Hideout 2v2 | TheViper & Tatoh vs Liereyy & Nicov

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Dave or Tristan who is better let chat decide okay this is dangerous that this is dangerous Calvin has brown says Dave or Tristan who is better let the chat decide all right well while we introduce the game chat can decide welcome ladies and gentlemen to game five between secret and aftermath it is a to be to hideout game I don't think I've ever seen a to be to hide up before at least look players this level in the red we have niqab he's playing as the Berbers good call there Dave Leary is in the green Leary is playing as the Spanish good call from twitch chat on that one and then we have tattooing the blue playing as the camara and then we have viper in yellow playing as the Celts so we have four different sibs what are your thoughts Dave I like all these sips yeah Qamar is a bit like immerse very late game they're really strong once you get yep your eco up and running but their transition options in the castle age not so good yeah I think that I know this is a map that can be wrong I know that this will probably go to the Imperial aged three to two incoming and I know that Kelton Commerc can be strong in the Imperial II but these other sips offer so much more these other sips offers so much more in castle age and with momentum and all that so I with what I would prefer to have after that sips personally while tons of resets coming and thank you everybody I like the little things that they do to Leary make treehouses I always like seeing things like yep well there's not a lot of wood in between the players in the center he's alright you could see auditor cuts through so I know what secrets thinking secrets thinking this is going post in full trade will then have Qamar elephants or to the strongest elephants in the game which better than Spanish paladin and then we will have access to the celts ijen infantry however all that you would need to do if your a.m. is cut through and then work yeah or tattoo is thinking I can get a castle and some ballista elephants and cut a trail through the middle of the map into my opponent's base they'll never expect them that works I follow it up with I follow it up if tatto does that man I would love it it probably wouldn't work on a game 5 it's not a coordinate I mean maybe maybe it's not a tournament but yeah we'll find out should talk a little bit about hideout in general I know I haven't done so and people might not have heard this map before it's like arena except instead of the arena being near the edge of the map you're in the center and you all share the same woods and also you have palisade walls so you can actually play this out in feudal age leery could go for something like a tower rush if you were to go for a Spanish tower rush into conquistadors could work a long wait walk though I've seen it actually I've seen it work in one be ones where someone goes tower rush while the other person tries to fast castle it could possibly work too if he sees likes cobblestones in great position and his golds aren't either yeah it could work I don't think that's going nose I don't think he sees that stone no he didn't see the stone he sees he sees the two golds there so that would mean that tattoo be out of gold if a tower went up there play I think because he has a four on would start Leary is never thinking about that and he is to farms already this is probably just a fast castle build and it is a game 5 as you said Dave so players probably won't go for his risky of strats for that for that reason AB Jorn burg thank you for the prime sub man Sam says hey Tristan did you hear about the guy that got his whole left side cut off he's all right now I never heard that never heard that thank you Sam for seven-man hyuna says came here to say happy 18 months and that Dave is a great actor playing Dave I guess from the last video right sayona he likes hideout thank you man for a year and a half urban yeah I don't understand the a way to chat meta either that's in reference to everyone voting for you when I asked to choose between you or me I'm not sure how I feel about that Dave nice and mid stud thank you thank you for the 10-man he says viper and tattoo we're taking shots so there's always the argument that viper and tattoo were just trolling you know all that always comes up i i think that that comes up a lot though because they choose their best is last as I said in Game one but we'll find out soon enough where they go with this big difference in strategies Dave o Viper with some man at arms coming out is he gonna follow it up with some villagers you almost have to write Amana norms is really weird on its own here and tatto is he just going to Scouts I think he is oh you don't have to make the barracks yeah but I mean I'm a bit confused keep in mind too that Leary does not have loom keep in mind that knee cough he well he is loomed but of course he has no defense to this no forward from Viper behind this they're playing this just like they would Arabia guys and we thought that Viper and tatto as Vipers militia all paths and stack on top of one another like in an accordion or something we thought that they'd be the ones who wouldn't be aggressive but look at this weird I don't know how to think of this I mean Celts help out they're a bit faster they definitely get there they get to the walls faster dave is right they get to those walls faster but he made four of them and he's not going to get in here unless he's gonna fill do decent damage once there Benatar it'll be busting through these walls but I think he'll cancel the upgrade oh no he doesn't I'm I'm rather confused at the moment don't open that gate me of oh boy knee Cavs going