Part 2. Mystery estate trunk opening! We bought everything in a house!

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hi i'm alex archbull and i've been buying and selling antiques since i was nine years old from basements to scrap yards i'll look just about anywhere i can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes i'll go big and buy everything with my wife and kids we run an antique shop in edmonton alberta canada filled with some of the most unique items we can find i never know what's going to happen or who i'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity from home honey [Music] good morning and uh welcome back i am going to be headed back over to the house today last night we got a whole bunch accomplished uh we rolled a pile of coins i don't know you can't really even see but we rolled a whole pile a bag full of coins and there were tons of quarters in fact so many coins uh that we are going to take them into the bank today uh but also i'm running out of coin rolls so i do have to make a pit stop here at the dollar store good old dollarama and pick up some coin rolls um i found a place for the weaving equipment and supplies i'm gonna be meeting somebody from one of the weaving guilds here in town and uh they're supposed to be giving me a call later today so things are progressing uh talk to my friend barry the bookman bailey um who appeared on my episode when we had the captains well i guess the captaincy log or the the journal from the 1700s uh he has a bookstore in town and he's interested in coming to have a look at the books oh that would take care of a large poor portion of the uh the challenge i've got in the house but there's still a whole pile of stuff to go through uh my plan today is this after i get the coin rules we are going to uh organize and get some clothes bagged up for charity uh separate some books out that i want to bring back to the store and then try and get rid of the bulk of the books and the bulk of the weaving stuff and then start searching through some of the rooms uh like the trunks in the closet and stuff like that it's gonna be another adventure guys so stay tuned as we dig through the house and look for more stuff uh should be fun day where are the coin rolls here we go coin rappers nickels oh no i don't see any recorders that's no good that means i'm gonna have to make another stop somewhere else to get rolls reporters darn it i'm back at the house and the first order of business today is going to be trying to figure out which items can go to charity uh and get those out the door there's some furniture and some other things that wouldn't be really easy for me to sell but they still could live another life with somebody as a donation i'm gonna try and set that stuff aside and get a donation pickup lined up i'm also at the same time i'm going to go through the closet and start banging some of the clothing which i think should go to charity as well so we're going to start setting that aside um and then we'll do a little exploration so first things first i have to film a charity well i guess first thing first i'm going to try the mary condo method of organizing these clothes and just go pile it all up on the bed and sort through it except i don't have to ask myself the question if it brings me joy it does not um getting it out of the house will bring me joy i'm gonna make a big pile and see what we have this will take a little bit of sorting because sometimes vintage clothing as we know can be collectible so i'm going to do my best to look at the labels to figure out what items might have some resale value but really a lot of this when i'm going to charity which is just fine because somebody can get themselves a nice sweater or a nice bit of clothing for a good price we'll make a pile start getting it all ready to go it's already getting pretty big here we'll see what we've got after a little bit more digging as i'm going through the closet i realized that some of these sweaters were hand spun using the looms in the basement so i'm going to leave those there in case the family members of the person who used to live here are interested in hanging on to those uh some of the suits as i'm clearing out too i look and see these are all custom tailored these are bespoke custom fitted suit jackets some of these are like this finest english cloth so somebody went off and had many custom suits made seville row london holland and sherry so nice wool sort of jackets these are a little bit better items so i'm going to leave these in the closet for now we'll come back to it in the meantime i've got this giant mountain of stuff which can go to charity and i'm going to start banging it up and setting it aside um hoping that they can come to a pickup at some point today and get all the clothes out of the house that would be fantastic certainly going to be a big load of stuff for somebody luckily it's all in really good shape too so a lot of these shirts look at this still in the plastic they're brand new somebody will get a good assortment of clothing they'll go off to a new home and hopefully make somebody very happy got the bed almost cleared off closet almost cleared out going through the drawers this one appears to be mainly silk scarves i know there are people who collect those some little bits