I Almost Walked Past This $800 GARAGE SALE SCORE!!

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yeah for sure but i appreciate the deal on the other stuff for sure is this a guitar or something in here it's a it's an old uh how's it going doing good thank you so so [Applause] [Applause] can i make a little pile right here awesome so [Applause] what do you ask on the laptop julio is this your old laptop gotcha does that come with this stuff through those in the box or what's that uh these are like router and i guess cords and stuff like that not even sure exactly it would come with that twenty dollars for the whole box yeah what you're asking yeah would you do that uh what about 25 that's one terabyte right there okay yeah that's fair 25 for this yeah okay and then do you know what you had on this stuff over here this one right here and book and and that stuff i'm still making a pile but i'm just trying to get an idea okay um that's a little a cassette thing this is five i believe okay okay 30 um do you want it yeah i'll do that five dollars yeah that makes it 30 30. these i think we wanted two dollars for each cable okay for [Music] that's a really nice one six okay eight and then 15 on this okay is that good yeah yeah that works all right awesome i'll just keep making a pile so what's that like uh 15 2468 i think you got i think ten dollars in cables awesome we're okay so we'll call it 60 for now this is gonna be 60. okay i'll see cool i appreciate you working with me you can throw that book in there too yeah okay oh no no that is uh the homeowners oh okay do you know what they're asking on the book i don't know the price on the boat okay we'll keep that off then just keep it right here for now thank you awesome does it go back like the stuff back there so up for grabs too or no no that stuff right there gotcha okay uh oh all right i think i'm ready to get out of here all right yeah for sure i'm ready whenever you are sir oh thank you [Applause] maybe it's just not the sturdiest thing um just do a couple bucks oh my goodness would you take those clothes i'll throw this in there too i don't know what you had on that i just keep finding more what i said i just keep finding more more yeah exactly truck too i'm not sure if you know on that sorry actually i'd and then your penalty um uh speaker up there i guess amp do you know what you think on that i wanted 150 for that okay i think about that one so two so that's what 82 and then you said we weren't 80 92 92 awesome sounds good to me well i have two amps over there i got you so let me check the price of that one before i show you wrong i got you something right 92. thank you you want me to wait and check the price are you gonna um i resell two so i mean i wouldn't be buying it at full price we could work something out i'd have to check two i'm not so hard so far right yeah i'm not too uh not for sure on prices i'm just trying to get an idea go look ah it's a kb 100 pv kb 100 those swords okay so basically it's a yeah these are what they're going to go around yeah that's all right someone will buy it for that i'm sure but i'm just not interested at that price so yeah i understand yeah for sure but i appreciate the deal on the other stuff for sure is this a guitar or something in here it's a it's an old uh keyboard oh okay would you like to see it yeah for sure my wife's first keeper oh that's awesome what are you guys asking on that julio what about your sonic keyboard and hey that's a special feature floppy disks usable nowhere uh right i bought that it was the newest thing yeah it had a sequencer that was super cool i don't know i really don't know i haven't even plugged it in for a while i used to do a lot of church services [Applause] um i i have no idea what the price is 70 dollars i think that's fair yeah just in case it doesn't work or something like that you know i think that's fair all right yeah sounds good i bet so 20 30 40 50 60 thank you guys yeah for sure i appreciate that all right have a good day this has got some weight to it well i bought that for my daughter for christmas and then i bought her another one that um no no you're good i still want to dig through something if it's not okay what are you asking on your boots ma'am are you why do i keep going to you i'm sorry i'm sorry yeah kind of kind of similar okay what do you ask on the boots i'm 10. okay sounds good they look like they've never been worn right not very often yeah they were maybe worn a couple times gotcha what's up ben i met you before you the one that got that like 200 calculator that i set down oh yeah yeah yeah i'm vincent i got a channel now so yeah man what is it i got my vince's valuables vincent's valuables yeah dude i appreciate it i'll throw that clip in there there's 12. thank you i appreciate that thank you so much all right guys we just made it back from garage sales uh i made it a super early day i went out i left it like 6 30. we hit a cup uh we had two sales that we actually got stuff from and then i went to a community sale and i didn't really find much i've come to find that i don't really enjoy community sales anymore they're just overcrowded and people are everywhere getting stuff and you get there you have to get there super early and yeah in my opinion it's just not worth it so i hit an estate sale that was away from the community sales and it's first one i hit we hit really big at that sale i'm glad i hit it and then uh yeah we scored a couple things at the community sales so i'll show you that all right i was trying to set the stuff up like a thumbnail and i think that'll be a good thumbnail but we'll see if i end up using it um so yeah we'll start at um we'll start with the one we hit first this estate seal just had a ton of stuff uh they advertised it as a whole house i walked up and i saw just stuff in the yard and i was kind of disappointed but it ended up being really well um so i don't even know where to start let's start it off with this stuff over here so they had a bunch of audio equipment uh these are a bunch of uh like microphone cords um audio jacks that kind of stuff i paid two dollars a piece on those but i think