for camel archers that's his plan he said of course needs to get to the castle age he's still in Dark Age and then it will be conquistadors for leary and tatoes making Scouts which are doing nothing I did not expect this I I expected if anything aggressive plays in feudal from leary or from even akov they're gonna be verse camel Archer and conch this is not this is no bueno with man-at-arms and scouts if we were talking about any other teams I would be addressing this much differently I would be saying what are you doing that's so dumb but because it's tats on Viper I'm gonna believe that they have some type of a plan here and I'm gonna believe that they can maybe hold on what is this female villager doing from leary on balloons tatto knows it's there unloose and unprotected he knows it's there he can choose dead no Luke yeah what I think he wanted to tower the gold does weird and he comes on the way to Castle age he's still safe needs to repair his market actually it would be really funny if Viper forces a tower with these man-at-arms okay so tattoo is gonna Stonewall this area to prevent ah now it makes sense if Leary runs around the other way with his conquistadors to Viper side yeah could do a lot of damage or if he just even put turns it down yeah if they okay so that's the one possibility I didn't think of if they went forward with man-at-arms and Scouts into full stone walls that could possibly work however keep in mind both opponents will have castles and they could just petard bust through the walls yeah and Viper hasn't even gone forward to wall yet and yes though they're with the scouts correct so Viper is not walling up his side he's Celts he will have no answer to camel archers here comes the castle right away from Leary and a town center so he's gonna have a decent eco behind these cons yeah for those that saw Game one of this series you'll you'll see a similar style here that Leary used with Mayans it's more difficult to make conquistadors and create villagers because conquistadors cost food and plumes don't but that's that's what we'll see and knee cough will build his castle probably right next to the market and Viper Scouts and man-at-arms will have to go go pick on someone else kind of funny like opposite strategies for both teams am just gonna camp it up and secret tried to be aggressive and it's just we'll see if it pays off but I don't think it will t9 officials scorpions with +1 range they can counter camel archers yeah but it's not that simple my friends it's not that simple because if you make us each workshop and a bunch of scorpions that means you won't have the economy to boom so while that logic can still be applied to creating camel archers and stuff camel archers can simply run away be like Oh scorpions great I'll just maneuver to the other side of the base and pick up pills there scorpions are slow clunky and quite above 10 scorpions are 5 camel archers 5 km archers easy yeah it's not you can't necessarily treat the game like you you would if you just patrol the armies in after you created them it's about how effective the armies can be in certain situations and the higher you get up in levels and age of empires to the more complex it gets and for these players mobile units are their king tattos trying to tackles Phil is getting killed by a wolf the villager that was walling no loom tulum oh my god bud and the funny thing is Larry doesn't know very expects that this has been completed so he's just gonna sit here leery please Scout that can you imagine if this was a five thousand dollar tournament and Leary was investing into a petard when it's wide open man oh man so tattoo loses the vill he gets loom so let's get the t90 Woo's in the chat and like double scorpions from phifer hey it's like it's like you know it's it's not it's there he's 90 seconds ahead so people were like I already know what's happening so yeah Larry's gonna go through camel archers do not die they go to Vipers Gold's where Viper has no defense well keep an eye on that and conquistadors now loot grounds economically Nika Van Leer you're slightly ahead but I do think tatse will be okay for now but tattoo will need it a lot of time a lot of time to to where I will think that he's better than Spanish Viper and tattoo certainly have done better than I expected they would though Viper will go with a monastery he is sending two scorpions back and he just they're just trying to protect themselves Dave the wall strategy didn't work but if they protect themselves could actually be okay here I'd say if it's even at the 50 minute mark or sorry what's changed at the 60 minute market that's when that's when Viper and tattooer feeling really good about their situation I think Leary's should come over and help Nick off against Viper yeah with conks over here like conks are so good against scorpions I don't know why Nick off keeps he doesn't even have bodkin yet yes five range and he just lost to camel archers there I don't fully understand that decision a Viper is actually going to wall niqab off off on this side with CH work chefs now we expected man put really intelligent strategy from Viper and tat so really nice holds and I think what tatse will do is just build the defensive castle to really put an end to these conquistadors harassing him slam says what t90 said is accurate thank you slam III pay slam to to say nice things about me so I look like you know I'm talking about I think what basically the situation's that these tips excel in okay yeah I believe so anyway Oh Maggie Nell shot Viper don't lose your don't lose your scorpions so the crazy thing about the scorpions and I talked about this last week on the stream I feel like they could be utilized more in competitive