I'M THE ONE WHO EATS!!! - Fish Feed and Grow | HD

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oh god that's a magnet on flee flee flee flee flee flee flee running out of flea running out of fleet speed speed speed speed hello everyone and welcome to oh you can see over there fish feed and grow potato so fish feed and grow has had a huge update not only has it had like a massive rework but as you can hear that little segment that just stopped playing thank you gabe thank you for deliberate i want to showcase the music you stopped playing it thank you so much i had a rework with the audio and sound effects so not only are we gonna see visually a different game also it's gonna sound different so let's jump in let's do single player now i'm assuming uh so i was not working so the big rework is the great ocean map oh does it save coin now no way that'd be sweet oh please tell me it saves coin yes right the hammerhead has been reworked as well to be more realistic looking it seems like with this game they're just slowly taking like they put something in that looks goofy and then like later along the line they switch it up so that looks and that looks goofy and then eventually they turn into something that looks like that nightmare all right then little bibos it is sardini things right i can already see a great white okay there's nothing over here that's changed oh well well i'm here i may as well eat all of these i like the fishy swim sound effects that's cool if i could eat one of them damn it oh fine i'll eat the sea urchin that thing doesn't run away i'm all too quick i hate being small yes first piece of meat ah what crazy pills well if we must we will eat the scraps oh no nobody no oh they they've changed oh god i'm alive i'm alive somehow okay please swim away oh no oh oh god is that him that was him i don't have a gang i want a gang come here guys be part of me gang oh this is my gang gang please oh my god they're already taken they've already got that leader whoo so much garbage yes we need a vacuum up oh a turtle can we eat turtle come back here no no no no no no no oh don't don't go for me always go for the turtle oh that's okay i'll go for him yes evil yes there we go oh we killed him though [Music] yeah wait did i just do it oh god oh and i'm dead i thought i was winning there for a second all right there's mahima he's a boss he's just taking down turtles i don't even know how he's doing this must eat scrap must eat scrap no i wanted the scrap oh now i have this crap he's so big look at him wow yeah they've definitely changed that i have 20 coins though can i become anything good oh i could be my own mahima heck yeah i have a dolphin fish well there you go we're making our coins back already oh what is this oh a short of sardines wow let's go get him is it worth going oh there's everything yes give me plankton oh the music the music's so beautiful all right don't attack [ __ ] that's not nice yes you just spawned straight back didn't you pal how unfortunate oh there's like no pink fish left bless him what happened to you guys i bet like great why ate you all didn't it this music man what was that yeah i got all my coins back if i die i can become another one i still have yet to see this um this blooming coral reef that's been added oh hello mr megalodon i was wondering what that shadow was oh he's off good good good okay let's go this way oh i see i see the moser i see it down there no don't you oh it's just eating don't colostius oh god oh god i think he was going for me was he oh he's going for this oh look at the spoils there's so much so much to eat here oh get out get out we're gonna just catch them and get out get some guts go oh yeah let them fight each other let them fight each other yes yes give me all of it give me all the food yes grow oh there's so much death here oh this is crazy oh what's that oh it's supposed to stop this oh lord oh this isn't so good uh yeah let's watch how that goes that dungeologist however is getting very big uh there's no great white is there okay let's go look at my little face oh that was oh there was so much food and then he just ate it all damn it we got lucky there guys we got so lucky oh god what made that noise oh i don't like it i'm not used to these new sound effects oh we leveled up though we leveled up yeah look at all the damage i do when i swim quick it's beautiful baby i know i feel like i'm probably still very fragile ooh whale sharks oh whale sharks and a lot of killer whales orcas oh they'll give me oh oh the whale shot couldn't numb i forgot about that know your place oh he just ate him damn it whale shark oh you might have a big mouth oh god ow stop biting me ah the dazeners i'm gonna kill you before you kill me wait did i kill him oh i did get him right i need to get him away from this other whale shark because as soon as he pops the other whale shark is gonna come and he's gonna eat me i'm gonna kill you buddy it's the only way it's the only way okay okay and this oh god no stop it stop it stop fighting me yeah there we go okay that's two whale sharks taken out all right all we need to do is chump up these guys which may take a while but once we do