Ex-Convicts Share What Is Really Happening Behind Bars (1 Hour Reddit Compilation)

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women who've done time what was women's prison like I got locked up in women's prison when I was 21 when you first get there they ask if you're addicted to anything if you said Benzes or alcohol they dust you up with four milligrams of klonopin a day anyone who's been there before knows this so for the first two weeks when I was in the drug treatment area for other things I didn't know about the klonopin things were very chill there was a few verbal fights that kind of a camaraderie between the women like we are all just addicts trying to get through this together we had groups and a a it was a daily thing for all which was most except me the women with children to break down crying about missing them and how they'd literally anything for their kids now that they're sober you were in a trailer with two floors there was rooms with four bunks in them and a community bathroom with individual showers lot salt hooking up in the bathroom stalls and showers something really weird every few days they passed out electric shavers there was one for each bunk and there would be a line of girls using these old shavers to dry shave their legs and poo bees in the bathroom some of them would flip them and use the non cutting side as a salad corn cob on others freakin gross I never even considered shaving there was a microwave you could sometimes use and access to hot water to make noodles and coffee they gave out stamps paper and pens to write home if you asked tinder gave you pads one roll of toilet paper get a shampoo soap and toothbrush paste during rec time you could walk around the compound but there were also classes like yoga a a Zumba gym library etc after two weeks there I got moved to the maximum-security part here you were in a high-tech building with one bunk in each room and locked in for most of the day or else you could go in the community room and watch TV a few hours a day no more access to hot water women who didn't pay a fine were locked up with baby killers they were the most shunned one baby killer got attacked because she asked for my oatmeal I wasn't eating no more classes of any kind you had to be there for over five years to be put in the trailers by where the drug program was they even had dogs and could go to the library and pick out books instead of just from books left behind I saw a girl almost done getting her face smashed into a metal doorframe lots of fights it really was awful keep going if you wanted this was riveting my mom went to prison when I was a junior in high school she was innocent the other people had more money and our lawyer was complete crap long story short she was in there for about a one one stroke two years there's a lot of girls who either are all while and there tend to be lesbian they're literally frisky all the time I remember being 18 and visiting my mom and a few of the younger inmates had looked over at me a couple times and had given that BJ look with their tongues against their cheek another thing is cleanliness a lot of things get missed inmates pretty much do most the work around the prison and my mom knew some people in the kitchen and they had been cleaning one day and figured they would open up the meat grinder because it hadn't been cleaned for a while as they opened it they found about a million maggots inside it basically it hadn't been cleaned a lot longer than people thought and the whole prison had been eating maggot meat I worked in jail on women's units for a while had a girl come up to me and tell me the Cologne I used I hadn't worn it in four days not me but an X's older sister got three duis in the last one men she did a few weeks in jail she was hot but in a trashy way one of the first things she said she learned was how to make a prison corn cob out of a toilet paper roll saran wrap napkins and a rubber band she said she didn't use one but she said it was more sensible there than she expected she's a fine member of society now but just had a bit of a reckless stage still makes me chuckle thinking about that prison corn cob though three duis reckless phew thank God I was in a jail for nonviolent offenders not prison it wasn't so bad honestly each sleeping area had three bunk beds six lockers and a payphone no doors we got up at 6 a.m. and lined up for breakfast each room had to stay together technically order didn't matter but the women who had been there awhile like to make sure everyone was always in the same spot probably helped them feel like there's some sort of control I guess food was served on your basic cafeteria trays drinks were in these red plastic cups that reminded me of a toddler's learning cup things were pretty quiet for the most part you weren't supposed to share food but the guards were pretty lacks most of the day was free time there was a big living room type area with couches chairs and bookshelves the book selection was horrendous but most often didn't bother to read outside time was pretty typical at what you'd see on TV just a concrete ground with a few basketball hoops at night they alternated between movies and church the movies were regular mainstream movies my bunkie yelled at me on my first morning because I put my glasses on her locker the top of her locker was right next to my bed almost like an end table for me so I thought it would be okay but I T was not she wasn't angry but she was severe enough that I slept with my glasses on from then on out we were allowed to wear casual clothes but for some reason I can't for the life of me remember why I couldn't wear mine so one girl let me borrow her nice pair of orange prison pants she told me to be careful with him because they were the pair she reserved for wearing to court one woman was always reading her horoscope did a lot of the time she didn't understand what certain words meant or didn't know how to pronounce them overall it was pretty laid back and chill but thinking of the women in there always depresses me mom was a corrections officer for a long time so she worked in a jail not prison she said there was a ton of drama and frickin and the women's unit compared to the men's she referred to it as working with the BL all I miss my frickin mom as someone who spent time in jail yes the same jail my mom worked at I can tell you drama in the men's unit is usually at a zero or a ten the women's unit was probably more of a constant six the B just walked around like they were in a high school dorm how her I am NOT a woman and I haven't done time but my mum did it was before I was born although I never knew why she got locked up because she would never tell me I think it was something to do with prostitution or Breaking and Entering though she was still naturally beautiful Prison had done a lot of damage to her physically she'd had her nose broken in multiple places so it was really crooked and busted in she would tell me how some of the bigger woman in prison would try to physically Ashu alter violate I guess but how in her own words and I loved this about her that she would take the beatings of her life before she would let them do that to her she was only a small woman not much over five feet - and was pretty skinny but she had the heart of a giant so I am sure she welder made it heck for anyone trying to take advantage of her like that she passed away from a drink driving accident when I was 16 she was an alcoholic and though she'd defeated a lot in her life alcohol was something she couldn't for so woman's prison sounded like a rough place coming from her I really miss her and I wish I could have asked her more about it in the rest of her life before she had me but no matter what though she was a bit of an outcast to society she was and will always be my hero love you mum hugs I taught get prep at a county house of correction for about six years about halfway through the started splitting time between the men's and women's units I agree with other posters that the drama was always at about a six mostly about who was writing letters to who's man on the out it made me sad how these women were so convinced that they needed a man to take care of them and would do anything to keep one even though it was usually their boyfriend who'd got them into drugs and prostitution in the first place I really never got hit on the first time I was up there I cheated three women for about an hour and as we were leaving the classroom one of them thanked me for working with them another lady said close the door a minute I'll thank ya but it was just enough I did hear some stories about the night shift but who knows I left kind of abruptly a high school called and offered me a job pretty much the next day as high schools tend to do but I negotiated a week to transition when I