Planet Zoo: Australian Pack - The Kanga-Zoo! (Part 1)

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hello everybody my name is pravis and welcome to more planet zoo you know we've been playing a lot of really stressful games on the channel as of late and i thought to myself i could really use a bit of a break from that what's something fun and chill that i can play that still sparks some creativity and offers a bit of a challenge and i came up with planet zoo i do like this game quite a bit i was a huge fan of zoo tycoon when i was a kid and in my opinion planet zoo is the spiritual successor to that franchise very very solid game we did cover this back when it first released hello uh but since then i think three new species packs have been released to the markets and i reached out to the devs and they were kind enough to give me all the latest content so a big thank you to them for that so we're gonna go ahead and start by playing with one of those new species packs based around australia now australia of course has some incredibly weird critters down under so i'm looking forward to building a zoo that is mostly centered around them i think each species pack only offers like five or six new species though we can't build an entire zoo around it but it can be the center folks that is what we're going to do let's go to challenge and select the grasslands of australia and i'm going to name this one the kanga zoo i think that is a very clever name for a uh for an australian zoo all right let's give it a go okay here we are doesn't quite look like what i expect australia to look like but that's probably fine we'll give it a go anyway all right so there are a handful of things that we need to set up pretty early on uh namely starting with some basic staff facilities we know we're gonna need all of this just to run the zoo let alone actually build out any habitat so let's start with that now the game wants you to build all of these you don't really need that many to start off it's a okay to start with something like a trade center and uh staff room and a research center a quarantine and keeper hut and so on but before we do even any of that let's go ahead and start setting up some pathing now if you've ever seen planet zoo it's by the same developers uh so sorry by the same developers as planet coaster so a lot of the basic mechanics as far as building out a park are pretty much the same as what you would have seen in a game like that also very fun by the way highly recommend that so let's go ahead and grab some more pathing we're going to kind of build just an administrative staff area off in this general vicinity to kind of start me off and i like having needlessly curved road just because i like the asymmetry i don't like being especially grid-like if i can avoid it you know what i mean now let's set up a trade center this is necessary if we want to start buying and selling some creatures that i can add into my exhibits uh i would like to get a research center it's not strictly necessary at the beginning of the game but we are going to want it early on so we'll go ahead and place one of those also we'll need the quarantine just in case uh to make sure that our new animals don't get others sick so go ahead and do that and i wouldn't mind also having a staff room kind of early on just so my staff are able to rest up and take good care of themselves very important to have a happy staff right okay that should be enough just to get me going for now we'll place down keeper huts and other stuff later now if we want to place down some exhibits first i think we need to figure out what kind of creature we actually want so let's go to animal trading now i don't believe that there is a way to filter based off of geography which i think is very unfortunate but if we scroll down i'm sure i'll recognize something like dingoes there we go dingoes are of course very australian kind of classic animal right there so we'll play with these guys to start us off for our first exhibit now first let's check the zoopedia and actually make sure that i know what i'm getting myself into what kind of requirements we're looking at this is a vulnerable population of species so it's not exactly in danger but it's not common either which means breeding might work well for me and i can release some into the wild and get a lot of accolades for the zoo that sounds pretty good natural habitat yes they are native to australia they like living in desert grasslands get a little bit of a sense of what kind of habitat requirements they have they do look for a lot of space it looks like that could become a bit of a challenge for me uh here's something important group size give us some idea how many we're going to need so 2 to 12 for a family pack of dingoes and interestingly enough they do have both an alpha male and an alpha female but they are monogamous so if you want to maximize our mating and breeding potential we'll probably want to have to have a one-to-one ratio of males and females maybe three males and three females to start off or just two and two i guess could be fine yeah we might play with some of that so let's go ahead and start um well let's see we want to get a habitat right now let's go and start replacing some pathing so i can figure out what i'm actually going to um i'm actually going to set up for my exhibit and then we'll go ahead and import in the animals i'll reduce um having size uh maybe a little bit larger than this and let's go ahead and build out kind of a nice big circular area so that people can easily see all the dingos here we go it might be a little bit big to start off but if they have such large space requirements for each individual dingo and we eventually want them to breed it's going to get very crowded very quickly so we got to be ready for that what kind of a wall do you want to use i think brick brick sounds like a lot of fun it's super duper swanky let's go ahead and set up down along here and just kind of build right along the pathing now we have to think through where we want to place some windows so people can see the dingos preferably a little bit further off the beaten path so people don't kind of crowd the area and it gets harder to manage the traffic right so right over here should be fine let's place