PLANET ZOO | S2 E1- OFF TO A CROC-KING GOOD START (Franchise Mode Lets Play)

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hey everybody it's party elite after a short but refreshing break I'd like to say welcome back to Planet Zoot now those of you who are joining us fresh and you see episode 1 in the title or on the thumbnail and you're wondering what does he mean welcome back just to give you a quick brief rundown this is in some ways season 2 of our franchise mode let's play in Planet Zoo now season 1 so to speak isn't prerequisite viewing or anything but I just want to make sure that everyone who's watching is on the same page with what happened or you know quote-unquote against season 1 basically elite zoo north was built nurtured developed grown over the course of 100 episodes for season one and it was man it was so much fun we did so much experimentation all kinds of wild builds and things like that and we're going to continue that same spirit with our new zoo with one important note so part way through elite zoo North's you know season let's call it we well for one it started getting a little too big but for two we realized that almost all of the animals were exclusive to the northern hemisphere there was a couple of animals that were like you know on both sides and there were some animals that are just southern hemisphere very few though and so elite zoo North became the northern hemisphere zoo so to speak and the plan then became to build elite zoo south as our second zoo in the franchise and that would focus on the southern hemisphere with a little bit of northern hemisphere and NGO some mixing and stuff as well but what does that mean that means that we're going to see all of the African animals we're going to be seeing well animals from the South America DLC and I'm really hoping that we're also going to see an Australia or Oceania DLC at some point in the near future because that will really help fill out our space as well not that there isn't already a lot to do now I'm super excited for this because you know that like nervous excitement of kicking off something new I hope you all are going to enjoy this series I hope those of you that are joining us off a new I suppose are going to enjoy this series as well and of course our long timers as well welcome back if you are excited for more planets zoo on this channel let me know by leaving a like and a comment down below as always likes and comments are a quick read for me to understand what people are interested in and I do read each and every comment to guide me in terms of what y'all are interested in seeing more or less of and how you want to see it done now I'm wasting more than enough time diving in it's that it's that it's that nervous start right so the plan is to put the zoo down in Australia I wanna put it down right over here to get it as like quote-unquote opposite as possible to lead to north I also really like the visual of us having one little uh like a pin down here and a pin up there it feels like you know earth is on that kind of an axis and those are the poles so I personally like that imagery as well so right down over here in the grassland now I did a little bit of research with regards to what looks best for the purposes of you know viewing and whatnot and I feel like grassland is going to bring some nice change in in aesthetic and stuff and I'll get to more on that in a bit but let's go ahead Elite zoo South yep that's our formatting Oceania grassland biome and you know what I'm gonna go ahead and say let's play it on Hard difficulty we can always tone it down if it becomes overbearing but let's play it on Hard difficulty because that will mean that animals will actually start getting bored of their enrichment items you know stress is a serious concern welfare is hard to maintain there there are more things to concern and if it starts becoming a hassle further down the series where we have you know tons of animals we can we can tone it down later orally so I'm pretty sure we can tone it down only one way to find out right so here we go folks time to create the zoo I guess elite zoo cell yup yup grassland Oceania this is the right spot and let's begin oh man here we go here we go again as always the format of this series will be relatively familiar to those you that watched oh hello oh right this will tell you the last time I played the game was during our lives where I guess I managed to help a little bit with the community challenge at the time wonderful that's that's a good way to start this season two off oh this is a great way to start the season two off beautiful we've got ourselves you know what that hang on a second before any facilities have been placed down before anything's begun we've already gotten ourselves a oh I can't even I can't even see it that's hilarious that's hilarious because I got a build via facilities anyway as I was saying the format of this is going to be very familiar to some of you but for those you that are again joining us fresh the plan is often we will have a wall almost always will have a time lapse for a lot of construction work and then we'll be doing a little bit of management and that's sort of every episode so there's hopefully something for everyone in every episode that's always my goal and desire today's episode is going to kick off more or less immediately with a time-lapse because I feel like there is a fair bit of construction work to do I have some big ideas with regards to adjusting the terrain and stuff as well and rather than do it you know one click at a time with you watching me painstakingly place all these little things down why not time-lapse it and then we'll go over everything we've done and hopefully we'll even get our first animals in today but again I have to be very wary of our finances because I've gotten way too used to having millions of dollars from elite soon or with that in mind it's time lapse time alright ladies and gentlemen we are back with planet Zoo with our first time lapse or elite zoo south super exciting times but let's get right to it I'm going to try my best knowing what I know with regards to what happens after this time lapse I'm going to do my best to not spoil anything because oh my god but try and stay focused and on topic over here this is for those of you that don't remember from our conversations at the end of the last season if you will and for those who that are maybe joining us completely fresh this is going to be an enclosure for the saltwater crocodile we've got a pair from the old Zoo transporting down to elite su self to kick us off with some decent quality new animals I wouldn't say they're the best quality but they are a good animal to have they've got decent appeal and stuff as well so I think they'll do quite good for us without us needing to invest in those initial animals too heavily I've got some grand plans for our entrance as well and yes while this is extremely large this is a massive space for the crocodiles again those are that are familiar with my approach will think it's just me being me and to a degree it is I often tend to build enclosures that are a little too big you know compared to what they need to be but the reality is is that I expect this space to become very busy with what I have planned for it so you can consider the size of this enclosure to be a reflection of future planning and I know it's not going to make perfect sense now it might not make perfect sense for the first you know ten episodes but very soon the space is going to get filled out there's going to be a lot going on in the area which is why the enclosure is so big my plan is that guests come through they have this like you know waterside dock not a dock but this waterside bridge type area where they're able to sit down on benches look at the animals there will be vendors to buy food and drink from so that's kind of its like a chill space right when you come in we're going to have a nice big sign to welcome guests into the into the zoo and then they will go up these ramps on either side of the of this enclosure over here and they're going to end up at the top here which is going to leave them to the rest of the zoo all or to a big part of the zoo I should say which will be the Africa section so there's a lot going on in this enclosure there's a lot that needs to be going on in this enclosure unfortunately because we're playing franchise mode we do have you know fund limitations and things like that all sorts of limitations that we have to consider as well so we're only able to execute so much at a time which to me is is a part of what makes playing franchise mode so interesting is that there is a limiting factor you have things to work around or you have things rather that you have to work so I'm I'm pretty interested in seeing you know how we iterate because again iteration is the name of the game right you come through you make progress you take things as far as you can take them then you come back to them you revisit them and add more to them as soon as you can either afford to or otherwise when you're able to for example because you've unlocked new technology or whatever it might be but yes so that's the overall plan and just as a reminder and again for those you that are new the plan is to also try and make this Zoo entirely accessible as far as you know physical accessibility is concerned that's why we're going