We Randomized EVERYTHING in BTD 6!

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in today's video sabre and i are going to be battling each other to get to round 80 first but here's the catch we've randomized everything every time you put down a tower it's randomized it shoots random projectiles it has random abilities when you upgrade it it completely randomizes again so you're gonna have no idea what you're getting saber and i have both completely randomized our game so it's gonna be kind of luck of the draw who's gonna be able to get to around 80 first and after we do that we're just gonna see who can get further it's gonna be a lot of fun are you ready saber i mean i guess i guess i'll get this dart monkey down and uh my darb he turned into just it and upgraded wait he throws boomerangs dude my dart monkey just is a t1 dart monk it's just that's quality game all right shooter down and hope oh it turned into a glue gunner oh my gosh all right upgrade this wait i got a um i got an ice monkey dude i have two ice monkeys now when you upgraded it completely changes it yeah no it's completely wrong dude i have i have a crossbow dart monkey that throws potions that like shoots potions if i upgraded to a t3 it bring it could bring me back down to like a t2 it's no you i don't think you understand how random these things are my guy oh my gosh it's actually completely random i just wasted all my money getting to a zero zero zero are you kidding me right now dude dude you got to get lucky i just got a i think the best towers like a base tower you want to get is like a spike factory and hope or attack shooter and hope that the tag shooter like shoots out wait ryan what dude this mortar monkey that i got to a zero zero zero it's it's aiming at the front balloons bro wait what's popping it's like aiming at the balloons first it's not like just in the spot it's set at even though it is set to a spot that's so bizarre i'm gonna not upgrade that one i'm just gonna get another monkey done i'm gonna see i want to just try like random things and see what i got oh my gosh i got a tag shooter that's just shooting out like i think this is i don't even know what this is i got killed oh my gosh i don't have camera detection yeah no that's not i'm not upgrading my dart monkey bro i'm straight up i'm keeping it how it is dude straight up i'm trying to get like a a good upgrade air burst starts i guess that's okay dare i get a mug down and it's a dart monkey standing on water all right we got dart jesus dude that's so memey doesn't even matter i'm just going to keep getting a regular drum yeah it's the cheapest thing and then it always just gets me whatever i want right all right i got an ice monkey now i guess so can we even get to like a t5 at this point like i don't understand i haven't i have no idea i have no clue like actually i have no clue what i got i have a monkey sub just like on the floor and it's just like shooting things that's so good actually yeah i guess you want to just like dare i try and get like a banana farm down i was just thinking that i don't think so much money though what if it just gives me a dart monkey dog it's probably gonna not be worth it no i don't think it's gonna be worth it i can't i can't do it i'm gonna do it i'm gonna get pat fusty down bro oh the banana farm paid off for me they did yeah it paid it paid off i think so what did he get we're about to it got me a three a zero three two tack shooter i put pat fusty down and he got me a just a middle a middle path p3 dart monkey and now i can't place pat fusty down again because you only place one of them all right i'm gonna save it i'm having trouble with camos right now actually it's a i got a buccaneer on the on land again another one well you're having trouble with what wait i want to see something i'm gonna get a village down yo what what what i think the more expensive the tower or upgrade is the better the upgrade you get in return i don't know man i mean i gotta i just put a village down i i guess i got t2 two pads t2s so i guess side like i'm gonna upgrade this to a t4 yo i just got a popless drood what yeah let's go wait what is he shooting all right you know what i have no idea what he did i don't want to get rid of this one camo detection so i'm just gonna swap over oh that's a roller coaster of emotions what the heck is this i have a darling gunner but he's only shooting in one direction oh my gosh i got another mortar monkey and i got a village and i got another oh i'll actually take that i'll take that is it even shooting things it's not even shooting things i don't i have no idea what's going on right now like literally i couldn't tell you you know what i'll keep it i got blade maelstrom i'll just keep that one i don't know what's going on here scared i need i need to i'm gonna start selling some stuff here because i'm not getting very lucky with things and i need to get some better upgrades like i'm doing so okay you know i got a ninja monkey down i feel like i don't have enough for camos so i should probably just keep that one i i do agree though i think i need to start selling some things yeah i'm gonna have to no actually i probably shouldn't get that one oh i think i'm gonna lose if i don't have this camera like i literally if i don't get camo right now i just lose like that's why i'm not even bothering to change the camo ones even though i have garbage camo ones it's camo dog i'll take it i'll take it straight up oh yeah i'm doing it oh and i have a sub that can shoot anything that my people see so it's also able to shoot perfect i might just lose right here no shot okay i'm good i'm down to 80 lives right now yo okay i got a tax shooter that's actually a spike factory okay i need backup bro i need something here dude i'm just placing i'm not even upgrading at this point i'm just placing things down and i think it's working better for me uh that's great like one at a time i am upgrading now yo i got oh no i thought i got energizer i got bluntonium reactor i guess it's all