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usually in a game of balloon cd6 you like to upgrade things and then know what they'll actually end up doing because you spent your money wisely right am i right gamers but what happens if you spend all of your money on things but you don't know what you'll get what happens if you put down say this boomerang monkey and then it turns into a dart monkey then if you upgrade something it turns into a glue gunner what then what happens if we go head-to-head to find out who can get a better randomized set of towers to go against the dummy boss balloon oh well then i that's pretty much this video yeah that was it that yeah no that was great so we're gonna split up on our calls put down some random towers we have a total million dollars and then we're gonna see who's the king of random all right let's do this let's just i i guess none of this matters i guess like there's no literal strategy this like i look i can't even put a village down right like i can't even let's put a village on okay now i get i can get a monkey buccaneer right so grape shot faster rings what it's downgrading what's happening all right that just like totally broke on me so we're gonna try a new tower all right boomerang glaives glue splatter very quick shots wait what the heck is happening it's a monkey sub what in the world is what is happening here i mean i think we just want to buy the most expensive upgrade right like sentry gun oh that's not bad a triple shot uh i might just leave that that doesn't seem too bad ah we'll just keep upgrading it eight thousand master bomber forty three thousand okay oh we got a sky shredder all right i'm just gonna leave that the sky shredder is gonna do a pretty decent job i think a grand saboteur that's not really that great let's get flash bombs oh my gosh that's gonna be i don't even think that's that worth it okay the tax zone that's gonna be some crazy damage i'm i'm happy with that uh let's buy a sky shredder oh my gosh we got spirit of the forest we gotta cross fast spirit of the force that's gonna be i'm very happy with that so it gives you a mix of like legends of night oh my gosh a dark knight anti-balloon gunner sun temple yeah i'm i'm about it okay i don't really care about you having a banana farm another ant an anti-balloon gutter another anti-balloon gunner i'm down i'm so down for another anti-bloom gutter like i'll take that all right more money oh an m-a-d let's go okay m-a-d and we're gonna have that on normal all right i'm so glad that i got an mad that's really nice i can't really use it though so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna i'm not gonna deal with it another sun sample but if this is just a sun temple it's not gonna be that great tech terror what just happened what uh uh [Music] so with that being said we have a million dollars to spend now we have to have zero lives because in sandbox if you have one life then you'll see what a tower would be shooting out so uh you know say you have like uh i don't know things that just automatically shoot like a dartling gun right uh that could automatically shoot down we don't want to see what we'll be getting because not only is what the upgrades will be random but i think also what shoots out is still random nonetheless so this is pretty much just a blind shot to find out what happens uh i'm not even sure i'm gonna try and get a darling gunner let's just yeah let's see what happens all right looks like we got a triple shot dare i just stay on that i don't know i actually i'm kind of all right with that oh my gosh i was able to upgrade it to elite defender oh my god dare i push my luck i shouldn't have pushed my lug bro i should not have pushed my lug let's see all right we'll keep that we'll keep that that's fine so you guys as you guys can see it's completely random but again i'm pretty sure like the what even shoots out is random too but i'm not sure i i will have to find out i'll just get something else down and we're basically just like rolling the dice every single time we put something down oh my gosh that's sick oh oh i'm definitely not changing that oh my gosh okay let's put that to strong oh man i actually got a little scared because i thought if i had changed that then that would have also randomized like changing it to strong would randomize it oh man let's just get another super monkey actually wait wait if it doesn't matter what i place down i should be placing the cheapest things because then it'll just oh wow i shouldn't have done that then it'll end up randomizing anyways right so like that okay so i think do the upgrades get better i don't know i really can't tell to be honest oh perfect dude stronger stimulant oh my god okay all right i'm not gonna change that okay let's see ah let's see i don't know what happens if i play like a buccaneer it's just a dark monkey in the middle of the water uh okay so i guess i'm gonna try and get a village down yeah i knew that wasn't gonna happen plasma accelerator yeah we'll keep it we'll keep it what happens if i get quincy down just turns into a dart buggy okay i wonder what ryan's gonna end up getting so i'm trying to stack everything around these guys here because in the off chance i do get a village i want it to be within range as many people as possible you know what i