to try and avoid staircases as much as possible it's all going to be ramps hopefully and anytime that we actually need to do staircases for whatever reason we want to try and build a custom you know elevator piece like we'll we'll build a blueprint and things like that and and again kind of play up that accessibility angle not only is it a neat I think perspective that it would have been cool for planet Zoo to have considered but I also think it's an interesting challenge for us to always keep that in mind it will you know limit quote-unquote wrong word I don't like the use of that word in that in that context but it will change for that it'll change how we have to approach things to make sure that our zoo if it were a real zoo you know would be enjoyable for everybody now there's a lot of little you know back and forth thing and struggling that's going to happen over the course of this session I just want to mention that right off the bat you're growing not growing pains but starting pains all the the full classic party elite package is what you're going to notice with regards to there will be animal escapes there's going to be you know a couple other issues and and and this isn't even like the spoilers that I was talking about wanting to avoid things get real right after this time lapse more or less immediately after this time lapse but anyway I mean this is a very very long time lapse as well because not only to be established this first enclosure we also start putting down our facilities for our staff and guests I wanted to do all of that in the time lapse because I felt like that way we could get more done today and kick us off with some decent momentum and again just as a reminder we're returning to our regular schedule which means that planet zoo episodes will be Eastern Standard Time midnight on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays and then that kind of loops Tuesday Wednesday Saturday wait yeah Tuesday Thursday Saturday sorry um and and I would we keep some decent momentum going so I wanted to get us off to a good start with this with this kickoff episode so it's a bit of a longer time lapse just to establish some more of those initial know steps but obviously as a result of that it comes with more of those initial problems just a heads up as we as we head into the rest of it because it does get a little messy it's an understatement does get a little messy but they're not that every episode is going to be like that obviously it is funny though I have to say time lapsing and just basically working in general with a having gotten used to our previous zoo and how much money we had and then adapting to not having that much money but still having a decent bit of starting capital so it's a it was definitely an interesting sort of mental block for me as far as making that transition but it's a bit but it's I'm glad to be doing this it's definitely a nice change of pace and it's going to be a nice change of pace I think I'm really excited about it leak sue south now here if it's not clear the plan the play is that the Crocs will be able to travel and swim as they wish when they wish but when they want to dry off or eat or sleep they're going to come up over here and rest up top and and yeah just chill at the you know in the Sun or whatever might be or I guess that wouldn't chill in the Sun but you know what I'm getting at hide from the rain bake in the Sun whatever it might be it's a pretty I want to say interactive enclosure it is a pretty large enclosure too but once they have offspring I think we'll see a lot of use out of it and again they like to swim a fair bit so I wanted to make sure they had a lot of room for it again yes I know I know it's far too big for what the animal act NEADS but don't worry it's not just about the crocodiles this is not just an enclosure this is an experience space we want to make sure people get that sense of awe and again as a reminder about the design ethos behind elite zoo you know zoos are our elite zoo company the whole idea is that we want to create a tremendous experience not just for our guests but also for our animals that means coming up with interesting designs that means coming up with interesting paths interesting overall experiences that's what we're always aiming for that was the design ethos behind elite zoo north and everything we did there and that's going to continue it's going to I think keep pushing us to take creative approaches to everything now here you can see I'm putting down some of the staff facilities and this is where things get real for me I go like right right these all cost a lot of money and just getting all this organized cost a lot of money you'll actually notice I skip past the vet Research Center because we won't need that right away and I wanted to save that money for starters because things are you can take a look at our finances right now they're pretty tight pretty tight and I'd actually completely forgotten some very important things that I'll touch on when we get to it but yeah so we've got all of our staff facilities - the vets but that's okay we'll get that eventually now I wanted to get some facilities or sorry some vendors down as well because I want to make sure guests aren't just doing donations I don't just want their donations I want to make sure they're buying food and drink and maybe merchandise as well so we've got an info center a looney balloons and we're going to get a spot for food and it's bought for drinks as well again sources of money we want to try and keep the guests here for as long as possible even if it is just to see one animal and I do spend some time trying to get these things to line up nicely that's another thing I want to keep in mind at all times for leads to south getting everything to line up as neatly as possible as often as possible being very selective about using the grid and making sure I use it properly when I do use it there's there's lots of room for improvement from elite suit north I would say that I'm looking forward to hopefully accomplishing right off the bat but yeah so uh we've got you know the enclosure again it's not finished obviously hopefully you can tell it's not finished but it's all we can afford to do right now quite literally it's all we can afford to do right now the improvements to it over time will make it really quite special I have I have a vision or it that I'm super excited to execute to its fullest but it's gonna be such a nice experience space again living up to that whole idea of the elite SU company and how we build our you know spaces one more thing again on the topic of lessons learned from elite su North bins everywhere just everywhere and I might be overdoing it right now if I'm completely honest but worst case scenario if I've overdone it then when we expand the zoo a little bit I'll be moving these bins around rather than buying new ones so it's not really a waste it's not really a waste the next step is actually getting our habitat ready like the the bounds of the habitat and stuff and I make some crucial mistakes over here that I really regret but we fix them don't worry we fix them this this session itself they're not long-term issues but they do cause things to be a little rocky at the beginning a little oh God a little Crocky right at the beginning you might say getting our donation bins down as well of course these things are extremely important want to make sure we're able to afford a decent number of them I gotta get some education boards down as well and that's when I realized right power and not just power a water purification water treatment these were unexpected expenses as I have put everything down I was hoping to end this time lapse with about two to three thousand dollars in the bank that would give me enough kind of wiggle room but I forgot that the water treatment facility alone is two thousand and our first animal has a lot of water no dancing around that and we have to get power and you could just take a look at our financial situation right now at the bottom left corner so off to a very interesting start after this time-lapse folks it is a rollercoaster of emotions you you'd think we were playing planet coaster with how much of a roller coaster of emotions it is but we managed to what we do I don't want to it's an interesting session folks I hope you enjoyed this time-lapse plenty more to come lots more work to do over here as well but for now this moment that's the time lapse alright folks we are back from an exceptionally stressful time lapse I'm gonna call it right off the bat kick things off right you'll notice that our finances are not looking very hot I spent maybe a little bit too much money on too many things over here again got so used to having just basically an infinite amount of money got so used to a certain scale of zoo that coming back down grounding ourselves once again is already proving itself a little challenging but I saw this coming as a potential issue it's not going to be in the world again guests are going to arrive they're going to hopefully have a wonderful time grab some food to eat watch some animals and and hopefully everything will be okay I might need to actually charge for washrooms and ATMs at the beginning because I try to avoid doing that if possible but just to make our early gap up we might need to do that I think this is significantly less money than we started