Everything wants to KILL ME!?! - ANCESTORS THE HUMANKIND ODYSSEY | Gameplay HD

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oh so now I'm gonna be hello everybody and welcome to ancestors this is it's kinda like if you like the isle series on my channel and you like assassin's creed oh you're gonna love this because we take control of our ancestors basically and try to survive evolve teach traits all that lovely jazz so this is actually created by one of the main dudes who first beheaded assassin's creed so I've been really looking forward to this a little bit late but don't worry we're gonna pump out loads of videos and so um the channels but if you want to see more of this don't forget to leave a like and let's jump straight into it apparently it's a little bit complicated so we're gonna go to new lineage this at the moment is only a available lineage name oh the homo homo bigfooters there you go yes I was first type of sports man of all yeah it's my first time I've lived away what choose the level of resistance total full hood full tutorial useful no no we need the tutorial no I've done too many Let's Plays a random select the starting character gender random yeah I guess we are female clan size no male is there actually any his Bigfoot female or his Bigfoot male it was big Bigfoot's of species right I always thought Bigfoot was just one singular cryptid one thing so yes I'm also recording on a new mic so if it does sound a bit weird I do apologize still getting used to this new mixer so I know a new mic it's a new mixer it's the go egg or go XLR I think it is I'm using it because you can all of a sudden just your amazing voices like this sounds really cool and that's gonna really help me anything because then I don't have to do it myself can just have presets make them myself and I change it the world and characters you will encounter are meant to represent archetypes of a place and a moment not the exact depiction of what happened so yeah we're going into the past back whether saber-toothed cats giant snakes this adventure is made by a panitch digital games which is composed by all of these lovely people and the following hours you will relive the challenges of the dawn of humanity and bargains the never-ending Odyssey of human progression on this planet use your body or hold on we need to use your body sends mine gained strength in numbers and advance the species okay we'll stop with the echo survive the elements teach your family build the home good luck we won't help you much well I hope you will use a selected tutorial and remember evolution is not set in stone it is your path to forge and if we're gonna be Homo bigfooters that means we're not gonna do too hot in one day times dead purged so yeah one of the main reasons I wanted to play this is away is it's a good quality graphics I feel like I might need to turn the graphics of I should have said that oh maybe I just kind of what looks like mmm [Music] sneaky prove run away so this is giving us a sort of overall view of the fauna that's gonna be around Oh a crowned crane a dead crowned crane oh dear that poor fish it's been through the walls [Music] really the saber-tooth cat kills a crocodile you've gotta be kidding me I guess I mean I guess if it went for the back of the neck and sisters the human kind story how would if we go all the way to Monday I don't think we do I think we just stick in the EM the ancient times there it is a lovely before us vol 1 we hate fish oh look at me I even Sharon my god I hope that's me my fish oh look at them go woohoo you be the early bumbum oh my god oh oh dear that's a giant whoa okay [Music] well I did not expect that RIT oh this is me regain safety in a hidden spot or in your clans settlements oh yeah this is part of the okay so what do I want intelligent sense top why for your intelligence used to identify hiding spots or clan settlement or particular okay we need hiding spots so this is what you see if you're in a new area and you're scared it's not a hiding spot interest and follow the steps I need to find a hiding spot the tree I think and I climb tree whoa I think I think that was right I want to go this way okay I don't want to go up the tree I don't let me scan again yeah I want to go this way I want to go towards the square I'm hoping I'm hoping oh there we go I did it Oh are we going to the genetics oh my god what's this find the lost child of your clan oh okay right so now I'm playing as me on okay hopefully this is mess with it because now we run 60 yes move in sprint okay okay right not exactly sure where I need to go there is there is is this way run sprint oh god no I'm dead oh my grip what is going on oh my god oh wow okay we're live growing neuron okay tap beat away okay what happy I'm calling oh that's cool okay I'm learning so much is it is it that that looks like I've got to go towards this way let's go and save our little monkey boy little bugger got himself lost lens what's the lens I am still going the right way right Oh scary bush do we do anything with scary bush can we investigate I guess we've just got to do this first so eager look a boat of Noah but yeah look at me go I can kind of stand we gotta wait now he jumped over the bush to me it was definitely somewhere here I'm wondering uh-oh what's this crap oh oh can we inspect don't move let's stick the