mean oh i got another one i don't know it's all right oh i got energizer there it is there it is there we go baby oh my oh wow and sub commander oh my gosh okay cool i won't question it so if i place down say the super monkey do i get better stuff let's see yeah it starts out already better so maybe i should just keep it like that comanche defense but it doesn't have pursuit now let's keep it rolling oh my gosh i got another one ladies and gentlemen oh my gosh oh i'm definitely keeping that oh ryan's saying uh saber call please uh saber what was that bro okay um i need i need to have your permission to start over uh why i put down a tower and then it upgraded into a banana farm and then absorbed every single tower on the screen so now i'm left with ten thousand dollars and one banana form i mean you could restart it it's fine i mean this is just like you have a million dollars right so just yeah yeah thank you i didn't i didn't know if we were doing like oh okay that's your million dollars that's your that's your random goodness stop placing something and then i've just hit restart because it's just like okay okay never mind then thank you i appreciate that dude this is such a crazy mod by the way this is so fun i'm going in blind right now bro like i i'm i feel like i'm getting some all right stuff uh-huh i figured something out i'm not sharing with you but i wonder if you figured it out too but i'll let you know okay thank goodness that i get to restart with a million dollars i had such a good setup too i'm super annoyed with that okay but i have the idea now i know you want to just buy things that are expensive like the prima charge i don't really care about that an ultra juggernaut crossbow master but it doesn't have the triple shot so i don't really care oh i'm not getting i'm not gonna buy it oh a five five five helicopter actually i don't want that i'm just gonna restart i'm gonna restart i'm not gonna i don't wanna try this to last for too long oh carpet of spikes and perma spike i'll take that i'll take that that's gonna be i'm very grateful that i got that okay i don't care about glue storm i don't really wanna star bomb moab domination i'd rather have xl okay that's not a tech terror so i don't really care about getting it ray of doom but it doesn't have the m80 i'd rather have an m80 oh let's see look at this it just absorbs it sometimes oh so sometimes it absorbs it with like i don't know what it is but sometimes it just like absorbs it which is very strange that like how it works sometimes oh that is insane that is an mad wait let's let me just try it oh yikes what in the world okay that like big breaks the game i'm gonna restart because i think that just completely broke the game oh no what am i looking at what's happening here oh my gosh that like big breaks the game what's happening this has gotten out of hand this has gotten so out of hand oh my gosh what's happening okay we might not need cross baths nah prince of darkness or necromancer is not really worth it that could be worth it but i don't think does it do i think it will do danny will it we'll keep that that was what that's triple t4 so we'll do that anyways whatever two t4s no let's oh two t5 wait didn't don't i have that exact thing oh i can have multiple t5s because of this randomizer mod wow okay all right well we'll keep that now that i know that actually that kind of makes me feel a lot better because i can get other like really good stuff so let's hear what else we gonna get folks let's just see if we can get the nastiest thing possible here that's kind of nasty we'll set the target we'll set the target here oh that's right i can that's right i can place things on top here oh no i should have been doing that dude oh my gosh i think i realized what ryan figured out i should be upgrading the cheapest upgrade i've wasted so much money i should always be getting the cheapest upgrade bro why have i not realized that oh my gosh that's that has to be what ryan figured out i can't believe that how did i not notice that oh oh what happened cross path like big breaks it for sure wait why there's just like have you like tested it like sent balloons there's just some things there's some things that just like big break like i thought it was all working and then you start sending things it gets it gets real we should take cross bathrooms let's see what's going on it looks like it's fine for me i for some reason could not get like a work like i would get some towers down and then it would just break i have restarted and tried a couple things but every time once in a while it's like a variation oh i see what's happening now yeah yeah yeah is it even oh yeah the dummy boss balloon won't even come out yeah okay all right yeah you know what i'm glad we had crossbars on though because that led for some hilarious things actually happening but now we're taking drastic off and then we're back to that i guess all right we'll be right back okay let's try this again real quick we're gonna do a little speed run this time around ladies and gentlemen because clearly crosspath would break things now i do i have learned a lot actually so i probably will take that into account probably gonna only do the ninja monkeys i'm pretty sure it's the smallest hour actually it's probably the same size as everything else but whatever