elite soon north with but hey it'll be fine it'll be fine we do need to hire some staff as well so let's go ahead and make sure we have enough staff involved we have a little back staff area over here again I stopped like building the the terrain work over here through the ground works if you will because I was starting to use too much money on things that weren't immediately relevant again this is why I like franchise mode over sandbox mode because there is an inherent challenge that you have to deal with I enjoy that a fair bit so let's go ahead and get ourselves our keeper come on now there we go okay let's go ahead and get ourselves our what else do we need caretaker yeah well the caretaker can chill up front and instead right hopefully one of each is going to be enough for now so our caretaker our keeper we need a mechanic for sure don't want things breaking down and then having to like replace them purchase new ones that'll be the end of us and then let's go ahead and get our you know security can probably actually wait I'm completely honest we will need a well we've got enough vendors we will need a vet though in case things go sideways right off the bat that'll be you know helpful so let's go ahead and again make sure that salaries are okay as well all right I got a hit play for that am i in a comfortable position the zoos going to open right off the bat right want to make sure that we are ready to open yes we are open excellent we want to make sure that we get our first animal in place let's do that well really quickly I want to touch on the niala we also have a Nile monitor that is ideal then we have the niala as well again a suitable reward but the first animal is I'm sure I went over during the time lapse is our saltwater crocodile that we have from elite zoo north now I'm actually going to have to do a trade session very soon because we are very topped up as far as storage is concerned so we will have to to do that you know sometime soon but for now we need to get our saltwater crocodiles in here now one thing I do want to do just as I did with Italy soon north is I want to change our time dilation if you will I want to have it it gives us more of an opportunity to get familiar with animals and and just get to get to know them and things like that I feel like that's really a nice extra element of the game so I want to make sure that we get our animals in here but move both of you in right they've already so again these guys we have saltwater crocodiles in elite zoom north and because of that overlap it's a nice way to kind of make this connection and bring some of our you know animals from the leaves to north to elite to south I just feel like it's a nice touch and ties everything together and hopefully makes us the money right off the bat man this this might have been I might have over invested but but again but again even if I did it means that it'll take us into the negatives temporarily and it'll bounce back into the positives so without further ado let's go ahead and hit play let time move forward I think we've got everything in order we've got power across the board yes water is being treated yes we'll be fine their security mmm chi will well you know they will hopefully that won't be a problem at the beginning taking a bit of a risk but I think we need to let's go ahead and unpause and just see what what we get here and I also want to make sure as soon as our you know guests or not not guests but as soon as our folks draw low on cash as soon as they hit the ground I want to make sure I am reducing their salaries you oh my god mechanical loan is going to make us bankrupt these are these salaries higher than then in medium difficulty why do I feel like that's the case hopefully they're all putting animals and now I need to create a work zone I suppose I'll go ahead and start start things right over here or with our central work zone where are we staff work zones add a new one and let's make sure all of you all of you are in that work zone we're just gonna call it central or center for now nothing too complicated just want to make sure things are going man I am NOT gonna lie to you I'm nervous right off the bat I'm a little concerned making this more of a thriller than just a chill let's play I suppose yeah hopefully they'll all get in there get the animal delivered and we'll start seeing some guests right off the bat because again we are open and each guest that comes through will pay what 3 bucks but we don't have enough to raise that yet obviously let's go ahead and unpause again and looks like buddy over here is going to pick up the animal just based on how he's running fair enough fair enough I could really use some guests right about now obviously we have no animals so no one's showing up to see nothing and I I'm pretty happy with the overall initial layout in the center over here and I'll touch on some of the details oh no our vets got it all right we've got two animals coming right of course I'll touch on some of the details as they become relevant and some of my plans as it become relevant or really hope that we start seeing some guests soon the classic party elite problem of making things too large is also clearly still active I mean this this enclosure is much larger than it needs to be significantly so but yeah it's a part and parcel I suppose of my approach are we you're stuck here okay okay okay hold on game hang on game hang on game it's okay it's okay let's go ahead and just nudge these things in a little bit not sure what he's colliding with but he's not happy about his location for some reason area those rocks were you good Oh buddy you alright there we go there we go guests are coming through excellent excellent nice big crowd to kick things off hopefully they'll be enamored by the animals we have and and spread some joy and love by which I mean leave some donations we do need to get some enrichment for the animals as well of course ASAP and I want to make sure that they are able to reach their the water they are now how are they able to get up over there oh I see we can climb no that doesn't make any sense how can you get up over there or are you connected here get up over here but that's not gonna let you climb into the area it might just be because of no it wouldn't be because of how the barriers are set up I'm sure they'll they'll point out to me exactly how they intend to escape they'll like move towards it make a beeline oh yeah look at that people are already buying stuff that's good that's good financing don't you know what this is actually not a bad start compared to what I was expecting we've stayed in the black for a lot longer than I was in originally expecting actually tell me you're going to look for an animal oh actually you know what before that continues let's make sure that these guys are actually sharing some education otherwise we're not going to see any donations I meant to do that just to see our coverage over here yeah that's pretty good good stuff make sure that you are teaching the right thing as well let's go and get you on the right topic - as opposed to you know nothing now I'm hoping that these Crocs you know move in towards uh into the water and stuff spend some time there otherwise it'll be a bit of a bummer hopefully now if they don't then I expect this base will be pretty crowded up there what we'll see we'll see will obviously make adjustments if we need to I feel like I have bitten off more than then I should have right off the bat but that's again like I said classic right that's just my classic approach now what's the problem over here no power right I think I have to just inch this over yeah just a little bit over here there we go Don um and back to education please a little bit of an overlap but again it doesn't really matter because it's not where any guest is going to walk through so we're fine there all right these are all active active they're all active good all right cool 85 bucks all right this is gonna be good we'll be fine we'll be fine just got to get some of those donations coming through I mean guests are coming through that's good that's good what are they saying about ticket prices actually what are they saying about ticket price the sticker price was good value all right immediately right off the bat then right off the bat then we need to go ahead and up the ticket price let's go let's go six for adults and three for children let's go five for children mine are discount let's see what the what new guests that come in say we are going to faster all right all right you're just touching the red a little bit there goes all over money how did you get out did you get out there is no animal that is out I don't even have a warning that an animal has escaped it's kind of funny that it suggests that they can I don't see it out there water over here I mean I could try it like we could try to remove the water and lower it a bit certainly not how I expected things to start if we do that is the water er what's helping them escape no it's not got to do the water they can get up over there that's fine I guess I can get up over there but it's not like they have I'll see if we if we block that off what happens if we block that off what happens is that preferably we're not going to have animals escaping right off the bat over here there's the problem that's trying to make things too complicated right plug that gap