thank you everybody for playing who wants to be a wiggly now unfortunately none of you was able to answer all 15 questions so the money goes back into my pocket you guys are about to eat what is potentially the most sour thing in the world it's not the saltiest thing in the world though no that's the attitude bottoms up in three two one [Music] get down can you name the strong zero please it's like in my stomach don't worry guys it is safe to eat oh my god i just i just put it all in my mouth and you're just like letting it down yeah that's what i did it's like it was like like the inside it was like a [ __ ] not even talking the moment in your mouth just let it dissolve hey you haven't finished it what the [ __ ] [ __ ] come on laughs you're a big girl you're a big girl there you go got it you got this have you [ __ ] five seconds alright oh oh no thank you guys for joining in the episode of who wants to be how we're in there join us next episode where we do it with uh hot sauce or something i don't know make sure to go check out everybody's channels links in the description and we'll see you guys later like feel it subscribe better keep watching enemies prepare for the [ __ ] [Music] this you
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 2,306,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, CAN, YOU, BEAT, ANIME, QUIZ??, akidearest, Gigguk, CDawgVA, Sydsnap, Bakashift, Who wants to be a millionaire, otaku, IMPOSSIBLE, THE
Id: Tc0c3A4usDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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