God Where Are You? (2014) | Full Movie | Wade Williams | Kibwe Dorsey | David Ralzor

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[Music] God why did you do this why'd you make this happen why don't you answer me I just don't see does God ever any survive does he hear our praise does God ever answer why I've never seen it with my own eyes so they see his that's enough his ways and other ways God why God why his thoughts unknown elephants his ways are not our ways my god [Music] what's wrong with my plan don't wanna go my way why don't you let me I just don't see does God ever any sure why does he hear our cry son son are you okay it's kind of cold out here you want to go in sorry you okay and when you throw in the towel you wanna go back in sunny what do you want to do here we go in the eighth round Bobby and it's just as we predicted the champ is showing signs of his age and Chewie controla simply is in better shape none you're sure right we set it in the first round when he came out the champ is just not in his usual fighting shape ring rest just doesn't cover he's showing signs of his age and he hasn't fought in two years no except with that well he's made an awful lot of money Don but tonight it's almost as if he's just showing up to collect his paycheck one last fight show up I'm not even sure he's showing up yet the only chance the champ had to win this one was to win early here we are in the eighth Don I think you can safely say that ship has sailed Sonny sure is a ship alright the Titanic and he's headed straight for an iceberg namely Chewie controlling the champ looks out on his feet that was plain pathetic and Cholas slowing a bit too I don't think he's landed one punch this round all the more reason it's looking bad for the champ Chewie can simply stay away in Khost his way to victory Chuy's way ahead on points it really doesn't matter that he hasn't hit the champ of this round it's a good thing you added that this round because the first seven rounds have taken their toll you see what I'm saying controla is slowing down even more he's not even throwing any punches now he's just dancing what would you call that Bobby the merengue I have no idea distant or maybe the chicken dance whatever it is he continues to hurl insults at the champ landing words won't knock out Sonny boom though remember that champs might have a chance he's able to land that big right hand that he's famous for now control us taunting the champ he's not throwing a punch and he's daring him to hit it there it is Bobby that's classic Sonny boon and that's that right end that you were just talking about this party is over now that was vicious all right but now patola is not moving get a doctor in there yes you're right I think he may have gone too far I have no idea why you kept beating him referee bill Matson was in there trying to stop the fight Sonny just kept it up that was brutal it looks like we better get up in the ring for a closer look I don't know Remo I just don't know I mean you don't know you're the one that told me to keep hitting him I didn't tell you to kill the guy I think he's dead I didn't say that it's just what skip your shower get dressed we got to get you out of here he is dead [Music] [Applause] No come straight straight to [Applause] can I show you [Applause] justanna mister straight [Music] to keep city we have your written statement here mr. Boone is there anything you would like to add no sir mr. Burgess anything you would like to add I said what I had to say it's not how I taught him to game could you say that gentlemen we are still in session I'm sorry I want you to know we have still not heard from the controller family commission when I was the Boone I want to spare them from any more grief from this terrible tragedy as I was saying based solely on the evidence from eyewitnesses including your trainer mr. Burgess here this panel has voted unanimously to permanently revoke your license to box in the state of Florida and we will make that recommendation for our national organization as you have any further comment [Music] and we are adjourned [Music] why throw stones [Music] and why [Applause] [Music] why [Music] why must you [Music] I heard with that [Music] me with those what why must you [Music] I'm sorry sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] see got awesome really why Mizzou [Music] son son are you okay kind of cold out here you want to go in ain't bothering the body no I'm just checking on you you don't look so good ain't so good man I am good in a long time you hungry we can go inside no you look hungry a triangle mister no angles son my name's Sonny my son I know your name you know my name and you're still talking to me Sonny Boy your given name is Reema it means warrior that's alive you don't think your warrior it's all got me here for sure you're just here for the time come let's go inside so you won't be here now I know you will be soon that's rich Memphis everybody gets hungry how about a cup of coffee surely you've used a cup of coffee you've got room for a cup of coffee [Music] room yes honey no don't worry about that let's go inside you sure you know who I am what I've done it's a new day sun sunny [Music] spare me some change I'm tired I'm poor in spirit and no problem needs air come on and spare some change to get me out of this place cuz I mentioned more than and I need you more than ever yes I need you more than to day [Music] change me change me [Music] change [Music] learn this place by yourself Paul's out back he's on break [Music] make much money giving away free coffee to you money's not the only thing of importance you must not be the owner no I'm just passing through like we all are I'm Malachi well okay you a fight fan or something how do you know me I know all my customers they read about me in the papers didn't I read the papers but I don't believe everything I read