state to stay in senses this is a reputation of sound oh right so stand up is a so we're gonna stand up when you get a better look and we can smell we can change the smell and then hearing okay well he's dead he's definitely crawling wait can we use this thing intimidate or inspect I want to inspect I'm still holding whatever this isn't behind I have a push we have our weapon I'll take on the giant eagle don't you worry I got this he was so somewhere here right somewhere here he's in here where are you I'm gonna I'm gonna drop my little whatever it is you're right here are you hold on let me check I'm gonna intimidate you wildlife intimidated Eastern Green Mamba oh my god there is a snake oh we don't go over there fat snake who intimidate an Eastern Green Mamba oh why there you go I scared a species I'm still trying to look for this bloody little baby come on baby I think it's this way I could be wrong but I'm going towards where the noise is getting louder I think that's the best thing to do oh are we close keep going this way keep going this way oh we're very close hold on let me use my hearing are there yes are you in here you you are in here I know you are can I call yes come out your little pocket yeah hold on Oh confronting resist me what is confronting me Oh comfort oops come on it's okay it's okay there we go there we go yeah little buddy we saved ababa I didn't save its friend though so we got the kroner on communication we're learning yes whoo all right then well while you've been away I've I scared a green snake a deadly one okay so what this game is about is of learning discovering things learning oh look look froggy we use froggy honey can we come hearing smell mm-hmm let's go in the water Correll I'm pretty sure there is an option to scoop yeah there we go scoop inspect let's see what is this what what have we found it's a beer lake no freshwater source ah there we go so now we've learned that we've learned that this suppression water throwing neuron senses whoa I have no idea what any of these means my intelligence although it's probably go and investigate things so if we go over here I forgot what runners feel like it was a but holding a is to do a big jump so we're gonna go this way so there's giant snakes there's giant boobs in fact there was a prehistoric giant bird that did exist it was kind of fascinating I don't maybe I mean like out the start they said that this isn't you know scientifically accurate it didn't represent everything ready for a big jump there we go we're gonna go whoa we got a question box down here oh that's right now that we found the baby we're probably furry this is accessible now I'm assuming this is a hiding spot we should investigate that's to get the hiding spot what does it do what does it mean oh oh oh look there's something here oh it's what I dropped and a pickup grab there we go we'll inspect it what is it oh we found food horse tail yeah well eat it then yum yum yum yummers oh yes I guess you could brush your teeth at the same time assimilated new nutrients from the veg tail kind of food whoa okay so we've learned now that that is edible so we're gonna go over here this used to be something else over here like reeds is it what is it fish something scary in this guy I think that red means scary what is it oh can we inspect it I don't know what this is scoop is this bad inspect inspect the water yeah it's we've got like a scary spot here but I'm really not too sure oh and you gathering spot discovered oh it's a fishing spot huh we can hide there and I'm assuming catch fish if you want to whoa there we go right anything else Oh something over there oh no oh this is just how we make way Marcus or something well let's go let's go check this guy out see see how he's doing I could lie down next year there we go [Laughter] is there anything else I can do Oh snake snake Gillies it's dangerous and even even see it last time fun jump right use our intelligence how could we set way mark is that is that possible I don't even know if that's possible it said there's emotions and stuff so don't exactly know how to do that where where is snake you can see it I oh there it is there it is a giant snake if it's a Mamba oh I see it oh he's a big in right okay can we enter always coming close oh no oh no oh no he's I think he's trying to hunt us is he still coming oh yes oh no no you dude yeah climb the tree climb the tree climb the tree find the tree whoa Kenny oh he's a snake you can climb right and I intimidate whitby while I'm here yeah there we go ah there we go beautiful okay what else is over here we got loads to look at I kind of want to check out what are the guys doing though do we get that there's something over here and we had a little bit of sniff so if we can we can sort of identify oh there we go go then have a look at the mushroom what is it this weird substance oh it's food there you go African ah ah gee I go right eirick eirick eirick oh there we go there's a little frog here I don't know oh can we eat it but eat it then if it's edible oh there we go are we hungry oooh i learning stuff look at all this there we go I want to lie down and sleep here that will sleep who are we dreaming I wish we found fruit dodging attacks what what we should probably learn to sleep in a better location does that mean the baby died too oh wait oh wait what oh