What if Minecraft had REALISTIC Natural Disasters Update?

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tornado solar storms and meteors oh my oh my goodness this is the coolest thing ever natural disasters have hit Minecraft in a serious way and with this data pack you'll be able to explore what it would be like to have some of these earth-shattering events occurring in your survival worlds but those of you brave enough to dare these amazingly disastrous disasters may be rewarded with some special new gear and new opportunities to get that much more out of your survival gameplay let's check him out alright so first natural disaster is gonna be tornadoes because I know y'all have one of these things to ravage the game well now they are added into game grenades for dangerous high-speed winds that can spin up in circles you've seen them before they're now in Minecraft now in our case we can actually start one by launching hot and cold substances into the air that's how tornadoes actually are created in real life when different temperature winds are met together in an explosive way this heat difference is known to be the likely cause of these tornadoes so for the hot substance we're gonna need to grab ourselves a bucket of love we got a bucket right here we're gonna get our hands on some conveniently placed lava oh wow even the sign says it well at least we're on the same page huh now the lava isn't hot enough in its current form we're gonna need to do a little bit more to it so we're gonna place it inside of a blast furnace and then we're gonna heat up this lava bucket oddly enough we're gonna use birch signs in order to do it in this data pack you can actually heat lava buckets and when you do you'll be met with a new item it's known as super heated lava fantastic this is going to be ingredient number one in our special tornado ingredients so now that we have that we're gonna need something cold maybe we could crush some ice in game specifically some ice right over here and then we might have something to launch this tornado into play so we're gonna take blue ice and we're gonna crush it with a piston we've got our so touch pickaxe we're gonna grab ourselves some nice blue ice beautiful ah-ha-ha very cool and then we're gonna drop this ice in between two Pistons proceeded to crush it using some redstone so we get a brand new item known as crushed ice and you know it looks exactly to be that so now that we've got crushed ice as well as our superheated lava we can combine these two together in a very fun and interesting way and that way it is a tornado we just need a device to launch them into the air so right over here we've got a special contraption it's known as the super cannon doom TM alright anyways the super cannon of doom is nice and loaded in that we've got our superheated lava and on the left and we've got our crushed ice in on the right now all we need to do is press this button and step away because the moment we get too close to I well I rest my case but shortly after that rain will begin to pour from the sky and check this out do not blink because in very short order here we're going to see a tornado up here oh my gosh but literally there it is right there it will begin to touch ground alongside tons of lightning thunder and everything else and you're gonna actually see that this tornado ravages the area around us slowly but surely changing all of the grass into dirt blocks as well as turning some of the dirt into other oh boy the tornadoes caught me Oh get too close and this thing's gonna cause you a whole mess of problems in fact it looks like two of them started oh my gosh were the odds of that it is literally messing up the ground around me right now oh boy hahahaha we should probably just never wave of these two that is not what I had in mind now if you are feeling a little dangerous you can actually experiment with these tornadoes mainly mobs can actually get stuck inside of them that will cause them to get blown up into the middle of the tornado so we're actually chasing down one of these tornadoes right now so I can show you exactly what this looks like it is going nuts on the landscape around it thankfully this one's above water but otherwise you actually start to see it having some other adverse effects nearby let's go ahead and place down a couple cows so that you can see exactly what happens the moment you get close to this thing oh boy oh gosh that's now exactly what I had in mind please drop me please oh my gosh I've just tried to summon it let's just do it this way summon cow the cows get stuck inside the tornado as well oh my god if we could just get down please if there's a bunch of cows and rabbits that are stuck down there as well I'm gonna quickly go into creative mode just so I can get out of this thing that is extremely difficult but check it out other nearby mobs can be met with this destruction as well yeah dude that is so ridiculously close oh and not only that but any creepers cut inside of the tornadoes will instantly become charged creepers just like that the tornados dissipated that was in sane you'll want to watch out for any tornados that happen across your world because unfortunately there are not necessarily any rewards if you happen to get caught in one unlike our other two disasters which will actually give you some benefits if you manage to survive through them we're gonna check those out right now all right disaster number two is solar storms these things are nasty they occur when the Sun is xwy more energy than it normally should and has been known to be quite damaging you think sunburns are bad imagine being caught in the middle of a solar storm allow me to explain how you get this in your world first of all to get started we're gonna need to make a super laser because yes we're gonna be firing a laser into the Sun in Minecraft who caused this storm you're gonna need some redstone blocks some iron blocks and of course some blocks of diamond if you were to place all of these in a crafting table just like this you would be met with your special new item known as the super laser which is shown right here look at this thing in our hands placing this thing down is going to solve all of your problems or maybe cause oh yeah that one makes more sense this can be placed down into the world and we'll form a special structure aka the laser itself we're gonna activate it to shoot said laser now it might be smart that we grab a hazmat suit first this is a special type of leather armor that you can obtain in-game that will keep you safe from this super lasers solar storm all right but now that we've got it on everything should be nice and easy to show off we're gonna go ahead and place it in this area right here I get placing this down will