Nothing will go wrong this time around... Planet Zoo (Part 1)

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hey guys it's James here today and welcome back to Planet Zoo you guys have been loving this and I've been missing it so much because we got to play it a little bit during the beta and I got to play a little bit of the Alpha but here we are the game has like finally come out I can actually play the whole thing now so I thought we'd start up today you know we just check out the game I'm playing in challenge mode which is basically like you know you get free reign of a park it's completely empty as you can see here am I just gonna start building a zoo we're gonna try to make some money get some animals make sure that they're happy and everything's going well we've got a few things that we've got to do here to make a zoo that actually works so and I guess as we play this you can kind of see how it all it all goes down alright so this is our entrance right here look at the game paused we've got $40,000 so let's not go too crazy I think you know what I would really like is I wanted a guest to come into the into the zoo and then I want to have like this sweet big like I was gonna say circle I don't know how I'm gonna build a circle or hang on if I click a line to grid then we can select like a grid of the pathway that's actually not gonna work no I regret doing that let's not do that so this is I guess we could have to find out a go okay so this could be a way to build a circle but I guess what I can't that's not what I want yes hang a width nope with seven I am a professional this was good like the one okay so gonna here like this then from this point here's where we get the length oh yeah I got that's too big I don't maybe like length too would probably be good I guess it's not gonna be a circle because I had that little extra bit in the middle you know what that's fine and sometimes in life not everything can be perfect and this is one of it okay no that's almost a circle I've tried hang on I want to get from this point on oh I know I want this one yeah there we go look at that that's beautiful I mean this bits a bit weird but whatever oh yeah this is good okay so let's also not spend too much money here let's start off we're gonna have so this is our main pop I guess from here then maybe what we could do is have like paths kind of shoot off to the side a little bit so roughly get in the middle here so this is gonna come off this phone I think we'll start building this way first so we'll have like a part that comes out this way and around not sure where it goes to but this will be so the area we build the first exhibit I guess we need to get some staff buildings so let's do a little staff area sort of background here so maybe we can have I think this is this is what we do we go wait this does not need to be this big for a staff path no let's go four meters let's not waste space on staff here we go alright so that's gonna go back there so basically what I'm here's what I'm thinking exhibit here staff buildings here so we have like a keeper Hut and all that so they can get there really really quick and then here this is just gonna be decorative so like nice plants and theming so you're gonna kind of hide the staff area here cuz you know we don't want that stuff area exposed it's gross actually let's make this a bit smaller too so we can sort of guess of it but I'm thinking maybe we even do turn a little corner there you know because what we're gonna do it looks weird now but we're gonna block it up with like plants and trees it's gonna be beautiful okay so let's get facility so what we need for our zoo to actually function is everything here essentially live so at the very least we need a Trade Center to get animals I don't probably keep hunt to feed them and then we can probably get by without the other stuff for a little while but let's go star facilities and then we're gonna get out I could build this all custom but I think because we don't really have much money right now I think I might just start off using default like placement and all that so I'm gonna go this is actually this is the keep Hut so I want this as close as I can get to the exhibit without guests seeing it so I might actually do it here so it sort of be hidden around this corner so we'll still block it up so you won't really be able to see it but it also means it's quite close then we want the Trade Center we're gonna actually get animals now this can just really this really could just be anywhere I mean obviously will take them longer to walk to if it's further away but it also doesn't really matter so research sent our vet surgery quarantine so most of those we don't really need right now I mean we obviously will need them but at this second probably not staff room um workshop maybe I mean even still not really but let's get a staff room so that's gonna go right back there eautiful well I mean beautiful is very subjective all right let's see what actual animals that we can get we don't we have a little bit of conservation credits as things we earn for you know conserving animals and doing good things so we can use that to acquire animals but because we don't have that much because we don't have that much it's probably not a good idea to do that let's well okay we also don't have that for money so we kind of want actually let's order by so this guy here I think is the sort of attractiveness of the animal so how much people want to see it yeah so the appeal or we could we can filter by other things but the general appeal is kind of what people want to see so obviously all our big animals are here and they mostly are gonna require conservation credits which actually let's filter by cash listings