PLANET ZOO - Franchise Mode Gameplay - Ep 1 - GETTING STARTED!

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hey guys and welcome to the launch of planet zoo for real never played it in beta I won't play in real launch mode and see as anything changed as it has improved on some of the issues that we had we'll see this is me it's me right there all right let's get let's get some franchise going we'll start a new zoo what biome are we gonna go for tropical temperates oh you know what I'm thinking we go on like maybe tropical North America North America tropical yeah why not go for it this is gonna of course be sky so with just two hours I think create alright and there was much much rejoicing and here is our Park look at that that's pretty spectacular isn't it it's got kind of a feel like we could be a Johannesburg alright we are going to start off we start with $40,000 which isn't gonna go as far as you might think we're gonna start off I'm gonna put a path in let's say you want to crank your width up to with 10 so that your people don't get caught up when you get crowds they will bump into each other a lot you want the widest paths you can especially at the beginning I'm gonna put in a bit of a circle here I'm gonna divide it into four and try to have four enclosures that's the plan he said optimistically now what I want to do is put this out kind of say about there so just bring it in one tick each time oh yeah I think this is going to be about the right size with a bit of look and one tick each time so we get that it no I need to get rid of that first section that we put in and that gives us a perfect circle alright how much reducing was there about that quite a lot so you know I gear there's a setting here to say t-junctions yes to use t-junction when turning paths thank you very much so now with a bit of luck I'll actually create like a 90 degree alright and then what I want to do is switch staff paths and crank the width down to probably yeah probably right down to before and then I want a path that just comes across here like this and well am I gonna divide it and I was going to divide you know I think I am I'm gonna divide it into four not for any what special reason I just think it might be cool to do that so give up this way though okay having done that we can now put all of our all of our keeper stuff up here now when they come in hopefully we want to get some cash out of them so I'm going to put in a few things so let's go to the facilities and we'll go for guest facilities and I'm hoping that we can maybe get a little bit of cash out of them persuade them to maybe get a soda or something let's oh I want to use one that's in the building I do I want to put one of these shops in now I'm think I'm just going to use these for now let's let's do it on the cheap so let's put in I've killed P and of course we've gotta have a chief be firm we of course we have there's but those right up against each other so we only vote guilty in the chief beef and I think we should have an infant yeah I'm gonna go with an Information Center I'm thinking maybe an information since it would be a good thing let's have an Information Center in there Anna loony balloons I mean we can only try these things go away and then go bankrupt and then cry of value afterwards put so we've got our facilities in so hopefully when they can oh you one more facility that I just saw nature and I thought yes call of nature we should put in some toilets might not be a bad idea plan it's a small toilet right let's flip flip you around and pop you in right next to this look block going over let's put in a recycling bin well if I can actually give it daunting to going it must it wants to glue to the side yeah go on it's fine and we'll put a Planet C penis there as well okay so we've got our basic facilities but we will need electricity to power those now I'm thinking that I've probably put them too far away for having something oh okay well you know it's got to stop facilities not just to get you to it let's just say I put in a trust oh no that's actually within ranges because you get a bit of power from the gate haha that works kill kill kill kill all right so in that case why don't I get a transformer and put it probably up here somewhere you know I'll put that in last let's put in the staff of 30 so we want we want to keep us Hut now let's put the keepers hurt there and then what girl want a quarantine because you've got to have a quarantine before you can bring animals in they have to be quarantine I might space these out like you know I get up and put the quarantine on that side but after quantitating building there and then are we we definitely want a research building so that we can research all the cool stuff for the animals which way around till I want it that way can I put these when I kind of put these up against each other that's that's right and can I get the race to go together oh come on pixel this way there we go oh my god I actually got it to work that actually looks nice okay and what was that that was the research centre wasn't it so we need a staff room to think I'm going to put on whoops which I'm gonna put on this side so I've got there's a staff room I need a Trade Center because you need the Trade Center in order to bring animals in that's a line you up there and then we need a vet let's put the fit in this site link so maybe a little gap between those two buildings and finally a workshop there let's say okay having put all those in now I can decide where I want my transform but I think I want my transformer and water over here now I see gonna be an important thing I probably should have checked this oh yeah look look my transformer covers just covers the entire circle Mike you know I couldn't have done that bear if I tried I certainly didn't rehearse this guys if I'm this bad when I rehearse God just quit now this guy just quit now so I'm gonna put this in this will purify any water that's around the place so we'll put that in there and we'll get a transformer and we'll put that in right next to it on the same grid okay so we have power we have water all that good stuff to this area just kind of noise so what I'm going to do now is get let's go barriers and I'm gonna get corrugated maybe that's resistance soo isn't it [Music] well we'll go with corrugated I think now the way I want to do this ideally is to start in a corner say down there and let's make this what