oh so we're gonna go cheapest upgrades only until we get something nasty here no i don't wanna waste a hundred thousand we'll keep it at that okay next actually we'll do the dart monkey because it's cheapest here we go oh garbage garbage garbage garbage upgrade again i want a t5 dude give me a t5 let's go like am i gonna get a t5 eventually or what oh my gosh bro do i have to upgrade the biggest one i do i have to okay so i have to upgrade the big path so that's what i want right there okay well at least i got energizer that's actually perfect does it does it get me to bed yeah okay so it does oh my gosh i got another energizer down bro okay sure sure we'll do the balloon solver okay i am actually starting to see a pattern here actually this could be what ryan figured out oh my gosh i'll take crossbowmaster okay so if i get to a t5 then i can just swap the t5 out with another t5 that's actually very interesting okay that changes it up one million dollars that's one hundred thousand you need another zero ryan there you go all right one life all right this is gonna be a little bit different now all right let's try it again so now we shouldn't have okay there we go this is gonna be a little bit different and so now we can't have specific like upgrades a homeland defense let's go okay we don't have jungle drums but we want everything within the range of the homeland defense like we want everything in the range of this so homeland defense let's see what we can get this upgraded to we want to buy the most expensive upgrade every time a super glue i don't want a super glue super glue is not great so you basically the way this mod works is it gives you when you buy an upgrade it gives you a tower that's close to that price so we're going to get 360. so it's a tower similar to that so then we want druid of wrath ballistic missile ultra juggernaut and that's good and now we can get preemptive strike uh seeking shurikens sharp shurikens oh a perma charge perma charge isn't bad that's actually not bad especially with homeland defense i think i'm gonna stick with a perma charge if i want to i can upgrade it but i think that's gonna be fine so you always want to just make sure that you try to buy the most expensive 1300 that's good 5 000 that's good plasma monkey fan club that's a good upgrade a moab domination i don't think that's really that great against this so we're going to get ah got a balloon incineration i don't want to bloom consideration i think it's i'd rather just sell it and take the l so it's probably best to start with the supermarket and then you get the more oh spiked mines that's good super mines let's go yo we ended up getting super mines that's such a good upgrade that is such a good one to get so monkey bank apache dart ship elite sniper i don't want to elite sniper we get fast firing crossbowmaster not great but we'll take it we all remember always buy the most expensive upgrade you can and we want to make sure like as many things are in the village as we can embrittlement 2300 comanche defense 9000 nice archmage that's 3400 triple moab ooh mine's not bad another moab domination xxl trip i don't want an xxl trap i'm not getting some very i'm not getting very good upgrades here i'm not getting very good opportunities to say the least so big one elite defender monkey wall street another homeland defense but i don't need it so wait that just gave us jungle drums so i can actually sell weight but i'll have both abilities for these so i have two homeland defense things okay i don't know if this is working out very well but i'm just gonna keep going with it dark knight balloon exclusion zone another homeland defense no way okay wizard lord phoenix intense magic super storm i don't want a super storm honestly i'm te i'm not gonna restart but i kind of want to because i've sold so many things and i feel like i've wasted a lot of money super glue another homeland defense okay apache prime i'll take an apache prime apache prime seems actually pretty good so let's put attack shooter down get us some let's get some spicy upgrades i'm going to try some buying like lower upgrades this time because it seems that buying lower upgrades actually gives me the up the option to start oh mad no it gave me another super storm so actually by getting the lower upgrades it gives you more variety like you get more options to try out things so like it slowly takes you through the value of towers right but you might oh a super brittle oh my gosh all right i wanna restart i have such bad towers but i still have a little bit of money i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go with it if i can get an mad i'll be pretty happy a mortar monkey faster reload a sky shredder come on oh not good i want everything in the range of the village if i can wall of fire jungles bounty comanche defense rocket storm super maelstrom ultraboost 100 000 yes anti-balloon gunner yes plasma blast anti-bloom gunner all right that's a huge one to get that's a huge upgrade drew to wrath cluster bombs dragon's breath imf loan uh bigger radius spiked mines okay it's it's probably okay for the price so i'll just stick with it okay so i i feel like i'm actually a lot more efficient now so let's just get to a t5 i'm okay with bomb blitz let's go ahead and just do another one now okay oh my gosh are you okay