We added 20 Modded Towers and raced to round 1000!

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if you're a viewer of this tuber Channel you'll know that Ryan and I raced to around 80 or 100 in Bloons td6 as many other challenges have come by but today we're going to set a new challenge today we're racing to around 100 or no I'm not 100 it's around a thousand okay we added 20 different mods so that we could actually get to around a thousand and here are the rules we have the time Master which allows us to skip rounds yeah that's right you got to pay attention don't don't don't don't miss out on these okay these lay the groundwork of the entire video we can go till around 80 and once we actually beat round 80 then we can start using the time Master but you can only use the time Master to skip every 100 rounds and when you skip every 100 rounds you have to actually beat a round completely so say if you're at 100 you skip 100 rounds you go to 200 you have to see it turn to 201 before you can go to 301 and then go to 302 Etc and we'll race to uh technically I guess it'll be like around 1010 or whatever but nonetheless that is the rules no other rules that's it I think okay yeah good so we have to all right I'm ready saber you ready yeah dude what if I just like out of spite only used vanilla Towers what do you think that's I think that would be hilarious and good luck yo wow man are you ready saber yeah I'm ready and go so I'm actually interested to see what you're gonna be doing here man I'm not gonna I've I've got I got me a strategy on lock already actually wait I have a doing I need to uh if you said you sound so like upset already well I like I just realized we're racing around 80 but I need to yeah like I just place things not optimized I know exactly I know what you're talking about I know I know what you're struggling with I know what you're already having to deal with are you working loved ones struggling with Bloons Tower Defense six call 1-800 btd6 kiwi now bdd6 kiwi don't actually call it I feel like that might be that those random numbers might actually be a number 1-800 yeah cause that's that's that's an actual number btd6 keep we I was actually so excited for a second like you have no idea how excited I was I was actually so hyped person that actually would have been amazing bro I'm not gonna lie of it actually happened to be that I'm kind of glad it was a deadline though because if it was of a person oh poor them well here's the thing it's 1-800 BTD QE so it would have been some kind of company answering anyways it wouldn't have been just like you know some random app oh like someone's cell phone number or something you know what if it just happened to be at the Ninja Kiwi like line we figured it out we cracked the code that would have been hilarious bro all right I'm around 200 you're around 200. yeah I was a prank dude I was gonna say how did you get to 80 so fast without any modded skipping bro bro you got prank bro you got actually so pranked Justin well that was really funny yeah you actually did prank me I'm not gonna lie that was kind of annoying I hate you oh yeah oh yeah well I'm doing I'm not doing I'm doing okay I don't think I'm optimizing things very well right now man I'm like kind of like uh I don't really know what all these like modded Towers necessarily do I'm like trying to figure that out I'm trying to just figure that out I'll get my life together eventually man yeah I feel that I I'm picking up what you're putting down I don't need money there we go I just need money bro my I forgot I forgot how crazy op this Tower is this Tower is yo what round do you like right now man uh I'm not telling you that's cheating why dude you can't copy my answer saber but knowing what round you're on you're gonna stop cheating stop cheating get a hold of yourself absolutely disgraceful dude no way am I I'm on round 30. hang on I'm gonna I'm gonna lose wait wait wait wait wait wait what did you just say saber I'm joking I Savor savor it literally how what do you mean I'm actually joking bro there's literally so many modded Towers put down any of them I almost just lost right there bro that would have been so pathetic any of them actually so much money on that that's so tilting you're kidding me bro you're memeing on me anyways I'm on round 20. you're around 29 okay so I'm not that Prime that was such a like defensive I'm not that far behind I'm not far behind Okay that was so tilting like what was that man I mean basically whoever gets around 80 could just start skipping those rounds by 100 so it's like yeah but if I don't have a strong setup right and I have to because because basically we have to go you go to around 80 right but then I have to get to round what the heck that is so weird I have to get further along right because like I'm have to skip to 80 then 100 and then you have to beat 100 skip 100 rounds beat 200 so there's definitely plenty of room for failure that's true and we all know that you're a failure okay okay that was a little rude okay you know what else is rude the fact that people that watch the channel without even subscribing bro Creator code BTD or sorry tuber in the btd6 shop you know it's uh yours is also acceptable I accept your answer thank you I appreciate that so I'm I'm cruised and I finally got my uh your what bank my not my bank but my banana research fisherman I know that's like dude I'm just like trying to hurry up and get on get onto that dog once you get that you're just good I know I was worried you're gonna get that first I was like oh see I was choking I almost had enough money to already get there and I choked and placed a bunch of money stuff down and it's just like so the thing is you don't even here's the thing you don't really need it right like the first important thing is popping balloons as quickly as possible and like while because you have to get to around 80 anyways and by then you're gonna have it so like as long as you have it by round eight yeah I know you're right you're right and see the thing