CHURCHILL vs ADORA Challenge in BTD 6! (Round 120+)

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captain churchill vs adora what hero is stronger today saber and i are going to be putting this question to the test as we play the one hero only challenge the rules are simple you can use your hero only to get pops you can do other supporting things like brewmaster you can get money to level them up you can get things to boost them but that is it which hero is going to be stronger in the long run and can we beat round 100 probably dora i think a dory's gonna win all right there's no shot bro he's his name's captain captain churchill bro so just because he's a captain he's like better huh huh no no i want to point out that where am i where am i who am i are you ready did you hit start no i have not hit star yet do you want to did you start three two one go okay the one thing that i have i i know always mute the audio for for this because i have this special like skin that makes him look like like a power ranger or whatever oh that's his right his ability where he like shoots really fast and it's on a really short cooldown he only has one voice line for it okay and i'm not kidding it's it's this is what he says turbo firing turbo power laser beams just like that and so literally it's every five seconds turbo power laser beams turbo or laser beams and you're like bro please please think of the kids think of the children churchill you know what's weird dude what's weird that winston churchill the uh prime minister during world war ii of uh great britain yeah that guy yeah he he was so well known and everything that ninja kiwi decided to make him a monkey in bloom's td6 i just thought i'd point this isn't history crazy yeah it's actually crazy because they they modeled it after real life so you know around the uh the 1950s he actually survived you know he he was actually he's he was still alive and he turned into a monkey so it's weird how like specific they went with it dude it was a terrible experiment gone horribly wrong he was trying oh man oh by the way we should add that we have a cross path on and race button but we are not going to use that not like we could really use it on our heroes anyways but we're not going to use it on towers that can pop things so it's just for support it's just to make it but it's like it's come on guys it's tuber we i think we need to let them know when we're not using race budgeting yeah that would be easier dude we'd have to do it less often we'd have to say it wasn't yeah we can't do that on this channel dude we like come on we beat chimps on easy dude speaking of support thank you for all the support recently guys you should hit that like button and subscribe and turn on as elon continues to ramble about subscribing the audience begins to think wow that guy's really annoying wow from peanuts to the parents oh yeah that's exactly what that was uh dude i need one more level level up churchill because as soon as he gets level five it adds a machine gun like literally just like here's here's an extra level here's a literal machine gun attached to the tank dude that's crazy dude what level is a door right now dude i haven't leveled up adora at all manually just so you know yeah i know yeah here's the thing okay all right now i gotta nevermind that the the magic balloons got by i got wrecked wait did you lose no no no i just lost some milk you know what i just realized though which is gonna be crazy is that dude this machine gun's crazy strong dude it just blasts in these balloons but anyways oh dude the one level in banach dude i i have to buy two thousand dollars so we can buy the oh the camo balloon anyways anyway all over the place right now my guy i'm all over the place right now okay but it's really important all right good good i forgot what i wanted to say right you were building it up for so long no i was building oh for adora bro the fact that you can have the sacrifice and that way of crossbar on you can literally just like absorb a tower and just like instantly get level 20. wait uh look i'm not gonna lie i like straight up just zoned out like for the past five seconds can you tell me what you just said again i forgot no okay all right that's what i said no you can you can use adora's sacrifice ability to like instantly level things up like you use it on one of like your cross path towers and you're gonna like insta can i do it with like with a farm level yeah you can do it with a farm you can use it on any tower and sacrifice that it's based around the amount of money it's worth so like if you like you get a cross path three two three farm like you'll literally get like four levels like no joke like unironically like slapping dude that's schmony dummy bro that's some dummy money dude all right now i gotta go ahead and wait for this money here there we go okay all right i'm actually gonna go ahead and take uh take your word for here because i need to level up the door quick or else i'm gonna lose you might want to get a village asap oh oh i not purple oh trust me that's that's how i was able to start hitting purple balloons what round are you at right now i am at 38. what are you at you're at 38 i'm a 35. adora hit the balloons dude oh i accidentally bought a monkey bank that's okay i'll just sacrifice this one yeah just tired dude that's he you don't have to waste it you just sacrifice it i didn't even pay attention to what level the door was so that that was kind of redundant now i don't even know what level is the door okay we're okay all right i beat 40. uh adora is level 12 now oh my god i'm level seven dude you want to talk about it ryan i just did level seven oh you know what you're you're right you're right you bring up