The Potters House Part 2 hoard removal! we found hidden cash woo hoo!

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I followed my dreams and open an antique store to have adventures and spend time as a family sometimes you have to climb a mountain and open some new doors to find the treasures inside this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc welcome to part two of our series where I bought a hoarder house and my wife didn't kill me that's probably the best news of the whole deal where I drive and drive and drive until I get to the house and we check it out so follow along on today's adventure as we see what's in store and we start to dig through the house well this trip I decided to bring my other vehicle it's a little bit newer a lot better on gas so having no troubles there this this trip I have come prepared with hazmat suits and masks gloves a shovel in fact the contents of my car right now if I get pulled over on this trip again by a friendly officer Jason out there peepholes me over it's gonna look like I'm the Harvey Keitel's character from pulp fiction if I have a cleaner because I've got pretty much everything that some horror movie might depict a person who is getting rid of bodies might be having in their car including a weird briefcase that just happens to be left in here from before so hopefully don't get pulled over this time and yeah so we're the goal today is I've got a dumpster that's getting dropped off it should be there already we're gonna try and get as much garbage out of the house as possible I found a charity that I can donate a lot of the good clothing in the stuff that's in sealed bags too so we're gonna try and recycle as much as possible so I'm gonna get to the house and make sure that everything is in place and we have the tools we need to do some work today so stay tuned is on this episode we start tearing in and I really started doing a little bit of cleanup I'm here for the next few days and trying to get as much cleaned out of the house as possible so watch it see who knows what treasures we'll find but it should be an interesting adventure either way this is gonna be a really great look for me today I look like a Canadian storm trooper it's gonna take okay so this trailer is used for garbage here locally so they dropped it off it's 20 feet long we're gonna make a pile of stuff for donation it can be reused and I'm just gonna start kind of in the front porch area here I started clearing just this one area and I've already filled that much of the dumpster so I'm a little bit worried about the capacity here but never fear I can always come back and do it again so I already found a nice pair of indigenous made gloves and the matching set is there those are something that will have some collectability and value it takes a lot of work to an effort to build something like that so we're gonna set that aside I'm almost afraid to look inside of this freezer that's been very good for year and I just hope that there isn't food inside of it let's open it up and find out okay let's see how bad this is gonna be oh yeah it's totally full of food but surprisingly well I mean it's frozen so it doesn't actually stink which is scary but I am not touching that ice cream or milk in here that's for darn sure that whole thing is gonna have to go so this is currently the kitchen and this is my priority to get cleaned out today because this is where probably the bio hazards are going to be a lot of rotted food things like that this is where mice would probably be so we're gonna try and get this kitchen cleared out once this room is cleared out then we'll move on to the next which is the dining room presumably and that will give us a path to the baseline so this is what I'm working on here I'm gonna start checking out anything that's food and just start to go and crazy clean it in here well I've been working for about a half an hour can't really tell but I did find one thing really rare the floor I can actually start to see the floor and I can walk in more than two steps in here and as I'm moving things out of the way there are some old stuff kicking around in here so you have to kind of be careful not to just throw everything out but yeah I definitely you know it was expected to be a lot of work it's gonna take me a little while but hopefully I'll have a progress update soon and this will be looking a little bit better in here kind of nice well these will make it in the car today can't leave decent art lying behind this puts the mold into jello mold probably somebody would want that thing but I'm not gonna risk ever selling this to someone so it's gotta go okay so update you can almost see the kitchen cabinets again I can walk around in here and pretty soon I'll have a room that I can sort in have found a couple interesting things nothing too great I do see there's a cast iron tent over there and I'm pretty sure that's not how you're supposed to sees in a cast iron pan that would give it a little extra special flavor but we're gonna go through try and clear out this room get a pass but I am making pretty good progress so far I can actually walk in here again and a Dustbuster which I presume doesn't work because if I was a Dustbuster and saw this mess I would probably die right on the spot too so going in the trash and it's becoming apparent we're going to have a bit more of a mouse problem to deal with than I expected originally I guess I knew that there'd be stuff in there but huh I'm sure we'll find things still going through boxes of books it's this one hauntings well that's kind of ominous to find in a place like this so there's an entire load