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today saber and I have added a mod into Bloons Tower Defense that changes every single ability in the game so every middle path Tower is completely different now saber has an ability where everything is just brand new for example the tax shooter glaves are gonna shoot out and be homing missiles that Target and shoot in and attack other Towers it's crazy but my abilities are now the permanent versions of it and I can't even explain it it's just so awesome and epic we're gonna be doing a battle to see who is are you in the loop now do you know what's happening yeah I'm about to literally throw down this blade Maelstrom and see what happens dog you have yeah actually let's both get it and then we can we can both kind of see what's going on here okay whoa I see what the bank boosts are dude dude isn't the bank was crazy dude that's crazy my guy no the bank boost is wild dude I actually think I'm just gonna go Dart monkey first straight up wait okay so what does your Dart monkey do all right so my Dart Monkey instead of Super Monkey fan club being super Monkey fan club it goes Gaines permanent super attack and speed range itself so basically just turns into a like a super monkey and then the T5 gets permanently shooting powerful plasma blasts itself that's that's not bad so my guy is up to three nearby Dart monkeys including itself are permanently super monkeys so I guess you get one Ultra powerful guy and I get like three like normal like not crazy powerful so you still focus on the the stacking of the towers whereas mine just doesn't do that anymore interesting so none of us actually have any ability so you and I don't have to push any ability I get the ability but it's just a weaker permanent form of it right yeah so for example with like the dartling Gunner for me Rocket Storm it just occasionally shoots a wave of Rocket Storm missile dude mine shoots a single stream of Rocket Storm missiles with the same accuracy of its main attack isn't that crazy isn't that insane oh what uh yeah I I just got blade Maelstrom and it's now just a permanent blade Maelstrom like it's actually just permanently spinning blade Maelstrom on the whole map dude that's nutty okay I'm gonna work on trying to get some money what round are you on I'm on round 11. okay I'm on round eight I gotta set with my game dude yeah I spent a lot of I went straight for the blade males dude you gotta get the blade males from saber you will not regret it okay all right fine you will not regret it I promise you so we are not allowed to get any other Tower besides the middle path you can get cross path for it like you can get like a two like two five something right but you can't get any other Towers uh but banana Farms you're allowed to cross paths I was about to say yeah yeah we're gonna have a problem here folks if uh if I can't do this the craziest one I do they're all crazy they're actually all crazy Especially Yours I get some wild stuff I'm very interested to see what happens though well hey we'll find out man saber I have my monkey Ace if I go to this I have the Tsar Bomba occasionally drops mini star bombas so it just constantly just drops mini nukes oh crazy with seeking out the balloons dude isn't that gnarly that's insane dog yeah it's really good it's really really nice oh my gosh okay so yeah okay so we can't cross path anything other than the banana Palms right or you know ultimate yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes sir oh no I have no camera detection it's taking forever dude this banana boat's taking forever to get super op man oh crazy dude wait saber what is your villain what does the village do for you oh what does it do permanent moderate nearby attack speed increase I guess and then permanent Global strong attack speed buff is the Homeland defense interesting yeah mine is permanent Global moderate attack speed Pierce buff so it kind of sounds like the same low-key yeah it sounds very similar what is your Ultra boost do um let's see here my ultra boost Ultra boost my ultra boost all Towers in range have further increased attack speed kind of sounds the same in range I guess so it's just gotta be in range wait but but if everything is constantly being Ultra boosted I yes as long as they're in range yeah as long as they're in range oh mine's different so mine is like it says it's a it is an ability but it permanently boosts based on tier one Tower at a time so I can link to it and it just permanently like siphons power to it what yeah that's basically what my what my engineer does honestly even though you're on a different mode like different ability mode or whatever apparently mines mine seems kind of crazier but oh hang on I gotta get a bomb shooter down my mouth that's exactly what just happened because I just went to the same thought process as you oh my gosh but but all together you're still yours sounds pretty crazy bro I'm interested to see who's gonna be more overpowered for sure I'm very interested actually it's gonna be very crazy wait what does sniper do for me supply drop it just occasionally drops crates of cash so that's pretty cool that's pretty cool that's pretty good I just I just get infinite money he just I don't have to click on it I just get free money now that's actually really nice dude all right all right I need to get more money up in here dog yeah wait what does your sniper do what's your sniper supply drop bullets can bounce