is I highly doubt by round 80 we're gonna have everything ready to go and just skip right so we can't just like pull send skip it because that's not gonna be like that great we're gonna have to have some kind of preparations for sure with the Shenanigans please be worse bro I upgraded this modded Tower and it's worse now what anyway are you talking about the sniper no talking about this tax shooter bro dude really good no it's really good against moabs yeah well uh what about everything else dog oh no absolute really bad like absolutely poopy big big poopalicious that sounds gross what are you talking about dude yo can you send me some money nope oh I can't send you money no money no money I can't send you no money today wow dude hey yo have you ever considered not singing that no that that does not cross my mind boom baby banana Central oh yeah oh my gosh oh my God oh my God oh my goodness I'm just like living my life now dude oh my goodness oh good thing oh my god oh holy cow holy cow I just feel like I should just use it was like non-modded Towers in the beginning bro so you're crazy if you think that you're actually crazy wait there are so what actually I have an idea that seems that seems dangerous I have an idea what is your idea saber I'm not gonna tell you okay you don't need to tell me anything and oh yeah baby oh yeah oh no what are you doing oh my goodness bro I didn't need any of that bruh oh I'm very interested to see what you're doing I wonder if you and I are doing a similar thing we'll find out all right well [Applause] interesting okay there we go okay all right maybe I'll start catching up to you in rounds and popping balloons much faster now I do not think you will be catching up to me anytime soon we'll round you on 59. oh whoa brutal brutal okay all right I'm trying to get some money I don't even know how many of these do I need actually as many as I can that's how many I need talking about banana arms yeah yeah yeah yeah there's there's literally no no other things that I'd rather be spending my money on I'm just now about to get a research facility bro it's brutal wait what yeah dude brutal out here bro wait how many banana Farms did you have I just went straight no dude no that was it oh my God oh my gosh my guy I know holy cow holy guacamole dude I know man okay so is it on round 80 or beating round eighty-one okay okay and then basically you skip like 10 rounds do you have to do you have to beat round one yeah round 100 beats actually so easily so that's not a big deal yeah I would say you could actually one just start skipping 100 rounds anyways because then you could just do like one at a time till a thousand exactly if you want right like what one at a time to like so if you're on a map if you're on 81 then you skip 100 you're on 181 you got to get to 182 before you can skip again so then you do it again 280 to 282 to 8283 yada yada until you get to a thousand so it'll be like 994 or something then you can just skip like five more rounds until you get to like a thousand you know okay that seems reasonable rather than being over a thousand you know and beating like foreign wow that's a lot okay so I can buy that I also want to buy this Tower this Tower is crazy this Tower is absolutely nutty my friends and I want to also get that and I also will put another make sure I don't cross that Villages down I'm getting ready to like to to Really I need this banana research better not banana it's banana Central bro uh let's go already bro let's go already that is so funny okay well I'm the leader I'm gonna and we also have ascended upgrade so we can Ascend some of our Towers true true Saucy dude I'm gonna need some Shmoney for that though you need a lot of money for that like a lot of Shmoney like a crazy amount of Shmoney all right I'm on round 74. I'm about get I'm about ready to skip some rounds here all right absolutely but here's the thing I don't like I don't know if I put down enough banana Farms to really I need to be able to upgrade I know I might I don't know if I'm gonna skip immediately on 80 I might go to like 81 or two before I might need a couple more around buffer here oh taking it okay that's risky but I respect that if we lose by the way guys we have to restart no way we have to restart oh and we just made that up right now because going by those rules is holding this past like month we've been going by these rules bro come on well okay I don't have to play it around 80 though right like I can just if I lose I can just restart and just skip rounds right um all right fine and once you lose you can skip again but it's only as long as you lost past round 80 which I think you'll do so you know that whole beginning part we had to do thank you I could be at Banana Central crazy because that's like a forced like loss that's a force loss right there hey who knows maybe I would lose very possible all right I'm on round 78. all right what do I I want to start upgrading this actually let's upgrade that and let's upgrade this just a bunch come on on I'm getting ready to skip some rounds I'm on Route 79 saber I know me too I don't know if this is powerful enough to be able to beat the higher rounds though all right round 80. oh wow that was instant okay and 100 rounds oh whoa that was weird okay there we go oh my gosh okay I'm on this guy I need to get my life together so I can skip once it gets to round 182. there we go round 182 okay skipping 100 rounds all right money is of no concern dude I need some money I'm still on 75 though so I can't even skip anything anyways bro that's really funny oh 283 all right 100 rounds let's go oh oh no I need to hurry up I need to hurry up oh my goodness okay ascended strength let's give this guy some more strength probably gonna be good on money after this okay I let's wait I gotta do it I gotta do it friends no you can't even upgrade it that's so bad okay mine give me some money I want to go I oh wait I wanted to get a pea shooter and like like in or like put ascended upgrades on it but you can't even do