of jewelry and stuff little bracelets which we set aside i mean after the amount of coins we found the other day you never know what's going to be scrolled away in a drawer so i will start to get the stuff set aside oh there's an old school phone the old flip phone you guys remember those okay well the search continues mainly right now looking for things that can be donated i think a good majority of these items probably can t-shirts and stuff so we'll put them in the bag with the rest of it one area i didn't look was this closet the other day it appears to be the vacuum closet some cleaners those might come in handy later on shoe polish and a bunch of clothes at the top well we'll start clearing this all out there's some old wax start clearing this all out and see uh probably the cleaners in here for now because i might need those later as we go through the property but i'll get the clothes out and see if there's anything else at the top of the closet hidden away up there you never know this is my pile of clothing so far which it looks like i have to take to charity myself they wouldn't make a visit was going through the bookshelf a little bit found some harry potter um some jr tolkien some interesting little things there of course there's the statues that we looked at the other day but didn't do much exploring through the front room there are apparently some cups in here that the family would like back if i could find them um they were etched with i think the grandpa's name on them so i'm going to do my best to try and see where those are those are etched but i don't see any name on them i'll try and get clarity on that because anything that's uh intended to go back to the family i definitely want to make sure i get back to the family but there have been a few little surprises this drawer appears to be full of silver actually that looks like some of it's plated but some of it might be solid silver we'll go through that later on it's down below table linens well that makes sense seriously the dining room there was a couple little speakers around nothing wrong with that it's a little older but that's a bose stereo i'm sure that it has the remote here too these have outstanding sound so that is definitely a good little score right there off to see if i can find the power cord for it just to make sure it's all operational but nice little bose stereo it's a good find so far and keep digging and see what else is lurking in all these little cupboards and uh eventually i'll work my way in the basement which is completely packed full of stuff yeah red room another little boa speaker nothing wrong with that i think i saw in this room where this is the other loom not that it's probably worth a whole lot but that's ipod classic the shuffle that might become a collectible someday you never know 160 gigabytes that's actually a fair bit of storage a lot of music on that i'll have to make like a little music department here as i'm looking for the cords is that one it doesn't i guess that one just charges with the cable but this one's definitely missing its cord i'll have to be on the lookout for that i was looking in this closet i was clearing some clothes out to take to charity and notice that back here are the leaves for the dining room table which is good tv trays just trying to fall over on me let's see what's in the box up here it's almost looks like one of those barbie playhouse kind of boxes that sort of vinyl cardboard covered see what it is it is it's a human head it's a wig on a mannequin head now if podge was here he'd be trying this thing on oh boy well there we go wig in a box but i will be able to donate that uh other wigs we've given to uh like cancer foundations and and things of that nature so we can find a good place to donate that way let's see family pictures take those and keep them in the room for the family i don't envy any family member that has to go through this process i've been through this myself with my dad and my grandparents and trying to figure out what do you keep and what do you get rid of is a very emotional thing so for a company like ours to go through if we have some parameters of what a person wants to hang on to like family photos and memories we can sort that stuff easy enough and you're not stuck going through you know whether this shirt was really precious or has to go it's you make some decisions and somebody else does the heavy lifting figuratively and literally it's a challenging process to go through but we're trying our best to save all the things we can for the family that are important and clear the house out so it's ready for sale um hopefully this all goes as planned and i'm really hoping to be out of here in the next um two to three weeks we'll have this all wrapped up i notice there's a lot of books on tapestries and so forth but there's also a lot of things that are still in their original boxes like this little canon powershot digital camera still in the original packaging and i would assume that a lot of these look there's bows in your speakers somewhere around here there's gonna be bows around here headphones would be nice if i found those we have the same headphones and ours are kind of broken right now so there's kind of a lot of new electronics kicking around in here too uh still have all sorts of