announced to my female students I was leaving one of them just burst into tears all in all the women and men were just different the men more Dukie in the women more serious interested in kids and family and such man I feel really bad for that woman who cried you must have been like the one rail sunshine in her life for her to have a reaction like that my mom has had a couple of stints in jail prison I could always ask her if she'd be willing to do an AMA she's definitely made some poor choices and served time for those choices and she isn't shy about it especially if it were to be in a somewhat anonymous fashion such as ridet I bet there are quite many people who would like to attend that probably late to the party but the best way I can describe it is like a boarding school full of every type of female you can imagine I spent about two months at a facility with around 400 women whose charges ranged from small petty crimes to rape and murder everyone had their own cliches that they kept - but there was a lot of stupid drama try to think of the most troubled girls from high school and then imagine 400 of them stuck together in a place that is miserable where they are isolated from their family and the rest of society that's basically the gist of it but like any community there are good people and bad people and most of the time you can find a like-minded individual to make friends with the facility I was at had a huge library pretty good food and cable TV so I considered myself lucky in that aspect I mostly kept to myself and read a lot and I never got into any fights and stayed out of trouble for the most part drugs and contraband still gotten a lot that always made things interesting I met some really strange people and saw women who committed unspeakable crimes it opened my eyes to a lot of things I had never seen before overall though my time wasn't as bad as it could have been and I learned some things and hopefully I will never go back a high school ex-girlfriend of mine went to ladder jail for prescription drugs she said that all the inmates would bark at her when she walked by because she was the puppy the pound she got an improvised tattoo from a wood staple in a mechanical pencil and apparently they have a lot of freedom there we exchanged letters you could get her to do a snail mail ama gather questions for her to answer and send back it could be neat my sis is in juvy and she's the only girl there they are in separate areas but she basically in solitary confinement says it sucks I've been to jail twice no prison though most people told me I didn't look like I belonged in jail gave me the WTF did you do to land here one of the male guards flirted with me about my tattoos mainly I just keep to myself until I got out though I was the only blond girl there when I went that got me a lot of attention I had an accent a good friend that were both locked up different times but in the same state they both pretty much reported the same stuff a lot of drugs had people offering them prescription pills immediately upon entry a dearth of good books and butthole guards the ex didn't get undergarments for the first week she was there for literally no reason other than someone forgot to give her them at some point and they didn't want to admit to it the friend is Astrix whole life vegan and they wouldn't give her veggie meals even though they're supposed to she ended up having to eat only bread and apples the entire time she was there lost a ton of weight and still has digestive problems to this day but mind you both of these women were model prisoners scared white girls from middle-class families that made straight as in school both went in for drug alcohol issues and they still got treated like crap I can only imagine what it must be like for the troublemakers mum went to prison for 2.5 to 3 years I got to visit a roughly 1-2 times per month under call like once a week for like 2 minutes this is as best as I can describe her experience there at Lowell Correctional Institution from what she told me during visitation light side she got to read a lot she took a class in drafting she got in the best shape she'd been in 12 years alcohol addiction was broken and she made a few friends dark side many times I visited her and she told me that girls she knew had died or killed others she was once locked in solitary for a while just for witnessing a brawl sunlight is scarce and usually treasured she hated count the guards would frequently screw up count and so everyone would have to stand around for a long time until the guards figured it out that's all I can remember at the moment I'm a jail deputy who oversees women inmates as part of my daily assignments I can answer any questions anyone has I must caution that jail is not prison but I can tell you about women inmates at my level if anyone is interested I spent two months in a County Jail a couple times in different jails I was very dumb in my early 20s among my charges I was jailed for were a failure to appear in court for driving an unregistered vehicle long story sharp lofting from frickin Claire's contempt of court for not paying fines for my possession of weed pipe charge that was the longest stay of 59 days really the only way I could describe it was like living in a girls-only low-income area middle school I personally found a few other white girls who were semi-normal into their for minor things like DUI underage drinking and one girl was super naive and was talked into writing outcue check to herself from her run mates checkbook to pay bills she was 19 and had never smoked a cigarette or touched weed or alcohol she was a sweetheart and told me everything there is to know about Johnny Depp my first week or so there was rough Oh was rooming with some pretty mean ghetto black chicks I am 5 feet 0 100 pounds little white girl one girl stole my Butterfinger I bought with the tiny amount of commissary I had so I confronted her and she tried to fight me even though I clearly saw the freakin rapper in her bunk she denied taking it anyway I told the guard I didn't feel safe in that room so she moved me in with the 19 year old we actually ended up having a lot of fun it was like a sleepover every night then some crazy and head girl moved in with us too she was out of her mind but entertaining nevertheless I mostly just read lots of books 28 total and hung out with a few people I found to be normal there I still talked to a few of them actually it's definitely not a place I ever want to go again but I'm glad I was able to find a few like-minded people and get through it the worst part was that gap of time between dinner and breakfast and when you don't have money for commissary it's tough watching everyone else eat their snacks but my friends always shared with me I spent a Monday through Friday in jail a couple weeks ago after some troubles from earlier this year there's not a lot I can say about my time because I spent the whole week sitting in a cell by myself trying to go back to sleep no one to talk to and no way to leave it was just me in a room with a slot in the door for food I didn't ask for anything or attempt to communicate with officers because I ultimately just wanted to be as an offensive as possible and not cause any trouble it was freezing cold at least to someone who had zero physical movement and there was no way to tell time I counted breakfast and read we read reread had gained my paperwork stating how phone calls worked and when I'd get out all in all I found it very draining mentally exhausting just trying to keep occupied while having zero stimulus jail food is not as bad as elementary school food was the officer who released me seemed excited to have a good job that day where he's dealing with people who want to put their real clothes back on and foe technically I was in women's prison though it was five days so all I can comment on is the fact that the overcrowding thing can be real F the cells held two bones each and the entire hallway was lined with extra bunk herbs because it was over full there's a whole lot of prison officers 95% good and 5% bad reading these comments now I'm one myself let me tell you there is some crap that goes on in prison that you wouldn't believe this type of crap is committed by the 5% please don't believe that every officer is corrupt and caring indifferent last night I talked a prisoner out of a news and his weapons with no violence from either party tonight when I checked up on him he asked for panic or Tylenol I guess and I didn't have any so he threatened to kill me and violate my wife and kids this kind of crap and worse is what we as good officers put up with daily so please members of the public if we seem a bit stressed just remember what we do to keep you safe prisoners if we seem preoccupied it's because we have huge castle loads