🐊 A complete Startup layout guide🐊 - Planet Zoo Hints, Tips & Tutorials

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[Music] okay guys so video I get asked for quite a lot here and to be honest when you think about it I actually do understand why so what we're going to go through today is how I would start a zoo the layout we would use and when I step build it with you guys step by step I'll tell you why I do things the way I do now what its going to incorporate is two habitats they'll be very blank so this is essentially how I would start building and there's going to be a place for food drink and guest facilities there's going to be a place where there's gonna be little paths are wide enough it'll incorporate education and viewing points and if you get this right not only will you understand hopefully once we finish this why I do things the way I do but you'll also be able to replicate it yourself whatever you like or you can even tweak it but the principles would generally stay the same so first thing you'll need is paths now you can see at the entrance here we start with what was a century excuse me to 4 meter paths that is what they are now I've tried in the past to delete this glanza probably round then if you delete it again you can click on this and run a grid okay now you'll see here how perfectly connected that now is that works much better than the path you would have originally started with so we're now going to go back into grid so aligns our grid here now we know we have an 8 meter wide path okay now I would suggest turning on curbs on ground paths just to give it that little bit there we go little bit of character should we say rather than just prompt on the ground so to do this I'm going to use the gravel path just because it's dead easy and it looks ok no matter where you're using it right I've used this in franchise and I've used it in sandbox I made lots of money in franchise using this layout so it really didn't bother me at all so first things first you're gonna want some sort of entrance Plaza the reason I say you would have an entrance Plaza before we cover this bit is because it's somewhere for the guests to come in to mail out to spread out as to where they're gonna go so it's not one massive herd of people coming in and just being stuck together and you'll see this kind of thing I've done in my starter zoo so before we do that as you can see I'm getting this problem already things are all falling apart see how the grass drops down there how they grab the ground ROPS down quite glad it's dumb that because I probably would have forgot we'll go back a little bit you need to level out all of the ground first of all you want your entrance bit as far as I'm concerned there we go to be nice and flat so we use this flatten to foundation we'll start by clicking on the path here and it will grab that as your reference point and will spread out nice and easy there we go and now you'll see it's nice and flat perfect and then we'll carry on running the path by the way I think I'll say this now before we get further in this is my opinion all the people will have their own opinion I've been asked for this video I've been asked for a tutorial on how I would like ours over the start so that's why I'm pointing out please don't send me lots of abuse because you don't agree with it if you don't agree with it make your own tutorial I'm sure people would love to see all those ideas okay so we've got a path that's coming here and I've gone as you can see six steps in okay that's more than enough as far as I'm concerned then to do the plaza I'm going to comment two steps out on each side I'm going to go three four five six up and then I'm going to cross all the way across join it up you get this nice central bit here then I'm going to line the inside there we go now you've got yourself a nice inside bit no problems at all this middle bit will be used later on for something else and the reason I keep using the grid at the start is because it's much easier for you to do that and know exactly how many steps to take so you end up with a really nice-looking zoo with everything sort of in the same place and now we're going to run off to the side so we're going to click here and then we're gonna go three out and I'm gonna go up and we're gonna go in I'll do the same on the other side so three outs all the way up and in there we go okay so you saw I've got what looks on to look like a bit of an et just do her to get it going on okay now we're gonna have a habitat here so I'm gonna go three down and then one two three so it's technically four one two three four so five six seven eight nine ten and then from here I'm gonna go to see the same one two three is that three off that should be yeah three one two three we'll cover this going out there we go we'll go down to there I'll do exactly the same on the other side so down one more there we go okay so two three what are we on there one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then we'll go up to there so two three four five six seven eight nine ten you see we've got a bit of a terrain dip there so we'll stop for a second get our terrain tool and we'll level that out nicely flatten to foundation remember if you do struggle with the terrain tools I do have a thing on the other channel that will help you out three four five six seven eight nine ten okay we're gonna connect these up there we have it okay so these are gonna be your two starting habitats essentially what's going to happen is guests are gonna come in and they're going to have no problems looking at them okay but as you can see this path is far too narrow so if you haven't guessed what we're going to do we're going to extend the path so olanta grid and literally just run right around the outside of it there we have it okay there's a few little tricks for this grid as well which although you'll see shortly which will really help you out it's gonna line this up there we go and up there as well we go all the way up right the way across to the right perfect so you can see now we've got two places for habitat so we get rid of these trees oh yes we got two if I get rid of all the trees they're gonna get me nervous that's okay so we've got our two habitats I've got the central bit here in these Ultimates you'll see what they're all for in a moment now we're going to need somewhere for staff buildings and things so again we're gonna get our terrain or our grid tool you can see here this is going to be perfect for some of the stuff builders you need you can see again we're having that terrain problem so again you just push it out there we go then we'll crack on from there so where we are there