what do we get that's been blocked off a little escape from out over there alright move this piece up over there then just a little in the red not the end of the world not the end of the world put you around come on raise you a bit oh there we go alright how about now that's better that's a lot better yes you're coming through fewer fewer right now but it's ok they're coming through and you know what hey they're coming back paying the higher price so you know in some ways in some ways that wasn't terrible no it was terrible because we are playing on a harder difficulty so that means that refunds are a problem anyway let's so let's say we again we're a little in the red are you flank [Music] hey legitimately why how can you get up there yes it's sloped enough yes it's looked enough and the problem is that I don't have the money to flatten this so my need to take a loan not the end of the world it's good and take a little loan like a small loan again we have to do this some in Italy to north as well early on well not as early on but it's fine I suppose a $20,000 loan right now makes sense we should be able to pay that back quickly enough wouldn't pop that now to make sure these animals can't escape that would be helpful just want to make this a sharper Ridge basically there that should be okay over here and the same thing over here same thing over here there we go that ought to do it that ought to do it now way more money than I needed obviously but in case of any other emergencies we now have a fund if you will a little bit higher obstructed now oh that's because of the of our animals fair enough here let's go and unpause they'll get boxed up go ahead and move them come on move you up two arrows God move you up to there let's go now the water back in exactly where it was before a little bit lower than where it was before I'll make sure they're not escaping from those little ramps right there cool that oughta do the trick that Otto uh no no come on a little gap over here okay well I'm glad I'm glad I've liked I'm spotting all these issues I should have just ignored it earlier to be perfectly honest I should have just taken it more seriously because again money is so tight that this is again it's the same thing I've gotten so used to playing with those really high are really high just amount of resources in terms of financially speaking and I'll just kind of like lacs with that where I really can't afford to be I need to remind I need to keep reminding myself that but we're good we're good button pop that's a little too high I think might beat know that's a little too high pop that down over there excellent actually be good and what are we looking at here we want to scape right over there the one escape route over here okay cool I think you have to unpause to UM you uh see that like to see escape routes all right well good there and let's go ahead and sort this out as well what I'll probably do is just temporarily again what we're gonna dull this up more afterwards when we're profitable for now I just want to be a bit more cognizant of my financial limitations because I wasn't during the time lapse which is why we are where we are already got off to a off to a cracking start or a kracken start if you will God all right we some things well I guess all things never change now let's go ahead and plug the gap over here as well off that down a little bit make sure it's not I'm shooting through there we go this is still blocked off server still fine over there what are we talking about here there we go good stuff guests you can return now there we go couple of stop goes a couple of stop goes but we're okay right now ace is a problem alright because its water back in here we go that ought to do the trick there it is excellent yeah they've got they've got more than enough space I mean a good thing is when they'll have babies they'll have plenty of room so you know there's that everything else is looking okay social group too many adults how does that make any sense you can't have too many adults you have the exact right amount of adults and enrichment again I want to take care of their enrichment I want to make sure they are happy so that we get donations so let's go ahead and take a look at crocodile enrichment items go and get the the Blood Center that down over there maybe and let's go ahead and put down the frozen blood pumpkin up over here well they happy yeah they're happy now we're playing on Hard difficulty now so enrichment items and things like that will need to be changed are you fleeing did they change something with the game where guests are not willing to walk through spaces anymore is that's what's happening right now the guests don't want to walk through their habitat because they think they're going to be exposed to the animal even though that's very much not the case oh no don't tell me don't tell me that's the case see what we can do over here yeah we can do over here I'll just delete all the the barrier pass right now because I think if we keep it low then we should be fine then if we go you know like down as opposed to stay above well that does make any sense it's what I've always done is is gone above the land but like gone above the the crevice yeah [Music] let's see here what do we got they'll be able to escape is the thing like technically the game will consider them escaping if I would like this I'm not sure what the game expects me to do well let's see oops they're continued onwards please continue on it come on now come on there were these extra elements off to the side there well yep all right now we should hopefully be fine that's what's happening they're getting right to the edge and then they're deciding that they don't want to stick around I [Music] don't blame them if they think they're about to get eaten but that's not how it used to be we've done this with with animals before I'll come on game work with me here is what I get for wanting to make things complicated right off the bat we battle too long I'm over hook you up and there we go alright let's see what the game says with this new that aligns again the animal will be able to escape is my concern if we take a look at the because of how I've cut but I want to make sure that people are able to cross into the threshold basically and that's not going to stop them because if they're going to get stopped then that's a problem MA both have a wonderful time enjoy my eyes on the boundary over here as well alright it's over here so let's see what they do when they get to the edge there [Music] okay now they're comfortable going in wild alright okay I'll be you know what not entirely sure not entirely sure what's going on spend a little time away from the game and next thing you know none of it makes sense anymore I'm doing this adjustment now to make sure the animals are also not actually able to quote-unquote escape because all that they need to do is get across the barrier for the game to think they've escaped right so I want to make sure that's not happening because that'll also get our guests to flee but it seems that I have yeah we've solved the situation simply by putting this quote-unquote lower well see if that situation stays solved as I make these adjustments right and if they if the animal will be able to escape from a different angle so to speak and add another step move you in sure so far so good guests are coming all the way through whoops all right we still have money alright good good bill what the game considers an escape point over here so let's go ahead and adjust that obviously don't want any of that happening come on alright there it is it's going to add a spot there's out a spot right there and let's go ahead and move you over ever so slightly very messy looking I will adjust all this right now I'm ensuring that it's all working and it will adjust this and clean this up if we have to all right good stuff good stuff question mark yeah good stuff we've got one more escape point up over here alright so for that to be fixed I can do it a couple ways and I think the way I need to do it is I just move this thing back so it's not considered an escape when when the animals in a little little corner over there let's check all right well good they're not so good up there we have some money obviously to buy some more Erik aids with if necessary let's call them barricades that's how we're using them go ahead and pop you down over here all I need to do is just cut off the animals access right and this was the planning but like in terms of the decorative elements up over here this was the plan anyway I was going to have this all rocked up and stuff like that but I was trying to save a little bit of money and do that later and instead it has cost us but that's okay again I'm not I'm not too concerned or worried or anything like that as the Sun sets on this first day now we started making any money a little bit of money over here alright good stuff any donations up over here note the nations up over there we're all coming over here obviously I'll go to the spot where I haven't put a donation bin yeah don't mind if I do right over here I mean these donation bins are close enough to both sides 120 I'm hundred okay making a little bit of money making a little bit of money yes continue coming through the price is okay that's all I need I need to take a price to be okay tickle is overpriced some people say come on so