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today my friend is the battle of the ages sabre and i are going to be battling a lucian end balloon in a best competition of who can do the most possible damage against the dummy balloon using the ultimate cross pathing we're gonna split into teams of two go on monkey meadow and battle the boss balloon which shows up around 40 60 and 80. the damage we do to the boss will be accumulative overall to the maximum number of damage after we do that we'll jump back in the call and see who is able to do the most total damage by round 80. are you ladies and gentlemen ready i don't know are lukine and dubloon gonna be able to handle this guys i'll know bro all over oh hang on before we split up here do you guys have a strat or you better wing this i'm thinking all glue gunners oh these guys this guy is going h-bomb so this guy's going the meta strat okay okay respect respect boys awesome let's do this three two one and let the battles be good these chumps got nothing on us dude okay so ryan i've got uh mr pat fussy as my hero we need banana farms like immediately i'm sending it all to you let's get banana farms up and running got the banana farm here i think pat fusty is going to be a super solid choice i think pat fusty works really well with that so i ended up picking a zealy for my hero this is why i picked a zealy azeali has something called moab hex places a curse on a moab class balloon it takes damage every second until annihilated and at level 20 moapex works faster and can destroy bad balloons this okay this ability like single-handedly makes the zealous one of the strongest late game characters in the game oh like actually you should put your other free dart monkey down but oh do i oh oh that's right so we need to get ready for round 40. so i think the plan is that you should pick up your bananas so we need to think about our best strategy for doing the most amount of damage possible okay so okay that's why i picked pat fussy because there's not really any other character that i could think of especially on this map that i really wanted to that i thought we could like really use their abilities to stack onto other towers you know i i really think i this is actually genuinely what i think you should do like no joke like no means you should put pat foster like way off in the top right corner like by himself and we surround him with snipers the snipers are going to attack so fast that when you use the buff the snipers are just going to get redonkulous that's genius bro i love that that's a great idea all right more banana i'm let's get the banana farms up and running honestly even if we miss round 40 and like we just don't do that yeah damage on round 40. i don't think it matters too much okay i think we're at 60 and 80. you're right here's the cross path towers that we need to have boomerang monkey bomb shooter sniper monkey sniper monkey for sure i think i totally said that but that's okay um i'm just reiterating and then oh saber bro we need to get the paragon towers too oh do you think they're going to do that what do you think a lucky and dubloon are going to do because we haven't really we didn't talk too much about any strats uh to them or them to us so they have to come up with something on their own do you think they're gonna actually do anything like paragoning or any of that like i have no i have no idea those guys are like here's the thing they're wild cards they're wild cards but they're not like they're not bad at balloons by any means no no they're good they're good they're smart and they're adaptable like every time i play against them they kind of know what's going on alukin has done the the boss balloon challenge before so he already kind of knows what's up it's fine bro we need money like tell me dude my farm's not upgrading i think we're de-syncing dude that's not good wait do i not have cross path on what you don't have cross bath on bro wait it doesn't say a cross path on but i should have cross path on what is this uh oh wait wait wait send me money let me see i might have to restart we might have to just refresh this if i don't have crosstalk send me some money i think you don't have crossbars on because i'm de-syncing i can't upgrade a cross path right now i don't have cross path on i messed i don't know why it's in my mod folder let me just restart ladies and gentlemen we'll be right back ladies and gentlemen we're picking it back up uh we're back we're a few rounds behind where we left off we're losing by the way yeah dude you wanna no no we need money bro i know you can't wait i almost got i hear i heard you begin that sentence ryan like you wanna send me some money yeah no no no no okay maybe you should yeah yeah you should send me some money we can't lose like we actually can't lose bro like i would never forget just crosstalk that dart monkey bro that's what i'm doing all right then send me any money you have left over bro dude this all right so we're gonna call ourselves out but we're still gonna say because i think it's gonna be so funny so we're about to start the competition with them right we're about to