Part 1. Hoarder House, We Bought EVERYTHING! what will we find?! The Musicians House

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hi i'm alex archbull and i've been buying and selling antiques since i was 9 years old from basements to scrap yards i'll look just about anywhere i can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes i'll go big and buy everything with my wife and kids we run an antique shop in edmonton alberta canada filled with some of the most unique items we can find i never know what's going to happen or who i'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity home honey [Music] for better or for worse all that you see around me is now mine i have bought the contents of a house that sadly became a hoarder house over years of neglect and over collecting and we are going to do our very best to try and salvage what we can from this property to get our investment back but also return this house to a state where it can be lived in for family once more we have a lot of work cut out for us and we have an eight-week deadline will i be able to do it i don't know but if there's anybody who can it's this guy right here so i'm gonna do a little walk around today i'm gonna show you the layout of the house and i've got my friend josh who's hanging around somewhere we're gonna do a little walk around and uh do some exploring this is video one of a brand new mini series so stay tuned it's about to get interesting josh has been helping me put light bulbs in hey there he is and uh you found one but look i just opened up this little closet door and guess what there's lots of light bulbs nice this is the light bulb store i don't think they got used clearly because the lights were all burnt out and there's a whole bunch of bulbs here but we didn't have to find a whole bunch of lamps and borrow those no and i don't think that vacuum's been used that might be the one thing that's in like new condition in this whole house there's a ton of light bulbs here okay the reason why we're getting light bulbs put up is because we're gonna do a little exploration so josh let's start at the front of the house and let's give the folks an idea of what the rooms are room by room and you haven't even seen the whole thing yet so let's head up to the front and then we'll do a little uh let me show you like it's a show home oh i guess that bulb is burnt out there but literally the only thing i've been looking for is burnt out lights yeah he said i'll fix this one next he's a handy guy to have around so front door uh i'm going to turn my light on so we can see better oh i stepped on something somebody else stepped on it before though too it's probably another more crop buzz oh it was already broken though okay josh is fixing things with plenty in the front hallway we have boxes of stuff lots of clothing like vintage outerwear let funky 70s leather jacket look at that funky 70s leather coats tons of hat boxes to explore all these boxes and purses there we go thanks let there be light and there was light all these little purses and stuff here now um the person who lived here was really into fashion i mean really into fashion so there is a really good chance that some of these items will be designer uh but we're not gonna spend too long today looking through purses and stuff although that's kind of exciting to think of doing that right now dude these are harry potters hp hp maybe it's hp sauce oh gross mmm i like hp sauce they don't even have that in the united states of america the trick is to make a good steak and they don't need it true but i feel like hp sauce will fix a bad steak true yeah i agree um okay so we have the front hallway with a pile of clothing probably a lifetime worth of coats right there and hats once you grab one of the hat boxes down let's see what's inside one of them oh he's going to grab three of them down oh meant to do that huh i'm gonna guess my guess is that there's hats inside look at the dust on there these have not been opened yeah whoa dude you probably just caught something just now yeah that is those are nice boxes though actually yeah even you know like vacuum fit yeah they've been on there a while okay what's inside oh oh fancy there's not one there's like eight there's like eight hats so if there's like eight hats per box yeah there's oh are they labeled no so they're all gonna be full of hats we'll we'll do a full dig through when we start clearing stuff out but front area lots of clothing we come over to the left and there's the dining room area and what's in the dining room a whole bunch of stuff um so there's some nice cabinets like i mean all this i own now so i have to figure out oh look there's a pass-through into the kitchen won't be passing much through there right now it's totally full of stuff but like very soon in future episodes we'll dig through all these little boxes and see why is this dish here i wonder is it something special iron stone pottery okay all the little ornaments the nice little bits of furniture there's some art glass there