it's a massive zoo already how can you be so negative let's gather old these guys are old we have plenty of conservation credits so obviously we've got them saved up from our time at or with elite zoo north so that's really not a concern per se if we have to get new animals we can also simply go to elite zoo north again and pick up new saltwater crocodiles to bring in when these ones pass I pass away instead pass out all right somebody's been dropping rather consistently for the last little bit okay seriously everyone's gonna be on this side if people are okay with coming to the other side and our education is on going in on both sides as well but these things are pretty cheap to buy I'm gonna go ahead and actually pick some more up because education is key to making making money right so let's go ahead get a couple up over here anybody coming on over these donation bins no you're going to move these around 220 right now every donation makes a world of difference right now so I will I will put a hundred donation bins down if I need to one down there it's you on board there we go one down there as well again by having such a large space that becomes easy to miss the animals so to speak but I think all right good good 300 240 all right as guests come through this will obviously change now while we deal with all this man almost a thousand and refunds at least we solved the problem right at least we solved the problem staff wages is obviously expensive loan repayment again maybe we shouldn't have taken such a massive loan but we'll be able to pay it off soon I'm sure see me running Kostas into high taxes obviously that's what it is income I mean hey it's an it's been a profitable year so far which we'll hold on a second does it count the loan in here income yes it does damn alright so it's not been a profitable year so far but that's okay that's okay it's obviously all the construction and stuff is a big part of it the refunds have stopped as well there we go we're seeing a nice green over here donations keep coming through good stuff oh wow alright that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about turning things around this feels this feels good this feels good now oh I could probably put some more education boards and stuff down over here again people are more likely to donate and I think they're also more likely to donate more if they feel educated if they're happy and if the animals are happy as well [Music] alright alright things aren't so doom and gloom right now now alright so let me just touch on something really quickly yes this is absolutely massive it may be much bigger than it needs to be but I'm really trying to get ahead of what I hope will be our inevitable other issue which is our entry point is going to get so so crowded now while we wait for hopefully money to accumulate and hopefully the option to pay off our loan and and since all the issues have have you know been taken care of for now at least jeez what a start the the plan is we're going to have a bit of a safari slash walk around a zoo or our Africa section at the very least which I intend to put up over here because it is by far going to be the largest section of this zoo so that's gonna you know happen over here my intention is to have more reasonable sized enclosures I mean again those either washed leads to north and season one of our planets who play through you'll know my tendency to make overly large enclosures I'm trying to I'm trying to get past that I just want to keep that in mind as we move forward but yeah Africa is gonna go up over there and my plan is down over here South America will occupy this space over here I'm hoping that we're going to get an Australia DLC or an Oceania DLC which will put down over here the DLC typically releases with just four animals maybe a few more maybe like you know five or six so I feel like that's enough room for our DLC packs and of course the African animals are very numerous so that's why we've got all that space up there now money is still you know waffling a little bit so I'm I am still a little concerned because we can't go in the red while we're while we have a loan taken out that'll be a problem but hopefully it's not gonna come to that now of course this enclosure isn't complete either there's still a lot more work to do going very grand with our entrances the plan over here so we've definitely got the space to make it a grand entrance when the time comes and of course all of these things need decorating as well and we are going to need more vendors soon too to make sure that we're not leaving these guys empty for too long I feel like it's a little premature for that like I feel like we're able to sustain ourselves currently with just the number of vendors we have equal to the number of stalls we have will get more vendors soon that would really like to see these numbers going higher rather than lower as years almost over next year will give us a fresh start to the to the budget and we'll get a better idea of where we sit where we stand because again all the construction and stuff obviously took its toll as well but as it is December let's just take a quick gander over here 1316 57 good stuff 200 or security guards yeah I'm painfully aware of that let's go ahead and pick one off actually since we've taken a loan anyway one security guard will do the trick for now one security guard will do the trick for now so these they're actually not stopping around these parts which is fair I'm surprised that one is nothing this one's got nothing all right all right okay it's good to learn what works and what doesn't work for us but I mean these these are getting lot of donation so that's that's great that's excellent that's excellent if we take a quick peek again income our donations 3,700 all right so 3,700 not enough to counteract staff wages obviously but there was a time where people were all running away the loan repayment is gonna be a problem obviously let's see let's the guest education rating is really low well where is our speaker over here this thing or range maybe that's a no okay all right here's what we'll do but and duplicate you and pop you down over here let's go ahead and duplicate you and pop you down over here as well all right a lot of folks around these parts over here inspectors arriving soon hmm not sure how they're gonna feel about what they see up you down over here again yes I'm very much leaning on one half of this enclosure for now because that way we can have our costs basically as my line of thinking now we're in year two hopefully this is going to actually be a decent year last year was quote-unquote technically profitable but again it's actually negative 10 K because 20 K is loans so let's just see what that what guests are saying how they're feeling I might want to get more vendors right off the bat no way I'm getting ripped off by this information center what I mean the prices are standard I haven't changed the pricing or anything I can go ahead and drop the pricing over here though well I'll be down for there more guests come through then we make more money go ahead and maybe put just a and cent beyond the ATM what that does for us if anything alright people are excited to see the Crocs it's good the moment I put more education speakers and stuff down over there people stop going there as much it's guys burning up I never noticed that animation before he was like Fanning himself or she was Fanning herself to that that animation never noticed that one before but I guess we were in in a much colder climate with our previous zoo nakhon these guys are amazing to look at the social group thing bothers me too many adults in the social group they're what we need the exact number we need alright kind of looking here 161 guests now obviously we can we can continue to operate on a loan maybe even take on another one if we feel like we need to add more animals before moving forward but really hope to see more than just being you know a level playing field now granted we are repaying or alone as we go along so eventually it'll be fine but I'd rather not you know think about eventualities I want to be fine sooner rather than later I work for exciting education is low well it's cuz they haven't stopped anywhere yet these guys are about to stop up over here what do you say education is low hunger is a problem well there's food out front so hopefully they'll grab a bite before they leave I could get some you know cooling down I don't see anything like oh it's uh hot or anything like that so I don't want to add to my expenses you know like electricity expenses I've seen bigger and better zoos we just opened cut me some slack ticket prices fare alright good scorching out here there you go that's what I was way before I was like I haven't seen anything like it there it is let's go ahead and cool people off let's cool people off put one right down in the middle over here not looking for zero degrees I'd like it to be 20 degrees that should be cozy no it should cost me money cuz we aren't running off of solar panels or anything like that there we go hopefully that's a bit more comfortable and get some coolers out up over here as well my plan is to have benches and stuff over here as well like this I want this to be a nice chill space basically but obviously that's all in due time as I learned right off the time-lapse right at the beginning you can't