We bought EVERYTHING in someone’s house! What will we find?!? Part 1.

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hi i'm alex archbull and i've been buying and selling antiques since i was 9 years old from basements to scrap yards i'll look just about anywhere i can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes i'll go big and buy everything with my wife and kids we run an antique shop in edmonton alberta canada filled with some of the most unique items we can find i never know what's going to happen or who i'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity inc from home honey [Music] it is supposed to be spring out but look what happened last night we got snow and uh kind of spoiled our plans of spending a nice day outside but all that aside i have some other exciting things to do today melissa and i have decided to purchase the contents of another house so we're going to go over there and check it out we get the keys today to see what's inside melissa's not seen this place um it's gonna be quite a little adventure i'm sure i don't know how full it is my understanding is it's not terribly full but either way it should be really cool so follow along as we go and clear out an entire house let's go see what's inside melissa has joined us on the adventure she's coming with me today um the story on this property is that nobody's really lived in there for a little while the the family of the person who owned the house they don't live in the country so it's not necessarily easy for them to try and manage all the items there so um that's where we came in we we made an offer on the contents uh we paid four thousand five hundred dollars in u.s funds or 5 700 if you're in canada quite a big difference like a thousand bucks in the exchange but either way uh the reason why we paid that is that hey it's a whole bunch of stuff and that is kind of fun to go through and see if there's any treasures uh but apparently there's a car on the property too and even if it's a beater or not worth a whole lot maybe it's worth 500 or a thousand bucks i don't know we're gonna find out but the the contents of the garage including whatever car is in there is going to become our property as well um we've got a mission today and that is to try and assess the property come up with a game plan on emptying it uh and see what's inside the home and we're gonna try to figure out you know what we usually do when we do these events it's not our first time doing this uh we're gonna assess what is garbage what is uh what can be donated and what's sellable and we'll kind of go from there so you up for an adventure today yes i am i'm always up for an adventure good you married the right person then okay let's hit it i think we're coming up to this okay success we have the key in hand watch your step the the boards and stuff are falling apart here okay there's the back door and there is the garage so i guess i don't know not that we need any broken old plant pots or anything but that's all potentially ours too uh mind your step up here you can see oh you know what this is i do yeah that's for putting your milk bottle that the milkman would come to your back door you put your glass milk bottle in there every morning your fresh milk would show up and then you'd reach in through your kitchen so i'm gonna guess the kitchen's right on that other side that's kind of a fun feature you okay yep all right oh i dropped the key okay here goes nothing you kind of see in the house already there we go there we are all right kind of smells a little musty i'm gonna take my you know take your coat off well i guess if you need a replacement coat there's a bunch that's actually a good parka yukon parka that's you know very 50s kind of looking with these swans or well i guess it wouldn't be swans with yukon but it's got the birds on it it's kind of cool see the shaking feed oh here it is all about the flowers and everything okay well let's do a little walkabout painting here's the kitchen little kitchen stools so calendar was last used october 2020 so it's been not quite a year thank goodness though fridge was left open so it's not all stinky there's a toaster there's a little uh espresso machine and probably some really expired ranch dip don't taste it don't taste it but you think i'd be tempted to taste the ranch dip it's starting it's not super gross in here yeah it's not great you know if this would have been left any longer than a year this would be probably a lot worse than what it is oh there's some some china let's see who the maker is royal albert lavender rose looks like to be a whole set oh look there's the old sunbeam mixer back there i think yeah that's an old sunday mixer with the mixing bowls those are good mixers what do you have on that side some more cups plates oh yeah some chinese bowls pepperware okay i think there's one of these blue and white what is this blue one again oh um i just says avon oh yeah that's not as fancy avon's not as fancy hey look there's a fondue set yep a little dusty okay before we start going covered by cupboard actually this well i don't think the appliances are included but that stove's not terribly old um okay let's do a little walk around first you get caught in the kitchen uh ashford wheels and looms i want you to see what that well that thing is inside the bag i feel like it might be wheels and looms