going to the dump the guys here already to pick it up he's gonna bring it back this afternoon that's just out of the kitchen that's all the bed of the kitchen so that was the worst of it I'll walk in the house and show you guys how it's looking now you can actually see in here all that giant pile that was there leaving the table to sort on for now but now at least I have a room you know you could kind of move around in so next step is moving into the living room area but so far feeling pretty good that I got the kitchen just about emptied I wasn't expecting to be in great shape and yeah it's pretty gross in here but at least it's getting empty so I'm taking a break at the hotel I end up getting a different room at a different place reviews on this one are pretty good I don't know I didn't say you're the first time around no glitter in the bed from what I can tell yet so no sparkles for the morning so even with the respirator mask on I'm still feeling pretty stuffy I've got hives and worn a hazmat suit already so I've got to put another one on and head back in there but making progress I spent the last two hours clearing about one foot of the living room and I have some serious concerns that I'm gonna fill that dumpster up again really quick and I'll have to think about what my plan of action is because I plan to be out here for about four days and if the dumpster fills up quick well I don't know what I'm gonna do because I can't open eaten till Monday anyhow so I always have to work smart for the next little bit here so I've got it set up now that when you walk in the back of the house you've got respirators dust masks you've got rubber gloves garbage bags so stuff that you need before you go in so we're a little bit more prepared now because we know that we have the house whereas last time we had no idea what we're gonna do okay so I've got a little spot for my feet and there is a red shag carpeting on the floor here I'm just kind of going through boxes right now that's an acetylene lantern I believe it's acetylene that's a pretty cool fine that's that's a nice little light in there that's like I check every box see what year this newspaper is from get an idea about when the person packed it away October 79 been back there a while finally reach the dining-room table looks like it's got fairly ornate legs on it and it might actually clean up it's been covered for so long it's not actually damaged from the looks of things getting a little farther still got a long ways to go so I'm about to call it a night before first day we fill two entire dumpsters I cleared about half the living room you can actually see the dining room table and there is a couch over here so I'll tackle this part tomorrow try and get to that other wall and if there's time I'll try going through into this room if you recall this door was buried up to the top it's now just a little walkable so I can access that other side now hold her half of the house I haven't been in ooh jackpot jackpot jackpot this is the type of thing I'm looking for this is one of her pots they are worth somewhere between five and ten thousand dollars each I just found one right now amazing amazing find super cool ah gotta put that in the car so it's the next morning this time the hotel I met has free breakfast which is always failing the bonus there could have been free breakfast in my house but I don't eat any of the food that's in that fridge there I probably died from it I've got my father-in-law Dave with me today and he's probably wondering though what did he what do you ever do to deserve coming out with me on an adventure like this not wondering at all I'm excited he says that now but I think once we get in there and it's uh you know he sees just how bad it really is my change is mind but yesterday got a lot of work done cleared two entire dumpsters full of stuff you can actually walk in the house now I still have every other room of the house to go and I'm gonna have to come back another time my goal this week is just get the main floor done so yeah we're just above that goal so I'm gonna have to work smart as are dumpsters just about full again and it's the weekend here and they can't pick up until Monday which is creating a bit of a problem for me because I have the ambition and time to work but I don't have a person to come take that dumpster off until Monday so we might just have to pile the bags up and get removed Monday morning and then put it back in when he drops off again so we'll come up with a plan we'll make it work somehow see what my fortune cookie says here says you are bold and daring others admire these qualities in you and apparently the winning lottery ticket right there so this this is my first time going in this room what I'm looking for is pottery done by Terry yeah there's one right there that's a pretty valuable piece right there that's a good one hey Dave I got one yeah my father-in-law Dave helping me out we got to put that in the car or somewhere special don't drop it oh that's a good piece good find right off the bat I'm gonna see if there's any others it's probably gonna be a few in here who did this one Bob McMinn 82 a fellow Potter 17 years yeah I'm gonna go in here I will take that one out what I'm just gonna have a look oh look there's a there's a head look at all the pots okay I have a feeling this room's gonna yield a few good things but I have to do a bit of work to clear it out I can get everything this her kiln looks like a fire pit or something there's uh there's pottery all in here Dave so I wouldn't be very happy I guess I the right thing to do is ask your father-in-law how he is and then