so now I'm gonna be alright oh so I am going with a lineage Oh okay so that child ended up dying because of the saber-toothed cat but that we're still in the same so the universe energy is limited by stamina is limited by life expectancy bride okay eat well drink well and sleep well to maintain a great life well okay so this is our place contextual actions stop moving to seek industrial actions okay so those two guys went off to explore they died so now we can I mean how do you check your health and stuff and your food obviously this is stuff we're gonna learn as we go but this looks like booty foods is this our oh it's a sleep spot there we go that's what we the sleep spot well we've learned some things around about 6:00 in the morning is when we should be able to wake up no no no no there we go whoo energy food water sleep okay so let's get some water we need stuff for you there we go so we get more energy my drinking I think I think that's what the yellow indicates I could be wrong I'm hoping I'm right do we need to inspect that I'm pretty sure we've we've got this as a spa god there's something there so we need to discover something scary and you plant go inspect it was it here it looked right here what Matt oh there it is here we go grab and inspect what is this leaves new tool discovered nettle grass sickened Oh God okay right so that's if it's nettle we don't want to we don't want any more of that leg get rid of that what's this stockpiles when all rediscovered dropped items can be stockpiled with identical items oh okay can we make stockpiles if I grab that add the pile ah construction some items can lead to construction possibilities when in stock pile depending on their number so if we grab a load of them and then put them all there we can make something I don't know what this is I mean that consuming this is just yeah we can't do anything like that but we need to find food so intelligence smelling I guess we keep on going I'm probably going to recognize if I see something edible the map is a bit weird though because when I turn I'm not going towards anything I've just got one two three four I got five spots now they could be my relatives that's what I could be oh my god help no we could go down well if I go like this and I highlight that there go smelling and then we go smell what that is can we identify it we don't know what that is it's probably a fungus on a tree okay guys this is it we're gonna do a leap of faith and hopefully jump on that trip no don't lie down that was close okay stop moving let's dig before releasing a to cancel okay left swing hold a two prime Jim and release a to jump that was not how you jump but oh it's cold down here oh no ok we need to we need to go higher there was it was on this tree wasn't it I think oh it's cuz it's raining so we need shelter oh god there the our energy isn't looking too good now oh no oh there it is there it is there it is hold on this is it right here oh it's really low okay well let's go down gonna Fester Oh God our energy is pretty low do our energy is low due to life expectancy now I think that's what that means where is this question this question mark oh it's in the tree this could be coconuts though we need to get back up though we need to get to our shelter or else we're probably gonna die but I just want to investigate the coconuts because if we can discover that that would be really good okay can I grab and investigate inspect there we go whoa you food discovered Coco's Coco's Drupa well there we go well I'm gonna take this back with me I'm gonna take it back it's red then go and jump off we're gonna climb this tree because this tree is closer you see Oh God yep we're depleting an energy pretty quick okay is that good can we just hold on there we go there we go because I think if we keep on going will actually lower our life expectancy cuz we're over exerting ourselves oh Jesus I have not got this system down I think we've got it we gotta climb high oh my god we fell so far oh what's this hold on hold on whew oh god what is that oh this members of it is this us it might be or is it another clan no this is us this is us okay good good good good can we use this on a rock or we got stuff over there just inspect this oh no what I'm gonna drop that we're gonna we're gonna drop here you go put that down oh this is a rock how are we gonna learn how to cut cut open the coconut what's going on with the light new tool discovered obsidian oh my god not just anything come can I smash the Coco's if I drop them together I grab no no no I want to grab the Coco's Can I grab the Coco's yes I can grab Coco's then I grab this as well I can't grab mmm well we we've learned obsidian that's for sure so I'll drop that let's grab some more obsidian can we stockpile it oh wait already holding something oh no I didn't let go of the coconut yes I could have inspected again does anything happen let's have a look no no nothing that was when we inspected for a second time okay so we'll drop that will grab more obsidian we'll stockpile the obsidian and see if we can make anything out of this no nothing so far damn it but we do have this then grab this and drop it with it - there you go are you okay Oh Annalise elder male Oh switch and wait here okay oh you can have multiples follow you on an adventure woo okay I want to know what these are so