twice as much regularly what yeah regular attack also damages leads lead balloons and increases shrapnel popping power that's disgusting wait so you don't get crates of cash no I don't but dude Elite Sniper bullets bounce even more than supply drop and can bounce back to the same Target what Grant's elite elite targeting priority and faster reload to all snipers as well that's gnarly that's that's actually crazy easy I need to hurry up and get some money to upgrade this farm so that I can get whatever I want dog because this is all about to be so crazy I need to try all of this dude this is actually really exciting so I got Moab assassin and it frequently shoots out many Moab assassin missiles at the strongest Moab at screen so I'm happy with that oh my gosh oh my gosh I know what I need I know what I need I know what I need all right what do you need I need pirate lord what is your pirate lord do my pirate lord it basically just Becomes navark of the Seas and just automatically just pulls in the moabs oh see mine doesn't do that it just kind of greatly increases like speed for attack and all that and like certain Moab and ceramic damage so it actually kind of swaps for you and I in terms of that interesting okay I'm happy I got I wonder if I have Crow's Nest if I can hook in ddts but the problem my pirate lord is it can also pull in only up to BFB so knows OMGs it looks like okay okay so that's definitely not great I need to get mibs that I need to keep relying on this one bomb shooter to pop all these leads bro my super Maelstrom is it's it's really good it's just I'll leave it at that it's really really good all right what's mine dude shoots out more hummingblades with increased range and damage and or range and Pierce okay okay all right I think I'm gonna I'm gonna increase mine as well there we go baby oh my gosh it's like a sniper dude does it have just crazy range yeah bro oh my gosh dude and it comes back and everything okay all right I gotta try the sniper out dude I got it oh no I I need to put more banana Farms down man I keep like barely being able to afford things I need to just have some patience get some banana Farms down yeah I'm just like but that's the thing you get one at a time and you get to like see how cool it is and work with it true true all right I'm gonna do the thing I don't wanna do but I need to do it I'm gonna get my Village down I know dude it's like we're just so hyped by this mod that we're just like right putting aside so many things that are like low-key important yeah I just have oh my gosh whoa I just got the call to arms and everything is attacking like way faster Homeland whoa everything is way faster now it's just all the time that's a crazy buff like double attack speed now okay I got called arms it seems high it seems right it doesn't seem too crazy I guess it's just kind of like all their arms just been activated I guess I don't know now it doesn't even seem good permanent yeah it is permanent but it doesn't seem as good as the actual ability being activated all right I got a lead sniper and it's disgusting what saber what does your ninja monkey do balloon sabotage ninjas attacks have more range and slow balloons to half speed wow wow okay interesting but it doesn't it doesn't actually yeah well okay it's still good still good this one seems kind of I don't know Grand Saboteur let's hear ninjas attacks have further increased range in Pierce and do more damage to Stronger balloon types permanent Shinobi buff buff though that's what it says for me but what it's so from but for my thing oh balloons move at further reduce speed Moab class balloons spawn with slightly reduced Health every Moab that spawns has less health and all balloons are now just permanently slower all the time so okay so some of your abilities are definitely more nasty than mine but some of mine are definitely more nasty than yours for sure yeah okay wait so what is like I I gotta get my ice monkey down now right so wait ice monkey just periodically freezes all balloons on screen for it just it looked dude to saber I'm not kidding it for so for two seconds it could like freeze freeze freeze freeze dude mine doesn't do that what's my glue Gunner do and take increased damage vulnerable this sharp wait what they're sharp sources blue Wiggins and slows dude dude these are kind of like dog water Bros like it okay so glue strike glue weakens balloons making them take increased damage and be vulnerable to Sharp sources it's cool like that's not bad it's like cool and then glue storm is glue weakens and slows balloons further range is increased so it's just like okay it's just like a little better than that wait so you just make so it just makes it so all balloons just take more damage like more damage I think here you know I'm gonna try it I'm gonna try let's see what happens my glue storming just like freak dude dude holy cow I am literally just caught balloons between the ninja the glue Gunner and the ice monkey the balloons can barely even move oh okay all right this glue Gunner is actually kind of nasty he's like low-key popping all the balloons himself so himself yeah yeah yeah other than moabs instead we can't do anything moabs yeah that's reasonable all right I need to get where is oh I guess so I need to put down my engineer too right because the engineer Ultra boost permanent boost oh based on one Tower at a time though what does the heli pilot do down draft attacks attack is stronger and