play they're so good but as I say that Viper I don't think that's worth it I don't think that's worth it keep in mind Viper is only 46 villes so again he's made so many scorpions he sacrificed his boom tatto yet again higher population for secret today I wonder if Leary will build a second Castle forward Dave right between those goals surely that's where tattoo once won defensively he keeps picking off villagers - yeah in here to there he's just trying to keep up with tattoos ii-if tattoo gets 5 conversions that's a problem but how leery just backs away after picking off another Ville did Leary get atonement as well I think he did so he can now convert the monks from tatto scores close now I like Am's position slightly more after Vipers scorpions were wasted don't underestimate them though obviously they're strong do you even go camel Archers if your Berbers would you go Cavalier maybe you go camel archers in Spanish because paladin tatto is worried Dave he builds a tower oh geez the atonement research was brilliant from Leary because it's only like 150 gold - I think it's 325 is it yeah no I thought that was okay no I think it's three mid 300s but who knows on all these marked exit yeah he knows no you just click them in 320 325 what I was thinking of sanctity yeah that's cool I what's not cool is the fact that niqab continues to give Viper free kills here that's so weird look at this castle from Leary what tower from tattoo Oh too far away my friend and here come the monks with atonement as well nice micro from from Leary he loses one kinky store but he kills a bunch of bills in that castle these are Spanish villagers that's gonna go up on all three of those gold step that cast the strategy from from seeker was to just buy time to get to late-game there's no gold for tato once that goes up oh there's a gold between him and Viper but Leary could cut that off as well yeah even if he doesn't this is a huge loss because but tatto needs gold now he needs an answer to all of this now to defend from the attack look at the micro between the scorpions and it's so frustrating actually like these these scorpions are really strong I think it's possibly one of the most opie things in the game right now it's just that the rest of the things about the commercia in early game so it's it's kind of okay for that reason tatto and Nika on the way to the Imperial aegis is quite good for tattoo actually because we can be read looper is Leary gonna loop around and find that gold from tattoo lady spiders monk that's the only gold that tattoo has that I was trying to build the TC which will actually make it easier for Leary to spot this at Lear's gonna spot that man Leary he's gonna start he sees it he sees that that's Bad News Bears niqab signal bit and tatto now has zero gold he is just I'm sorry he is 19 gold so he does not have just enough gold to make trebuchet and Leary's gone right to Vipers space vipers forward with scorpions he's doin a scorpion dance this is trouble man this is trouble for secret and by such a good cast a spot from leery yeah such a good spot vipers just now clicking up to the imperial age now I think leery he should probably run in with this group as he has done he's picked off a hill and he should chief couple at the goal exactly yeah keep an eye on that and he kills Vipers scorpions and he loses one conquistador and he'll leave stables for niqab this is kind of expected he'll go for cavalier cavalier do they died at scorpions no so Viper probably needs to consider mixing in some house with them Viper has big boom now that I will say he's if we're comparing sides he's ahead of me cough but obviously tattoes is really behind leery it's not that far ahead of knee cough true honest to villagers to villagers and Viper has scorpions which he could lose all in one swing to cavalier great move from leery man that forward castle changed so much if he didn't build that castle forward comes a very different game and I think he'll go for elite conquer to start cuz he's not yeah yeah go ahead he'll come back and make sure this gold isn't being taken either and gentle wants to work his way out there before he pushes the castle that's not gonna happen though I gotta kill the bugs man I'm really surprised Lee ran away there he possibly thought there were more monks if you recall tattoo had about six earlier so that's good for tat oh and tattoo might be able to just snag this gold now but he's been starved from it for far too long I love the cap tram upgrade from Leary he's just had to all that he has right now skirmishers and he's trying to get access to gold yep Viper's making rams out of his siege workshop there he's not he's just hitting the imperial age that's each workshop is gonna die Viper is going in to help so he might have the counter there but I'm worried about tatto her secret how the seeds Ram would kill tato completely Qamar just aren't a good civilization unless it's posted Lee are you gonna lose this castle for free okay here he comes it's gonna repair it now but I think I think that might go down attached to us also running out of stone by the way Viper just had to send some of his stone to tat oh and there's captain's here now look at Piper scorpions see he has them all on the right now so that that actually be helpful wouldn't it it would be helpful to have the scorpions there for the helps they have to hold this for a while man but maybe it is possible the power of the scorpions if I was leery I'd be signaling that gold in the back - nique off and say they loop around yeah this plant a few send a few in there niqabs worried because this is where Celts can be really strong and obviously Viper as well is controlling it he's doing a great job walling