corners and stuff to sift through i think what i might do right now is uh see if i can poke my head up in the attic and see if there's anything up there well this dining room chair is gonna have to make my temporary ladder let's see if we move this out of the way with the amount of raccoons and stuff in here be surprised if there's not uh evidence of rodents up in the attic see if we can get the other side up can i get that up high enough oh this looks like insulation okay well that's good this is not full of stuff it may be nice if it was full of stuff in a way but less to deal with now to start hauling bags downstairs off to charity [Music] well an entire truckload of clothing is now gone took a big load over to uh charity and they weren't uh expecting all that we had to load uh two giant bins full of stuff for them hopefully a lot of that uh goes back into use that said though i'm gonna make my way down into the basement and do a little bit of searching uh because i'm curious to know what's in some of those steamer trunks let's go check it out back in the basement this time i don't have melissa with me hopefully there's no creepy noises that was really weird the other day it sounded like there was footsteps upstairs and nobody was there um and admittedly this room is probably one of the rooms that i'm looking forward to going through kind of the most and the least like it has the most potential for there to be kind of hidden cool stuff kicking around um but the least in the sense that it's going to be the most work um this in the other room to empty out but i've got my friend barry coming over barry bailey from bailey's books in about a couple hours time and he's going to assess the books and hopefully make an offer on them all which would be absolutely fantastic to have have them all go that'd be one big issue gone and done in the meantime though what i'm going to do is i'm gonna try and go through this little storage room here see there's a light there we go and um i know the family wanted to keep back some stuffed animals and kids books which if i can find we'll put those aside i'm hoping that there might be you know ideally some old toy cars or something that we can resell at the shop that'll make this all worthwhile uh because right now um i'm still in the hole on this deal and i need to find some things to get myself above water so let the digging begin i guess i'm just gonna start pulling stuff out and start uh making some room let's have a look inside the old trunk it is more clothes these look like older clothes though in terms of collectibility is a little bit more promising get that to stay so just close in here maybe but there are some old dresses these are things that i might be able to call up our friends over at swish vintage and see if they want to come have a look at yeah some nice old prints and patterns 60s 70s kind of stuff there's always a market for this sort of thing so some of these clothes i'll have to make another call to the vintage shop and see if they're interested that's not what i was hoping to find in there ideally this would be full of like red line hot wheels one can only hope right um but there's still one two three four five six seven i don't know 10 or 12 trunks back here to go through so i may find something yet we'll see and it looks like the dates go back about the right age too to find something really cool so i'll haul this trunk out of here and make some room and maybe i can see what's in the trunk underneath oh boy it's got a little weight to it i'm gonna go set this in the other room so i can see what's in the bottom trunk okay that's clear let's try to make a path here trying to just make room for my foot to go somewhere this room feels like the catch-all let's try trunk number two and it's more clothes that actually might be a curtains or a wedding dress chalkboard okay well at least i have a space to work i can get some of these things out of the way here put some stuff on top there and next room tennis racket this antique business is quite the racket yucky posters or art pranks i guess i should say definitely lots of board games melissa was all excited about risk and i should see if she wants to bring that back well a whole bunch of model kits in here fighter planes submarines a lot of military model kits probably going back empty box see trunk number two oh it's stuck on the other side it's in this trunk holy cow well more model kits oh my goodness look at all the vintage model kits tanks and airplanes pacific western somebody was really into airplanes you can never tell if it was the uh the kid or the parent sometimes it's both but that is a big assortment of model kits okay well that i mean the trunks themselves are sellable too i shouldn't overlook the fact that these trunks are pretty decent okay mystery trunk number three is okay bedding all betting some stuffed animals i think those might be the stuffed animals that the owner was saying that they wanted so we'll keep those aside they said there might be some toys back here i'm gonna keep digging until i find what i'm looking for i'll have to be careful i don't squish myself i've kind of just stacked those there kind of precariously while i move some of these things out of the way trunk number four is magazines and some records move these