that looks like some swan art glass yeah a little the drawers full of stuff yeah they're doilies whatever these are yeah like little tablecloth linens and things so we've got the kitchen or sorry the the dining area up at the front across from the dining area we have the basically like the uh the living room space there's a fireplace over there but look there's a whole freaking grand piano and what kind of shape is it underneath everything see it's like in perfect condition oh yeah you kept it covered yeah it's covered that's literally all i know we should get dakota in here to rock out so there's music sheets um but there's a beautiful it's a williams new scale grand piano this would be considered i think a baby grand yeah it's not like a full-size grand but there's a beautiful grand piano that is coming to the store i've actually got somebody arranged to take that to the shop for me um in a couple days because this is gonna be the first room that i clear out um the previous the owner of the property has already started cleaning out this room they've taken maybe a ton of stuff out of here and um surprisingly it still smells like pew why because there's a church pew right there i always have a pew joke in my back pocket at least that's that's what i tell all the ladies uh oh look a little card set okay we'll get we'll get busy snooping again but there's some musical instruments harmonicas and so forth a little uh drop leaf table it chairs all sorts of ornaments and stuff but i kind of spotted this out of the corner of my eye yeah a little bit of dust on there that is super dusty i know well there's dust on everything i mean when you have so much stuff you just literally can't get to clean that's a nice easel check that easel out it's an easel but you put the pegs on the bottom to put your your painting on right so that's a good easel right there i kind of actually don't mind these funky 60s sort of mid-century pictures that are on the wall but look there's like some precision like there's a little dremel tool and uh this and irons one of those inserts that's yeah cool but look at look at this yo that's like uh i forget what it's called but a lot of people who engrave they use they like stick the thing in there with some clay whatever and then they yeah what it's called but that's awesome it's a lot of books a lot of paintings and knickknacks okay let's continue the tour so i have to clear out my goal in episode one is gonna be to clear this room out look at these nice vintage room dividers too this whole room's gotta clear get cleared out oh look that's marble marble top table something smells fishy is it soap zone oh yeah is it signed it is signed okay signed is good that means there's something oh that's all uh enoch or inuit you need some some water or something to clean that off but it is signed there's lots of glassware there's some glass down there so this is going to be an exploration going through all this stuff um okay let me continue the tour josh let's let's keep walking so yeah well that's what we're all about here this piano has got to go um we have a washroom that's actually clean water folks it's rusty it's rusty and gross um so there's a washroom so a lot of this will probably end up being garbage i don't i mean some of the old perfume might be salvageable but ew hey speed stick i'm excited about that hey that's a cool bottle yeah but look how look how dusty that is all right there's actually ball you know what i have a buyer for that clown painting really yeah oh look that's actual somebody painted that look at the dust that's hilarious is this i caught up on your videos last night and uh i saw that and i was like i know she gave me a hard time because i was i put creepy music on last time but here's the little uh closet with who knows what brand new toothpaste why am i maybe i need to go shopping for groceries and stuff because i'm excited by pit stick and toothpaste meanwhile i've got stuff this room has uh it's very hard to get in here that there's a pump organ you can see there's a lot of music those are all that's all music sheets and uh that nice little burl wood bureau hey i wonder uh i wonder if they were in a band because there's a there's a box marked rubber bands right here actually there was a band called the rubber band or like even just lying around there's like picture facts on the apollo missions and lamps ornamental lamps and but did you see in that room yeah it's like the quasi-creepy city you're sitting down yeah that's where i was sitting there that is tiny yeah yeah it's very tiny that's actually a nice little dresser right there with the drop drawers on the front not bad there's gonna be a lot of furniture comes out of here let's go upstairs hey this is like a combination thing oh office safe yeah it's missing all the cool somebody maybe they were a safe cracker yeah maybe this was the house of a professional safe cracker maybe they were just trying to figure out how to get out of this room but you know there are people who are interested in