We Spent 24 Hours in an Anime Casino (ft. Gigguk & CDawgVA)

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Supposed to start from 2:08 timestamp. I tried searching, audio searching. It seems very familiar, like a youtube audio library classic but I didn't find any that sounded like it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dry_Reputation_5074 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Found the song on a random youtube video myself. "Eyes of Glory" by Aakash Ghandi

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dry_Reputation_5074 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
yeah how's grammar on this day I'm a man so we here right now in the we blend of Navarra everyone's favorite place and I happen to find and probably interesting place here in October that might interest some of you guys it's this place right here well maybe suit cafe and pachinko is as the name suggests we are about to go to a pachinko or a casino of sorts but because we're in Akihabara it's not just any type of casino in fact it is an anime casino I know sounds like a match made in heaven but it really does exist and it exists all the way up on the top of this building so without further ado let's go check it out so here we are seventh floor of the building especially gonna oh man this place is so cozy this is not Joey from the anime man is that [ __ ] from the animes earning the Horner from seat OVA my neighbors so I'm here today with c-dog and Giga and yeah we're gonna play some pachinko together we're gonna play some anime casinos - have you guys ever played Fujiko before I have never you've never quite warm like I guess I watch coyote season - alright that's basically my introduction all right well that's good then because we're gonna go through the basic tutorials as well for people have never played pinching it before but the difference here between this pachinko and every article in chinko is that every other pachinko you play for money but this time because we're in our car while we're playing for ice cream see all these prizes right here some we be some Japanese prizes that's kind of stuff we like so this place right here Epis in October is actually a brand new store that just opened up in Akihabara first one is actually in Tamil which is a lot bigger this place is a lot more cozy is there anything that you guys are interested the cat come on let's go I'm gonna stop all right so we've got out or on some prizes right here so without further ado let's err we're gonna make this a battle this is an anime Casino battle Casino Royale right here click the word you looking for its twin hard that's animate casino tournament art right here [Music] so we're sitting here at the little one machines right now so this place there is level one to four and the levels indicate either a high risk or high returns obviously a level one is low risk low return but before it obviously high risk high return so we've got all these chips right here these a bishops traditionally at a pachinko parlor you will actually have to like carry your balls you're physically going by the balls and you carry them in these giant trance but because we're in 2020 they've basically digitized the balls so now our balls are stopped in these tubes I think we've been given a thousand balls they're roughly equates to about 2,000 yen so one ball is 2 yen preachy but trust me they're going to go pretty quickly so the cool thing is well with these machines is that they're numbered in the order that you have to do things so obviously this is number one you put the coin in and then on the screens right here it will show you how many balls you are so it will get a thousand balls and then to get the balls coming out number two I can't imagine having ADHD I mean imagine 100 of these machines going all at once Oh at least with this place because it's small there's only I think about 15 machines maybe 1015 machines it's a little bit better and there's only cereal I'll see it today but even that was loud with just the three of us so we've got 200 right here now basically we have this leave up on the right once the bowls are out you just slowly turn the knob and they'll start shooting off well the game has begun now it's time to see who can get the most balls all right that was loud [Music] all right so that's basically the level one I'm I'm up again I'm one one three one silence I know holy [ __ ] God silence no okay so now we've gotten a taste of what's happened right so now we've got to try out some of the other machines so that was just level one now we're a high roller now we're on level four which is the hardest level it's a high-risk high-return corners on the kye-gwan god is on the AVA machine and I am on just a regular machine don't look away cool look sick this is why we came to pachinko right to do anime themed for to go let's go [Music] humpy and it seems like we need to be getting we need we need us [Applause] [Music] come on the anime machines that they choose but it's the anime machine is that safe I'm sorry sorry badly I'm just checking on me boo I'm Rick this is Tony rate go in I'm on my last night's three-ball not looking good [Music] I just like to say for everybody wondering it's not rigged like I'm I'm just annually I definitely was not given some titty balls but I mean I look I have a thousand balls now like I don't know where they came from but I guess again all right well I think I think for Barneses pretty good so I think I'm gonna cash out 7,200 bolt I can buy whatever I want in this storm so the cool thing is as well about this particular place it's not only pinion exchange football prices but you can also change it for refreshments you see one bottle is 50 balls even if you're a little bit broke you know like ours is right now you can at least still afford it doesn't nothing funny but I hate things easy as that and then you can just go back well have your drink at least it's vanity tip the wall Connors still doing is milling you bonus I'm gonna try out this machine right this one is fancy look at this like this stuff out here just like so looking think I don't know what this is hopefully we can use this I think this is coming right Oh like some kind of folk saucer I think one is still doing is Florida [Music] my father [Music] baby feet bonus challenge yeah I got it this has been the story of my day here just a bit I just it just did [Music] [Applause] young all right so are we gonna cash out now because we've had our fun I won seven thousand five hundred and forty nine no oh my god three almost one three thousand let's ignore the fact I was given three your 2701 okay so we've all won enough balls to like win something let's look for the prizes we want [Music] alright so we're gonna grab just one item that we have fallen in love with I'm gonna get the five thousand Edward over here just just a flex what are you getting on I am getting eighth two thousand balls ace look how cute it is it's not only the cutest thing you ever seen it'll motivate me to work watch one piece all read one piece watch for mental Alchemist Brotherhood not the original all right well that was the end of our anime pachinko experience supposed to say your boy one class Siddhant that it is yes but the cool thing is at least is that we all got to like experience bonuses on multiple levels so you know that that's at least like a placer AHA oh man I could I understand Shinji I am I simply did not get in the Athan and I know why I did not get in so thank you very much - Eddie's slot and pachinko October for sponsoring today's video make sure to go check out Garten conus channels down in the description below and yeah hopefully you guys come over to IBM pachinko and have yourselves a fun time at the ma casino in these guys thanks for watching and I'll see in the next one like favorite if you enjoy subscribe for a vente keep watching anime [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 1,840,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, We, Spent, 24, Hours, in, an, Anime, Casino, Tournament, Arc, Gigguk, CDawgVA, Trash Taste, Podcast
Id: t0pgPrBogE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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