Walk By Faith (2014) | Full Movie | Fabiola Barragan | Jaelynn Blount | James Bradley

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today will be a good day so take out your textbooks start it hey what's up what makes you so special then water on your desk you know it's there I feel at peace up small why your eyes always so feel sick I'm straight Cory Kevin would you like to share what you're discussing it's got to be very important no we do is just sharing some notes how many people have picked out a topic from the blood disorder project that exists here in this state my topic will be on leukemia Thank You Cara Lee this is a blood disorder that is very common a person who suffers from leukemia generally suffers from an abnormal production of blood cells generally leukocyte does anyone else care to share kids every topic my research paper is about sickle cell anemia it affects mostly African Americans and Hispanic Americans Thank You Cameron sickle cell is also a very common blood disorder what I would like to do is to break you off into groups Kevin and Cory you to work together Casey and Linda you to work together and and Peter any moving straight errorless I cannot afford to fail this class hey get at me later swing get started okay yes what is it I don't feel comfortable doing the research project on sickle-cell anemia you want me to switch a partner well not really just because I don't want Kevin oh wait a minute you'll be fine what better person to touch on this subject than you but Cory I know you want to keep this quiet because people can be cruel however when you decide to embrace your condition your life will become much easier I know a lot of people who made their misery their ministry and they gave back to others think about what I just said Thank You Cory I expect nothing less than an A on Friday Friday if you need help I'm here late on Tuesday after 10 support good for you my mom was making me go so I thought I'll try it out you never know look good look black roses red roses darkest night red as blood hey I had left town last night yeah me too my parents are back at it again I understand what that's like enough with this emotional surge I can't take it anymore we gotta get to class what's your pain number it's like you know that God would put no more on you than you can bear okay so hang in there do you want me to counter the support group tonight no no I'll be good are you sure most of my friends are active in sports but I'm scared that I will get a crisis and lose some cool points but I just love sports yeah it's like they can just pick you out of a crowd I just don't bother to be around people that I know know tease me about it I just don't bother everyone we have a new peer in the group let's all welcome them so what is your name and what would you like to share well I'm Corey my mom and because well I'm glad to be here I just want to say I had a pain crisis to the day six y'all you know sometimes I just get so upset because it's like I don't deserve this disease you know it's just so painful and aggravating to be honest like I kind of blame my parents for not getting tested before engaging I mean I love them but I just want to be honest well thank you for being honest Brian as a parent mom would you like to respond well ask for me I do feel the shame of not being knowledgeable and sometimes is truly overwhelming to see what he goes through and this is why we have the line of open communication so that he would not feel ill towards me I used to feel that way you know but sometimes things are much just happen now we just got to be grateful of being blessed to be here with people that we love well said Cory and remember to use the different methods to control your pain be cautious of your activity keep the water down and make sure you take your medicine always keep a positive outlook then look for ways to improve your eating habits find a comfort zone to help you in times of need and get a support system with caring friends and fun cousins but most importantly live life to the fullest yet with the few limitations you can do it I'm not trying to win anybody over anything but it it at least helps to pray to God when you're sick I mean we can't do this on our own even though not good days that's all I agree I'll see you all next week [Applause] Aysen I like that attitude I think he could be a good player but son I believe you can be anything that you want to be tell me that you're not about to say what I think you are however this game it's risky it's hard work I mean it's jumping up and down it's running it's strenuous and you could become dehydrated look I just don't want to take that chance of you running out of fuel I got a few coach I can do this I mean I do everything I was told to do by my doctor do not feel sorry for me I don't feel sorry for myself how was practice you okay well excuse me hello yeah yeah yeah baby great I'll be back now Cory Cory what is this I'm sorry can I help you what is this oh well I had to let him go due to school policy I mean the risks involved were just too high excessive absences have to have a certain grade point average play sports Hey look there's so many other things that he could be doing and not be putting his life at jeopardy listen what keeps