THE BEST ZOO OF ALL TIME! - Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection

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no no no I refuse to play zoo tycoon game doesn't start with hello everybody welcome to zoo tycoon this game am i never played actually this is the one that came up the Xbox but it recently came out already start I know it's all out for PC not through Steam you have to go through the Microsoft Store website to do that so you do need like an Xbox accounts or you got a hotmail lumpia all right the only thing is it was gone for $19.99 now when it first came out it was like really expensive so we're gonna start just doing whatever like campaign mode challenge mode sandbox ooh forget about money and research time sandbox Zoo allows you to allows you and up to three online friends to create a zoo oh my god hell yeah I won't do that would you like to know the tutorial No yeah I can play I've played Zoo Tycoon all those wants the expansions and Zoo Tycoon 2 am I only allowed in North America hold on can I go anywhere else oh what's this Europe will go for Europe zoo that'll do we'll select that one oh here we go so if you didn't know guys this was made by frontier the people who are making drastic evolution or Eason you know it wasn't all them so I'm as I'm a zookeeper great open main menu okay if I click baseball nope no he just gets into a boogie okay right okay welcome dessert a girl Lydia Liz's and I not make my choice this one I have unlimited moolah I mean don't get me wrong this is great but this is kind of what I wanted how do I get out escape there you go escape from the boogie builds ooh yeah there we go Xzibit now was it really that hard okay let's choose or should we go for temperate forest savanna Outback grasslands and dean Pluto Alpine tropical let's get topical let's get I'm large or do we need stars for that Oh okay well we oh wow alright then so this is how it's made is it okay oh really oh I get it okay so this is all of the zoo the rican place and all of this okay well let's oh it connected automatically whoa let's do that hold on like that yeah oh I got half a star please select an attraction to connect okay this is this okay it's blue blue whose green foot there there we go awesome right already I can see why this wasn't a great success zoo tycoon is great for you know just doing what you wanted tropical another one no I don't want another one man although I do want to place some things in here okay animals gotcha adopt an animal yeah a bears chimpanzees elephants giraffes antelopes alpacas what's a tropical Jaggi was a tropical right lion like how we're seeing I'm seeing zero oh yeah I thought that was a stegosaur the hippopotamus and cougars or cost me more stars so I'm gonna go with a tropical Jaguar go on then do we get a good ones Jagger a Central America Jack oh my god this oh in the snow Jaguar the rare or what Mexican yi oh no George Aguilar charm Reuben Tallulah jewel or let's have Steven yes right I've got Steven now what guess so much happier with the variety of animals yeah there is one now okay oh oh oh return return I want to see him who tapped a tycoon view I want to see him is he is he there where do you go oh there he is creat double-click on him I want a view of okay animal exhibit exhibit items okay he's gonna need stuff animal care oh okay build Oh fish feed no let's give him some fruit yeah meat feeding station there you go beautiful he'll love it edit station can we put more stuff in there oh no okay it's just one one station at a time got it okay what else can we put in exhibit items exhibit decorations Oh interactions yes interact with my um booth by Jaguar can I build it there build feeding yeah feeding interaction yeah that's not right he got a little Jack you all reasonably good ping animals happiness how happy are you buddy oh he's green he's super happy okay I don't think that's how that's gonna work I think we may need to change what that is enrichment there we go we're gonna have some little enrichments okay so you can only place it in certain areas table tops a wading pool well Jackie was yeah it's rain forest but he already has like a pool so let's give him a scratching post oh my God look at all these ones crusty crocodile it's getting mad make it one tardy coyote create fantabby dozy now where is he how do i how do I just like look at an animal oh how do i what we're doing I just I just want to get down on the level with the animals no I don't want to add it how do I do this I guess this is why you have the tutorial right you do realize that's a Jaguar right look at your children that they could like hop over that I Jack you what can easy collect lift is a freaking tree right here like this exhibit jugulars can climb trees man is he happy it was F was it f to ping happiness it was that P oh I found it ah wow I'm gonna take a picture yeah love my scratching post hold on hold on I got a better idea look at your face look at all of you having such a good time but oh my god what's with your eyes