shouldn't dive into things right right with both feet business because my purchases obviously you have to make bucks all right nerve wracking starts 680 360 all right let's sell let's just pick up the pace a little bit I feel like it's weird again going from a full zoo where things are happening constantly to something a little bit slower more empty even where things aren't happening constantly look at people are using the stalls and things like that that's all good inspectors are driving in 9 months okay not a problem hopefully we'll get a good rating there best education rating is really low that speakers basically everywhere at this point where like everywhere where guests are stopping speakers are providing coverage right like these guys stopped they looked at their education is 16% I can add like environmental education boards and stuff as well of course that will make a difference but also very expensive I mean getting some decent crowds 180 or so people checking out the animals just not making enough that's not making enough ticket sales all right top income yeah adoptions are going through info kiosk sales all right we're doing okay souvenir sales none yet facility sales like me selling off facilities mmm good stuff we're getting some mating right off the bat that'll be good the moment we have babies it'll start bringing more more money in as well moment we have some babies also if I didn't touch on it earlier the reason why I went with the grasslands biome in Australia is because I really like the the color palette that it comes with we've had a pretty lush green one already so I felt like this would be nice in terms of a I don't it did it failed did you guys not manage to it does show us somewhere when they fail have a child on the way terrain procreate oh hello I don't miss that more rock or soil less long grass more rock more soil less long grass all right do you have a lot of long grass and weed more short grass as well so that plaster everywhere actually maximize the intensity on that that should be reducing our long grass as well yeah though the long grass looks you know as long grass always looks but I really like yeah they're the color palette that comes with this region and stuff like that the the soil and dirt and everything looks great the the grass is it looks really nice as well and having like lush green plants along side the the grass I think is going to look really nice it's gonna have that nice contrast to it which I'm looking forward to so see yeah there's a lot of reasons why I went with the the grass sorry with the grasslands biome it felt like the the right call now where is there there's a lot of long grass over here as well I guess stuff get rid of all that excellent I'm like trying not to look at the the finances you know they say about a watched kettle or a watched pot or whatever it is just just trying to ignore it for a little bit let let nature do its thing right let's nature do its thing life finds a way whatever you want to say we go almost done with getting rid of the long grass a little bit up over here I think is still setting the animals there we go good stuff now the more rock up over here there it looks so nice I really like the rock texture as well need a lot more rocking down over here make this thing a rock outcropping I suppose there we go I mean like how this looks really like how this looks okay good stuff we need still a fair bit more rock actually fair enough fair enough go how much they like rock excellent brass is being reduced as well it's great and then we need some soil as well without that afterwards pump up the size over here there you go all this in a rock excellent yeah they're happy with the amount of rock let's just get some soil in now even the soil I quite like the look of okay it all blends so nicely obviously like having the right percentages and stuff helps as well but I'm a fan of the the warm tones it's extra warm now obviously because of the sunset but you know what I mean you know what I mean there we go well I'm glad I didn't notice that earlier actually I'm normally pretty booked on that but we're good we're fine we've we've noticed it now all caught up you folks are coming through any particular issues guests are happy ticket prices fare isn't much to see yeah I'm aware of that they couldn't better zoos yep and also where that the prices are fair all right so they're happy with the ticket prices education is really poor education is really poor isn't it I'll sing a decent amount of donations coming through purchases were obviously not as major ongoing expenses yeah of course nothing we can do about that taxes right nothing we can do about that income right because we're not counting our 20k low and I was like how do we have such a big drop the loan right so we've made in that case more money this year than we made last year looking at just the loan alone already it's only August so far so there's time yet for that to turn around that loan though that loan is causing us some trouble right now now hopefully the rain will help our finances a bit as people need to buy umbrellas and maybe I should get some more vendors maybe I should get some more vendors go ahead and pick up or vendors that I'm not training anybody up right now because I don't want to increase their salaries so that's why I'm not training anybody up right now but hopefully having more vendors this point we can start making some more money off of the stalls those folks have their umbrellas people are still out over here looking at the animals good stuff good stuff don't leave me don't leave me please I need your donations urgently we are starting to see donations that Muslims not so much no not so active but I guess people need to get a little bit deeper in they can actually see the animals right where is our lady there we are the old conception is not ideal surprise I didn't mention it fair enough fair enough but it would do though they were about to mate I don't know something stop them from mating not something I've seen before unless you like to actively go in there and and stop them alright making some making some serious umbrella sales it looks like just great I'll take it I will take it money's looking tight money is looking tight because it's not so bad incomes okay it's October 10k but even if you wiped 380 that's obviously not enough or thousand on the loan repayment that's our big snack we would be we would be in the black if it wasn't for the loan repayment I do that it'll take us longer to pay it off but we might get again comfortable with money sooner and then be able to pay it off like I don't want to end up in in the red again is what I'm getting at Wow this rain is coming down hard and for a while it's been it's been days it's been raining non-stop I'm sup gotta go home mighty happy lookin saltwater crocodiles indeed I'm and again having taken care of their their needs a bit better it had completely slipped by me that might make a world of difference these are both getting us to K alright good stuff almost a thousand back there 500 over here alright good stuff good stuff 20 over here these ATMs I doubt the ATMs are seeing much use because who needs an ATM when there's barely anything to see or donate to right the washroom is probably seeing some use yeah it is so we could I mean like 20 cents my five cents let's do it for starters right for starters just a little bit just a little bit I'm sure we'll be fine I'm sure we'll bounce back okay I want to see how we do next year and the logic behind having the loan repayments last longer but be lesser is that if I can keep making my own money while we go along I might be able to make that lump sum payment eventually rather than having to rely on another loan and it also means that I will I will be able to build more things yeah it looks like let's say that'll make all the difference we'll need now obviously this is a reminder I need a name suggestion for the enclosure over here so if you've got any suggestions feel free to drop drop one down in the comments always love putting a name suggestions from the comments and of course we have a couple of stalls over here that may need names as well we've got a loonie balloons we've got a Information Center we've got a hot dog squad and we've got a gulpy soda so bring in those names again puns and stuff are always welcome you can be a bit more referential if you want I mean like you know I don't know like crock dogs square or squad or whatever might be Oh hmm because of the square anyway so yeah so feel free to feel free to drop your name suggestions in the comments down below as we let's pick up the speed just a little bit because I want to feel a little bit better by the end of this session today because I want to make sure that we're actually seeing some decent money so again if you if you take the difference between these two and you consider that 20k loan we had a lot better this year already obviously guests weren't fleeing pointlessly I still don't understand that opening issue we had where they weren't willing to cross the threshold but I'm glad we fixed it I'm glad we've gotten past that I'm glad we continue to bring in money that okay did okay that here good okay that year it's okay that here is it again if you think about we went from negative 10 to negative 3 is what happened there Oh big difference right massive difference guests are