things like these vintage 60s and 70s kind of furry coats like there's a lot of interest in old saying there's a lot of interest in old clothing you okay yeah did you find something cool or did you fall i almost knocked your thing off oh okay we'll go upstairs which is that way in a sec but uh okay let's do upstairs first the kitchen is a little scary we'll go upstairs okay i'll go up first these are the stairs this will have to be after the front room gets cleared out this stairwell will have to get cleared out pretty quickly after i mean a lot of this seems to be fabric crafting materials supplies maybe christmas presents that never were used pottery lots of woven rugs some random toys for no reason vintage tripod where hey for all those people that say i should be using a tripod i have one there now but i find it easier actually just to carry the yeah the camera around more clothes but what's at the back of the closet what's down there you guys will have to watch future episodes if you want to see me go room by room and clean everything out yeah is that a dream catcher what is that woman i have no idea maybe it's just woven art somebody watching will know and they'll be like you guys call yourselves auntie well you don't call yourself an antique dealer they'll be like you call yourself an antique dealer so we're on the second floor it's a bathroom which has not probably been used as a bathroom in a long time it's really really full i own i am one man who owns more ladies clothing there's some art just randomly hanging on the wall well it is actually yeah it's not just sitting there oh and there's the upstairs bedroom is there a light switch in here that works oh this is where we start seeing that the house needs a lot of tlc a lot of work bedroom um and then this way see if you can climb your way into that room josh like there's a whole room or something here that i can't even get in i i don't know what this is if it's another bedroom because look look at the distance between me and you yeah there's i think another room here well they're probably because look this wall here and then there's 10 feet of nothing of nothing and then you close it here yeah but there's what's in between so there's something in between here there's probably like a whole other little room that we haven't been in no more jewelry more bits of jewelry lying around looks like a titanium ring look i'm making money already there's a box we found piles of money yeah it literally it's like 55 cents a little file i have somebody who's interested in a lot of these shoes people who thought i was crazy hey look there's a rc comic what is this that is that off a dentist no oh that's for drawing i think like um for drafting i think that's a drafting table behind you or maybe no no oh are you on a bed right now this is a bed oh you know what we should do while we're upstairs here yeah i know you're like comics because i know from knowing you and from watching videos that you have a big collection archie comics yeah mostly the digest though i don't really collect these these style mostly the digest you know what i'm worried about not that i wouldn't what's that i'm worried that i just bought a bunch of old clothing you may have i might have some of this fabric's kind of cool let's check out this vintage radio oh it's empty never mind no boom box included super woofer 3d okay let's dig out this door and see what's in there while we're here all right you up for it okay i'm gonna i'm gonna put the camera down i'm gonna dig and it's everything i needed to finish yesterday we're gonna burrow like well these are brand new hey look everybody calls dakota dakota like we got his jeans here hey dakota you know what though as i'm tossing these aside vintage levi's are quite valuable aren't they yeah vintage denim is uh quite collectible so i will have to actually go through a lot of this stuff to see some of it's not that old though but if i can get down the leather jacket a super nice one it's like half suede and half leather oh that's an light box super old patterns oh oh some more patterns oh wait yeah patterns okay there's hundreds of them hey let's look oh i'm gonna bring this home to jason my son loves meccano guess what kiddo dad just bought you a really expensive mechanic are there two of them this one's full let me just make sure it's actually mechano in here yours is empty mine is full and it looks like it's never been used nice huh well actually maybe i won't tell him he actually asked for this for christmas christmas is a couple weeks away my kid actually asked for meccano perfect put that there you know how hard it is to get this set yeah yeah literally literally uh we are trying to get to the bottom of this pile to see what's in this little room here i don't know if that's special for anything oh cool that is neat that's got to be quite old too that's for a tailor yeah dude that's a neat piece that'll we'll find a home for that yeah cool does it have a year in it it's a little damaged let's see uh well i think it's missing