It has to go! Mom sells off huge retro toy collection and I get first pick!

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Anyone spot anything rare here? Those Police Academy figures are really cool.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mattlodder 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2021 đź—«︎ replies
hi i'm alex archbull and i've been buying and selling antiques since i was 9 years old from basements to scrap yards i'll look just about anywhere i can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes i'll go big and buy everything with my wife and kids we run an antique shop in edmonton alberta canada filled with some of the most unique items we can find i never know what's going to happen or who i'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity home honey [Music] hey everyone well this morning i am excited not because of the weather because it's really cold outside i'm excited because i've got a pick this morning before i go into work and the person whose house i'm going to apparently has a whole pile a whole ton of 1980s toys stuff for my youth so i feel like a big kid i'm going to go look through somebody's toy boxes and hopefully find a few treasures for the shop it's time to bundle up get in the car and brave this minus 40 degree weather that we've got out here but it's gonna be nice and warm in the store hopefully sorting through a box of toys later oh another day in paradise [Applause] luckily the old toyota started just fine should be nice and warm inside but people always say alex how do you find these leads you're always going out places and finding cool stuff well it's because i have a store um if i was just trying to do this without having a store it would be very difficult to get leads uh but having a business and advertising the way we do we get lots of phone calls and when i get a call like this uh somebody says they have a house full of uh you know 1980s toys and transformers and who knows what else is there i respond like the world's nerdiest firefighter i'm not gonna come there and and put out your grease fire on your stove but i am gonna go there and uh dig through your basement and pull out all your old gi joes that's yeah you know that's fun for me i'm looking forward to it uh so i'm responding today to this call and um you know for me all this stuff from the 80s it's pop culture and it's really easy to sell it's popular that's why they call it pop culture i guess it's like it's not non-pop culture or whatever you'd call it it's all stuff that's very easy to sell because people who are my age are collecting things that remind them of their youth just like when i was a kid people my parents age were collecting stuff from the 50s it all kind of goes in cycles um until i guess maybe now the 50s would be retro for me even because it was retro for my parents i don't know eventually we're gonna be walking around like cavemen with you know logs and and cheetah print loin claws going yeah it's super retro uh for the time being i'm gonna focus on the toys i'm picking up today um yeah should be a fun morning though and um hopefully they'll let me film inside if they don't we'll do an unboxing after the fact yeah this is a pretty big variety uh ninja turtles um yeah and then i never had the ghostbusters station but i did i actually have a ghostbuster car in real life cause i'm just a big kid apparently but i did used to actually have some of these ghostbuster toys and then you got it all laid out so nicely too dick tracy these were um dick tracy oh yeah i remember those there was um yeah beetlejuice in there my you know and this is all gi joe down here this is pretty much like different sorted in the proper boxes yeah you've got the tank they made a version of this that i think was sold at consumers distributing i don't know if that's the one it's motorized yeah it might be i really don't know but and then some bigger some bigger ones [Music] some of the clothes and the accessories the guns and lots of the smaller i just maybe 50 of them or something and i [Music] tried well that happened now i have a vehicle full of my childhood memories i didn't have much of the ghostbusters stuff uh because i was already kind of getting to be you know like probably 12 or 13. i thought i was too cool too old for toys little did i know that i would end up making a career out of buying and selling this stuff um but i did get the ghostbusters playset a whole bunch of gi joe and now i've got to get myself to the store and basically figure out what part goes with what piece and that's the that's the challenge um the total cost for everything today was 450 canadian dollars uh but it might sound like a lot but some of those play sets can be worth a couple hundred dollars each ninja turtle stuff is quite collectible and if i have a complete set of ghostbusters with the car and the station um that could probably get my money back right right there so surprisingly old toys are worth some money so we're gonna get back to the shop um and i guess play with toys for the rest of the day should be all right nice thing is this firehouse looks like it's got his accessories nothing seems to be damaged now they sold this top part here is where you dump a bunch of slime and it looks like there is leftover tape or maybe slime no that's tape somebody put tape on the top that's not as bad as i thought it was i thought that was gross old ecto slime that was left on there from when somebody played it because they would show you dumping the can of slime through the grates and it going all the way through that's why there's grates here that go through because that was meant to dump your slime in and then your guys would get covered in gross slime there's a little fire pole that works you put that up at the top where you put your guy on it they spin and go to the bottom kind of a fun little set um problem i have is finding a place to put it so i've decided that i've cleared out the back there and that should be just enough room in that area to start laying out some of these 1980s toys which would be perfect because this is where i also keep some of the other like hot wheels and sports cards and things like that so it kind of makes sense that it's in this area well i don't know that and then there's above there's any ghostbusters station there and a brown bess revolutionary war gun above it but hey that's the variety you get in an antique shop kind of getting some of this stuff set up at the shop we've got the ghostbuster car and the firehouse we've got some of the ghostbusters here oh the siren works kind of makes a little squeaky siren sound um we've got uh um some of our ghostbuster