sometimes hundreds of others and can't spend all our time dealing with you I was a volunteer tutor at a juvenile detention center the boys and girls were separated the boys were pretty well-behaved and polite the girls program was shut down due to an incident that happened over five years ago the director of the program told us he tries not to remember what shut her down but told us the boys are much easier to handle than the girls he looked like a man who had seen some things man who has worked in various prisons here I will take immense over women's any day of the week shoots scary yay but why I can tell you from my experience working at one that females are the most stressful inmates to deal with they nag and be constantly and will get pleasure out of giving you a hard time in the most childish ways imaginable it's even worse for the female employees Bulls they're all best friends I saw orange is the new black liar I spent a week in youth jail when I was 15 it wasn't too bad because majority of the girls went in for violent crimes after three days I'd made friends with the rest of the girls and that worked to my advantage later about six months before I'd been hanging out with the wrong crowd and I was gang bashed by a group of 10-15 ish girls for no reason other than I had become friends with one of their boyfriends the main instigator later ended up in the same unit as me and my friends for the rest of my time there they proceeded to bully and antagonize this girl I felt kind of bad considering she looked so scared and lonely but I couldn't help but be a little bit happy she experienced a fraction of what I felt when I was attacked one of my friends did time she was in two different prisons in one she had to work having fields in a chain gang with guns pointed at her in the other she had prison guards bringing her subway and she worked at the store she said there was a bullet there and it was easy I spent 30 days in jail after drinking underage at 19 years of age my first offense but my mouth got my bond revoked so I sat there until my court date it was horrible the girls were beyond mean and hygiene in general was lacking ironically my skin got really clear b/c I had no makeup and I bathed as much as possible in there the food was lukewarm garbage we usually had cold grits and warm milk for breakfast and bologna sandwiches on hard bread for lunch I once traded a roll of toilet paper for a twin package of Dunkin sticks God snuck me Jolly Ranchers and Snickers bite-sized candies b/c they said it was BS that I was in there other guards had it out for me and would drag their flashlights along my cell bars to keep me up at night it was too light but I made a face mask out of a card we use newspaper as rollers for our hair to get ready for church I wasn't in general population BC I talk too much crap which was good BC I got to bathe separately from the other girls overall it was hack I was only in there for 30 days but it felt like an eternity and it was shocking how quickly I acclimated to jail life I wouldn't wish tail on my worst enemy I'm not a woman and I have never been to prison but I have seen orange as the new black evidently it is a really difficult place to be for about one season and after that it sort of like living at a boarding school with very lacks acceptance policies I worked in one for a few months it was honestly like a reform school the women there seemed like children that needed help women are very different creatures than men they rely a lot on relationships and they are defined by their relationships many of the women formed relationships with one another whether it was physical or romantic men in prison when frustrated or sad or angry would act out in violence women would cry or show their emotions in other less harmful ways a lot of the inmates are nonviolent I had murderers clean my work area and take out my trash it was a safe environment that we as staff always had to be safe they work for a living as well a lot of them had a job whether it was in the cafeteria cleaning gardening etc they could also take classes at the prison if they didn't have a high school diploma they were enrolled into a good program some were working on their college degrees it really wasn't anything special many people that work there loved it over working at a men's prison it's much Karma according to them and the inmates are a lot more respectful and genuine of the services offered to them my dad used to work in a women's prison he told me that most of the women there were really nice people I can imagine women's prisons are mostly a lot less dangerous my friend said they threaded their eyebrows with tampon strings my sister was impregnated in jail my best friend just got out of two years in County I know a bit bit already but I could ask her to talk about it more if people are more interested we're going to watch Hoyt and be together and she's going to tell me what's realistic and what isn't county jail and federal prison are two completely different in the wrong hands ex-cons afford it what was the hardest prison habit to break after being released not me personally but I know a guy that said after he got out he just wanted McDonald's when he got there he spent 20 minutes staring at the menu trying to decide what to order because he wasn't used to having choices staring at sharp things like there's no desire to use them inappropriately but you are just kind of shocked there and available for use but you might be surprised what qualifies as a sharp object I remember whenever someone tried to hand me a knife or something to cut veggies it to be afraid to touch it glass was the biggest thing though just mirrors in all the bathrooms real ones I could smash that crap and have a big jagged weapon I can't believe this Italian restaurant has such a dangerous thing in their bathroom stopping thinking of objects as weapons is hard one of my foster sons came to us from juvie every meal his arm was around his plate and he wove down his food my Mastiff couldn't keep up he always ate back to the wall hunched took my wife and I a month to show him no one would take his food and we clean team or funny parties he went in the Marines and in eight years got out honorable and is now working in Corrections I still like having a stash of ramen packs somewhere even if I'm not going to eat them that's just smart you never know when you might be hungry and have no other food taking a crap with my underwear up to my thighs to hide my junk it took a long time to go back to pants around the ankles I still do that I forgot it wasn't normal until my girlfriend pointed it out not wearing shoes in the shower eating with forks and knives having salt and pepper for food not always having to watch your back being able to get food when you want it and just get up and leave to go for a drive or something I don't smoke but every time someone offered me a cig I would pocket it on the inside that's a bartering chip took me about a month or two to break I eat fast I don't sit with my back to the door in public I always scan crowds constantly I question why people are nice to me I carry extra clothes water and various other things in my car in case I need it not a hoarder but harder to get rid of stuff I don't like being away from home overnight I also quit eating boiled eggs I over season my food and I refused to drink kool-aid anymore hoard feminine hygiene products we were super limited on the number of pads or tampons they gave us they didn't give any to the women in holding cells there was dried and fresh menstrual blood on the floor and concrete benches and a drain in the middle of the rooms like they intended to hose down the room but if they did it was not often enough I didn't use a fork for a few weeks ate everything with a spoon without thinking it's not the most interesting thing but I hadn't noticed it posted here same I tried to cut a steak with a spoon and my dad was like you are free now constantly looking over my shoulder by far the hardest conditioning to break which I haven't in doubt I ever will is the constant pessimism and cautious optimism you see when you're waiting to work your way through court get a deal and get sentenced you will have your dates change 50 times hope for certain things only to be disappointed and anytime you are told something hopeful it doesn't work out but as a result I never get excited for something until it actually happens when my wife told me we were pregnant I already knew from her symptoms that she was but still you never know for sure till you take the test I was obviously happy but because I'm always cautiously optimistic and rarely show emotion I couldn't feel comfortable or excited until I knew that my developing daughter was healthy even then it didn't really hit me till she was born you can apply this to anything