you I stopped reading the papers a long time ago nothing good in them what else did you stop doing a long time ago look man you say you know who I am what I did are you trying to be nice to me why are you even talking to me man you trying to some thrill for your friends you want to tell your buddies some story about Sonny Boone walking into your place so what you want hey Paul Hicks Remo here number three you like bacon and eggs right look man free coffees one thing that you're giving away someone else's food let it sit down son let me worry about the money [Music] I'm cursed no you don't know where I've been don't know what I've gone through why don't you tell me then tell me how bad you've had it had it heaven it's getting worse every day tell me that'll be to pay for your meal just long someone pays me what was a fighter - Tom yeah I was on top of the world I had everything I could have been a multimillionaire but God would let that happen God how do you get into this yeah God but there is such a thing I know we let the devil in the ring with me that night you talk about chewy control you think that young man was sent by the devil the devil God what's the difference hold on you want to hear my story or not I'm sorry go ahead [Music] [Music] well maybe it was God then why did he let that happen everything was going fine I knew I was losing I haven't found a retire on that purse they were gonna pay me but then he had to talk me she takes his chin out there like that so I hit him I kept hitting him that should be net time and you think God did this to you I'm going to church a few times I've been fretting little look good as it got me but you said God did something to you you don't think being dead is worse than what happened to you no Hector sent a better place you know what they say let me stop you right there now you believe there's a better place but you think God abandon you you think God planned all this to harm you in everything you know what I know there is no God we're all just flailing around here this universe happy circumstances for some it curses for others I just used God so you could get the picture the picture the big picture yeah I'm still confused about how you think being dead is better of course it is [Music] Hector went out like a hero his family got rich I'm the villain here his family got his purse probably got mine I know I did it so it's about the money yes yes it is and then how we measure ourselves you mean isn't that the way the world tells you to measure yourself God isn't concerned about your money that's the first right thing you've said all night look money is what it takes to make it this book in this world yes God is concerned about your eternity and that is not of this world the enemy uses things of this world to distract you Hector's chance to get out there distracted me excuse [Music] [Music] sorry about that I just wanted to say hi to an over who was that really good customer it used to be a firefighter till he got injured saving the little girl he's moved on and then interested me how he's just one of my regulars is all charged him do you everybody gets hungry now and again I bet you told him all about me did that make you feel important everybody's story is important yeah well how many real celebrities do you get in this place is that what you are famous yeah well infamous now nobody would slit to talk about me kick me around like I said make some pillow well I'm important enough to those who know me really yeah where're you off to I don't know hear their story oh I'd never worry I'm just concerned I'd like to have you as a regular customer right cuz he made so much money off of me - I told you money's not everything and you don't get out much you didn't answer where are you staying I'm in between places right now hallo I'll find a place to crash don't worry I know okay take this go see Gary Pastor Gary he's got an extra room over there in the basement it's just up the street I knew it I knew you're trying to show that God stuff down my throat I'm telling you there is no God I know there is no God there's no God I'm not shoving anything I'm just telling you where there's an empty room fine I'll take a look at it the room the room is all I'm looking at sure you don't need anything else tonight that's right I don't need anything else oh say would you mind going out the back and come back tomorrow when you get hungry and you could say thanks for the food Thanks thank you as I went down in the river to pray studying about that girl way and who shall wear the story crown good lord show me the way for a place to stay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you always on break just waiting on you I still don't have any money I did you forget that nope I am sorry about not thanking you last night what call you don't recall you yelled at me for my bad manners gonna call stuff like that sorry you hungry come on I know you said you lost everything but you still got your manners Thanks you've got a lot to be grateful for you know yeah like what the starters grateful to all for your cup of coffee I said thank you do you say that enough I don't have anything to be grateful for you ought to keep track yeah this'll help that's too many pages I only need one line I'd write down this cup of coffee [Music] okay two lines a cup of coffee and food nice excuse me [Music] [Music] [Music] what's her story mrs. Stewart the company she worked for for 20 years downsized and eliminated a job no guys you think her losing her job is God's fault too did she get fired because she was doing a lousy job probably not it's probably got fired for no good reason and and that's a good thing brilliant lot has changed in the last five years her agent can't be good half of all millionaires in this country start their businesses after the age of 60 what if that was God's plan for her life oh brother what a stretch