only so the best thing we can get with cash listings are mandrels apparently but there are a few thousand each which I really don't want to be spending that much money so let's go down a bit maybe some wolf would actually be quite good if I get two wolves to timbal we'll start off with only three hundred bucks each actually what's the fertility of that is no good so this guy's not gonna have any babies most likely hmm maybe not well this one down here though this timber wolf he's pretty keen he's got a good fertility 410 a little bit more expensive that let's get that male actually filter by timber wolf so we can see alright so we got that guy there then we want a nice female to longevity not great on that one but the fertility is very good so even though might not live too long longevity is better fertility not as good I think we might just get this one because hopefully we should do good alright so look at those two guys so we know which animals are gonna get let's also check the zoo pedia on Timberwolves because this will tell us how big we actually need to make the enclosure giant us oh man oh baby panda we gotta get these at some point flamingos wait I haven't actually seen the full animal list in this game yet Himalayan brown bag Grizzlies hippo oh you guys don't mean hippos Indian elephants Indian peafowl Indian Rhinoceros oh sweet I'm gonna drag and the frogs ah pygmy hippos ah ah ah rip and I love red pandas at Horsham red ruffed lemur ah that's awesome some giraffes regard lemurs lowland gorillas Oh the Bison camels deer we're gonna get a zoo every single animal in it I don't know how we're gonna do it it's probably gonna take us a while and it probably won't be this soon because I feel like we're gonna have to learn from the zoo and get better all right so where are my timber wolves here we go alright so this tells us a lot about them which is pretty cool but we want to have a look at their habitat here so they want 1,100 square meters between minus eight and twenty nine degrees Celsius they don't need any climbing they don't need much water I mean other than drinking obviously and they need a great - barrier and this is the plan that they want Oh actually male bachelor group size two female back to the group size - so I think one of each is actually pretty good at the moment we don't want to do too many of them alright so 1100 square meters is kind of what we're looking at a grade - Barry oh that's great - there is great the glass is great too as well well the cheapest one here is the corrugator that it is great - so let's go ahead and use this so I'm gonna use this straight behind how the staff area hear that sound on snapping with space Bob 1,100 square metres I want to maybe include this Trina they probably don't like that tree let's snap down to like 45 degrees so we come this way a bit no I'm gonna come down sort of angle it towards the pathway a little bit we're gonna do that now actually I believe something we can do with the pathway if we get rid of this I think we can snap the pathway to the barrier fence snap alongside barriers yeah so maybe we can then do this yes it's kind of as close as we can get to that barrier which is quite nice alright I don't know how big this is this is probably a bit small actually I believe to make it an actual exhibit or like to get the measurements we're gonna need to do it better like a gate which will do just here because that means they can go from the keeper hut directly to the enclosure which is pretty sweet so now we can see how big it is 11:56 it's actually a mage too small which is a shame so we might actually just add a bit of land at the back here well that's actually just whoops let's just bring this out this way I'm gonna come down like this because this actually might just about do it for the size like that might be enough 12:28 so that's pretty good okay so then I'm actually gonna make the barrier a little bit taller too because I feel like I mean they're probably fine but two meters actually seems pretty short so I'm just gonna take it up to maybe like 3.5 ish I mean that's probably fine I think who knows all right this is add class and of these ones as they can see in yeah that's an enclosure so let's go ahead and put while actually no we can't do anything we gonna hire some staff first so let's get out some staff members we're gonna get a keeper we're gonna get a that's animal training we're gonna get a well we're gonna need a little bit of everything a caretaker and we're gonna get a well I don't know that we need the other stuff yet actually we can probably get away with not all right and then in the meantime it's also go to facilities we're gonna go to all we're gonna get a donation box because this is how you basically make money or like either entrance fees or donation boxes so we're gonna put a donation box here right in front of the Wolves enclosure so that they can give us money for that which would be great so let's now move our wolves out of the Trade Center into their enclosure I guess what I'm poor's now cuz we got to see if this is all gonna work because we don't actually know yet now I'm not sure who actually moves them from a trade center this guy because he seems to be running in there I think as a caretaker alright so he's gone in there oh look at this Zoo I can just picture this having an amazing entrance here it's gonna be fantastic alright here we go he comes owls are always one of them Oh out of the box unpack it yeah sweet okay now we can click on them and see how poor their environment Oh actually that's what we need we need vets to research because we're not gonna have any enrichment items for them that's what we definitely need to so let's actually get a star facility we need well we