well it looks like something there's a statement of the day oh look it's like a portable loom of some kind that's actually pretty nice that that's really neat so would that be for like making um a blanket or i appreciate that you think that i know oh well i don't know i don't know your mom's into that your grandma would know for sure yeah my mom and grandma would know there's a nice little oak solid oak table so not overly packed with stuff but there are things a little hutch sort of deal right there um some paintings look whole cd collection it's hard not to be the first person to look at it lots of books and movies let's see balzac there are a lot of books so these little figures are kind of cool a little sort of they almost look like chess pieces but there's not a complete set records any good music classical oh it's all dusty look at that everything's dusty some decent little speakers these look like they're lin toucan i'm not a toucan i'm not actually overly familiar these look like they're kind of bespoke custom speakers they've got the guy's name on them who made them fireplace set records some nice little food dog statues oh those are heavy those are actual carved stone there's a little jade statue right there too we've got a long way to go to get our money back on all the uh the stuff in here there's a lot of books yeah there is a lot of books hey look at this lamp it's a pineapple lamp that's kind of cool i kind of like it if it had like a fun tropical kind of shade on it wouldn't that be neat okay look at this little cupboard this is actually pretty nice what's neat about it look it's hinged on the back but wait no it's got the stereo system in it so this was kind of wired in i guess and the speaker wires must somehow run over there probably along the carpet or somehow you'll see the other side records what's this is that open okay let's move this out of the way [Music] dual turntable dual's a pretty decent brand belt drive's not the fanciest that's a dual 601 i like this little setup they've got going on this is pretty swanky this is really nice but look at how thick that wood is that's one that's a solid chunk of wood you can see the grain right here that is a solid that's a big old timber that they use to make this thing from okay let's set that down yeah i just want to squish your fingers okay you got it yeah okay there's this i like this oh look what i found garage door opener all right okay good uh well that might come in handy i put that in my pocket let's move this stuff out of the way hey look we're already making some money back on it 25 cents there's a little watch there too it just looks like a battery operator is it an ipad in there oh it's it's light oh that's not a good sign not even a cable but maybe the ipad's around somewhere yeah i don't think let's move the lamp out of the way and see what's under this other little hatch here oh that's a heavy lamp oh it was turned on it's just has the light bulb loose i just turned it off oh did you yeah the light bulb's loose in there okay that was a surprise well it's good it's a little sketchy let's see what's under here oh that's just his access to the uh the cd player i like this cabinet though i'm excited to go out and see what's in the garage we should save that for later to keep the uh mystery going uh all right so do you want to do the rest of the upstairs first or should we do the okay yeah let's do the rest of the upstairs where do you want to go well let's go down the hallway okay length what are you speaking german now uh let's go to the right ooh red room this wasn't it the shining they had the the red room this is red oh i got a little bit of a zap from that if you don't super old console radio oh kind of neat little clay asian artifacts well i don't know how old they are but they're pretty neat little tiny flat screen tv on top you know technology's come a long way they put the tv on the tv there's some records speaker is there yeah oh okay well that's cool look at this little sony portable that's a walkman it's like a this has got to be from the 80s radio cassette player that looks like the b52 is kind of when the 50s was retro in the 80s that's a really nice looking little another garage door opener oh okay magnifying glass there's another lamp this is an older lamp oh i found a kindle oh okay you're finding all the good stuff i am looking now i did promise that if i came across heirloom pictures uh like you know great grandpa wore pictures and stuff that that would go back to the family so i have a list of things that we are going to return to the family of course uh but anything like all the old clothes um that all i mean all this stuff oh there's a cool little sweater back there we're gonna have to do the full walkabout in here later okay we'll come back to all that stuff we'll we'll do a more thorough walkthrough video we're just going to do oh look there's more kind of clay that looks like an incense burner almost or something some neat little pieces actually what's underneath this do we look i'm not going to pull i'm not going to be a magician here and try and pull this out it looks like somebody already tried one of these is broken um yeah maybe oh no it's nothing too fancy under there what is it um oh it's like a retro style turntable that's their little record player oh yeah yeah that's like um crosley kind of replica looking 