I Rented an ENTIRE Japanese Capsule Hotel | $500 Room Tour

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Anyone know the name of the place they stayed? It looks nice

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_Chermaid_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Chris’ next video: β€œI rented the whole of Japan and Natsuki became King!”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TrafalgarHawk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Chris needs to eat the bread in the next episode

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mendezmen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why can't I find the name of this capsule hotel?!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tntboombox πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Emperor Natsuki has a nice ring to it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Caiejay πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love how many weird hotels they have in japan!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ClawZ90 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
continually this isn't like a joke we're trapped in the basement of a pyramid capsule hotel inside a shipping container yes it's like our own private capsule hotel good morning and welcome ladies and gentlemen journey across japan escape to mount fuji six days and a thousand kilometers of despair and today this morning we're here by the great pyramid of japan [Music] gigantic japanese pyramid in the rain you don't get content like this anywhere else probably good reason for that today was supposed to be a day of celebration because today was supposed to be the first day that we catch a glimpse of mount fuji however instead of clear skies and uh wonderful weather we have a typhoon coming typhoon chan hom i think it's called uh might as well be called typhoon [ __ ] you chris because it's completely blown our chances of seeing mount fuji today unless the typhoon magically clears up in the next 10 hours but if it doesn't happen i am going to kill jelly and speaking of joey he's somewhere inside the pyramid if you're wondering how we found this pyramid uh we were honestly just driving down the road and saw it sticking out over the trees and we realized it was a an opportunity too good to uh to miss you never know what you're gonna find in the countryside in japan there's always something weird around the next corner and that certainly fits the definition of being out of place the japanese countryside as to what's inside the damn thing about to find out let's go if you're wondering what this place is it's not the great pyramid of japan unfortunately it is some sort of stone museum um they thought they'd spice things up by rebuilding certain replicas of famous places and there's like rome over there we've got egypt over here apparently that's what the inside of the pyramid looks like it's a maze the real challenge today trying to find joey come on then let's go inside [Applause] oh my god there's like four different pathways to go now and uh joey joey [Music] i've got 300 kilometers to drive today i don't even know where my companion is joey [Music] there's pyramids built with metal just like the real pyramids of giza out for the the whole i feel like i'm in the mummy remember that film the mummy the one with brendan fraser not the one with the tom cruise rubbish joey 300 kilometers in the rain genuinely this isn't like a joke i don't know where joey is i'm really tired and the day hasn't even begun yet and we're trapped in the basement of a pyramid how could bloody hell do you get out of this pyramid i don't even know how we got in here we've been walking for like five minutes now round in circles and whatnot [Music] brilliant look at this a dead end there's actually a hole here as well check this out the hole joey joey umbrella oh oh god why did we let jerry go in the pyramid alone why did we let him wander off all right let's keep going can't go that way journey across japan's over no more no more [Music] we're going to edit that out this pyramid was supposed to be a funny little opening but we've been down here for 40 minutes now lost in this maze it's like the actual catacombs down here it's it's it's quite well done but also very frustrating all right let's get this challenge done let's grab it let's go so of course every day this road trip we're accepting challenges set in by you guys we've had about 4 000 submissions so far whittled down to three bar production team and the challenge today is the challenge today is from summer who says find the most bizarre accommodation you can find the most bizarre accommodation i mean the pyramid does that work yeah we've resided in here for about 45 minutes so far typically the kind of wacky crazy hotels you find in japan like the robot hotel they're always in tokyo there was in the city so and we are going to be in the mountains today so it's going to be a little bit tricky to find somewhere so a regular hotel on your car probably won't suffice sorry we have to find something that's like what the [ __ ] well first things first let's get out this damn maze and hit the road all right let's okay we've got a typhoon to drive through what do you do [Music] so having spent half the morning moping about in the tomb of japan's biggest pyramid we hit the road once more for day four of our journey across japan and at last we find ourselves heading towards mount fuji for our first of three attempts to see the mountain but with the looming typhoon overhead and rainfall that would give even noah's ark a run for its money we're not holding out much