Can RANDOM Mystery 5-5-5 Towers Beat Bloons TD 6?

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so while back you might have remembered I made a video on the mystery Towers mod which was essentially randomized Towers except the twist was that you buy them from the shop instead of them randomizing on every upgrade and this time we have the same concept except as you see it we have ultimate cross papping enabled which is why you see we have a tier one One X in the shop so on and so forth going all the way up to tier 55x for a whopping 67k as well as of course we still have the random tiers which can give you anything from tier zero tier five but yeah ultimate cross pathing should make this a lot more fun and we're gonna try to beat 140 rounds here uncovered Garden which is which is a map I don't really play very much and has been taught by the time was enabled we can only use those ranchers to shop I unfortunately even though I got a farm I need to restart until I get a better Tower and that would be uh I guess a heli pilot but yeah I guess just to clarify what the tier 1xx and Tier 1 1x means for the shop basically this guarantees two tier one upgrades on two pads with the third path being randomized whereas with a 1xx that's why it's cheaper only one them is guaranteed to be a tier one so essentially there's two different upgrades for each tier that we have again for tier two it's just one guaranteed tier two or if you want to spend a bit more money you can guarantee two tier twos and honestly I think I'm probably gonna aim for the ones that have two guaranteed ones because they're they're definitely prices they're not too much more expensive probably worth to guarantee uh you know the highest tier of a tower and also unlike last time I'm gonna borrow myself from upgrading at all this game because this is not chip snow I can't sell Tower so that's the uh only kind of strategy I'm allowed if you get a rant or a bad random Loadout I can sell that Tower later on anyways telepod was probably the best Tower we could have gotten with this one zero zero zero random Tower so because that I think I can probably save up for a 2-2x tier or maybe even a tier 3 3x although that might be a little bit bold but I mean I could form a tank a fair amount of lives because I have underlives plus man Shield so you know what let's give it a whirl because I only need two more thousands so just what five more rounds of survival yeah Elliott Pilot's kind of a cheat code because you just see over all the line of sight blockers on this map uh however kind of started kind of smart as well right now I don't know if I can make it another 1K uh if I don't though I can still go for the 3xx which I can afford after this round and you know what I don't think I'm beating 21-22 those rounds are too damn hard so let's do it let's oh my God no I mean it's an insanely good one three three but I I don't know I'd love to keep it if I could afford a zero zero zero Tower after this Ram would probably not so before the round ends I actually have to back out because the thing is with cover Garden the gimmick is that you can't sell the towers under the uh uh covered platforms so that's three out of four so in essence I would have ran to a dead end if I uh survived that round so unfortunately yeah we gotta get a two two three three Boomerang instead which is still decent don't get me wrong if I have more than decent probably it defends everything except for camo so yeah maybe you should spend on some cheaper Towers just to guarantee it some I don't know reliability putting all your eggs in one basket is never really a good move but yeah that sucks because the monkey channel would have uh accelerator money gain an insane amount is what it is though I'll wait one more round to get a 2-2x over here this is why I spread my defense apart hey there we go that makes up for the uh lost uh Village earlier on the game it's not the end of the wolf I don't get a camera tower for my next drop because I can just tank 33 obviously it'd be nice to get a camo though so let's see here yes two two one ladies and gentlemen luck is on our side today and with that I could probably save uh again for another two or three or maybe I don't know it's year four being nice two three three Boomer is pretty correct so I have faith that it can easily shred at around 40 along with the help of the helipads too yeah nice and simple I mean Kylie itself is already strong but when you give a Bible which makes it shoot so much faster than yeah you can only imagine imagine if I had one more operator before I could have operated but yeah we're gonna save for the 404x now I'm gonna get it ahead of time it'd be nice if it can't head camera because I don't know if they uh that one hell if I can defend everything and we got a four three four Druid honestly it could be worse but it could be better I think the placement it's in though it's it's pretty worthless because it can't even see the first Bend of the track actually no uh it does have at least the uh Druid Vine so it's doing something