very valid points in this argument this is an argument by the way here's the thing i'm kind of just smacking these balloons around right now okay so like i'm really confident because i still can ultra boost them i still can get i still can get alchemist i still can get a village on them i can still level them up 13 times so like we're gonna be just like cruising along i'm actually like low-key struggling with adora right now like i'm barely popping blooms but dora gets like crazy strong once you get to level 20 and then you have like because remember the sacrifice ability doesn't like lose value at level 20. because the sacrifice gives her xp but it also gives her bonus damage too through this guy has got to point you're also gonna like the thing with the door is like churchill is like constant steady damage with the door is more of that like burst damage so you're definitely gonna wanna focus on getting that like submarine down so that way you can get like reduced cooldowns but put it off in the corner because last time you cheated it had like 80k pops all right i'm about to get my banana central baby oh dude yeah see i've actually already been doing that and honestly even though i have the blood sacrifice i think i'm still just gonna use money to level up the door because like i i'm just starting to get some dumb money right now like i might as well all right cool she's 19 now holy cow dude i'm level eight one churchill bro i i'd ask if you want to talk about it but i know you already did but like i'm like not i'm low i'm at round 47 and like i don't even need to like level anything up right now like and i actually just like cruising yeah see i actually felt like i had to level up a door to 20. like the door is now 20 but uh like i'm not i'm still i don't want to talk about it all right i got to start ultra boosting them that's so nice yeah i'm working on the ultra booster right yeah we can we can get like a portable lake down right for an energizer no yeah of course you can uh i gotta get some out of the way though let's here i think i need to just start smacking churchill up like start just leveling this dude okay i finally reached level ten thank goodness is there any other like abilities that i can get i guess i can go ahead and get tomlin defense uh what other things can i use to boost this guy i have no idea there we go all right cool now i actually don't think i'll pop anything to be honest i think we're good i put i put energizer far i learned my lesson from the last video on this yeah i'm moving my i'm moving this guy my little guy way over here oh let's go ahead and get this engineer monkey down baby all right now dude church is so expensive bro i'm at level 30. it costs 20. it costs 31 000 to level them up right now wait how 31k to level them up one time dude all right churchill's level 20 baby let's go all right i got i else that i can use to boost this bad boy yeah i got ultra boost boosted and of course we're good with alchemist perma brew right even though that's prob what i'm going to do where's the helicopter there it is no lock in place stay right there fort chinook give me the ability got permit brunell yeah move them as far away as possible put them like right up here there we go okay cool moved the alchemist looks like we're in business ladies and gentlemen yeah is there even anything else i can do at this point dude blood sacrifice does nothing once once a door is a level 20 right no do you do you not listen to anything that i ever say most of the time dude we had a conversation about this no no i actually like i i'm i looked i looked at what the description of blood sacrifice was as i was recalling what you said and here we are so i'm good oh my gosh dude that range is insane yeah no adora is slapped those balloons around bro adora does not care bro dude wait okay okay i think i maxed it out though because now i'm like i'm trying to i'm just like inhaling all of my farms and it's not going up anymore so i think that's it it might well i think it's i think it's a base on like the amount like the first sacrifice that you have so dude you know what you should do so it's gotta be more than the first one like it's gotta keep going up you mean yeah i think i think that's what it is right so dude get like dude i dude get like like a like eventual sun god in like the bottom right as like as like your end-all be-all and then just sacrifice the vengeful sun god and then you just like win bro well here let's see here oh so oh but her range goes down after a while so it's not like it stays anyways you know no it's a temporary thing you just got to keep feeding her bro she's hungry bro are you telling me i gotta microwave all this shotgun oh gosh dude dude when you asked which hero i wanna play there's a reason i said churchill that sounds hair all right look i'm just gonna go ahead and max crossbath all of these farms and then i'll just do each one as i need it and that's my ability that's all like actually no i think that's the best way to go about it right yeah just have them at the ready to be absorbed here you know just because i'm a generous individual okay really i'm very kind yeah yeah do you have two villages down next to adora both with homeland defense and call to arms with the tech bot linked up so it always has the uh attack speed you know what is going on that's generous man i'm actually shocked that you actually reminded me about that wow yeah you're welcome wow you're welcome yeah i want this to be a fair competition no no yeah no i mean wow wow okay cool i'll take it do you wait is it only two i guess because i have energizer down right so i should only need two i don't have an energizer down and i still find oh so yeah you'll you'll be more than