need a few things neither Research Center just gonna get back here as well I guess it's this whole areas have become a staff area which is fine of course so put this here hey I really should have done a custom building for this because that would fit together much nicer all right Research Center we should really get a vet surgery as well just in case we probably don't need it now but you know better safe than sorry put that there hopefully I can just join this up easily sometimes it's a little bit picky I don't know is easy sweet and we can probably extend this bow okay maybe not and a line to Grid maybe I never get that's a little bit better okay uh wait is anything else actually need was it's a workshop in quarantine we should obligate a workshop because that is how I believe that's what you need to actually repair stuff around the zoo so like when things break down Oh actually we have any power and water as well although having said that we might be able to get away without that now cuz I think oh yeah it didn't like placing that on I'll wait and uh put that back yeah I think it's kind of glitching the pathi so let's just put a little bit further apart let's just put it over there that's fine okay so I think we need that to sort of repair stuff and then I think I said I need a quarantine we could probably get away without that so let's go ahead and get some that will get a vet I'm also gonna get a mechanic I was gonna have a look at so the power and water yeah so they actually the entrance of the zoo is powered there's no water there but we also don't have anything that requires like water filtering at the moment right so these guys now we're gonna actually wait vet research let's research the timber we'll also actually know what's going on there so we can find out more information about them and take care of them better which is pretty important but we do know about their hard shelter requirements what the terrain is like we can we can know exactly what they need so they basically have infinitely too much longer ass they basically want soil and rock and a little bit of Shawcross so let's give them some soil ego guys ah that's better there we go what I would like to do is do a little mountain for them I think we'll try and do it so it's not right on the barrier I also don't really want them going behind but I don't really know how to stop him doing that yeah so we're gonna do this because and they're our because we're gonna turn this into this is really cool the terrain tools in this game this game I'm like Planet Coast I have amazingly terrain tools so then what we can do is actually leveled out underneath a bit a bit smaller to make like a little cave oh yeah and then that if we unpause hard shelter is updated and they love it so they can go in there and hang out now what save this back area so I don't really know I mean I guess I can come back here if they want but I really want them going there anyway so let's up make this not look disgusting because it looks pretty bad right now let's change it to rock cuz I also I believe want Rock as well anyway and a cave being made of rock is just gonna look better I cave not made of rock and we want to get rid of pretty much all the long grass as well because they're really not fans of that as we can see when I get that little bar all the way down so if we just get me on the back of this as well and then maybe do some soil light or something around the back just to cut down that long grass let's get rid of all that and then we should probably look into their temperature as well I think the temperature of this map is so it's actually a little warm for them I think they wanted to be up to 28 was that well maybe we'll sturdy a camera where to look another like minus 8 all right so they are much happier terrain and hard shelter as a hundred percent yeah all right I say we should probably pause and actually get their stuff they need to eat and live we'd probably be good to say species we want timber wolf economy she should only show you which animals you actually have in your zoo right now it's kind of unnecessary to have this many and it's kind of defined stuff anyway so let's go for actually hang on can we see the temperature temperature yeah eighty percent so what I might actually do is go for a cooler we put it can I um if I align this to align to surface just we can still hide it or at least put it on a wall so it kind of looks like it's the built in or something so we're gonna put that there and I'm gonna set it to no doesn't maybe set to zero let's go like ten degrees or something okay um pause that we can see not decreasing I'll cool down a bit for them we're gonna have food tres small because it's probably all they need for these two guys I'm gonna assume anyway I'm gonna get this here I'm gonna get a little water pipe ears and come over here to drink and let's go ahead and call a keeper hopefully to come and prepare them some food I don't think that it's signed yeah now temperature-wise I should be pretty happy temperature a hundred percent terrain is good plants I'm not quite right yet so let's have a look at that coverage twenty seven percent I mean it seems fine I'm not sure where they want it cuz it's plants oh I guess it's probably because they don't like this tree maybe we take that out are they happier now so look yeah a hundred percent so they don't mind coverage but as long as it's coverage from that iron environment I mean it looks really boring not having plants in here so I feel like we should do some and an important thing to know is you want to have the plants from these locations so any of these content continents and these biomes nobody you can do this is filter in here so we want and what is that hiya I think