while it's out of range but yeah I still need more cam protection so let me go ahead and get a 2-3 instead mixed up this is not camo because it's 133 ice but hey that defends basically every balloon for now all I know right now is that I'm down at 51 if I don't get any more cam protection so let me go ahead and uh get another two three I'll put it in a widget spot here there we go there's our camo despite the gimmick of the uh tiles and cover garden and this still might be a bit too easy or too long of a map given again how powerful ultimate cross batting is that's why again we have 140 rounds so despite it being pretty chill so far expect the difficulty to ramp up especially if I don't get any uh more money makers now I'm gonna do a randomized uh tier it's more high risk High reward you know what I mean so let's see 443 yep we hit the jackpot on that one because I saved like five thousand dollars because that would have been a guaranteed 44x anyways I'm pretty sure this shoots Hypersonic Juggernaut boss from what I remember the last time I tested the year ultimate crossbath Dart monkey and if only it wasn't better to Spot It I only put it up here just in case it was a flying Tower then that would have been you know even better I guess we'll see how powerful it is for ourselves here on round season three let's go ahead and use it and yeah that's Hypersonic Juggernaut balls are right doesn't even let six three get past the first event at all and just like I already am more than halfway for a tier five so I guess we're saving for it it's time not gonna lie this ride the least amount of times I have to re-roll or randomize Towers to this point in the game for any other any other randomized test I've done again part of that has to do with the fact that we're not struggling at all around 399 still chilling I'm gonna wait for the tile to open up on round 81 then we'll uh really risk it all risk it for the biscuit for the tier five five x so guaranteed two pads let's get it preemptive sub Commander interesting so if you don't know if you have self Commander preemptive gets double buffed I wonder if that applies to the tower itself because right now what that means is that it does 1500 damage to anything in the screen so DTS they're gone that'll be a piece too they're gone even though it's only one sub getting buffed by the subpander it's honestly strong enough for now the only problem is yeah camo like for now we're flying against DDT is because the uh preemptive can just one shot them but once the HP starts to ramping maybe I need to get myself a d camel option and also since there's not really need to sell right now I guess we're gonna add another challenge of just see how long we can make it without selling or in fact if it can beat it this entire run without any installation with a single time just pray to open Jesus that again we don't get anything that's too awful or or next year five which again I'm gonna save up for right now as you can see the lack of Cam protection is starting to bite Us in the bike because there's a couple of camera's leaking that we're catching because I think the sniper is be able to whittle down a little bit it looks like I can afford my next gear five run right on round 98 so that's perfect I'm probably gonna wait a little bit though just to show you that we can still beat 98 just fine with only these towers actually you're sure about just fine it's pushing a little bit Yeah I I'd say that's fairly solid let's just quickly get it now over here you got a five one five Dark Monkey honestly not a bad one because you see there's so many like this this map is basically like Edge everything is Walled off which makes it so much better gives the ultra Juggernaut a 5x Power Buffet Square and of course this round we can just first strike to be around 100 easily now if we got a little bit luckier and got like a higher or a tier on the third path that we got because yeah we got to your one pretty sure it's random what third one you get so is this possibility could have gone to five five pound and the game would have been over which would have been a bit boring not gonna lie so maybe a little bit relieved that we didn't actually get it anyways should we stay for another tier five yeah sure why not and here's what I'm talking about round 108 now we're starting to struggle because free play just gets tougher and tougher and tougher and our Tower is getting outscaled so that being said trying to save up for another full tier five without guarantee what I'm getting is gonna be riskier 111 here if it turns to bend it's gonna be GG no I'll wait roam around again to get the good early spot and here we go 113. uh where's the spot that I can fit it right here what do we get five two five mob domination not gonna lie it's pretty solid although the only problem is that it doesn't have Cam detection aside from the uh spinning glaives but that's gonna be a problem for FDT is on like 128 138 so I brought some better off just going for a cheaper tiers to you know get lucky and go for a camel option but nah