that do I want to do that no I'm scared that might break the game I'm gonna not use that guy oh wait what if I put okay what if I put this guy here okay and then I get the bad bullets and then quick hand okay and then let's get ascended force on round 78 let's go already bro let's go I gotta skip let's skip another 100 rounds all right wait you're on 78 dude or 79 oh my game's already lagging bro my face can't be cutting out yeah I'm on 79 dude these last couple rounds last forever it's not even that I'm like struggling I'm popping everything immediately too oh my gosh I just discovered like the most look at that look at the bombs on that that's crazy dude relax relax bro Sarah I just found actually the most broken Tower in the game eat it there we go all right I can skip rounds now skip 100 rounds okay I'm on 181. wait wait wait wait oh oh oh my wait no dude I lost no no way you lie details wouldn't it pop are you serious right away no way you lost Avery you have to get a village down bro you didn't get a village down good I got a village I literally upgraded a village oh like on my Towers no no no there they were doing damage they just didn't pop bro they just literally didn't bop them dude you kidding you know you're memeing on me right now you're really outrageous bro no you're memeing on me you gotta not yeah dude that will be able to speed run my way now so I hate thank God we set that rule oh my god dude that's so funny I'm actually racking up over here it's okay it's okay I can skip the I can skip the rounds we're good how's those guys oh my gosh okay crazy dude you got it not you gotta chill you gotta like take a step back give us a breather no I'm fine it's okay relax shut up all right here we go okay what other I want to get some more Mata towers down the all oh the dude The Alchemist let's go solar flare Alchemist come on baby skip these rounds give them some more like speed too dog are you serious right now oh my gosh oh my God now I'm just gonna restart I don't even want to do all that all right okay wait wait Savor what are you talking what's happening I'm literally what am I doing what am I doing bro you're memeing on all of us right now you're actually memeing on the whole crowd right now oh my gosh dude I want to try out this guy I want to see if oh my gosh it's lagging on my screen dude no way give me some money let's go give me the money give me the money God I decided to work either that's not gonna work either jeez dude oh my God I'm trying to just like come on give me a tower a base Tower down that just literally will handle everything so I can just focus on getting up dude like what's going on right now dude saver you gotta dude I'm I'm out here just crazy is your plan to make me laugh so hard yeah yeah is it working is it working that's what I'm doing that's what I was doing yeah yeah for sure for sure dude it's close it's real close oh okay okay okay all right until you got it got a little bit of a footing here there we go she jeez Louise oh wait what does force do oh my gosh I forgot this increases Pierce damage oh wait oh dude you just chilling over there aren't you huh oh I'm big chilling all right all right I'll try a bunch of different stuff here oh oh my gosh I almost oh dude I beat it almost lost oh my gosh it's actually so laggy right now for me all right I'm going around a thousand now saber oh no no I I could hang on I can still do this I can still do this you might be able to we'll see we never know I don't even know if I can throw saber actually I have so many modded towers down that are just destroying actually destroying I think this guy is the main is the main boy though okay wow what round are you at saber I'm at a hundred I mean I can start skipping some rounds in a secure I just need some more money and all right saber okay I'm gonna go to round a thousand but I you wanna okay I'm willing to Double Down double down on what I lost I win all right uh Ryan you're on around what what round you want just do it get it done beat it oh wait wait I want to go to round two thousand oh my god oh what is he I'm beating around a thousand super easy all right all right I went to round two thousand ah this guy I lost on two thousand so I couldn't beat it oh my gosh all right well Ryan you're the winner congratulations I hope you feel good about yourself and you can sleep well saber what did you use what was your Towers well I dude I I didn't even get to what I wanted to use I had a planet I didn't get to it yet because I was trying to make money but then I was also trying to play catch up to you I didn't really build it myself I was gonna set it up I was gonna send it upgrade the uh darling Gutter and then just go off but I couldn't get to that wait that's no that's literally what I did I had the uh the solar gutter dude that's what I was yes that's literally what I was gonna do but I couldn't do it because I didn't get the money yet I literally couldn't do it yet that's when I as soon as I hit round eight that's where I used the whole game like I I literally because I knew that I thought that's what you're gonna use you're like no way you're using that like I don't know and then so yeah I I ascended that and that got 24 billion pops but I also got the flamethrower Gunner which got nine billion Pops I got but the my duelist monkey I got the T5 the bad bullets and I just gave him insane speed I gave him 80 speed and he ended up getting almost 13 billion pops all right you're the winner you win I hope you sleep well at night everybody like subscribe use career go tuber in the btd6 shop like subscribe all that stuff I just said that repeating myself because I'm going crazy see you next time bye
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 536,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, we added modded towers and raced to round 1000, btd 6 modded towers, tewbre, tewbre mods, btd 6 mods, tewbre btd 6 mods
Id: FJxcCJbHmFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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