up though look worried look how he's falling is his Archer ranges as Viper pushes in yeah there's a few gaps really clever but with the Macan else he can kill the cap grams which is why you've done this oh it's just to slow him down yeah that's it slow him down of course he just opened up the gate oh god please close gate okay the gate goes down but Viper will of course go right for the mac & L's so now his capped Rams can kill a lot here on the other side Leary he has his helps inside the ramps but he sees Viper scorpions that he's thinking twice about going in here and now he's going to go light cap I guess he doesn't have the resources for paladin and secret are pushing this get the trade started boys both teams yep you need to start thinking about it right now because it's getting to that point in the game tattoes he has so much gold now that he can use and great thing for a.m. is they have control of their corners and they can stop secret from trading right so Larry's positioning is is huge but you know it's still tougher tattooing that's how crazy this commercial civilization is tatto still needs to have the resources to not only make elephants but to just research the upgrades just to upgrade them I know it's a he needs a council to to get the unique tech yeah it's such a long road for him yep his ideal composition if Leary went auditor right now he would destroy everything that tatto and Viper have on tattoo side could just go for C Tran C trim help and and light keV could work he doesn't have the food right now and Vipers push is it's stalled out but it will get stronger as he's building a castle I think niqab should go furniture here think so yeah monitor as well will be helpful kneecaps not really doing a lot wrong it's just that Celts are better at this stage so it's important that Leary continues to push they need to stop tattoo and Viper from getting to their strong Tech's yes Viper has his strong tech in sea tram he's getting Furyk Celts canal Swissy terms to be that much stronger dude I don't know if if Berbers can hold verse Celts with these chokes you can't use your mobility now Cavaliers not going to do it hand cannons not going to do it camel Archer even won't do it it's got to be leery here we go we have huh SARS we have conquistadors from Larry we have the Hobbs loaded in the siege rams the husks are smelt to tattoes halberdiers tattoes going to mix in some more halberdiers as well the Scorpions from Viper getting a lot of kills and Vipers still trying to push it on the side however well no I mean he's doing a good job here this is a lot different than I expected sir - very interesting battles happening yeah both sides you can't really justify going bombard Canon either right now if your knee cough you can go on être and then bomb our cannon later to snipe Vipers on atures but you don't need bombard can mercy dreams you need to prioritize Mac & L's and Nika doesn't have siege workshops he's at 180 population but it's mainly skirmishers which of course viper can counter with his siege and with his infantry attack toes holding I mean the cup just doesn't have gold right oh yeah I took the secondary gold from him yeah and they didn't set up trade and it's really struggling me because of and conquistador yeah I'm really really struggling to see where things went wrong for for aftermath [Music] vipir did just enough in castle age even though his boom was slower just enough in castle age so he could get to this point so Leary couldn't delay him with the camel archers comes down to that maybe tatto obviously he lost his gold but he's gotten it back now and tatto he's getting árboles now I don't even think tat so needs to get to elephants he can continue doing what he's doing because niqab is gonna die and it's crazy because he has 190 population he just has no answer to see traps it's gonna set up the trade now or never now it's the time but but even then not yeah but even then the question is what does the trade give you if you're Berbers gives you well if you think back to the gates think back to the gates and this helps got through and killed those two mad canals that's when the momentum started to possibly not slip up really hurt am well now secret can't afford to add the trade they're about to do that they couldn't before secret had to put resources into pushing everything back now they're comfortable now they'll begin the trade a.m. they're not in a comfortable position so they're forced to fight this with all the gold they have they can't add trade it probably should have done so earlier nikka he has to repair his castle he won't kill that castle and he just can't find any answers to this man think nique off needed to go a little bit harder in castle age he did yeah in hindsight but then again you know credit VIPRE for the way he wolde that off is definitely not something I expected but with vipre did there worked it flat-out worked and now a leaked conquistador for leery but I don't think that's gonna better his situation much attacked oh yeah well I I think the populations don't tell the whole tale here but I think that secret are going to get this victory and it's it's what I said earlier I think that secret is out strategize man it was such a good strategy and the man-at-arms looked weird the scout's looked weird from tattoo and somehow here they are seemingly on their way to a victory the markets are going up 4:00 a.m. they're not going to give it up just yet conquistadors from Leary are helping on that side but still that does not when they arrive that doesn't give them an answer to the siege ramps em lzk says what about a cut like I cut through the trees and here's the deal if you if you cut through now you're just sending population