Can I WIN With ONLY Super Monkeys in BANANZA? (Bloons TD Battles 2)

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today we're going to be seeing if we can win a game with only using the Super Monkey Yes you heard that right no Heroes no other Towers just a Super Monkey can we do it let's find out ladies and gentlemen we are on the wonderful map of Maine and of course our strategy is just a Super Monkey like yeah we have other Towers like Highwayman Jericho as our hero the farm in the village but we cannot use any of those only the Super Monkey for today's video so let's go Pursuit monkey right here right now now I would hope that a Super Monkey could defend against Red Balloons okay it looks like it can good wait no no dude we're actually gonna leak to just grouped Reds with a tower that costs twenty three hundred dollars what that is indeed the Super Monkey the lower tier upgrades are pretty underwhelming but also at the same time pretty expensive but what makes the Super Monkey fantastic are like the fourth tier fits here even the third tier upgrades so once we have enough money to go for those I feel like we're gonna be absolutely chilling it looks like our opponent's hero is Benjamin they have a sniper as well wait they just only have the sniper too what a freaking chat so I'm thinking the play here during these are there again rounds is going for wait no what is the play gonna be maybe a dark knight yeah because if we don't cross path a Dark Knight with the top path and instead the middle path will get extra Pierce one and two will have the ability to pop purple balloons because purple balloons those are honestly my biggest fear dude I can't defend against space pink are you kidding kid over super then because then like I said we'll get that extra Pierce and two would go over the bottom path upgrades we'll get camera detection which we actually already technically have but again we're only going to be using the Super Monkey yes though we are in Bonanza and I actually made a video a while back where I used only the Super Monkey but it was a casual match because guys if I tried this out on a ranked match it would not end well unless my opponent just allowed me to meme because guys oh the Super Monkey is very very hard to pull off but of course in Bonanza we just get tons and tons of money so of course that can help us out oh my God the space whites are pushing here so I'm gonna go for the Epic range which I'm not too sure how to feel about that because we ultimately need a dark knight here for sure especially if you sent this group yellow is here in round seven but for some reason he's been space sequin I don't know like this guy had a ceramic Crucible profile better so it's hit at least 50 trophies before in ranked I I feel like he should definitely know to Max Tico and Bonanza but I guess he doesn't I mean he has not he's only going with snipers game oh wait no that's the darling getter okay honestly that directly gonna kind of Blended in a little bit with those snipers now we won't actually have the ability to Pop lead balloons though so if we want to pop the lead balloons we have to go for I think a two zero two and that should be able to pop those round nine space zebras here I think okay wait no no they're gonna push over time that's okay I'm gonna after maybe like one more income boost I'll go for the Dark Knight here so go for that now good good good I don't really want to stop e Queen although that probably would be the smartest option here I really just hope he doesn't realize we can't pop lights because like it seems like this soup monkey would be able to pop leads but in reality it just can't okay zebra Rush here zebra Rush here I think we're good though I hope we're good I'm gonna probably stop peek going oh yeah I don't think he knew that there's gonna be space rainbows to be honest with y'all so I'm gonna go for another Super Monkey here and oh I guess I go with Plaza blast just in case because there's actually going to be AI LEDs here on round 14 as well so I think going for that is the better play here I'm glad he's been aggressive though or at least I think he's trying to be aggressive right I guess he's going to be going with supply drops instead of Eco in and look yeah see that can't pop lead balloons but this Plaza blast can we could probably transition into zebra Eco 2 here because he's just not being aggressive towards us for whatever reason maybe he just thinks oh two super monkeys on the map boy no defenses but truly we would Dodge it like easily a few sets of regime rainbows like no freaking joke so I guess I'm glad it doesn't realize I could probably send an even purple Eco now I think I could get away with this we would also probably just add a like constant group purples too like this guy has got to have a decent amount of money despite only having in a few supply drops over on his side again you just get so much money in Bonanza so maybe we just go over the win here though if possible because like I kind of don't want to go too too late with this guy if he's not even like sending us anything I mean he was earlier and it got a little bit intense at times but again he just randomly stopped and now he's solely going for supply drops so it's round 22 right now he still hasn't even sent us anything but I decided to go for a dark champion and the nice thing about the dark Champion is we're pretty much fine against everything now up until around 30 we can pop purple balloons as well so there's really no reason to have a dark night with this cross path so I'm going to sell this um I guess we