down some glass and we'll set up a few viewing areas kind of right along here there we go something like this should be pretty good of course it did cost us a lot of money to build an exhibit this big and elaborate but that's gonna be just fine now we also need to set down some sort of a habitat gate if i were to set one up right along here that should be easy enough for our future zookeepers to come on in here and drop off some food and other such important things so that will work just fine and we'll be able to kind of beautify this area up and place down some plants and such later so okay so that's going to be one basic exhibit i'll need to get some dingoes and such in just a moment but first let's make sure we take care of the rest of our basic staff needs i'm going to set up a small little mosaic path right along over here with the expectation that i'm going to want to have my zookeeper or somebody similar set up over here just another little continuation of the administrative zone let's go to facilities and make sure we place down one of those keeper huts keeper huts are where your zoop keepers are going to prepare uh prepare all of the food having one close to all of the different uh entrances to the exhibits is a very very helpful thing so we want to have that i'll also need to get a workshop and other stuff later but for now i think this will do just fine so let's go ahead and hire up some staff that can take care of our basic needs we need to get a caretaker to clean the place up we need to get a keeper to actually take care of the animals we need a mechanic to manage the walls we can avoid security for the moment and a vet would be nice so i can do some research and also care for the animals if it turns out that they are sick so let's go to the market and find some dingoes ooh cassowaries those guys are from australia right well that in like new guinea or something i think but yeah we'll get some of those dingoes first though dingoes first so let's go ahead and adopt a quick male and a female and a male and a female do we want more than four to start us off i kind of want to get six so let's go ahead and get all of you guys there we go whole bunch of dingoes now let's go to our storage and send them to the zoo and drop them off in that habitat there we go everyone is assigned which means our caretakers and vets and such should automatically run off to the trade center and grab the dingoes out of their boxes and drag them into this site right and once they get in here it's going to be a little bit easier for me to figure out what kind of stuff they want um that said we could probably we could probably go ahead and start making a few educated guesses but oh wait they're right here they're right here come on little dingoes boink hello the box suddenly gets bigger it's bigger on the inside it's like a tardis all right if we actually want to turn on the camera right here we can kind of see the thing goes oh this is a little it's cerberus there we go once again i just have to say i love the graphics of planet zoo the detail in each individual animal is just superb fantastic stuff okay so theodore the dingo my test dummy what do you want well first off you want to have a shelter and i can probably arrange that let's go to habitat and to make this a little bit easier we can go ahead and filter based off of dingoes just to make sure that whatever we toss in here is something they are actually going to want we could give them some bedding and stuff that's not a bad idea but i do think getting a pretty large shelter somewhere out over here wouldn't be a bad call just because it gives them some nice shade to hide in if they want we'll do that could also toss down some of that bedding um so they have a place to lay down if they want let's say maybe out over here-ish we'll do a couple of them probably like this maybe another shelter later if we want let's see now they're pretty satisfied with that they got a place to lay they like that okay and then as far as terrain we've got way too much long grass for their tastes they would really like to see some more short grass and soil well some short grass kind of closer to viewing areas would probably make a bit of sense we'll go ahead and drag that down at least a bit and also maybe a little soil just kind of mix things out remember that they do like grasslands but like deserts too so a little bit less obscured vision and stuff would make them a bit happier here's some more short grass just kind of toss this in there there we go that seems reasonably well balanced so maybe a teensy little bit of rock here and there as well perfect good texturing okay so that means their terrain needs just fine and now we can move on to the environment what do they want well they don't actually care about getting a lot of plants apparently which is okay but i like tossing in plants anyway so let's go to nature and once again we are going to filter in this case by grassland and desert and also continent to make sure that we get the right types of native plants that make them feel at home and comfortable so we'll separate to oceana and then also grassland and desert so all of these plants most likely will end up working just fine for me okay there we go nice little exhibits and all the dingo's gonna get dropped off what else do you guys need let's see enrichment well unfortunately i don't have any ways of enriching the lives of our dingoes quite yet so we'll have to come back to that everything else seems okay and they're quite happy with their social situation right now because they have a large enough family group that they're doing a-okay so we do need to also make sure they have the ability to get some nutrition uh let's see a large food tray would probably be sensible and we'll place it probably off over here close-ish to the um to the zookeeper's entrance and i would also like to get a quick water pump or something maybe out over here close the shelter where they can get some shade that should be enough to get them going okay dingoes are done and ready to go and already our guests are entering the zoo beautiful well if there are gonna be guests that means they are here for an educational experience and we can provide if we go to facilities and to our viewing devices and speakers