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hello everybody and welcome to Planet Zoo and thank you for joining me on this adventure as we make our first ever proper zoo I just wanna say a big thank you to frontier for sending me the game over early so I could just kind of relax and enjoy it because I feel like with a game like this you can't just you know it's not one of these games you're like whoa what's up guys are you doing wha you kind of need to relax and enjoy it and in my last part I just jumped into it without knowing what I was doing so I started with 40 grand we now have $3,000 so what is James spent all of his money on well well well well if you look over here you look to your right we have a beautiful I call it the fall finger garden and we are actually in the UK ignore him over there I think I moved the shops and he just saw us apparently to stay there so yeah we're in the UK or Europe and if you've ever been to Europe or especially the UK we have a thing called Nettles this is something that absolutely am shocked Whitney because nettles are these plants that if you touch them they sting you and you get like em little white lumps on you it's some sort of acid and the theory is that if you rub doc leaves on you it cancels out actually that's false doc leaves have the same acidity as a city or toxin or whatever that they're nettles have so it's just an old wives tale but I spent ages on this bit too long I've got to admit way too long putting nettles all around the sides is making it look all nice and putting a huge big tree map also this is my half kind of half-assed attempt to just be like you know what we need things and this is at the point where I was running out of money but where I spend most of the money is our here so here we go I made a little cave for whatever animals were gonna put in here I'm hoping giraffes that's what I'm aiming for but I'm thinking maybe a big African safari or we can have you know giraffes gazelles gemsbok all that jazz now I also figured out but I'm probably not gonna be able to afford your apps even though I do 600m conservation credits that's it because you don't need to buy them I think you still can however I'm still working out a few things have like some things that would completely confuse me um was this for instance I was like okay how do I get stairs I had to look up a tutorial for it to do with planet coaster and what you do is you click you twice and then J to go up and down so there's nothing so I was like how evil also little hints of how to I think if we right-click on it can we not we're gonna path delete path Oh God feel like it's gonna is it going to yeah there we go okay yeah sometimes if you get a bit of a I don't know a bit in the path that you don't like and you want to flatten it out like when two joins how flat that is that's because I made a little pathway and deleted it so it's smoothed it out automatically things are that Jesus how do you even know these say people just learning behind themselves as watching loads of videos so we are now for the first time oh hold on yes so we do have staff facilities and we have a little tour guide so there's gonna be loads introduced with this what my plan is for this series is that we're gonna because you know the when you're watching this the games out and YouTube is gonna be flooded with a million let's players so I just want to say from the bottom of my heart right now thank you so much for watching this video like I I love making these games well I make the games I love doing these videos but the same time because YouTube is YouTube they're the so many choices out there so I actually just want to say that I really appreciate that you decided to watch this video in particular and I want to you know give something back to you for you know going out your way and I want to take them by doing that I'm by saying that I mean enjoying it and making a good park something that I want to actually do so in here is where the security on you know the vets are the workshops I know you can play staff because one thing I realized is when I went to facilities and I placed all of the stuff Zoo in Photoshop simran dice who does oh there's a multiple adjoining one is it well anyway know what don't do that won't do this is a zookeeper hood I don't think it's its staff a staff room small these things are ones that you can place near enclosures and that means that instead of you know as you keep it going all the way back down here to then go all the way over here he can just go here however I don't think we even have power do we do we need power we don't there's no water temperature is apparently really hot look with this shade oh that's cool wow they thought of everything I don't even know that power oh that's cool so the power of like the main entrance has its own power to start with that's really handy I didn't know about that that's great I mean you've got I love all of this stuff man it's so fascinating what just so many things here to to do and it's quite easy to get confused be like oh my god what do I do how do I even start this but you just got it you've got it just take a breath and just do it slowly and that's what I've been doing what I wanted to do is hire staff so we'll need probably one caretaker so a place her down