could just keep this Super Monkey we might upgrade it we might need to upgrade it okay now he starts sending purples bro it's round 25. I guess we go for a sun Temple here though and we can't go over anything else so we have Max sacrificing for the magic category with having the dog Champion here so let's just go over that but because we have no sacrifice seen from the support category our Temple will not have camo detection unless we cross path it with the bottom path so unfortunately guys yeah I'm gonna have to do that he's at it with the purples again when I have a literal Sun Temple you cannot make this up he's trying to rush us with ddts here so I just go for legend of night here for sure for sure so let's go do that now boom and we'll have black hole he lied he left he left are you kidding me you laughed no no my friend no no no you cannot kill me to ddt's if I have Legend Tonight oh so I probably yeah I should laugh back ha ha okay so we're actually gonna sell the pledge to the Knight here to go for the true Sun God here finally had not sacrificing because I went for another dark champion and we we should be chilling okay so now if possible I kind of would like to stack up money just so I can ultimately Rush this guy because his strategy it doesn't have the best Synergy but at the same time he does have this monkey he practically has evident money even though he has not been equaling very consistently at all this entire game he still has money coming in from the supply drops and stuff so I can't risk it for the biscuit just yet because we actually don't even have all that much money on hand as of right now maybe though if I spam the come at me emo he'll Rush us which I'm not sure if we'd be able to defend because we only have Max sacrificing from the magic category so is this true sun god really even all that strong and we don't even have the extra range we have the bottom path so like knockback is good you get extra pierce with having the ultravision as well but I don't know if it's better than having that extra range because having an extra range you pretty much have map wide coverage it's insane he's sending us BF beats like this guy has got to be trolling and a thumbs up obviously I'm gonna be able to defend against that bro we just hit 30 000 Eco it's round 39 we have over 500 000 I think it's time to rush and ladies and gentlemen okay so without further Ado let's send him practically infinite fortified bads I really hope he can't defend he could go for legend of the Night by the way okay so we have to keep that into account which actually I'm gonna stop sending here okay because the black hole will stay in for seven seconds oh are we not good against this let's Tower boost and oh wait oh he didn't even go for Legend Tonight oh my goodness I need even every lead right there we were gonna have black hole from our legend of the night that honestly was just a weird game we gotta play another only using the Super Monkey let's get it and this time around it looks like our opponent's gonna be having as much cat asilia as your hero and starting off with the boats now seeing smudge kind of silly kind of scares me because nine times out of ten when someone's using her they want to go late game and they're most likely going to be passive I kind of would like to see our defenses in action even though it's only gonna be super monkeys I just want to see if we can defend during the later game rounds with just a single Tower yes we can all agree the Super Monkey is goated but it still does need a bit of help at the end of the day or maybe I'm wrong about that so again that's why I want to see it in action during the later game round let's go for the knockback upgrade and then ultravision two here as well if we happen to leak a few lives here and there not a big deal they have the darling Gunner as their next pop and Power Tower so I'm assuming that their last Tower is a Super Monkey because we aren't Bonanza so many people run with the Super Monkey which you can't blame them I think I go for a Super Range here by the way because I'm starting to get Pierce cat from these group Blues Yes you heard that right and I think the last game that we played we ended up going for the Epic range before going for the Dark Knight which we might have to do it again uh if he sends his grouped greens here especially or I could go for another Super Monkey okay wait no space whites I think I have to go for the Epic range I think there's really no choice no way this guy doesn't have the Super Monkey there's no way this guy doesn't have what in Bonanza like I'm actually freaking shocked to see that his final Tower why is everyone using the sniper by the way like he's gonna be able to go for all the necessary upgrades but eventually he's just simply going to fall off so I guess I'm down to go late game because honestly I'm feeling like we can out Lake in this guy with just having the Super Monkey by the way decided to go for the Dark Knight upgrade we should be absolutely fine now against all these group yellows oh no he's sending those purples he knows he knows ladies and gentlemen oh my God oh my God we had tarabus that I think right oh my goodness he realized he freaking realized we would show her the purples it is so scary and also too we still can't pop blood balloon so I'm just gonna completely stop you going here because he'd even balloon boost that Rush by the way didn't even do that no way he's not gonna counter Rush us I mean I'm okay with that I just thought for sure he was going to I need to go for the plaza blasto and a new Super Monkey