into their base that you need on the sides and obviously no one has on injury yet either so that's gonna be a big no for me if the only cut I could see working is tattoo cutting and delivery direct yeah yep because they're in the position to do that leer he's been pushed back by Taft oh he's played amazing all day regardless of how this game pans out I think tats has been the MVP for secret he come he's just dead man he's just dead he has 40 idols 110 bills sure all of his farms are gone he's trying to killing the Rams with the villagers yeah teasing I mean this is not good and this has been so easy for Viper now after his early push he could trade easily he can mix it whoa it's he has so much map control he's not troubled at all I think Leary can stabilize on this side but getting pushed back a little bit yeah a little bit yep the bombard cannons on this side makes a lot more sense and on the other side right and tatto needs to be careful now Leary is also getting seed RAM also maybe we shouldn't count him out man maybe we shouldn't count him out I mean make up still is 106 villagers yeah the problem is is that half of them are in his base they're trapped he's actually using the Vil's versus e gems which have 370 HP so it's suppressive Oh and now heavy scorpion this be fun to see heavy scorpion Celt scorpions with comer Ally great micro from viper they're just he lost a lot of them unfortunately but again he can afford to make a few mistakes you know he's in a strong position doesn't matter he'll figure it out lost a lot of rams to villagers as well yeah holy but that's acceptable you know that's acceptable if you see your enemy is using their economy to attack you yeah and that's acceptable and now Nika is trying to run probably a bit too late and now he'll be down below 70 villagers but Leary's pushing tatto back yeah dad till finally made a castle after he lost that first one yeah so it's on the wood line from Leary maybe he opts for some sort of cheese factor like ballista elephant raid well tattoo is really good at these situations tattoo is really good at not dying and that doesn't sound like a compliment but that really is because when you're playing on team secret you need that a lot when when viper or doubt or slam or someone is going with the main push and he does not have the gold for elephants he's going for his own heavy scorpions he has already fortified the walls next to the trade though there is a gap there I think for now he's okay and it's just that me cough needs to somehow get back into this [Music] everyone wants to see a blissed elephant can cut through yeah but cutting through doesn't give them anything right again if now if tattoo cuts through its it's a problem Laoghaire doesn't really benefit from cutting through either Viper could possibly cut through and then go to leery Zico like that's the one argument that can be made I think for that that would be quite a good move but when's the last time you saw a team where both players got heavy score here earlier today oh wait same game well that means it's good but I don't know if that'll save tattoo seriously i if leery prioritizes the trade right now I think he could get to it if he sends the Rams towards the corner now I think he could get to it and then and only then could they maybe come back because niqab is just he's making like Kevin squirms versus still big questions over what niqab can actually make if he gets his a Comi back if he gets trade back but yeah man maybe Leary can do it okay now bombard Kendall would make sense for niqab because he could flatten the scorpions but still no big answers to the helps I mean sorry the the ramps great micro from Leary fighting on both sides and actually microing his conks yeah against those scorpions at the top Wow really really excellent 103 kills friend 403 kills as you can see things have not been going very well for knee cough if your Viper don't worry too much about kills you just worry about positioning so ensure that you're killing production buildings and and pushing forward slowly but surely and tatoes posting a castle you know like tats is getting pushed back now as well Leary's flanks so good I know game seriously I'm really surprised that secret have not already won I don't know how you can micron both sides at economy sling stuff to an ally insanely good game from Leary and tat dough was out of stone he can't repair this castle anymore now well tatto be at sixty population left next obviously we act leery losing his comps on the top side and that's the only thing that was keeping eikhoff alive yep knee cough Davey doesn't have a stable he does have an archery range this is over and Leslie he gets there this is over and even if there he gets there look how close the trade is tajci just needs to hold on a bit longer just don't die through tatto and things would be looking pretty good for you yeah man I I would love to see Leary's fantastic play bring this back for aftermath because he definitely deserves that but they're not in the tree yeah there's way more trade for secrets yep at the North yep they don't have the gold to fund their defense knee cuffs out of the game and we're gonna see the GG here we are gonna see the gg it's coming probably around the hour mark because we're closing in all that the bark it's the repositioning what are they gonna do it up okay blow this game five it's not technically it sort of it there's there's some money on the line we got some spectators here watching people enjoying the show so they're gonna keep trying Spanish trade they do a Spanish trade too bad knee cap just doesn't have anything what what what does Leary have for resources yeah if Leary had some floating food then maybe he could