especially big events getting engaged planning the wedding buying a house anything I still hear from my wife how I wasn't crazy surprised or excited to be having a kid I was I actually was the half of the relationship who was dead set on a kid when my wife supposedly could have gone either way you just can't get your hopes up all look forward to anything until it is here or has happened I've been home over seven years now and with my wife 46.5 she is truly the catalyst that motivated me to truly change my life and to not give any more of my life to the system but she'll never know how happy she makes me because she misinterprets my cautious optimism realism for pessimism or indifference I did almost seven years been out two years there are multiple head counts where the guards make sure that all of the inmates are accounted for every morning at 5:00 a.m. I felt like I was doing something wrong if I slept past 5:00 a.m. it took me almost six months before I slept past five o'clock even now 6 a.m. is sleeping and for me it has allowed me to never be late to work and show up every day I was a drug dealer with no work ethic and I slept until noon ironically I am more successful than I ever thought I would be because of this habit I had to completely change my sense of time I agree with all the people who said they ate super fast but then we would slow walk back from the chow hall any excuse for a few minutes more outside I made sure I never consolidated enjoyable things if I had a snack I ate it and concentrated on it if there was something good on TV I watched it now I'll snack while I watch a movie because there aren't enough thousand the day but on the inside I was trying to make hours and days go away I've got a good job now and nice respectable friends but I still react too confrontational situations more quickly decisively and efficiently than they do I'm able to pull back at the last minute but it's pretty clear that violence is not a tool in their arsenal taking as long as you want in the shower for the longest time after I got out I took less than five minutes showers I spent 72 months in prison for a tragic car accident that I had caused after I was released I kept telling my wife exactly what I was doing without her asking she thought it was funny at first but after a few weeks of it she was starting to get bothered not an ex-con but my stepdad has been in and out of prison for the majority of his life he always said that whenever he gets out of prison you're so used to it being loud all the time that when he got home he couldn't sleep because it was so quiet my friend who did a few years had to sleep with infomercials turned up quite loud just to get sleep at night always thought he was just accustomed to sleeping with the TV on now it makes sense dude I work with said for the first little bit after getting out he would take a leg out of his pants when he'd crap not sure how common that was dudes a fighter though so maybe that had something to do with it not me but guy who worked for me when things were very busy I would often get carryout lunch for everyone and bring it back to the workplace this one guy would eat a cheeseburger and french fries in two minutes row once I asked him why he ate so quickly he said well nobs foger I spent seven years in a federal prison and if you didn't eat your meal in 10 minutes you didn't get anything that 10 minutes often included the time it took standing in line to get your food okay then I never said anything to him about it after that being paranoid always looks over my shoulder and never letting anyone stand behind me even people passing on the side of me I'm always turning my head to see what they're doing food I could be the last one to eat first one done and ice we'll stand when I eat around people doing laps in prison every time you get time on the yard you do laps seriously almost every single person does it too when you get out it's hard to break that habit making prison commissary only food everyone around me thinks it is gross as Hector throw summer sausages pickles cheese Doritos cheetah's and such into my ramen noodles good good lord I can't stop and I have been out for five years my ex would sleep a certain way all the time to me it seemed like he was sleeping as if he was in a coffin his arms crossed and wouldn't move the entire night for a couple months he eventually broke that habit I did that too when I was in not because I was afraid of getting our pet but because if someone came at me when I was sleeping it was the best position to be able to defend yourself I'm a stomach sleeper normally a somewhat friend of mine did a few years and the one habit he couldn't shake was distrusting people he said that people in prison are never nice if they're nice it's because of a hidden motive up to this day he still doesn't trust people who act nice generous helpful dart towards him the hardest thing has been to talk without using the words Frick freaking or butthole in every sentence never been to prison but I did a few months in county jail something I haven't seen mentioned his trading food when I got out I asked my Jail free to trade me her chicken wings for my McCarney pure habit I really cold just went to the kitchen and got more chicken my uncle was in prison for a while and we've talked a bit about his experience and how it affected him he has a hard time not being violent you'd never guess since he mainly just sits in a corner and smokes but he's been out for nearly ten years and still always struggles with using his words the guy cannot stand Authority he tells me that it's hard to listen to bosses when you know you're probably smarter and tougher than them he knows most people feel this way but he just can't ignore it he's taken up professional carving so he can be his boss he's really in touch with our native roots now on account of joining a first nation's gang in prison doesn't talk much I don't know if that's because of prison but he really only speaks if he wants to not the type of guy who likes to talk just to talk doesn't have a lot he has some sort of abandonment issue or something so he doesn't want a lot of things to miss if he goes back to prison for all the time he doesn't spend with people he's out with nature or doing something in the wilderness I think it helps keep him calm and feel connected nice enough guy but prison kind of freaked him up I think and he's going to live his life being slightly disconnected with people not an ex-con but judging by a few guys I've worked with taking extreme offensive the word GU for goofy being used in their presence it is apparently a prison term primarily in Canada that refers to child assaulters killers etc in prison you definitely don't want that name attached to you still pretty weird to have a dude blow up just because you said something they were working on looked a bit goofy and needed to be fixed having your head on a swivel protecting your personal property in an obsessive manner and sizing everyone up when I was locked up I always knew what was going on 360 degrees around me only the last unit I was in had lockers with actually locks so before that I had to protect my commie paperwork and books all the time most people would fight you to take your crap because that is the respectful way to do it good cat burglars are the worst they sneak around and take crap they get flicked up by everyone when they get caught it is code you want my crap come get it not sneaking around and steal it I've been out for almost a year and a half that I still constantly size people up no matter where it is grocery store Walmart walking down the street I still analyze each person and figure my best course of action if we have to fight I've been out eight years and I still eat like a dog most prisons give you thirty minutes for your meal but that includes the walk from your cellblock to the chow hall waiting in line and finding a seat normally by the time I actually get a piece of food in my mouth I've already got a co yelling over my shoulder to hurry up it's really annoying going out to eat with people and gobbling your meal only to be stuck watching normal people eat for 20 minutes hardest habit talking crap too damn boss old men who think they're right cause they're old easiest habit I'm never eating Top Ramen or getting a bowl cut from a Mexican barber again I find myself hoarding toilet paper under my bed sometimes I do it without thinking and I'll look under there and have ten rolls of TP a couple guys I know after being out for five ten years wrap their arms around their plates and shovel food in their mouths at the speed of light but they are also super defensive of their food when I first got to know them I jokingly swiped a chip off one of their plates and he flipped his fork up and demanded I give it back freaked me out