HACKER vs HACKER Highest Round BTD 6 CHALLENGE! (Round 400+)

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in today's hacker versus hacker i'm going up against saber and we're gonna be seeing who can get to the highest round using the hypersonic attack speed mod the the mod it's everything just attacked super duper fast so who can get to the furthest round and then the title will be given to grand master hacker okay because right now i hold the title of the greatest hacker right now so will i continue holding the title or will saber take the crown away from me and wear it until next time i don't know i definitely not i'm definitely going to clown oh smack talk all right i'm starting i'm starting okay what hero did you think i'm not i'm not because i i forgot to restart my game so i had the mafia monkey on up okay all right well then here i'll just uh i'll just slow it down go ahead so wait did you ask what hero i went yeah we'll hear you churchill bro churchill okay okay i got you dude i got you treadchill's a slapper tower so the way this is gonna work is we have the race button right so you can use the race button as much as you want and you can try to jump to a farther around if you want however however however if you make if you if you lose that's you're that's the round that you got to right so if you want to try to spam get to round 500 and skip everything sure sure but that's not going to end up very well you also we do not have cross path on yep no cross fat that's why i actually uh the audience could probably see that i got a banana farmer down oh it's interesting interesting so you're still gonna go top half i don't know am i maybe i'm just too lazy to bother collecting anything at this moment that that doesn't surprise me i'm not shocked by this by this outcome by any means the free dart monkey goes ham bro oh yeah okay so you're back in yeah yeah i'm back in i'm on round eight oh you're on round eight you're ahead of me now oh my gosh okay yeah i guess i should have said something might be oh i upgraded the wrong thing it's too late it's not worth selling you sounded malware sounds so devastated with that one bro it's fine dude it's fine fine oh sorry that was a that was a little aggressive fine it's fine it's i'm not i'm not angry dude why does it seem like everyone plus he's killing it bro i don't know about you but he's big i haven't even put down my hero bro he's too expensive he cost nearly two thousand dollars he's 1945 bro i'm just he also levels up so slowly compared to every other oh that's right that's right yeah okay but man does he slap bro actually pat fussy slaps like he's actually using his hand and he like slaps the balloon so i don't know about you man that sounds like he slaps more than churchill oh wow that's definitely a way to look at it i got mark in place so that's okay great i'm so i'm so happy for you saber okay this is such a i can already tell this is just such a petty petty video already bro bro we're hackers we're not supposed to be honorable happy people i don't know hackers can be good people i guess in a way sometimes maybe i think it depends right it depends like oh yeah i'm a hacker it's kind of like a robin hood situation where oh i'm hacking into to do to release information or something like that i don't know but most of the time hacking implies that you're thank you i was really trying to like tread on ground and not just say something horrible that would just get me in trouble i don't even know what you could have said but either way look man at the end of the day what matters is that i have three farms b2 yo puckers dude i'm just i haven't even done any i just just have my zero zero dart monkey right now dude all i have is pat busty down straight up he's killing it oh no he gave him camos that's super funny bro all right all right i'm gonna make it so you can get camos all right bad fuzzy all right come here i want money yeah i know tell me about that sounds desperate it sounded very desperate but it's actually uh it makes sense like it it's actually justified so you're good but i still only have pat fusty being the one to pop things right now and i'm on round 34 and he's like actually not even close to letting anything by like not even i still just have my i just have my dart monkey right now and he's kind of just killing it too so what are you doing crossbow uh no i went juggernaut oh okay actually juggernauts juggernauts way better all righty i'm working on trying to get as much money as possible yeah the money is the big that that's the big thing in this game is once you can start getting the big sh money that's when things start kind of going your way but you gotta get the shmoney bro no money you a dummy i know i know i know know all right come on um so what round do you think you can get to i think i'll be able to get to like beat or get because that that is that's the goal right is what round you can beat i think i can beat at least 500 okay at least that's respectable at least i have no idea literally no clue why come on yeah all right i think i can be around i think i can beat 700 700 okay i had to give a bigger number than what you gave yeah no because then it would seem yeah you wouldn't seem very confident if you gave a lower number yeah i was like oh i think i could beat round 499. like come on bro get with the program or or do the opposite you're like i think i could meet 501. you can't just like one big bro we've all had those types of people like pick a number between one and two and then you pick a number and the other person picks just one above you so they have a higher chance of winning and you're