do this and we're like so you guys have double cash on right and neither of them even own double cash so we just have to go and reluctantly turn off double cash bro was literally like i was like ugh all right okay you know what you know what they they offered to let us keep it on you believe these guys they ought to let us keep double cash on them yeah no no no no we got now we really have to beat him that was too confident you know that was really confident dude is this what the balloons youtubers think of us like do they think this little one was broke but they're like yeah just keep the double cash out like you can literally make double the income as us that's fine i don't know man i mean hey maybe it's because then like see they win no matter what right because if we beat them we had double cash on it's not a real dub but then because i need to buy wait wait no no no no no i'm okay okay okay are you sure yeah the outlook of that is gonna come over uh what about leads leads yeah alchemists can beat let's oh you put i didn't notice you put the outfit alchemist is the best way to pop love blood i've i figured it out no dude like let like panicking with lead balloons just throw an alchemist down 500 inst like pops lead balloons that's nice no that's actually a really good call you're right look at that dude isn't that so nice what are you doing get marketplace you clown i mean i put a farmer down it's just as fast dude it literally doesn't matter no it's no no no no mario the cross path marketplace with banana plantation like triples the income you make bro uh all right well let's see oh you're right oh he gives himself no you're right that was actually like what am i doing what am i doing dude dude i better need the double cash on bro i thought i'd slightly change it up and take a risk you know what i mean bro the moab's gonna show up in six rounds and we got two dart monkeys down yeah but you crossed path that had dartmouth oh no yeah yeah yeah you crossed it so i mean you got that clearly bro like i don't what do you want what do you want from me okay money i can't i want money bro uh yeah i think um i mean as long as we can beat the moab because we're just trying to get set up late game here well we're really that is risky that is risky to make that i know but we got a full set we have to we have to believe in our path you know what i mean okay i'm gonna i don't really i need to get juggernaut that's what i need to get is joe okay can you get it on your own yeah yeah that sounds so that was such a talk can you can you get it on your own well i'm just making sure i don't want to send me money send me money send me money send me money send me money that was a little definitely a lot late but that's okay me what do you mean me you really sent me money sometimes i like basically sent you money like in two three seconds two three seconds bro that's that's brutal bro i'm sorry i'm sorry i'll do better i'll do better next time dad no it's okay i forgive you look we gotta remember right here gummies round 40 is where this bad boy is gonna start showing up look at that bad boy awesome we're gonna do no damage to it we're going to do like no damage like 200 yo yo 400 can we like speed it up let's go just get it over with i am sending you money bro uh as soon as you can you definitely you need like eleven thousand dollars and then you can sell one and then get the bananas i know what i'm doing here ryan all right okay apparently not bro because you didn't buy the marketplace okay because i well i was asking can we do banana farmers and we decided to do it and i was like all right i'll just try banana farmers but of course i know the usual strat okay i do who do you think i am all right i'm i'm saber most frequently seen on the r slash tuber subreddit about memes how i love banana fox okay you do make a point with that yeah like yeah like there is a point being made there i don't know what the point is but you definitely made it awesome all right look at that boys 4 000 damage by round 40. we're crushing it yeah i know they probably already are like a million dude that's gonna be a little bit like awkward if that's like i hope we don't get like absolutely crushed because that would be kind of embarrassing one thing i think we have the advantage on is we understand cross pathing and i don't know if they use it very much yeah like crossbred but here's the thing we don't have double sh money bro oh we don't have double shmoney but we do understand cross bathing i think that is all right now we're making some money dude yeah yeah now we're getting some money uh that itself is a a good advantage to have you know knowing how to cross bath and exactly what's gonna do best wow oh my gosh we're already getting so much more money now no no like that is so crucial being able to get that like that is a game changer actually i'm gonna get like three of these down then i'm gonna go for banana central i'm just gonna save okay yeah you do that i'll start i don't know what i'm doing please help me dude oh my gosh if we lose we're such chumps bro not only have we already become accustomed to these mods but we've