I Tried Japan’s Most EXTREME Noodle Challenge

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yeah how's it going everyone this is the anime man and today i'm here in the beautifully snowy city of morioka in the iwata prefecture to visit some friends uh because chris is holding the camera right now so hello everybody hey what's up and today uh i'm going to attempt to do attempt in big bold letters to do uh this particular food challenge that i have heard of for quite a while uh here and apparently you can also only only do it really in morioka from what i've heard but it's called juanko you are yeah wanker sober as uh the monitor japan is a country as from what i've seen a country full of really weird food challenges really strange bizarre food challenges and this one i'd say is probably the most popular or most well-known food challenge essentially uh we're just going to go in to uh this particular restaurant amaya i think it's called it's one of the most famous wonka soba places here in morioka i'm just going to eat a lot of sober that's that's essentially what the challenge is just eat as much sober as possible a lot of wanking sober it's a lot of wanking sober but i'm not going to do it alone i'm going to do it with sharla and aki hey hey guys okay i guess i'm really hungry i wasn't expecting that our first day in morioka would be eating lots of soba jumping right in i was just telling joey that like you have some interesting competition so you've got sharla who's like really experienced i've done it i think three times four times down four times but you've never done a video right i don't think i have no yeah no this will be the first time so the pressure of the camera is going to be on you yeah you've never even heard of it until this morning no but i am american and we do eat a big how many bowls do you think you guys can get through though well i have no idea i've seen a couple of videos on it uh but i've never done it myself so this is going to be a completely new experience i mean from what i've seen like regular like adult dudes can do like a hundred bowls but that seems to be the average that seems to be the average but i don't know if i'm gonna be over over you're above average i have no idea i guess we're gonna find out today i would say it's challenge complete if i can smash down 100 i'll be impressed if you can make it to 100 i'd be impressed what did you get last time my average is around 95. i honestly get that close and i just can't do it anymore chris what did you get 117 117 okay well then i am a man i don't know that i don't know how much charla and chris can eat those i think i might i might be an absolute [ __ ] and get like 60 balls and be like full you never know wow it's tough well then we have no idea what it's going to be like but we're going to go in and uh give it a go hey let's go i just saw there's some uh people sitting behind me who are doing it i would assume that they're doing it how many bowls do you think that they have back that i was about to say backstage um in the kitchen like thousands like on a busy day it gets packed it's really popular so what do we have here we got sesame seeds nori what's that tuna ground chicken yeah ground cheese so she's just gonna stay there here the whole time were you filling this up yeah pretty much yeah wow i was wondering how she's keeping track yeah she's gonna pile them up here what do you think so far it's really good even without any flavoring it's nice right it's really refreshing if this was like udon or ramen noodles it'd be heavy way too heavy it's pretty damn good 40 bowls in you'll start the good thing is is you're not pressured to eat it fast really because she'll just stand there and wait for you to eat it so you don't have to rush oh really because that's what i've been trying to do a time limit because as soon as it gets to dry i'm like there's literally no time limit because i feel like if there was a time limit then it'd be really limited on how much you could eat right exactly the balls really like different things i know right the balls differ sometimes like a regular amount and then sometimes there's barely any and then sometimes it's a shitload i know [Music] so 15 bowls is considered one person so all three of us have just eaten one person worth of silver in that sense 100 balls is roughly around six people which is what's considered the average how many calories are in each one it's really flavorful i know i'm not rushed but i just feel like whenever she gets to joey i feel like i have to like give it out there like that what do i do with these do i mix it in you can eat it with the salad you can eat it in between it's just to change the flavor yeah oh yeah that immediately like cleanses my palate don't get too filled up on the side though yeah are you giving me some tips and drinks shopkins secret tip to success okay don't get distracted got it exactly that's how crazy this is you should have like some fighting music during all of this oh yeah oh and look at chris here with his crown how you doing okay i'm actually doing okay it's really good are you gonna beat joey hard to say how are you feeling look i'm not feeling that's it yeah i'm not nowhere near full so i've eaten this much you know when it's in front of you you feel like a fat ass it's like [ __ ] i ate that much but it's really like just like shots you're starting to feel it really how many balls you know well they drown in sober noodles i'm here with my lovely meal i'm the winner my prediction is joey should win this that's for charlotte and aki i'm not really sure who's gonna he's gonna come in second or third i don't know how much this is right now but 40. oh really damn each pile is 15. how are you doing joey i think we're at 45. 45. yeah it is starting to kick in on me i just want to get 100 yeah that's nice you've got to get 100 to be a man that is what they say a hundred balls and you're officially a man according to one crossover rules i think i could do it probably are you a man yeah definitely well what point did you start to feel like [ __ ] about 90 80 90 balls in okay so i'm not like oh man i don't even know i was expecting that i would give it at like 30. they're smaller than you guys yeah yeah i want to eat the sashimi but i know that if i eat a slice that's like at least five bowls yeah about halfway i'm definitely feeling it i'm still confident i think i could do 100. here she is again let's do it again i asked only what the record for this place is for guys it's 530 for females at 570. and the reason why the female is high is because the lady who was here is apparently a very infamous food fighter she's apparently like one of morioka's most famous food fighters she that's why her record is higher than the males which begs the question who was the regular ass dude who came in here and ate 530 is the question because she didn't say that the guy who weighed 530 balls with a food fighter it's a normal guy just a normal dude who