right i'll just submerge it even though it's okay you know what i submerged and it detects camo so we're good thank god wait what does the spike factory even do no camo detection bro dude i'm so glad that i actually i got this sub it's on gra it's on land but it's submerged anyways and it's literally in the ground now bro i literally can't i just can't nothing detects can't get anything down bro dude literally even a dark moment i have three lives i have three lives no not like i have one like ninja and that's it i'm actually doing pretty good bruh i don't know maybe maybe you just you aren't good wait where did i get all this money from wait have i just been getting this money and i haven't been paying attention i guess i haven't really been upgrading things necessarily oh my gosh dude this is not working well for me oh i gotta spike a pole you know what i'll keep it yeah i'll keep it why not within range of the camo detection so i'm good dude you're you're just getting messed up huh i'm getting messed up bro yeah i'm kind of getting garbage right now i'm actually just gonna sell this it's not worth it um okay i got crow's nest at least but here you know what i'm gonna get a helicopter don't see what happens and i got a wizard monkey with monkey sense i don't care about that oh nasty okay i got cryo canyon cannon ice monkey i don't think i have a t4 for the record or oh yeah no i don't think i have oh oh i have them i have camera detection but none of them actually pop balloons like it says they have camo and they just don't hit anything like i don't understand none of my like camo just goes by and i can't hit any of them i lost bro i lost around 42. you're so bad dude what is happening okay i need look what in the world bro look he's he's a ninja he can't hit anything i don't know dude i'm getting crow's nest i got i got enhanced eyesight i got no so look i have a spy plane he has camera detection doesn't hit anybody my ninja attacks them but all the bouts i literally nothing hits them not a single ability and a tower can hit any camo i don't know what to tell you man bro look they attack them and nothing hits them threw it in the jungle baby yeah actually like i just lose like i literally like can't do anything a single thing i just can't do sniper maybe have you tried like legit though like have you tried like plugging it unplugging and pulling back right i'm just gonna lose again dude there's nothing i can do not a single they all attack them but nothing does damage to him not a single tower does damage i think i have a spike factory but it's a mortar oh i got turbocharged boomerang monkey dog oh my gosh oh is that radar skinner yo i just got radar skinner it does it work i honestly hope it works for your sake man yes okay okay i have something i can pop camos now oh my gosh that was so tilting bro cool i'm happy that was so tilting dude you have no idea dude no i got stronger stimulant bro good for you saber dude this this is how it feels to be uh on on my end all the time i'm actually getting fantastic stuff right now man i don't know if it's like rigged or something but like i'm killing it it feels like that it feels rigged um i'm gonna go ahead and get a village down i would like to get a village if possible and it's a ninja monkey i don't really care what are you at i'm on around 59 how about you oh i'm on 47. okay okay all right i think i'll probably end up getting to 80 first but it doesn't really matter because we're going to be seeing who can get the furthest ryan yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're going to eat those words i'm going to come in strong dude i mean i have the money to keep trying to upgrade oh i got a dark knight i'll take it let's get an engineer monkey down see what happens ninja monkey i finally have an ability too oh i got moab shove that's not bad oh and i pursued oh sick i i can't i don't think i can use my abilities oh yeah i can i'm stupid i just realized that i don't have the hotkeys set properly that's so funny actually i want to see what my randomized ability is going to be uh i think they actually are just the abilities because i'm like using them they work oh yeah it is just random okay i take i'll take that okay i'm gonna get another village down see if it works and it's a mortar monkey i don't really care about that i don't really care i'm honestly i have the money to just keep upgrading stuff i might just keep doing that oh deadly spikes i'll take it i'll take it okay i have a couple so they do upgrade like slowly but what is that oh do they look so bad yeah like if you can if you slowly upgrade them consistently they do get upgrades yeah yeah i yeah it's true that's true oh i got monkey pirates dare i upgrade that no you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna not touch that even though i want to get a different path i know it's just gonna go away anyways so i'm gonna not worry about that at all i think the super monkeys have been getting me the best stuff so i think you're right it is like price you start with the most expensive thing yeah and like i'm starting to actually get some like decent upgrades because i think it gives you consistently like i wish t4s had a support chinook i got sub commander it's nowhere near my three my four subs bro oh my gosh oh i just got a tech tara thank you goodness yeah i was gonna say i actually i i just got a t5 so you definitely can get d5 for sure wait what in the world is putting these down kind of running out of space though oh my god you lost dude oh you lost you lost you lost did i you're there is no way you're gonna why what did you get there is no way you're gonna beat this dude what did you get bro it's the strongest upgrade i've ever seen like dude did you get a paragon or something no no bro it's stronger than a paragon like actually stronger than a pair what did you get bro i have a robo monkey okay okay that shoots and when he shoots he lays down super mines on the track the 180 000. and he spams down like literally like so like