grumble about him later yeah there's all kinds of fun there's all kinds of pottery in here so this room is probably gonna I honestly think this room is gonna pay for the whole house so the mission right now is to look for pottery that's the goal that's what we're asking in anything of interest when you're an artist you don't value your work that's one right there you don't value your work as much as other people do gotta take it for granted so she was using them for flowers and oh what they're intended to be pots and I apologize for the steam in front of my breath it's the frost it is freezing in here so it's not smoking about smoking a cigarette that's a that's my breath but you can see you've made some good progress here we're gonna call it a night I think head back to hotel we can actually walk around a bit it is all right all right we'll head back to hotel pretty soon Oh at one time that was the only garbage can they needed this house and something happened yeah I finally made it over the desk we're gonna clear a little path here and then see what's inside bone mice have definitely been over here and I am wearing my respirator mask case you guys are wondering at home see what's in the cabinet something rolled up see Oh lightbulbs closed up try to get in there is anything good gonna open that up there since I do okay we'll open that up a little whoopsie does it look like looks like jewelry boxes yeah actually that's a jewelry box open inside oh there's appended to their pottery okay yeah so she made some pottery jewelry okay well that's good yeah it's keeper I think this whole bag you probably because it looks like they're all in time cool feels like a piece of quarter is I don't okay well we'll take you to the table and open it up okay a little wallet here feels like it's full receipts oh hang on hang on I'm taking my gloves off for this money to board 680 bucks yeah there's $80 in here I guess Supper's on me tonight put that in the pocket see if there's any ko3 here - that's the first money mind you we did find a jar full of coins in bong Korea feels like there's a like a checkbook or something else in here it's mainly just to see hang on hang on hang on Oh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten there's over a thousand is Tully there's probably like 2,500 bucks here holy cow I guess dinners really on these today huh that was just in a little Jamil Bari okay well that made today worthwhile right there give this paper feels like it's got so good oh whoa we got diamonds we have diamonds and I had guarantee this is probably real if it was in with that special money coach diamonds and gold holy cow holy cow and for whatever reason there's like a 400 pound ream of paper but it's our only as you go though that's all right they leave a big trail out the door yeah that's true oh wow those are quite the platforms I must be in the disco part of the room right now so first time in this room it's like another little kitchen ass a fairly big size there is a skull yeah yeah really old bison skull in the corner I'm gonna try and dig that out that's kind of a neat piece hey Dave I just realized that the light for the bathroom is out here is it like a disco in there so I made the mistake yesterday we headed back to the house right now but I made the mistake yesterday of opening up the fridge and I don't know what I was expecting you know maybe that over the past fifty years somebody take him some of the food out of it I was wrong it took a good couple hours before that smell was out of the house but then I started thinking I wonder if the fridge smell is still in the air and it just stuck to me and now when I go places I smell like the fridge so I'm a little bit concerned that so I'm worried now then I'm gonna smell like a 50 year old fridge which is actually kind of an insult if somebody came up to you and say do or you smell like a fridge it hasn't been open in 50 years that's pretty bad so hopefully this morning I get back to the house it will be a little less stinky in there but on the plus side that's part of the reason why we're doing this in winter is that you know you wouldn't want to be in that house clear at all it's tough with you know heat and hot summer day be nicer to work in but this fella be way worse so we are making progress though so I'll get back to house and I'll show you guys what we've done okay so kitchen you can actually walk through now living room we discovered this furniture actually kind of a nice antique table right there which we're using the sort on sofa all this virtually nobody seen here's another couch there so you can actually walk easily all the way through to the front and dug little paths there so what I'm working on today later on is clearing off the stairs and getting this upper landing done it is still pretty messy up here and you can't even get into the room so I thought well you know today's the day I'm gonna work on this you get that done we have the charities coming to pick up a bunch of stuff that was clean and able to be donate or you can a donate so that is the plan for today so that's what I'm working on I'll throw in my respirator and my gloves and get cracking but pretty good progress I'd say you know consider we can walk in here now you can actually start to see furniture so what's that dumpsters emptied out tomorrow we'll try and check out some of these couches and other things that we gotta go update coming soon but dave has taken the chair downstairs we are kind of we had it more or less clear it out and then we've been plowing stuff out of the washroom and some of the other rooms into the hallway trying to give us some