50s record player it looks pretty actually let's just flip the top yep that's what it is they're not terribly expensive everything's red in here but there's boxes to go through the old school bathroom with your custom blue toilet and bathtub and sort of a weird design over the shower i if i was renovating i'd be taking that off that sort of castle looking thing but do we have running water okay somebody has to use a bathroom yep it's running water and there's still no nothing in the drawer well i mean there's a few things so far some old black and white photos hey uh oh cool check this out look at this this is a serious looking loom oh yeah uh this looks like your like your your room that you'd be making all your stuff and tapestries and weaving books knitting sheep yeah he's got some dust on him that's cool this is like i don't know what these things are worth there's another one there too like all the patterns and this is obviously somebody who had a big hobby in weaving and looming and all that stuff look at all the little sheep and more books and more books okay well that's got to be a good score right there right yeah those are pretty awesome okay well let's head to the other room and let's go have a look-see okay see what's going on hey there's an attic is there yeah there is and i can see there's smudgy handprints on it which means somebody's been up there that's right i'm gonna invent words we'll come back and check out the attic probably in a future video hey i made a little bit more money back another quarter and well i found five bucks roughly jar of pennies jars of pennies keep that aside i mean that's easy that instantly starts getting your money back on things old-school cell phone is that what that is no that's not what that is it looked like an old flip phone box for a seiko watch with no watch inside a big bed and an egyptian sort of looking tapestry above the bed you see that oh yeah that's pretty cool let's see what's in the closet guess what there's clothes but you know as we've learned sometimes vintage clothes can have oh yeah look is that a hudson bay no if we find a bay blanket or something those are worth a couple hundred bucks all right let's let's go check out the basement actually hang on what's in the closet closety stuff laundry basket silverware oh i don't know you found a box is there anything in it i don't know but it looks like a silverware box it's not heavy like one though oh my defeat box it was a silverware box but that means that maybe the fine silverware is in the kitchen yeah or in uh maybe he's using it yeah we're gonna have to get a ladder and see what's up in the attic okay let's go his basement's probably this way because there's stairs that go down and i can figure this out they like their longhorn cheap and stuff so do we have lights we do have lights let's see what's in the front closet opener open let me get my head out of the way more clothes but as we've learned you gotta dig through every corner okay you ready all right here we go into the basement so far it's pretty manageable it's not a whole pile of stuff oh my word okay where's the light switch there's no light switch look at this there must be a way to turn over if we thought the looms upstairs were big uh hang on okay there's a yeah there's a cable i don't know where that goes we're trying to figure out how to turn the light on down here okay we gotta find a light because look at this this is like the craziest little setup all these baskets full of material and yarn and looks like they were midway through like weaving a rug or something you know maybe this one works nope they've got no power how do we turn it on i don't know um we'll have to find it hang on let me try this nope oh that just feels like it got stuck okay well there's no power in the basement right now but there is this crazy big loom down here did you see in there no i'll save it for you well i see a bookcase where's the light is there a light switch in here well i have lights in here oh oh no well we definitely won't be bored anytime soon look at all the books this is a basically like a little library going on in here there must be let's see 10 20 30 45 100 2 3 4 5 there's got to be about over a thousand books in this room piled everywhere books upon books upon books oh there's a whole bunch of brand new stemware not that we need it but look at all the puzzles there's like a giant stack of puzzles here no there's a huge stack of puzzles look at all puzzles well and they're not they're like thousand piece puzzles too they're all thousand piece puzzles how's it going in here so uh there's valuable papers i'm guessing that will be yeah this feels like more change oh there's some bills oh that's foreign money oh yeah it's fun foreign currency well i mean for us it's foreign yes american yeah there's a whole bunch of changes but i wonder if that's going to mean that we're going to find hidden money kind of around the house too there's change in here that needs to come up family pictures and stuff that'll go back yeah i think it'll be okay well that's a good start we haven't even looked through the rest of the basement yet though no there's so much filing cabinets the families who made room what are some of the titles here the decline and fall of the roman empire criminal justice and crime in the in rent late renaissance florence these are really