fine you actually have a little bit of time just do it if you want to be like really precise with it i would recommend you turn off the double speed so you can get it like right on time to be a little more satisfying but like i am going to do that i don't know i know i clicked too early dude oh that's just now you gotta wait now i gotta unhook it everything what round are you at right now uh i'm on round 77 what round are you on 74 but i'm gonna skip all the way up to around 77 so we're on the same round oh wow and you're that confident huh i mean it's like three rounds bro nah dude wow this guy's got some confidence ladies and gentlemen dude no bro the balloons aren't even getting out of like the spawn right now churchill is pummeling these kids dude let's see does this last exactly the length looks like there's a little bit of overlap i kind of whiffed it i'm kind of garbage i'm dog water i mean having a little bit of overlap's fine no it was actually kind of a lot of overlap i'm not gonna lie i'm waiting out this time i'm actually paying attention dude paying attention is hard paying attention such a pain dude come on i'm i actually slowed it down like i'm actually i'm watching it like a hawk got it okay all right that's good enough that's good that's good enough nice dude how is it going for you right now what round what uh how confident are you to skip rounds um i'm like actually pretty confident my guy i'm not gonna lie where okay so now that we're here how confident you are do you think you can beat churchill i'm actually still not sure to be honest i feel like churchill i'm sure well that's what i like i think like objectively i think churchill still might have some advantage but but i am going to try and micro place down all of these or micro uh blood sacrifice these farms and i think that could give me that boost that i need right i've got them all at the ready holy cow saber i just realized something that you can do i think how much money do you have uh 1.5 milli bro why did you dude dude i think i'm not sure if this works but i'm pretty sure that you can get the vengeful adora i can get benj oh that's right so so what you can do is if in like the very bottom right hand corner away from the entire map make a vengeful sun god tower and she will upgrade into the vengeful adora and that should make her stronger and that should give you a better chance of winning hot take alert i don't know how to make my vengeful sun god tower i'll i'll guide you through it baby let's do it okay okay all right how do i do it how do i do it okay bottom right hand corner yeah yeah wait do you have the vengeful do you have the upgrade to get it like the the monkey knowledge to get it oh i don't know i actually don't know like maybe maybe i have no idea ah oh you know what i'd say probably not because i feel like i would remember if i got it so i feel like i'd remember that i don't know because i also do sometimes randomly just get all like as many upgrades as i want right like do you have the magic do you have like max magic monkey maybe uh max i say it's worth it max i just wanted to try like magic monkey knowledge um i don't know i think i'm i think i'm only a few behind on all of them to be honest i only have like a few left let's try it let's okay worst case scenario you'll get the the sun the sun god adora so you'll you'll get the upgrade either way it's just a picture between true sun got a door or ventral sun got a door okay all right so put a super monkey down oh and like f is the bottom right hand corner if you can uh super monkey down oh i just realized my banks are giving me a ton of health by the way i should probably whatever whatever let me just get it that's fine i have like 500 hp oh okay perfect all right i got a super monkey down okay so upgrade it to the sun avatar and then not the sun temple so just get to the sun got it now you want 50 000 no cross path so don't do any cross path on it of the three main tiers so primary military and magic not support okay not support yeah so i'll do an ice monkey and i'll get i don't know what's the most expensive ice muggy normally the best one i normally go you can get like like moab just get like all three of them right you can get multiple ones so you can get super brittle absolute zero in that normally the best one to get is the bottom path boomerang monkey is the moab combination from a charge yeah i wanna i'll do that it has to be above 50 000 though so just make sure you're working on that okay i'll i'll play it safe here all right okay so i got three uh i've definitely got at least 50k in so now i just got to get military down uh normally the best one is like the flying fortress but that will pop up yeah that'll get a lot here i'll just get them more i'll just get mortar monkeys down i'll just change their target okay the sniper monkey mob is not bad too i mean it's okay like i think it's okay if it pops balloons like i'm not gonna be or you can get a darling gun or like a ray of doom and then just an or a mad and just like point it in the opposite direction that's what i'm basically doing with uh with these mortar monkeys right here uh then for the dru you can get super strong i'm trying all right that should be enough all right now i need to do magic super storm droop that's over fifty thousand oh we're determined to truly see who can do better here hey i got forty five dollars i should probably slow it down actually while i do this huh i slowed it down as well i'm running around 93. oh wow superstar okay through it almost got all of it here let me just get another druid down to make sure i got 50k on that oh oh oh oh i got spirit of the force that could have been bad that's fine it's not that big of a deal if they get