instantly form the super laser in question then we're just gonna hit the button that appears on the side of this thing although warning it has a chance to overheat so we may want to keep a safe distance six feet at least pressing this button and check it out y'all ready it literally fires the laser oh boy into the Sun and it actually managed to explode itself but if you look around the sides for a screen things seem a little bit weird on top of that some of the blocks around us are beginning to catch fire and speaking of catching fire so are the trees around us that's because the solar storm has started trees will start to catch fire grass will begin to die and will soon be scorched into dirt on top of that dirt has a chance of being scorched into coarse dirt as well and if you do if you let that I have it is is bad news I've just said okay it's too dead to ever grow anything again now the radiation which is harmful to you will cause positive mutations in hostile mobs which will make them faster and stronger which is why you're gonna want your hazmat suit on if you were to take this off you'd notice we start taking constant damage from the Rays of the Sun instantly so don't mind me while we go ahead put our suit back on eat some steaks gonna be a good time lunch time baby I'm hungry but if we were to fly around you'd see something quite interesting look again all of the land around us slowly being killed off by the Sun trees legit Catching Fire wherever we are the solar storm essentially goes in every direction and for the entire length of it the world begins to burn around us it's really bad news but I need to show you the changes to these hostile mobs in general because they are gonna be able to provide you with some very unique and powerful items if you manage to kill some of them during the thunderstorm or the solar storm it will change the drops as we were talking about so we may want to grab this dye sword and check out some of these mobs first of all zombies instantly become husks so now all mobs are scorched they've got red particles all over them and as you can see they are moving a lot faster because they've been empowered and if you manage to kill one you have a chance of getting a special new item it's not a guaranteed drop we didn't get at that time but any that we don't get here will be able to show off in a chest in just a second for now though we're not having too much luck so we move on to the skeleton which has also seen serious empowerment and will continue to catch fire in the meantime now this time we did get a drop the Empowered bone all of these empowered mobs have a new drop so if we get them great if we don't be able to show them off later the spawn creeper is a similar story where it actually will give you another new item upon its death so get your sword nice and handy get ready to deal a little extra damage than you normally would so you get some empowered gunpowder excellent now on top of that spiders have seen changes too so I'll go ahead and yeah yeah umm ah we got ourselves some empowered string we can also take on an Enderman if we manage to kill this guy and get lucky and doing it we will actually manage oh boy where is it oh we're gonna go to creative mode and actually show that off instead anyways if you look at my hotbar down here you'll notice these five items the empowered ender pearl rotten flesh string gunpowder and bone so what do these charged items do exactly well we'll be going over them right now first of all empowered flesh will give you speed and strength boost so if you happen to eat this thing you'll see both of those effects take on immediately 30 seconds of speed 2 and 30 seconds of haste 2 as well so suddenly zombie flesh is awesome moving on though we can use the empowered bones to craft empowered ready bone meal beautiful and we can use this empowered bone meal on growing crops to instantly grow them to maximum growth rate that's right so you can now get your carrots potatoes your wheat you beet roots very very quickly I wish this was actually in Minecraft well I mean I guess technically it is so you'll want to keep that nice and handy now in powered string can be used to make a special type of bow this is gonna be a very useful bow for people that you know are really bad at you know using bows okay take your empowered string you'll need three of them it's the same recipe essentially as a normal bow you still need three sticks and you just have the Empowered strings to get an empowered bow now the cool thing about the empowered bow is it will fire off arrows in a straight line so you no longer need to worry about hitting a certain curve to get button nice and pressed you just have to worry about still being bad at using them to begin with so we've got a couple different target blocks up here I'm gonna try and light up all the different areas matching up the come on baby yeah really into practice I think I yeah I hate them all this time you can again see they just continue to go straight you can see the red trail they are not curving back down to earth in any meaningful way so use this if you don't have good hand-eye coordination with normal bow use fantastic I've been waiting for weapon like this now empowered gunpowder can be crafted into a special type of TNT charge TMT it's got the same recipe as a normal TNT except now you use the Empowered gunpowder instead of regular gunpowder to get this brand new type of said TNT so here's how you make it and this is what supercharged TNT looks like I'm gonna go ahead and place this down we'll call it right there this is a very special TNT it's basically just a regular team tee with a larger blast radius so it is fun to play with nonetheless it is a lot more strong and just like that the solar storm has subsided I'm gonna go ahead though hold on y'all ready for this I'm gonna grab a whole bunch more charge TNT and we're gonna see what kind of mess we can get ourselves into Oh beautiful well I mean kind of beautiful maybe we just light it like this instead that'll probably be a little bit more effective and oh yeah way better we just cleared so much of this area you are not gonna go back to regular TNT once you've had a taste of the charge team T not bad now finally we have the enchanted or in this case empowered ender pearl which will allow you to travel in a straight line similar to the arrows that you fire off using your empowered bow you can outright and if we wanted to hit that sign exactly well we would be able to I think I missed well here's another example at that the right way beautiful hit instantly so now you can perfectly aim exactly where it is you want this ender pearl to launch you and you can lie land with relative ease so why don't we use this empowered pearl to take us to our final