specific books human destiny the structure of evil that there's all sorts of history books yeah there's a lot of history okay but i mean what is look it's piled up this is this reminds me of on ghostbusters when they went to the library and then it was haunted because the ghost had been stacking books like crazy that's what this looks like oh look what i found just let me give a quick look what did you find now i'm in suspense oh wait it wasn't us change yep oh that's that's handy we should well we'll bring that with us today i guess and there's a little watch over here too okay skog is not a bad brand actually came back downstairs to look through the books a little bit nice little chess set and i was crawling around and look what i found oh i can barely move it look at that and look at this oh i'm gonna i'm definitely gonna need melissa's help to bring this upstairs i'm gonna need rolls of coins for ages to go through all this look at all that what is the deal with people stashing stuff around their houses and i've just this is just the first day in here we've already got a car we've got boxes of money this is insane okay that looks like an electric typewriter oh there's boxes hidden all underneath here drawers full of stuff this is going to take some doing to go through come back to that i'm still blown away you should oops i knocked something over you've done things yeah i did well it's a problem you know it was robert redford hanging out on the wall so melissa you got to stand next to that loom so people wouldn't see just how big that is and i'm not giant that is one heck of a big loom i have no idea what something like that's even worth but i feel like i'm starting to see our money coming back to us okay let's open the door here oh you have your flashlight on yeah i have i put the flashlight on yep there is looks like home repair stuff do you hear something yeah is that you no that's not me did you hear banging yeah let's go upstairs um hello the sometimes the furnace will bang it's squealed when it turns hello i thought i heard like walking or banging or something okay i'm gonna go back in that closet before we explore the rest of it where are you going i got a little bit of the heebie-jeebies here it sounded like somebody was walking upstairs okay there's lots of paint this little hedge trimmer some of this paint looks super old too it's been down here a while some tools christmas wreath christmas ornaments oh the old school glass ball christmas ornaments christmas tree boxes full of stuff old cooler and we'll have to make some room to bring all this stuff upstairs where'd you go okay i have to turn the light off down here oh boy it's gonna be a big job going through these books okay there's more to the basement where are you going melissa's taking off already you're not creeped out are you freaked out okay melissa's apparently got cold feet is there anything in the freezer i'm guessing frozen food who's with me on this one you better be clear now oh yeah there's no foot well i don't know that's what you expect to find when you're no i do never okay maybe i don't expect to find it uh oh guess what room number two i didn't think there was like a whole other room look at all the books more and more books there's got to be another thousand books or so down in this room too just sort of eyeballing and there's piles of stuff i mean i didn't think it was so bad when we first walked in but this is definitely i would say getting borderline hoardy down here uh man oh man hey there's a guitar oh i didn't even see the guitar and i was just hoping yeah i was a guitar yeah yeah a little uh classical sitting in the corner i think these are guys for the wall wall yeah i think look there's a whole other room here too and look at all these steamer trunks and old vintage clothing and fabrics yes hey there's the box for the radio that's upstairs the old school um stereo actually it looks like boxes for most of the appliances are down here even like a really old ibm computer box uh luggage well i guess we'll have to spend some time to go through some of these trunks and see what's in them but look there's all sorts of games 1967. some of the stuff's been down here there's risk well i see there's risk but look there's old trunks piled all the way back cool okay there's definitely enough stuff i think that that it's making sense but we still haven't even gone up to the garage to see what's waiting for us out there yet oh i wonder if the camera for that is in there yeah does it feel heavy uh it feels like something's in there it doesn't feel like just styrofoam i mean it's probably not terribly valuable but okay while you're digging that open uh i mean oh no is it just the books nope oh it's in there probably never use it's still in the foam yeah it's all twisted and everything okay well that's something the decline and fall of practically everybody well that's nice light reading canada's patriot statesman sir johnny mcdonald the life of john that's an old book like there are new books and then you've got 1800s books mixed in so we're gonna have to really take some time to go through all this yeah there's oh look there's a spinning wheel oh yeah look at that i mean it doesn't surprise me there's a spinning wheel there's all these little airplanes and model tanks all around too we don't have kangaroos so i guess they made a trip to