Virtual Reality BTD 6

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look at how long my arms are bro dude I got a tiny little arms bro voila bro yo I like your tail yeah look at how my arm bends you seen that what is that dude you look at these guns bent you can I get crickets I get crit hits dude are we gonna try like uh are we gonna try my mouth oh mine doesn't move or anything I oh and I have a few minutes okay good um are we gonna try you are just so adorable you're terrifying bro okay let me pick you up here let me pick you up okay get back over here oh I'm laggy go there we go oh my gosh dude [Laughter] are you are your trackers like hooked up to your legs and stuff yeah dude wait wait what is happening right now dude look here you wanna see me do this oh little this action how are you even doing that bro oh my God that's a nerving time that's so unnerving oh my gosh dude you ready for this bro what's up what you want to see a magic trick bro okay yeah laughs if you just jump onto like your bean bag yeah bro dude okay all right yo let's let's uh let's go do some Tower Defense shall we so let's go wait do we want to do an intro in front of the mirror oh I'm sure that probably was the intro bro okay I bet okay so Tower all right so we're gonna go play some Tower Defense here dude and let's do it no dude I love like the the color palette of this world no it's very Bloons like genuinely very wait if I'm does my mouth move right now for you it only moves for yourself because we have each other muted yeah okay that's fine yeah whatever sorry yeah uh whatever don't worry about it bro my arms just like go through the ground huh so how do we start so let's see here how to play prevent enemies from reaching the end of the track eliminate enemies by placing Towers on the map upgrade towers with the wrench and sell them with the hammer you can win after 50 rounds okay oh dude look at it's like a cute little track bro dude this is so cool oh my god dude can I just push the wave okay oh here we go so here's our monies so we have the radar a miracle can I buy a miracle I do not have enough money we have 4 500 so we need like whatever the cheat we need this right here dude a minigun all right I'm down this is the bro what are we doing I'm ready to do it on the tower what do you think oh you are yeah throw them darts bro throw them oh dude yo you've been practicing yeah bro yeah I've been practicing dude nice nice can you see the radius right now I cannot see the radius okay okay so here I'll just place it I'm actually gonna place it on the edge over here up on the edge right here so I can hit a little over this side there we go so can you select it now okay so you can't upgrade so yeah that's it that's it once you get it you got it all right you want to hit you want to hit start yeah let's do it let's go wait wait there's there's upgrades right here look upgrade all right what do the upgrades do what is it I don't want to spend I don't want to waste our hard-earned money I don't know oh 4500 to get it up uh to like a medium gun ooh we have two thousand dollars let's just save up and buy another minigun when we get the chance all right you ready yeah hit it dude let's go round one dude it's a race car yo yo dude yo dude this is actually so cool to be here cool this is amazing bro this is actually so well made this is so fun I really think there's people here dude here's our lives bro here's our lives bro this is a phony dog look in there there's not even anything in there hello is anyone home bro how do you straight up lied too bro all right well let's just do the next one yeah hey hey saber have you ever seen a dart monkey do the floss I wish I hadn't dude what about what about the fortnite dance bro oh yeah dude dude yo check it out how am I how's my waves check this out oh oh oh oh yeah dude I've never realized how absolutely terrifying the anti-blueing Gunner looks well that's just hurtful now that's just hurtful now imagine it's hurtful dude this gun slabs bro we don't even need bro we're rich all right what's the next upgrade the thumper the rocket catapult yeah we need way more money bro let's just keep it going or hang on wait we're probably gonna have to upgrade these guys huh yeah you go ahead and upgrade this guy quickly do it better dude oh you hit it like you actually hit it and it upgrades it's so cool that's so good you know all right I'm on the turret now yo yo you're actually on it wait what launched and launch the next wave I'm ready yes sir all right dude I'm a dartling gunner bro that's actually sick Bro it actually looks like you're using it like straight up reload it here man oh wait that's right I don't have like normal hands yeah I'll just I'll just reach into your plasma things right here we go just smack that in there easy peasy dude I want to buy this thing the miracle that thing looks so hype actually we need to get is there something that gives us money banana Farm bro unfortunately I don't think so I need me a banana Farm you know what I mean let's see I need me a banana Farm I want to get the rocket catapult dude that's what I want yeah I'm down I'm down let's save up for that let's save up that yeah look at that we're destroying these yellow balloons yellow balloons on wait what is the blue upgrade wait I don't know are they different actually that's a great call what is the difference holy cow this one is fifteen hundred dollars I think it's