you think would have been more productive for her to go around with no hope and do what lay down and die there is no God and there is no hope well into her stories that she started her own company and it was making millions you said was she had to give it up that's what I prayed what about no you want something else no I think I'm done I'm fine hey before you go why don't you tell me about you why you think there's no God you never did get to that last night you won't hear about me you said you read the papers I also said I don't believe everything I read in the papers I'd like to get your take on the whole thing and why you think you've got it so bad take some pie what kind look I'm sure Oh bring him some pecan pie well I was champ twice that last fight were to set me up for the rest of my life I had a big house lots of friends great girlfriend fast car I had everything [Music] like I said I I had all that stuff and now I don't that's pretty much the end of the story that's not much of a story and this show doesn't show what God had anything to do with it look I worked hard my whole life to get to where it was I trained for hours and hours every day I traveled all over I lived in dives I took whatever fight I could and then I made it I was champion of the world twice I was somebody then then God took it all away God yeah God isn't he the giver of life taker of life doesn't he control everything he gives us free will he that Hector died he let them stripped me of my title and everything that I had God kept hitting Hector control no I hit him but God let him die anything wouldn't have let that happen it wouldn't have lost everything everything you you're forgetting about Hector's femme I already told you about Hector's family they've got my purse I'm dad I know they got your money they got your purse but you're still alive you still got hope there you go with the hope stuff I got no hope I'm just waiting to do it Hector that's all yeah take this read the first chapter is payment for your meal and come back tomorrow 9:00 and make sure to write down all the things that you're grateful for when you're done reading what things let's see the meal for starters and the pie and aren't you staying at the church again tonight I don't know maybe I thought I'd walk around some well if you do when you're lying in your warm bed with a roof over your head make sure you write that down and something more you're grateful for see your list is growing and that you're alive [Music] let me somewhere didn't really wanna be on me I cried for help into the night alone [Music] it seems I'm always on my I know the world seems so empty to me so much harder to believe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah where [Music] the cold cold silence of this place I search I'm looking for [Music] [Applause] no one's day please God show me really care where [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey mister you alright do you need a ride or something is this really the kind of town we've seen pretty lady can pick up some random stranger we're not random I know exactly who you are you know who I am yeah you're Sonny boon you recognize me like this like what lady no I mean really like what do you mean you're close yeah oh come on don't tell me you're the type of guy that think the clothes make the man hates me we going to the diner because I can give you a ride across the street [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] I'm Cindy gray I'm Randall boon dude call me Sonny but probably already know that yeah well buckle up we're just going across the street yeah well the Lord promises tomorrow to no one you know must be this time I'm sorry what nothing so what are you lighting you your fight fan or you just love those gossip mags neither there's my ex-husband he was a big fan of yours yeah he's been following you ever since you won your first championship that was ten years ago lady lots happened since then yeah meet you so what's wrong you're not allowed in the front door you know I know the night manager Molokai yeah you know him yeah kind of well I never came here for the chili if you know what I mean I came for the nourishment you got me lady and I don't know to me well Malachi was the only thing that kept me from cashing in about eight years ago what happened eight years ago well my world fell apart I mean literally everything that I had known in the first 30 years of my life was gone yeah tell me about it well okay no I was I was nineteen years old married to what I thought was a wonderful man the man that God had chosen for me he was a pastor and he was just starting out as ministry another God story you don't believe in the promises of God I can't get my me little Malachi gets here so in the one well how do you know he's not here I mean just because you don't see him yeah I believe what my eyes told me if he was here his apron would be done it wouldn't be over there on that post so he's not here you know it's a nice night you can wait out here if you want [Music] quiet your hand quiet your feet be still [Music] be still well as I was saying everything was going along great the church was really rowing it was becoming a very popular pastor started to travel a lot when he traveled it was up to me to oversee the church he hired most of the staff but I was the one that was in charge when he was away I basically just made sure that the church ran smoothly in his absence sounds great well we continue to grow we were able to build a big new sanctuary complex on I had a gorgeous new house two fabulous cars hey are you okay yeah I was just thinking you're describing my life to a tee do you have kids huh well no I mean all but that I was engaged and we were about to get married when the when no go ahead I want to hear your story as I was saying we had the idea like life you know it was a fairy tale really God was good to us