and what else we definitely the zookeeper even though we don't have anything at the moment but we will a mechanic I don't think we need one I could be wrong but he might actually oh you know what it is oh look we've already got people happiness no catechist we need to we need vendors we do we need three vendors so I got a mechanic because were probably or do we need I don't think we need a mechanic at the moment because he's probably to fix at like power stations and stuff so we don't need a security because we're not got anything of that we need three these guys even though I think he's the ladies you are the same right you are the same so I don't understand how that works I don't where this guy came from I'm just gonna say he's a staff member and we get worked there you go look at them Oh beautiful my stuff and we need of course we need a veterinarian I mean heck yeah we need a veterinarian and there she is oh wow she's she looks amazing doesn't she's like she loves her makeup and the other one is that if I'm narrowing vendors keeper Khattak and mechanic we don't have mechanic we don't have security because I think security Oh hold on wait a minute I just oh so they come with one oh I'm so sorry Laura Lauren Lauren and Warren you guys are gonna have to go so sorry she's been hired and you've been fired it's a quick turnover we have in this bond so I have it on paused so we're not gonna lose anything now we still have 3,000 what I'm gonna do now if I move my mouse out the way there we go is have a look at the animal trading right here we go this whoo oh my god I wanna dad boy our cost money though ooh African elephant I definitely can't afford that my god okay I really want an aardvark though that's gonna cost me like 3,000 and they're both males well it's 26 minutes mean I don't decide what that means okay black wildebeest oh they're really cheap though they're both female so can I say Oh like the camel oh he's only hundred one no a butt-faced camel bison oh man there's so many new species I had no idea about can i filter let's look for aardvarks I want an aardvark there's got to be more than two right let's filter okay not filter maybe there's only two I've clicked aardvark reset aardvark filter built the rain worker maybe you have to click Play for that to work okay well we've only got one aardvark and at home on every two males if there's a female that I might actually get him load more let's see Bongo Bongo oh do they only give you two at a time ah so maybe let's try some other filters warthogs are flamingos are cool I like flamingos oh there are there we go immune genes 17% photo jinn 50% longevity genes 67% and size gene whoo this animal is being adopted for cash it cannot be released into the wild okay all right found it we're buying Komodo dragons transferred yes okay and transferred yes we've got two Komodo dragons okay now we need to move them into here but blinky he's already in babbling ki that's what we're called so I'll move and put you in here now I'm expecting this to be big enough now Komodo dragons are I think at the moment that we know of and I'm pretty sure we're bound anymore all the biggest lizards in the world and they I think do they live on the Isle of Komodo or something like that it's a little island and the indigenous people that live there have to have their houses on stilts so that they don't die don't get killed and for the longest time we didn't think Komodo dragons were venomous but it turns out they are they have because we thought that they are their saliva was so toxic that it would kill the prey that they were fighting or you know attacking that's not the case at all they they are actually venomous this is an amazing discovery and that was only within the last few years I think it was so because we have Komodo dragons now we they probably need to be hotter to be fair but what I rule my money's going down money going down that's a nice little indication it's like you're making its way oh there it is donations and I don't like it so it goes like in that way that's a that's a bit weird you could have it on there but what we can do which is even better cuz I love like freakin love this game you can like double click on this and then already stun to this bit and then you can you can move it slightly ah it's so awesome I love you can do stuff like this Oh Jurassic world evolution phoning you would like this too so now we've got a little bit where we should we go to habitats oh no sorry facilities and then they are yeah there we go and you can put it right by the bin sooner can you do it this way yeah well put one there as well so because we've only got two animals at the moment we'll only we can't afford to spend guys we don't have the money hmm there was like a tram or something facilities transport water rail oh we can have an information board as well okay so now these guys are not gonna be happy of course so we need a golden terrain they need a lot less grass long they need rock and sand so we're just got I think if you click on that reduce your hair look at that awesome so we're just going to I mean and because we got the game paused it actually does update in real time as well so I mean pretty much there that's too much rock so now we need soil and just cut that down there's not enough