just for two people to hold because mine wait wait oh yours also 1500 yeah it's the same thing that's just for two people to hold I'm gonna yeah okay grab it brother grab it hit it okay where should I put it oh this thing's got some range to it that's it I can't see the range maybe I mean obviously we want to hit him immediately right because we want to pop this immediately but how's the range on that puppy let me see yeah I'm just trying to there we go uh-oh uh oh yo let's go they're getting through no no no they're not no they're not the rocket launcher slap no dude we're fine what are you talking about Ryan saber we're fine oh on my screen it looks like we're about to lose I think we're I'm just lagging no we're good we're winning we're getting nasty bro yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna upgrade it I'm gonna upgrade it good oh the range is nasty on this thing good it's so cool you literally like whack it and then it's just like yo let's go this upgrade is nasty can we just look at the rainbow we can send multiple rounds at a time oh no we can't I don't think so I wanted to dude this RPG is it's so good that's actually insane bro it just smacks them around okay what's the next what's the cost of this next one over here what's that ten thousand people get the thumper should we just upgrade this one to a minigun definitely the minigun dude the minigun's full the minigun's big height bro yeah and then we also have the cell thing if we wanna if we want to end up selling any Towers you know we can do that oh dude yo we can just go chill over here bro yeah let's just send this how yeah I'm like in the ground yeah we're not very uh oh what do you think I think it looks like you're stuck dude oh God you're like grabbing your eyeballs oh my oh wow let me get up I'm gonna put my I'll put this dude whatever I can do dude say what if I just go and hide the wrenches and you can't get any upgrades dude see you nerd they wait come back no wait we can buy Hearts yeah you can buy more Hearts although that's the money bro yeah we don't need to do that we're saving up for that minigun look at that they're smacking here we go just slap those balloons around bro wait what what happened we're slow oh I can't there we go I was slapping those balloons around oh we got red yo dude we got sports cars dude yo Neo dude they're literally these are what there's a red balloons bro these aren't supposed to be very good that doesn't make any sense we started with yellow balloons and now we're on red that's not okay that's not how this game works saber let me just slap him come here I'm doing it I'm doing it that looks so cool just the way that it like slides around you know yeah it's squashing time dude dude it's squashing time many may think that Pat fussy is not very smart but he actually did go to college and got a degree in in fussy nomics ladies and gentlemen you want to upgrade the minigun oh yeah please where's the money yeah we got the money yo I'm the dark I'm the darling Gunner now let's go send the next round I'm ready all right yeah dude that's so Hive actually that was a short round yeah I think they're slowly introducing more and more things what should we save up for um wait hang on what is there an upgrade for the minigun again there is dude yo should we just straight up get the minigun upgrade again dude how much does it cost uh it costs like wait hang on how much was it was like 20. saver I can be a monkey I can do the monkey Idol animation or just scratch my butt I'm faster than a car yeah see I'm the strong I'm the strongest balloon they wouldn't be able to stop me wait what's the how much does the upgrade cost 20 000. we're almost there though yeah we have dude this minigun's so nasty improves Tower nearby Tower starting with range now screw that okay now I want them dude this thing looks so epic should we just save up for that straight up I kind of want to it's 50 more thousand dollars looks like a mortar monkey bro you're gonna be a mortar monkey I'd be down to be a mortar monkey dude here look at this air I'll place myself down right here okay you ready crits yeah oh he's got the Double Arms he's got the Double Arms bro set me to First last or strong bro you gotta set me to something dude come on let's do it all right here we'll put you on uh first and strong dude does that look so good actually that's so funny all right yo okay so we're just saving up for this thing right yeah we're definitely saying we're handling we're handling all this just fine so we are at 37 000 ladies and gentlemen are we going we're waiting for that one mortar thing yeah we have to dude though these cars are strong bro The Limousines coming in limousines are crazy dude that's all right we've got the the rocket catapult thing we're doing all right we got the quad rocket launcher or whatever or just the rocket launcher yeah 10 more K we can do this we just gotta hold out ten more K and then we can get the uh dude they're not even getting around the first Bend bro this thing is nasty strong and the range is kind of nasty on both these right so we're not yeah oh that's not a problem I think we should put the big gun right here I think I'm down well I guess it depends on the range right because even if it has if it has no I don't know if it has no range we should probably put it I don't know we'll see we'll see you all right we'll just wait find out one round what what how far oh yo that