already become accustomed to this challenge if they beat us we're actually the biggest chumps in the world okay i i don't i like seriously i don't know if i'll ever be able to like show myself like on camera ever again bro like could you imagine and we're working together too like i don't know that would be so freaking pathetic dude dude it's not gonna look good on the resume like not gonna lie oh get another banana farm down oh yeah wait what might oh i thought i had three down oh my gosh yeah wait what am i doing oh my gosh oh man i'm throwing for them dude that's what it is i'm throwing through them but you're so worried about losing that you're just losing no no it's 10 rounds i was sitting there saving up for a banana central already i if you can is the banana central going to be worth it bro bro i need to get sharpshooter what do you mean dude oh yeah yeah you're good now bro four four three four you're good like we could probably get to like round 110 or something just no chance we could get to round 110 with this scraggly little tower bro oh man you don't know until you try it you know what i mean no i've tried it before it doesn't work we need to get sharp okay thank goodness i kind of prematurely sold it for like no it's okay it's okay dude i'm sweating bro not gonna lie we didn't round 80 is not a lot of rounds conclusion we have two towers down basically man look are you looking uh yeah i'm looking i don't know where you should be looking i'm looking right in the camera okay all right now i'm not i'm putting i'm gonna upgrade this i'm gonna upgrade this and then i'm just gonna start sending you money and you just start doing things okay here all right i also want to get myself a banana do it get bananas get banana central okay just keep here i'm just gonna keep sending you money just get banana central you're getting money i'm so close yeah i'm getting a lot of money okay boom let's go okay put pat fussy down like on the yellow flower like right above this like like the yellow flower right there okay okay i should have probably hang on actually i'm trying to perfectly finesse this okay all right nice good respectable um i'm going to uh get a couple more farms down and then i'm going to upgrade fuzzy uh yeah that's can you send me a bunch of money real fast so i can get the 555 this guy okay all right okay all right see now things are they're accelerating okay they're out there we go now we're actually making a little bit of money okay uh we're on round 60 right now yeah so now we're actually just like starting to get a little bit of damage here uh you want to just get something down right now you think you want to try it uh if you can send me some money yeah there you go there's some money 100k thank you uh can you send me more money no i have zero i have literally zero oh oh i can use fuss usability i can use plus usability what am i doing come on alrighty i all right we're getting some damage done now boys okay yeah we're getting there now we're getting there all right we're at 650 000 damage we have 20 rounds we could really get some are we gonna be able to get to a million i don't know i doubt it yeah i think so i think so i think so i'm gonna keep definitely i'm gonna keep using plus seats ability nice that's big that's really nice okay uh that's really weird we're gonna get to it come on no i don't think we're gonna get too much oh no oh oh oh they could reach for a second dude okay that's nine hundred thousand damage okay that's not bad that's that's inspiring that's that's really inspiring very much inspiring we we can now finally focus on the final round here i'm gonna just upgrade that can you send me some money for homeland actually no you focus on you round 70 i think is when we just like full-size where we actually go full upgrades yeah i agree i agree yeah cause i want to get as much money as possible in the meantime so if i can get these farms down asap dude cause i'm trying to make this dumb money dummy money yeah no no i understand make some dummy money for us we need to make some dummy money we're at 92 uh 000 damage which is not too shabby that was not bad for what we had down man and you didn't even get any other like sniper or i guess we don't well we could do other snipers right but they'd only be t4s i think that's fine oh wait i can cross yo yo i can cross path dude you we can we need to get some crazy like you also need a boomerang monkey as well yeah yeah okay okay okay so let's keep that in mind let's keep that in mind i'm just gonna keep getting these farms down straight up straight up yeah until around 70. yeah yeah i'm so interested to see how they're gonna do like i feel like it's not going to be close either they cream us or we get just out we just absolutely take a mallet and just yeah straight up okay one more round i'm almost done here with placements okay that's it nice very nice okay i'm getting one more down just for safety's sake i think that's risky because we need all right let's um round 79 or like round 78 or whatever we should sell all farms so just keep putting more things yeah yeah i'm down i agree i agree yeah should we slow down