you to write to discourage a child from playing basketball he's given two years and now just say it's a liability you let me worry about that we are aware of protocol what did you think we're not I get your point maybe I misjudged the sickness he's challenging tell you what why don't we just start over okay so I a misfortune I I'm coach Larry it's nice to meet you same I'll tell you what why don't you have Corey come by the office tomorrow and we can work something out I'm sure there are other positions that are less strenuous sounds good I'll do that by the way I'm really a nice person Yeah right hey hey man what's going on what happened to you I waited for two days I was under the weather but I'm good now so come and check us out there's all kinds of stuff in this disease wait wait it's cool back down one more page is that Houston honey what are you gonna do with this just print it that's gonna be 15 cents ma'am I got it hey man where are you going you just got here you've got to put in your time fine but you owe me not found out there are people considering a bone-marrow transplant get this even cured I don't know Corinne like a fine balloon donor who's the perfect match you know what this will mean this all works what about you want to Kelly can we get you all checked out I don't know Cory this is too sudden this is just over the top mom are you are you serious we're talking about possible cure I mean we're just gonna have to pass on this one there are all these complications it's just not that easy I don't care about the complications you just want to be normal what are you talking about your are normal it's just that the symptoms of the disease makes you feel like you're abnormal Cory normal mom look at me yellow eyes mom get blue sports as I drink gallons of water I think I'm contagious just don't want any of it anymore you don't want what Cory this this it's body blood transfusions the needle sticks skooshy a ting pain medicines I just don't want any of it anymore when God is ready to heal you he will what if God is waiting on me peace I am ready no do you want me to in the blakc I was told I must live by faith you told me this in faith without works is dead MA son I just don't want you putting your hope into something that just may not work but you wouldn't know that though faith is unseen is hoping in those things I just can't I just can't I'm sorry did I come at a bad time yeah no is everything okay are you okay no I'm not we just had a heated discussion I just I just feel so helpless it's gonna be okay just let me talk to me Cory are you okay yeah yeah I'm okay well are you up for this do I have a choice no but I promise I will be gentle how many uh sikozu basis do you see well about twelve did any of them have a surgery to cure the disease you mean the bone-marrow transplant well there was one of my patients that decided to do it until this day it has been successful why stinking just good my way of escape I do have to warn you that there are complications involved in this procedure and what did your mom say she's against it sometimes it it's not always best to go against the grain you have to be mentally prepared for such a delicate procedure maybe you should listen to your mom well gatsby and whatever you decide to do I mean only you know how you feel I would take my time and I would do my homework then decide remember let it run for four hours and clean the site before you remove the needle in the sharps container okay I'll see you later big guy you see hi my name is kori Montgomery I would like to find out some information on the bone marrow transplant procedure sickle cell anemia other person is 16 years old okay all right thank you hi hi my name is kori Montgomery I'm I wanted to get some information on the bone marrow transplant procedure all right I'm coming I'm sorry can you beat that all right all right you got it thank you thank you very much [Music] [Music] good news okay it's Cory Cory may have found a potential cure for the sickle-cell disease what kind of cure well it's a bone-marrow transplant that doesn't sound like Cory would think of something like that he's a child which one of y'all came up with this idea well he's doing the school project and he ran across some information and many devil is a liar God is not pleased with all of this new technology look when my daughter got diagnosed with cancer I just prayed to God about it and patiently waited for something to happen and do you remember what happened that's not bad I've supported you through everything and you can't take my advice on this do you remember how you had to watch your daughter suffer I feel that I feel it here and I feel it here if you ever wonder what in me ya been like looking for a cure get a treatment yes I do but I have to live with that every day look sister don't do this what do you think they're gonna say about you people are gonna think you've lost your mind last Sunday pastor told us that we need to do something that we've never done before to get what we have never had you and I were there together did you not hear that I'm not even concerned about people when do we are talking about my son I don't know I just say wait your turn okay you're right I have just decided what I need to do sometimes you