one's getting far bro that one got kind of far that's fine we only need five thousand more dollars we're getting close gotta hold out a little longer come on come on watching that money we can do it oh we got it all right quick put it down saber dude the range is disgusting on this thing bro Isaiah just smack dab in the middle it's like right here a little bit closer I think to you three right yeah right there I like that dude dude oh but it shoots very slow it shoots very slow all right what's the upgrade cost for a hundred thousand all right no chance no no we ain't doing that bro we ain't doing that let's let's upgrade the um the minigun or we could slow some things down because it only costs 10K to slow him down yeah I'm down to get the slow the slow effect I think that's going to be very yeah let's get the glue Gunner dude that'll be very beneficial to us dude this Tower is nasty this network just slaps them around yo do you think it has a pierce effect or no no Pierce what bro it's just one shot so like does it go through yo we got 10K we can get the the slowing thing as it does it go through the tower and make it so I don't know it hits other ones I'll put it like how's that look first right here we go nice let's go keep smacking those guys around those guys just stumps the ground and makes them bounce this is a really well made game dude this is so cool I love this actually What's the upgrade it's a well-made game for a regular game let alone VR a heavier block that reaches further but this is just in a pretty good radius anyways I really don't like it's the radius doesn't matter too much I think we're good you want to upgrade the minigun next yeah the minigun's just so clean dude it's The Old Reliable you know what I mean oh yeah I know exactly what you mean bro okay how cheap was it again dude we just placed down a ton of regular mini guns now the the actual minigun is nasty the upgrades are so worth it the upgrades are just so valuable to be able to have dude they just go in so sweet dude wait catch catch bro oh oh you didn't catchy it like lagged on my mind okay hero mommy catch oh I didn't catch it I threw it a little too fast all right ready yeah all right that was a I'm a dart monkey okay I don't have much strength okay ready yep I'm open uh oh I didn't get it I couldn't wait dude there's buttons over here are there a mirror wait what low quality yo a mirror dude that's so cool actually dude oh my gosh bro yo that's actually amazing again okay uh how much money do we have all right let's upgrade the minigun yeah you want to do it yeah all right I've been working on the railroad all a little long day it's at Max upgrades now oh okay okay do you want to get the quad rocket next oh what do you think or do we Okay so we could I think we get the radar and then we get that to just boost these three towers okay I'm done I feel I feel at this point we should also just get the spear so we can just see what it's all about you know yeah I'm about it I'm getting the radar nice we'll put the radar we just have to put it within range of everything right so yeah right there well hang on I don't think I could place it here bro you can't put it there I can't place it it won't be within range of the thumper everything else we really don't care about the thumper did it do it oh it didn't place it down okay let's try it again all right let's do what you gotta do it I think so yeah it looks like it all right can we get upgrades for it oh yeah oh the range is huge on this thing yeah we can increases fire rate for nearby Towers dude okay okay yeah we could that would be so good uh we should get the spear though because we can already almost get that all right yeah let's save up for the spear look at that is this this game is actually genuinely so much fun dude I know I know should I just put the spirit like right here bro straight up yeah as long as it's try to get it in the range yeah it's it's in range it's all a little like close but oh yo that looks so cool dude look at that I think this actually might have some Pierce bro phew I love how there's handles on and we happen to be the perfect size for this bro that's actually so basic that's so good okay so it's next round Dude where's our auto start I'm gonna look for an auto start uh dude I wish oh my gosh that'd be great there's no way we don't have an auto start here well we went around 50 so we're already past halfway let's go dude we can do this I Believe in Us how much money we got okay so what are we working toward next here bro uh I want to upgrade the thing that increases the attack speed for everything I think that's the way to go all right I'm down I'm down dude I wish there was like a farm or something it'd be sick and you'd like manually Farm it bro imagine in VR you're like manually farming it to get the bananas I would love that I would genuinely go crazy for that that'd be so fun but dude upgrade to good Wi-Fi is that what it says yeah it says good Wi-Fi dude I wish we could just send multiple rounds at a time because we're killing it yeah we don't even know we have nothing to worry about dude we're good do do you think there's a boss battle bro I think there will be a boss battle oh you think it's gonna be like a bus or something I don't know I'm gonna upgrade this please go ahead okay dude oh dude nearby Tower kills earns more enemies there you go there it is right there stonks Uplink oh my God that's 50 000. you