at least i got jungle drums i guess that's kind of annoying but oh well at least we make more money guys all right let's just get t5 i guess i don't really have much of a choice i'm getting some garbage t5s but i can't change them around because we don't have cross path anymore so that definitely changes the game i'm okay with that as well i think why not i'll honestly take pretty much any t5 i could get at this point so okay all right i said i'd take any t5 i can get so i guess i've taken any d5 i could get we're still within range of this village so that's good let's see what else we can get oh i should have oh actually that's fine i was gonna say i should have kept that sniper monkey if i get a cyber monkey even if it's a t4 i should probably keep that no oh no come on sure sure all right it's okay i've got i got another dharma yeah well no but th that doesn't sure whatever what it doesn't even matter it's fine i have an energizer so that's nice i already have that i don't need to really worry about like getting abilities and all that so let's just keep er going here we go here we go yes oh my gosh i literally just like i just i gambled right there bro that was literally so like lucky that i upgraded it and that actually stayed as it oh my gosh that was actually clutch bruh oh my gosh okay all right this is actually wow this time around i think i'm even having better luck ah zarbomba like i guess i guess i can't not do it now so that's that over here let's keep it going okay i am blowing through cash i'm gonna keep this bet this spectre um i am blowing through cash but at the same time i think i'm actually spending my money more wisely this time around so i think without cross path it actually kind of gives you like less options so you can't like yeah beggars can't be choosers you know what i mean oh it actually did it oh my gosh you did it again all right let's see um fighter plane monkeytown elite sniper greater production super maelstrom tech terror created empire bomb bullets missile launcher crippled moab even faster firing oh my gosh okay we're actually getting some crazy upgrades now we're getting some crazy towers this is actually working out so well for us monkeytown tech terror now lead sniper and i can give okay uh oh my wait what oh wait wait sell them sell them sell them that just wait what's happening they gave me so much money on accident oopsies i had no idea how much money i had i am gonna give myself i'm gonna take away ten thousand dollars i'm gonna take away twenty thousand dollars i think that's how much money i think that's how much money it gave me i'm i'm not sure anti-blind gunner flying fortress i'll take flying fortress lying fortress should be pretty epic wait why is look the flying board just like in the ground what is happening let's get can i get some other here we go that's radius okay i still did not get an mad sun avatar uh i wanna sell okay no i'm gonna keep that i'm gonna sell that what do i not want permacharge is pretty nice the crossbowmaster i don't care about the crossbowmaster i'm selling things all right the apache prime's pretty good flying fortress is really good two monkey villages i'll take that i need an mad i can at sixty thousand dollars so we gotta try to get within the range of six sixty thousand dollars oh that was a perma spike that's another tech terror i'm at 86 so let's see twin guns at 500 800 i'm not gonna get the crossbowmaster i'm gonna try getting uh another just specter uh yo okay okay all right okay so let's just get a dart monkey down and see if we can milk this final one right here cheapo cheapo that's not cheapo cheapo wow okay sure sure i'll take that let's try it again let's try it again it looks like i could probably milk this another time oh my gosh oh wow i'm still within range of this village what's the village's range oh that village's range is huge bro oh my gosh okay all right that's all i can do actually i probably milk it one more time i guess all right we'll put this one here oh okay i guess i got a crossbow all right that's all i can do that's it ladies and gentlemen let's see how we do here uh i definitely packed everything in properly as good as i could i think it's all within range of this yeah oh okay oh all right you ready ryan i'm almost ready i'm desperately trying to get one tower i did start figuring some stuff out this time around so i actually was a lot more efficient actually and without cross path being there it was actually less option so i wasn't as conflicted yeah same like actually same okay i ended up not getting everything that i wanted but i have i'm pretty happy with the outcome of what i did end up having all right well you ready you ready to try it out so fortified we're gonna send one fortified b.a.d yeah one fortified bad yeah are you ready here we go three two one oh wait hang on i gotta send i gotta turn my thing to one life all right three two one and go here we go ladies and gentlemen are you gonna go fast speed no i'm gonna go slow speed actually i guess i can go fast speed yeah what the heck i can go fast speed it's not that big my guy's not moving he's stunned oh wait why do you got stunned what do you mean he's not moving wait is it this guy is is this guy not moved oh this guy's lagging that's all right folks ladies and gentlemen i'm just gonna see how much