we'll get rid of them again we're gonna go one two three four five up on both sides and them to each other okay so you're ending up with these the technically eight meter paths I don't like ten meter path it look too wide but this will stop congestion and traffic flow if you use in using these ones so this is what you should end up with to get started okay so what we're going to do now is we're going to show you what everything is for so right in the middle of it here this square is technically eight meters by eight meters now if you get some facilities what we're going to put in here and if you go to guest facilities is an information booth I would not recommend if you're playing franchise decorating anything right at the start okay it is absolutely pointless because you're gonna waste all of your money so you can see there by them squares see we can fit in four buildings here so this will cover the basic guest needs right from the start so you want an information booth you're gonna want a toilets we can find one there you are now this is where me and a lot of people disagree I always put in food and drink straight away I know it's quite expensive to do so but I find I make the money no problem some people disagree with me it you can not you don't have to put these in but this is how I would do it whether it be some so franchise if I'm just starting out and I'm not a hundred percent on how the game how the game works this is how I would how I wouldn't do it ten staff without space that's funny because we don't have ten staff oh no ten alert that's right so there's your guest facilities as they come in they can go for information toilet food and drink okay now just to make sure your guests have got somewhere to sit etc these little squares we're going to use oh yeah for somewhere to put like tables and so we're quick align to grid we'll pick this you can see I'm gonna line this as a natural path like so so if you do it on both sides so if you use this natural path down here it just breaks it up a little bit for me I just think it looks better back into facilities pick some benches you may only have very basic ones at the start of franchise I'm gonna pick the cheapest benches possible it should be these okay and I'm just gonna put six of them in each side so that's plenty of space for the guests to say and eat okay I was very I remember when we got these in planet coaster Oh how excited we were there we go so that's similar for them to sit and eat and be be happy and Mary should we say okay now we need to think about staff buildings what is with this weather no weather now we need to think of staff facilities that they're gonna need so this is where we're gonna use our heat map so we're going to here and then we're gonna look at the negative impact on guests so in facilities and staff facilities there are a few things you're going to need so we'll start off with the obvious you're going to need a keepers hooked immediately so I'll start with the small one because that's what you're gonna use initially okay so I'm gonna go right up to the corner there we go with the influence and I'll pop down and keep his hot now no guests will get annoyed did you see we're just about covering the path area let's close that off you can see there okay and this square should allow us to place everything we need without any issue so we've got in the keeper spot then we'll pop in a quarantine I do put these in immediately enfranchise because you may find that you can only afford to get hold of animals that heart that seriously need to be put straight into quarantine so I put them in straits away so I'll drop that in there nice and happy nice and easy okay but if we look see that perfect absolutely perfect next to that we're going to do the vets surgery so we'll grab the vets here and we'll press H again see it's perfect again not going onto the paths absolutely perfect we're definitely going to require a staff room so we'll press H you can see there this is where we'll start to have an issue so if you go to grid size here see where it's four meters we're going to shrink this to two and we can bring it right in line with that path so it basically shrinks these squares down for you to use okay so we're gonna go right up against the edge there I'll just turn that around it'll be a problem staff rooms now in then we are going to need a a Trade Center so here we have our Trade Center okay now this is now up to you whether you need a research center or a workshop I don't put them in immediately when I'm doing the franchise and I wait until I've got animals in and I'm making some money before I put them in so this is basically the layout that I would be using what I'll do now is I'll teach you how to get these paths sorted so staff path at the bottom here click on any one you want and then align to grid click on the door of any of these item of any of these places now the down on a grid and it will give you directly from their door what you need okay nice and easy so we can do it from anywhere no problem I'm gonna do it because I always find it works best when I do it from the vets I kind of like to run everything from the vents so oh okay so if you click on the door because we're using a large I mean a vets actually is going to 6 meter so we'll do it from here that's what you find when you click on a line to grid from a door it'll always do it to the size of the building so let's go from the auction house that was my bad ok so we're gonna run it out there we are no problems so we got right up to there alright now we can deselect it and this is where once you've got this general shape in you can connect it to all the buildings like so and we can connect it to the edge now we'll check the heat map once more and you can see guests can walk around with no issues whatsoever so you have your staff facilities your guests facilities seating now when we sing staff themselves and we're missing habitat so once you've done the habitats will do viewing points but first we'll get these habitats in so I would go immediately to barriers and pick a barrier that's going to not cost you the earth essentially so we've been through this on the barrier breakdown and the barrier tutorial which essentially shows you how they work and the resistance grade and stuff now because of the type of animals you'll be having at the start and I would imagine most franchises will start out with something simple I would just use the wood log so they're cheaper to place and they're just much easier now a lot of people put the barriers in first and then the path now I do that when I'm not building a starter Zoo like this when I'm building it together like this and I just