oh my God he's got hollow eyes I don't like it I need to take pictures of these fake eyes you robot yeah keep photo oh yeah let's see what photos you took today it's just like it gets more more creepy I want to zoom in this hold on I can get closer to him anyway no we got we got it we got there you go there you go sniff the post yes no I didn't want to take a picture your shoulder nope come on oh my god this Jaguars got a lot of stress seems to be uh oh no I uh I lost that foot okay anyway right well seeing as we can literally build anything let's move oh no space many exhibits woo so who these a tall small one sorry so we can only make one that's a tropical rock these dude up a good look so yeah I can see why this game didn't take off like come on all of the zoo tycoon's you could do whatever you want to change the path do anything you are with like freaking animals and look at this cursed already built thick No ooh I've unlocked new stuff Nile monitor lizards black rumped odd County I got gout and rechak reticle 8 in giraffes Jesus regular giraffes Oh reticle ated hold on hold on yes wait can we not add another one oh wait wait pathfinder mode p can i yeah there we go can I do that can we go here yeah awesome so can I just like can I make pots oh god no additional paths can be built from this attract oh that's fine that's fine how about there so it has to go from an attraction to an attraction oh my god that sucks yeah I mean oh it's really good okay so we have nothing in here at the moment right okay okay we got we got gout lemurs and monitor lizards hell yeah we're go oh look at this Nile monitor Komodo dragon and Parenti Bjorn moly Becky Nelson Liberty they'll cost the same level six level eight level nine level ten Oh having Bjorn yes adopt Bjorn and we're gonna adopt Yanni yes I can we adopt another one can we just like fill this with loads of oh come on let me have some fun game Jase I see who they are in there yeah ash look at it go it's like one of those B movies for the black-and-white movies where they you know they could actually make monsters so they just had a chain one two lizard in the background are you going look at the monitor lizards yes no Capri today are look at them Oh action shot with the tongue keep that photo saved you can find yeah I know can we put a lemur in here yeah he's up there oh he finished wait what no I was enjoying it but now I can get barn owls yes so yeah I can see why this game didn't take off like I mean I know I'm doing sandbox and the challenges but really zoo tycoon is at its core the same thing over and over it just depends how you play it oh I guess that's kind of a good one look at his face Liberty you're taking liberties stay still I didn't do it it was that weirdo with the camera who won't stop taking forties Oh Oh my favorite attractions have arrived the people look they look truly soulless just keep smiling the man will go away no he won't feeding station oh of course they can't eat can they yeah there you go would you want refill ah is that it we do we even have any zookeepers do we keep an eye on that somehow animals admission price zoo news so I'm guessing not everyone seems to be happy except for the animals but that's okay do I take care of the animals is that it all right this guy's got a scratching post as you need anything else these guys Animal Care does he need water do you need water King to the right King to the left what what do you mean I'm doing it but it's not doing anything over X nope doing everything me next item nope okay right let's just get it no Jack you are then I guess or could we put something else in have you got any beavers in this game we're also gonna be very annoyed Stephen can be with Stephen adopt wide you mean a car plays not compatible I disagree I call that I call a survival of the fittest you interrupting with nature are you okay well we got past decorations concession whoo food and drinks can we get a McDonald's stack burger pond holy crap that's a big burger barn in it and I want a milkshake stand as well why are they so big awesome I'm the only way to get to this is to be bloody awkward right and you have to go round this make it like the most inconvenient place in the world so you think the entrance right you could just go from here to here wrong you have to go from here to here and then the rest of the way so in order to get the popcorn stand you have to go first you have to go go for the entrance go to the monitor lizards move up to the burger shop where the hell did all these people come from then this way into the juice bar and then into your pop wall okay ah yes I can still I can see the floors now it makes no difference why I put the place because people seem to just randomly spawn yeah I know I'm a freak okay calm down Jesus don't have to like write in the comments god what's that kid got oh my god is he's in a bit of the tree look at that weird freak oh yeah I got rid of that one yeah taking picture of that family I know what I'm gonna take pictures of hold on the popcorn you