pops like it it's fine okay now upgrade it upgrade all right so upgrade to the sun temple now okay now you're gonna do the exact same thing where you're gonna have 50 000 of every single tier so primary military magic and support and support okay all right let's get boomerang monkey down let's do this here okay don't make sure you don't upgrade it after you do that because there's still extra steps okay okay oh this is sweaty bro okay oh i like i don't want to mess it up i don't want to mess it up and then do it again or something i got at least 50k of that let's get mortar monkeys down all right change the target okay get another mortar monkey down i'm at dude imagine after all this i like lose before i can even do it that would be so tragic it'd be absolutely tilting bro straight up oh my gosh am i actually that short hang on i i think i'm like a hundred short on this other thing there we go okay we'll go super storm on this guy uh hang on there's a bad coming now i gotta make sure i actually pop that one sec yeah no you're good bro let me actually just absorb one of these to make sure i get a buff here dude adora's rage is nasty with this absorption she can do she can hit the entire map dude it's insane wow yeah crazy right like absolutely bonkers yeah that's insane all right so we'll get super storm and then we'll get just another one down here let's go bottom path okay and then i need uh i don't know what i'll do here i guess i'll well i'll get a village down i guess no top pass bike factory just get super mines it's like 127 000. oh right okay cool okay so now get the other two t5 super monkeys the anti-balloon and legend of the night out of the range of the village so like top left of the map or just like out of the range of it i'll put him as far top left as possible now all right and so the okay so then for these guys i go the just the other t5s uh yeah t5s on both of them okay all right all right got it all right that's that that was it see uh if you upgrade it see what see if it does it please if it doesn't work it's not that you did it wrong i think it's just you don't have the upgrade for it let's see i don't have the upgrade for it darn it darn it did a door upgrade though uh to what what am i looking for here did she change at all i didn't i don't even remember what she looked like before you just told me i don't know man i don't know that's fine dude okay what round are you at right now i'm at 104 what are you at 106. okay let's skip to 110 and see how we perform here let me get rid of all the other boosts that i just had all right i just skipped to 110. all right one two three four five six all right okay all right that was it was a journey dude that was a journey into half my guy oh my gosh okay all right you want to go i handled hang on let's wait until i get to 111. so let's see let's just go by every 10 rounds now see if we can beat 10 rounds at a time yeah okay i'm going to 120 then okay hang on i'm still trying to beat 110 i think that was actually kind of close bro i'm not gonna lie that was actually kind of close okay all right let's go jojo okay i'm going to 120 1 120. i think i think i got 120 in the back yeah i just absorbed another farm dude when i absorb another farm dog i'm going i'm going to 130. okay all right let's see what happens monodora oh that bad got a little further than i was comfortable with i'm going 130. no i'm i'm so what dude 130 was terrified no way all right i almost lost right there i don't know how i didn't lose right there bro that ddt was inches i went to 139 because 140 is the fortified b80 so skip to 139 okay okay all right i skipped to 139 i skipped to 139 holy cow bro this is so sweaty dude oh my gosh okay i'm just like actually i think i lost okay oh i lost i lost before 139 okay so i lost all right i'm seeing if i can take on the fortified bad okay let's see what you got man i don't think it's gonna work i don't think i got it i don't think i got it it i just broke there's no way i think this i think it's over for me bro i mean either way you got further than me i couldn't i only got to like i think i'd assume one thirty seven or eight time bro i think if you had gotten the fortified adora or the event yeah maybe maybe you're right yeah that's kind of yeah the fortified bad messed me up bro hey you still got to that round though i couldn't even get there i i died before that so you know what how many pops did you end up getting did it does it say um i got like my adora yeah uh 3.8 million wait three there's no way you got 3.8 million wait why would you get i had 8 million wait what i my total pop count was only 4 million my total pop counts 8 million bro how does that even work i have no idea but we'll we'll see all right dude churchill can almost can get to 139 on his own round that's bonkers absolutely bonkers and that's going to end up this video if you want to see more hero versus hero videos hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications if we do this again it's going to have to get a little bit more interesting because we're going to be getting down to the more the weaker hearing i know so it'll definitely be a much more interesting journey so if you want to see that you know what to do thanks for watching you're youtubers we're tuber and we'll see you tomorrow for some more awesome balloons tower defense 6 content peace bye
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 711,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, churchill vs adora challenge btd 6, round 120 btd 6, bloons tower defense 6 heroes, btd 6 heroes, btd 6 strongest heroes, btd 6 hero challenge
Id: 22eiTErswE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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