have to let go and let God [Music] do something Fenne this report is going to be off of the chain hey did you know that there are other races with sickle-cell if we talk a little bit more about the potential cure then maybe we can interview someone who has it I don't know do you know anyone yeah I do your sickle-cell don't you yeah I do but I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone what you ashamed you be well I don't know well I'll seek it with it and to walk with it then you wouldn't understand okay I got an idea why don't you let me interview you about the dunes come on man it would be an easy no I said no yes I did come in come see I wanted to apologize for offending you in any way I can be a little unsentimental at times and I'm okay coach good tell you what why don't you help me coach consistent coach yeah I mean it's it's less strenuous on you and not to mention you'll be around what you love okay yeah I'll depreciate that coach neck all right thank you consistent coach can I ask you a question coach sure if you wanted something so bad and everybody was against you would you do I would make it a point to I'm sorry coach I have to go this hello yes this is Corey mm-hmm tail or gothic princess princess Dominica looks so beautiful all dressed in black with white makeup and dark purple lips she sat on her throne so full of majesty the onlookers were dazzled by her beauty in worship the ground she walked upon the king was not well and expected to die soon and the Queen had said long ago so the young princess would soon rule the kingdom hello hey can you come over real quick now is not a good time I just need your help I'm in the middle of something deep right now I need to find a donor why this is something good right out touch through a list can I count on you good morning how are you doing I'm good how are you I'm blessed where's my nephew he called me yesterday about being tested as a donor excuse me he asked you about what tell him that I called sister fortune but your own child needs your help and you won't even help him tell him that I would be delighted to help him but I don't think that's nothing you can't speak for me tell him to give me a call with the details well okay I will hey hey you're pretty good so sorry you can't play anymore Wow he's around fast yeah well I kind of overheard you on the coach talking the other day I noticed you weren't here last week in class I thought I'd see you here practice I mean are you gonna be here in the game Saturday yeah yeah I'm sure hey can I give you my number yeah I mean you know I produce red roses dark is night red is blood you get in contact with anyone yet yeah some of the numbers you gave me were wrong did anyone call you back no not yet it'll work out you want something you drink but I do have to ask you something I think I might have met someone how do you know that she gave me a number so what's the problem being in a relationship means to have to be open about my issue it's only an issue when you make it one you deserve to be happy too don't people haven't sympathy for me and I am no charity case I understand but you you can't live your life trying to hide from fear of what others might know about you I'm just dipping in that waiting no you're not I'm different look at me so you nervous yeah but I gotta go thanks for listening black roses red roses dark is night red is blood just hear me out I really need to ace this project swinging past it's closed so I brought help they're willing to help us I have the disease I have the treat it's rare but they have found on my culture yeah I have it too and my little sister but my conditions we don't use our real voices don't show our faces most importantly this project remains completely confidential all right deal [Music] didn't you die from cancer I remember once my pastor told me to never give up on the impossible things of mine because all things are possible with God today our project will be a little different the laser five-four-three-two-one so what is sickle cell disease sickle cell disease is when your red blood cells change from round shapes into sickle light shapes the sickle cells stick together and block blood flow of that part of the body and you can start to hurt and can't do things normally because of the pain it can cause an individual yes but not everybody can have it a bone-marrow transplant or BMT takes healthy bone marrow cells from someone without sickle cell and gives it to the person who has sickle cell disease this way you may be cured of sickle cell disease by replacing the bone marrow that make the sickle cells bone marrow is found inside your bones and makes blood cells if you have any medicines remember to tell your mummy or daddy or teacher whether it has helped you this is important because your pain can get worse and sometimes you may need to go to hospital to have stronger medicines and be looked after by the nurses and doctors so here's a countdown of the top five do's and dont's future write down and remember don't forget to carry a water bottle with you everywhere do avoid drinks that are too hot or too cold at number four don't wear yourself up running or playing games do rest if you feel tired at to number three do wrapping warm clothes if it's cold