a lil my friend once told me he got hooked on watching news channels and crappy daytime television he said he also enjoyed listening to AM radio now even though he knows specific podcasts exists that are more tailored to him he killed himself three years ago after getting a 20-year sentence just one year after getting out I knew of a guy who got out after 15 years he had to call a friend to come and let him out of his apartment they'd go out do some shopping or whatever and then his friend would lock him up for the night dude could not work Doors himself without a rational fare he did get better after a few months but I hear he still has trouble doing things independently when my dad got out of prison 10 plus years we nicknamed him Martha Stewart because he was such a clean freak his home looks like an IKEA catalog he has glass containers for his shoes he wakes up early tomorrow and washed scrub everything when I lived with him for a year I was grounded so many times over leaving water drops in the sink two words grape jelly I remember people literally fist fighting over jelly when I first got in realizing like an unlocked my own door to go outside took me a while to realize that my roommates didn't have to unlock it to let me out pacing back and forth isolation I used to be a social butterfly but after spending so much time keeping to myself I don't know how to socialize anymore not me but my best friend who spent two strokes three of her life locked up in juvie and prison if she wanted a glass of water she would ask permission also if we were at my apartment and were gonna leave to go somewhere she would stand behind the door and wait for me to open it as if the daughter my apartment was locked and only I had the keys I was released at the end of November after three years and my biggest adjustment is grocery shopping in prison jail you typically can only go to the canteen once a week and it isn't like just walking into your local grocery store you have to write all your items down in advance so if you forget something you have to wait another week to get it or if you're lucky buy the item off another inmate so it is still weird adjusting to being able to go and get groceries hygiene items etc whenever I need them definitely sleeping habits still haven't broke them haven't slept a full night in over a decade any noise and my eyes are open and I'm wide awake I can hear really well a raccoon comes nightly to eat scraps and cat food and I can hear him crunching outside on the porch from bed on the opposite side of the house roughly 60 feet away wide awake I had to stop myself from knocking when getting up from a table explaining why this happens also really freaked my family out an ex-con who works for me always asked to use the restroom I have politely informed him that there is no need to do that he's an adult and can use the restroom whenever he pleases but he keeps asking and apologizing saying that it's hard to break the habit he even told me it's hard to pee whenever he hasn't gotten permission out of fear he shouldn't be going in the first place to get around this now he tells me I'm going to the bathroom you might want someone to cover my station so I think we found a happy medium not being able to go to the free infirmary when sick or hurt I got busted for weed and was confined in the county lockup for a couple months when I was 20 after I got out for a year or more I dreamed every night that I was back in stir that was the real punishment ex-cons offered it what's the worst thing that happened to you whilst doing your time serious my family came to visit me on Christmas Day the first year I was in I was so ashamed that I had a little breakdown the next day and punched the cinderblock wall inside my cell one of the guards invited me to come talk to him I made the mistake of thinking he was a friend and was talking about the meaning of life and why things happened he decided he thought I was suicidal which I wasn't the next day I was shipped off to a maximum-security prison in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan stripped down naked and given a kevlar smock to where they keep the temperature down of 60 degrees which means that you have to stay huddled in a corner to conserve body heat because this was observation I wasn't allowed to have anything nothing to read watch etc naked and cold for an entire week if you'd like to see what this is like turn your thermostat down then take all your clothes off and sleep on the floor of your bathroom with the light on for 6 days straight no showering either wasn't offered a chance to clean myself that's how I spent New Year's 2007 observation is not some kind of psychological treatment it's punishment and mental torture sleeping and singing to yourself is all you can do too cold to do anything else freakin brutal now I try to go out of the country for New Year's Eve every year my cell mate put Jam in my shoes the morning of my release oh and when I first got there they accidentally entered me into the system twice giving me to prison or IDs only one of which worked and put all my money and post on the other one didn't sort this out till I finished my sentence months later 12 months on the inside very first day in prison very first day I was in line for supper and this big guy comes up behind me squeezes my arse and whispers in my ear are your panties wet scared I turned around and the guy jumped back and said in a friendly tone oh my mistake made thought you were someone else and left the line I did three one stroke two years in Texas prisons I believe that the worst story I can recall was my first full day in a state jail facility used as a transition Center for up to two years before one is sent to a real prison in Texas a guy came up to me asking if I smoked cigarettes I didn't bit thought why not so he told me to head to the gym when that time came later that afternoon we went to the gym and fired up a cigarette while we walked around the basketball court as we were walking around the court we approached the universal gym machine where a variety of people were using the various pieces to workout the guy who offered me the cigarette advised me to follow him to the other side lock the basketball court and to stay away from the universal gym a few minutes later a guy sat down and leaned back to do some bench press when four guys grabbed him one on each arm and one on each leg he two other guys pull out cans of chili or refried beans as both were available in socks and proceeded to hammer the guy in the face the guy at the bench press had his face completely caved in all I could think was what have I gotten myself into I also recall one other time when I was at the pre-release facility at the baito unit where a guy had his face cut up with a box cutter and his throat slit over $20 but the guy who died even had about $40 worth of cigarettes on him when he died I never had anything happened to me directly per se there were a few fights I got into over various things usually just respect at first I thought that didn't sound so bad then I realized that the chili was still in the cans processing into LA County Jail just after the first showers everybody is lined up to proceed to the next stage of processing we were told to leave our towels in a pile on the floor and step forward when your name is called one Hispanic fellow was called but did not speak any English he was still carry his towel the deputy commanded him to stop and leave his towel in the pile he did not respond one deputy used his Taser on the dude while two others dropped sneeze on him the guy was rolling on the floor screaming apologies in broken English and Spanish the guy received one warning a few of us tried asking other Hispanics to inform him of the rule before he got to the deputies but no further effort was made I realize this isn't the worst tale on this post just goes to show that violence happens for totally silly reasons in jail prison the funny thing is there is no law in the entire United States mandating a citizen to know English but there is however a law that mandates any formal documents to be translated into any given language when requested I saw a guy with swastika tattoos on his body the friend of flamboyantly gay black man platonically turned my whole world upside down actually for all I know it could have been a flamboyantly black gay man either way it was sweet while waiting in jail to go to the PDCA with five guys from my block that liked making people fight they made up stories and stole things then would act like your buddy and say they found your stuff in this guy's bunk I was warned about this they finally targeted me and this guy twice my size luckily he was warned - they stole my deodorant which is a prize where I wasn't put in his bunk they told me where it was and I acted mad