if God was so good what's the point of the story I know you're gonna start telling me some bad stuff happen any minute you're gonna prove my point no God was good to me when I didn't know it God was good to me but I didn't think and and God was good to me when I was mad at him so you admit you are mad at God no not our was but that's okay because I got over it and what I did he was right there waiting for me well you don't see Malachi do you know you know like I said we had everything at the house the cars the jobs children we had it all so what happened your husband get killed you know it was worse worse than getting killed what's worse than dying he came home one night after one of his mission trips big stack of legal papers in his hands basically told me he didn't want to be married to me anymore I had to get out of the house I had to leave my home that very night and I didn't see my children for a month so yeah it was worse I thought the female always gets the breaks in the divorces he was a very powerful man by then with very powerful friends it was if he had planned the previous two years for that very night what do you mean everything and I mean everything was in the name of the church the house the cars the bank accounts I was literally put out on the streets oh and that salary that I thought I was getting also tied them right back up into the church I was in total despair you're not gonna tell me that pretty lady why do you ended up on the street I came very close to living on the streets you know those friends that I thought I had well they were friends that we had and when there was a no more we there were no more friends I basically didn't exist without him you know I didn't have my own identity every single thing in my life up into that very point revolved around that man let me put it to you this way I know how he liked his eggs fixed because I fixed them but I didn't know how I liked mine wait eggs I don't get but what do you mean I stumbled into this very diner on the night that I was maddest at God I mean I just knew he didn't exist the Malakai got me he sat me down and he asked me how I liked my eggs what you telling me that he convinced you that there's a God of course not he couldn't do that but what he did do was show me that all those why questions that I wanted answers to couldn't be answered at least not by God you know I had wasted two years of my life during the divorce proceedings asking why so I asked Malachi for help instead I asked Malachi for the answers you know what he told me real clue he said Cindy it just takes time time well at least now I had someone else to be mad at in addition to God because that that was not the answer that I wanted to hear I was so mad at Malachi for that why did you keep coming back because he is the only one we put a roof over my head when I literally had no place else to go yeah you didn't stay at the church the way up yes that's why I stopped to check on you make sure you were okay and you know what Malachi was right all it did was just take time I wasted two years of my life asking why and then one morning the Sun came up I know it had been there all along but I just didn't see it but when I did I saw the light in there he wants he you mean god yes and I realized he had been with me all along he had never left my side how can you say that how can you say he's been with you the entire time when he let all that bad stuff happen to you well the rain falls on the just and the unjust oh that's a Bible cliche it still doesn't answer the question why he let all that stuff happened to me I mean you God did not let all that stuff happen to me God did not make me marry that man God did not make him forsake his wedding vows and God did not make me stupidly allow every single thing that I owned we put in the church's name that was my own freewill unfortunately you will [Music] and you know what I realized God was with me during the good times too you know and in the early years there were a lot of good times now God was with me during the birth of my two beautiful children and God has definitely been with me during these past eight years I have my kids with me full-time and I have a ton of friends true friends and I have the hope of an eternal life that is better than anything I have had or have now and that sunny that is what is important I stopped blaming him and I started thanking him I have an unending list of things to be grateful for [Music] [Applause] sunny booth I am grateful for you sunny man for you have confirmed yet again that God is still at work so he sold all those books to huh no he gave me this one well he gave me the first one this is the third book I've gotten and you can see it's almost full he gave you one too huh yeah well yeah well trust me on this here's it and if you don't have it with you write it down on an app and you'll see you can fill the pages of that book but you will never run out of things I don't know being grateful for all that I have is the biggest step in getting me away from what I didn't have I had a lot and probably more than you and now I've got something you'll see let all those things you think you lost well there weren't things that you needed anyway [Music] tomorrow let's get someone to eat I'm sure Malachi is buying I already ate with my family I'm not going in but I just wanted to give you a ride to take care [Music] wait a second how do you like I mean your eggs my eggs scrambled of course [Music] you seem to know everybody's story what what's that guy's story Billy he was a regular for a while hasn't been at much lately I think he's been too busy does he pay you worry about that a lot learning yeah so Mike's world around hey listen Racing do you get paid here okay but wait but my point is you're doing this for the money right he's he's doing this for the money Paula not both give what we need we have enough enough is all