I mean I'm just gonna go for another tier five until yeah I guess I can anymore it's hard to tell I wish I could like click the tower skill to see the pop count or how much damage it's doing but yeah cover Garden disallows that there's actually a chance here I may not be able to beat uh all three bats because yeah this one here is getting really far I almost died too ddts I think I'll survive though because again I can just nuke the DTs underneath like that yeah that was close call so here's what I'm talking about guys 128 it's pretty much all on the ultra jug cross master to put in work I guess I'll use the fan club up here yeah for tier four that's actually doing a pretty decent amount of damage although again it's mostly getting the pops because it's at the front but you know what I mean surprisingly that runs no problem so I feel like 140 rounds of this will not be too shabby yeah it looks like I can afford another two or five five x at this point but I'm gonna wait for the top right corner it's a little bit lonely heli pilot here new to buddy so sure let's see what we got five four five if I got this Tower before the change to call the arms was Global then it would have been pretty bad but this is solid I think this makes it 140 rounds straight up at this point as a bonus too I'm pretty sure it also makes a little bit of money from the monkeyopolis I think I saw a crate there at the end of the round like just watch this round ended and there it is you got 200 from the village is that all yeah I think that's the only crate that you get per round so that's kind of fascinating you can only really see that in battle suit because you can get a monkey office without you know sacrificing farms in that game but here in bd6 you can't so this is the rare currency see what happens when we do uh have that and yeah yep that's 200 is right there and hang on am I dying to fortify DTS uh not quite I think I think we got it and now to clean up the fzmgs here we'll just call it arms uh just to guarantee you nothing gets too far you know let's just do a quick pop-down check 5 million on the uh sub 4.8 on the Boomer 6.7 of the dart monkey yeah in this round again might be a problem I have to use called arms base immediately to catch the disease but I think I think when it wears out that's when we die here's what I'll do I'll use this one to do a bit of damage so why does this have a Elite Sniper buff that's really strange uh anyways when do I first strike now I think this runs too long and we are dead now right yeah it's close but I got some options by options I mean I'll do some random tiers hey we can get something spicier with this one not a one one one one dartling unfortunately 404 has no camo so I'm pretty sure we uh don't do any better with this Loadout yeah let's just double check here nope all right let's go for some guaranteed tier fours then so what do we have here oh there it is there's the decamo it's a bit late but it'll do and I have just enough money for another one like 38 extra spare what are the odds and a spike storm this is good this might be enough to push us over the edge so cold arms now also I'm pretty sure the color swap is giving the Elite Sniper icon which is kinda weird because that was never a a called arms or sniper to begin with so I don't know what gives with that anyways I just used the bike storm did it a little bit and then now we'll use that star monkey and I think that's the Difference Maker right safer strike for a rainy day but I honestly don't think we'll need it nice now with that said actually don't think I'd beat Ram 140 because none of these towers do enough single Target damage so this might be the first round where I actually have to sell sell Towers actually I can't crap they're all under the uh a thing yeah this is what I mean when I said I should have like spaced out the towers apart so I could like sell some stuff but right now I only have the worst corner for the at-bat here and as you can see I only have four thousand dollars to work with so I think I might just run into a dead end I think the only way I can get out of this is by selling this and they're just getting really lucky with this randoms here but that's gonna take like five billion restarts like that's not gonna work for us the thing is not only does it still have to be good it has to be good in this terrible spot over here so like it need to be like a flying Tower which reduces the odds of getting something good even more come on oh wait First Strike there's a chance I repeat there is a small chance the thing is it's only 10K extra damage though so and I only get one of them so maybe what I'll do is I'll use an ability I Gotta Get Lucky for it maybe another First Strike please hey Apache I mean it doesn't do that much damage but these are best run so far which yeah it does not look that great oh wait I have Chinook unfortunately I can't show things that are under the garden so despite this looking or being the closest one it's still I need like 40 more damage but it's not gonna work if I can't sell the towers