then we all went to his cell the big guy looked at me and I said you stole from me no one steals from me I went at him and begin lightly slapping him he laughed and slapped lightly back we both were yelling everyone laughed and I got my deodorant back the five dudes saw we knew what they were up to and moved on to other new inmates even though everything worked out I was secretly pooping and wetting myself to oblivion in my mind I can answer as an ex corrections officer I was for one stroke two years in Cofield unit in Texas I think the worst thing I ever saw was a guy who was masturbating with a light bulb one of those little screw in 60 watt light bulbs anyway the guy stuck it up his ass glass end first and couldn't get it out he asked the guards take him to medical and I was on the escort team he was in segregation we get to medical and sit for a while next thing I know the guy is screaming blood and crap run everywhere and he just passes out we ended up having two life flight him out to the closest hospital where he opened him up and rinsed his ass out I was in the room the whole time I'm still traumatized did three weeks in County feel basically being at the wrong place at the wrong time I had just turned 18 and had never been in trouble not even in school I was interrogated in a small room by a huge undercover agent with a stash who told me that they knew I was the ringleader and that he would make it his personal mission to see that I spent the rest of my life in jail did not know any details so I said nothing when I was put in a Cell my cellmate was a six feet two bald Mexican gangster guy and every night he would loudly masturbate while i clenched my thin bedsheets in fear not sleeping until I knew for sure I no longer heard him I was released for lack of evidence good times smart move not talking always call a lawyer always doesn't matter if they have nothing on you lawyer up anything you say they can use against you without context some interrogation techniques are brutal I am going to give you a family story my cousin got into some C&H problems shortly after his mother died he did a robbery at knifepoint on a local shop where my brother now works anyway he goes away for ten years service agent was released three years ago he has a wife and two kids and is doing really well so happy ending the story that comes to mind during his fifth year he is one of the longest-serving members of the prison short-stay prison in England with only a few people serving sentences over two years anyway he gets a guy living next to his cell and starts chatting with him in the cafeteria they become friends and after about three months people think nothing of it but three months after he arrives the inmates break into the back office of the prison and find everyone's records they find out my cousin's mate has been transferred to this prison because his last prison found out he was a kiddy Fiddler's and he was moved for his safety my cousin gets told flat out while at dinner one day so and so he's been done for kiddie fiddling do something all you both get it from us fearing his safety my cousin goes over and whacks the guy straight in the jaw with a tray breaks his jaw and a couple of teeth my cousin proves he was not sympathizing with a pedo and didn't get his head kicked in sent into solitary confinement for a two weeks I was arrested in a different state after skipping out of my home state while waiting for extradition back they don't freak around County maximum-security I'm in with the worst of the worst all murder are kidnapping charges so my only experience with jail prior to this was watching the Shawshank Redemption Oz prism shows on TV so I'm scared shitless I'm a big guy at the time six feet six about 280 pounds pretty solid fighter betaine though Ayman with hardened criminals that will kill me for a cupcake or so I thought anyway first day and I stay in my cell sleep all day think about my life half way through the day a group of the biggest guys come in and ask for my papers to make sure I wasn't a pedo later I talked to my cellmate a bit and he seems nice says he needs a spades partner and I know how to play he says the next day we will play and he will show me around next morning we sleep in and around 11:00 go down and get a game I'm like a scared rabbit looking around checking my back just waiting to get shanked we get to playing and I'm getting to know the guys everyone seems cool I'm good at spades and so is my cellie so we are kicking ass after a few games the other team is getting agitated and I'm gloating a bit so the guy to my right eventually gets upset and starts yelling calling me a cheat and this and that I brush it off but I'm on full alert just waiting for a fight so when he yells Frick this and Frick you he stands up and I pop up and blast him in the face as hard as I can he crumples to the ground and starts spitting out teeth everyone in the common area just stares and me like WTF it was later explained that people get upset at card games but never fight in view of gourds as someone who is about to do a few months for the first time this really takes some of the nerves away it'll be in minimum-security though so hopefully it will be even more chill than what you scribes I wouldn't mind hearing that betta death story either eight months inside and one instance always sticks out in my mind I was running out of phone minutes and spending what precious time I had left talking to my child we didn't get to talk as much as I liked had unfortunately more important people to talk to lawyers trying to find jobs for my release etcetera this butt hole comes up I need the phone hold on man I only got a couple minutes left he takes the phone and slammed it into the payphone holster and abruptly hung up on my daughter still breaks my heart because I cherish every minute I can have with her I spent a short amount of time in a County Jail the first morning they came and handed out those small cardboard cereal boxes that come in variety packs I remember wolfing down the cereal as I hadn't eaten in a day or two and was starving they then came back around and served the milk I'm sure this really sucked at the time and I'm sorry for your suffering but goddamn if that was funny I was incarcerated for nine years one month four days I've seen many things I just turned 30 I will stop there AMA when I have time the worst I've seen was two guys on life sentences back in courts for retrial seeing a rival enemy and for DUI over the weekend guy didn't make it home to lifers stabbed him I'm assuming 100 times tied him up in blankets sent to trash delivery two guys were caught day later when missing body was found before trash was disposed that's the problem with lifers nothing to lose almost a huge fight between three Vietnam vets and a 25 year old em dealer because he switched from The History Channel to that week's new Breaking Bad during our precious TV time that was my first time watching the show and he made the right call em dealer stays true boredom seriously prison isin't like in the movies their stories are on the like that never saw it I got into a few fights got thrown in the box a couple times by nothing compares to the goddamn boredom my dad was released from prison 2013 I didn't visit him very often because I was 16 when he left and was very hurt but we've had a lot of conversations about what happened while he was in there he tells me over and over that they worst thing for him while he was in there was the isolation while he was in there I was arrested and later went to rehab my brother was include eu eyes and nearly died my mother served him divorce papers almost as soon as he got in there as a hopeful future father and husband I cannot imagine a worse scenario you literally have to sit around while the people you care about the most fade from view slowly every day you wonder if they're thinking about you and if they still love you the way you love em you have to wonder what they're going to be like when you get out in years you see your family is brokenhearted and you can't reach out to them not only because they won't let you but because you physically cannot leave boredom I can't go ten minutes without doing something or else I get extraordinarily bored I can't imagine going years with no form of entertainment I did 10 years in federal maximum joints saw lots of crap worst thing during a riot some guy got his face beaten off fog his skull with clubs inmates had broken the legs of some tables and taped three for master lock padlocks around the end dude had no face blood everywhere only one person died in that riot serious ex-prisoners over debt who was the most evil person there and what did they do that was so bad my mom was locked up with Selena's murderer and we all know what she did every Mexican woman wanted to kill her