room here you can see the bathroom is getting a little emptier and these little side rooms aren't as bad I'm gonna get the mattresses out it was ready to throw it start going through this room here see what I can find let's see this looks promising Oh jewelery lady costume jewelry I have to go through that looks a gold actually stay that is it bring out put on the treasure chest treasure chest for treasure this room's actually not in too bad of shape here you're asking why I'm not using two hands is because my GoPro just died on the I have to charge it up nothing cool okay so hold 50 Sunbeam mixer in the box well in a box but I've got a little fifties mixer those always are popular yeah I've been searching and clearing this room for about an hour look hardwood floor can actually see the floor this is where the sewing machine is he's not that bad so we thought it was delaminating it's not actually pretty good there's a couple boxes left to go through up here of course it's cool it's heavy I think it's bronzer cast that's pretty cool it's really heavy well that's a good fine very nice piece pays to go through every single box well I all I care about is you guys you're safe that's all alright watch don't close onto yourself on the clothesline I guess that's where that expression comes from yeah so from the street you can't really see the house as much as I like the trees that are here I'm thinking this guy and this guy these two here cuz then it'll open up the whole front yard yeah and and possibly that one there and that the other stuff that needs to come out is just these little scraggly yeah the kind of growing in to your gate right yeah so Charlie this tree this tree that big this one right here so the two because I what I want to do is have the trees all on the front or okay and then there's gonna be some pruning and stuff but these two here will open up the whole front yeah no definitely and that one's probably okay where it is I guess it's not doing much harm so mainly just the these two here and then like once these come down there's a couple like there's a dead tree stump sitting there and probably some of the trees that are growing right against the house about to come out like that guy right there by the window like probably clear some of this stuff out because I can't get in there new any kind of repairs with the trees starting to get into some older stuff in this room see what here is it 1956 so there are to be some older things in here dig around and see what there is the kind of a mix really feel like I'm compelled to check every single bag and personnel see if this thing still works nothing surprise me though there's a legend in this room there's a bunch of silver I'm gonna see if we can find it 1978 that looks like linens lots of designs that the other guys are doing up front well trees are gone still keeping a lot of them though the one that's looking good guys holy cow I'm impressed you made short work of that their heads I mean we can chat over this opportunity but the game plan is gonna be kind of where we're at and where we can be oh yeah the two main ones are gone did you get rid of three or two oh no three you're gone yeah well it looks really good all the ones against the house yeah can actually see the floor to walk in that room so I think today I'm gonna work in this room here try to clear that one out of the way at least get another one done someone that was tied shot so I'm curious to know what was in there why so many newspapers if you're gonna collect something select a crazy amount of diamonds or wristwatches or something you never hear about someone complaining about their grandma or grandpa left them a house full of diamonds house full of newspapers well that's another story goal is just get the garbage out of the house first and use this tunnel you go one little step at a time anything that's obvious garbage goes first then goes the stuff for charity stuff that's not too bad and then hopefully we find a few treasures in here too at some point there's an awful lot of newspaper actually softer roof this Eaton Center for here hasn't caved in from all this weights off the clock the papers are very heavy and there's an awful lot of them here we're just gonna keep plugging away until we start to people access this room again so discovered a couple things while in the house we've also been making some good progress so as you can see I'm standing on the floor upstairs I don't have to crawl over six feet of stuff anymore and we've also found out that inside the washroom you tell there's a clawfoot tub so that's kind of a bonus so it's a pretty big bathroom - hi seems like every few feet or so we go there's a bottle of sealed alcohol it's almost like an enticement like if you've made it this far you deserve a drink so we're gonna keep looking keep digging and hopefully find some more treasure but I'm working on the bedroom upstairs here that looks to me like the original hoard where things probably got piled first so got to get the trash out probably bought seven dumpster full so far and probably what seven more to go once a newspaper first I gotta pay attention Versace okay well I have to pay attention to some of these names that this is an original Versace purse that could be worth some money and it's full - so I'm gonna dig in there you can see what's inside like or something I'll dig in there's nothing inside huh yeah hidden the house is not a home I'd have to agree so this ends my weekend at the new old house you can see we left the trees on the street here took down the ones that were kind of you know like a little too close to the house or that we're