put the paths in and then I go right up into the corner as close as I can like so and then I'll run it from there right along the edges so there's one there now you can see we're just too far so we shrink this to a say 18 that should be 19 I think 19 meters you can see if we press escape we're not quite at the end so we'll click here and we'll pull it right out to the edge there we go and then we'll go up this way you can see again it won't go this way now because it's essentially turning around the same to me we're too close to this path but we're not so I'll go here and then I'll move it and you'll see the magic of it just working okay so we should get closer see it does get a bit closer but this might need to come back a touch there we go to a tiny bit and then you'll see that we can get this right up to the edge there we go and it's just these little you know playing around with it in stuff that work that helps out so I usually just place it and then move it I just find that easier for me and then on the end here you can see we can do it either way you can move it place it so there we have one habitat we'll do the other side as well so I'll click and we'll do this exactly the same principle was what we've just donned so I will just shrink that down slightly there we go drag that one out there we go okay so place it pull it out there we go place it oh all right so that one's gonna need to be moved Oh careful okay you should only need two panels on on each side with this let's just get rid of that yeah you should definitely only need two panels okay see the way it's going up there even though we were there what we'll do is we'll pull this back and in slightly just it's all about being a little bit fiddly but that's the fun of the game isn't it there we go let's see if we can stretch it out yeah will why does it keep doing them I will do it this way there we go you get the idea go to the edge and to the edge if you do accidentally make a mistake control Zed guys it takes you back it's it's an undo and a redo controls out control I so let's run that across one pile too long apparently it gets quirky at times this game I'm telling you hit this Ahead's what's right and when so two habitats very very simple they're gonna need gates so again I suggest you just use the wooden habitat gate here on each side okay now what I would do just to make sure that these are super safe is I click Edit barrier I would click this and select the whole thing by dragging it around and then in the second menu here I would click climb proof so make sure it's on the inside so it's that one there you go so just in case you get any animals that are climbed that can climb this will stop from getting out so do it on both of them it's just it you save the money overall I'm using the brick barrier so okay and it looked better I do I prefer the log one so right there you go so you've got these you can see these little lower things inside perfect so that's now up so that looks pretty good so the guests are gonna come in here they've got the services somewhere to sit get the stuff I've got their services here and you've got two habitats to start making money immediately so what we're going to need to do now is give them viewing points so they can actually appreciate the animals now I'm going to show you very very easy ways to give them a variety of viewing points immediately okay so what you want to do is essentially click on the barrier and click Edit and then on the these three sides click on glass now on some box you can use one-way glass however on franchise you won't have this one locked straight away so we're just going to use glass so click glass there pick another one click glass and another one and click invoice okay the important thing is to leave one side completely clear so the animals can sort of escape from stress and stuff if they need to do the same over here so we'll change this to glass I'll change this to glass okay and I'll change this to glass there we go I've left the same again somewhere for them to go to so these are technically now viewing points so guests can go there and enjoy viewing the animals however what if you want to give them a variety and that is the joy of the grid system we've done so we'll click a line to grid again try and get roughly in the middle and start deleting so you're gonna want to delete these two and then these two so you've got four totally clear now we're going to select the grid again here oh there we go put that path back in use actual path my stuff buff but delete the one next to it here now this is really important because what's going to happen is you're then gonna lift one you are gonna lift this path or like so see the way that's gone up then you're gonna level this out and you're gonna go across and excuse me and you're gonna go down again over here now the best way to do this now you've got this platform like you can see here click align to grid put that back in and then on this side you're gonna want to take that that and that's out so then what we can do is we can get deselect the grid now this is what you should end up with at this point and we're going to turn this into stairs so you can either do it there and connect it like that or we can put a piece in on the ground here but it's very tricky so two ways to do this you neither have a ramp so they can get up in wheelchairs and bikes and stuff which I actually prefer looks better or we can delete this bit go forward one up one down one so remember click and drag up and down give you that layout which then allows us to connect this with the grid again and there we have an upwards as you can see viewing points perfect you know no problems at all so they can just stand there and view better man you can actually use this as well to go over the top of this but you need to do this higher so if you want to do an over here viewing point you just come back one which I'll show you now if I will do it now we've got no problems doing that so we'd have these clear as you can see then we're going to need support the all we're gonna need to put that bit back in and delete that we'll do the same on both sides like so okay and then so we end up with something that looks like that and we're gonna want to go up so we're literally gonna go up there and there but you're gonna do it twice then we'll flatten it out so you end up with that and we'll connect these with the grid again I hope I'm not going too fast for you if I am please let me know I'll go over again in the comments with you or whatever so this is what you'd end up with and then we need to do a viewing point over this so you'll basically deselect the grid to get rid of the bottom you