temperate and tundra temperate and tundra and continents specifically is gonna be Europe was in North America and Asia so basically any other plants we see now with all these filters selected they're gonna be good for these guys which is sweet so maybe we should get something like some of these ah that research is complete okay so now that the vet has done some research we also have some new items you've discovered three items over one species great and the vet is gonna continue researching on that as well which is great but I want to go back to placing trees that wasn't done yet okay let's turn off a line to surface because you saw what I just like alive the trees so strangely so I'm thinkin if we can get a bunch of these trees at the back they should be fine with a bunch of trees good also hopefully we put them back here they will sort of not really want to go around the back which is good because we can't see anything around the back if anything like bigger bushes one of the interesting tricks you can do if you can't really find any good sized bushes use a tree take it down get a bunch of coverage this way that's kind of like it looks like a big Bush but it's just a tree that's sunk it into the ground yeah so although it's like planet coaster knowledge is really coming in handy there we go and then let's get a few more bamboo let's get a few more of these guys actually I might need to just don't learn to surf again maybe tip it off I just want to that ground height now yeah there we go okay cool go ahead like one tree out the front as well too so it doesn't look so blank there we go I mean that's pretty good it's alright and then pretty happy with that I think the only thing they're not happy where there's enrichment but I think we might actually have some items now so timber wolf we've already got filtered enrichment items I have a sprinkler so we can give them that I actually might put this over here and then move oh well I was gonna move this anyway cuz it's kind of in the way it may actually feed them because that'd be great they haven't fed felt like build up that bowl yet let's put this here to keep it coming food that food you don't have any food dude you gotta go prepare food you noob my pay is fair I'm over the moon with this job actually we can pay them less because we can see where they're happy too which is great so we can cut their salary especially that guy cuz he's not doing a good job hasn't fed them yet okay so yeah we need a quarantine that's fine oh yes a challenge mode which is what we're playing we get a few little things in here that we can do I don't know if they time out Gesu challenges are specific to the zoo you're currently running if you don't like a particular challenge you can discard it will fresh after some time fair enough I don't know yet another time out but yeah if we do these specific things then we will get you know the little gift in this case which is a thousand bucks for each of those so this one if we get 300 people in here which is actually gonna be pretty difficult cuz we don't have much at the moment is this keeper gonna like is he preparing food No where is my keeper he's over here what are you doing wandering heading to stop dude you need to feed a freakin bulls like what are you doing do they need food they're gonna die just fill up the food please so calling the keep it a habitat so you will come actually that's something we might need to do something that can help them out a little bit is creating a work design which we our research is done sweet and so they're still researching which is great that means hopefully again we haven't even put the loss enrichment in we should probably do that we should have so now we have a food enrichment item which is this guy here and a sprinkler so this guy will put down if we have a look at the animals actually we can see it happening so enrichment now they have a twenty enrichment which is forty three percent from that sprinkler and then we can give them a food in Richmond which will be this guy which gives us 50% but obviously you want to keep researching because that's not quiet enough for them this keep her gonna give them food I mean maybe they're not because they're not super hungry yet it doesn't feed them I don't know I realize keep a sucks though I realize guys gonna get what we're gonna do keep it we're gonna create a new work zone is what I was trying to get out so we're gonna select the habitat and we're going to include the whoops whoops okay well I mean okay and include the zookeeper Hut so that means this hot will be tied to this enclosure I mean we could tie the other stuff to it as well like the staff zone I don't know that we need to though I don't know if there's a necessity to do that cuz I just really want to make sure that this one is tied to this enclosure because later on as we get more and more and more I don't want people from somewhere else coming to this one and taking over the one that's supposed to be applied for that one so we're gonna name this wolves that's this one here and then we're gonna close that and then we're gonna say staff wolves keepers assigned to that there's kind of probably all we need to do as our zoo has nothing else you don't right now how much money have we made from this 3,800 bucks that's not actually making money so that's a real question can I can I just see like a small pop-up I don't I don't want a whole thing just I guess I have to get here total profit is that average a year I'm kind of income cash flow total profit mm-hmm like what not making money though I mean it says it's green I don't know I'm maybe anyway as long as my wolves are happy which they don't seem to be any more habitat temperature didn't we fix the temperature