friends here up on the roof fighting the stay puff marshmallow man and if you're not familiar with this series they also had these little figures like this that um had special features when you squeeze winston's arm here ah he screamed so i guess he'd be like hey winston there's a ghost on the roof he look at him go ah are you kidding me and you can't even trust little old ladies in this town because uh if you try to take your hat off whoop she turns into a monster now i've never tried taking a hat off an old lady walking down the street before but i'm not sure maybe that would happen so creative little toys that came out and as a result they're fairly popular today so to find a collection this big with pretty much all the figures and extra accessories and the playset is the main piece the fact is complete plus i have a whole box that's completely full of all the little anytime you buy a figure one of these will probably come in the package so you get these little accessories that go along with it too so the trick for me now is to figure out what piece goes with what set um that might be a job for later when i have a little bit more free time because i still have to unload the rest of that car uh but yeah some of this stuff um we'll find uh maybe that's the tongue for this guy i don't know we'll play around actually that looks about right i'll keep playing around and see what i can figure out now i wasn't sure what this was this it's labeled as cops it looks like it has some little features on it definitely from the 80s um oh the little back comes off there probably could store stuff in it um i thought maybe it was like judge dredd or something like that it looks futuristic but i started to think it was police academy because i look in here and look there's bobcat goldwaith his character and uh like those ghostbusters toys had features so did he when you push a little button on his back he dropped his pants so that's apparently how the world gets to memorialize him as an action figure but there's dick tracy stuff in here look there's beetlejuice it's the 80s all over again yeah more police academy stuff so apparently these little figures that had working functions and features were a big deal back in the day that's um what's his name bob is here you remember place academy bob i do remember the guy that did all like the sounds that's him i i can't for the like of me can't remember what his name was um but anyway super everybody's gonna be yelling at their screens because they probably know their names an icon of the 1980s and yeah they're kind of fun going through all this stuff so yeah a few police academy figures robocop it looked like he maybe uh you put caps in him or something this is a toy i never had but yeah it looks like you could put a roll of caps in his back and he'd probably make shooting sounds creative more creative than just your average toy that's supposed to be madonna right there okay well i'm gonna get these put away i better answer my phone now this guy here is 1990s ninja turtle you don't know teenage mutant ninja turtles it was a thing still kind of a thing um this is the techno drone which was like a vehicle mobile playset kind of thing oh look there's a cap gun inside bonus um what i have to do is find uh have a look around and see if i have all the accessories for it because there are some little things that are meant to be in here uh i think there's a table that goes in so that like completes the playset that pops down and that's their little sewer entrance so um having the accessories is a big deal so for now i'm gonna leave this guy aside uh until i can see if i've got all the accessories for it because if i do it's kind of a collectible piece but already i can see like it does have little turrets on it little guns are sticking out the side so it does have a lot of the parts that are meant to be on the outside including this little eyeball which just comes off that's easily lost uh in fact i think it shoots off it's kind of spring-loaded so i'm going to dig through a few other boxes that i've got here hopefully um we'll find the missing accessories for it i did find a box full of the ninja turtle accessories i didn't know where we put them when we packed them up pizza launcher kind of cool one problem open up the bottom this is why you take your batteries out of your toys that happens acid buildup battery leakage not great um that said this still might have a hope working again but you really have to clean all your contacts guarantee they're gonna be corroded so i'm gonna have to clean those batteries out of there and uh hope look at all that get all that corrosion off of this thing take your batteries out of your toys otherwise this will happen disgusting old batteries are out and it's not perfect but it's a lot better a little bit more cleaning and uh i don't know it's probably gonna take a little bit of doing before this thing will work again but still a nice little piece for display so far my quest through the boxes for accessories to complete this uh playset for the ninja turtles is going well i found a couple um pieces i still have not found the big giant gray looks like a metal pizza i think it's a table top i'm going to keep digging for that because if i find that it'll be i think pretty well 100 complete so i'm going to put these guys safely inside here so they're not lost and continue my search for the big gray tabletop okay oh look there it is okay well that set's complete this is the process you know it seems all like fun and games uh and then you have to go and build a little sewer place but lots of cool original 1980s and 1990s ninja turtle stuff that should sell pretty quickly and some of these figures you'd be surprised um there's one in here trying to find out where it is and like there's such random little figures but if you have the right one um they can be worth quite a bit of money on an individual basis in fact i was looking online and there are some ninja turtle action figures it can be worth upwards of a thousand dollars each if they're still in their packaging these are all loose so this guy uh bebop you know he's really popular he's got his blue shades his high top sneakers if that was in the original packaging you're looking at 300 plus in that shape no i don't know we'll have to see if his accessories are there but maybe even like 40 50 or so even loose um so a box like this full of figures can really start to add up but that's going to take some time to go through now that the ninja turtle stuff is put away i have a chance to go through some of the toy cars that i found as well some of them are kind of fun little vans there's always a market for this these