coming through we have extra vendors now as well so that'll help us ensure that we are that we are also what I'm looking for constantly serving guests basically and the inspector has arrived as well I'm really hoping that the inspection gives us a good review whoops I see a deck I'm hoping we get a good good inspection over here social group I'm still not sure what's going on over there what else is exactly what you want but if we got a good preview then hopefully that'll do something for us right conservation rating is low marketing is obviously not happening now again I could do some marketing to get more guests in but is that an expense that I'm willing to take on right now we're profitable currently if you can call this that or profitable currently we'll be fine I'm not I'm not as concerned as when the polar bear mafia came through in elite zou north and took us down to negative 50k or whatever it was geez that was bad this is nothing in comparison it's like we've we've been through the worst possible scenario so I'm not so easily stressed out all right we're making money what's the other thing is like I want to have money in the bank so I'm able to do some of our crazier building and whatnot as well right like that was my big flaw today was that I wanted to go big before we had the money to go big lesson learned right I've got to keep checking myself lesson learned what are the challenges we have on hand as well Xzibit species yearly profit of 2000 listen now listen don't be like that 300 guests will make us a thousand as a reward the small cash injections will go a long way I don't think I'm about to adopt any exhibit species I suppose I could actually I suppose I could get some exhibit species up over here they cost two thousand a piece though just to buy the enclosure itself like the actual thing where they where they live so it's like is that the right investment report ready for viewing education is low cleanliness is high and what do you want me to just put down more of everything let's see where is guest education got coverage over here we got coverage over here we got coverage all the way over here I mean I suppose I could move let's say I can make this a little bit louder right and I can move this I don't know I feel like we've got a pretty good coverage nudge you over a little bit this way make you a little bit louder this way there gives us a bit more coverage that way I suppose yeah it's been a constant concern for everybody is is the education rating again I can add the you know environmental impact education stuff as well obviously but that's again that's also pretty expensive 2,000 a piece all right making money ran total of 500 bucks all right cool let's go and sweet time up a little bit just to see how things are going so again the plan is yeah like we have oh and just as a reminder and again for those of you that didn't know the plan is to make this Zoo accessible as well I want to make sure that we what we're able to like everything is reachable by everybody anytime we have to use stairs for anything I want to build a custom elevator type structure so that people you know in our head can and we can pretend that people are able to access higher floors and lower floors and things like that when they have to deal with stairs I just feel like it's another extra layer of challenge for us that we can embrace and we can have some fun with we'll make things I think a little bit more interesting or for the overall playthrough money seems to be coming through pretty nicely but I mean again we're paying so many ongoing expenses right like I suppose I could drop salaries if I have to but I don't want to I don't want to reduce salaries to where it's in the red that total profits are looking good loan how much do we have to pay 10k needs to be repaid all right you know what it's April we've made 1,100 bucks feeling pretty good feeling pretty good that let time pass a little bit and again what I'm thinking is that the next step is adding maybe a South American animal or maybe it is actually getting some exhibit animals because there are exhibit animals we can get such as the and I hate looking at this thing but I have to for the purposes of oh god we can get the the the cockroach in right that's one step there's a snake as well and I forget which snake it is yeah the Eastern brown snake we can drop in as well my only hesitation again is that the actual living space for these guys is two thousand is it not hold on it's been a while where do I there's one of those in facilities down over here but it isn't all right that's why cuz I've got it that it stays Oh it's 3,000 it's actually more than I thought it was geez alright so you know will I make the money back by having just one more about having one more animal for folks to look at will the draw people up here enough to you know pull those donations out of them I don't know I don't know money money is coming through though let's go ahead and pick speed up another notch just to see how we're trending overall just to make sure we're all comfortable without things you yeah so maybe maybe we'll get the I mean all I mean on the comments what you think again I always look for feedback and ideas but maybe we get the roach or the snake up in the corner over here you know draw more crowds up there or and again this space will be a lot more filled up as we go along I've got a lot of plans for this area I've just basically gone and gone ahead with future planning and left a lot of negative space which is why it feels overly massive right now but I think it'll all you know come together nicely down the line but yeah I'm sorry as I was saying either the next step is to get the animals over here like the the exhibits over here or we get a South American animal to kick things off right off the bat and and make sure we have more money coming through because again more spots for donations to come through means more spots to make money off of right that's right oh geez oh no well that happened are we suddenly dropping the red so hard holding October 2 my taxes has come through is that what it was let me tell you that seems accurate lots of guests coming through I mean again having more more animals will also allow me to charge a touch more for each ticket right and that also makes a world of difference every little bit counts every little bit counts Jesus making 500 a year not very promising that would not be very promising at all thumbs down a little bit let's say I wonder if I should like fire my vet or something is there a vet I mean they're not really doing much right now we can't research this animal because we've already maxed out the research on the Matt elite soon north if we take a look at our vet they get paid a thousand a month right that's not a joke mechanic keeper caretaker I mean the keeper is necessary obviously to feed the animal and stuff a vet though I mean maybe maybe we axe the vet momentarily if these animals get sick that's that's a different problem all together if the animals get sick we have an issue though then we'll have to hire a vet yeah not that there's anything lost because it's not like there's a hiring fee or anything like that interesting to be having these conversations right off the bat I mean we ended up making them turning a profit last year you know if that counts four years left on this alone as well 9,000 to repay we're so close so close and yet so far now it is nice to see that least guests are willing to go all the way across my first concern was that guests would not be willing to go all the way across and they just kind of turn around over here and leave lots of folks at the information center which is good to see as well hopefully picking up donations and things like that I don't want to raise the prices on our vending facilities just quite yet because I don't want people to be turned away completely from it or from them I should say alright just picking up the speed again just to see where we're sitting yeah if we get the exhibit over here those people are coming all the way to the end if they exhibit over here that was my plan is to have like this space be for eating relaxing seeing some exhibits as well have one over here and one over there so that way this area becomes kind of very busy and an active might be the way to go next rather than repay our loan as last year we ended up spending 2,000 now halfway through the year we reduced our amount if I'm not mistaken that's kind of strange actually cuz it's down to 3k so how is that mm doesn't make any sense I hope this year doesn't end up is more beginning of April we were at 500 okay so it's gonna be 2,000 again all right okay that that that lines up fair enough that lines up over here donations are coming through still yeah roughly about in the same space I suppose half way through yeah we're roundabout in the same same space but definitely not feeling as as comfy as I'd like to but you know what in so many ways that's a part of the fun of a franchise modes ooh me is is that the chance that it might all go sideways as quickly as the first episode not that it's going to we'll be fine we'll be fine folks and as soon as we stop having to pay the loan will be will be okay do I regret paying along no I had to or taking the loan I mean I had to take it because it uh we needed to adjust our terrain and stuff but I have made do with a 5,000 loan absolutely what