should we slow down real quick so we have time because i have a bunch of money let's just slow down the thing i slowed down oh i accidentally spit it okay there we go all right let me get my sniper down can you send me money oh yeah should we get a village down on busty in that area as well so that they can be even faster um you should focus on paragons okay i'm not i i don't think i'm gonna have enough money for paragons right now did you already get well do you have enough we have we have money for paragons well okay but hang on you cross path the dart monkey so what's gonna happen with that oh i see what you're saying um i can sell him oh right we could sell both of them to like try to get them cross-path like the boomerang monkey we should focus on getting those like right now like all three are all of them basically as many as we can you see where my dart monkeys are which one do you want paragon you're your crossbow master dart monkey i'm going to sell wait i'm going to sell this start monkey here before you do it though let me upgrade my dart monkeys all the way too so that way you can get like max paragon level okay okay oh my gosh dude 74 74. are you ready yeah okay you i'm good you compare it no you got two of the same ones down what's going on here yeah yes uh yes dude oh wait what you key five both of them how does that even work whatever okay that's it's monkey knowledge bro you can get another one you can put another one down so you can get even more a higher paragon you get two of them yeah that's a paragon not a paragon a monkey knowledge thing um oh but it's only bottom path for only crossbow masters only for crossbow basketball good all right you ready yep go for it what do we got what level what paragon degree is that 55 55 let's go all right ninja next uh ninja where do you want the ninja to go um above the uh gun or yeah yeah yeah yeah no no that's or to the right of the m80 or left left left of alchemist you can fit there no no that's where our broom that's where our that's where our boomerang monkey's gonna go oh oh okay okay so just what right of md yeah right of m80 is gonna be fine round 75 bro all right i need more money dude this is uh there you go um i need just a little more hang on just a little more we're almost there 6 48 6 48 i'm 8k short bro there you go okay got it got i got it easy 42 okay two all right what else what else we've got both our snipers down on pat fusty we should have put pat fusty and everyone over there look pat fuzzy's not even making contact with anyone else dude let's just move them let me get this support you know just move them oh you could just put him and sell him dude it's not gonna be that big of a deal oh it's true i haven't even upgraded i haven't even upgraded you can you send me a bunch of money i need a bunch of money uh i mean i only have 70k i need i really want to get has galaxy lee going to be enough all right we don't need any more paragons get snipers or just surrounding busty right now yeah should we start selling like the farms because i'm like bro i only have 25k no no we should wait until like round 79 i think is when we should sell everything and wait one more time all right surrounding what surrounding fussy yeah surrounding fusty plus he's not upgraded but oh no he already has the ability to yeah all he needs is that ability okay um i'm gonna get anti-balloon gunner oh that's really expensive bro where's the sniper hotkey jesus 178 we're on 78. that's okay we can sell it at 79. we can also turn off auto start like we don't have to like continue oh that's true yo yo turn off turn off turn off i turned oh my gosh you're so right i totally forgot about that okay i think uh i've max ranged everyone here oh if we get a village now i can increase his range um i also can cross path the village real quick over here i just realized yeah we need to make sure that our homeland defense is allowed time pretty well you also are going to want getting an md might not be too bad of an idea oh yeah okay well i don't have any money for that dude oh it's okay yeah yeah we ought to start off so as soon as it finishes i'm going to turn on the double speed just because we're going to have time anyways like we want to just get hopefully it doesn't just keep going i don't know there we go okay yeah yeah okay all right so we're selling all the farms now yeah no no we can start this round too and at the end of this round we sell everything oh okay okay whoo maximize them on the edge right now we got it we got it so i'm cross pathing the all of the snipers right max uh no you don't need to in the middle just the top so chill like 7404 yeah four zero four okay sell everything sell your not everything just your banana farms yeah i got you hanging i'm just finishing this up yes i need uh i don't think pat fusty gets any extra bonuses right if i upgrade him now that's that's that's all you need so sell everything and then send me some money so i can do some stuff right now uh i still need to get an med done yep that's okay i mean you're gonna have a decent amount of money um yeah okay all right let me get so you're gonna okay i think you're gonna