like dude like dude come on bro dude fussy by the way by the way bro by the way are you paying attention by the way bro pat fusty has the ability to uh to uh what it what is it what is it hang on hang on where am i looking what am i doing here okay sometimes uh he pushes balloons away from the exit right yeah that's because he slaps so hard that he basically always pushes them to the eggs like away from the exit that's right so he just keeps basically his knockback he just says like infinite knockbacks that's not bad not bad at all not bad knockback that's not that's not too shabby i think i can just kind of do this right i don't think that oh does that not work the way that i wanted it to work now that doesn't work the way that i wanted it to work that's kind of depressing i'm really sad what are you going to try huh you want to share with the class i'm not going to tell you i'm not going to tell you oh dude that's so bro that's so tilty actually dude that's cracked bro oh my gosh i'm not telling you to find out sorry i can't tell i'll tell you like later though that's crap thank you i appreciate it no that's actually crack like oh my gosh dude that's insane this guy this guy figured something out that's insane dude no way hey bro i have actually that made it worse that made it worse i've got it i've got to sell it and do it again i i have no idea what you're even talking about right now and i'm going kind of crazy trying to think about what this possibly could be i'm trying so hard not to accidentally tell you what what's actually happening right now oh my gosh dude whatever you're just i feel you might just be memeing on me bro i wouldn't die i'm not meaning oh oh that's so satisfying to hear too oh my gosh i don't like you no way bro i'm sorry bro what are you no like that's so nice that's actually what are you i'm so good if you lose you're such a chump just just so we're all aware that's just if you lose your chump no no like that's totally understandable bro it's totally understandable i really need to think about the strat of what i want to get set up here like how i want to go about getting everything just nice and dandy for getting on to those later rounds what round are you at right now by the way i'm on 55. okay i'm on 59. oh my god oh my god oh my goodness that's just so easy bro that's actually so easy bro are you dude you got to stop you're making me self-conscious bro oh my gosh i'm just so self-conscious i'm just hey i'm trying to take the title back okay i have to i have to play my that's true that's true this guy is gonna go he's going all in on this i respect it i very much don't respect him you gotta get on that grind but i'm but i have no intention of giving up the crown so okay okay put up the fight put up the fight please let's do it see what we got let's see what you got i'm kind of terrified though not gonna lie um okay i thought i was gonna lose that for a second never mind i just fought the bfb and i held him off like nothing whoo nice dude pat fussy's only level 10 and he's holding this off like nothing bro that's kind of nutty though that's kind of that's kind of big nutty all right i guess i need to start getting getting my stuff together so i think i want to put i wonder how you're doing on money man i'm not doing too bad okay okay i've been i've been kind of doing doing my thing you know yeah yeah yeah my dream thing for sure for sure dude it's here my am i about to do this again yeah i'm about to do that actually no i'm going to sell that i know i know it's probably not the best idea actually i i i think this was the play friends it's probably not the best idea but i'm going with it oh can i oh please oh man i hope i can maximize this right now oh can i please oh oh my gosh oh my gosh how are you how you feeling you got it you you feel like you're schmoving now i'm making it work bro i'm making it work and honestly that's better that's all that matters that's all you can really ask is trying to make it work okay what round are you at right now i'm on round 66 how about you 74. oh okay so you're right you're a little ahead of me i'm just i mean i'm kind of slowly just skipping some rounds here and there oh are you okay i'm not skipping any right now i'm trying to actually maximize uh some stuff here so i'm not i'm not taking that jam yeah i mean i respect it all right let's go let's go all right now now you all know what time it is okay it's time for this we're gonna put you there all right all right what is what is the hotkey actually actually am i going to crash my game if i do this oh oh no i'm going to crash my game if i do that nope what i was definitely going to crash my game if i kept that up oh my gosh i you know i'll even tell you something kind of terrifying uh i was going to do the sentry champion and that was yeah that thing's no no shot bro definitely gonna crash my game bro yeah that does not that does not bold well uh probably fat friends okay easy smeezy dude i'm actually this very interesting like i'm a little worried like uh am i feeling too good right now yeah you're you're feeling pretty confident i know i know your confidence is literally making me terrified because i i do it's not often when i'm just gone it's yeah you're not often confident like this so it is kind of high key terrifying all right i think i've milked that enough i think i'm done with that now actually wait can i fit one in here okay so so while i'm good there while i'm getting that going to start working on something bro oh i know what i'm gonna do oh i know exactly what i'm gonna do dude i don't like dude you terrify me i want you to know that did we mention