Easy come, easy go... same day flips yield some fast cash for the store!

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hi i'm alex archbull and i've been buying and selling antiques since i was 9 years old from basements to scrap yards i'll look just about anywhere i can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes i'll go big and buy everything with my wife and kids we run an antique shop in edmonton alberta canada filled with some of the most unique items we can find i never know what's going to happen or who i'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity inc from home honey [Music] good morning friends well today is uh what day is it today thursday boy losing track of what date is yeah i actually couldn't remember what month it was the other day you know that you're busy when you don't remember what day or month it is uh but i also don't know where i'm going this morning it's just a confusing day um the reason i don't know where i'm going is that i'm meeting somebody to go on a pick um their father sadly passed away and they called me up and said that they have a bunch of collectibles that they want to sell so i'm headed off uh following my map program right now to figure out where this place is and see if there's some treasures to buy which is kind of the case most mornings that's why i open at 11 a.m if you're in this business and you have an antique shop or a collectible store it's nice to have a little i mean it's not like you're a doctor's officer you don't need to be open first thing in the morning so for me i open at 11 i'm not an essential service uh and it gives me lots of time to go off and run errands and do stuff before work so i start my day usually around 8 am and by the time i get the doors open i might have some fresh new stock with me um so let's go see if we can find some treasures today my fingers across it there's gonna be some cool stuff we'll go see well i am here um nobody else has yet i'm a little bit early so i'm probably going to hang out and wait it's kind of a gray day today and as i sit here right now i'm grateful that i still am able to go out to these places and visit with people um parts of the province uh well not our province parts of canada i should say are under mandatory state home order um the pandemic uh kovid is going around right now so you're watching this way after the fact to be like yeah i remember that thing um so i have this era of uncertainty um our store our capacity was reduced uh as of tomorrow our capacity is reduced um business is changing quite a bit but you know there's still people who are moving there's still people who are selling stuff and there's still people buying um so a business like mine can kind of carry on but the the challenges i don't know if my doors will be uh shuttered again for uh for another couple months if things continue so when i go to a place like this i'd be careful not to kind of overspend or buy too much because um it's very uncertain right now that said um i still can't pass up a bargain and i still can't pass up antiques and eventually this will all pass and be over and done with and i'll be happy that i found some cool stuff so hopefully today is going to be another day that i can just press forward and find some fun things well you know you're at an eccentric house when that's their doorbell you know what i push here to make it go there's the eyes didn't get to film inside which is okay i mean um turns out i did actually work with the fellow and he passed away and i was dealing with things with the sun so out of respect i wouldn't have wanted to film anyway uh but i am going to show you some of the stuff that i got um and some of it kind of is uh close to home because he worked at the same tv station i did back in the 90s and so i got a little bit of swag and some fun sort of t-shirts and things and collectibles anyway i'll show you once i get back to the shop i am back in my home surrounding the store and look what i found a couple of coca-cola signs and they are in phenomenal condition there's only one challenge there's some stickers on them but if you look closely these aren't just any stickers these are backstage passes or crew passes randy travis system of a down george jones uh delirium did a couple with them i guess cirque du soleil so these are backstage passes that they've stuck on here um with a little effort not only can i get the stickers off i could probably just sell these as they are because they're crew and they're band related so somebody would want that it looks like that's even me i don't think that's autographed but you never know um these generally are dated kind of near the bottom you can see right there yeah there it is 1951 made in canada and that one is i think probably around 1960 or so a little bit newer style but coca-cola always a popular collectible to sell and when you find these store signs they're um very easy for me to sell but they look fantastic in the shop like this because this store well heck it's a general store in fact i even sell coca-cola and stuff just like they did a hundred years ago in this very store so when i put these up in the shop they'll look right at home okay with a little bit of gentle easing i was able to get these stickers off well i shouldn't say stickers they're passes their fabric passes george straight he never knew that one day the guy working next to you on the the crew that day would end up uh sticking on a coke sign and then now it's here on youtube but there they are free of all the stickers i just have to take a little bit of cleaner to get some of the residue off but that is a beautiful looking sign as is the uh 50s one next to it that was a good score this is what happened since last i had the camera turned on had a bunch of customers come through um one of my friends who's also an antique