want a cross path boomerang a cross path bombshooter in the range of the monkey village of the top left one so i think that's going to be yep so i'll put yep i'll put a cross path boomerang and crossbath what uh maybe not you don't have to but a primer i think at least the boomerang monkey the boomerang monkey's like really crucial i think okay that was pretty satisfying you hear that that was really i was i did hear that that was actually really i've got 166k so do i should i do mad right i could still do them maybe yeah definitely get an md like crossband oh did you cross path yours no i did not i'm gonna actually i'm gonna get just faster swivel on it faster swivel and powerful darts is gonna be really nice to have wait why do you need faster oh for powerful dirt or and you just want faster swivel so it can just like follow you around easily and then i'm also gonna go ahead and get a cross path mortar cross bath mortar is crazy i have 85k should i try and cross path this bomb shooter or should i motor motor motor motor really don't are we gonna have to just re and now you kind of put it you can just put it in the middle because the biggest one has such a big radius anyways it doesn't really matter okay but you want me to just code okay i'll focus stop path i don't think i'm gonna have enough money for this i can give you a little bit more there you go i got enough let's see 100 000 oh i'm short i'm short but it's okay here you go oh oh my gosh send send all the money over to me now okay uh dude we are max optimizing this right now seven thousand dollars do you have a um uh cross path dart monkey can you get across can we get cross bath dart monkeys oh no well we yeah cause we did yeah we did paragon so that got rid of we can no you can you can you can get uh get some crossbath dart monkeys do you already have a crossbath dart monkey no i'm getting one right now let's see if i can get it oh i do not have enough money can you send me so i need i need like ten fifteen thousand did that yeah are you ready bro lindsay do i have enough no i'm short 16k dude anything worthwhile probably not oh i can use the supply drop to get the final one yeah we can are you ready yeah yeah let's do this okay supply drop send me any money you got okay um there you go um no it's not gonna work doesn't really matter okay that's fine just use everything you got on this bad boy dude oh my gosh we're going off right now bro this thing is getting annihilated bro dude oh my gosh that's crazy okay i gotta remember to aim my uh thing keep using your uh your supply drop i can get it again now if you use yours yep i'm waiting for um it's all cooled down it's lagging dude oh my god no bro we are lagging this thing up bro okay come on supply drop fly drop apply i can't get to it i can't get it bro i'm trying to i got i got i got it i got it bro do you even want to get is it actually getting popped it's not it's getting like an okay amount of pops i guess is it worth it i mean it was too late it was too late do whatever we got to deal with it now what are we at right now uh 35 000 i mean what would we get for 35 thousand dollars bro um get energizer dude what are we doing what are we doing bro all right all right all right i'm selling it to get a pontoon anymore all right i'm getting what are we doing okay let me sell mine i'm gonna send you my money what oh wow oh i can't believe that bro send me money okay we got it we got it oh yeah that like makes it so less laggy holy cow yeah make sure that you're targeting it with your mad2 oh good call oh my god i literally forgot about that okay use all the abilities yep yep five million okay keep going keep going keep going soldier yo so this is the comeback and a half bro this is a comeback and yeah we didn't do very much at all in 40. around uh 60 though we were able to do a lot more bro we did like no like dojo we did 3 000 damage around 40. like actually 3 000 damage around 4. i'm so interested how much they are doing they haven't messaged us yet so i'm assuming they're still doing theirs as well yeah that's going to be really interesting his lag is insane bro but we're almost at seven down or seven million thousand thousand as always by the way you youtubers if you guys are watching you guys enjoy this content don't forget to hit that like button subscribe to notifications comment down below that you want to see more stuff like this and uh see us go up against other youtubers i think that'd be really interesting come up with cool challenges and again if you guys want to see how alookian and doubloon are doing their challenge we're not going to go too deep into their specifics you'll have to go check out their channels down in the description below and go watch their videos and give them some support they're really good people they're cool people and uh they're pretty good at balloons so even if they do bad keep in mind uh that's because they don't uh do this like we do all the time i think we made a huge mistake with the paragons wait why dude look at the apex paragon he has thirty three hundred thousand pops and then our cross path super monkey has six hundred thousand you