Only 1 Tower to BEAT 3 B.A.Ds in BTD6!

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only one Tower to beat three bads and it's a one percent win rate it's on round 190 I'm not even sure what that has to do and I left the googly eyes on the bads that is awesome these look super goofy I've actually never seen this so those eyes are back here but then it's over here on his nose that looks hilarious all right what's the first tower that comes to mind on this map it's always Spirit of the forest watch it be like a One-Shot thing too we just take it out in one thing I think we honestly can though I need oh my gosh we might be able to just drop this in one go if we just hit this one and go blah oh my goodness oh no no okay no no can you get the rest though buddy oh okay so we gotta do it sooner I guess we did start a little late but I think we're gonna one well that's not a one shot is that's a two shot I think we're gonna two shot this challenge we'll leave this here get some damage on these boys and then oh no because we need all three to be in the range then don't we oh that could be a little rough but look at all this damage we're getting we're pretty good all right now we'll go like this done game what the heck is this not the tower because that seemed like it did a lot better beforehand what if we start sooner to where we can just like get this stuff back in time too like that's instant on those and then we can do it again I think maybe maybe actually yeah maybe I like that we were better the first time to be honest that's hilarious so what's going on here is that we just need it to do it at the end because we need to wait until like the last second when they pull away and then we'll zap it otherwise I'm not even on the right tower why do we have 36 45 dollars left usually these people when they make these challenges leave them with like zero dollars or 69 or 420 or one dollars but either way let's see if this when it goes to pull away so like now we'll zap it okay that's good that should be fine let's get some money because we can are we good oh there we go just had to wait a little bit this may be a bad call on my part we're gonna do a less than one percent win rate challenge Sun Tzu the art of selling which is weird because it was The Art of War so maybe we have to sell a lot that'd be my first guess here 89 and 90. Moab Health has been increased but they are slower I think this is gonna be a bad idea but we're good to give it go we have eighty thousand dollars we got silly faced moabs and the first thing I think is a sniper especially that new Moab because he just one shots everything but unless they've given more Health then it should take two hits right should be two hits that's it like one two but it's still not enough but then and you can't sell anyway so why does it say The Art of selling that is very odd so what will take these things down quickly would be this guy I guess but we can't get them all so maybe once they're like all in the middle we can just zap them but the regrow or the cooldown rates very very very very very very very slow so that's not gonna work mob Eliminator would be great okay so we could sell with this obviously we can just go do this thing and then do this thing and then get them out of here but what do we sell to and why do we sell them when do we want it why do we want it all right this is not taking anything out it's doing some damage but those are just terrible terrible terrible oh but I realized too that I was doing this whole like documentary on the Moab and then realized I was going with the bottom path when it needs to be the top path so maybe that was my problem so now it stops them all but you can't sell him that's the problem if you sold him it wouldn't affect anything if you put him on this little platform I don't think it'll do anything so you end up with this issue because this one oh actually it will cover most of it oh and then we could sell so we could go like this and then but what are you selling for and why but you can if you wanted to I guess you could so you're like oh okay well you know I don't like this let's we've taken all our damage down so let's do this one and then we'll do this and then we'll buy uh this one I guess and buy it all the way up and then we'll sorry bomba because we can SAR bomba duh we can start bomba let's just do that from the beginning and then sell it and do it again let's just do that twice because this for sure should take them all out so we'll go wait wait wait wait wait wait boom okay good one two three four five one two three four five obviously need to be a little quicker but I think this is probably the answer if it is we did it quick oh you can't put that there you dummy okay you big dummy but we do get two star bombas so I think that should be somewhat of an answer and this time we'll have this thing ready I want to wait till the last second and wait till last mobs out of here but it's really hard to tell on this map where the moabs are at so I'm a little scared but we can do it now bloop and then we sell it get rid of it do it again over here oh those last ones just come out afterwards so there's nothing you can do about that so we'll do it again right here we'll wait till the very last second in case there's more that I don't see then we'll just go bloop oh no how do we take that out let me think about this how do we knock that out just a little bit better unless what if we do something like this like why would that matter though oh we take them down really easily why is it taking down so easily that was way too easy wasn't it that was that weird is that just me all right let's try this one then let's just give them all a go because it seems like there's so many things that could work