one of the fun things about planet zoo is you can place down little sign boards and information kiosks and stuff and people can learn things the more they feel educated the more impressed they are with your zoo and therefore they will drop off donation funds and stuff which is something i very very much like to have it's one of the best ways of making money in the game so we're gonna go ahead and place some of those down especially at any of the viewing areas actually we need educational boards not exhibit boards my mistake there okay we'll place down dingo here and there we go you can see little details like that showing off information i've always thought that's a fun little touch they add into the game right there also i place down some little speakers over here which we could turn on to also just broadcast information about our exhibits which is one way of people learning things without having to actually you know read or anything you know engaging their brain and all that uh do have to be careful not to have these guys overlap in their range though because otherwise people might get a little confused but this should be okay to kind of get us started lovely okay so we have our first fully functioning exhibit and some happy little animals love it now we just need to do that again here we go something a little bit smaller like this should be just fine for what i have in mind next i think we should go ahead and place down some cassowaries so let's see if we can find some of those guys now they're not just called cassowaries it's like southern cassowary or something like that there it is we've only got one named rihanna i like that name it's a very good name um we're gonna go ahead and adopt you i'm hoping to find a mail at some point let's um can i actually click on you and uh see if i can find your zoopedia article real quick no i messed that up hang on where's my where's my zupedia there it is southern cassowaries what do we got here so they like to live either isolated or at least a group of one male and one female so they'll be fine on their own rihanna's okay but getting her a mail would be kind of nice these are of least concern i didn't realize these guys had actually pretty good populations here what do you know looks like a very exotic animal right but these guys do live in australia only in the very eastern sections along over here though mostly they live up in new guinea i believe so okay they don't require nearly as much space as the dingoes which is why i built them a smaller exhibit and they do have a tropical environment not a grasslands or desert environment good to know all right once the cassowary is ready to go we'll go ahead and toss them into the exhibit and go ahead and tailor it to their needs oh and while our workers are doing that let's make sure we throw some of those donation boxes i was talking about up here uh something like this should be fine we'll place it kind of close to some education areas just because i think that's when they are the most giving and generous we'll do something like over here and then we'll do another one over here i don't know plenty of opportunities to give me your money okay that's what's so dang important we'll go ahead and toss them right here as well and just make sure there's no excuse let's make sure there's an atm right by the entrance and i wouldn't mind having an information kiosk as well can we do something like that there it is planet zoo info center right along here seems perfect we could also probably give them some small toilets or something or even large ones i don't know i'm not too picky just a nice big toilet so that everyone's gonna be taken care of for the future perfect that'll work just fine and actually now that we've dropped off all the dingos another thing i should do is start working on research for our veterinarian so let's go ahead and assign cleo lemons to work on researching dingoes we'll find out some of the basic things that make them happy get some extra enrichment in their lives and happier animals will make for happier guests here we go rihanna has been delivered such a weird bird right there okay what do you want well first off you do desire a shelter i'm not sure why that was filled in for a moment but it does not deserve to be let's swap out our filter for the southern cassowary which should be right here and make sure you get some place to live um there's only going to be a couple of you so you probably don't need a very large shelter something pretty basic like down over here would probably be enough we'll do this and i'll also give you like a smallish little bedding ground over here in case you want to take a little nap kind of in the middle does that meet your needs uh almost we can place another small one let's say right there there we go plenty of places to lay their pig honking heads i don't know if they so desire let's see too much long grass got it not nearly enough soil got it we can fix some of that let's go ahead and place a fair bit more soil down and also some shorter grass kind of like this that should be good you would like a little bit of sand just a little bit of sand there we go for a tropical creature this isn't quite what i think i was expecting and then maybe just a smidge of rock and other such things okay this all seems pretty good what else you want for your environment now you do want coverage and that makes sense you do after all live in a somewhat tropical environment so let's get rid of the grasslands and oceana and swap out out for tropical and see what else we can place down lots of banana palms birds nest firms cordoline plants coconut palms australian fan palms this sounds like something we need a bunch of there we go you can't really tell at night because you know the colors are all kind of blackened out by the lack of a sun but i think this is going to look very very nice once it is done so does that meet all your needs you should have plenty of coverage now there we go but of course we are still lacking in the enrichment all right but we are also running a little bit low on money so we have to do something about that um one very cheap thing we could do that would probably get a little bit of extra guest attention while uh not breaking the bank would be to place down let's say a