should like no jokes sell them sell sell them and then we'll get a cross path super monkey okay so didn't i slide it in yeah literally just sell them and then get i can't uh i can't see where okay okay i got it i got it i got it okay three on the top max in the middle and whatever you can go on the bottom max in the middle yeah yeah the anti-balloon gunner oh oh super monkey i think i said dart monkey no super monkey bro i'm trying to find where to place this dude no he's a chubby boy for sure i i literally like i can't see all right all right here i'll put him right here okay what is it three on top yeah three three five and whatever you can get to elsewhere okay all right i'm using my uh i'm using the village ability for extra attack speed we're at 11 million damage right on mine i'll do mine in about like five seconds uh i'll tell you when i'll i'll tell you when ours wears off oh okay oh i can see yours okay i just won't be able to see mine all right hold up oh we can do this we're at 12 milli 12 12 milli baby oh snap i'm so nervous right now bro dude goodbye i'm so nervous dude this is gonna this is the competition of the ages my guy i know oh my god anything that can't reach right now how did our snipers end up doing pretty good pretty good yeah okay yeah not too shabby i want to know what like did the i want to hope yeah i just hope that we get to 15. i want to get to 15 million i think that'd be cool we get to it i think we can get to 15 million let's see i'm gonna use this use all the abilities of whatever you've got thrown away spamming both sending and full sending come on i don't know please please please i don't know i think we could i think we can i think we can i think we can i think we can i think i can i think i can i think i can come on come on yes let's go okay all right all right we got at least 15 bro i think we didn't embarrass ourselves i don't think we embarrassed ourselves at all i actually think we did really good and if they beat us then they genuinely like good game good game yeah all right 15 million 400 000 my friends so now it's time for us to double back and see how they did all right let's hop back in with the balloon and lukian and see how they did there they are what's up boys [Music] what oh i was about to say dude you did that much like i was about to be astonished so you just added a zero so you ended up do what your total is 26 million what is it 1830 we got 35 billion oh so that's just a totally fake number right there oh yeah no so we we were stalled out for like 30 minutes it felt like so we just had some time on our hands so i screenshotted and added a couple zeros so you guys got 35 million yeah it was so laggy wait what dude we got 15 million so you literally got double the damage we did so wait what happened because you guys literally took like 30 to 45 minutes longer than we did dude what's how are i'm soaking like confused what hours did you guys have oh my gosh dude that's crazy well we i think we broke it somehow because it got to the point where the game was moving fine but the boss was crawling so it just kept racking up oh dude oh my god that's so weird so what towers did you have like what do you think was like slowing and lagging the game oh druid and dart yeah the druid oh what hit tornadoes and bald like every five seconds oh yeah because those things just spew it out bro crazy literally got more than double our damage with that that's crack-a-lacking we got wrecked we got wrecked bro we got no i but also they got an extra 30 minutes to hit the boss so i think that also is something to keep in mind and if we didn't delete our towers it would have gone for another hour at least yeah for sure 100 broken that's that's so funny because like the first at 140 we had like 4 000 damage like we had nothing around 40. and then around 60 we had like a thousand or like an extra like 100 or 200 000 damage and then we racked up the 15 000 at the end but yeah did not that is 15 million yeah it feels like 15 000 looking at 35 million damage though that's how it was with us though we were worried that you guys were like sharking us because we couldn't get any damage in the first little bit but we're like let's just sacrifice it all now yeah yeah that's exactly what we are going for as well crazy well done boys i feel a little cheated though because that's like a little whack how that happened but that's okay we gotta just take the loss like a champ okay yeah that's the only way we can do it thank you guys for joining we appreciate it you guys want to see how they were able to get 35 million damage head over to their channel the links are in the description down below thank you everyone so much for watching you're a bunch of youtubers we're tuber and we'll see you tomorrow for some more awesome content bye
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 277,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, 2v2 youtuber boss bloon challenge, btd 6 dummy boss, btd 6 dummy bloon, btd 6 damage chellenge, btd 6 youtubers
Id: znH5hVaCY1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2022
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