and then I'm just like oh are they working and you just don't know but that's not going to work flame guy takes way too long but you know what will work is this guy because he's awesome and we'll just try it this way see if it works with enough time maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe okay we only got two of them so with that said go like this oh that'll work 100 because let's go knock back an ultravision we got a little bit more range here I think I think that's how that works so let me just as soon as we can just zap this thing and hopefully get them all no you're not gonna get all of them that's just not gonna work unfortunately but I'm wondering can we use this to beat those ones it's like if we take these out right now and then we blast this out of here and then we use this one oh because now he's over there he's not even there oh no no no that won't work but we could do that to the other one oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no so maybe something to do with the spike Factory like if we use the spike ability oh we don't get the spike ability because if you did that and sold it that could be something pretty awesome what else will take these things down oh dude this one will but he's not good on his own right like he'll just does he actually take him down oh that's really cool does US literally no good but that was really cool this one's kind of exciting if you do it this way I really like this we'll wait till the end of course and then we'll blast it get rid of that and sell this one and then buy this one and put them in the ground because that's funny and then we'll go like this one and we should put oh he pulled them oh he pulled the first why would he pull those first they're literally in my face that was Goofy I'm wondering if there's a way to maybe get all of those at the same time like what if I wait till the last second and I don't think there is a way right you just have to wait like you just have to not do it yeah there's just no chance oh because I'm blowing the bfbs up genius that's why if I just wait a second they won't be there oh my gosh okay so just don't get the bfbs in the picture wait until the last one leaves just like that but then they're still there so we got to do it a little bit sooner so I'm gonna do it now there we go but I was still a little too soon okay okay okay this time I'm gonna get it right I really think this has to be it or this quick solution to it and we did that we sell oh that was perfect that was literally beautiful and I don't know if I could do it again so I'm kind of scared is that the game though okay no no we'll be fine we will be fine oh and then we have around 90 and I didn't even put him close and he can't pop oh dude he can pop he can hit these down that's not good nope nope nope nope nope nope nope how do we sell them again though and there's no way this boat can even pop 90 because I think it comes out like purples and stuff we have two rounds I haven't even got past the first one what if I time that ride again and then we just do it and then we take these all out okay and then let's say that did that worked better couldn't we technically wait for this thing to regenerate again and then destroy round 90 then sell then buy a tower that'll beat round 90. yes we can so we'll do that like this I just gotta get that last timing right it's actually a lot harder than it looks like I don't know why I just I can't do it I'm just kind of done so we wait for it so there's three four five six seven eight nine let's do nine ten there's ten of them okay so we gotta wait for ten that's fine we'll wait for the tenth one then go for it and then hope his bombs don't oh just get away with your bombs get away with those put them over here Center them over there okay I don't think he should attack anybody here and then we can take this down in one go there we go boom Oh geez oh geez we have to do it again could you imagine could you imagine we could actually do that but I don't know if that's the right answer to be honest nothing seems to be working besides like instant Killers like that other one so how do we make this work I mean can we just take him down like this that'd be kind of cool but then again we can't sell so I doubt that'll work and nothing actually takes those things down their damage is just crazy do we have Spirit we do but what good is that gonna do I mean no right oh maybe Spirit you're awesome I mean pretty cool you're a pretty cool guy but your damage is not so awesome to be honest with you spirit so maybe we can just sleaze trap these things so would this work though one two three four it's just gonna no it'll just say it's like too fast or too slow and then you won't be able to get the other one oh actually actually really dude dude how do you make it like work again though oh we did it oh we did it for whatever reason he did it and then I can control these if it gets too crazy oh he just does it he just does it okay oh my gosh really like just like that easy oh that's so cool that's why they're slower okay we know how to get past it now we just gotta sell it and I don't know what we're selling for because I think there's like purples and pinks and all this kind of stuff oh geez that's not good oh geez I messed it up but what we can do though is I can just wait okay so that's camo and Lead okay we can't do that so can we go back to that yes we can we can continue oh thank you we don't have to redo that all right so now we can go one two three four five one two three four five one two there we go we can sell it for something that's not him I just don't know what would be the best though like what's camo and greatness this guy but he doesn't see camo without that upgrade we could go