basic exhibit an exhibit wouldn't be a bad idea we could place one kind of close up to the front kind of get the guests excited as they are coming up over here yeah that seems fine so we're gonna go to small animal exhibits so i'm not going to try to get anything too crazy but just something like this should be fine-ish it's going to make the roads look weird but we'll toss some bushes in there or something it'll look fine whoops that's not what i meant to do oh well i think that'll be fine so let's go ahead and take a look at our individual small animals that we could bring in and i don't well nothing's apparently showing up here i don't think that there are going to be any um australian-based small critters that we could buy which is unfortunate but not a big deal um i'm not sure why nothing's showing up there's no species available it's a completely empty market seems a little weird but okay we'll come back to that all right we are a little low on cash right now but i think that'll solve itself as we get some more donations and also sell various different goods i did forget to set down some education so let's make sure that we don't forget that it's very very important to have a successful zoo capable of educating your guests you know you want to make them feel like they come away with more knowledge than when they came in or something like that it's very very good all right so we'll do this probably to start i haven't set up any paths on this side yet and we'll go ahead and place down a quick speaker right over there and let's set that to the southern cassowary and increase the range so anyone who is looking through the glass is going to learn something whether you like it or not you can't plug your ears even if you can't close your eyes perfect and of course we need to make sure that we aren't forgetting to place down one of those lovely donation boxes right along there perfect okay looks pretty good gotta keep checking the market once in a while looking for some more uh southern cassowaries trying to find a male just so that rihanna has somebody to live with maybe we would be able to get some breeding going on there i don't know so there we go now the small animal market is up and running what do we want well we get a really cool looking titan beetle uh sure okay also let's see an iguana iguanas are cool people like iguanas right i like iguanas you know i actually found an iguana in arizona once crazy right but there actually was an iguana in a um in a bush uh close to my house we assume it was somebody's pet that they lost or abandoned for god knows why we took it home and we named it floyd at least until we could find someone else to take care of it anyway so somewhere in here should be a little iguana there it is ah check that out again i just love the little details you get in planet zoo the fact that you can look at an exhibit and find a tiny creature like that is so stinking cool all right let's see we're gonna go ahead and set this up over here with the iguana now of course the iguana also has needs we cannot neglect that so let's go to the exhibit take a look here layout they would like some enrichment we don't have any of that yet climate however definitely to change so let's raise the temperature by at least a couple of degrees 77 for now and lower the humidity down to let's say 60 and see if this helps that's pretty good as far as humidity would like it to be a teeny bit warmer though so we'll do something like this there we go nice and comfortable okay uh small exhibits are very easy to take care of they're pretty small to set up they're very cheap the animals are pretty easy to make happy doesn't get quite the same level of excitement and stuff but i mean it's not half bad and if you can get a little bit of enrichment you know just a happier iguana perfect okay and everything is looking just fine and dandy we are gonna have to beautify the crud out of this park at some point oh i just realized i forgot to actually get some food trays and stuff over here that's kind of important let's go ahead and say um probably a small water bowl over let's say along here close to where they will be able to sleep and then a large food bowl over here okay that should be fine we'll set that up and make sure that our cassowaries are okay hey let's take a look at this gift we did finish with adopting two different habitat species so i get a little extra cash thank you so much for that and our profits have gone up a lot too so we get even more money thank you just waiting on some uh guest numbers and we will be able to finish that one out cool that research is complete for the dingoes we learned about some basic enrichment nice now our um our vet could continue working with the dingoes but i'm going to swap over to the cassowary just to get something a little bit of enrichment and then we will focus on one thing at a time so what do we learn exactly about you dingoes what do you like for enrichment let's see there's species enrichment that's not it research status blood scent markers really it's just it's gonna be a little marker that smells like blood and that makes you hap okay you know whatever floats your boat yes i can't be too upset by that let's go to species once again find the dingo and we're gonna place down at least a couple of these blood scent markers maybe one over here and one down over um kind of out in the open like this should be fine and then maybe one more kind of out over here there we go does that deal with some of your enrichment needs at the 31 it's not exactly enough is it but i mean it's progress i'll take what i can get how about another blood marker over here okay we're up to 34 i think that's probably the best we can get with this type of enrichment we're gonna have to learn something else first before we able to go much further than that but there we go okay and it looks like this dingo actually really does like that uh blood scent marker what's going on with you over here oh he's looking at it he thinks it looks good oh he's giving it a good old sniff does this make them enrage or anything do they get like super bloodthirsty gosh i hope not that would not exactly be great for me would it no they seem to be doing okay it likes it it definitely likes what it's getting there wow pretty