pictures out of the way just prints more prince they like their art but they didn't have a lot of original art they had lots of prints of artwork which are probably from the 1950s or 60s and not nearly as rare you can kind of see that it looks like there might have been mice back here at some point so what happens when you leave a house for a while that might start to take over okay let's see if that's enough space to open this trunk up sesame street and kind of uh tell the age of the kid that used to live here by the age of the records that were meant for kids this would be like late 1960s early 70s kind of stuff these are all kids books it's one in particular i'm supposed to look for that they wanted but that's not what i'm after well these trunks i thought were small but they're all full size i mean like i said the trunks themselves are you know maybe 100 to 200 each and there's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten trunks already that's over a thousand dollars just in trunks um but i'm always curious to know more what's inside let's climb up here let's see there's the trays out of the trunks and there's an old suitcase it's time to do some digging oh boy there is there anything in the suitcase yeah the suitcase is full [Applause] there's something in here this almost looks like a musical instrument case like they put an old saxophone or something like oh what is it it's a whole bunch of books no surprise more books the land of books finally got back to this big trunk inside is nothing don't say it yet until you look oh more games i'm gonna get the light on looks like some model kits scrabble asigoah f18 hornet memphis bell a couple unbuilt kits all right put this all back together here search the next one yeah the trunks a lot older looking let's see more clothes oh mink stole a little watch ladies watch actually it might be gold well that's all right this is 8th baby shoes 50s kind of looking jacket well the watch was a good find just setting that over there and i look behind the door and there's a ladder i said i couldn't find the ladder to go up into the attic skis and ski boots okay i have not checked um either of those trunks yet i've got to get this out of the way before we do okay i don't want to step to the middle of this trunk because it could cave in i'm stepping kind of on the edges it's sturdy enough to hold me oh that one's a little heavier there's two more trunks it's a little older wood rimmed all right it's got the wood trim on it this is about let's hope it's not locked it actually might be locked see if we can pop it open oh my it's heavy and it's [Music] all locked well there's only one way to get around that i think i saw some tools around here somewhere okay i was able to pop the lock off because it did not have a key let's see what was worth locking up all those years well this little doll it's all dolls all really old dolls looks like they let's see if i can get some of these out of here they look like they're all kind of from the 1955 or before well that's going to be good for a doll collector you know that was uh that's at least a good score of some vintage things that that i can resell fairyland dolls gretel miss muffet famous fairies jack and jill these go quite back quite a ways i would say probably 30s 40s 50s kind of era oh that's a good score i'm gonna get one out and see what it looks like okay here's one marcy a mercy doll looks like it's bisque nicely made there's a whole pile of them in here okay i guess this trunk is uh going to be good for at least stuff that i can sell at my shop because we do sell antique dolls when we came across them so that's a good score it was worth popping the lid on so i wonder then if that other trunk maybe that has the husband stuff in it maybe there'll be some some boy stuff some guy stuff down here i have brought an expert in to see me and actually you're the expert here today mr bailey of bailey's books in st albert thank you for coming to see us today well thanks for asking me alex it's always fun to come and see a big book collection yeah well last time i saw you you were looking at a 1700s uh journal um which i no longer have it did end up selling oh actually it did go um and today i brought you in because we have uh the contents of a home which as you if you first look around it doesn't look like this whole lot we'll go downstairs and you'll see why i called you okay um so we have a few little books here we've got some books here uh and there are some interviews you know like there's some tolkien um harry potter's uh i didn't see a first edition harry potter yet but you never know um there's all sorts of books uh history books and so forth you know some new and some old uh but the the real thing i want to show you is the basement oh there's also some books up here too oh are these bookends uh i don't know if no well they're food dogs male and female they're carved oh so they are yeah and this is jade so they i think they might have made a trip over to asia at some point uh but what i need to do is show you the basement let's go okay i'm gonna let you go ahead of me okay uh we're gonna go down the stairs and there's a little bit of clutter down here which should be no surprise uh whose basement doesn't clutter yes well uh first we'll go to the left okay