ate 530 balls so we just reached a 60 ball which supposedly is the male average so glad to know my leicester it's getting to the point now where i can't taste the noodles at all because that's all i've been subject to for the past long weekend which isn't long by the way we've probably only been here for maybe about half an hour at this point i'm really scared though to touch any of these other flavors even though i want to because i want to change the flavor off i'm at 79 balls right now and chris was telling me that at the 80 ball mark is when you start to hate yourself i'm i'm there right now and she's back 80th ball why are we still here what a connor day if you were here i'll be like i got this i got this i'm doing it so that you guys will like and subscribe [Music] the taste of the soba is starting to like kind of like diminish a little bit for me i hit 90 balls i'm so close to 100. i want to be a real man wait i actually don't feel good right now me neither you can close the lid whatever you want yeah now you have to finish the ball and then close the lid you going to close the [ __ ] lid mate close the close closer so like i'm not full it's but i was feeling nauseous so was i at like the exact same time as you too yeah yeah like i actually had a hard time swallowing it down so i'm i'm just tapping out i don't want to risk anything now i want to this seems like nothing but it's a lot after 93 this is 91 i felt really nauseous every second are you a real man can you do a hundred nine more yeah i feel like if you get this far you have to make it to 100 or else it's just sad so i think i can are you feeling nauseous at all are you feeling it now mr krabs hot dog feeling itch now do you like crabs do you like crafts me too i'm at 98 bowls [ __ ] you're almost there you can do it i'm at 92. my 99th ball i will be a real man a real boy i'm gonna be a real boy better than pinocchio but not as attractive and away [Laughter] i was gonna close the lid she just snuck in and just poured it in [Music] if she gets past you you put a link to her youtube channel above the fold you put anything else yeah yeah yeah i'll put it above the phone you can do it anything for views anything for viewers do it for the views do it for the views that's our chance this is gonna be good it'd be hilarious if you stop at 99. please give me a small one for the love of god you can do it just finish that ball when you're done get two more and you can beat joey you can do it you got it come on come on you believe it you're gonna keep it down how does it feel to be a real man sharla you have just got 102 bowls worth of soba down oh don't make me laugh how do you feel now that you're a real official man [ __ ] you beat me though and now you're at the top of the fall what would you like to say to the audience please subscribe please make it worth it you feel disgusting this is horrible i'm at least proud that i managed to smash down 100 balls like i said at the beginning of the video nice job yeah i've done it with four groups of people now and so many people stop at like 30. really yeah i was fine after 30. it's something at 30. right see like i'm not full but i was telling chris that the reason i tapped out was because i actually felt nauseous and i don't so close yeah the exact same time you were like no place gg is all around gg's in the chat so we got a little dessert right here um what's what's the white stuff on top of it so just to like rub it in and kick you while you're down they make the sauce on the dessert out of soba flour it's like another noodle what an absolute [ __ ] yeah so how many did you get i should do 84 balls not bad not so bad for my first time i if i didn't feel nauseous i probably could have hit a hundred but i don't want to feel like so full right now you look like you're about to cry i'm like shaking my body's like what have you done you know you may have not beat charlo but for your first time i'm glad that at least i got over 100 how do you feel never doing this again it's literally a a once in a lifetime thing i think i think everyone should try it that's what i said yeah and you've done it like four times i got a certificate of 101. it says right there 101 balls and when you get over 100 balls you get like a little thing to commemorate so there you go it's worth getting at least 100 balls do you think you can eat soba again anymore i'm sorry i'm glad i'm doing this right at the end of the year as well that's all the server i'm gonna have well good job joey you did really well you don't look very fulfilled right now you know what looking at these balls though i'm pretty fulfilled i'm pretty i'm pretty surprised i managed to eat that well we did it we did the wonka service i think all together we ate about 300 bowls give or take people take 300 balls i'm glad we did it i i don't know if i'd do it again for a while forever i mean i'm definitely not going to eat soba for at least the next six months or something yeah i'm sober the [ __ ] out but uh yeah how was it for you i mean i still have room in my stomach oh you just didn't want to be sick yeah i just didn't want to be sick that's the thing it's it's like it's not so much like your stomach feeling up it's the fact that you get bored of the flavor yeah yeah and it happened really really fast like i actually felt a little like disoriented being like whoa like it's just yeah it happened in one like one more bowl it wasn't a gradual thing it's just all of a sudden i was just hit yeah i was like wow i suddenly hate buckwheat now for the rest of the month and then that's when i turned to chris i was like you know what i don't have a good feeling i'm cutting it right now but good job charlotte did you feel like a winner i feel yeah i feel sick that's what i do is this the most that you've had so far no i think 109. oh okay there's a part of me that like wants to get more than 101 but there's another part of me that just doesn't want to do this again yeah we'll see if you're ever up in morioka or the iowa prefecture then why not give it a go i i'd say even though the end result i felt horrible i think it's definitely like a cool experience that you should definitely do like this very unique experience that you can only experience in more yoga so yeah if you ever come up to the north of japan give it a go i'm not gonna eat for at least the next 24 hours i'd say we're kids yeah so if you like to see more food challenges on this channel which i'd be down to do uh then i guess leave a like and don't forget to also check out charla and aki as well and also chris for helping me film yeah there's a little nod right there alright guys anyway thanks for watching and i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 2,341,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, wankosoba, Tried, Japan's, Most, EXTREME, Noodle, Challenge, food challenge
Id: QOqlRsdBo9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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