damage i can do nonetheless the dummy boss is frozen he can't move dude using my abilities oh he's completely stuck i'm sure he's saying something i'm just racking up damage right now dude what's up what happened i had to restart my dummy boss just like it didn't come out well it came out but it wouldn't move so i just had infinite damage on it oh wait what so did you have to restart i'm just gonna yolo like i'm just gonna full send yeah i'm just gonna i'm just gonna full send just yolo stuff and just see what i can get go ahead go ahead yeah i'm not actually getting very much damage for the record but then again we don't have any cross path or mods on like modded towers on i actually love the setup that i ended up having like i actually had like the strongest possible setup oh like close to it i'm like kind of happy with it i didn't get a single sniper though which is kind of annoying i really wanted a sniper wow what is it what are these guys range oh my god it was crazy range yeah how's it going for you it's not too shabby mate it's not too shabby i wow okay that's all i got dude i'm done i'm done i didn't get very much dog i did not get very much well i got i have to put down some money real fast because i have to like re-re-buy some things okay and this one is truly just like yolo bro so if you lose you're a weenie it just goes to show if you win that that means like it's literally it's so random that there's actually no skill involved because i feel like i actually did kind of try on mine so if you win yeah my my strategy was definitely like i did like actually try to put in some effort okay okay well well now it's literally just straight up random now it's basically like right now i'm just like based on past experience you are going to win by a large margin i think i'm just going to avoid i don't really feel like i did very well actually do you think you did no i don't i don't think i did very well interesting but then again i guess we're used to like you know cross path and modded and all that stuff yeah that's very true i'm just like i have 300 000 left i'm just like full sending just yes sorry i got it i got one tower that i really wanted okay all right all right i guess i just gotta wait it out oh man i like uh i just wanna know if i like won or lost all right you just want it out of the way i know you have like rip the band-aid off you know what i mean how about this i will tell you what i got so as soon as you pass it up it doesn't even matter oh my gosh okay i'm down okay all right are you ready to start it yeah i'm starting it right now all right my damage dealt was four hundred and eighty thousand six hundred and seven dollars or damage why dollars you said dollars four hundred eighty thousand yeah four hundred and eighty thousand okay i will see what i can do so we'll see let's see i mean if you pass it up then it doesn't even matter that's it i don't even know i can't um i am i don't think i'm doing that well i'm just full sending it bro i'm just full sending it well you have your goal now man that's your goal so you know what you're aiming for at least right yeah i know what i'm aiming for at least okay i'm just gonna just spam my abilities i ended up getting an energizer to sitting like right in the middle oh i didn't have money i did too i got an energizer i gotta put everything around the energizer i also had a village with jungle drums i put everything around both of that dude i was so dude here was my setup for the one that for some reason broke okay i had two middle path villages so i had two homeland defenses with an apache prime a max helicopter also a middle path anti-balloon gunner and like i had just like it would have been snashy but you're gonna be very upset when you hear the amount of damage that i ended up doing with just random placements wait okay so how much damage you right now uh i'm about the it's about to be over okay and what's your image no okay let's do it i got oh okay i ended up getting okay one million five hundred thousand oh my gosh you got one milly bro yeah and it's just be i had my i had my dart i got the mad which got 300k my spike factory got 150k dude and i just randomly placed out like i look like dude look at my airway i'm going to share my screen i want to share with you like you're kidding dude dude look look it's just like i just spam things down randomly all over the place like just randomly everywhere that's all i did yeah i mean for the record my darling gunner did literally half of all of the damage i guess all my other guys sucked they did nothing [Laughter] all right well ladies and gentlemen i guess it just goes to show that it is complete luck and random numbered generation rng uh to yeah keep telling yourself that favor oh you're right dude you sure it was pure skill my bad i forgot you're a part of the elite thanks for watching everyone what a why what a wacky video what a wacky video what okay anyways see you guys peace
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 851,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, we randomized everything dummy boss challenge, btd 6 randomizer mod, btd 6 random mod, btd 6 random towers, btd 6 dummy boss bloon, tewbre dummy boss
Id: SkkcZdoN4r0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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