you and lee did we mention that we have the hypersonic mod on yeah we got the hypersonic mod i just want people to make sure they know that because this is cracked this yeah the hypersonic mod is so simple but so fun you know uh yeah i don't know what's the best upgrade one or the best path for this i guess i could start skipping i i mean honestly i think i could start skipping some rounds just to get some money yeah that's definitely the better option well it's it's just better to do that i feel like wow oh my gosh that gave me so much money so quick oh my gosh yeah that's it's it's very nice to be able to have that that oh that's already making my screen not very satisfying to look at but that's fine oh dude i won round 80 bro yo easy bro let's go let's go that's huge that's like audibly very confident right now but you're not saying anything i know i'm i'm just kind of just sitting biting my time you're extra confident but you're just waiting me out i think you're waiting me out but i'm keeping that in mind i don't know no to be to be completely honest i'm low-key terrified like genuinely i have no idea really what you're up to right now it's kind of spooky it's kind of big spooky hey we'll have to see bro we'll have to see let's see here we will indeed have to sing well i think it's almost obligatory that i have to do this wow that was a huge word obligatory yeah i was not ready for that that came out of nowhere no no i caught you by surprise my bad bro my bad i'm not used to that kind of vocabulary bro you gotta i'm not i was sure before i said that my bad i'm so sorry i'm so sorry it's okay it's okay we're ready i'm gonna go ahead uh 109. 109. okay i'm on 91 so i might have to start actually playing a little bit of catch up here i'm just trying to i mean it doesn't it doesn't matter what we're at now what matters that's true what matters is our plan so no need to get super spooked and stressed out or you can do that actually i wouldn't mind yeah yeah what matters is our plan i don't want to give up my crown bro that's what i i want to be king of the hackers okay now i'm i hear you loud and clear and that's why i am i am ensuring i go extra hard yeah don't don't don't disappoint okay that's that's all i ask of you just don't disappoint i'm honestly more worried that my game is going to crash before anything else that's my baby really you know yeah that's definitely my biggest worry but hey we'll have to see we'll have to see bro we will have to see we will have to see i my screen is there's so much going on on my screen right now like there is so much bro uh guys uh guys what round are you at right now i'm on 98. oh nice okay no i'm still honestly like it's not even like i'm trying to get money now i'm just trying to place things so i might as well do that now yeah that yeah cause like i doubt you have a problem with money like i think we can be honest with each other here like i don't yeah money is money is money is not an issue right now that is a non-issue yeah non-issue i don't need no tissues but i really miss you is that a song i could kiss you was that romney oh that reminds me of the spongebob episode with the boys who cry no lie no lie when i cry okay what what else do i even do here what am i oh oh i know what else to do i almost like i can't believe that almost i couldn't believe that i oh it's actually getting really hard to see on my screen it's like i kind of messed up my strategy a little bit i honestly should have waited before i did one thing because now my screen's so ugly bro yeah how's how how is it how's that hanging son um it's going all right it's going all right thanks for asking dad yeah no worries no worries i guess i'm minus not too shabby i might as well do this oh i definitely needed that i'm actually glad i almost that's gonna be nice all right i'm pretty i'm just feeling pretty good about what what i got going on so far i got you homie i got you there we go what if what if i just what if i cheated and i just had a whole bunch of extra mods on well then no honestly no because then i definitely got the dub anyways because you cheated so wouldn't even but it's hacker versus hacker bro no hey i mean look we agreed before we started even launching our games we agreed on what mods we had so i mean if you swap it up then i'm just playing on what we agreed on so i'm within the rules of the batteries there so you're the one that this sounds like someone that sounds like someone who's really butthurt that they lost to a hacker no i'm not angry that's comedy so the interesting thing is we don't have crossbats so that is just like something we always have to like keep an eye out for us yeah that makes me really sad oh baby mama that is something maybe that's going to be actually so good maybe you lost maybe not my trauma no that's comedy oh i hate that i have to i hate that i have to do this but i think it's time that i do this my friends uh oh what do you better do man you better skip a bunch of rounds no i'm not about to not not yet my game's definitely lag my game is definitely lagging i i'm assuming you're getting a bunch of bear gods and stuff down you can assume whatever you like oh okay this guy doesn't want to tell me anything right now no i ain't telling you diddly bro yeah i ain't letting you in on any secrets but i got you bro i got i ain't i ain't having it i tell you nothing about my top tier strategy bro um yeah no you don't tell me anything it's fine it's fine i can barely see what's happening yeah there's so much going on on my screen like literally so much is happening it's so laggy what else do i even want to do oh yeah oh yeah let's go