sand as well just anywhere with this grass so we need to look for a lot of grass in that corner I think do you actually spill out of the oh you do I wonder if you can change that so you don't spill out of the earth like I've just made this place rocky if I don't like it works so we still need sand we need a lot of sand and weed a soil is too much soil now so look up to here shall we I could make it a little bit smaller there's a lot of hot keys I don't know yet they will definitely eat up the process so sand and we have too much soil if it misses soil isn't it more sand get rid of the grass nobody wants grass new still need more sand in fact I've got it set the 60% so we set it to 100 there we go okay now they need a hard shelter environment as well they don't have enough they like tropical and they like wrasslin so we're gonna go into nature we're gonna go to here biome grassland now this is the tricky thing because they might like some of these things they might not like some of the things so go grassland and tropical so this should narrow it down there we go broken food now that's got Komodo dragon written all over it yes never mind they don't like it plants that have that broken is that not for the same not from the same continent a zero mean oh this yeah they like that that's good okay so we're doing a process of elimination so the bird's nest plants they really like that so think what we'll do is we'll juice or you know a neat mean this up put a few here you see this is what I spend just freakin ages doing so as long as we they don't actually have too much of a requirement when it comes to plants which is a really good well for me anyway it's definitely makes a lot cheaper and it's probably about twenty percent that they need and is there anything else what about this oh that looks good oh my god look it's a thick boy skinny boy thick boy skinny boy what a place like some of that yeah they like it that's that's really good so we can take a take a guess that they like generally just things that look like this that war there you go 99% and if you're not happy with this you click see no sorry X and then we can move it down so we can make it smaller just oh it's awesome I love this I mean if you've ever worked in a 3d software it's the same controls so you can do rotations and stuff as well fantastic love it but what we do need to get rid of is this and I want to move this just out the middle no we're good place around there and we'll probably move that as well as you cook em to move look I prayed tree and let me just move some of these yeah that San Diego trip was amazing my god I was severely ill however I almost didn't go oh no I it's crazy to say but I was I know I had the flu or something he was pretty bad and in the end I am I was like I was about there was the morning of my flight and I thought you know what no I'm not gonna go I'm not being sick somewhat like when you've got the flu and you've got fevers and you just feel awful you don't really want to be away from home and I thought to myself you know what I'm not gonna go and then I thought will I regret this I don't know I will probably regret this so I did the only thing that I knew would convince me a hundred percent whether to go or not and that was bringing my mom because I knew if I ring my mom and she's she gives she she'll be completely unbiased should be like look you should probably go even though you ill you'll regret it otherwise and that's exactly what happened and I thought you know what solid so the morning of I was like right okay I'm reordering my Marie book in my uber so now I've selected on here the filters for the different things that we need I think they still need a hard shelter so go 12 by 12 a 24 by 24 and made by that so we're probably gonna get because that's the smallest still it's 300 not but we can put this over oh I didn't mean to do that oh can we oh wow oh I don't want to snap Dona snap one more time I'm gonna snap ah [Music] anybody remember Slipknot no yes those are the emo days so this is quite its I mean it's really freaking big in it but boot boot boot we don't have to have a big remember we can put things through the ground so I mean it's kind of an awkward shape of me this I think that's it so that'll do we'll probably click X on that we'll have it like so yeah that's much better yeah okay now I'm not too sure how this works whether we need bedding or not so we're gonna click on the Komodo dragon again oh I can't remember what this one's called right so environment Oh needs more plant coverage oh right because I've jumbled them all together in Richmond we don't have any of that old it's got a while to go elderly and then death okay socials find a low population to which seems to be the max and that they can have one's not enough or maybe one is enough they don't have a current mate that's okay but we want to kind of breed these because I think they're endangered even there are incredibly dangerous hard shelters space is critically insufficient to cover all animals it's saying it's zero percent no not I I mean I did the tutorial a little bit but I'm assuming we'll go back into nature we've already got this already selected and we know what kind of things they like I'm assuming not bamboo maybe this I don't know hold on we'll get