So They Buffed The 5-5-5 Sniper...

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so ninjakiri recently just bought the sniper and they didn't just bump this guy's fifth path but they really gave him some damage here oh where's the best place to put him in slot uh I guess right here in the center I'm not really too sure I can go ahead and play it here it's even beat the first part on its own he needs a little something here maybe a little Full Metal Jacket is that what he needs it's probably fast surprise that's probably what I should have gone for I just want to go for next time for this round here I think you're really far there I'm probably not gonna be able to afford it although he can one shot every balloon so at least that's good okay there we go faster probably that should happen a lot right yeah that helps out a lot although there are more blooms but he should be all right but if I look back at my notes here it says the criminal moab's damage has been increased from 80 to 280 for the top out here and the top path is where most of his damage comes from so we are pretty much more than tripling this guy's damage oh this look a little rough I don't think he gets fastest route to edit but he might be shooting a little too slow we have this pump that is not gonna help okay I'm gonna do something a little bit different here so I think if I go ahead and sell him and get him back up what if I go I don't have enough for strathfield I can't afford it very soon though I should be able to afford it in time for when all the nonsense comes on screen right and when I get it will I have enough time to actually clear up these balloons here let me see oh yeah shotgun's doing a lot oh but they're still pushing a little bit okay yeah you know what he just needs help let me put that on Darius instead of helpful but that might still be a little too late that's a little too loud okay yeah so we'll leave him down there as is I'll drop a dart here the dart will help him out in the meantime before we can actually get this guy up and going I think that's the crazy thing about like a lot of these towers is a lot of them really can't hold their own early in the game just because their upgrades cost a little bit right but eventually once you have them up to they start putting in some good work and honestly for this guy I think it's like once you get the bottom path the third tier that's when he actually starts like shooting fast enough to keep up with the blues but as a tier two he's really slugging behind here but I guess when he's cross fast he's not too bad but I mean even with him being crossed but he is getting pushed back here a little bit you know without the doubt we would have been lost never really need dude I really need a Bend right now man let me speed up to F3 yeah I'm gonna go ahead I'll get Ben next and then after Ben will save up to try to get this guy the body path here either the bottom or the middle pass I think the body path is gonna do us more Justice than the middle path starting off but then eventually the middle pass will be very good of course in combination they're insane we are right around the corner and we can get semi-automatic there we go and I should be able to get rid of the dart now and now I will go into forming instead because we definitely need a little bit more income here although he isn't really that expensive when you you think about it like his third tiers yet they cost a little bit more than his you know his second tears you know you're going from the less than 1000 to over 3K this is like very strong you know I feel like the price is warranted there like this guy as he stands right now as a two through three he can handle pretty much a vfb and anything up to round 60 at this point and go ahead and go banana plantation into valuable bananas here and also the marketplace when I can't afford it which is right now but then going from like the fourth to fifth tiers I really don't feel like it costs like that much you know what I mean let me go ahead and get banana research facility first but yeah so after I get like full auto yeah I'll leave the fan is only 17K it is higher than what I'm used to because the poppable did get the price to change but still that is not bad compared to most of these tier fives here and this one yeah also 17K it's this one that might be a little bit expensive right yeah criminal is like 40K High it is a little bit I mean we have the profits for it already but I think I will go to essential instead oh wait this guy if I get Elite Sniper and Tech bottom that's gonna make a lot of the actual crates pop down for even more income here so all you really need to do is put this guy right here and I think the banana farmer we'll actually collect these yeah it's gonna Auto clock for us so I think at this point since I can't afford it I am good to just go straight up Elite Defender Mohawk and he just handles it as is oh he missed that crate up there hold on let me actually move this guy and move him a little closer here because it is kind of falling down wherever it wants to and then I can also get rid of Ben and we can speed up even more let's go F4 this time and now we wait actually what round did this guy lose on last time that'll be a good guess for my prediction here let me see if I go back to my notes Here alrighty so during my last test it was around 180 solo and then around 204 with the gold Village which I'm actually surprised it was only like 24 rounds after with the gold but I feel like that was an error in my original testing I mean I don't have the gold village now and that's just because the gold Village hasn't really been updated for version 37 yet so I do have the mod install but it's just not popping up because it's not working yet so for now we'll have to give this guy just a regular Buffs but I feel like he's actually gonna Breeze past his last record of 180 because it's 172. oh they are starting to get near the halfway point though they just have so much more mod damage on the top part so I feel like that's why he's doing so well here yeah it's only five browse until like the 180 and they're not quite at the halfway point yet I think like right here is halfway oh yeah so here's 180 the last one he lost on and he seems to be easily clearing all these balloons here and yeah literally easily bridge to it so I definitely think he's gonna get past the 200 it's probably what like maybe 210 220. I'm gonna go in the higher end here and say 220. but that's the only way for us to really know is to wait and see you guys know how it goes I'll catch you in a second oh round 200 here this one might be a bit of a tough one I'm gonna replay it back last time he actually just lost here it seemed like he had just enough damage to be able to take down the first bad but the second one is just a little bit too far for him to get that damage at all because again a lot of his damage does come from him being able to Ricochet his bullets here but as you can see they are a little too far to be ricocheted when they're close together he gets a lot of damage up but yeah he's able to take out the first one but the second one is just a little too far away here she's a little too far away and it's