we'll smell my car I can't smell it actually okay so we'll go towards this but definitely be a way to run it looked like it was hold square or sorry hold on hold a I think that's it but is also jump so very confusing we got more things you know inspect this what is this is it a big rock new gathering spot discovered liftable Rock Oh let's get the caucus wherever the caucus was I think yes in here yep you're coming with me day three will we learn what to do with rock and a caucus drop nope nope still no idea but we've got a gathering spot not exactly sure what that does anything else that's scary oh there we go we got this thing now I'm wondering if it this just sort of helps this ape or whether my whole clan learn this stuff oh no it's over here it's these these weird-looking things they leaves grab hmm oh you've always looked so surprised new food discovered cat can we eat cat it's a good good to eat or find out who I got antifreeze abilities give me more and board-breaking abilities let's keep on eating yes yes that takes some I take some and bring them back to the gathering spot so now we've got armor against the cold and armor against the bone so I'm gonna put you down there here you go yeah Oh what is this well anyway what else we got it's interesting with this there isn't it yes you I need to inspect what you are there's not a coherent story as such or it appears to be except fry you know all of a sudden just got bowled by everything a freaking huge thing what's this is there something in here right I think that's just yeah I think oh oh hello who are we tired try I don't exactly know what that was maybe he is tired because I can't really tell if he didn't get enough sleep last night maybe that's it yeah must be I'm tired where are all my other clan members though are they all down there oh god what's that there's something there's something up there something dead oh is that where that monkey died well thank you refocus but can we smell that let's smell what is it identify yeah it's just the smell of dead okay okay so maybe I do want to go down there then I kind of want to go for that tree there's something in that tree that oh okay is it possible can we swing yeah okay and swing no no that is not it I am forgetting how to swing can we can we like if we just do that and then who oh that's cool okay let's go up look guys I'm learning the first video we'll learn how to do this there's something up Oh woo inspect what is it is that a fruit new tool discovered cap Pok fiber can I eat it well I don't know so much but I don't know what you do with it it's not like you have an inventory so it's it's it's a little bit tricky oh god time net tied again tied again it's not not not the best if you can make it through the day I'll let you rest oh look my fries my auntie freezer ability isn't doing too hard okay can we identify drawing neuron intelligence remember the localization of anything you've identified can be memorized okay intelligence can be used to discover practical items and visualize the things you have identified okay right so you want to go over there ah so sets of a way marker for us that's good that's good okay I'm Scott I'm just gonna I'm just gonna drop this Oh Rock yeah can we inspect the rock does that do anything oh so surprising heavy object new tool discovered granite rock maybe we can use that to crack open the coconut a granite rock maybe you can't use obsidian also trying to keep an eye out for giant snakes and everything so don't don't want to end up dead so we'll keep on going that way we've already got a question mark over here [Music] this is what it feels like to be almost at the bottom of the food chain it's a really cool concept though I like it they're going about it differently something I haven't really done before right oh it's a ball interesting we can smell them identify memorize remember borer now is a ball gonna kill me I have a rock in my hand so maybe I can use that as a tool hello boy oh I'm gonna intimidate him no I don't do that can we get off that please counter job will giant wall dog where'd he go where is he you just sort of lunged off into the distance you also made me drop my rock I don't like that okay so we're gonna go up here well there we go we've identified what a giant boar is yeah we dodged out the way Vilano is a counter-attack option there but I was just focusing on not dying yeah we we came across two saber-tooth cat in a very ungracious like way how we were sleeping huh huh there we go now is it was it something up here that I wanted to discover whoo boots boots in the trees well we don't have breakable bones anymore maybe that was armor maybe we discovered armor how do we get up there either way for it to pop in hey what there you go oh god it's all the way up there like like up there up there now we've already discovered that but but but but but but I want to discover that I want to discover oh no no no we were going over here okay let's keep going over here oh that's a long way down there's a long way down let's go say can we we climb and grab on yeah pretty pretty good idea no oh my god how are we not dead oh okay okay let's keep going keep on going over here I am very curious as to oh this way we were before we were all the way over here I died hold on yes I think I slept by this um of eight are they still there all the dead