disaster area you want to have your pickaxe handy for meteor strikes disaster at number three that's because a meteor falling to earth can cause some serious damage however they can also bring valuable resources if you get lucky with the right type of meteor that's right that's because there are four different meteors we're gonna have to watch out for so in order to launch them we're gonna need a special device what if we could make a device to pull these asteroids and meteors towards the planet well the answer my friends is that you can using a giant magnet grab this recipe right here it's two diamond blocks three redstone blocks and a single iron block placed like this in a crafting table in order to make your special giant magnet placing this on the ground is going to allow you to literally attract the asteroids to this world from all the metallic bits that are found within the asteroid duh let you know how average work place this guy down and look at this automatic giant structure Wow at a moment's notice added in to your world now we will need to power this thing so keep that in mind we'll need redstone blocks in order to power it so we're gonna grab a handful of them right here and what you'll see in a second here is the moment we place down a redstone block there one right here one right over here and then the final one you'll see something very unique happened namely Oh a hey go press the button first namely well the redstone blocks are absorbed and you can instantly see that that magnet caused well ooh something to fall game-mode spectator quick we need to make our way over to this meteor and watch as it lands in the ground this is one of the diamond meteors and it has hit serious impact and we're left with at the end of that meteor a whole mess of diamond doors for us to get into yes don't mind if I do mine away at this now so long as you're not caught within the destruction path you're left with nothing but lovely rewards to get your hands up now this is so touch pickaxe so of course then we're not getting that good stuff right away when we go ahead and grab a regular pickax oh it's just a little bit more satisfying diamond pickaxe go ahead mine away my friends we got ourselves from that single meteor a grand total of five six Wow Wow it just keeps going we just got so many diamonds from that first book any guesses in the comment section please oh my gosh well you better hope these things are fairly rare but I guess more importantly I want to hope they're not anywhere near by your house or any villages that you happen to all you know like because it totally wrecked this area so we just got ourselves a grand total of 32 diamonds from one meteorite and it only cost us a hole punched into the ground but there are three other different types of meteors that we're going to be showing off right now as well and they all work in a similar manner you have a random chance to get one of these four meters every time you power this giant magnet and so the next one is ooh it's appearing right here let's see what this one is this time we've got ooh what looks like a little bit of an ice meteor so watch as this begins to hit the ground and in a similar manner completely destroy the area that it landed in now if we were to go down here we could actually see that we can make out what this guy was made of and in this case we've got a whole bunch of glass or not glass but blue ice so it's a nice way to get yourself some blue ice if you don't happen to be near any glacier areas oh here we go we got the third type of meteor that's occurring right now go ahead hit that explosion baby and we are left with a plain old meteor this one's just cobblestone that appears all over the place and it's probably the worst one that you'd want to get because it isn't really give you anything new but this final meteor is the one we've been looking for the ancient debris meteor and look at it as it just slowly gets ready to land in the same spot as the previous one once this one surfaces on the ground you are met with one of the best prizes you could possibly ask or check this out just an endless seemingly endless amount of ancient debris would you'll be able to mine up in order to get something that's not quite the ancient debris are used to in the nether this is meteorites crap instead of nether right scrap this is an alternative to nether right that you can find from space now if we were to take some of this meteorite scrap and place it inside of a blast furnace we'd see something quite interesting one this thing is taking a massive time to really heat up but number two meteoric or can be smelted down in set blast furnace and then crafted into special types of armor and tools so while this is cooking we'll be able to show you some of those right now this will make you the best tools and armors in the game comparable with the nether I'd armor that just came out in the recent snapshot so here's the meteorite ingot in question beautiful it's got a slightly different tinge to it compared to the nether right and here is all of the different gear meteorites sword axe pickaxe shovel a meteorite Oh believe it or not and yes meteorite boots and even a block of meteorite alongside you know the rest of the armour of course so fantastic this has insane attack damage bonuses boosts speed and everything else in between so keep a keen eye out for any meteors hitting the earth in Minecraft you've got a chance at getting something extremely exciting but my friends that's gonna do it for all three of today's disasters you can let me know in the comment section below which of these in same disaster scenarios you'd like to see in Minecraft if I were to vote mine would probably be I mean honestly this one right here imagine seeing this in game and then all of a sudden there's just a giant explosion for you to check out hey you can also let us know in the comments which other disasters you'd like to see us make for a future video and special thanks to God Lander and the Waze build team for today's showcase see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,075,009
Rating: 4.9021707 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, natural disasters, minecraft natural disasters, natural disasters in minecraft, meteor, tornado, tornadoes, meteor strike, meteors in minecraft, tornadoes in minecraft, netherite, netherite armor, storms, weather in minecraft, new minecraft weather, new items, new biomes, new blocks, new minecraft update, gaming, minecraft 1.16, items, funny, mobs, logdotzip, new, new minecraft items, update, rare minecraft mobs, new items in minecraft, new crafting recipes, 1.16, weather update
Id: _r6Y425nbtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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