look it's saying what's it advertising dippity do what hair gel weird um okay maybe it's missing the front panel i think it is it looks 20s or so to me like it looks like it's 20s 30s kind of here because even this says page three so it's missing the first two pages okay i'm gonna see what's in this bag shoe forms whole bag full of shoe forms this book is made in slovenia is it in english though yeah retail hooks probably had a there's a lot of team 24 24 okay yeah this is a big old piece of leather right here that's just leather is uh fairly expensive to buy the hide even with some marks on it you could still use that for something great that's good what's this pageant it's a little bit on the naughty side batman what are you getting yourself into i don't know what's more revealing though their outfits are batman spandex onesie i mean you know it was the 60s the swing in 60s oh look it you'll learn more and earn more with new memory pills oh batman we're not even at the floor yet no we're not okay what's in that box keepsakes and stuff newspapers clothing oh dude check it out oh snap it's a nikkor matte camera with a big like telephoto lens that's like a professional camera from the day and what the heck that's your viewfinder that's a score right off the bat okay i'm gonna put that with my meccano set for my take home later pile if my take-home later pile doesn't collapse oh okay i'll put this on the chair and i'll take the mechano up check this out it's an old coca-cola like a dealer jacket probably from the 80s or something but it's a men's large or extra large oh look i got this is good hudson's bay blanket blanket it's a four point it's on the bed yeah that means it's like almost a full size four point is a big one this is like a three hundred dollar blanket right here it's wool i think it's on the bed yeah it is maybe we'll just leave it on the bed for now i think there's another one underneath your foot too that's the second one i think it doesn't look like it's connected to this one see two of them nice 600 bucks right there score yep you don't believe me look up what a bay blanket sells for new they're pricey look this is man at his best and then it also says get your copy today let's see what the best man looks like hello ladies dude he looks like this josh found a coat that's your leather that's like a pimp jacket ladies i could be like a detective now actually that thing fits you perfect like starsky like a glove i'm a little grossed out that you tried it on it was under some stuff this is when the place was still that's where the bad stuff is when it's under things that's where like mice live [Music] but it fits you though i feel like i should be buying like secondhand scissors off of you or something like you'd have open up your jacket and be like instead of watching you want to buy some scotch tape roll-ins like a low-rent dealer oh this is cool what's that this is another designer thing oh taylor book 1937 30 lots of 30s tailor books and stuff okay hey this isn't that old that's a helly hansen jacket these are pricey helly hanson's like really expensive uh oh yeah helitech that's probably like a i don't know 200 jacket or something so there is some good stuff mixed in here that jacket if you like it josh i will give you that jacket dude i don't i can't wear this dude this is way too not me no i think you should make it you and just when people ask you questions about it just ignore their questions and keep talking they'll be like dude what's with that jacket you'll be like so anyway i'd like the big mac smaller fries you're finding some books i'm trying to get this door open sorry i keep getting a thimble if you're getting distracted well this is literally just digging out a door and kind of see what we find along the way that camera was a good find though yeah and we were you're standing on it basically pretty well i always think that people would put the good stuff under their bed oh wait hang on oh that's a loonie a loonie that's a dollar americans who don't know what to lose canadian coin worth a whole buck oh look there's like dinner from 1972 left down there banana peel oh that's a belt you thought that was a banana peel yeah okay hey kids i'm krusty the banana peel here's the border oh hang on somebody maybe there's a pocket what they call a pocket dump in the metal detecting business where you drop your change and you're like darn it this room's so messy i guess i've just lost that dollar 26. sweet let's see okay i think we can almost get this door open oh the anticipation is killing me first time in like 40 years what's in the closet oh looks like it's closed oh hang on there's jewelry and boxes and the light works oh it's a big closet look do not open this door you can you can sing if you do not you can sink if you don't step on the there's some kind of secret door it probably just goes out to the trusses yeah but there's a secret door yeah that's cool cooler than what i said check out this oh it's a bunch of shoes and hats and things 1950s looking for