bodies there no they always do it oh what a shame okay well you want to be very careful finally got away over here right okay let's eat let's replenish a little bit shall we I think we were hungry yes oh my god the the tiredness is setting in time is setting in its gonna say you need to eat keep eating you'll wake yourself up yes can I hear something is there something here hold on there's a snake is there anything else if you like I can hear something it might just be that Green Mamba I think so this is right there is another monkey here though I'm pretty sure there's another monkey here is that nod oh there we go more that let's go the mushrooms they'll be good for us to eat keep going keep going keep going pass the dead monkeys can we cry is that an option eat analyze clan member analyzing quoi dead for 0 years oh god they stay that for years do they oh oh yeah he's just tired well I need to find a sleepy sleepy place what's that let's identify hmm that looks like a shelter is that a shelter that looks like ok let's go over there and let's sleep in there and find me my monkey can can get some rest we've got a bone breaker and we've also got the frost so we're good and you should probably eat the rest of that before a giant saber-toothed cat comes out and eats us I'm just wondering how we get in I'm assuming tomorrow will be a better day oh god no don't don't fall asleep before we get in how did you even get in I mean this says it's like a shelter right that's what this is but like to sleep on it it just is it a shelter for Baba's I think it might be shelter for Baba's so we are we are all God we are very tired I don't know I don't like we're gonna have a look at what these are granite rock okay well I don't really care about that more rocks god there's a lot of rocks and is it rocks no a flat no fishing spot okay well we were here can I sleep in the tree is that hold on yes yes maybe that's probably why we should go you should sleep in the big trees unless a giant snake comes and gets us or God yeah this isn't the best of trees - okay okay well climb up climb up climb up here because I think there's something in this tree isn't that sad nothing in the tree oh there's something over there never look we'd just something over there we don't like it though okay climb up climb up I know you're tired I know just don't have a don't have one of you you're you know moments when you're in the tree can I sleep here lie down yes yes yes [Music] Oh what am I dreaming about um is that a snake am I dream I'm a dreaming about getting attacked by a snake I think there we go there we go ah the daily regime update food waters so I need more water ah okay got you so if I don't get enough of those during the day when I wake up I'm even less so much am i I don't have as much I don't know oh hello what's that oh I'm scared I think I'm scared oh no I'm cold never mind I'm cold okay jump over Oh God Jesus not so good don't know how he does it okay but we need water first but let's identify what these are oh they're Nettles Owen if I can bring them in but first let's get some water yeah we are however very cold what are these says we can grab Quinn SPECT cuz I don't think I've ever seen these before and I'm not about to eat them if they're poisonous you food discovered Tammy berries yes there we go not bad we get some food assimilated nutrients from berry kind of we're poisoning comes from venom find some something with medicinal properties oh no where they poisonous berries oh dear oh dear oh dear and the meadows the nettles have medicinal properties I don't think so oh god this isn't good drop it drop the nettles oh and even though what my health is where's my health just my energy drop that get rid of that how about these I don't know what are they more nails damaged nails everywhere what is this identify memorize is that oh god please tell me that's not the saber-tooth cat this is such a complicated game i furrowed it wouldn't be like to complicate I feel like I am a monkey discovering all of this plot life maybe horse tail has it well the poisonings kind of wearing off a little bit oh here we go here we go what's this natural grass Oh for sleeping did it say that does it make me sleepy starting to get stuff from them I don't know yeah you get a little extra bit Sokka what's this gathering a spot left a bull Rock okay okay well else we got we've got loads of stuff to discover okay let's go up here gonna be a drunk ape sperm or else and the more liftable rocks should I have more Klan members with me I feel like I should have brought more clan members with me more liftable rocks who could this be a good spot sort of like hidden spot oh the hidden spots okay got you got you got you would really kill for something with medicinal properties right about now who did I get something intelligence who did I get better come over and upgrade oh I guess the longer you do things for the better so can I lift this rock up if it's liftable can I not do that when I'm poisoned do you memorize no that is a giant snake that is deaf near giant snake and that looks like a nest okay okay even though I'm drugs and I can hear it's it's actually making noises which is very strange so I'll stay away from the titanoboa or whatever giant whatever you want to call it I don't want more of those berries enough poison myself again and I