literally down on the ground that's actually insane bro i'm not gonna cap that that's bonkers all right i'm running low on space i'm gonna have to start going i got an mip thank you i think i gotta start deleting some things bruh who's got like no pops over here all right this morning monkey can literally just go away i don't care about that thing oh you're right yeah you literally do just keep getting upgrades huh if you like just keep focusing on upgrading the that one what is this what is happening i feel like you're gonna have a nice comeback man i think you're gonna have a solid comment i don't know what's happening right now i don't know what tower is doing this okay right in the middle right in the middle is this explosion and the ultra juggernaut is shooting out like a spider web from the middle of an ultra juggernaut but i don't know what tower is doing this dude white oh my gosh i think it's this dare i get energizer no that's the only thing detecting camo i can't take a risk on that yeah i'm actually just gonna focus on this trying to get perma charge on this one see what it gives me yeah i think the i think just upgrading the t's the towers yeah you get like better towers is definitely the way to go because i yeah i'm starting to get some nasty stuff i haven't even seen i have this one boomerang monkey that i think might be super snazzy but i don't think it's been able to pop the single thing yet oh it's got 82 pops not bad oh that's huge not bad dude not clutching oh i got a turbo charge thank goodness this is kind of addicting it's like rolling the dice dude just like see it's really fun it's really fun actually let's see here i'm so confident that i can just like skip rounds actually really yeah okay cause i'm on this omg right now and all right i skipped to the omg not bad oh i'll take it carry your flagship let's go okay okay not bad i'm gonna upgrade this guy i don't think this guy's actually doing anything i think it's like a visual thing but i don't think he actually does anything so yeah i feel like some of my guys don't do something i got a t5 rocket storm no way there's a real way to be live actually i should probably just keep this so you always want to upgrade and just get like the cheaper like upgrade for it yeah yeah i think i'm learning that now it'll just keep going to the t4 anyways huh no we went back down no sometimes it goes down yeah i don't know it's it's weird the way that it works for sure yeah i'm kind of rough out here maybe you want to buy the more expensive one i think that might be the case oh my gosh this little actually i guess i get some money out of it oh good with that i'll just keep that i'll just keep heading uh what round uh 83 okay i'm on 84 perfect i lied it's not as this tower's not as strong as i thought it was wait wait wait wait wait no way wait what just happened i just lost bro you lost everyone totally good dude no my the moabs were invincible like literally just completely invincible bro what the heck bro if my i got uh i got the flagship carrier right yeah if one of my towers was already like a sub or something and then i upgrade it and it's no longer that it still has the bonus that's crazy actually no that's actually yeah i have no idea the mobs became invincible and ran right through all my towers and took no damage and just left and i lost i have no idea what happened so they literally are you know is that did you lose i don't know that that's up to you bro uh oh well you know what no no because it's not like you were worse they just like they just we're invincible try it again try it again i want to see what happens if i go up against this again yeah run it back ooh grants have a tour i'll take that okay yeah i'm gonna actually not upgrade that anymore i'm doing all right doing all right i actually think i'm gonna get the race button down start uh skipping i'm gonna go to 99 see what happens 99 ladies and gentlemen 99. i've got two dark knights i didn't realize that this is this game starts getting a little bit weird not gonna lie wait wait oh no no no i'm crazy wait yeah no my game's completely bugged looks like i won ladies and gentlemen no the balloons are completely invincible i don't know why but the balloons are literally completely invincible well i got to round 100 how far did you get ryan i'm at round 83 and the balloons are invincible like literally completely invincible the game's completely broken you were said to make a comeback too man wait i want to try one more time i sold a bunch of towers i want to see what happens this guy is super determined right now guys no no no the game is what happens if i put a wizard monkey on the carrier and then upgrade it oh dude i have a plane on the carrier that's so funny i have a dude what i have a buccaneer on the carrier that's comedy bro all right i sold everything except there's one guy all right all right wait what is happening right now bro you know what man i i think i think i think it's time to call it quits i think it's time to call it quits bro i'm getting angry oh my gosh i just give him jobs you do the whole dude this whole thing is just gone i wonder if it makes you feel any better i finally lost i lost at 103. you 103. bro i'm at dude i'm at round i've skipped i'm at round 130 and i'm winning though with this one tower too late too late it's over i don't know what to tell you if you enjoyed and you want to see more of these wacky random videos maybe we can do a challenge with this hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications you're amazing thanks for watching you beautiful youtubers and as always we're tuber and we'll see you tomorrow for some more balloons td6 content
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 355,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, we randomized everything in btd 6, btd 6 random, tewbre btd 6 random, btd 6 random mod, btd 6 random projectiles mod
Id: rNN47i7IAU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2022
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