oh there we go oh I think because if they go wait hang on it might be out of the zone let's have a look yeah okay we might need to get a couple I might do another as soon as I go here it's too hot which is not ideal is it so let's get one here and one over here somewhere maybe and that should cover pretty much the entire exhibit so what will they set out what do we have it on is one of the same nine degrees okay well you know what we want them all to be the same in degrees and they interesting it's kind of funny these things because they also cool down like the path areas of these the guests will start getting cold as well I guess it was someone would be really nice anyway so that should cover more the habitat there for us which is good so actually make them happier more willing to roam around hey are you gonna feed them can they maybe they can't get to it I don't know how many will eat that and I'm gonna get a new one cuz I'm not sure what's going on with that he just like feed the animals please Lani of RIMPAC get over here you stupid keeper and feed them they're gonna die oh yeah this do is sweet all right well while that's going because I think that relatively happy for now why don't we why don't you get another exhibit before we start running out of money and losing I want to make sure that we know we're getting on you know all right so it's all about our appeal again let's also go by cash listings and see what we can actually realistically get maybe some odd bucks I mean they're a bit expensive again I'm trying to go nice and cheap listing expired will show me the new listings in for fresh all right we can get a these things we could get a American bison not too expensive but I guess so you also want a small enclosure Komodo dragons pretty cool what about I wouldn't mind getting hyenas pretty cool like crocodiles not I'm pretty expensive actually we're not something achieved real cheap what about Tapia no Union PayPal now it's something off a Mingo does anyone though we're gonna do with one I don't do anything with that we definitely something has to what about I do quite like the Bison I guess it kind of cool let me come out our dragon now let's get come on our dragon now I feel like I don't really let me let me check let me pull the game as well go to this good old zoo pedia because I don't really know much about them so then I need too much space 12 to 42 degrees Celsius grade - I was gonna say what are their groups yeah male bachelor size one two - female 1 2 - so really just one or two of them together as cuz I don't know if I ever really see them together and zoos like usually if you like to have one I think one male one female will probably do okay and then so they didn't need too much space either 600 square meters which is about half of this so we could do I think maybe like a small enclosure here just at the front of the zoo or something or maybe even just opposite this one here and likewise it was a great two fans I do a glass fence know you know I'm gonna do a corrugated but I feel like they probably can't fly much right like surely they can't get up very high but I'm not just seeing like any stat on how high my wall has to be I was like I wonder if we can do a lower barrier could be a risk but we could try it like what if we selected all this and made it one meter can I get out of a 1 meter high and Claudia because then I was like people can just come up here and like look in okay what if we do this we have like higher barriers at the back but the front one is shorter I think let's just be safe I I don't think that this is safe so oh yeah I think this is safe so let's just you know take it off let's just does just this just do this it's probably better for everyone involved that we don't do that all right what I'm gonna do though I will do a glass barrier because I don't be cool I think all of this we can make glass yeah that'll be fine let's do not understand instead of you know having Komodo dragons get loose around the zoo because I think that we would we would definitely set for disaster that anyway that's gonna be over there so that will join up around that way all right so let's actually get it because we haven't done that yeah we haven't actually traded for the animals so this goes species I want to go for the Komodo dragon Terrace so I'm gonna go here there's only one I guess I might have wasted some time here well I guess one for now is fine we're gonna adopt that and hopefully we'll get some more actually can we filter Oh that's both okay that's all we got all right okay we have to wait a little bit hopefully we get another one soon all right let's move that in do the habitat there we go and then what we got to do what we must do because we have added a new habitat and we only have one keeper that keeper is assigned to the one work zone which is fine normally but now that we have a new work zone and this is not included in that means a keeper is not gonna actually work here so we want to make sure we add this in and I think that's a lot to do because I've selected I think it was closing down should be fine yeah two habitats one start going great okay do we have food in here and we still don't have food well I mean I don't know how well my keep is doing in the first place so maybe I could keep her over here I it's dragon it's so sad alright let's pause here cuz we gonna we gonna sort this out so actually what we should do is I believe we've got some more research as well actually didn't we oh yeah we did yeah we should look at all the new stuff for the Wolves but what we're gonna do we're gonna swap out researcher over to the Komodo dragons because we need to get stuff for them as well to make them happy alright so well let's have a look what this