We REMADE the Minecraft Zombie from Scratch

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we hired five minecraft developers to remake the zombie from scratch that's right one of the most recognizable mobs who ever come across the game has now been reimagined in five different ways some with similarities to the original others completely reimagined and all of them with their own unique drops for your minecraft survival world let us know in the comment section below which minecraft mob we should remake from scratch next so our first zombie remake today is known as the devourer what does he do well you'll find out right now the devourer is threw together by ambiguous chameleons so thank you chameleon this rendition of the zombie features a vile hungry creature and after slaying a certain number of normal zombies it will become eligible to spawn in during the night now before we fight him we've got some gear right here that i'm going to go ahead and put on because tonight would be a big mistake we'll call it so sword apples nice and ready we've got a button here that's going to act as though we killed a bunch of the zombies so with that here is the devourer he'll literally come up from the ground and will begin his assault on you now the devourer has multiple attack styles it can hurl poison at you which you'll be able to see in just a moment here it can also summon in a zombie backup all over the place not only that but it will constantly head towards you and if you let it get too close to you it will latch onto you with its teeth and actually bite you there's the poison i yeah yeah oh gosh he's biting me he killed me instantly saddest story truly when being bit you'll actually be dealt slow damage as well as weakness and from time to time a few other maladies not only that but it's got the ability to throw its arm at you and if it happens to catch you with its arm oh boy which it literally just ripped off in front of us oh gosh the arm is stuck on me oh man the arm oh it's so bad i'm gonna try it oh gosh out of nowhere bad bad bad news bears look at you oh my gosh he is dealing so much damage to me he literally just grabbed his arm and put it back on yo oh okay where's oh my gosh the zombies they just keep coming out of nowhere i can't even really attack him when he's in this state you're gonna want to make sure you've got some healing ability ready the moment he bites you because you are literally stuck in the devourer's grasps or his bite i should say the moment he gets nearby and you cannot escape so now is your time to heal when that goes on so meanwhile i'm gonna start gosh taking on some of his backup right here in an attempt to oh oh oh oh you look through the arm at me again the arm is stuck on me the arm will actually deal damage to you and slow you down for as long as it is attached to you please please oh my gosh he's literally got so much health on it not only that but if the arm is on you you no longer have the ability to jump so it becomes harder and harder to escape as well i recommend you maintain a safe distance six feet at least if you plan on fighting this guy oh gosh now's our chance to deal some major damage to him oh boy oh boy oh bad bad bad stop summoning in backup you gotta go dude he's dealing so much damage to me ah finally killed him on death he'll drop one of his appendages and so what does the devourer's arm do exactly well it does the same thing it did to you except now you can do it to other mobs right click to throw it and it will not only latch on to the mob you threw it at but you'll also get some temporary speed and strength boosts what's more you can actually pick it up from the ground once you've killed the mob that it's attached to and you'll be able to do that with relative ease with your strength boost notice we literally punched the zombie and it only took a few swipes in order to take that guy out imagine using a sword it essentially becomes a one hit wonder cows spiders zombies even innocent little pigs none of them stand a chance sorry porker oh look straight from the river oh wow putting on a show for me too all right let's give him a hand perfect ain't set a chance ha ha not bad but how do the other zombie remakes fare this next zombie remake is awesome but don't lose your head over it you're gonna need to stay focused it's courtesy of developer miles plays and it features this little guy right here that's right the zombies are adorable though probably an attempt to keep you from killing them but we're not gonna let that one happen for now it's worth noting zombies once again spawn out of the ground but this time they're more durable and much harder to kill we'll see that in just a second as the undead they can survive without a head though without one they become a lot weaker in addition these zombie remix do not burn in sunlight they also come with their very own jump attack so once again we're gonna go ahead and equip some armor so that we can make sure that we're handling these guys because i have a feeling it's not going to be as easy as we're used to with that let's spawn in a couple of these sockets all over the place you literally see them emerge from the ground now these guys have some serious speed boost and as you can tell here they are capable of jumping at you so you'll want to keep them at bay man very difficult especially because they come in packs now again if you're not careful you'll end up being overwhelmed by them but as long as you aim true you'll actually end up taking them out piece at a time you'll notice that one of them is now missing their head i think we actually took out a second one and maybe even a third one now are all missing their heads and they're actually dropping bits of brain fragments which we'll get to in a hot second here for now i want to focus on this last one that still has his head oh boy and maybe worry about oh gosh yo they literally jumped in the air so high up that one of them killed himself from doing it oh man okay well thankfully you won't always run into them in packs like this so it makes them a little bit easier to take on they also have from time to time some decent drops these ones all we got is zombie flesh as well as brain fragments but you can get other things