insight 2020 oh hello I could pay off a loan right now though it it off done done that makes me feel so much better that we'd actually get that done because now yes huge hit to our to our money absolutely but at least we're no longer spending like we just saved ourselves well it's a strange we have to think about the interest rates and stuff right but we've saved ourselves a fair bit of money the long term next year's going to look a lot better in terms of our overall finances and I'll just feel a lot more comfortable moving forward money right now is looking kind of tight but again long as we stay you know roughly and in in the black we'll be okay come on baby and keep us going keep us going October so we're almost at the end of the year actually was our income looking like donations 7k so roughly the same as last year chopped income seems it's a little to lower but again we're oh yeah we're catching up we're catching up it's November now right again this is like end of your conversation ticket sales again around about the same spot basically I like to see the donations come up a little bit now obviously having repaid that loan we don't have the money for the little exhibits but people will get that money together soon enough I think we'll get that money together soon enough all right good stuff good stuff these numbers are looking pretty good guests are going it's not like you run out of guests that's not like the entire population of the nation comes through and gets bored of your zoo and stops coming for the same animals so fresh year fresh start no loans to worry about no you know extra costs associated with all that you know bogging us down I'm okay with being just a little in the red every once in a while it means that overall we're making them more consistent for okay that's that's not comforting there we go that's weird ever seen this but expect this number down here to be a reflection of this number up over here inspector has arrived again alright hopefully we'll get a good rating the education is still going to be an issue I'm sure but donations here yet nations yet coming through coming through good stuff good stuff oh wow only April and is already made so much money that's insane not complaining I'll take it alright obviously these numbers won't match is this is my overall and this is my year she's completely thrown off by our circumstances but hey profitable right taxes have already been ongoing so it's not like there's a sudden lump sum or anything like that coming through all right the crocodiles are bringing in the money that's good that was my expectation from our our previous zoo is that they would be able to wring this money look at that money I'm pretty good we're almost at 3k we're almost able to afford the exhibit box or whatever you wanna call it entirely on our own so that's good that's good and again if I want to actually open an enclosure a small one like I mean what what animal could we be looking at next like if we look at the South American options we have it's difficult because I want everything to be big right I want everything to be huge and overly complicated the white-faced capuchin falls under the southern hemisphere we've got the Lama obviously they don't need that much space or anything and again if the enclosure starts simple and gets complicated afterwards and that's cool too I think if we updated down the line and I make it super cool than thematic and you know culturally inclined or however you want to phrase it I think that's pretty cool too I just got to make sure we can actually afford it and that's why I'm wondering if we want to get another animal in to get more donations more large-scale donations that way rather than a snake which I don't think will bring us in that much money right yeah I don't think a snake will get us several thousand dollars worth of donations but quick glance at our year five the zoo's already been open for five years Elite soon North was open for a hundred and fifty years plus before we opened elite zoo south which is another wild thing to think about yeah I'm feeling pretty good actually but and crank up the speed again are we gonna crack that 3k I think so I think we did didn't we just there momentarily Spectre is arriving in 20 months I guess the previous inspector has left already or stars all right of course because the education is hurting us Nicholas all right you know this this feels great just to not have the loan to worry about and again we can do marketing as well if we want to get our guest count higher and that way we'll not have to worry about there we go rack that 3k get get our guest count higher and that way we'll have more people spending you know more money with less of an investment on our end you know having to build more stuff and whatnot all right all right this is this is good this is good man I'm not gonna lie at the beginning I thought it was all gonna crash and burn right off the bat I thought it was all gonna crash and burn right off the bat and that would have been hilarious that would have been quite the start to our season too but no we did not crash and burn we stayed afloat you could say I can't help myself say I'm sorry but I'm really not now this is good this is good this is good we're closer to 3.5 K then we are - you know- anything we've made 2,000 this year is it a lot of money no but I can't keep comparing it to the end of Elite soon north or the height I should say a valley to north I need to keep reminding myself that this is a smaller zoo so what do you guys think I mean are your thoughts do we get a snake and a cockroach put down over the course of the next session while also you know dolling up this enclosure a bit more with the money we have we have to be careful again with our expenses right 3,000 is the cost of just one of these exhibits and then there's the cost of the animal itself on top of that let's not forget so do we do that first do we get ourselves a South American animal first do we continue on with the Africa expansion again I've got major plans I don't wanna spoil everything they've got some major plans for you know passed over there I intend to build like waterfalls and stuff over here this is going to be a grand entrance when it's done and and I'm glad that it is it's looking like it's actually possible and it's not like I took a massive misstep to kick things off I'd like to not end the session in the middle of the night while it's raining actually at the ideal it would be ideal and again just as a reminder folks everybody is welcome to drop their name suggestions for our crocodile enclosure everybody is also welcome of course to drop name suggestions for all of our vendors down over here they all need names let's get it all started properly right and make sure that we are we're personalizing everything as much as we can this rain I think will last for a while we are well past 4k in earnings or rather what past 4k in the bank we're past 3k in earnings or profits I should say even I'm feeling good all right fantastic fantastic and as this beautiful Sun rises above us as I struggle to find our little friends there we go else's chilling out the open rise it's not a lot more crowd oh there we go that's great that's great oh but I didn't like the camera fair enough do bad we didn't get our our babies coming through a that would have been nice about her babies right off the bat but anyway folks what I was getting to was I think it's time to call it a session a roller coaster ride already losing money almost went bankrupt already and it's only been what an hour and a bit of hopefully well we can all call entertainment if you guys enjoyed this session you know what to do let me know by leaving a like and a comment down below if you didn't enjoy this session if there's something that I could do to make it more entertaining as always let me know by leaving a comment down below makes a massive difference to again how I approach things on the channel I do read each and every comment and I do let it yes influence our approach it is a really nice kind of community feeling in my opinion at least I just want to mention as well if you haven't already joined our discord there is a discord link in the description as well very active community we've got a whole channel dedicated to planet zoo too so make sure you join in on the action there as well the only interesting folks but good to be back and it's good to feel the thrill of the challenges of franchise mode off to a rockin start as always a massive thanks goes out to all of my channel members and patrons for sports in the channel on a monthly basis you keep us alive and running smoothly and a big ole thanks goes out to each and every one of you for watching until next time Cheers
Channel: PartyElite
Views: 164,705
Rating: 4.9499011 out of 5
Keywords: Planet Zoo, planet zoo gameplay, planet zoo lets play, lets play, planet zoo franchise mode, planet zoo franchise mode tips, tips and tricks, guide, walkthrough, playthrough, timber wolf enclosure, habitat build, planet zoo habitat build, planet zoo game, planet zoo animals, new planet zoo, planet zoo 2019, zoo game 2019, planet zoo announcement, zoo tycoon, elite zoo north, elite zoo south
Id: J-njoMsO1D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 13sec (5233 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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