so they kept her away from everyone not in prison but I was an intern in a public defender's office over ten years ago in the one that stands out was a juvenile locked up for the third time for our ping kids aged two to four kid was obese and clearly very damaged this was a juvenile detention center that was often used as a bad a sitter by cokehead moms accused the kid off a crime and get them locked up for the weekend so they could go on a bender he was serving a sentence I was warned going in there that he could turn violent at the drop of a hat and the attorney was nervous about bringing a young female in but I insisted kid looks me straight in the eye and says don't let me out I will do it again I can't stop he was hunched over dead eyes and completely serious at least he knows and his being honest about it I'm glad he's making the efforts to keep himself locked up that's got to be the skinniest sliver of a silver lining ever I'm here I did five years in Lissy stir and Featherstone Priscilla ns in the early 80s one guy in Featherstone was a lifer and had done 30-plus years apparently he used to Frick young boys and cut their dongs off when he was arrested he had a fresh dong in his pocket too bad the police didn't get there sooner for the owner of the fresh dong one of the woman on my wing cut up her lover and put his body parts in her empty TV box then put the TV box on his mother's doorstep but not sure about most evil but interesting story when I did time I was bunked up with a guy who had stabbed his uncle to death guy was insanely mean but when lockup came he was super nice to me he was 23 but couldn't read or write so we would dictate letters to his girlfriend and I would write them for him when my dad went to jail he was shocked by how many young men couldn't read or write he made a lot of important friends because he was one of the few people able to help with legal paperwork the words I shot that be in the stomach and I hope they both died were used in reference to a 15 year old pregnant girl I won't ever be able to forget that one English guy here I spent four and a half months in prison in 2018 there was a guy who was really nice seemed like a genuine guy that was until I found out he strangled his drunk wife to death and left her there whilst he went to work the next morning there was also this dude in his 40s this was when I was at the county jail before being shipped off to state prison who was a janitor at an elementary school he was weird with a giant star of david' tutu on his back and and highlights in his long ish bowl-cut black hair he sodomized two girls 9 and 11 with a broom handle I think is charged with sodomy with a foreign object I remember everyone feeling contempt because we knew that in that County sex offenders got off easy fortunately we were wrong he was given life I remember the paper he got from court read release date deceased there was another Chama who are paid his three-year-old daughter and when his wife caught him she freaked out and called the police he ran from the cops in a car and drove off a cliff side whether that was on purpose or not I'm not sure but here is where it gets worse so after the accident he couldn't talk or act normal he was essentially [ __ ] would shuffle around and rock back and forth in a time someone talk to him but brain damages what people said from the car crash people were nice to him until they found out his charge then ignored him or were cold towards him but he was [ __ ] at this point so no one went out of their way to harm him this went on for maybe seven or eight months but people started to say he was full of crap because gradually he started acting more normal or people would catch him acting more normal than they believed he tried to portray himself eventually it became obvious he could not keep up the charade any longer and everyone knew he was faking being [ __ ] people started freaking with him and tormenting him people peed on his laundry bag trustees banging their brooms on the side of his cell wall to make him start going crazy and crying he had a single cell in the corner he was still trying to act like he was [ __ ] but was slipping up and slacking at times and it became obvious he was full of crap the worst part is that he only got four years four freaking years for arpan his daughter I got six years for robbing someone of their drugs anyways when he got to state prison after being shipped from the county jail he got beat real fricking bad word travels in the system I think he spent the remainder of his time in isolation even the guards hated him and knew he was lying before I got my prison sentence in 2013 I was in a rapaho County Jail with James Holmes was pretty crazy cuz they'd put the whole facility on lockdown to move him even though he was in segregation 12 life sentences plus an additional three thousand three hundred and eighteen years for that guy who deserves it there was a correctional officer at least six feet five and well built and he would always come in peed off so one morning we are waiting in line for breakfast and he thought he heard this elder man call him a bee he followed the man back to his cell and started teeing off on him the man didn't even try fighting back and when he fell the first time he split his head open on the steel bunk the inmate was so out of it he started asking where his car keys and wallet went while he was on the ground bleeding the co here's the man and for some reason turns around and goes back and hits him a few more times and says who's a B now I'll never forget thinking dang this is somebody's father they're probably both somebody's father I am 20 was in and out juvie from 15 - 18 till I went to County Jail the worst people I came into contact was a boy 15 who shot his stepmother slit her throat beat her head in with a blunt object wrapped her in sheets for the father's roommate to find her than he shot him happened in McMinnville Oregon other than that a lot of people are ping siblings and making threats to shoot up the high schools in the area that's Yamhill County for you I was locked up with Jodi arias so that was bizarre there was also a woman who murdered her baby and kept it in the freezer we called her Maytag I was 16 but tried as an adult so they kept me in a 21 and under POD Malvo the DC sniper was in my pod also one of the first people I saw in a chain gang was chose Manson's brother swastika on his forehead and everything lesson learned don't be a Frick boy I was in JDC not document most of the people in J DC were locked up for the same reason as some people would be in doc I remember talking to this kid and he was kind of stupid in the head I asked him what he did and he our pet his ten-year-old sister while she was asleep most them were in there for murder but he stood out since he was a sex offender I was in a women's prison new inmate told everyone she was in for tax fraud couple of days later she gets the crap beaten out of her and doesn't leave her cell again food gets taken in by screws and eventually she gets guested out turns out she was in our side and both her husband and son were in the male side for running a child pee ring those guys had been put straight in the VP win but most female prisons don't have enough sex offenders to have one it was one of the screws who told some of the inmates why she was in they wanted her to be taught a lesson the offenses were all for she was fully part of it and was responsible for acquiring a lot of the victims as she was trusted by people a youngest victim was an niece's three-month-old who had to be hospitalized due to trauma this rich kid stabbed his friend in the chest killing him then he was on xanax and weed at the time and doesn't remember anything of him other than his friend on the floor dying the mad thing is this guy 18 years old actually got off with a murder and found not guilty although was sent down for just under two years for possession of a knife his parents were quite wealthy and it was a big case in the UK basically his barristers were the best money could buy and he said that's how he got off I was incarcerated with over 280 people doing life without parole there were all kinds stabbed the neighbor lady 150 plus times shorter bully in the head in the school parking lot beat a dude with a hammer etc there were two that stuck with me though one where he looked me right in the eye and told me about shooting a guy with a shotgun to the chest creeped me the eff out where did that kidnapped and killed some girl in his basement was another John Wayne Gacy actually designed the miniature golf course there I had a cellie in prison who was a KKK white boy he was a madman he was always peed off and would say the craziest stuff like did you hear that the White Rhino is going extinct freaking Jews I was watching the movie about