like fire Phoenix or something that's on the water but nothing's on the water I mean Perma Spike would be really cool but it's not going to be in range all I'm thinking is Tsar Bamba that's really all we got at this point would that work or what about like Moab to take down those ddts pretty quickly so many different choices here but I'm gonna go with this one and think I'm just gonna think that the timing works like we'll just wait for it and then I can just hit pause and restart it real quick if I need to so I don't have to redo this 14 times it should they are moving slower so it should just be like one and done like DDT no no okay that was a lie and there's the ddts you're so dumb ddts I almost got all three of them though so I just have to like last second wait for that that's not gonna be even easy unless I can oh can I use these oh I can do this get them somebody doesn't drop the bombs or what like he just doesn't do it oh I died oh I died that's not good I swear though I've seen this guy not attack that fast like usually it's so slow and you're just like you're crying because you're like dude why are you so bad oh is that gonna work like that okay okay we're good but now this works just perfectly this time so I I just don't understand but I don't care either so we're gonna grab this guy and then we're going to grab this one here we're gonna Center him here right about there and we're going to use our little ability thingy and this is it this is it for sure just do something cool do something cool there we go there we go oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot I forgot about the top I want to try a different Tower like maybe mob or something I just really don't want to you oh this might work I just really really really don't want to use the other one because timing that's so awful but that's really bad too that's not gonna work at all I think we can use something else so we don't have to have like crazy timing abilities or some kind of weirdo-ness where we have to make sure we're really good with the other Tower I just I don't even know let's just keep it here though maybe hide your rocket pods but then that won't take down the ddts this could possibly take down ddts since they're moving slower I mean we have way too much money left so probably not but look how good they take those down that's really good and look I just drag it through and it just pops them all that's so cool oh no no don't do that don't do that don't do that maybe though maybe nope no no no no no need more time if I remember correctly these guys won't take out ddts at all except for their Rockets which are pretty good honestly this might actually just work we might not even need the big guy because I don't want to have to time those things that's crazy to me oh and they do stop them that's really good are you good enough though you're just gonna let me be it's gonna let me lose come on same idea but cooler Tower over here but he just chases things around he kind of goes a little crazy like he doesn't need to go that crazy but he does so again same problem not gonna work I feel like we're gonna have to use the silly silly plane and I don't want to what about regular plane that work maybe not I mean it might actually I honestly think it's the glasses on these guys it just make them so much stronger and it's just not working out but it's awesome that we can continue so we don't have to keep starting back over with this guy but at least it's foolproof and it always works to use him I mean this could work it'd be really really slow and I mean unbelievable but it would be cool what about a really awful idea like if we did this and then Zapped them all no we're talking this would take forever though I really it's gonna be the plane we just have to not be bad at this game I think that's what the whole thing we're dealing with here and I just can't come to terms and accept it because I don't want it to be the answer but if I start it on there so he drops the first one well he should anyway and then we'll drop this one here and then turn it back around make sure to drop that one okay we got rid of it but we can't we have to make sure he pops everything it's just not gonna fly we have to make him pop every single balloon that's not of DDT and then we won we are done so I managed to get one of the ddts because I'm finally starting to figure out the pattern this guy needs to fly in but who would make something like this and the way you have to do it is just pure mean because you got to do some crazy stuff here so you take it you wait for it to go around and then you immediately hit it here and then it'll always hit the first one so you're good right but then you're like okay now what do I do well you should bring it back because it's going to take some more time and then you get those ones but then you still don't get the first one so then you're like oh no what do I do and then you gotta hit here and then you can get anything that's just how it works I did it I did it I did it okay I don't even know if I can recreate that but I just waited for it and waited for it and then it perfectly worked out and I switched the thingy around that's something I could never do in a million years and if you enjoyed that then I know you'll like this video or we only have two seconds to take out 40 Ceramics in balloon cd6 can we do it
Channel: Dabloon
Views: 18,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloons td 6, btd6, bloons td, bloons, bloons td battles 2, btd battles 2, btd6 chimps, btd6 challenge, tower defense, strategy game, dabloon, dablooon, btd 6, bloons td 6 mod, modded bloons td 6
Id: 9nwGZXcj3a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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