sure look at the polka dots in there italian shoes that is like your breakfast at tiffany's outfit right there look at all these clothes look at all the vintage clothes and the cobwebs nobody's been in here in ages kodak film oh some pictures oh man this is like that was full of jewelry costume jewelry mainly but maybe there's other jewelry in here too oh go go boots like vinyl 1960s like these are uh like your laughing go go dancer kind of boots right there there's a pair of them oh i'm gonna have to come back and look in that secret room and there's a there's bags and stuff man this isn't even the this doesn't go through to the other side josh that means there's another closet this big on the other side this is fairly organized in here we have to come back and dig through all these boxes evening shoes shoes white shoes brown shoes black what's in the case oh can i reach the case what's in the case there is a little bit of costume julie and a razor probably like a little travel kit tons of shoes bags full of stuff okay well if you find the right outfit look at this 60s swag in here this is all like super vintage stuff it's like this closet hasn't been touched since 1971 or something and it's all the same stuff this is all like old school if there's some good names some good brands there might be some good value in here okay i mean where is the light switch okay uh you all right yeah you had like a mini cave in over there yeah okay you never know what's underneath this is probably one of the well this isn't the worst room we didn't show you guys the basement yet okay i am wiggling my way oh in between the piles here trying to get back to where this is as far as melissa could get last time and i think i'm seeing if there's oh there's another grand piano in here no there's not there is i mean what do you mean there's another grand piano ah this guy does it play there's another one oh that's your baby grand right that means it's a single mother piano wait does it play hold on unless the dad piano is downstairs yep we'll be rocking out thanks for playing the creepy music while we're inside this house nothing like having the creepy music box going oh my goodness oh all these nice little boxes full of things oh my goodness another one is it full yeah bring it out well don't untie it because it might not close it's gonna be hard to carry it downstairs is there stuff in it uh i think it's jewelry oh okay we'll definitely bring that downstairs in little bits of jewelry drawings yeah not good ones what's with you and me finding places where people are kind of eccentric artists i know dude it makes me worried about me i already i'm not worried about you i know you're gonna become an eccentric hoarder except you're gonna have a bunch of raw lumber lying around and they'll be like what was with this guy oh let me pick this little two inch piece of wood off the ground okay this is gonna be a much bigger job for another day i'm gonna leave this area for melissa because this is where she was having fun and i don't want to ruin the fun for her so i'm going to leave this for now for her and i'm going to try and find a place to stand let's take it out of here let's downstairs it's crazy the amount of stuff though isn't it yeah but it's not as it's not i would say is as full of garbage as mary's place like this is all pretty decent stuff yeah you could if you wanted to take the time you could literally sell 99 of the stuff in here yeah it's all i mean it's a lot of clothing but nothing's in really terrible shape including your swanky jacket you've got on right okay let's get out of here timber that was you man me oh it fell over when i walked past only underneath to clear it out that looks like a gucci brazilian made but that's the gucci colors paperwork okay i think they can clear it up with the stuff here crawl my way out of here i'm actually pretty happy about the condition of the piano these big legs should just unscrew that's in nice condition now we are in the kitchen [Music] speaking of hp yeah i wouldn't be eating anything out of here there is no hp you know what people do hide things in the freezer oh look at all the ice build up in there wait hang on no it's just a hollowed up why would you eat all your ice cream probably because you don't want like you don't have you can't find your garbage cans you're like i'm just going to put it back where you came from people hide things in the fridge yeah um in this case it might just be food remember when i was looking for a fridge like that from mary's place and then sewing machine sovereign sewing machine and i know people are going crazy about all the buttons and stuff that are in these baskets people like buttons people like buttons what am i going to tell you i don't know uh not a telescope what do you call that thing on the window there uh microscope yeah microscope yeah yeah yes it is lots of watch batteries and stuff this is going to be a big job cleaning this place out i mean i want to sell and donate and reuse as much as i can what's with you in