what do i want i know what i want to do i know what i want to do you know what you want to do bro oh yeah check it out yeah oh yeah i know i can't find my cursor all right there it is there it is that's how you go out here bro all right i don't know if oh my gosh i'm really glad i recently upgraded my computer because my computer would be my old computer dead by now dead oh no i forgot to put something down and now i gotta like figure it out because there's so much on screen no no i got it i think i got it oh wait good luck i don't even know man i literally don't even know i don't even know man uh can i place another yes i'm get i'm getting pretty close to finishing my strategy i actually think i am too i actually think i am too i mean i'm on round 125 and i haven't even been skipping anything i've just been naturally progressing to 125. i think i'm ready to go i think i'm i think i i think i'm as pretty much as strong as i'm gonna get really now i i mean i don't i could get more stuff at that point i'm just kind of lagging my whole game yeah i kind of agree with that uh is there anything else i really want to get though so i'm gonna skip some rounds okay go ahead i think i'm gonna start trying to get to that but i'm just gonna go ahead i feel like there's some t5s i definitely need to get down before i do that like am i missing anything else oh oh oh i am yeah i am can i do this one or did i already do this one oh no i didn't all right i beat round 207 you beat 207 okay i got you i think i should probably start deleting some of my farms because i'm just it's a mess out of your dog or do i want to yeah you know what i am going to do that i am going to do this oh yikes i actually think i made a mistake really yeah i think there's one thing that i didn't i didn't do properly and i think it might come back to bite me in the butt if you'd if you ended up doing it honestly like i want you to tell me but you're not gonna so it's fine i actually like i'm being very cautious with everything i'm placing so i could be doing something pretty crazy that you probably thought of yeah we'll see is it worth to put this down should i should i even try or is it going to like my game even more this game this is god getting my game out of the hand my game's definitely getting laggy bro is that worth keeping all right i'm on around three hundred liters i'm creating the wrong path bro it's fine oh i forgot about something oh i definitely gotta get this down all right i gotta start i gotta delete my freaking farms bro this is a mess what do you have to oh you def yeah farm's gotta go bro mom's gonna get the farms gotta they gotta go dude i'm just gonna keep like one up in the corner here and then the rest are gone oh i'm starting to lag bro i'm not sure how this how well it's going to turn out to be honestly oh oh i feel like i can breathe now i definitely dude i didn't have an energizer down oh yo oh my gosh that could see i almost forgot to do that like way earlier and then i was like i was just placing a sub down and i was like well i'm also getting a t5 of all right i beat around 300. i'm so proud of him thank you yeah no problem all right can i be i'm going to go to around 400 now i'm gonna try and play some catch up as soon as i finish getting some stuff down here holy cow there is so much happening on my screen right now there are so many projectiles all right i'm gonna sell all of the towers that are not doing much um that sounds like a solid play dude that's like a very solid blade wait how is this guy faring here i try this right now bro okay what else do i got here kind of already got them i feel like i kind of want to start skipping but i also feel like i'm just like i have other things i can do you know what i mean oh i know what you mean i feel the same way but i'm also i'm kind of just yoloing it i know i know you know what okay i'm gonna finish up some stuff here you do it no you do you i respect it okay if you want to go for that w you get that w but if you put in the extra work and you end up losing you're a huge clown i'm such a jump if i end up losing bro straight up i'm actually such a jump oh no i did the wrong one um yeah yeah yeah okay i'm actually gonna do a little follow through then do you want would you like a hint do you i'm not giving you a hand i don't want you to win i didn't i was gonna say i didn't give you any hints like myself when i was clearly taunting so i actually like would have said no just so you know okay good because i know i know i have to i have to you know i have to uh right if i'm not going to give you hints i'm not i'm not owed any hints myself so it's uh yeah holy cow this is going by so slowly i'm guessing you're lagging bro big lag yeah oh my gosh this tower is so busted i wonder which one you're using bro to give you a here i'll give you a hint okay i used the ability and got two million pops i'm out of money right now wait wait you use the ability not two billion million million oh two million okay well i mean hey that doesn't really i'm not too worried then because i feel like i probably have even i'm assuming i'm gonna assume i want you to try to guess what it is two million pops it might be the plane or the mortar monkey nope really i don't think you can guess it beat around 400 you beat around 400 okay yeah i got you i can't believe i'm like out of money i guess i'm just you know what i'm just gonna sell this final farm and i'll just buy whatever i can with it and i think i'm good unless i'm missing something i think i got that i'm trying to find where is this guy oh wait did i put them did i miss that well actually all right yeah holy cow bro oh