do we think like 10 meters probably yeah and then I want to come into the center so that because I want it nicely lined up and then so 1 2 okay 3 3 it's going to be free was the number of accounting and the number of accounting shall be 3 then any what anybody who's not multiplied in fatzke what the hell's the Oliver and we wanted it same here 1 2 3 and then I want to get this at 45 degrees and 1 2 3 all right cool and then I'm gonna come in three in that direction one two three in that direction and then join them up like that I think that kind of works doesn't it I think it probably does okay so we'll edit the barrier will will select the whole barrier and we'll crank this up to I don't know three I don't know it's three meters four meters maybe like three and a half-ish it's really a half-ish will do cool and then we want to be able to see in here so let's select this section over here draw it round like you know what I'm going to trying to economise a little bit so just this section here we'll add windows glass windows please whoa so people could see in that's kind of a nice enclosure that so let's see how much cash if I used all of it it's the answer what now what I can do I could go take a loan which I think eats what a beginner do I'm going to go to sue and I go to do Finance West finance finance finance finances and we've got loans and we can take out either a five twenty or fifty thousand dollar loan okay well I'm gonna I'm gonna have to do it gonna have to do it so take out fish take out 50 thousand load oh my god in that case this needs to work okay so I need to set up barriers like this on the other three quadrants okay all completed all put in and that leads us worth I changed the change the angle here so two came out came out and then joined them up because I wanted to leave myself a little bit more room in the middle because I want to put some put some trees and stuff in there but you know I'm gonna design of my animals first let's go to the zoo and let's get some staff we are going to need probably a couple of keepers but we'll start with one keeper and literally what else do I want I want now I've already got four vendors it automatically hires you a vendor when you put one of these in so we've got the four vendors we're going to need a mechanic to fix stuff in fact I'm thinking we're probably going to need two because we've got a lot of fences to maintain so let's say you have a Medusa and which is one of those these guys like it doesn't tell you it's like pirate mechanic yeah yeah how much is that going to cost me but a mistake damage so well this guy is like earning a thousand a what a thousand a day I hope not okay well you know what we need a couple of mechanic so I guess I guess which is just higher than minute and hope so two mechanics and what and we definitely need a vet that is important hire a vet you can go over there neither that's the vet clinic isn't it yeah cool and then security yeah probably not a caretaker we'll get one caretaker you've got a lot of work to do cleaning this place up I've put Ben in for you though so you should be fine I should but you know what I'm gonna put some more bins in maybe because with all the vendors I think it's probably a good idea don't you think that's a good idea I think it's a good idea facilities where are we bins bins benches and security do we want some benches around the place oh now I wonder cuz if we put like well people sit on these benches and look at the animals and stuff I wonder if they well you know what bench is it cheap it's putting some some benches around the place they went on that side green one on this side and when I put the green one on that side and believe what I said god it's it's very important that these be exactly correct okay cool security cameras do not disturb Snug duct tape don't do for now what I do want to put in is information signs here because we want to start want to start informing the public so let's say these they signs are like fifty apiece not expensive sorry think now they're 40 apiece in actual fact so we'll put one there okay so that's all the boards and all the speakers put in and of course I've increased the volume I mean there's only there's only one setting you should use when setting speakers you should go up to 11 all right so well that's all the educational stuff stuff set up we've got the we've got the staff we've got the education we've got some places for them to sit in whatever our case now it's time for animals and then terrain so let's go to the zoo let's have a look at well no let's have a look at animal trading and see what animals we can get and it the answer is no there are no animals I've got this set up for a room for just a cash listings because there's no way that we can buy with the conservation credits so come on oh here we go so we've got warthogs you know what we're definitely gonna have some warthogs going on okay let's get your [ __ ] three years old yeah adopt you what else you know what I'm gonna get a type you adopt that type here what about aardvarks you know what I'm gonna adopt a pair of Artbox what a hell no about an African wild dog yeah I'm just gonna take it right so I've got four animals perhaps not the four animals that I would have chosen but I've got four animals now let's do before we even start I want to do a little bit of terrain work so let's go to terrain and I just want to give them pools so and we're just gonna create a little pull for each one of them I'm probably gonna do them maybe slightly different so so I'm gonna pull there maybe one round one in the middle and long one at the front and then maybe I don't know maybe be a bit of a crescent shape one there we go okay so if we cut the water and let's see there we go nice little crescent shaped pond that's very nice as well like in that and that one and finally that one right so they've all got water and that's clean water because we've got a water purifier okay so now I suppose we want to start putting the animals in I'd be a good idea so let's go out to our animal stories so this is white bought we've got two aardvarks a wild dog one type year and a couple of warthogs the warthogs probably in fact the African wild dog are probably not going to be too happy because they'll need more to make up a pack but you know I guess we'll see I guess we'll see how it goes so let's put let's do the aardvarks first shall we yeah this should be fun so move aardvark - yeah it's a anybody's destination because I forgot to put the gates in that's what I'm any I meant to do that I forgot let's go barrier now we want to put a gate just on that corner is fine and then we want one on that corner as well try and get them lined up mostly right so odd Fox coming up and with trading odd vac move to here and the other aardvark move to here right oh you know what there's one thing that I've forgotten to put in and this is the most important thing probably and that is all facilities guest facilities they shove boxes so so so important let's put one just put a donation box there and one there let's put one that's just the other side of me because they'll gather round these information points and we want to make the most of that so give us your cash throw some money in the bin make an owner more happy save an animal from going in the pot because otherwise you know like if we can't afford to worry you know what's gonna happen should that be the luck slogan for the zoo Simon animal pay up all will cook him no let's put one there one there no more one there and that's it okay so that's all the donation boxes again so I've got old box are in here so I think what else now I can put some stuff around Tony went this way no you know what let's get them put in and then we'll figure it out I think that's probably the best way to go so go where's where's all my people oh oh oh they're actually figuring out what the hell they need to be doing I might speed you up a little bit oh great there we go we've got an aardvark we've got to our box is paws before we kill them so before I kill them let's be fair alrighty so welfare it's not so great so the first thing we need to do is to have a look at their their habitat so don't look that's right we need we need more short grass we need less long grass we need more soil and rock is fine so I think let's do let's get some light soil let's shrink that down a little bit except some light soil all around the edge of the pond okay that gets us good on soil we need a bit more short grass and more unless long grass so you know actually I should put this and there we are that's that's how easy it is to look after aardvarks awesome now I do need to give them some shelter now what do we want to do for an aardvark shelter it's a good question should we give him a little cave a little aardvark cave yeah go on let's give him a little aardvark cave so what I do I'm gonna pull up the terrain let's let's have a little aardvark cave going on over here so something like that yeah nothing and then if I take the flat to surface tool and make this a lid a bit smaller I think and then just dig them out a little cave in there no [ __ ] I've actually let's block that off and you can still be sane which is important all right sweet dessert I couldn't need to run it on for a moment for it to recognize that I Tatti yes that's enough shelter kill everything good now the one thing I wanted to look out was let's see habitat temperature temperatures 100% so they're happy at the moment like to keep an oil that's mechanic research vet research and Cletus Cletus by greif we want you researching and ill ill research in new york you keep researching until he's done everything unless you stop let's go to habitat we want to filter this by the animal that we're trying to keep alive in this case I know aardvark we can put some bedding in for them they're only small I'm so gonna use the large ones there we go oh oh that's deformity reign of Mir okay hundred percent prey finally we've got the aardvarks made happy now as soon as you've got animals in look people as soon as you've got an animal people start arriving now let's just have a quick look and see what happens because if I've messed everything up then they'll walk in and they'll just walk straight out we've got an inspector arriving in 23 months before before I do that I've got to feed them if I don't feed them I'll end up killing them and that would be bad I think that's come real here I sorted it for aardvark we just want like like a food bowl and some water let's put in a water pipe stay there and we'll put in that's a water bowl small a small food bowl or a large food but it's put in a large food but let's not be mean we'd like our box don't we and then a cooler if they need it but they're happy with the temperature at the moment so we'll keep we'll keep an eye on that okay so go oh the people are coming in and they're wandering round okay so that's obviously what it looks like it's gonna work let's get some other animals going oh yeah animal trading right what do we want we want let's get the tape here going on so let's put the tape here in here okay so let's get the tape here delivered I just remembered something else I've got it - come on come on bring him to bring the tape here down here I think I'm gonna need another keeper shall I put another keep ring oh here we go he's bringing it and boom we've got a tape here shush shush a big nose there you go where are you from no City so let's grab this guy and see what do you like you like a bit more short grass bit less longer like a lot less long grass and you want some soil all right well let's give you what you want there we go that'll do okay so you're happy okay do I try and get the other animals in or do we just see how they like that oh maybe just see how they like that so the one thing I've got to do and this is a duck alrighty so now that I've got the boards set up properly aardvarks tapir okay at this point is a case of see like what what do people do do they do they wonder the entire suit do they look do they like what they see do they throw us any money that's the important thing so we're at term call it 40,000 and we'll see we'll see how it goes ah look tapie's have a little swim oh they're like that they like that they're probably not going to like the fact that I'm starving them to death so I should probably put some food out that would be a good plan what I want I want we want a water pipe that's best put water pipe in there and oh no you know what I've got it I've got it set for aardvark this is the type here isn't it yeah let's set this up for species and Baird's tapir okay so alright similar stuff will will use a maybe a medium food trough I did check up temperature you know what let's just quickly check his temperature because oh hang on temperatures okay plants yeah oh and hard shelter huh okay so it does one hard shelter