hopefully nothing else oh wow that's so big oh god this is going to attract stuff this is going to attract stuff and i don't know if i like that okay just eat e d d d e d d d come on come on come on quickly how big can we grow with all this we got a 130 on coins oh no the blood fish are in high yes more levels more levels yes oh we can eat those big chunks now i think oh yes yes oh we can eat everything yes oh my god wow we're level eight look at us ah i'm huge ha ha i can't eat blood fish although but i do 130 odd damage wow what happened to the other whale shark oh there he is go on then up to the surface with you no no no no no no wow that um that escalated so quickly we went from being tiny to being huge look at this ah oh that look we look like a huge whale look at this yeah that looks so cool it's about time we feasted on some more whale sharks bam whoa how much damage that was like 200. we kill him in like two bites yes how much can we grow from this whoa are we 24 and now we're 27. dude we could pretty much kill anything we wanted to oh yes come on come on let's let's kill her let's kill noah we are three no no no no no no no no no where you want to go you want a little pod wants to go that's right you better run away 500. i've got a thousand coins oh they just explode seals ah don't stand a chance nothing starts at 700 damage oh we got to go hunt some great whites we got a thousand health right we can easy kill anything that's what you think we just gotta keep an eye on the oh okay fine then we are 700. oh another one heck yeah i'll take you where's that mosasaurus oh i think i see him i see the moser okay you ready guys you're ready here we go here we go here we go whoa a thousand oh he killed me one bite oh my god destroyed oh we could be the megalodon now i missed my mahi maya worked so hard for that oh look at the sailfish the sails got physics hold on maybe i could make a bounty and then i can become a mahi mahi i could eat all of this and just get huge straight away oh that's a good idea let's do that guys oh my god there's so much there's so much debris oh yep i see him i see you it's like a giant bait ball oh god look there's one there's little little yellow fish maybe this isn't working there seems to always be a a tiger shark or a great white that's eating some of this stuff like even look at this guy there's always like one there's always one that gets over here all right let's do it let's do it let's see if we can become a mahi-mahi yep there we go go go go go go go i know there's a lot of it there's a lot of it i need to go oh yeah that's where i died okay go go there's gonna be one tiny fish that's normally tiny but now he's gonna be absolutely huge okay we're almost there oh god there's a shark there i knew it i knew it there's always something there's always something okay here we go here we go here we go just eat this stuff eat this stuff he's hopefully going to be too pre-oh god there's another mahi-mahi oh that's not good it's a race it's a race whoever gets biggest here the fastest wins that's that's basically how this is going to go okay i'm going into this bit going into this bit come on come on come on come on keep eating keep eating keep eating keep growing keep growing keep growing come on come on level six eat the bigger chunks either bigger chunks come on level six level six it's the hardest bit really to get to that level okay here we go more little bits more little bits yes destroy destroy destroy yes come on keep eating we need to be about level 27 before we can eat the like the big head chunks come on let's keep going keep going yes there we go we're starting the bigger chunks look there's me oh god there's a big tiger shark there's a big tiger shark oh my god it's massive it's massive oh lord i need to get bigger it's ginormous that's all it took was just like one shot to get into this and i knew this would happen okay okay we got a giant tiger shark and we got a giant mahi-mahi all right all right it could be worse could be worse oh okay what we're going to do here guys is we're going to go over to the whales oh god i don't i don't want to go next to that megalodon [Music] wait where'd i go we need to go over and kill loads of whale sharks and then we can go back over and eat that tiger shark don't even know what level he is but he's probably really big gorgeous right for the picking ready to pop wait so the most about coins you have it is a thousand oh that's not fair level 40 is about the same level as where we were when we died level 53 huge exact our revenge on that tiger shark there can only be one massive thing oh god that's a magnet on flee flee flee flee flee flee flee running out of flea running out of flea speed speed speed speed wait could i kill him oh that's two thousand oh i got him why was i running away i was so scared megalodon doesn't stand a chance flip them boosh i like the strategy with the mahima you really need to like pull those yeah first of spades does he get stunned or does he die instantly it's hard to tell we don't get much help from this oh they're so small look at you tiny yum i like how my head can go out the water without me actually leaving the water i got