my gosh bro i have the most i just looked and one of my towers has 400 million pops 400 million 400 million pops that's disgusting dude that's actually disgusting that's gross like i'm nauseous actually i don't even know if i can reach what i'm doing right now wait all right i'm skipping to around 500 and see if i can beat around 500. um okay i think i think i'm i'm i'm i'm i have to do one more tower thing here and then i'm actually going to start skipping i'm actually okay holy cow bro the ability on that i got i just got 20 million pops with that ability all right i'm broke so i guess that's that okay um i'm gonna start skipping rounds if i can find my cursor where's my race button at literally where's the race button bro straight up where is it are you kidding me right now no where is it don't tell me i gotta go looking for this thing right now bro are you serious oh fine i'm just not gonna whatever i think i lost yeah i'm just gonna skip yeah i think i'm gonna i think i lost i'm skipping straight to 200 or maybe not all right i skipped straight to 200 and i'm just gonna go ahead and wait a sec here i think it's over for me my friend it was nice knowing you uh my game is definitely framed by framing right now yeah i don't know what round it's still over for me i i don't know yet i lost around 501. so i beat round 401 and i lost around 501. so if you can dude if you can beat well if you can beat round 401 technically you'll win but i'll just 300 to 500 i'm skipping from 200 to 400. do it let's see what you got 401 you got to beat 401 i got to beat four okay i'm going to 402. i just have to beat that that's it dude wait wait show your screen let me see what's going on i i don't even know if i should bro it might crash like straight up okay fair respectable actually you know what you know what i'll do it but i'll do it at like the lowest like setting i just have to beat that so i'm actually going to select i just have to select my stuff okay that's so funny so yeah so i didn't have i didn't get the planes okay okay why because they would like i got i didn't get any of the droods see i went kind of crazy on druids yeah i didn't get any drudes i didn't get what i did i really the only things that i had was just taking advantage of the the hypersonic so i got i had balloon master alchemist and that was the big cheese for me okay i did that too that's yeah that got four hundred thousand pops or 400 million pops wait i missed i missed one of the blue all right i even opened this dude man that was terrible yeah okay okay so by the way when i was like freaking out in the beginning it's because i did rubber to gold and it it like it was just giving me insane amounts of money in the beginning bro like that's that's what i thought that's what i thought you had yeah yeah yeah like that was actually crazy bro um i also i got the i got the vengeful sun god temple too i knew you were gonna do that but i couldn't do it anyways because i don't have it unlocked anyways so i was like all right yeah i gotta make up for it i just oh the one the ability you you do have it the the ability that got 20 million pops for me was the middle path ninja middle path ninja which ones that look like it's just the uh it's the sabotage yeah balloon sabotage yeah yeah i've been using that i think i might lose you though i might lose i don't know i don't know i just have to beat 402 that's all that matters what what level are all your paragon did you take the time to get them off no i didn't i was trying to just get other things down so i just i they're all one i focused heavily they were all of my paragons were above 30. so i really focused on getting all of them higher level i went less on because i didn't want any little projectile so i got all the big damage things yeah yeah i should have probably focused a little more on getting the degrees higher because i know i could have but then i was like i might as well just get the other things down but yeah my game is lagging oh my god am i about to lose i can't tell i literally can't i can't tell i have no idea what's going on right now i can't i see just a lot of all i know is that the number in the top right needs to turn to 403. that's all that matters that's either that's all that matters either i lose or it turns to 403 yeah that's it that's literally what it comes down to i'm so nervous i'm slightly buttered because i know after seeing your setup i have a better setup than you but i was greeting 500 i know i i know i could have beaten you but that's also part of the whole demon strategy that's the whole part of it bro that's all part of it that's the that's all part of it it's taking forever for my things to like uh my abilities to like recover but like i i have i have energizer bro i don't even know where anything is like i could be about to lose or i could be holding it off fantastic like i have no idea and i'm getting a ton of great highs bro i could have gone to such a higher round actually i could have gotten such a further around you should have inched it you should have inched it bro you shouldn't have gone i know i know i had i had no but like a specific strategy i had in mind of what i thought i could do all right i see where the i see where the phoenixes are shooting that's actually very worrisome that is very very worrisome actually but bro you got the perma spike down so the price i do i actually have more that i've spiked mines and perma spy i actually have all three spike factories down oh dude that's why you're lagging the middle pass fight i know i know but i don't want to lose you know what if it's really worth it if i can find it if i can find