are actually dick tracy cars would have been rubber tires on there which are missing but that's all right this is a i think it's major edit like a sonic flasher vehicle you used to be able to push like one of the wheels and i mean this was back in the day and it would oh look it still goes what kind of batteries were they using in 1985 or whenever this thing came out that they still work all these years later well that's pretty nifty um that was a cool feature i remember those uh as a kid yeah push down on the back you drive it around neat i'm having way too much fun at work today uh little land rovers and ice cream trucks well lucky for me i keep all of my little cars all organized and sorted in these drawers so i've got a couple file drawers are just about empty but that won't be for long i just had one of those moments where you kind of realize you've made a terrible error i am putting all these little toy cars out you know all little toy cars are going out this guy comes in i recognize him he's been through the store before um one of my bigger guys uh that buys hot wheeled cars like comes in goes crazy looking for hot wheels and so i said last time you're in i told you i had all these hot wheel cars come in you didn't even have a look i said i thought you'd be super excited he doesn't say anything about it walks all around brings me up a camera says i've got this camera i said okay well you know i'm not really looking for a camera but if you like i could do a credit towards the hot wheels for you um yeah he's like nah i don't know so i'm thinking oh this is odd this guy usually comes in and buys like 30 40 hot wheels at a time when he's through um then you know he's like well maybe i'll trade for some jam or something we did i traded a camera for some jam that's what happened here uh but then i'm like i'm really surprised you didn't look through the the hot wheels again you know like i'm thinking maybe he gave up on collecting i don't know what's going on and then he says well i don't have any kids or nephews so i i don't know why i look through the hot wheel bin and anyway he he leaves and i say have a nice day and i realize after the fact it wasn't the hot wheel guy it was just some other customer who looked similar to the hot wheel guy he's going to think i was like pushing i was like a pusher of hot wheels i'm like hey you got to try that good stuff i got the good stuff i got the hot wheels around the corner and he's like what's with this guy oh he probably is gonna think i'm crazy i think he watches my videos so if you're watching this video just know i thought you were someone else it dawned on me after he left that i was like oh i just tried pushing hot wheels on a guy who has no interest in it because it's not the not the same human being i thought it was in my defense though when there's people in the store we're all wearing masks and stuff right now so uh it's hard to tell who people are oh i promise you i'm not that hopped up on selling hot wheels i'm going to push them on everybody that walks through the store that said though did get a lot of them in maybe i'll maybe i'll get him started on collecting anyway i'm going to get myself back to work here because i still have three or four boxes more of stuff to put away aside from uh the little toy cars which are now out i also ended up getting all of these 1980s gi joe figures and like many other collectibles the right gi joe can be worth a good amount of money now they have little elastic bands that hold the torsos to the bottom and sometimes you'll find them in pieces very easy to fix you can get a replacement gasket or elastic band and put them back together again these guys are all actually still pretty good and the reason why they snap is that people twist them and twist them around and then it snaps the elastic inside but these kids were very careful with their toys and as i'm going through i'm also seeing that there's bags full of accessories which is what you want um so that's gonna take some doing to go through to make sure you have all the little right guns and accessories with the right people uh even this bag is full of little weapons and accessories so that's gonna take more than today um i was assembling though some of these other sets and that was complete i got all the pieces for it that's the ninja turtle set um the ghostbusters set that was all good and oh yeah the the sewer set found all the accessories for that too but the one thing uh was this 1980s gi joe set and it's absolutely massive the gi joe headquarters from i think around 85 or so somebody will probably correct me if i'm wrong but it's around that time frame um i think i have all the missing little bullets and accessories for it but it's like two feet tall and three feet wide how big was the average child's bedroom in 1986 that you could have toys that massive just sitting around unless that's your only toy you got but um i don't remember getting stuff that big i always wanted the giant they had a aircraft carrier and i thought that was the coolest thing but this is neat i guess if you if you hit certain little targets um bits and pieces will fall down like it has battle damage so i'm gonna dig through the boxes and make sure i get all the parts for that but it has been an absolutely full day of finding little toys and accessories oh this 80s stuff is so fussy and finicky you have to go online to find out that the pizza shooter top actually had that little rolly bass bottom on it but it's all worth it in the end because toys like this like i said can be worth you know hundreds of dollars um in fact uh this unit totally complete can be worth over 500 bucks so my investment will eventually come back to me but it's going to take some time that is it for today um it is past five o'clock we're closed and um we even get through all that stuff but it'll give me something to do next week until i go and buy the next lot of things and then have to take my time to go through it it's this never-ending cycle and on saturday i'm going to look at another house that's completely hoarded full of stuff might buy that you never know um it's just never seems to quit but have a wonderful day guys thanks for tuning in don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already there's always something happening around here and thanks for watching and bye for now you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 88,181
Rating: 4.9685826 out of 5
Keywords: Ghostbusters, Tmnt, Teenage mutant ninja turtles, Gi joe, 1980s, 80’s toys, Curiosity inc, Alex archbold
Id: sc5v3Bhl7do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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