so go to the left there's uh there's i still haven't figured out where the light switch is i know you could i could have my own it's a loom right my own workshop yeah wow look at all of the material yeah i did find a new uh i did find some people for the all the loom stuff so that'll be going hopefully in the next week or so uh but holy that's what i'm saying there's this isn't it what do you mean this is not it um so there's this i said it was like in ghostbusters when you go to the library and there's all the books stacking all over the place and yeah um it's hard there are piles and piles of books in this room and you can see it's it's like a wide range of topics from oh you know biographies and history and fiction it's everything it's an entire bookstore basically well it is isn't it yeah i mean but just because the the subject matter is so vast i mean there's an awful lot of history obviously um i see some pierre burton books in there and i don't know some of them i looked at were signed as well by the author which was kind of cool yeah um so there are piles and piles and piles of books now you you specialize in autograph items don't you yes yeah that's one of my little specialties yeah but you do carry every kind of book you can think of right like you have a pretty vast selection you know what it's it's a bit focused because i don't have a an enormous amount of physical space at the store so i kind of i kind of focus on how to print stuff and collectible stuff and sign stuff a lot of western canadian history but i've got lots of fiction and biographies too yeah so history books and that might be in your purview i guess certain things yeah yeah okay well let me show you uh this is room number one quite the little study in there oh my gosh and then we're going to continue down the hallway okay which one uh nope the other way keep going straight yep around they're going to make me do laundry are you i don't know hey trust me we could have used that earlier i ended up donating a whole truckload of clothing just this morning so now if you look in this room there's even more books so my estimate look at all the cool models oh there's i have trunks full of oh i love those trunks full of model kits and you know oh yeah look at this if the house is very unassuming from the main floor oh shelf shelves everywhere books every but some of it is you know like adventures i was looking and i think there's up on that shelf there's original game of thrones coffee i'm sure somebody who's in a game of thrones i think that's cool lord of the rings an early edition of that yeah um so there's a lot of non-fiction down here what are these sport and technology 1800 to 19 newspapers oh cool wow yeah so there's some history of canadian football 1909 to 1968. constantino we had a quarterback way back in the day the name of frank cosentino that played for the eskimo i wonder if he was involved in it who knows i think he is actually the author so there are i don't i don't i couldn't even oh and tons of paperbacks yep holy michael crichton there's also like this looks like all just fiction fun reading stuff i think from what i understand there's organization here it's by author yeah um so you see like all the dick francis are together like there's quite a thing so it's all uh basically organized it's just an awful lot of books yes it is um you know this is for me this accounts to just suddenly having an instant bookstore um but you know me i'd prefer to find somebody who's really equipped for this kind of thing yeah the leafs in autumn nobody's interested in trying to make police book are they all the toronto people are going to be angry about that one well wait did the oilers get them in the playoffs they say never talk religion never talk politics and and here in canada never talk hockey that's right unless you're a brother but look at look at the vast variety of stuff that there is you know yeah i mean um oh it's just it spans everything everywhere i look there's some interesting titles you know yeah holy toledo so so you need to move all of these books out i need all the i need to find somebody who's willing to take on the whole kit and caboodle uh and of course when i when a person shows interest in the whole kit and caboodle the the price becomes more attractive what's that it's not one sure oh it's in german oh germany carl friedrich beefer's german stuff oh i would try a rough translation i speak german would take me a couple minutes but there's likely other books that are buried here or underneath shelves or so what i'm hoping oh look there's the hang on i was all i was trying to find the cord for this but i found the box for it i've got the i've got this bose speaker upstairs oh nice yeah oh there's that well it looks like an old console stereo down there too uh a guitar yes i saw a classical guitar nonetheless yeah there are um i would say what 3 000 books something like that somewhere in there yeah yeah between what's upstairs and what's in the basement here i mean i was i was trying to do an estimate because you look and there's like you know roughly ten books in that space you know you're looking at a hundred two three four five six seven eight nine there's probably you know fifteen hundred books just right here another there's probably three thousand books