it i'll i'll get rid of it i think it's up here somewhere i actually it's getting way worse bro it's actually getting because now they're hitting all the spikes yeah wait that was it wasn't that it right there i just had it's like oh that was permanent that was perma spike that was permanent spike that was perma no i think oh no no no mine you right wait that's perma that's burma that's that's perma i don't know why it keeps re-selecting perma i'm not clicking over there at all that's straight up that's a marine i guess what what is happening right now bro this is so curved i think i see a b.a.d like about to go in bro straight up i actually like i don't even know if i should delete it no no keep it bro you can do this i i believe in you i kind of loki wants you to when you put so much time and effort i know that dude like this amount of full send this i mean this is a long project at this point bro like we did we am i about to lose i see the helicopters you see how close they are i know but you have remember you have the legend of the knight ability oh yeah but hang on since it's lagging won't the legend the knight ability run out really quick i don't know how it works i'm not sure we'll have to find out i'm about to be able to do some other abilities though seems like it's speeding up a little like come on come on blue ability bro oh it just did i just heard carpet of spikes again i think i just it just yep where's the phoenix that's like right at the end yeah it's phoenix oh there it is it's going out bro legend of the night legend of the night yeah legend of the night ability is going to kick in now no way dude dude you have your navrock of the seas ability oh [Music] i don't want to skip around on accident it's a little rate it's five if you push five on your keyboard i did it oh yeah you're right actually okay no way [Music] oh yikes dude wait where's the phoenix shooting now oh yo he's shooting way up in the corner now dude the bomb didn't even do anything did you see that i dropped our bomb but it did nothing wait it's i think it's still dropping bro no no way it's still dropping bro i think it's still dropping is it actually i'm not sure no i think it dropped it just like did nothing no shot dude dude where's my cursor literally where's my cursor right now did you find it i'm not even kidding i oh i see i have no there it is i have lower resolution on the screen so i actually oh that's true it makes it so much harder i bet it makes it way harder bro if i don't beat this that would be so depressing after all this time that would be awful you can do this i believe in you that'd be so depressing dude should i do carbon spikes bro should i use it dude no honestly i want to find it so i can get rid of it oh wait was that it got it i got it i sold it nice look at how much less laggy it is now smiley face is it i don't yeah i guess no i i don't i don't think so i think this is it for you friend am i about to lose i think you lost i am i don't know i am look where the phoenix is shooting oh you're right wait yeah it's like right there at the end i don't know i mean do you think legend of the night actually like recuperated already no way it takes it takes a little bit of time oh i lost no dude i should have just only gone to 401 and then just beaten that but i went to 402 to try and be that's that is so funny wait you know what you want to i want to show you something i can't wait let me share my screen let me see where you go go ahead well here i'm just going to continue so this was the strategy set that i have set up but are you ready for this oh wow you're just way simpler bro way simpler yeah i i i was i did not want any lag no watch this watch it i want to do where let me find it okay so watch this okay okay wait what and watch this watch this no way no way it's something what is this guy about it what is this what watch this bro dude i bet you because watch so if i do this so basically all of those are gonna be turned into that so these are the only things that are gonna be left is the bads okay so what i think oh no so what i think i could technically do if i wanted to all right wait this guy looks like it's kind of rough okay now i got this legend of the night upgrade no i didn't do it fast enough oh you i bet you i couldn't do that bro i bet you i could cheese it bro that would be so funny either way okay all right i think all right well i guess i guess you won who won wait i won that's me bro i won i mean i think the problem is that like i skipped past yours so like technically i got bad but then you got to 500 and you lost there ah i don't know man but i beat round four i beat round four you actually beat 400 though and i didn't i should have just gone to 400 and seen if i could be that but either way all right you got me that was insane i put up a big fight and i uh even with all that confidence i guess i got i got i got wrecked bro bro that means we need to do this again maybe i can be the three-time champion for hacker versus hacker let us know what you want to see next in the hacker versus hacker series thanks for watching everyone you're all beautiful you're gorgeous and we'll see you tomorrow for some more tuber content peace
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 782,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, hacker vs hacker highest round btd 6 challenge round 400, btd 6 round 400, btd 6 round 100, btd 6 round 1000, btd 6 hacker vs hacker, tewbre hacker vs hacker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 46sec (2026 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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