black pilots in world war ii and he sat down indignant and rolled his eyes and guffawed black pilots see monday I said you really think there are no black pilots he said heck no have you ever seen a black pilot it was like this every day until my move finally got approved when I was in jail my celly was a guy that tied his old lady down to their table and tried to carve do-not-resuscitate into her chest halfway through the cops showed up because the neighbors could hear her screaming I tried as politely as I could to tell the captain that I don't mess around with woman beaters and asked for a block transfer thankfully they put me in work release which was awesome because I got to work in the kitchen and deliver food to the different blocks no food her whole meals were brought to you and you never left your block except to go to the basketball city or the library well one day I'm serving food to one of the solitary cells and as soon as the slot is opened adventure in wet magazine gets thrown out turns out it's covered in pee and the woman inside is the chick my previous cellie carved up turns out she stabbed her son with a searing java blood and she was inside too some crazy stories all around but that couple far and away we're the craziest people I saw my friend's dad was a volunteer chaplain taking care of prisoners religious needs at the county jail he came into our criminal justice class to talk about working at a jail he told us that the most evil people at a jail are the ones that show no remorse for their actions and he saw the guy that killed the foreign exchange student that attended the University of Utah and he told us that the guy didn't seem to care at all he was calm about everything heard a story that some inmates would put broken glass in their faces and throw it to Sia's faces so when they would wipe the stuff away from their eyes the glass cuts them yup they mix it with urine as well so as to make it a fine mist often it will be allowed to ferment for an extended period of time to make it as putrid as possible it's called gassy it's became such a problem in American prisons that they made it a felony I wasn't an inmate I was an officer but at a facility I worked at we were a level five which is maximum security lots of people who had life without parole and just a bunch of different things happened one guy was on a documentary because he traveled across several states and killed around five people total he was peed cause the documentary blamed him but he always tried to say his father hitting him as a child made him kill these people then there's the old guy who our pet his young grandchildren and was furious that he was sent to prison cause they were his grandkids so he could do whatever he wanted he had also our pet his children when they were growing up lots of sick things in a max security prison and those would be nothing when compared to a federal Supermax during my time in health care there was a security officer that looked like a skinhead but he was not he was huge like six feet five around 370 pounds tattoos covered his body but they were only just noticeable because he wore full-length shirts with collars I got to know him and found out he was a retired correctional officer he worked more than 20 years he shared some crazy stories he talked about right unbelievable stuff but of all the things this the one of the most horrendous inmates he spoke of he was a corrections officer in Texas and was over the death row inmates he said this one was there for kidnapping a mother and her two daughters after our ping and killing them he drove them out to the desert to drop their bodies off one of the girls somehow survived and made it back to the road where a trucker found her I'm pretty sure they already executed this guy and on the day of his execution this security officer at the time telling me this told the guy I am going to go home and have a great meal and think of you dying ah there's different degrees to evil one of the smallest black guys and there was so loud and would not stop talking he eventually freaked out and cut his body up with a razor blade to get medical attention for a different scene another guy was young got beat by a 70 year old in dominoes the young guy just straight punched the old man in the forehead I was reading Molly and me just sounded like someone hit a watermelon super hard I looked up old man was knocked out on the floor when he came to these other 18 years old kids were cracking up laughing and the old man was so confused and kept asking why are you laughing a white guy who was small and young was the Jack Russell terrier of the pod and he was the worst he would just constantly steal and for some reason nobody did anything about it guy named Nick looked just like Mike Tyson and would fight white ppl who would workout BC they were doing it wrong he would also stare at you while you were taking a crap there was one corrections officer who assaulted me in a bathroom during work duty BC I didn't know if a roll of toilet paper should be changed out there was like a one stroke three left it was my first day he thought I was freaking with him after he hit me and was done I said so does it need to be changed I still don't know he figured out I was serious and apologized 1co always snuck me coffee and let me watch football on TV BC I was nice and worked hard hands down so this lady was married husband cheated had a full-blown affair ended up with a love child somewhere along the line the wife is babysitting the husband's illegitimate child he comes home from work sitting down to eat dinner and asks her how is the baby she says I don't know you tell me this B ended up killing the baby cooking it putting it in the food and fed it to him she's doing two life sentences this is in Arizona by the way side note she looks like the devil horizon literally black and she looks like she has no soul it takes a lot to creep me out but this lady's vibe is death one of the darkest things I've ever felt in my entire life I've not been in jails so don't know if this will count but when I was 19 I was a prison visitor the one guy I visited was in jail for theft he'd pick up high-value items and just walk out of a store think 10 pounds K electronics from Harrods and did it repeatedly I asked him why he did it so much as he was not much older than me and had been in and out of jails since he was about 15 his answer he was attracted to young children and wanted to make sure he could never act those feelings his doctor told him he told me anyway that it wasn't an issue because my friend told his doctor he would never act on those feelings and never got him any help he'd asked for now I can guess what a lot of you are thinking Yeah right but he told me about his own childhood and every word was verified later on both his parents had been sexually abusing him for as long as he could remember passed him around they're disgusting friends to use as they wanted along with other children at parties etc just over a year of visiting him Andy hung himself because he was going to be released and didn't want to be outside in case he did abuse some other child and left a message saying he wanted to be sure he'd never hurt anyone the way he was I miss him still and was proud of him and to call him my friend I worked in Corrections and had an inmate beg for chemical castration because he was a pedo and didn't want to hurt anyone ever again the state refused his request so he cut his balls off and flushed them he never regretted doing it either I know this doesn't fit the question 100% but I'll chip in I was a juror never been in jail prison on a high-profile murder case a couple years ago the man was charged with conspiracy to commit murder we found him not guilty long story as it was his girlfriend that actually committed the crime this wasn't just any typical murder though this guy's girlfriend faked her pregnancy and when it was time to deliver she lured a pregnant neighbor girl over to her apartment killed her and cut the baby out intending to raise it as their own the state got the woman to testify against her boyfriend at trial so I can probably say that was the only time I've ever been in the same room as someone at his evil you've been visited by the old seeing dog as good visions will come to you but only if you comment watch me poppers if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
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Keywords: prison, prison stories, reddit 1 hour, 1 hour, compilation, ex-convict, ex convict interview, ex convicts, prison life, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: plOwEv7oMvk
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Length: 71min 29sec (4289 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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