him we'll get him highlighted we'll go environment burny burny how about this yeah I thought so I thought that looks like a tree now the coverage is good coverage is awesome but just because I mean this thing right that you can put things on top of other things which is awesome but and if you just want even more creative control you can just click the X button and you can you can rule we don't move in the y-axis we move on the Z I think that's the z-axis it's been a while since I've done 3d stuff or at least remembering what the X's are called so we'll do you and we'll move you I mean you can have that custom trees as well she's fantastic you could put that all the way up into the tree actually you know what I don't like that anymore no like so well ha yeah we'll have in the corner over here okay okay so there is betting that you can have a figure on habitat see.look habitat bedding small have it up bedding medium have it up bedding large and I think this is what you do I think I could be wrong I think you place that in there and we'll get an extra Lodge oh no we don't want to not no no no no no cancel won't be on you and I'm hoping now that's probably good enough one thing I also need a check is the temperature that they need so we got the coverage we've got the terrain and they don't have any water limit this animals no province of water or climber bellarius let's go don't climb the walls so it's just fine the only thing we're missing is enrichment and hard shelter shows space is critical in position I don't know what they mean by that now I'm gonna resume there we go because you take - zookeeper already and I think they need food I would if I was a zookeeper I would not go it man good yeah and we're making a profit whoa but we still oh my god I forgot completely bye bye guys do you ever water bowl I'm pretty sure a place to water but do not place water bowl oh you mister came in because I placed it okay so a place or water what's this a water pipe like us way more oh but does that mean that we don't need to replenish oh that could be cool but I mean we're hiring staff members rights have sod it we're gonna place that there and they need food as well they've got a cooler because they might need that I'm not seeing anything about food though this is a food bowl water bowl and water pipe oh here it is food tray five hundred or hundred for a smaller okay oh oh look at it go I would if the male's will fight each other they do this amazing Godzilla thing which is fantastic yeah cousin I always accidentally you're over here are you well tell you what we'll have it about there Oh well losing money now I don't know how we're losing money well they're not happy wealth or 58% because they don't have any Richard now this is the thing we'll pause it again was it again because we're going to zoo we can go on to a vet research and we can click her and put her on to the Komodo dragon so we can research what's the best thing for Komodo dragons mechanics which we don't have ah that's what mechanics do you can get different barriers whoo oh but I need to make money and I don't know how make money cash flow taxes income 230 ongoing expenses staff wages habitat repair oh dear please donate to my Komodo dragons I would love it if you did I'm just wondering if they can we do have staff members here don't we this period of - $15 now is that because there's no like there's nothing over there so I made it over here would it be much better although we are in the profit now actually we're making a little problem probably because I'm not making anything whoa father bloody loaded like oh wow freaking money everywhere yes could we check to see how much donations is more hold on oh we can change the color scheme what do we have for the Komodo dragons we'll make it kind of earthy color like brown right what should we we can do look swatches we can really go crazy you can have anything you want all brown brown like the commode ease I'll do and then for this one like a lighter bar like oh here no plot apply that one that's the lighter brown and then this one can be the darker brown yes apply now can I save that duplicate oh there we go okay fantastic now I need to just delete this one now we'll click on it duplicate or you can just click ctrl D apparently and there we go Oh oh god no don't quit Jesus I could escape yeah how these guys doing though I was welfare 59% it's going up yes do they have a mate yet they haven't they haven't they're not liking each other they just kind of sunbathing also let's have a look at the map let's have a look for heat temperature it doesn't does it show what they need oh my god it it's passing times passing so quick oh this isn't good we can put them on contraceptive but I kind of do want them to breed also I'm noticing that there's call oh the zookeepers hold on that's right was raining hmm will it look like in the rain so cool oh my god they look awesome oh wow that's fantastic okay so we've got 71 people in the zoo what I need to do actually cuz I don't think I have a zookeeper assigned so I'm gonna pause it and I'm gonna add him I'm gonna assign him to this alright fantastic so now I've assigned him to see Cole staff so now we've got the vets and things like that and I'll also just make sure that the vet is assigned to work