such as bits of armor and etc we're gonna try another round right now and see how well they do against us go ahead come on now what's good come on yo see that time we got some chain mail armor for our trouble i did give myself strength so it's a little bit easier to kill these guys right away and if you are strong enough you can actually skip the process where they lose their heads so i'll go ahead and put on some chainmail leggings actually i got better gear but anyways the brain fragments so what are these things about well when eaten these fragments will help you find dungeons because you'll be consuming additional brain cells but they do have a little bit of a nasty side effect let's go ahead and munch on one right now ah you'll be hit instantly with blindness as well as from time to time a hunger but notice we can now see underground all of these things that are being highlighted on the screen are actually other mobs located in cave systems ravines mine shafts etc that you'll be able to look at from below let's take another look-see eat away yes as you can see here some of these guys are extremely far down we're literally going to hit the bottom area right here oh my gosh that was a heck of a drop and as you can tell they're legit underground so this is going to be an effective way for you to locate cave systems that are nearby and get busy once again taking on any nearby enemies maybe if you're lucky even find some divers but otherwise maybe some food because the brains they don't taste too good but how does zombie number three fare well for one this guy is more of a boss mob than anything else let's find out more first and foremost zombie remake number three is courtesy of our favorite developer drumstick the bird aka it's craftable plays which you can check out on youtube if you didn't know and also don't forget tyler's he says in the corner there by the way did you all uh sub and hit the bell yet okay perfect thanks this zombie remake is known as the necromancer and it can be found in new structures located around your world the macromancer itself acts more as a boss battle than anything else and it's capable of numerous different attacks here's the mob in question it can set the ground on fire it can summon in husk's backups that have yellow circles around them to indicate that they've been heavily buffed so you'll want to stay away from them if that's the case on top of that the necromancer is capable of spawning in numerous different clouds that can deal poison damage to you can make you weak he can set the ground on fire he can do a whole mess of things so you'll want to make sure that you keep your distance from him as well always six feet by the way in addition this necromancer can summon in bats from time to time that will actually poison you if you get too close to them fortunately they're also not immune to the fire that the necromancer could sow it in but look at that we actually managed to kill him quite quickly which is a nice surprise because these necromancer made structures are fairly common and if you didn't know you can actually get a very special weapon from killing the necromancer as well it's known as the double blade and it comes with its own set of unique abilities it allows you to damage mobs around you so we're gonna summon in some spooky scary skeletons and you'll notice right off the bat that any mobs nearby are instantly afflicted with the wither effect so you have the ability to take on numerous amounts of them all at the same time through a series of passive damage debuffs that are done to them beautiful we took out most of those guys with no problem whatsoever look we'd have to you know we just hang out you just let them chase us down they can't really do anything but i'm curious to see what happens if we were to take on the necromancer itself using the very weapon that it drops well i guess we can find out right now yo what's good stupid aha yo he's literally the worst all we kind of really have to do is stay somewhat close to the creatures so that we can be dealing this constant damage with wither but as long as you manage to not stay on fire too often avoid bats creatures of that nature wow did we already kill him well okay nothing like dual wielding double blades i literally feel like some kind of jedi here so that was a little bit easier than i was expecting but i wonder how zombie number four is going to do us to answer that question we've got to do something a little uncomfortable and that's because this next zombie remake will only show up when you die allow me to explain this one's courtesy of developer godlander and it's a whole new take on zombies when you die in survival mode a clone of the player will spawn aka zombified version of yours truly by yours truly i mean you they will sort through your best gear and use it in an attempt to keep you from claiming your items back so as you can see here we're gonna grab all these different swords put the diamond sword right in the middle so you know there's no tomfoolery going on here and down here we've got a die button so i'm gonna press this and the moment we press it well we die but more importantly we get to see our look at the next zombie an undead log.zip covered in blood but more importantly wielding the very sword that we just lost a second ago and he will in fact use it now he can still catch fire if you manage to kill him though you'll get all of the items that you initially lost upon dying from the get-go now you need not be in cave systems you can literally die anywhere and wherever it is you die that zombie will instantly grab all of your goodies and i literally mean all of them so now he's got a whole bunch of swords on him and we have no meaningful defense against this guy so don't mind me while i just punch him strictly to death as far as i can tell he's got the same amount of health as a regular zombie so shouldn't take an enormous amount of time to take this guy out and reclaim your gear but just like that we've gotten all our goodies back once again now if you were to die in the middle of daytime well it's still work except you're going to have a little bit of an easier job taking this guy on because he will also be on fire and so that's you know that's