australia at some point a little bed down here ukulele oh yeah it's harmony it's an actual brand name too you know plays a song [Music] maybe okay maybe it's not tuned enough uh toy cars hanging out airfix models there's prince like art prints that looks like a calder alexander calder maybe you know am i totally wrong i'm wrong guess i don't know my modern art that's still kind of neat though if these were signed they could be valuable those are do you like my unsigned music yeah i was doing a little dance you just didn't see it oh this is another kind of loom or something there too you see that yeah i'm not sure what it is i'm guessing it feeds from the spinning wheel we're gonna we're gonna have so many people that know this stuff they're gonna be like identifying one guess i think that it goes from the loom i mean this the spinning wheel to this right maybe i don't know we're gonna have to get our education we need your grandma to come down here with us okay you know what i want to do next garage garage let's go out there oh good save i thought he was just going to spin all gen gentle-like and instead i almost knocked him over you know the thing about books and we're going to have to spend a little bit of time on these is that sometimes the first edition um or an early edition of a book can be quite valuable even if it's a soft cover um and there are some there's fiction and non-fiction these people were obviously very avid readers and they kept every book they probably ever bought i mean i'm gonna actually hang on this looks like a dining set i don't know if it's teak or not i don't think it's maybe walnut that's a mid-century dining room set right there hidden underneath all this and i'm gonna try and dig my way over to this side there's more look at all this material and fabric and yeah i don't don't need bad luck i was looking at all the model kits of course the the big kid in me comes over and i'm like ooh there's ships and airplanes and fun stuff over here too okay you're going up we're gonna have there's stuff buried in the corners here too okay let's go up and look in the garage okay well so far things are looking up when i first walked in the house i didn't think there would be all that much but now in the basement it's completely packed there's even like vintage cruel art um where's the lights for down here i'm trying to figure out how to turn everything off as we go here we go but now um we're gonna go to the garage and check it out see exactly what there is to see i am actually out of breath from carrying that change what did you find yeah well that was a good find i found uh this was in the uh bedside table there's a pencil yeah so pentax 35 mil oh it's with some good lenses i don't know what kind of like that is it looks like they've taken good care of them too because they're all wrapped up yeah and there's this one in there too good find okay i think i'm ready to call it today the kids are probably wondering where we are more coins and this you open that up watches seiko yeah another watch that's an oldie an oldie and a goldie rolls of quarters old dollar coins okay well with this all together wait i found something really valuable in case my teeth ever get broken i can replace them with these are they at least white no they're colorful this is an old school chiclet box that's like 1980s probably or 70s and still full oh here's another watch head are you gonna try a piece of the chiclets yeah um i don't know we'll see if people on the video want me to do a trial and i'll tell you what it tastes like if enough people say yes i probably will and i'll run immediately to that blue toilet and eject my the contents of my stomach into it i don't think so more watches are you just plugging the kindle in no i'm taking it oh okay um incidentally don't forget your purse here at some point to go no no hang on i just found a car key just i was looking at your purse and there's a car key sitting right here serious yeah tea for toyota so okay well at least that might be what's in the garage so well that's a good guess no chocolates in the chocolate bag okay well exactly the key was just there i didn't even see it well it makes sense it's right in the kitchen okay let's go to the garage now i got the key i'm really motivated okay well watch your step it's really icy here uh yeah we'll come back and we have to turn all the lights off you leave your coat i wouldn't wear your coat your nice coat it's probably dirty in there i'm not gonna go hug everything i'm cold okay but you get covered in mud that's not my problem oh i wouldn't say that i would just here take take my arm as we walk down the steps are really uneven and kind of falling apart going down to the garage so we're just gonna do our best to get down there safely uh i have the garage door opener you okay yeah okay oh there's a car it's a super dusty car it's been what since october of last year it's actually in pretty good shape other than the dust i don't know how long a battery lasts you know sitting for a year it's sketchy but let's try it out you want to film me doing this sure okay melissa is going to take the uh i think there might be squirrels wait did you hear something yeah i heard it and look at all the pine cones look look there's there's is there a squirrel yeah oh yeah there it is i was just talking about you buddy stay over there oh my goodness