they should do pretty well um some of them are upwards of like 20 i see some selling maybe not necessarily this brand for like 50 but i highly doubt we'll get that for any of those um we got this asus laptop this model is this is x53e um maybe i shouldn't put all that information in there we'll block out everything except the model number um but yeah we'll see if it has if it works uh we have the cord with it um but the if this is tested and working i'm seeing at least 100 bucks if not upwards of 150. this is an alesis quadriverb this if it's tested and working uh that's like 150 bucks minimum plus shipping we have this i've never even heard of this an asus ebox um the model number is ar 50 no ar 5b 95. um but yeah these look like they're selling for like a hundred bucks and it looks like it um maybe it hasn't been used i don't know maybe they just never took the covering off so yeah um we got this it's like a one he said it was one terabyte a wd hard drive i'm not sure if that even has any value i might just end up pitching it because it probably has personal information on it anyway but if i do list it i'm sure i will wipe that stuff off of there we got this usb uh cassette capture brand new in the box those are selling for like 20 bucks free shipping this will come let's see what it is become intuos ptz 431w this wasn't the greatest buy we paid 10 for it they're selling for like 20 bucks free shipping so definitely would not pick that up again um what else from that sale uh this stuff right here nothing crazy this is a samsung ir extender cable that's like seven bucks free shipping nothing crazy but um then we have a pioneer remote looks like it goes to a subwoofer uh definitely newer because it has bluetooth um i can't find any that look exactly like this uh but i don't know maybe 20 bucks 30 bucks pioneer remotes do pretty well especially when it's for audio stuff um funny enough we ran into ready set resell sorry my cat's sneezing funny enough we ran into uh ready set uh his name is ben he's got a youtube channel um not like i'm gonna be anything uh of a help to him he's he's a lot bigger than me but i'll put his channel down in the description uh but yeah he's actually in his latest video i think is where he was talking about first edition harry potter books and he's the whole reason i picked this up um if you flip to he's yeah it's this page right here it should say somewhere around here it says first edition print right here print in the usa first edition july 2007. um this one isn't in the greatest shape and it's missing the the cover uh but i think we should still be able to get like 10 to 15 bucks out of it if it had the cover maybe like 20 to 30 but we'll see um these cameras were super good he had a bag uh with two cameras in it and it had ten dollars on it and i saw this canon one i've sold i think i've sold this exact one if not something super similar for quite a bit of money so i just didn't even look this stuff up and i picked it up but this one is the canon vixia hf r500 this one if it's testing and working is going for like five not 500 i wish 150 plus shipping and then uh this fujifilm s7000 if that is tested and working that's going for like 50 bucks plus shipping um it looks like it's got some good scratching on it but yeah i'd say at least 40 bucks plus shipping on that vintage tonka stuff can do really well this is the tonka turbo diesel dump truck uh it's looking like a minimum 40 bucks plus shipping maybe 50 bucks plus shipping on that this was by far the best score of the day this is an sq80 and and sonic i think that's how you pronounce it um it's a keyboard you saw me pick up a keyboard on our vacation video a couple days ago keyboards are nothing to sleep on uh we bought this one for 70. and i can't tell exactly what these things are selling for because it looks like all of them have been accepting offers but all the offers are like 800 some dollars accepted and offer 700 some dollars except an offer so i'm saying maybe minimum six seven hundred dollars plus shipping on that uh i just gotta test it make sure it's working but yeah and then the next sale we went to we got this is the one we saw ben at we got some uh ugg boots these ones are the triple ribbon these things look like they've like never been used they still have the stickers on the bottom uh maybe used like once or twice but yeah these are selling for i'd say probably at least 100 bucks if not upwards of 150. we paid ten dollars for those and then we paid two dollars for three flags these are nothing crazy um a couple cavalier nba flags and then uh thunder flag i don't know much about sports but i just picked these up even if we make a couple dollars off of them whatever um and then here's some stuff like we're gonna donate this this is just like an rca antenna and then we got some random cords that i'll add to my collection of cords so yeah we did extremely well overall but that's going to wrap things up for today thank you so much for watching i really appreciate you ben it was nice meeting you if you do watch this video uh big fan funny funny story actually about him the reason i found out about him was i had picked this calculator up this hp uh like graphing calculator and i figured it had some value i picked it up at a garage sale set it back down and then walked to the driveway to look it up and i saw they were selling for like minimum two hundred dollars so i tried to rush back it had five dollars on it i rushed back to the garage to pick it up and i saw this guy with the gopro on that uh picked it up and i'm like man and i remember asking if he resells and he said yeah he told me about his channel and he was really surprised at the value of the calculator too so just thought that was a funny story but thank you guys i appreciate you you have a great day bye
Channel: Vincents Valuables
Views: 226,121
Rating: 4.8770394 out of 5
Keywords: Resell, reselling, sales, estate sales, ebay, ebay sales, garage sale, yard sale, tag sale, flipping, picking, picker, cincinnati, flips
Id: jXU9w1qMZZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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