leather jackets today what's in the pocket oh kleenex what's up with old people saving used kleenex you never know because you might need kleenex someday look at how 1950s this kitchen still is like look at those cupboards josh that it's like basically just the way it would have been yeah it's unrenovated since 1952 or whenever this house was built i know this stuff check this out you don't see that built into a house anymore you know what this is oh yeah that's like it's a drop down ironing board it won't drop down now is there anything down there no but that's your ironing board built right into the kitchen is that the radio from the box upstairs oh maybe that might be the radio for the box upstairs okay let's go down to the basement this is it's scary a little scary hacksaw right by the door you know just in case and also another crosscut saw or yeah yeah the saws um there's a tree trimmer a couple of them yeah yeah and then a brand new saw an erwin saw that's not i don't know why i said it's like it's not it's a brand name or anything but [Music] okay and then and the background we have to deal with all this this entire basement is full up to the roof literally up to the roof watching your previous videos it does not even translate so you had no idea josh saw the last video was here but it is crazy this is where i fell into the black hole of clothing so did i when i turned on the freaking light now do we have to pull that cord or will it turn off with the switch uh i don't know i turned it on with the cord okay we might have to crawl back in there um this is utter madness this is going to be oh my goodness it's a it's a like an eight inch hang on i'm gonna turn around so you can see that's what i went through josh is more slender than i so he didn't make the grunting sound um i've got a nice treadle sewing machine down here which i'll eventually get uh but look i think this is still this rockwell uh table saw is still in the box brand new all right brand new table and look there's a master craft uh drill brand new with the tag still on the top oh yeah yeah uh did you but did you see around the corner here for the man who likes tools this is all like this is stacked full of like brand new tools oh yeah like it's all in the packages yeah a lot of it's in the packages there's a toolbox back there there's some men's clothes there's a snow shovel a big one that's that's pretty handy there's a dead dog no it's a furry 60s vest or coat there is a dead mug is there oh gross yeah it's in a mouse trap too yeah that's gross yeah we're gonna find mice in here i'm sure of it but look there's a titanium 115 piece titanium drill set still in the box what's up with all the saws um let's not ask questions maybe about what's up with all the saws look this trunk there's like a big treasure chest trunk down there no it's not a dog it's a vest josh is like thinking is that an actual dog but look there's a whole bunch of brand new clamps i'm going to put my foot on that you don't ask questions about why there's so many of those okay i'm up in the roof there are a pile of tools down here i mean i see some oil cans too the right oil can can be worth some money old look campbell's soup boxes from the 40s some dumbbells down here oh here's another yeah there's a couple of dumbbells down here yuck yuck old jean jackets there's another drill press this is like one of those ones that's like uh where i can't even i don't look i'm about five feet up off the ground right now i'm afraid to step anywhere okay i'm coming down okay i'm down yeah bags of yeah tools gonna get my money's worth out of tools probably oh for sure okay um so i have eight weeks to clear this all out is there a light switch in here i'll get it i'll grab it do you know how to do it okay was it over there the switch no i didn't even come back here before oh there's a little nook underneath the stairs oh cool and there's some creepy little figures staring back at us up there can't focus on him though hang on where'd you go josh is on the washing machine leather lacing leather scraps leather works blue navy black bins of fabric boxes of tools uh yeah you're right whoa ah i don't like finding dolls in places like this it just it's unnerving somebody's like oh but it's cute not when you're not expecting to see a face looking back at you uh don't knock the pipe off there's another doll oh yeah that's a that's a walking doll i think that's one that would walk with you 1950s maybe there's some toys down here i'm i'm going to crawl out for now though [Music] i i know i know it's packed oh i have to actually just kind of scooch on one foot to get out of here hey cool is that that looks like a hat form this looks like a farm for making like a top hat that is look josh that's a wooden hat form for making like a bowler hat oh i was wondering what that was yeah this is like you put your felt around the outside you know like the mad hatter right maybe this was a mad hatter situation too much mercury or something oh good grief i know it fell okay it's all