zone one as well so now they're taking care of the Komodo dragons and anything else that's here but because we haven't got anything there so there's really no need for me to do that they pooped is that doodoo could be it could also be rocks how you guys doing we got Murni and a goon goon the kind of noise makes it no no mate come on guys size 66 percent what's your size 50% female is apparently smaller wow she is a way better star rating I don't know how that works who did it we researched yes I don't know what that does for we research yes there we go congratulations you've discovered three items over on the species huh whoo oh she's continuing working that's great keep on going Ellen be amazing so what does that mean if I go into a habitat here we go now we got sprinklers for them is there anything else so that's that baby heater how are they doing for heat whoo they're a little bit cold and lizards are cold-blooded so they're actually gonna need a heater now we need to read a Disney this we need to put the heater somewhere where they're gonna really I mean looking see it's even cool is that what I actually think that supposed to be warmer well we need to hide the heater inside the tree so a place you down and then we will move you into the tree oh god no up like that there we go so I'll place you there so now the heater is hidden underneath the tree all the temperature's rising so if we go into here now yeah look at that there we go one of the gullies I didn't research that uh vet could you like you know Oh keep it being requested already oh good good good right so maybe he's just being a little bit slow I'm really not too sure but we have four hours in dollar ooh Dola so we can now focus on something else how are these shots may really mean it make an exhibit over here if these shops still aren't pulling like any numbers what's that yeah they're not pulling any numbers because they're so far away there we go now I kind of don't want the servitor it's kind of left open like that so to save money what I've been doing right because like god knows what you do and stop playing up I can't afford to you know buy trees anymore I'm so tight on cash that what I'm doing is I'm just sort of like hiding I was hiding everything behind trees hey it works okay so we're just good we're just like grabbing any tree we have we're just gonna bring it closer so yeah sorry my plan for this series is of course to make a really good series but at the same time I don't think I'm good at these too much just because I kind of want to get these out as soon as possible because you know YouTube competition and all that jazz but at the same time I want to enjoy it so I think the best thing for me to do oh it's cuz they could just duplicate coming duplicate yes we just have some more bushes I'm going to probably in between episodes maybe spend an hour two hours possibly just like focusing on the park so you're not gonna miss anything in particular but I you know at the same time there will be significant progress between episodes or at least some sort of progress so we're not just okay now watch me plays like cuz this this thing here took ages and to be fair it's not particularly amazing but it's alright not doing too bad and they got a mate yet god damn it what's your life expectancy on thirteen thirteen point nine that's okay I don't think it's been a year yet right okay the gym was just because I went through other ones so they're they're completely fine I'll let them do their thing still where is my zookeeper being requested and zookeeper being requested who we need have a look at this how why is this not working zookeeper what's he doing does he say what he's doing great job too inspector arriving in 17 months I don't even know what that means you can periodically train stuff up to maximum level better trained staff will perform better I mean if is that him is this him are you are you the zookeeper young Rockwell waiting for oh he's waiting for a staff room ah okay right got you so I do need that let's go into here but I did think I would need it so people don't but I mean they don't like staffers but we place it ya know kind of round here connect it that way now we have a staff room and now we need to duplicate these trees a couple of times rotate them maybe even take one of these big trees I got yes one of these trees yeah there he goes now he's got his own staff place so hopefully he's probably gonna get food and can I do stuff with this stuff building staff room efficient two out of four capacity three out of four capacity before it for perks none also we can give it extra perks a rec room staff resting here will recover energy slightly faster right I got this so much you can you can even change the window colors and stuff so it's not purple right so we've got this is like a tree in the middle I'll save you that's that's nice though that looks very good we are now losing money but I think it's because I made a staff Center as a poop-poop as well that's kind of impressive I'm not gonna lie that's kind of impressive also I just went double-click on this because I want to move it there we go it's just somehow in the donation box there I don't even know how that happened what no it only make anymore they're also still not being fed oh she's doing