dingo very pretty dingo connor i like you connor you're good let's see before i forget there are some other things we are going to need for example we do need to get a workshop this is important for a mechanic so you can get the materials they need to repair walls if they ever are looking a little bit questionable it also would be wise for me to have um some animal surgery uh let's see there it is veterinary surgery yeah we'll set up one over here as well um probably ooh this tree is kind of right in the way ain't it we'll place it over here sure there we go i'm completely out of cash until something is fixed but at least now i have all of my basics set up and we are going to be able to take care of animals no matter what is going to happen so we just sit back and we get a bit of cash oh also we keep checking to find out if there's more casseroles there's females that's not what i'm looking for though not what i'm looking for okay we have finished a little bit more research for the cassowaries that's great let's swap over to the iguana then we'll focus on one or the other probably just the dingoes to get us going so going to habitat let's do the same thing as before we're going to sort by species because that makes my life easier what do we find out you like i think it's this one right here the herb scent marker okay so we're just creating some really nice smells for you guys apparently that's fine that's fine we'll just place down a couple of these guys down over i don't know here that should be all right okay there we go takes care of the cassowary iguana research is done now let's swap over just to making the dingos happy because i think that's going to be one of my big attractions right there lots and lots of dingos you can see that people do like using the paths over the walls to kind of see down and see what exactly is going on down there uh iguanas floyd i'm just gonna name you floyd what's going on over here let's uh add in say a long wide trunk there it is add that in there and now your layout has improved adding in more doesn't do me any good until we get some more enrichment but now we have an extra happy iguana welfare is 95 percent not bad a dingo is about to have a baby well that's good um because baby animals uh draw lots of zoo attention another thing i forgot to do actually is to start our mechanic research as well as the veterinary research and check this out there's actually australian themed stuff dude i want to learn about australian themed stuff cool let's make the kangazoo look super aussie that's the word right yes oh a little baby dingo has been born somewhere hang on let's take a look at the exhibit find the animals and where's the little baby dingo harry is its name oh little baby howie where are you there you are you look pretty big for a baby good lord they grow up so fast we did just learn some new enrichment it looks like they would like to play with some sort of ball oh okay well i can probably arrange that let's place down let's say a nice colorful ball right along over here to please the guests and maybe another small ball over um let's say right along over here there we go couple little toys for you guys to play with does that make your enrichment better it does i think the only way to make things better for them now is actually to give them some sort of food enrichment if we do a drop down right here we can see yeah so they have plenty of toys they're quite happy with that but they do want to have something to play with while they eat their food you know like a kind of a little clever contraption that they have to they have to work at in order to get the little seeds out or whatever it's going to be i don't know what thing goes eat aside from babies so um we'll have to research some of those next but that's about as close as we can get and it definitely makes a big difference more vet research done for the dingoes okay can we just take a look at this directly and see what's going on an education bonus oh that's certainly helpful yeah uh if we can get to level four and such we're gonna go ahead and teach people how to learn more about dingos or at least educate people better on dingoes also we'll unlock some food enrichment good fun facts and breeding research nice it does seem to indicate that there actually is some food enrichment is there well hang on let's actually take a quick look at the habitat here um specifically looking for food sometimes this gets all messed up what about a food cage is that the sort of thing that we think that dingoes would like could be makes sense to me no that's not it at all it's something down here called a dog ball a dog ball so far i'm not seeing any dog balls anywhere um it's under enrichment there it is dog ball this is food all right take it there we go we got a special ball for you that means your food enrichment should have gone up it did 14 oh what do you frickin do okay we'll learn about a lot more don't you worry we did get an inspection report telling us how well we are doing cleanliness is fantastic and overall the habitats are pretty solid what we're lacking in is proper education but that will come don't you worry that will come as we continue to do our research okay well i think this is a pretty good start for our zoo there's a lot more beautification that i need to do but first we need to get some serious cash on hand and also i need to set up probably some some concessions or something because the longer people stay here the more money they are going to want what is going on over here is this thing smoking somebody vandalized my habitat information how dare you replace that gosh no wonder my education sucks we've got vandals all right well we'll come back to that later thank you all very much for watching i do hope that you are looking forward to a very brief series in planet zoo if so then i would ask you to hit that like button leave a comment and subscribe and i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Pravus
Views: 38,831
Rating: 4.9620652 out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, Planet, Zoo, Australia, species, dingo, kangaroo, cassowary, management, strategy, guide, part 1
Id: ECa5MqzeiJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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