know walking for a pig people taking pictures damn it ooh you've been to the real life before alright okay let's get some lemurs on do mini exhibit so all we can do is basically just make whatever and we'll eventually get to like $6 so now we can make tropical tree yellow anaconda but undercut it don't wanna be in this exhibit right okay I'm gonna go with the emerald thing what a cockatoo can I put an emerald tree boa with a cockatoo we've got Hattie Jun and Tony we'll pick or we got Scotty let's pick Scottie curry put another one in there because I'm guessing you could always put two well put wait I forgot what gender II was Scottie must be a girl let's put Ben in everyone's like ya know cause she's not good and let's put Tory in oh my god how many let's put the woman what the hell is that name chrysanthemum chrysanthemum a pretty flower okay we can only put three in right fair dues let's go over look there's gotta be a god buzz old man god I forgot about I locked him in the Chokey good job I uh I remembered exhibit items is that what we can have is just a cleaning station so for the snakes refill is that it guests are complaining about the terrible smell from tropical rock I don't give a damn about tropical rock and the smell we can have trash cans in your exhibit me it outback trash cans awesome oh okay so they're just things that are generally round anyway you know like this is with rollator rollercoaster rollercoaster tycoon randomize yes go nuts Oh perfect we just randomize everything okay let's run demise this as well customized randomize go Oh beautiful I love it don't over can we um can we just look through the albums please no my photo journal yeah oh look at them look at all my amazing photos Oh memories my favorite yeah look at all these animals that we haven't got capybaras cougars crocodiles water snakes where's the Beavers ooh and porcupine we have hedgehogs actually I want hedgehogs h:g we got hippos and that's it no hedgehogs whereas the blue tits hmm we're in Europe hmm fine fine I'll just have to have these all these tropical things and let's make it a medium outback antelopes bears chimpanzees other foe we can get anything okay we got anything new cuz we're up were on four stars now gotta have a good old chimpanzee in the outback we give them a hat but no boat chimpanzees central the rare is Eastern chimpanzees I want bonobo will have pebbles yeah odd okay temperate forest yeah you'll make do he's fine five-star let's quickly get some more stuff before everything goes rubbish hey can we have a different type of chimpanzee I want one of those oh we can how about we get Aris a baby how about we just Oh mais gonna kill a look about her how about we you know get a few more Central's just get lots of babies I can all grow up together there you go look at all the chimpanzees now yes who's the real champion of the zoos that's right me this man and I with me forty camera they like tropical apparently well you'll have to make do oh it's already clipped through the bottom looks like it's got a little bit of a limp he's like this is in tropical well flip over I think Oh one's dead we lost one already that's right ruin children look at the chimpanzees dying in the long grass oh there's another one oh there's the baby she's gotta be torn apart bring the baby to the life oh I think I'm being a bit delusional it's sick if it was a real every Sikh I find it for him there's another one allowed to the slaughter get'em mati oh ho ho how many cheaper sister I freaking hoarder this is why I'm not allowed on Amazon who's on a rainforest shut up fail the code you pain in the butt monkey because you don't like her there you go and there's a good butt shot yeah there you go that's a hard I've taken too many forties Oh hold on oh yes look at their glorious helicopter pow yes the prison you lived in for a good few days oh there it is can we bring in a bear now bring in a plane this probably like I'm getting a feel for it okay if you want me to treat this like a real Zoo Tycoon game how about they make a real Zoo Tycoon game this is just kind of like Zoo Tycoon simulator I don't feel like you're really making stuff you saw a plot down on a pre-existing exhibit I don't know I feel like maybe you had more opportunity to do stuff and I don't know I like I'm sure they tried I'm sure they did I just don't know I feel like maybe they didn't like do as much as they cut up with this cuz oh there was poop there I didn't take picture of it ah okay exhibit items animal care chimpanzees like fish well chimpanzees are like us right they eat anything chimpanzees are one of the only like great apes that eat other monkeys so oh great we can upgrade it are you sure oh I don't know what does it mean all right okay where we did that fantastic okay let's give them something to interact with okay I don't know what this is oh it's an interaction for us right sensory enrichment or feeding station can you feed chimpanzee I don't feel like you could feed chimpanzees I don't know how about enrichment there we go