because round 14 space let's once again we have to make sure that we can pop these down maybe I could also set this guy a zebra Eco because one it's gonna kind of scare him um so he's gonna be more worried about his defenses which takes less pressure off of us and we might honestly even get a tower boost out of him no freaking joke or actually I think he's fine here if I layered over top purples he might maybe struggle and you know what I'm going to do that I'm actually going to do that and he went for the hrp okay well he'll be absolutely fine if this guy literally just said his purples we probably would not be fine maybe I would go for a robo monkey Robot Monkey might be a bit better than Dark Knight reason why we went for a dark night earlier on is because it's just simply a bit cheaper and let's go for a dark Champion guys he's just not rushing this but it's really hard to rush players in Bonanza after the mid game rounds like you had to like rush them as soon as possible mid game if you actually want to possibly get a win or else they're simply just gonna have too much money over time too late to set the purple it's just like the last guy just a bit too late again I'm so confused as to why he just did not counter Russia's or Rush us with another Rush after we had Tower boosted he did not balloon boost he definitely would have killed us uh but I'm not complaining whoa he's balloon boosting now what wait oops dude oh my God like literally what he just did is exactly what we just talked about and is exactly what he should have did mid game that is actually crazy but just like the last game we're going to start preparing to go for the sun Temple and having Max sacrificing for the magic category but this time around instead I'm gonna have a dark Champion already ready to go I'm actually gonna go for the dark Champion I guess all the way at the front of the map we'll sacrifice instead this dark champ right here it's because we already had a Super Monkey on the map and technically if like you saw a tower you lose value from it or you're just losing money overall so I don't know you don't have to do that but I decide to but we definitely can sell this Super Monkey or we could even dark yo yo watch this come on this is so necessary but I'm gonna dark shift you down here so then I'm going to go for a sun Temple now with Max sacrifice and again now it's dark shift this once we can back into the range and we'll sacrifice this dark Champion or future dark Champion when we go for the true song God again totally unnecessary but it's like if we have this dark champion on standby and we have like let's say 200 000 on hand we're halfway to avoid the true Sun God but our opponent ends up rushing us we instead then could go for the legend of the night so that's kind of why I just wanted to keep this on the map for safety reasons um and I probably should start swimming at least maybe after I go for the true sun god streaming to come at me emote because again we want to see if we can ultimately defend against the Fortified bad Rush with just using the Super Monkey round 30 is already here obviously we're both fine true sun god acquired again with Max sacrificing so now can dark shift this back into a better spot is there even really a better spot the true Sun God just takes up so much room like look at that that's crazy I kind of thought about sending him just a single unfortified bed but I'm legitimately scared that he would not be able to defend he still doesn't have a mob up for example over on his side yes he has mad but that's like it that's literally it so he honestly might die if I send him one but I guess instead we'll spam the cup at me emote I mean hey I'm down to go like Ultra Ultra late game too I I just want him to eventually Rush us and I I don't want him to die to AI because that would be anti-climactic where he's balloon boosting what hypertension geez wait aren't we fine against that I would hope I'm gonna upgrade to a bunch of Dark Knights anyway or dark Champions I'm sorry maybe we're not oh my God okay let's start this then anti-balloon ability oh my God wait we can go for more holy CR dude what okay on fortified b.ed then I'm probably dead I think I'm dead here go for attacker in the back oh my I'm literally dead are you kidding me I can't believe I did that bad wait what yo I should have saved my ants have balloon ability what how many pops only 700 that eight or a thousand what in the world I mean it's around 39 guys and I I had so many dirt cheap WOW that is actually mind-blowing to Me Maybe not to some y'all out there let me know if you were surprised by that but we still technically gotta win the first game so I'm honestly not even mad Gigi's and if you haven't already make sure to check out this video where they Rage Quit to this amazing late game strategy honestly this late game strategy in this video is probably the best for Bonanza so if you haven't already go check it out
Channel: Boltrix
Views: 41,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: btd battles 2, bloons td battles 2, btd battles, bloons td battles, ninja kiwi, bloons td 6 update, bloons update, bloons td battles 2 update, btd battles 2 update, gaming, bloons td 6, bloons, update, battles 2, bloons td, btd, btd 6, battles, btdb2, best tower, btd battles 2 best strategy, best strategy, boltrix, super monkey btd battles 2, true sun god btd battles 2, tsg btdb2, true sun god, bananza lategame, hacker versus hacker, bloons tower defense battles 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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