could climb a tree dreams are safe I like trees okay we're gonna jump from this tree to the next there we go a memorized item has been forgotten oh no is that the poison but possibly the poison I'm still trying to get somewhere though car remember where whoa thingy thingy I know it's a swamp oh hello Oh few of you know and use your senses and intelligence to identify what's around you then you'll see the light Oh dopamine is needed to avoid hysteria when in fear okay senses let's stand up first and we smell identify what's that smell it's a dead body okay let's go over here what's Oh what is that identify oh that's a crocodile that's slowly coming towards me okay well we'll memorize that my god remember there's a huge crocodile in the water census can we can we do hearing what's that focus oh no be focus hogs hogs yes there we go there we go we're learning we're learning whoa is there something over there oh yes there is is that the Anaconda that's the Anaconda definitely no that is the other Condor don't worry I'll leave there we go where's that crocodile wait Albert wasn't bloody drug star we still okay yeah we definitely want to go down there no no no no no very bad so Tiger where did I just miss a tiger something's making it oh he's very close to me he's right there we could focus on them too we can listen to him remember the location of anything you've indicated can be memorized yes I know use the same it's the sense of hearing turned in for anything emitting sounds yep got it got it yeah gonna ignore that tiger he's probably the one that killed my friends and I got a rock and throw it at him Oh Oh or come on poison what about those leaves oh he's gone he's gone now thank God there's a dead is that that's probably the dead monkey from before where is it where did he go even the higher but better that's what I say how close connect oh when he did intimidate him does that work that didn't work did it nope nope nope that did not work nope nope nope I see you I did nine timid a that snake he almost killed me I'm getting scared No everybody gets scared remember remember all that we've learned ready even go even one that snake went he left his nest though hold on yep there we go let's go towards the nest does he have eggs can we please take eggs my egg yeah what we just get attacked from behind liberated whoa snake egg mmm each snake egg good good good oh oh is that bad then just pause myself or God you didn't grow eggs never good I think I think I gave myself a stomach upset okay I'm gonna go over to the water okay drop the snake egg pick up the snail grab the snail inspect the snail oh the waters behind me hello warthog oh [Laughter] no I've been injured oh dear could we climb get up the rock Arvid sliced golden Macha bleeding quite a lot now Lina quite a lot get over the cut of luck no I'm gonna upset stomach and bleed [ __ ] broken bones got them covered in blood oh no severe wounds oh he's like oh oh no everywhere I'm so sorry BAE I didn't mean for that to happen African giant mumble okay well only one way to find out let's eat it is it good I mean we're about to find out yeah sorry nutrients from a drupe kind of fruit whoa there you go that'll do lovely jubbly okay now - here we go kind of oh not so good I've already got a broken bone and I'm bleeding I kind of want to go back see the rest of me monkey friends Oh remember you ate these and you got poisoned so we don't eat those oh no don't put it down don't eat it grab the rock inspect the rock coz that's something new as royal some other type of rock granite rock obsidian rock and now rock rock whoo that's good hurry remember that that fruit cuz that's a good one we need that fruit identify it can we remember memorize remember remember that fruit there been boy oh the it looks like the bleeding is almost gone ah yes we've lost the broken bone that's good that's good whew I memorized item has been forgot what was forgotten is it worth remembering oh good bloomin nettles don't need that don't need the nettles look at those stuff down here though more rocks so must now we must retreat back to the safety of our clan oh my god are we gonna do it are we gonna learn tools I found a stick through all discovered dead branch and if we have a collection of them can we make something with dead branches we bring them back and then stockpile them you get more and then put it down there all add to pile yes keep adding to the pile destroy the tree we're gonna make a boat get out of here it's interesting I mean I'm assuming that the longer this goes on the more intelligent you get the more things that you can make start construction wait what oh well okay guys I'm gonna leave it here what will out beautiful amazing aprons discover in the next episode once I have some sleep yeah if your choice video leave like until next time I'll see you later Oh Bob hi
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,059,819
Rating: 4.9263539 out of 5
Keywords: ancestors, ancestors the human kind odyssey, ancestors walkthrough, ancestors death animations, ancestors kill animation, ancestors cutscenes, ancestors full game, ancestors gameplay, part 1, episode 1, thegamingbeaver
Id: 3xkYn30lrCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 58sec (2998 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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