pretty useful just keep a safe distance away from him and you'll still be able to get your items but it's not limited to just weaponry now as we ascend once again to our doom you'll notice a whole mess of items on me and this time around when we die the zombie will continue to keep all of those goods on his person well on his zombie he'll even wear helmet and other gear but as you can see right here we did just get everything back down to the last diamond heck i'd say one of the most interesting things is that there's also a drowned zombie variant so in the event you happen to drown underwater and lose all of your items well as you'll be able to see in just a second here that nasty guy is waiting for us under water oh my gosh and he's wearing the dragon head an interesting foe to try and deal with but look at that once again we get all our goods as if nothing happened now why would you want to kill this guy other than to get your stuff back well i'm pleased to let you know that they also have a five percent chance of dropping a special amulet it's known as the zombified amulet and keeping it in your offhand slot will cause any other zombies that you happen to cross through death or otherwise completely passive they won't mess with you yo legit they don't mess with you they don't do anything you're they're the worst you little babies imagine wow that we all suck i take it off and they're all real mad oh bad news but put it right back on and just like that they're best friends again oh i'm so happy haha happy indeed but how happy will we be when we take on the final zombie our final zombie today comes straight from a graveyard a new addition to villages that spawn in your world their das jaff's take on the zombie and they're not necessarily a pushover so i wouldn't get too comfortable visiting your villages with any sense of safety the zombie is found in the graveyard again a new part of villages you can see one right over there now the zombies themselves will oftentimes only spawn in during dusk and so we'll be setting it to dusk in just a second here i'm gonna go ahead and gear up in the meanwhile because typically speaking i've been having problems handling my zombie hordes you know it's just a personal problem really we're going to set things to dusk right now and you'll be able to see in just a second that these zombies will begin to spawn in in the graveyard which you'll be able to locate in villages and they'll often come equipped with various signs showing off different times that they died different names poor debra oh they did you dirty like that terry will carl alexander and john effin the chat jones i i assume that's what that was about anyways but looks like their ears were burning and so here are the zombies they'll literally take their heads off put them in their arms so that they can attack you and they deal some pretty serious damage as well now they have relatively low health but the problem is that they spawn in numerous numbers and if one for the fact that i had on this awesome diamond gear we'd be in some serious trouble here easy does it now from time to time you'll have a chance at getting the zombie head itself as a brand new drop and the zombie head itself is no joke look at those chompers seriously someone get this guy to the dentist asap nasty nasty stuff look at those teeth oh my goodness so what can you do with the zombie head well when in the offhand slot the zombie head will harm mobs that are directly in front of you and you can deal some pretty decent damage using them as well allow me to demonstrate on this innocent bovine cow poor betsy look at that get close enough and the zombie head will take care of the dirty work for you you'll want to at least attack the cow once on your own accord if you plan on getting any sort of experience from it i don't think we managed to get one single hit on it on its own so you'll want to give it a punch and once you've done the punch you'll be able to get experience for your hard-earned innocent cow killing it's kind of sad but how's it fair against some actual difficult mobs how about an iron golem these guys spawn in villages typically anyways hmm i got a feeling it's going to be nice and easy now the cool thing about the zombie head is also the bad thing about the zombie head as you saw a second ago if you didn't deal any damage on your own you would not be able to get any experience from the mob in question you're killing but you know anything about iron golems they will attack you the moment they detect you attacking them which means that the zombie attack is actually a passive attack and will not trigger passive and neutral mobs to attack you in return which means you can safely take out things like iron golems zombie piglens etc without any fear of them turning against you and what's more i believe wow you can get two different bites going on at the exact same time yo these golems they never stood a chance with any luck we'll be able to take this final guy out collect our goodies and oh look right he's about to run too little too late my friend we got your flowers i smell beautiful but hey from chomping heads to throwable arms those were all five of our developers remakes on the zombie in minecraft let us know in the comments below which of these zombies ended up being your favorite recreation and if you want to catch some more awesome mob creations that we redid from scratch you can check out both our creeper remake as well as our ender dragon remake make sure you subscribe for more and we will see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,271,817
Rating: 4.9145899 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, zombie, minecraft zombie, minecraft zombie update, minecraft zombie farm, zombie update, zombie game, new zombies in minecraft, new zombies, new mobs in minecraft, new minecraft mobs, update, minecraft update, mob update, new mobs, new from scratch, remake, remade, updated, paid, logdotzip, minecraft 1.16, gaming, survival, challenge, minecraft mobs, new mob, secret, new, 1.16, we paid 5 devs, we paid, remade zombie, new items in minecraft, new weapons
Id: rn843hLwZy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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