what's yard shelter before this is South South and Central America tropical temperate grassland so we want to go into the filters and we want to say when I say tropical temperate grassland tropical temperate grassland and it was central South America continent there we go so these are all the plants that we can use in here which will which will make him happy so I don't know some oh it's a nice bushes just maybe put that over and over in the corner they're gonna need little ones yes so let's put a few of these around here let's try it spin it around a bit better feel these down bottled water come on go in there we go how are we doing seventy-two percent Oh custard apple tree so that maybe some of these around the back area here and then finish with another one of these custard thing is cats that look okay yeah that's one of these plants we put on top of one of the others let's just get rid of that because I just look silly uh okay cool obvious I could do a lot more work on that what about the what about the aardvarks what do they want plants wise oh look we're gonna knock swimming kill what are you what plants wise mister aardvark oh he's okay he doesn't care it's like I'm fine I'd I don't care totally okay let's see what's your environment Africa grassland tropical grassland tropical so get rid of that get rid of that and we want to add Africa so any of this any of these plants we can use in here he doesn't care about plants so what the hell so we just put some oh that's a bit big because some oak some acacia trees would be nice that's bang when I was in there round a bit actually not not there maybe there there we go and small acacia tree maybe flips around a little bit cool your complaint about coverage really well there's too much coverage of you you awkward aardvark okay let's get rid of that then you happy now yes he's happy now just just happy okay oh no he's not no he's not yeah what about okay so if I get rid of maybe this one what about now you'd be happy now no good lord he really doesn't like the coverage let's get that one Ella there as well are you happy now finally hooray and there was much rejoicing you know what if I put a case of trees like round the back like this flip it around a bit to provide just a bit of coverage outside will you be okay with that it's outside your pen yeah he's okay he's all right good thank God for that so yeah that's going to be the plan let's put a test put a couple more of those oh that was it that's what I wanted a cake pop through let's throw one of those in get a bit get a bit of height in there and then we can throw a couple of a couple of acacia trees in around this side yeah it's Reed's you know what starting to get there alright let's see I've put the foods things in we need to say we need to tell the keeper to come and actually feed them so if we say call keeper he should be I mean he should be on the ball with this stuff anyway but we'll see we'll see what he does so the people are wandering around we're down to 35,000 the money is going out very quickly we're gonna need we're gonna need some serious sales still going down is anybody gonna cry some money in the pot no no way yeah what oh yes they did right oh we're almost back up to 35 people wandering around stopping to read the information now if we look at them oh they are starting that they come in with zero education you know what let's let's go down to the entrance and we'll have a look at some of these just come in so let's take let's take you okay well apparently they start with almost no information and then as they wander around these speakers and these notice boards will inform them and that should start to go up you know what I'm gonna speed you up stop at one of the night sports oh so you're looking at looking at the tape here good good good good good good type you're looking very type here ish and then you're gonna go around here oh they're throwing some money in oh we got two thirty-two thirty-three thousand now you're not stopping any of the information boards which is kind of annoying oh but you're looking at the odd box good they're still around 33 but it is looks like it's kinda sort of dropping but they're up like if you're standing there did you get any no I know it was heading to gulpy soda and then it went to go home now are these bugging again no we've actually got people queuing up and look all the vendors have God you know what like do I need to put in like a couple of spare vendors to cover their breaks because they seem to be on break like all the damn time let's put in I'm gonna put in an extra couple of vendors one there one there and we'll see we'll see will you go and actually go in there and cover the breaks oh you've got its chief brief you've got its the information it's nighttime now and yet and yet it's still going they don't care what time is so people could go in here and it looks like they are actually maybe buying some stuff we're at thirty thousand we've dropped under thirty thousand but we have got people looking at the stuff well we're up to two hundred and forty guests 250 guests and there's raining she's not good but look our fences are all getting a bit shoddy this is where you have to say like call the mechanic which one's this sure that's probably the shortest call the mechanic and you know what call the mechanic to that one as well hopefully we'll do some repairs okay well yeah we are struggling with struggling to maintain it I am gonna have to put in the other animals in the other two pens and see can we possibly make a profit well if you want to find out if I can you know what you're gonna have to come back for the next episode guys thank you for watching I hope you've enjoyed it please leave me some comments let me know what you think of the layout if you've got any tips about how to improve things how about how to make some more money then let me know and I will catch you for the next episode peace out [Music]
Channel: Skye Storme
Views: 124,165
Rating: 4.861042 out of 5
Keywords: planet zoo, planet zoo gameplay, planet zoo part 1, planet zoo franchise, planet zoo gameplay ep 1, new tycoon games 2019, new strategy games 2019, new building games 2019, skye storme, new strategy games, new tycoon games, new building games
Id: N2D8BrpNgFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 50sec (2090 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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