send some but he doesn't even have that and it tattos held on tattoo is held on vipir just can't be stopped at the moment Celts are so much better than Berbers kneecaps 80 pop what's vipers res looked like still adding trade 800 gold plenty of wood he just sent res to tattoo as well ah so tatto mean they get tattoo to elephants if Tatsu can make 30 to 40 khmer elephants with little upgrades it's certainly over he's sending tattoo wood they're holding at the North they're remarketing at the top it's interesting isn't it holding at the North Leary's gone back for a second maybe Leary will I don't know add skirmishers or something in the salad oh all right so here's tat oh you have Vipers here with the onager they'll go right into Lyra zico see this is the time when your opponents are holding but you're the one dictating the fights you're in a position where you can cut and Viper has sent one auditor over here they'll cut right through the trees and now that's open so now this gets difficult for Leary because he has to deal with the northern attack which they've they've warded his market though he's got a wave of trade cards each with a hundred and fourteen gold yeah man Leary is about to have a payday he's about to have a payday but need to payday in food pretty soon 93 villagers and he's about to lose a ton he's losing all of his farmers so I can see him having food problems and now tattos going with seed Rams and and Leary's just he doesn't know where to go and out does he push into tacos base on the other side they're still kind of holding see John Adair viper secret are just in such a good position obviously it's Game five after Matt doesn't want to call it but I've been feeling like it's for a long time I felt that it's just a matter of time this game will end with the secret victory and there's the GG well played there's the GG dude say what you want about the efficiency of viper scorpions and castle age but what they did do was that they didn't allow any cough to do any damage yeah that's what it was it wasn't necessarily Viper doing damage it was giving himself time and and even if his economy let's say was was twenty pitchers behind he would have had this walled up and he could have stalled it out and that's essentially what happened yo like knee cough was super indecisive I agree like he didn't continue with the camel Archer production and he only made like he kept making Mangan ELLs but there was nothing to back it up he made camel archers and he sent after he knew there were half a dozen scorpions he sent a lot of his early Camel archers into the Scorpions so he had four range five range and he like six of them he only made like five or six of them yes dogged like even if the scorpions counter you if you make 20 and then roam around the map like there were still areas he could have gotten into Vipers baby he essentially said yeah with that with the decision to stop making military in Castle age he essentially gave Viper what Viper wanted so maybe that came maybe he thought that way because he'd already lost some numbers and he figured okay well taking a while to get him ass of them now let's just try and go to him maybe that was his thought it probably was because remember he went for cavalier hoping that would do something but lying in hindsight if if knee Kyle was the one to go with less economy if knee cough was the one to be more aggressive then that would be better off in this situation Leary was amazing Lear was amazing I mean the fact that that they even survived to this point was surprising and that was mainly because of Leary 631 kills for him and he had the hardest unit to control because he's up against scorpions which have 17 attack in 9 range and these conquistadors only have 6 range and as dave said who was microing on both sides a really good play from Leary but best of five goes to secret good series man seriously it was not the most competitive series in fact it was probably the least competitive series I've ever seen from these two teams because there were so many small mistakes that we would normally not expect but despite that I think it made it more interesting those slip-ups made it less predictable I think who could possibly win and there's the KD the eco difference obviously Viper and tatts were gonna have more trade to there despite not having the Spanish trade bonus and that is the end of the best-of-five that was a great series Jiji is boys viper really picked it up that last game he did he did some of the worst play I've seen out of him the first couple game what what game so Sahara well we like the Bedouins so you can only do so much the Bedouin sign dragon correct Arabia was the worst Arabia was Arabia was the worst desert was the second worst Sahara Game one was actually pretty good from him it was just there sips I think so but yeah obviously I said Viper was on vacation I think tattoo was there as well there was an age of empires meet up so they were way fingers weren't really in the groove but they got it sorted and that was a lot of fun to cast thank you again to cloud who again is probably not here for organizing this a cloud is a Taiwanese streamer if you guys want to check him out twitch.tv slash gtk cloud and you'll see his info there is this like the team secret winwaker yeah if you're familiar with other esports they are now in team secret is involved with Age of Empires 2 pretty exciting news it happened a few months ago
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 323,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Id: YSzVXlkpxSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 23sec (2423 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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