getting a little too far off the board here Ben it's almost up so if he could only pop out that outer layer then he would be fine actually let me try changing his Target in here what if I go to Elite here because if I go to relieve then what's gonna happen is he's gonna talk with the strongest one one so once the second one comes on screen then he'll keep on switching between the two and that might be like good enough like he might have this damage balanced enough to both of them so there's that first one down but I feel like the result is kind of the same here it really doesn't feel like anything different has changed here yeah he's getting to this point with the same actually it seems like he has a little bit more out there so round 200 is going to be the limitation of this guy without any Buffs but we are not done let us give this guy some Buffs here I've got two million cash to work with so first on the roster here I can't start with the hero that being passed right Pat's gonna give him the best buff here and throw him right in this corner here get him to a nice level 20. of course Pat would help out with damage just a little bit but I feel like there's gonna be nothing compared to the damage on the sniper himself and then next I'll go ahead put a tub all the way up in this corner here and we'll get ourselves the sub for that cooldown reduction although the cooldown reduction I don't think it really does anything for him except his crate but maybe he has some sort of internal cooldown that it could help but I'll just have him there just to have him there the next setup is the alchemistorm right down here get that top pass for that primer brew and I guess perishing potions that does buff the bruise and stimulants but I think it only strengthens the duration but again we're going to have it instead of not having it and then we can easily follow that up by getting a villager as well put it a little bit out of the ways here so on this side but it still can't reach yeah yeah I can go ahead get the top path here and the middle path all the way we're gonna be going to middle passes a little bit of the bottom pass just because we can tapout's really not gonna do anything for him so we're gonna go ahead and move right onto the engineer which I'll actually just throw in the corner here I'll have all my buffers here together get this guy all the way middle path and then I'm gonna need to talk about everybody oh I do have this little totem here should I use the tote them I mean normally I do have the village thing but like I could do I still have to charge this with cash or no I think I'll charge normally I can't squeeze it okay I gotta squeeze it right in here I'll leave the totem off for now but we'll see when he loses I might think about using the totem for now I will go ahead and get my tech Bots I need a one for Pat I need one for the Homeland and I also need one for the engineer that should be it right he's already Tech brought it we can go ahead get the Homeland on board we can get pad on board and we can get the engine on board and we are good to play it here although we are gonna have to wait a little bit for all the things to come off cooldown but this should be enough here yeah this one's getting taken down very fast here and then there goes the second one before even getting to that halfway point so this guy now has a long way to go in him but once more so what round do we think now looking back at my notes with the gold Village he only got to round 204 but he got to run 200 solo and we don't have to go in the village and now he's pretty much at 204 now and I'm assuming he's gonna beat it so I genuinely think this guy actually could end up push you to like 250 maybe even 260 if he really can do it I mean the Fortified beds don't quite get halfway yet unless they are separate but if they're all going to be grouped up like this then the 45 pads will get shutted down fast and I think with how the rounds are going now they're pretty much going to be grouped up most of the time so I think it's safe to say that this guy can actually make it to 260. Bonza let us see if that actually holds true here it seems like 258 is the round he is getting stuck on as light as it is a little bit which to me is actually kind of surprising because I figured with this many fans and like fortified bads his bullets would be able to bounce around easily and I can see them bouncing a little bit here and here you know this one's about to go down but this one still almost has Full House same with this one here so yeah it's probably that the bolts are bouncing but these guys were just out of range from that projectile bounce yeah it gives them just enough time to be able to actually make it and end up clearing this map here so around 258 is going to be the limit for this guy I mean I could try this thing too let me get rid of the farmer here I have the farmer collecting so I could see how much money he made but let me try this totem here let's see if that does anything I'm don't think it will but we can put it down regardless and see but go ahead and inspect him here he's got 777 million pops here almost a million cash generated as well here very nice let me see okay so he manages to pop it this time actually yeah the totem does stuff how much of a boost is the totem out of the energizing totem let's energize total attack speed over by 25 less five okay that's actually insane yeah if I would have known it was gonna bump it by 25 then I definitely would have knew it was gonna clear but still without the totem 258 not bad what was my guess 260 right it's almost like two rounds dude I'm getting spot on with these gases man I think the only reason why my guess is get off is whenever it's like a gold Village or a mod that increases their damage like exponentially so the Golden Village is one of them because of that attack speed increase from the top path and then the infinite degree mod because every dude like every 10 times of the degree is an exponential increase but when it's more linear like something like these Buffs then it's more easy to guess and also when I have a good reference is easier oh but even with the totem up these are still a lot of bad too and a lot of fortified ones at that and they are spread out which is going to be the sniper's worst enemy here these two start on top one another he should be able to clear these ones yeah he could one of them and this one should follow suit as well yeah but it's this one it literally has no bandages on it and it's very far you can probably kill the last one here yeah he clears those but this guy he's he's too far gone man and then adjusted a totem is in full swing already that is going to be a ggs for this guy around 264. so all those four rounds off not bad whatsoever and he finishes this off with 887 million pops here very good I can definitely feel the Buffs on this guy so overall I'd say these Buffs did him justice but as for the other Terrors we'll have to see for ourselves
Channel: nojroom bloons
Views: 11,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nojroom, bloons td 6, btd6
Id: 8jCcfanzVLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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