damages Moab class balloon and pick up and redeploy most monkey types of gangster a monkey Marine attacks from inside the heli with a machine gun okay what's mine mine just let's see mine just constantly just drops one so mine just is dropping cash crates and the monkey guy like all the time pretty much yeah okay so now it shows I have the uh Garrison ability like to get to put someone on the um on the support Chinook but it won't let me use the Ability so clearly someone's already on there oh that's funny this thing's cracked dude let me get rid of this cyber monkey oh my gosh are you just going like yeah this thing's literally shredding everything before it even comes out of screen and it's just it it's just a two five zero that's it that's crazy like nothing else is even doing anything it's just this Ellie pilot that's disgusting oh my gosh what is Ground Zero or zarbamo do for me bro bomb damage increased significantly shoots a continuous stream bombs okay but didn't didn't oh that Specter that does that interesting drops a continuous stream of larger more powerful bombs that stumble into it so does that mean it's always dropping them below it like it's making a line non-stop no way yeah yeah I'm just dropping mini Tsar bombas just like boom dude boom mine is literally dropping an infinite trail of bombs around it that's disgusting dude all right let's see preemptive strike it just adds us the preemptive strike just launches balloons dude this is getting out of hand I gotta get do wait I gotta get the mad now this monkey Ace is cracked bro it's just like carpet bombing everything dog oh my God whoa I'm just I'm just putting everything down now okay let's see all right so artillery battery oh my pop and all literally just makes him insane like he just attacks crazy fast now I beat round 80. you're already beating round 80 that's cracking all right so now I'm putting my wizard down wizard Lord Phoenix so summon to some My Wizard Phoenix just says summons a somewhat powerful lava Phoenix dude I got a T5 Monkey Sub preemptive strike and it basically is like a sniper monkey but with the missiles like it's just shooting super fast it's crazy that is nice it's crazy dude all right oh anti-balloon Gunner frequently eradicates nearby balloons that's not bad dude oh my gosh okay all right I need yeah I'm gonna start skipping some rounds bro this is crazy I'm trying to get like all of them all of them set up and ready to go wait also oh no oh can I yes I can nice how far do you think you're gonna be able to get I think I'm gonna be able to get pretty far I've been getting rid of towers just see how good like certain Towers can be so I haven't even been like stacking anything bro it's been like one two Powers Max like doing stuff also I just looked at the Beast Handler it looks it looks like it's not much it's just increased like sharp teeth or something do more damage like it doesn't really mine yeah mine just like constantly Stomps which is pretty cool getting some additional yeah I gotta get more I gotta get my Beast how many beasts do you need I think you need like six others for it to be like a full setup yeah I'm gonna get I'm gonna get Ultra boost down wait what about what about oh no Perma bird isn't it's not affected so I'm gonna get sniper monkey middle path so you're not doing any top or bottom paths I'm assuming yeah no I'm doing only I'm okay I'm only getting one of each middle path Tower okay so I have all I have every Tower and they're all metal path okay same same all right and I have so so you're gonna place literally one of every single one is that what you're doing I I have one of every single one oh then I got here let me do that real quick because I I was not doing that I was just testing things to see what would happen all right let me it's already got that down let me get this guy down there we go we're gonna get so far though we're gonna get crazy far okay I mean I'm already I'm killing it right now already got that guy down put this guy up here that down okay yeah all right there we go I am I just be around 100 now you should be around a hundred I haven't skipped any rounds either oh bro all right I'm gonna skip some rounds I want to see how far we can get here all right yeah I'm uh I'm just placing stuff right now bro oh my gosh this is what tower has like the most amount of Pop tree right now I don't even know because I've just placed all of them down so it could be kind of skewed I think my monkey sub still at the moment but it's mostly just because it's popping everything before anything else can even see it dude right now my monkey buccaneer has the most pops but a million because he just he just harpoons everything in but I have a lot of Pop towers that just have no pops yeah same same yeah I'm gonna get my ninja monkey down all right I'm almost done placing all of them nice nice well so are you placing like The Alchemist even though it doesn't have like an or I guess yeah Druid could be nasty let's see how that goes okay the one that's really bad for me is the bank because the bank just automatically like take does the loan like no matter even if you don't want it that's brutal it just always does the loan I'm a little worried once you get Spike Factory down dude are you doing a spike battery I feel like it might start a little lagging my Spike factor is going crazy okay so you are doing this back Factory interesting I have all of them I have all of them okay you're literally doing