dying off so I have a clear view of the house now so that's it for today [Music] so I am back at my shop we're gonna unpack some of the stuff I brought back you can't tell from watching my face is super red because my allergies are still acting up my hands same thing I was wearing gloves but still you know that's what happens when you're allergic but I did find some cool stuff so we're gonna take it inside and unpack it so from the property so far I definitely had some big scores finding the cache was fantastic I mean you know that was like one of those moments you never expect and it happened to me and I ended up using that money to pay for all the garbage removal for my hotel stay up there for getting basically years of that trash run out of the house and for the labor to clean up the yard so in a sense her money did go to good use renovating her own property so yeah it was a really good find now what I was happy to find now being an antique store owner and not being someone who usually deals in pottery I'm definitely gonna get my education on this I found a lot of tremendous pieces of pottery I'm gonna show you their collection what I found in just a second here but let me tell you a little bit about the person so the family is not really wanted me to get the name of the person out if you're watching from the town where I bought the house from well you probably don't know who it is but she's very well known her stuff is in galleries all around the world and her pottery is quite desirable now the family didn't think there was really much left for pottery in the house and I had to dig really deep to find it what's special about this pottery is that she used to travel with indigenous peoples and learn their craft the way that they did a thousand years ago she would even use the mud from the ground that they would have used the clay from the same locations that were made that made the pots a thousand years ago so they're very authentic and they're what we consider primitive pots so let me show you the collection and you can kind of get a sense of the magnitude of what I found digging all around this house [Music] and there wasn't just pottery from her there was also pottery from other artists I imagine some from the indigenous peoples from the area perhaps friends students so there's a wide variety I'm gonna have to really do my research I also got some other antiques such as that carved lamp it's beautiful a piece and I would say it's got to be 1920s or 30s it probably had a marble globe the one on the top but you know great piece and there was paintings too now I'm gonna have to do a little research on these I can't tell you at the time I'm filming want to sign GN o ll it looks like so if you're watching home and you can find out the answer before me that's great the other ones are signed RL but they are original oil on board and to me they look like they're of sort of 1950's to early 70s like late 50s early 70s kind of era but nice pieces and one piece that I really loved which was a surprise was a self-portrait of the artist now she didn't typically work in figural forms like this so it's an odd piece to find it was tucked away next to a bunch of fallen down plants and I was happy that I could get it pulled out to safety and here with all of its friends and neighbors so a tremendous amount of work but I feel well worth it and if you're asking well what's the value of these pots well I don't know your guess is as good as mine right now I'm researching them as we speak I will say however that the last time some of these pots were taken to a gallery exhibition this is over a decade ago they were insured for five to ten thousand dollars Canadian each so there is potentially remarkable value here considering I probably have 40 or 50 pieces here so definitely made the purchase and all that digging and hard work and all my allergies worthwhile you know sometimes you have to take the risk and look past what looks like a junky hoarder house and really see that underneath it's a beautiful home and there's beautiful things inside of it so very nice lady very talented artist and I'm very happy to have acquired some of her work the next step is going to be gently cleaning and then putting up on display so a lot of work but I'm glad you got came along on today's adventure this is just our second video we still have to empty out a whole section of the house and we found great things already and yeah just amazing fine all together and don't forget to hit that subscribe button you can follow us online at Instagram is a great way at curiosity Inc like eg or on facebook under curiosity incorporated that way you can see our new finds and that those are the resources that we use to show what's for sale to so we do ship all over the world so if you're interested in anything you ever seen the shop just drop us a line and we'll do our best killed off do so thanks so much guys have a wonderful day we'll see y'all soon for now [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 1,319,789
Rating: 4.8692603 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, hoarders, buried alive, curiosity inc, curiosity incorporated, alex archbold, adventure, antiques, collectibles, treasure, treasure hunt, american pickers, discovery channel, television show, tv show, history channel, full episode, show, amazing, amazing find, look what we found, crazy treasure, make money, how to make money, get rich quick, gold, hidden cash
Id: uA_in-_wiIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 0sec (2220 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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