right it's a big chunk of wood that's actually really cool i like that yeah look at all these suits there's all the fabric spools and spools and spools of fabric brand new 1970s and 60s fabrics wait you got a spider going on over there alive or dead that's a lot no it's probably wondering where you came from yeah little peacock that's an old calgary brewing bottle paper label that would probably be a collectible bottle to someone if it was more intact hats oh my goodness you know this first day is the day where you're like this is kind of cool and very quickly after this you're like what have i done oh look around the corner it always surprises me that there's like a somewhat new hot water tank i guarantee the guy who put that here was like you got to be kidding me the stuff they put up with and then he gets home and his wife's like how was your day honey he's like i don't want to talk about it what did you do today just never mind and she's like i don't know what hank's problem is he's so upset all he does is install hot water tanks meanwhile he had to squish down through a hoarder house poor trades guys it's tough work i wonder what was so important to be kept ew gross i put my hand up there but there's stuff in there and there's things hidden back here and no it's not snowing in the house that's how dusty this is yeah this little pasture was completely packed okay josh i think i gotta call it a day for today and start putting a plan together on how to clear this place out i'm gonna wiggle my way out and get out of here go back upstairs to the land of the living um josh i think i lost him you okay all right yeah you found the one piece of lumber he's like cool yeah this is a piece of uh maple oh okay well i guess that is kind of cool also one of these things you know oh is that uh that's not suzanne summers she had the thigh master i don't know what the heck oh you put your feet in there yeah and then you pull yeah so that you can whack your toes off your feet when you let go of it i think walking around in this place is gonna be exercise enough this is a lathe there's a lathe like a is it a jeweler's lathe uh yeah it's a uni mat jeweler's lathe i actually have a buyer for that nice yeah i got a guy who asked me if i found one sweet i got something i can sell already yeah well not much of a load out of the house today but this wasn't about finding things although i did find a nice camera a brand new meccano set a big one in the box a uni-matte jeweler's lathe with all the accessories um and some extra jewelry i'm gonna bring home to melissa to look through but i can't find josh he's still down in the basement i better make sure that nothing collapsed on him okay that is all i'm gonna do for tonight um we're gonna start the work next week so for the next little while you're gonna see a pile of videos coming out from us uh josh will probably come back again i think uh you got a swanky coat and a piece of maple to do some stuff with but there'll be more there'll be more josh stuff dude i'm so excited about that tool room based off of all the like the the little like bits and stuff yeah there's got to be a mill or something well we'll have to dig to get to it but um i invested ten thousand dollars in buying the contents of this house that might seem like a lot of money because well frankly it looks like a lot of clothing and stuff right now but um the way i look at it is if this was a storage unit and there was a sweet grand piano in it somebody would be bidding the heck out of that and i don't have to bid against anybody i just get to have a really cool house full of stuff and i've got eight weeks basically a couple months to do it in so we'll see we'll do a big auction at the end we'll see if we recover our money but i have a lot of work ahead of me so stay tuned for more guys it's gonna get real exciting real fast well that's it i am geared up and ready for this adventure to continue on and you might be asking yourself well what does this guy's wife think about all this she must be wanting to kill him but the truth is she's cool with it yep and in fact next time you're coming with me right yeah yeah so next episode this time i'm going to have melissa digging around with me looking for treasures we're going to make a real experience out of this and hopefully have a lot of fun so stay tuned for more episodes guys um it's gonna be a christmas holiday extravaganza um who knew this is what we're doing over the holidays i knew yeah she always seems to know but stay tuned for more guys we'll see y'all soon and bye for now you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 1,052,089
Rating: 4.9235387 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, Hoarder house, Potters house, Hoarding, Hoarders buried alive, Curiosity inc, Alex archbold, We bought a hoarder house, Antiques, Collectibles, Treasure, Runway hoard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 51sec (2751 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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