in this room and then another couple that maybe there's like five or six thousand books it's a lot yeah it is a lot i mean yeah elephant in castle by r.c hutchinson so i mean i know i will let you have a look and see yes and if this is not something for you maybe you'll have a recommendation but what i what i would love to do would be to find somebody who's willing to do the go big or go home yeah um and then what i would do is uh let folks know who bought them so they could if people are watching at home and are interested they can make some purchases through that place right uh but i mean take take some time to look and see what there is i mean they're they're well we'll do a little walk about here actually you could probably set the table up you put some stuff on it well maybe it's just gonna get in the way right now i thought this was a console stereo but that's a chest of drawers as we're starting to move stuff out of the way get some of these things out of here oh there's some olds what's this norfolk county simcoe norfolk county once you open that up see if that looks kind of interesting i'm going to guess 1902 somewhere around there 1924. only 20 years that's not bad that was a gas anyway so there there's probably boxes full of random stuff all around here that we're gonna have to uncover yeah i'm curious to know what's in these drawers now that we've uncovered a little bit here what's behind drawer number one model kit of uh oh no it's a luftwaffe game get out was that was the uh were the owners that like german descent no no i think they just had an interest in world war two oh there we go it's train set oh nice and some toy cars i was i was really disappointed because i was digging through the storage bins i couldn't find any toys and i was like whoa because i knew they had a kid so what kind of uh family doesn't have toys for their kid oh yeah there's more games i can bear look there's so much stuff down here there's more unbuilt model kits more and more and more they i could see they were really into their model kits yeah oh there's one tamiya unbuilt okay but i know that's not why you're here i'm gonna stop being interested in my stuff and let you look at the books oh there's the uh for the pentax is upstairs my goodness me i never even noticed this back here is a nice little workbench i could use that in the garage oh for sure right this is kind of the nice thing when you buy an entire property sometimes there's things you could use for yourself that are there i actually need a little workbench like that this is like an enormous you know treasure hunt that says you open a drawer you don't know what's gonna be in there that's like too much fun it's a whole lot of fun that's why i keep doing this these are actually some pretty big elaborate model kits back here i'm just right now trying to see what i can see sometimes people see things on a video that i don't even see in person and they let me know about it later after the fact [Laughter] looks like a lot of the kid stuff is down in this area okay i'll wait and dig through that later on yeah oh there's a tennessee williams right here of course tennessee williams did streetcar named desire he did these um salacious kind of uh pulp fiction novels and uh it's actually kind of nice to find them that are done by tennessee williams because of course he's you know cat on a hot tin roof this was suddenly last summer so you get people who collect them just because of tennessee williams or people collecting because of the cover it's kind of cool absolutely there's a whole market for uh pulp well for pulp and for paperbacks and uh would be nice if it was signed by him wouldn't it first printing january 1968 yeah okay when there's photos from the film so it's oh it's actually the script oh it's the script okay yeah play by play so uh if you were a theater group or something you could probably use copies of that to do it so wow yeah well i'll let you continue to dig here i'm going to uh kind of nose around while you're looking at books i'm going to those around through some of the boxes and not break this mirror which is almost been broken a couple times it looks like a little portable record player down here oh let's see a whiskey box oh no it's a kodak uh it's a projector random spices oh yeah we'll look at more more yarns do you want to put that stuff in the yard room um no i'm going to let the the weaver people come in not the weevil people did we see hear no weevil see no weevil uh the weaver people when they come to collect all of their things which are being uh donated to them i'm going to uh let them sort it the way they want to sort it um yeah i don't know if this is any it might i think it is an eight millimeter projector i'll open it up i was wrong that's a slide projector and it smells like a slide project if you've ever opened up an old electronic and it smells kind of like musty electronic smell maybe you don't know what that smell is if you haven't you should come and just take a whiff of this and you'll know what i'm talking about it smells like a 1960s electronic it's in good shape though but oddly a lot of the electronics i find me don't have the cables nearby so i'm wondering if they have a box somewhere that's just nothing but cables i'm gonna keep my eye out for that i don't