think it's worth it I mean it'd be better sooner than later I guess yeah yeah might as well let's just get it let's just nearby Towers it's pretty much every tower that actually gets a kill so yeah let's do it I'll be big money all right I'm sitting here I'm I'm standing on the button and I'm pushing the button jump on the button oh look like you're on a trampoline dude um okay we're like halfway on the upgrade right yeah we need 50k all right it's gonna be worth it once we get to the 50k wait so I think the door closes once we get to that the round the thumper is pretty good not gonna lie yeah I'm glad we got it it's not really worth like upgrading necessarily I think we're doing all right for ourselves yeah I think we're getting way more money too I think it's because the uh harder vehicles to kill give us more money yeah I like how that works that's really nice there we go let's go see I love how the cars are just consistently just getting like better and cooler as they go along look at that near them what do you think the boss is do you think it's gonna be a bus I think I think there is a boss it's gonna be the fortnite boss the battle bus yeah dude thank your driver I'm just juggling this Ranch bro it's actually kind of sad though you're doing a good job that looks pretty cool oh dude wait wait you think I can juggle with both wrenches okay let's see I I believe in you all right I think you can oh by the end of this no he's doing it he's doing it ladies and gentlemen oh my God I'm so good at this bro it's So Satisfied dude I'm gonna try and throw him really high up oh dude let's have a wrench throwing competition what's that even mean bro oh wait let's see we'll see if we can throw it further oh okay okay I'm down but let me upgrade this real quick okay there we go okay air support I'll play radar effects to other nearby radar Towers wait what oh and it gives us a heart dude would you like that all right all right yeah what's where we where are we standing for how far we can throw it uh how about we stand right on this grass piece all right okay okay all right I'm done and then we just see how far we can throw it that way oh God I hope I don't I hope I don't let my controller go okay throw it out right you ready yeah go ahead okay okay yo I think I won that yeah you won that because mine hit the thing and slid bro what a waste of my throw dude I just chucked that oh my God I wish that was the real throw right there bro there's so much to explore in this world what we're monkey Meadows dude this is straight up monkey Meadows that's so funny I like how we're just winning like we don't have to worry about it straight up yeah we're now we're just getting even big money bro all right what's what tower should we try to upgrade do we dare try to that's the massive I don't know I'm down let's do it ah disgusting bro this thing looks nice what was what's the cost for the next upgrade on it uh 35 so it's still actually the cheapest other than the thumper but I don't think we care about the thumper to be honest no I really don't care about the thumper actually I don't know things are oh look at these cars dude what are those Deloreans those are kind of those are kind of fast actually do we want to upgrade the thumper dude let's Max the thumper no memes okay okay I'm done yo dude it actually slows them quite a bit yeah that's nasty what's the next upgrade cost sound you hear that makes like a bell sound 20K it's nice freezes okay we're close slowing down even more easy bro easy hit the round squatty hi me I see you in the mirror dude I see you dude what's up bro what's up oh my gosh okay we almost upgrade bro is this gonna be the max upgrade no we have one more after this yeah I have no idea I don't think yeah I think you can get one more oh it's 100K though sends cars back in time is the next one bro what dude look at how slow they go that's actually amazing we're almost done dude dude this upgrade's crazy oh that's amazing dog okay so we got that um we could upgrade the Lance if you wanna upgrade the link I say we upgrade the quad Rockets oh whoa I kind of forgot about that bro we haven't up here in a while all right bro get money yeah we make money like crazy fast now oh are they kind of getting far oh they're definitely getting further bro without the thumper I think we actually would have lost no straight up I actually agree with that that's that's a fact round 40 we have 10 more rounds my friend let's do this I think after we upgrade the quad rocket we should probably just get more towers down to be honest I'm about it how much does it cost to upgrade um it costs 40K for the the rocket launcher so we're almost there we got 5K more nice yeah we'll get it maybe we start putting expanding and putting some stuff out here um yeah I'm down all right or wait don't we want to kind of maximize this radar thing oh very true very true 40K we can get the next upgrade okay let me grab it yo yo wait wait what's this one what's this one upgrade cost 35 should we get it yeah I think let's plants or turret yeah okay I'm down I'm down yo this thing looks like it's got Pierce dog I can't tell I think it does I think you put it in the perfect spot it has so much range it covers the whole map basically oh true true oh if something at spy we're good bro oh my gosh yeah we're like we're still big chilling bro we are big Chillin okay okay 3D 2 000. it's 35 000 for the upgrade yeah I can get it