don't forget to remove them if it's hot at number two do eat up all your food don't forget to brush your teeth and finally at number one do go to the hospital clinic when you need to don't forget to take your medicines every day thanks Sophie so do you remember those important do's and don'ts [Applause] heimo what you doing hi Cory um you don't understand my like I really have to be somewhere I know all about the appointment you do yes I do my mom is just gonna do something not die you know I was so strong I had had to give it a chance me mad no not anymore I'm behind you 100% and your dad wait called dad yes that did he's an agreement so let's get you to this appointment Hori continued again are you doing this fortune I see you're interested in a bone marrow transplant surgery we definitely want to get some more in-depth information on it okay check your vitals real quick baby breath we've been searching the internet and finding all sorts of stuff so we just want to make sure we come in and find out what's best for him I see well this procedure has seen some success in its patients however it isn't a noted cure but it has the chance to become one so is Cory a good candidate for the surgery mm-hmm sure is his sickle cell anemia is quite severe and he's showing signs of minor organ damage he's a type SC which is the most severe and it doesn't look like his medication is very effective so I'm really feeding myself this information on the procedure hmm that's great I'll just need a sibling with the matching bone marrow type now it's not that simple you see the sibling provides a more chance of a perfect match really this is not the only option the best option we wouldn't want the bone marrow to be rejected you don't understand like I have to have this procedure well it's not much I can do without that perfect match you know we wouldn't want the body to reject anything we can't take that risk none of you know what it's like this is what I can do how you can get tested as well as his father okay I'll call you with the results right better the match the more successful the surgery will be I do apologize [Music] how's it going buddy how do you feel like crap on top of that I finally get a date and stuck here in bed I'm so tired of this I'm so tired of this I want to live and be free I'm in pain I cannot take this anymore come on don't cry you're gonna make me cry there are people out there that aren't worth shape than you stay strong Cory I'm here for you come on don't cry listen you need to call them your God what you need to call her and tell her what I'm sick I'm sick at home with a pain crisis you dork tell her something came up just just told you one's gonna work out anyway drink up buddy I'll talk to you later [Music] [Music] hello yes how you doing dr. Long's oh I'm fine okay one second Cory Cory I have dr. Lenz on the phone Cory okay thank you for calling dr. Lance ooh okay bye-bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Casey to me again [Music] can you believe they said I didn't find a match [Music] listen I know that your resting you could just put it hard for me something [Music] understands this and those was like [Music] I'm she case [Music] hi I'm Carrie are you Mandy yes well yeah you don't know me but I'm a friend of Cory's Oh Cory the stand-up guy well I can explain can I talk to you you see Cory really likes you and everything that's just that that day he wasn't trying to send you up or anything he was just he was just he was feeling sick he has this disease cold Wow how's it going so you don't knock anymore what for I have some bad news dr. karl said that you were not a positive match and I'm not either I tell you I feel like I failed him as a father we will not sit here and apologize from bringing him into this world we were young we had no clue we didn't even know we had the trait but you should know yes we should have but he does not blame us for this our mission now is to be at peace for what he's doing and get behind him so heard you expecting Wow yes I did y'all get tested of course we did doctor says the baby most likely will have the tree although my significant other does not have praise the Lord yeah Amen on that Wow I seem always a pleasure good morning congratulations on this six million dollar client thank you thank you well as you all know we are opening up our women's facility this month housing ill children in need we will also be linking them up with resources to have a quality life and I'm excited about that yes one second I'll be right back [Music] hello my misfortune as dr. Londo how are you doing how are you great right are you sitting down well no should I be went the extra mile and I talked to some of my colleagues in Louisiana they've been experimenting with a single salvations numbers fortune out of 100 people who took the procedure only five remain with the trait found something that works are you pulling my leg yes oh now even though this is still in the beginning stages Thank You bet me my staff we've collected all expenses paid oh my god Cory is going to be so excited I don't know what they're saying thank you so much thank you great well I'll see you in New Orleans I mean we have to let it go this is unacceptable she doesn't even know so what did you just