know my basement was my bedroom was in the basement when i was a kid that was always you had a bedroom in a basement yeah loved it well i think steven likes having his space down there too i was just saying that there's this bed sitting here um and as we look through it looks like this was probably where the kids room was there's stuff in these drawers a little kodak camera box for watches scrapbooks the drawers aren't uh seated very nicely cartoons and stuff let's see what's this um peanuts collection this is first peanuts release october 2nd 1950. here comes charlie brown good old charlie brown yes sir good old charlie brown now i hate him well that's not anything like what we're used to seeing when it comes to charlie brown but that's the very first charlie brown right there and it looks like it's cut out of a newspaper so that's probably about right and it looks like this whole thing is early charlie brown clippings from newspapers and it looks like it starts at the very beginning kind of goes all the way through it's pretty cool oh and of course marionette and he's got a little guitar so he can make him dance around and sing i don't know what's in the last drawer nothing in the last door but this is pretty deep i wonder if there's anything behind these drawers oh not that i can see i never know when something is stashed under a bed or or where it might be there's all these model kits everywhere american infantry japanese infantry that's all good sellable stuff for the shop so i did look in these bags here it's garbage there's a bag full of uh these are britain's little metal soldiers there's a whole bag of them there's hundreds of them some are plastic i actually have a customer who collects specifically classic britain figures i'll have to key em in that i now have a giant collection of them sometimes you get them plain sometimes they come pre-painted but i could see how this would be attractive to somebody who collects model kits that you would have all the little guys to go along with it i'll take that upstairs and take that with me okay looks like it's just garbage and garbage old toy car volkswagen a little beetle is it an oval window no square window it's from the 60s i'm gonna put that in the bag of toys that looks like a flattened mouse but those are sandals made of fur i'm finding a couple things well barry looks in the other room at the books i'm kind of having a look-see oh look at this i went out looking for coin rolls this morning and they've got piles of coin roll sitting right here so i guess i should just take those upstairs with me if i would have looked a tiny bit further i would have seen that they had the materials i needed oh look i think i see more coins over there too which would be good right now aside from selling all the books and stuff my my best hope is to try and find a little bit more uh things like that that will turn into instant cash for us uh and that's probably like a good couple hundred dollars worth of coins in there dollar coins quarters that's a that's a good find so i'm gonna spend some time digging around and see if i can find some more coins to help uh offset the expense so far so that's it after what was another long but successful day working on the house uh was able to accomplish a couple big things one is um the weaving stuff is gonna be going to a weaving club here in town so it'll be put back to use that will take a lot of the bulk out of the basement barry is going to give some consideration to the books and hopefully get back to this afternoon with an offer so we can get those moved along uh made a truckload delivery of clothing over to uh charity so a lot of people will be getting some clothes very soon and uh yeah what's the other thing oh yeah the car sold now some of you are saying that car should have gone to your son um steven has something else in mind he has a different type of vehicle in mind and also a different budget that car ended up selling for 4 700 canadian i don't know what that is in the us probably like 3 800 u.s and it would be a good deal for somebody because it had very low miles car is gone and with the rolled coin that we ended up getting it actually paid off the balance of the house so the house is paid for it's all clear and done and uh now basically we just have to try and make profit so next step for us more stuff to charity uh and then i'll start separating out lots that can go to auction so uh next episode we have to tackle the garage some other parts of the basement start getting things set aside for charity and start setting aside things for auction and then uh with any luck this will end up being a good solid adventure but at least i got my money back so far and a house full of stuff still so thanks for watching guys stay tuned for uh future episodes on our channel if you have haven't subscribed make sure to subscribe already and uh yeah we'll see you all soon guys bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 165,375
Rating: 4.9739122 out of 5
Keywords: Curiosity inc, Potters house, Musicians house, Professors house, Hoarders, Hoarding, Storage locker, Storage wars
Id: O2xij19kEUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 44sec (2804 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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