hope that we'll actually see it today japan's typhoon season runs from may to october typically peaking around august and september with an average of 30 typhoons or tropical storms every single year in 2019 the most powerful typhoon in 40 years typhoon hagabis struck the country and left a 15 billion dollar trail of destruction nationwide killing 98 people and leaving a quarter of a million households without electricity but for the most part japan is well prepared to handle less violent typhoons today it's less of a danger and more of an inconvenience nevertheless we've barely been on the road for an hour when we quickly decide to escape the rain and pull over at cocos a family diner for a late lunch and some important research [Music] so we're in a cocos right now for lunch just a regular family restaurant and i was just looking up some weird accommodations that we could stay for our challenge for today and i think i found something that is definitely of the interesting variety oh hey chris all right what are you then jerry all right so i've got two right all right a love hotel with a cage i'm not going near a love hotel ever again not after the first day a capsule hotel in a shipping crate what even is that it's a capsule hotel in a shipping crate choose your own adventure choose your own adventure uh capsule hotel inside a shipping container yes now i've seen everything except mount fuji uh second one all right then all right that is a greasy looking pizza yeah i've dabbed all the [ __ ] grease off of it [ __ ] delicious mate oh oh yeah how much [ __ ] bacon is on that diabetes on a plate good god well joey's beloved shipping container is nestled more or less at the base of mount fuji given our late start today it's already nightful when we hit the road once again meaning all hope of seeing mount fuji today has truly gone out of the window but hopefully the accommodation will make up for it as we wait out the storm from the comfort of our own shipping container capsule hotel thing i don't know what it is joey didn't really explain it well well we've just arrived at joey's capsule hotel my cat's life joey's cat when you found this out we may not have seen mount fuji today might have been a bit of a letdown but hopefully this will make up for it let's go all right as you can see it's a gigantic bunch of shipping containers we've got a nice balcony out here already oh we won't be sitting in it because it's absolutely drenching in rain right now but barbecue in the rain on the rain it might be it may look like a shipping container from the outside but this it's a lot more impressive than i anticipated you better take your shoes off whoa whoa good god it's like our own private capsule hotel it's absolutely that's so cool i've never even stayed at a regular capsule hotel well you know they don't catch a lot no i haven't strangely but now i can say that i stayed at the capitol hotel our own casual hotel how many are there one two three ten five six i'm most excited about this one look at this it's like half the size of a normal capsule the punishment capsule if you're a bad person just leave joey in there for the rest of the rest of the trip shall we the trip just got 20 better wow i mean we're kind of spoiled for choice as to uh as to which caps are we staying i think we should sort of stay quite far apart yeah you go over that way i'll go this way this would be my side that could be your side hell yeah i got more rooms and there's a hammock i love having so much so i've been i've stayed at a capsule hotel about i'm gonna say five or six times and um i don't really like them because they do get a bit stuffy and often quite noisy um depending on where you are like i stayed in one for three nights once and on the second night i checked out because the other guests are being really noisy coming in at like 1am 2 a.m but because it's just joey and i are here that wouldn't be a problem and it looks a little bit more spacious than i'm used to it's at least 40 percent larger than the capsule i stayed in the previous video uh about two or three years ago awesome all that over here look at him in the hammock i am in zen mode right now do not disturb me like a butt like a multi-colored banana i'm in my cocoon phase and i'm ready to be born joey spent too much time in the car this week into the bathroom nice sink nice sick nice sink how's this above what is that it's like a plant pot i've never seen anything on this side we've gone from a thousand year old log to a gigantic plant pot um and like matching plant pots that's nice in it what is it with this trip and i was being in weird shaped bathtubs it's just ray branded journey to weird shape i feel almost a bit greedy having two people in here because it's clearly been designed for at least like 10 people a little bit greedy and then finally the kitchen presumably if you've got 10 people staying here you're all going to want to dine together it's a comfy little kitchen good kit i love the wall check that out sleep design and lockers as well i really like it i must say it's way bigger than i thought it was going to be coming here so what can you expect to find in this glorified coffin with a bed well over here we have a room light and we have a fan on off i don't know where the fan is i can't hear a fan it is a little bit stuffy and again that's the my main criticism with capsule hotels capsules just don't feel well ventilated and when you close the uh the shutter it gets a little bit stuffy um and that's my main reason i don't sleep in these things anymore on the other hand it is kind of cozy you do feel kind of cozy in a capsule the only