dealer came in and i had my coke signs out because i was getting him cleaned up and he said i gotta have those coke signs so guess what the coolest things i thought i bought today sold um i also ended up selling a whole pile of oil cans um these are all going off to my buddy who is a uh a collector of oil cans i normally deal in oil cans and things like that as well but um they haven't been moving as often uh mainly because i haven't been stocking too many of them so i thought clean it out get it out the door um get it off to a new home and the reason why everything is selling is because uh all the stuff i sold today is gonna pay off uh what i had remaining on the uh paint job for the jag so came up with a creative solution for that but uh if i look in the back of my car where are they here they are these are all the uh t-shirts and records and other things that i got today i'm going to bring this inside and uh show you what else came from my pick this morning now you might be asking yourself alex why did you buy somebody's old clothing well there are lots of people who buy old um advertising t-shirts and sweatshirts and things like that especially if they are from um like this is from a tv station actually that's when i was there around that time i drove a van that had that same logo on the side of it it was the coolest thing ever i was in high school and i got to drive a news van around i'm sure parents weren't happy to see a news van on site all the time this might have been from the tragically hip from maybe one of their concerts that they did pretty cool there is t-shirts from um a lighting company that used to be a stage and lighting company in town here look at that look at the great graphics on there so this would have been a company that uh did lighting for concerts and things of that nature it looks like it was designed back in 1974. that's definitely got the the 70s sort of look but it's like one of the members from queen or um you know some one of those early sort of hair bands is on stage and their eyes are stars and they're shooting lasers out at the stage cool graphic anyway but there are people who buy these old uh shirts where is it from harvey wood size medium it's a cool shirt anything that's a little bit older is going to be a little bit more scarce because who in the right mind normally keeps t-shirts like this is his little new return to grace crew of a lifetime 2016. i have to see that must have been a a tour with a band i'm just opening up this other shirt here what do we have harry belafonte canadian tour 1990 well harry belafonte at least they had um uh let's see what are the graphics 1989 it was designed canadian logo as if you're a big fan of harry belafonte you might i might be able to sell this every day on sale half price shirts better come and get them quick uh another early itv sweater you would have had to work there to get that i remember seeing those things on display is this another those lighting shirts raft racers st albert 1981 so from a raft race but anything that's got graphics on it is going to be kind of neat and interesting uh due date keep pushing in theaters 11 5 2010. so if you work on a movie you sometimes get a free shirt this is from myatsy stage and film so just some unusual things that you don't really um get too often now aside from all the shirts this big pile of clothing which i now have to worry about as if i didn't have enough clothing to deal with in the last little while this is a little nice beautiful wooden box here i mean it's not in the greatest shape but this is going to date back to probably about the 1800s or so look at the inlay beautifully done and somebody scratched their name in it it would have had a little lock on there with a skeleton key and this in fact is a uh writing desk so that would fold all the way open and uh you would carry this with you and you felt like you wanted to pen a letter you keep your writing utensils in there you latch it like so and um just kind of a cool piece there would have been a little cover for here as well so you can keep other sorts of things but a nice little storage box little writing desk it could be uh the felt tone it's obviously getting quite worn but that said still a nice piece and there are many people who buy old boxes like this to do other things with so when you see an old box like that it's worth picking up um because it could be repurposed for something else another sort of interesting piece that came in was this it's not actually from 1750. don't be fooled by what you see on the dial that doesn't date it a lot of people come in they say i've got a 1750 clock you get all excited and you see it's actually from the 50s or 60s which this is but it is a saw uh saw blade style clock i don't know if that's the official term but that's kind of its nickname uh to wind it you push it up at the top and then slowly tick tick tick it it goes like this it goes up and down i should probably say that it's meant to go up and down like that and it works its way down and when it's at the very bottom you need to wind it you push it back up to the top now this one needs a bit of repair i ended up selling it for parts as a project uh to my friend who bought all these oil cans and everything else hopefully he can do something with it but the really cool thing about it is it's got all this great black forest carved detail this is all hand carved this back plinth here so a really neat piece when it's done and i'd love to see this thing up and running again but that'll be for a future customer on a future day i haven't showed you guys the cool records that came in today too while i was sitting here haven't had a chance to sort the records yet everything else i bought today sold so i bought it at just before opening at what 9 30 10 30 a.m by the time i finished the deal get here at 11 