little bud means well it's gonna need food and water let's do that first that's probably a good place to start so species and when you go down to Komodo dragon there we go food trays small and wonder if they'll feed this one I don't know who knows couldn't say actually we should get another donation bucket here what a bowl large no I mean he's a water pipe because that automatically fills up I assume the water bowl doesn't automatically fill up all right there yes I got food and water beautiful and then actually let's get a donation bin because we want our guests to be able to provide us money money please thanks guys okay so that's there and then what do we need so we won't have a look at our train so they want mostly weightless long grass they want some sand so let's do that sand fine sand is fine okay beautiful sandal up here there's some coarse sand just to mix it up as well so it's not all the same we could also do a little bit of touring that he's kind of boring and flat there just a little bit of a little bit of excitement you know spice up your life a little bit it's pretty fun hey you like that little Komodo oh man I want some rock as well which I guess we can do to back over here on this I can be a little bit of rough we got some softer rock it's around this yeah and then maybe some more soil it does like soil too so rid of all that it just doesn't like Ross I don't know what such cross in here we've got a little bit to little rock now actually he says get a bit more okay that should be pretty happy with that okay then Hodge shelter it's a pretty small animal so he probably don't need much actually can we get yeah that's that's your hardshell toe slab of rock does that make it happy oh that didn't I don't know it did camera's gonna say that didn't count at all but it did sweet I wouldn't mind making it a little bit nicer than that because it is kind of lame like it's pretty bad oh yeah yeah something like this I can sort of just sink it into the ground a little bit maybe like another one date huh it's really again it's really hard to tell like scale of stuff and like I don't know how big these out look in the menu I don't know a way to convey that but it's kind of hard to tell as is okay let's get these up over here I don't know I just wanted to make it look a little bit more it was actually something going on there it's beautiful does it want any plants I'll have a look at more hot shelter in a minute okay so it does want a little bit of coverage so we want grassland and was it tropical so let's do that so when I go by um grassland and tropical continent is going to be Asia Adam we're gonna go into plants am I gonna get out what does it like it likes a little bit of this I get some greenery back here or something go and a little bit of respect here some may Allah whoa okay I don't want I don't want like giant trees it seems a little scale seems a little bit a bit much yeah something like that that's fine is that all so that doesn't count as ha chop no it doesn't of course not why would it I don't know why I even thought it would let's duplicate this yeah because I want to get some more hard shelter in here and this guy here I don't know where the dragon was going it's probably like the problem is we have all these places where it can hide not a great zoo design hard shell to 87% I mean that's pretty good Freddy more than that okay so then everything else is pretty happy it just needs an enrichment which we can't really do at the moment how's that keeper going with all they have food look at this guy other's poo in here this is pretty good so these guys must be pretty happy that enrichments still not great we actually we might have unlocked a few more items for them let's have a look so it's actually add the Timberwolf let's go enrichment items probably this is for them I would assume and not the Komodo dragon here we go so enrichment oh yeah species touring Richmond is so good and the food and Richmond chew toy we don't have that yet ah look at that time regimen oh I got a bamboo feeder - do you like that's so much enrichment in here are they are like hey kill another so happy oh I got a dude challenge docked habitat species had up to you different ha yeah 1,000 bucks sweet dude where we are absolutely oh that fence is looking rough so we need a mechanic for that did we build a mechanic thing yeah we did okay so he's coming now because if the fence is looking rough we need and fix it otherwise it can break animals can get out so we've made sixty seven hundred dollars in donations from there and 620 for the Komodo this is a terrible enclosure you cannot see it good think it's sitting here otherwise you're not gonna see it all actually temperature how does this guy feel about that habitat temperature is actually fine at the moment I guess this is 42 years good oh all right chilling out all right well I'm gonna leave this pot here part 1 of planet Zoo we will be doing more of this cuz I'm so keen I'm so excited for this game I really hope you guys are enjoying it too oh actually we do need to maybe next file we've got hopefully we should have a little bit of a cash flow going now I want to decorate this area here like cover up the Star Ferry because it looks disgusting I'd like maybe do a little bit of the suet here it's that but until then guys thanks so much for watching I will see you next time and have an awesome day
Channel: James Turner
Views: 674,194
Rating: 4.9427953 out of 5
Keywords: thesimsupply, flabaliki, the sim supply, james turner, planet zoo, zoo, zoo tycoon, zoo simulation, simulation, build, building, tycoon, create, planet zoo lp
Id: aH2NnUoub48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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