all we got it even even bees Handler even bees Handler okay oh that means I gotta start stacking all these bee stanleys hang on all right I'm going up against round 140. oh okay yeah we're I'm doing okay I'll say that I'm doing okay all right I'm just getting my last Beast handlers down and then I'm good I'm and I'm killing it bro I'm absolutely killing it all right all right I mean I'm very interested to see which combination is gonna be able to do the best and we both did maximize so there's there's no excuses at this point other than maybe I guess like specific placements yeah but I don't think it matters that that much if it goes into like a few couple of rounds yeah but I don't think I don't think it's gonna be close I think it's gonna be one person that does much better and there will be really it'll be really interesting to see what towers perform really well because I bet you have some towers that are gonna do crazy as well as like like do you have a monkey Buccaneer down um yeah I have everything no no so what's your monkey Buccaneers podcast or never mind you're not even far into that well I was gonna say most of them are yeah like zero because my like some of my town hours are just doing so much damage it's crazy this is crazy what's on my screen I'm skipping to tell what round yet I'm on 144. okay I'm gonna just go straight to round 144 I'm definitely gonna be fine on that I'm just gonna go to 150. all right all right I'll go to 150 as well yeah 150 kind of looks like jump change hang on I'm seeing this bed coming out it's kind of actually making some progress thank God we don't have to actually spam abilities your time no abilities we don't have to push every single ability nice oh my gosh okay I handled that quite well I'm gonna just let it turn to 150 10 Rounds okay okay we'll skip 10 rounds at a time until somebody loses I'm more worried my game is gonna crash than losing to be honest really are you lagging at all I mean this I think it's this Spike Factory dude it's crazy um crazy too but it's not like I'm skipping ten I'm at 162. all right I'm at I just beat 162. so I'm skipping all right I'll just go I'm at 172. all right I'll just go to 172 because it's just there's no point I already know I'm gonna beat that to be honest that's really funny let's see I'm happy all right pretty well let's do a pop let's do a pop count update who is your most pop count Tower I don't even know dude I don't even know so far mad at 3.2 million I mean I I just gotta like look around I guess and see which ones like where's my what's your yeah what's your sniper at okay my snipers at 500k my sniper is only at 400k so your sniper interesting what about your monkey Buccaneer my Buccaneer is only at 160k but it's climbing quite fast it's just most balloons haven't even gotten to the point where my Buccaneer is at 18 million oh whoa whoa 20 million wait you already had 21 minutes why do you have that many pops dude because he he's harpooning everything instantly okay my super monkey's at seven million so that's nice oh my Super Monkey is only at three million okay so it seems like I may have on average more higher pop counts on the towers but what's your base Handler at not very high but but also the Beast Handler's kind of positioned like pretty far down so not many tires have even gotten to it all right I'm skipping I look I'm going around 200. all right I'll do that too I'll do that too let's see if we can deal with around 200 this might be crazy here we go here we go okay oh a lot of b80s oh oh all right these oh these babies are making that first turn that's kind of worrisome I'm dealing I'm barely dealing with this bad let me see I don't know man these four V8s are getting kind of far I think all right I got the I I beat around 200. yeah I'm still focusing on it well I skipped to 201 so I gotta deal with 201 and 200 at the same time I don't know this Baby's Loki getting far it's kind of worries him I'm gonna beat it wait what is I want to see what my ninjas at oh man oh no I might not make this dude my ninja has five million pops one more baby oh my gosh dude that baby almost got to the end dude it literally got to the bottom water that was actually kind of oh wait oh my gosh oh my gosh I almost didn't make that after it popped it almost they almost like rushed through I might lose here I think I skipped too far saber what round you on 212. no way I don't even think I could be like 202 to be honest dog okay no I lost a 212. 212. interesting okay well I'm on 202. let me see if I can beat 212. first I gotta pop this 1B skipping straight to 212 and seeing if I can beat it because now you've already set the standard let's see b212 budget v80s coming out please please please please please please please I want to win I want to get that nasty dub bro please come on come on heavily damaged babies one left one left okay I beat the bads waiting on all these 213 baby I'm a winner let's go all right all right thank you man thank you and thank you guys for using Creator code tuber in the btd6 shop and for liking subscribing and watching we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 1,152,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, we revamped every single middle path for all towers, btd 6 middle path, tewbre middle path, tewbre modded, modded btd 6, btd 6 mods, btd 6 middle path mod, tewbre
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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