were on and you can select it again for the top now there's two ways you can do it okay you can either click on the grid up here and do it this way which is it's fine it's doable there's no problems with that you could actually just drop it in like so you know and I'm connected up or well I suggest you if you want a nice-looking place is you know this is eight meters so select an 8 meter path and you see like that okay and the reason you know this is 8 meters is because we're using a 4 meter grid and it was two pieces and now we have this lovely viewing point right over all the animals if you wanted to have barriers and stuff just click paths and in here you'll find railing on elevated click again down on the steps as well and you end up with this lovely over viewing area as well as these ones now on the other side you can you call to do exactly the same thing ok so there you have it exactly the same on both sides you could get creative on this side and do something different but this will work effectively for your first time in the zoo now we need to make sure that we're going to be making some money so first thing you're going to do is get a donation and book it's in so in facilities we have donation book gates now I've covered this in the top 10 tips but I also I also needed to cover it in this because you guys probably understand but for the people who don't these will make you more money than anything else that you're doing within the game so I recommend of each end and in the middle of all of these glass ones unless it would look ridiculous one here wouldn't require wanting each end if you've got a big one sick one in the middle in the middle one on each end and one in the middle in sandbox you don't need donation buckets at all you don't actually have to put them in because it's unlimited money but you get to the point of it just you know being there so also up here you're gonna need some as well so what I suggest you do is one right at the front where they're all gonna be stand-in and then two at the back like that and they'll donate all over the place and these will make you some serious money I've not put the railings on this side well you get the idea will it will do it in fact just two just so you guys know rating one elevated there we go so now you've got all your donation buckets in place I would also recommend sticking a few randomly around the zoo I always put some at the entrance so I'll put one on each side like so remember controls that unders what you last did absolutely perfect so there's your donation buckets they'll bring in some much-needed money now you're gonna need some form of Education I would strongly suggest you don't go absolutely crazy with this especially with franchise at the start I would just stick with one education board per habitat and then as you start to make money you can actually start increasing your budget because remember they have running costs they have electricity costs you would have to bring in all sorts so we are we we're gonna use these okay so we're gonna basically pop one right there on one side right there on the other side and actually put an animal in you can actually get to grips on the education if you don't know what the education does or how to use it perfectly in the game please check out my education tutorial on the channel now that is essentially what I would do to get started I would then go to the trade center pick two animals and pop them into each side now how are you going to select the animals is quite important within your animal trading or whatever you want to do you need animals with a decent viewer rating wanted you know guests want to see and that's that's what you'd see here and anything over a thousand should work well at the start I'd recommend you use stuff such as Timberwolves if you can get some Himalayan brown bears like that would be amazing but I know that your conservation credits are limited at the start so and I remember when I first started my franchise ooh I used gah riyals and Timberwolves and they raped in the money the GAR riyals especially raked in at the money and then the Himalayan brown bears came along I built another habitat and it went just through the roof absolutely crazy however this is what you're looking for if you however choose animals that require water you will require yourself to and one more thing which is water treatment and that's in here so you'll need to place one II and I strongly suggest you click on the auction house here with double press R to open the grid that we're already on go back into facilities and you'd place the water treatment here these are expensive guys so for what it is if we look in the heat map here that'll no cover water if you put it in these corners and it will cover the next two habitats you do up here stick it to land animals at the start guys just give them the water pipes and stuff because it's a it's a running cost that you don't want especially in franchise until you get going however this is essentially what you're looking for so I hope this has made sense I hope you've enjoyed this once you start raking in the moolah you'll see down here you'll start gaining some money before I go decorating everything like crazy I'd be adding in another two habitats the same way I've done these here and that will start getting more and more money and make sure you get the donation buckets down and also keep an eye on your prices on your tickets from time to time if guests are saying the tickets are too cheap which you'll see pop up over here or if you click on a guest they'll tell you like when they're coming in increase the prices gradually don't jump the price or SS on and I would suggest increase in maybe a dollar at a time something along those lines however that's it this is my guide to how to start your zoo it is my opinion all the people will have a different opinion but I hope this has helped you out and your comments queries or suggestions please pop them down below guys and I'll catch you in the next one thank you for stopping by you
Channel: PaulsLey
Views: 301,137
Rating: 4.9073358 out of 5
Keywords: Planet Zoo Tutorial, planet zoo, planet zoo gameplay, planet zoo launch, planet zoo animals, planet zoo tools, how to play planet zoo, how to planet zoo, how to make planet zoo, how to make a lake planet zoo, how to make mountain planet zoo, how to make plaza planet zoo, planet zoo full, planet zoo trailer, zoo tycoon, zoo tycoon 2, zoo tycoon 2019, planet zoo starter zoo, planet zoo how to start, planet zoo layout, planet zoo starting layout, planet zoo starting tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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