right now let's do it that's so cool I think all right we have we have seven rounds okay I my vote is we upgrade the miracle dude are we gonna be able to save up enough it's a hundred thousand I think so oh yeah because here's the problem that I think what we're gonna have to think about and worry about is the if there is a boss around 50. we have a lot of single Target damage or a lot of kind of this AOE explosion stuff yeah but I I think getting this upgraded to be able to deal massive boss damage is going to be big money dude okay okay I'm down I am actually down that's a good call we got we've got six rounds we're already at 25k I think we're getting plenty of money so worst case scenario we can always get like we should have a panic upgrade in case something happens all right or we could sell a tower how much would it how much would we get out of selling a tower oh wow you get a lot of money out of selling these towers dude oh my gosh is I don't know do we want yeah we can always do that if we need to yeah I don't know if it's worth it though I don't think so all right we're half almost halfway and we have five rounds left dude five rounds left let's go augers this is actually gonna be so good I'm interested to see what this this upgrade's gonna be bro it's probably gonna be so disgusting yeah it's a hundred thousand dollars oh we can get the final Thumper upgrade oh dude that's a genius idea bro that or this giant massive Messiah massively increased damage dude though sending cards back in time is nasty but yeah yeah no you had a point like if there's a boss it's gonna be important because we have yet yeah I don't know though I'm kind of worried there's not gonna be a boss bro no I I have no idea you know who knows who knows what we're gonna go up against but I think I think it's smarter to get the the AOE or the big this thing this this the the miracle plus two yeah okay okay we're almost there because I think it still is almost one-shotting thing so we're gonna be able to get the next stop gurude yeah dude like it does so much damage come on money money you get it you can get it you can get it yo I thought it was gonna oh my oh Michael wait what dude oh my gosh okay I don't need that wrench anymore okay all right let's do it we have three rounds left dude I think we're gonna be able to save up and get the last Thumper I actually think we could yeah you want to do that wait yeah we should definitely do it it's 100K wow we're getting a lot of of money dude what's going on dude it's just they're sending so many cars at us now I'm really glad we got the radar upgrade that definitely paid for itself I definitely paid for itself yeah the fact that it like makes it so any Tower within the radius gets even more money dude that's actually so nice bro yo what what tower does that in balloons again what is the tower bro that's actually bothering me what do you think talking about mortar monkey no no the tower that makes it any Towers within the radius get more money like for pop Village is it the village how did I not think of that bro do I bought a bad Village yeah we are gonna be able to get it bro we're gonna be able to get it let's do it awesome do it get it get the final upgrade or should we get air support oh no no who cares no air supports cringe bro yo oh dude what is that like a black hole that is so cool I chucked that wrench oh my gosh it's gone now all right it's out of here here we go we got beat this and then we got the final wave bro yo this has actually been so fun this has been so cool cool I'm having a great time bro I'm actually so down to do this if the audience wants to see us do more of this like straight up this is actually amazing yeah we can just pretend we could just be literal monkeys and run around in VR chat and have a good time and just hang out and Vibe and do stuff like that if it's something you want to see all right wait don't do it yet my friends we're this is the last round if you've enjoyed up until now hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications you know how it goes awesome you ready saber let's do it oh what is that dude it's like those are warthogs from Halo Warthogs what oh dude thank goodness we upgraded the thumper bro straight up no the thumper was the play okay bro um here we go come on I think we're about to get the dub let's go oh my god dude the the thumper is so busted dude oh my all these are busted bro this is amazing this is so fun let's go this is such a well-made game genuinely yeah like not even for VR come on how many are there you guys gonna finish up let's go hmm dude there's so many that's it that's it yo get on over here let's go yeah you know we did a lot today we blew some cars up we placed some towers down and we we we we got down and dirty and used some wrenches fix some things up and here we are yeah yeah let's go if you want to see more balloons and VR make sure to hit that like button subscribe you know how it works thank you so much for watching all you beautiful YouTubers and of course we'll see you tomorrow for some more awesome videos wow
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 175,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, virtual reality btd 6, btd 6 vr, btd 6 virtual reality, bloons tower defence 6 vr, 1st person bloons, bloons in first person
Id: eEs3J76aH_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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