okay well he's cute i think we should name him um he looks like he's about to pounce at us oh i don't vote for any of that what's with us buying cars that have squirrels in or near the garages i don't know okay i'm going to ignore the cute little squirrel for a second i'm going to try to film you and not be eaten by a cute little squirrel all right you ready yeah he's not going to eat you um okay i have a light on the dash the little security light's still flashing okay wish me luck getting closer yes okay you hear that yeah there's power oh no the battery doesn't have enough power oh oh it's turning oh okay wait [Music] come on i feel like the battery needs a charge i actually brought our charger just in case oh it scared me there was a leaf on the ground oh my goodness uh it doesn't tell me how many miles are on because it has to be running to do that i'm gonna grab the battery charger out of the car and then we'll see if we can get this thing to actually start okay before i grab the charger though no i'm not going to pet the squirrel i'm guessing there's a squirrel nest over there i see some axes uh a couple neat old bicycles oh boy this is gonna be a bit of work because we've gotta get this cleaned out oh yeah an old sled from woodward's little roof rack off a car remember i was looking for one of those forever when we had the woody wagon i wanted a roof rack in the worst way there's one sitting right there um i'm edging my way towards the squirrel house i can hear chirping wait there's more than one squirrel there's a carpet cleaner over there maybe it might have a little squirrel family over there i'm going to leave that area alone for now i'm going to call it no there's an old ccm ladies bike wire i need that for my beans electric lawnmower push more okay uh let's i'm gonna go grab the car chargers okay well i knew with any kind of car being in the garage here that it was gonna need possibly a boost so i brought our charger i came somewhat prepared this time so we'll let this sit on here for a bit and then see if it'll uh turn over okay here goes nothing hey uh [Music] 71 000 kilometers on the odometer that's pretty new that's basically like brand new and this is a what year is this 2005 that's 2005. so a little older but [Music] we'll leave that charger on for a while and let the battery turn up [Music] but it doesn't sound bad so that's that's actually a decent little car 71 000 a good detail like a good cleaning we'll see what this turns out like but i was going to take this off of the boost feature and we'll put it down on trickle charge and we'll let that sit here overnight to get a good charge on that battery um so probably first step i'm going gonna have to get this car out of here give us a little bit of room to work and i don't want the squirrels getting inside of it but pretty good score i'd have to say that's pretty cool well i got the toyota charged up and it's running now i figured since melissa is here with the vehicle i might as well just take this thing home today because there's probably not going to be a better time to do it since i already have a ride but i might stop at a car wash on the way just to see what it looks like underneath all this dust so not bad for a first day um melissa found some treasures i found some cool stuff and we still have tons of digging left to do but the best thing of all from today is that we came in one vehicle and now we're leaving in two i'm going to be taking the toyota to a car wash and um i guess i'll probably put that as the last clip on this video so you can see what it looks like all cleaned up at least on the outside so um i wouldn't say race you home but i'm stopping the car wash so that's not going to work we both know oh that sounds like a challenge um so next stop for me car wash melissa thank you for helping me to the house sounds good off to the car wash i go [Music] well it's amazing what just a little wash will do car is looking so much better overall the conditions really good there's a couple spots though where you know there's a little mishap on the front bumper but really 71 000 kilometers that's about 150 000 miles on this it's barely broken in it's almost like a new car so that's it that's it for today we're gonna head back to the house again uh tomorrow and do a little bit of work getting stuff ready to go to charity but so far great score found buckets full of money found uh some jewelry and old watches and uh a car this is the first time i've ever bought the contents of um of a home and got the car along with it let alone a car i was able to drive away the same day in a half decent shape too so really good score today thank you guys so much for watching today's video hope you'll tune in for more this will probably be at least a three or four part series as we get the house cleared out so you have to stay tuned as we go through the other rooms empty out things oh man it's gonna be another adventure so thanks for watching guys we'll see y'all soon and bye for now
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 256,934
Rating: 4.9647264 out of 5
Keywords: Curiosity inc, Hoarders, Storage bin, Storage wars, House contents, Professors house, Hidden cash
Id: EX3_8kCIJec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 14sec (2534 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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