and now uh by one in the afternoon every single thing other than this little stack of records is sold um just doesn't usually happen but i had the stuff sitting on the counter some other antique dealers came in and they cleaned me out uh that said still have a bunch of records and i'll show you which ones i picked out and why i thought they were cool when it comes to records sometimes it's subject matter uh sometimes it's some music or the graphics on it look at this great cover thunderball of course the early james bond there's sean connery and all of his might fighting off a scuba diver is at a disadvantage he doesn't have a mask and there's a lot awful lot of air escaping mind you it looks like he's got tanks but he's not wearing his mask oh i see it's just come loose probably in the tussle um tom jones of course singing the songs on here and some of the titles let's see we've got thunderball the main song chateau flight the spa switching the body i don't think that was a big hit uh number six mr kiss kiss bang bang incidentally um if my daughter ever came home and she was dating a guy named mr kiss kiss bang bang he would not be allowed to come back again um not a great name for somebody but uh neither were most of the names especially the names for the ladies in most james bond movies i think you know what i'm talking about not ideal names for anybody uh let's see ten years after i don't know if the poster's in here uh no doesn't look like i was lucky enough to get the poster with it that would have been cool though um just some great you know late 60s early 70s uh let's see this is jethro tall steve goodman i'm not overly familiar with but um looks like a jazz guitarist i'll have to check and see what his music like maybe i'll put it on here and listen to it a little later and see uh sometimes early 45 rpms by obscure rock bands can be uh pretty good let's see lambros siendros boy i picked the hardest name to try and say right off the bat this uh that side rock and roll part three and into your heart what was the band tower bridge looks like there's a couple copies there so probably a smaller release led zeppelin uh of course early lead zeppelin albums are quite good which this is let me just use my other hand here now condition is everything and this one is not in great shape oh it's got a warp in it um i do know a guy i know a guy who uses a clay and compresses it inside of an oven and sometimes you can straighten that out but what a shame that's a canadian release first release of led zeppelin's second album well maybe i'll find one that has a really bad cover and it's got a good album either way this might be salvageable even though it's warped and that happens from being exposed to heat or being left out in the sun no way that's gonna play right now though but because it's a fairly good album it might be worth spending a few bucks to see if i can get him to flatten it out i don't know if that's gonna be possible or not oh can heat love the graphics on these janice joplin cream of course eric clapton's band and there's uh probably their better known album this is derek and the dominoes eric clapton has layla on it uh led zeppelin three and beetles sergeant peppers now they're not in the greatest shape but when you're at somebody's house and they let you look through the record collection you may as well go ahead and pick out what you think are the cool ones which is what i did i picked out the ones i thought were kind of nifty um hopefully i'll go through and find the conditions okay didn't have to pay a whole lot for him so it's very little risk and besides like i said everything else sold already so this is just bonus for the shop end of the day still haven't had a chance to put the records out but look what came in more sports cards just when you think you're done but so far i found one good one in there really clean i think it's an 82 wayne gretzky what you're looking for are the condition of the corners which are nice and crisp the centering of the card which is very decent so you want to make sure that border is as close to the middle as possible um those are all things that will make a card more valuable and of course that nobody wrote on the back and anything crazy to it there are uh quite a variety of old even going back to the early 70s cards in here so i'm gonna have to do a little bit of digging throughout the day today and see if there's any other gems but so far at least got one good one which i got in a protective sleeve um you never know what's gonna walk through i know i've said that before it's true but check this out that was a nice little bonus surprise can you tell what it is let me show you it's a mr t wallet you know when when you don't have enough gold chains to buy things with you need a little wallet to carry on so you got a mr t wallet and a mr t uh i think this is a key ring yes for putting your keys on so the complete mr t childhood vinyl set and it is like this rubbery sort of vinyl that is uh really easy to destroy uh it probably would have ripped after a few uses but this one's in pretty good shape really it's really like new probably helps that it was in that plastic case for so long and what is this a w root beer marble actually it's a bouncy ball wouldn't be very good marble it's a bouncy ball no pretty cool i always love finding little trinkets and treasures like that so that's it i'm home now i'm going to go through some sports cards at the house and see if there's any treasures inside it would be a fun night for me in the meantime guys thank you for watching stay tuned for more episodes and we'll see you all soon bye for now
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 70,144
Rating: 4.9674487 out of 5
Id: D4Ow0vCrX_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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