such a big head look at you you were big off my spoils there you go consume become part of me oh i just stun him he doesn't die ah i break his bone there you go now he's dead now he's dead there you go guys look feast my pretties eat at this point i'm just making my own bosses these guys can eat this effect in this hole oh god he is quite big isn't he now he's dead there you go another one uh ow ow ow there's like a little shark fighting me i have my head bugger off i just want to see how out of whack we can make this ecosystem if we just constantly destroy this megadot over and over it's going to be so cool here yeah there you go break his bones bugger up chew now who will become the next megalodon will it be you tiny little hammerhead bugger off there you go he's dead now meaning he can't do anything oh my god that's a huge hammerhead look at that look how big he is he's ginormous he's almost as big as me there's another hammerhead here as well is there are they all hammerheads i think they are yeah he has so many giant hammerheads are you like max size he's he's about the same size as a megalodon now enough he goes to destroy the world there's another one another giant hammerhead oh my god a bit worried that it might get too big now he's rivaling my size now yeah look at that he's not going for me though they're all so peaceful all right well we've made some giant hammer heads oh there's the spoon what's he doing over here no wonder i had no idea good lord all right well anyway i'm on the prog nothing on yes come here buddy boy he's the only one that runs away from you what do you think would happen if we discovered a giant mighty money like this i think people would kill it oh my god it's ginormous it's a danger kill it would be like oh it's ginormous loads of food i wonder oh look there's still crumbs left over from my original like mass feeding you bite me though [Music] stop it no stop it no all right that's it you're dead you're dead son there you go this is all mine now let's see how big we can get now we've made some things big but it's about time we got big i think the hammerheads are so big that they're not even eating anything no yeah i don't it's so satisfying just like killing them all yes die you were big ones now you are small now it's time for me to grow okay i'm level 83 [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] yes 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 oh look at these guys look at them these hammer heads they don't even care anymore it's like yay we are big we have won oh bless there's three of them i'd love to take a megalodon body and place it somewhere where there's tiny little other like the tiny pink fish this is a shame i wish that they would because they keep the same ai so no matter how big they are they still run away from stuff ah oh god he's now swimming away he's actually swimming away look how tiny he is he's so small how will you how's your day ah damn it why i saw that oh god the screen shaking oh lord i've got my own gravitational pull now you know what guys i might not be able to bring over the megalodon to a tiny place but i sure as heck can go myself and implode so let's do that let's go over to the beep oh god oh let's go over to the b bosses and see how uh see how big we can make them shall we okay i see him i think i think i saw him oh god now now i'm turned around now now i can't even fix the camera this isn't good because this means that like part of me will be oh god i'm i'm go i'm sinking i'm sinking there you go there we go hopefully that's floating down i think it is this guy's uh oh there you go he's broken through oh there's a few of them oh there you go look at that the meat that'll make them grow grow a little bit more now there's tiny meat come on little babies oh oh more coming oh no oh no there's a mahi-mahi there's a mahi-mahi oh oh no because it just takes one bibos to start eating the bigger chunks oh oh he's gone oh wait where did that huge beaver oh there he is there he is oh he could eat the huge chunks now oh no oh he better run away yeah you better he might eat you dude oh god is he is he oh he did you just take the bye bye oh he's so big oh is that it is he done that's as big as he wanted to get he's just gone yeah it seems like an ai sometimes they get so big and they're like okay that'll do that'll do oh yeah look at that see they get so big and they're like yep that'll do that'll do i'll i'll i'll be that big you still look he's still got his little pal next to him though he's a little hype man well guys we're gonna have to wrap it up here that was loads of fun uh i don't i don't think we've got to see the wreath though whether it's in this map because i didn't even see any sign of it whether it's in a different one i don't know but anyway guys if you enjoy the video leave a like until next time i'll see you later bye bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 455,378
Rating: 4.9421444 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The Isle, Fish Feed Grow, Evolution, Hungry Shark, Mobile Games
Id: I-amTTJqaaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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