research isn't she oh that's right research level two I was it go all these diseases as well cow pox virus fever mor s aha IMR si woo avian influenza there's a lot right we need to find him again oh no there is there is what does it say refilling water yes we oh that's not good we've got broken glass he's that he's now going back out to go get the meat so that's good we're gonna be pros at Komodo dragons I've got more poop where's the clean do I have to assign the cleaners to the same workload keeper caretakers oh yeah he's not on the workload oops and we don't wanna make another one we need a he's on work what work zone - doesn't exist may go work so one should they be works on one is that why they're not working yeah maybe now hold on let's have a look chief beef this period were making even less money but maybe now that I've set them to work area one and she's already on work everyone so the role on work area one mechanic stuff God's we definitely in mechanic I think we probably need him for the glass why it's just good there you go son and I will put you on works on one and you also now can research the new world theme ooh an Africa theme oh we need an Africa theme hey yeah give me that oh do we all what do we need staff facilities you could do that even drink shops shelters and climbing souvenir shop East Asia themed power may could research solar power classic theme I've got a delicate even if we're gonna go for the African exhibit I think that's probably a really good one to do she's still researching she's done of greedy good job aww oh they're going for it oh they're going for the meat yes they're gonna eat or watch the meat well the graphics on that looks so good well like the kind what that my meeting this is how Komodo dragons actually eat they mime let's go for cinematic camera [Music] dragon this kind of like pivoted that's also something Komodo dragons can do you know they're very clever now is this affecting you positively 57 wealth call affair terrains good that's good it's only enrichment that's literally just needs some sort of enrichment I don't know what you would do from Richmond like a scratch post or I don't know a gazelle yeah I want to do this bear I want to do this pic really nice so like put rocks all around maybe some waterfall going in you know just make it look really cool and also oh do they have a shelter there was something about shelter plants no yeah they've got a hard shot so they're they're completely fine with water food everything yes like they're approaching there at like later on in the life though I don't know if they can still mate is she the female oh she's the female Marini she's a ticking time bomb quickly on Google or whatever you're cold you need to get on that soon yeah we need to breed also can he fix the fence I don't even know how he fixes like if I click on that I click on this fence well then we're good out fence editor if I click on this habitat one will call this cool Mordor Dragon exhibit cleanliness various status call mechanic I suppose the view of the Komodo dragon from here is fine really you're okay is could it be better I mean do they have a private nurse that they do they need I know some animals do have that I'm not too sure where that would be is it welfare no social maybe some that means some creatures do have a privacy but this guy doesn't lifetime starts offspring zero fights mmm maybe I should put this bit as glass it would be really cool to have more fence of variety I've only got brick glass wood I guess a chain link and a hedge but yeah that'll do that'll do do we do we need to put more donations parts like donation not parts donation thingies cuz let's have a look zero donations from that 120 and 960 from that one and they were primarily just surviving on donations I think oh oh it's in the bowl they're gonna get it on you're 14 years old and you are 11 years old you were thirsty you know what I'm not gonna watch I'm just gonna let them do it but if you've enjoyed this video leave a like and until next time I'll probably will focus on this exhibit over here get something that I can either buy with welfare points all right I don't know maybe we should have a reptile Center so we should have Komodo dragons here Nile monitors although that is big that's big for a Nile Monta we could probably cut that in half yeah I think if we're gonna Nile monitors I really want aardvarks though I'm not gonna lie I really wanna but I think what we should do because this is this way pays for them I think and this I think we could split this in two so we could make a now monitor and something else maybe and then on the other side over here I don't know we could we could do something as I like to work with shapes so I saw I've just made the paths and and then built the enclosures inside of them and I think that really works but if you're excited but I've already said it I'll see you next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,371,104
Rating: 4.9136806 out of 5
Keywords: planet zoo, planet zoo gameplay, zoo game, zoo, planet zoo franchise, all animals, planet zoo game, aquatic, prehistoric, secrets, hd, funny, montage, funny montage, fun, animals
Id: geaYsyBwPM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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