something fold them we can't I can't move this either it's just like that's it that's what you can place you in place born what would they like rope toys activity center slides would be cool for them tabletops wading pool I feel like either rope toys or climbing for it yeah let's go with climbing frame we get to choose jungle gym the climbing frame ah they're gonna love that my monkeys are the best around okay let's ping f it's a dirty job but someone has to clean the poop I want to find this poop now where is it droppings droppings you mean droppings I don't know maybe that's it could be hoo-wee who really cares right let's clean that poop oh no it's a perfect photo opportunity get the photo ah damn it oh wait actually that's a really awesome yay I'm proud of that one I know it's just gonna move around here we go there we go bite his tail ready buddy's tail ready ah damn it just missed it oh that's cool I mean if I was a Jaguar I just go around the corner and eat the little pain in the ass it was trying to flick the the window have you gone unhappy fair always coming right for us Oh ping is fit ah finally understand I finally understand what the ping means it's so I can oh we can get a theists Python he doesn't believe God now on Man killer's hippopotamus Gwen Calvin Ian or Eva oh this is a baby Gwen and yeah let's have two baby hippos and a big one so we'll have grannies well and we'll also gave them a mana because they need to suck on it so I'm guessing we'll give him Eva because she's more expensive Louise looks like she's let herself go a little bit well no ever now we'll have Louise or Bella does mean beauty infant now we'll have Louise she's a good'n look there you go savanah out book is to our Bacchus two stars so grasslands is what they're supposed to be in oh we should have seen that before but we do get two stars for this one it's got to be a way to like follow there is that I'm pretty sure there's a way to follow the animals Tundra we don't even have grassland oh no there it is okay and replace this all the way out here and then we had a path oh my gosh seven saws awesome we can get planted armadillos and finally Pumas so if I all of a sudden now that is a is a path okay so let's place some animals at a magic kook is good in grasslands or what they want what what do they want tropicals they're okay in grassland but they hate it really yeah I hate it he's all right you know he's okay no he hates it never mind he really hates it no I well you're gonna have to make do son wait son bears and grizzly bears get on together how about an Olympic black bear straight back from Beijing oh my god we could have every bear Himalayan brown bear well have Holly and what else we not go we haven't got a sloth bear yeah but we have Daniel there you go wee wee oh my god red lemur this is picture Oh oh my god how did you get here so quick you guys are cheating so there it is I think that's a grizzly bear I could be wrong although that dam over there no this is a brown bear whoa what's up uh-oh we got a baby grizzly and that's that's a different bear okay hopefully these guys get on together Oh even more we could have so many and how about some [Music] vegetables wait no they would rather have fruit I'm sure tonight can I kind of change my mind yeah there you go I've some fruit right we've got so many different bears in here awesome come to oh my God look at that look at that we're gonna need we're gonna need a puggy and to the pokey accelerate kill the children I mean I'm accelerating as fast as I can go but can I run over people I'm doing a terrible job of it if I can yeah oh no they just get shifted out of the way oh no that sucks can we not at least have like Zoo Tycoon GTA let's see how many people are walking all the way to the weird bear exhibit oh yeah that's right none oh there we go Dada Dada we get to spin around we get to see a mason buggy go and crash into a flap oh I know there is some people here oh my God look at them all oh is that the Sun Bear he looks like it could be Olympic Bear who knows he's a big bear ah take a 40 so yeah I think I'm kind of done with this yes oh my god they're killing each other already awesome I didn't even get a photo of that look how these bears do not even want to like you see this fans protecting us now bears won't climb at war PTA public displays of affection PTA no no no I'm reporting you there really that really doesn't seem to be much more to this game apart from putting new creatures in and that's it so by well I never saw me hippos hold on ah yes the perfect moment Oh beautiful
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 2,554,751
Rating: 4.8017182 out of 5
Keywords: zoo tycoon, zoo, zoo tycoon ultimate animals collection, ultimate collection, tycoon, lets play, zoo tycoon playthrough, gamingbeaver, thegamingbeaver, funny, fun, zoo tycoon game, zoo tycoon lets play, simulator, new, new zoo tycoon, best zoo
Id: IcdkX7ndkEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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