here I'm also pretty sure that the randomizer only gives you up to tier four because I've never gone to T5 yet with this one unless it's really low chance yeah I've retried like a hundred times and I don't think I've gone single tier five so this is a dead end and I have you know I really want to finish this run so yeah we're running back but this time really really quickly and also I'm pretty sure it's your monkey's better than Haley pilot I forgot yep the proof is right in the pudding right here the Super Monkey can basically solo all the way up to around 25 which means uh tier three I couldn't tell what attack I got but let's check three three that's pretty solid and I'm like a Camus let's quickly get um some 2 2 X's uh this works for now let's get another one next to Sir monkey uh this is not good I'm gonna take all those camel whites yikes down to 15 lives I need another camo option around 40 and quickly I also put it right the entrance just so I can tell later and the yikes I'm pretty sure I lack damage so that means I'm gonna need to sell the village and I'll get another three to reacts and it's another Village which won't work this right here is a 333 boat which would be nice to keep if I can survive yeah that's actually insane not only does it give you money but also gives you Cam detection and a Hypersonic uh can attack so pretty solid stuff put it on last for extra attack speed and again we're gonna speed our way back to 140 yeah there's four XX is a pretty good one these two ultimate crossback Towers so strong that I think I can even make it to a tier 5 of X right now ain't that crazy so let's see what we got Energizer uh uh not great damage wise but if we get some sort of uh tier 5 ability Tower then we're cooking yeah it doesn't be DT so let's quickly get something uh glue works what else another sub that's probably not it but I'll unsubmerge it just for the funnies blue strike and there we go also this glue Gunner is more opiate than I thought look at that stun on the balloons thanks everyone with glue like would be missing our balloon Crusher home the way it's stunning all the limbs here isn't that crazy or rather to put a more accurately a super glue at home maybe now we can sample for another tier five and look what time it is around 100 let's go for a 5x 5x over here do I take the spot oh that's awful no I don't think I do the firming is decent but bad tax won't spot it anyone just set her five five x then we'll just set our 5fx all the way up here oh my god well that's GG guys GG let's go home let's just call it right now because you already know how this is gonna fare for the rest of the game I mean just Legend the Knight on its own would have been enough but true sun god Antarctic Terror yeah it is a wet dream a balloons uh gambler's wet dream right here yeah it kind of goes on saying that this mod is a little bit more unbalanced than the bounce round tiers because that one does a price this one is just any of tier five so he could go from anything for like a cheap don't make it to your property which is like 30k it's just something like uh a million dollars with this guy over here that's kind of the way she goes and with my extra money suppose I'll just uh see what are the two parts I would have gotten and I got the same thing I got in the first run a 155 sub and now let's see what the last tier 5 I would have gotten is I will put it in the bottom right quadrant 525 or rather five one five uh that would have been great if it wasn't in such a crappy spot then I actually would have done something with this River at all but regardless that's fine we can afford to get crappy Towers given we can only have this guy on the field and somehow it feels it felt like uh the true Center actually wasn't destroying everything as I thought so who knows maybe it's not a GG for around 140 just yet the thing is they do have a dark shift if I do you need more damage somewhere else so here we go it's only yeah it's only doing two thousand damage only I say as if that wasn't a good amount but as you see that's only it 20 damage actually I have Legend I just can't get though yeah that's one way to cheese uh this around all right now we do have to be this bad though so uh probably at the dark shift right am I actually able to dark shift under the cover Garden here let's try yes I can interesting and uh yeah there it is we have cheesed easy way to win with this 505 mystery Terror mod step one get true Sun God and Legend Knight step two profit stay tuned for potentially more bt6 gambling videos because these are pretty fun to play that's All see ya
Channel: ISAB
Views: 116,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloons, bloons td, btd, isab, gameplay, strategy, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons tower defense 6, btd 6, btd6 best strategy, btd6 tier 5, btd6 round 100, btd6 chimps, btd6 5th tier, btd6 isab, btd6 mod, btd6 glitch, battles 2, bloons td battles 2, btd6 paragon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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