thing you've got to be careful of is uh when you wake up you don't smash your head on the ceiling i've done that many times and uh it's also a quick way to fall asleep you know if you're having trouble falling asleep bang your head on the ceiling job done quick bedtime capsule hotels are a great alternative to hostels and business hotels costing on average between thirty to fifty dollars a night in recent years there's been a boom in hotel companies building stylish and contemporary hotels catering for overseas tourists and throwing off the image of being merely a late night budget option for drunken salarymen different hotels offer different perks as well for example a while back i did a tour of a tokyo capitol hotel where i was pleasantly surprised to be given two capsules one above for sleeping in and one below with a small table where i could sit and work i felt incredibly greedy it was luxury beyond my wildest dreams and if i had to choose between staying in a hostel dorm or staying in a capsule hotel for a similar price i would recommend staying at a capsule hotel because you have an extra layer of privacy when compared to a bunk bed so if you're coming to japan and staying in a big city such as tokyo or osaka i recommend trying it out even if it's just for one night it's an experience unto itself after all it's not every day you get to sleep in what is essentially a stylish morgue so that is the whirlwind tour of our private capsule hotel and now dinner time hungry yes i'm hungry we've got the most luxurious dinner money can buy from family mart [Music] the most luxurious decadent dinner cup noodle and joey's finishes very quickly i was starving but now i'm going to crack open a cider dry and eat some grape gummies living the dream joey living the dream in japan important point cider typically just means like lemonade like yeah sprite like sprite basically yeah whereas actual cider is called shigoru but i actually just learned that like a couple of weeks ago yeah the the number one brand in japan is kirin hatoshiro but one of the highlights of this trip so far has been the challenges we've had some pretty fun challenges make a horror film make a commercial uh eat some insects wasn't so sure about that one and today find some pretty cool accommodation right which i think we did but there's some challenges that you guys have sent in that uh well aren't so good um all certainly quite different and i thought we'd go through some of the wackier ones and uh rank them on a scale of one to ten so we've got one here from kieran who says my challenge to you is pour custard on yourself [ __ ] it out pull custard on yourself oh god pour custard on yourselves and don't wash it off for 24 hours one to ten wait one is in one one is in [ __ ] and 10 isn't amazing one right like what the [ __ ] urine would you have a custard fish or something uh bongo says what if that's like funny bongos [Music] bongo says kiss joey that's a one better team and to be fair we've spent an evening in a thousand year old vlog together and he still doesn't kill that is like the next level beyond kids trust me i'm just as disappointed as you trust me bongo swap nil the greatest uh to chris broad to my dearest chris broad can you cover 105 kilometers by closing one eye all the time of course without any covering or eye patch not even with your hands you should do all the activities by closing one of your eyes i prefer it to be the right arm have my regards in advance waiting for your responsive videos waiting for your response in video 10 out of 10 but my personal favorite out of the 5 300 submissions we've got is uh from barry and it just says eat the bread eat the bread what bread barry what bread because we've got 5 000 submissions you could type in any word into search there's always a question for it right so we've typed in fishing we've got uh listen to kanye west while fishing in most local lake um next fishing submission we've got six no fishing in mount fuji inside inside the mountain i challenge you to stay on a japanese houseboat or a japanese fishing vessel oh that could have been quite fun that would have been quite funny i'll make a note for that for journey across japan three escape to the sea thank you for the submissions guys we've still got two days left on the journey to hopefully find mount fuji and to undertake these challenges but thank you for sending them in whether they were good or bad or just downright fun even worse than bad we may have blown our chances of seeing mount fuji today because of the thai food but tomorrow we're gonna see it i can feel it hopefully it'd be pretty depressing uh if we didn't get to see mount fuji just make the whole series redundant effectively humiliation would be so great a lot of people might say it's about the journey not the destination that's bollocks though isn't it and you've branded your entire series escape to fuji but that being said thank you for joining us today i'm joined across japan escape to mount fuji we hope to see you right back here guys all over again the next episode right here on the japan channel cheers cheers we've got about seven hours before we have to get up and see it you're not gonna see it journey across japan destination to suck i'm yeah i think the thousand-year-old log was better yeah definitely
Channel: Abroad in Japan
Views: 1,187,943
Rating: 4.9677982 out of 5
Keywords: capsule hotel, capsule hotel japan, capsule hotel tokyo, capsule hotels, hotels japan, abroad in japan, journey across japan, trash taste
Id: FJDuu-TLz-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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