say well with your client backing out of the deal we thought we weren't opening this month what do you mean you didn't know your client backed out of the deal listen I hate that you had to find out this way you took out three times last month for those doctor's appointments the plan became suspicious and back down so what are you saying we have to let you go I've been with this company for 12 years I've helped build this company and now you're telling me that you have to let me go just like that I'm sorry but I don't make the rules but you know my situation I'm sorry you sort where you going they let me go for what I'll talk to you later [Music] who made this call we took a vote [Music] [Music] what's the Cajun yeah babe you did they have approved to surgery we're going to New Orleans right now I thought I know and I don't care let's start over I'll be waiting when you get back I'm so proud of you Cory [Applause] [Music] Carrie Carrie but not going to believe what happened to me what you finally beat up Kevin no God finally answered my prayers which one my surgery I'm going to New Orleans what are you serious yeah well when right now so what does this mean I mean what if it doesn't go right Shh the will I know what I heard well can you put in a prayer for me I want to see if I answer me to what I mean of course we will but I mean at the right time I want your guy you do yeah I want to be happy I want the light I want the same kind of faith you have I want to talk to him too for for yes I'm ready okay we'll beat this repeat this I mean repeat what I say confess that I'm a sinner I confess that I'm a sinner saved by grace - faith saved by grace through faith I believe that Jesus died for my sins I believe that Jesus died for my sins and rose on my victory and rose for my victory I'm saved from this day forward in Jesus name and saved this day forward in Jesus name [Music] amen what are you doing I have to baptize you name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit now you feel yeah I feel different well congratulations me I have to go [Music] thank you for introducing me to our God you changed my life Cory you're welcome [Music] hey there he is glad you guys made it safely before we begin I gotta ask y'all are there any regrets now well they're on the regrets however I do have one thing I have to ask you sure go ahead this method of healing what do you think about it God heals in many different ways okay he heals naturally he heals spiritually Cory God is in control of it all he uses me as his instrument to heal naturally and I believe in him if you have faith in Him you'll be content no matter the outcome okay remember it was your faith that got us here shall we begin just make it happening okay [Music] the devil is a liar do you know what this will mean this all works that's a father we should no faith its uncie its hoping in those things your own child needs your help and you won't even help him what do you think they're gonna say about you people are gonna think you've lost your mind [Music] [Music] listen back there you was fantastic I mean you had that investor wrapped all around your finger how'd you do it I can't take any credit it was truly the Lord's doing hey what what the devil meant for evil God meant for good okay wait no wait I don't drink alcohol it's just water I want to make it toast to the most intriguing woman our knowing the business fortune 500 days can I ask you a question sure did you mind if I take you out for dinner we celebrate our partnership no no no it depends if you ask me on the name I don't know pleasure however I can't eat dinner with a business partner so that's a yes yes what you are on time told you I was this is something really big mm-hmm you know what I think about how could screw this up I'm so glad that didn't make a permanent decision based on a temporary situation I know right can you believe it's been a year since you've been cured you know wish everybody kept the same outcome as me but I guess people just have different paths I start off by thanking dr. Lance ooh we're taking good care of me I want to thank my friend Kerry who's on a Christian crusade in Kenya and I want to thank my mother she tends to other mothers with ill children in a crisis just like I had my mother was criticized ridiculed lost friends Christian friends all because she wanted to help her son get out of the box try something different extend before you today fully cured with no sign of the disease I'm totally I'm whole and I'm strong my name is Corey Montgomery and I've been cured [Applause] you you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 933,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movies, trailers, EncourageTV, christian, bridgestone multimedia BMG, God, Movie, Fabiola Barragan, Jaelynn Blount, James Bradley, Jesus, Trina Montreuil Brown, Walk By Faith Full Movie, Walk By Faith Movie, Walk By Faith, Sickle Cell Disease, faith, sickle cell anemia, based on a true story, bone marrow transplant, transplant, story of courage, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Id: QUFcDzdOv7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 0sec (4380 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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