anyone needs but my point is you're both you're working for the money and that's what was taken from me don't you get that was it do you think this is all there is do you think here where you are now is the end of your story I can't see a way out I can't go anywhere I can't I can't get I can get a job I'm cursed but you didn't answer is this the end of your story let me put it another way do you think you've been going through something these last six months or is this way you're gonna be for the rest of your days here on earth I know I'm going through something it doesn't mean it's gonna get any better but they are going to change by the mere fact that you're going through yes true that's a pretty powerful word now I know you don't think he's real but hear me out how many times does God say that he will leave you in a place I don't know attendant I don't care not god never says he'll leave you in a situation so how many times is God say that he will see you through a situation same answer I don't know and I don't care always God always promises deceived through a situation never leave you they sure love me when you are kid did you ever see a a crack in the concrete and see ants building an anthill what an anthill coming up to the concrete yeah then you walk by and you swipe it away with your foot yeah I'm sure everybody's gonna so looking at it from an answer you you could probably compare that to uh to a tornado or hurricane what we call a disaster hundreds of dead for no reason okay what's that got to do with it man I'm getting there then you come back later on that day and lo and behold there's another anthill in the same place they're ants that's what they do so you admit just because all of their hard work gets kicked aside the ants one of the smallest creatures God ever made don't just quit like I said it's what they do and you mean what you allowed to just quit what makes you think this is the end of the Sonny Boone story don't you have some other customers to bother somewhere I guess you're right excuse me would you mind talking to Billy for a minute I think you could help them me sure just listen I saw some people need someone to listen Billy this is Remo Remo this is Billy crew hey glad to meet you hey sit down can you sew Remo what do you do I kind of unemployed at the moment it sounds like me well except for the blind part you're not blind are you no I'm fine I mean no I know what you mean I'm fine too you know I used to not be fine that is I wasn't for the grace of God I I'd still be in a mess boy you don't you know top that huh I got time have you heard of me like read about me in the papers or on the internet no no I haven't should I have up until five years ago I had my future all a line down she was gonna be a big star in the NFL I was gonna be no more picking the pro football draft I was on track to win the Heisman that year you know we had every NFL team fighting over me seriously I sorry I wasn't blind then if that's what you're thinking oh yeah that'd be pretty good chick though wouldn't ya but what really happened oh I had nothing to do with football if that's what you're asking so I played football since I was eight and you know the worst thing you ever happened was just a sprained ankle in Pop Warner pretty lucky I guess oh look No see I was blessed with a gift we all have gifts so what went wrong oh it was stupid I was out with the guys when night after practice and uh-oh we got a car wreck huh yeah drunk driver yeah topped a hill and hit his head on that guy ended up walking away from the crash but uh - my buddies were killed and well I was the lucky one you know God spared me mr. Boone all right are you are you still there yeah I'm I'm here I can't see how you can call yourself lucky well I'm still here I'm confused I don't understand how you can give God credit at all I mean if he's so high and mighty and powerful why would he why do you let your two friends die and you go blind yeah it's really hard for me to believe this all-powerful loving being you guys call God and let all that happen and then on top of it let the guy who caused it walk away scot-free all I said I'm still here look it it showed me that God wasn't dude with me yet I don't mean to be insensitive but that's just not God and and it's no blessing to be blind he can't be all that powerful I mean oh wait look God didn't make that jogger get drunk that was his own free will look the truth is we can't know all the reasons why I got less bad things happen I mean if he does it's just a sinful world that we live in but God didn't plan to have sin in this world man chose it and it's also very arrogant of us to reduce God to the thoughts of a man and when we do that when we ask him why but you didn't do anything wrong me personally probably not but I do live in this world and I'm bound by that see look it's like my team right that could be the best player to ever wear a uniform but those other guys on the field are the worst then I'd be bound by that look nothing I do on my own can change that besides the Word of God promises that will have a trouble-free life in fact in over instances he tells us will suffer hardships like it's just us that think those hardships belong to others it's still not fair you know I'm sorry for hurting your feelings but I can't I can't see where God has been in any of this good or bad oh it's good for sure look he promises us today I mean you wouldn't want to live in a world where you had my choice right of course not look so when God gave us the ability to choose those choices have consequences both good and bad sometimes the results of those choices cause collateral damage collateral damage yeah okay I didn't choose for that driver to get drunk that night yeah I did choose to go out with my buddies I I could have stayed home but I didn't my friends couldn't stay home but they did look those are all choices all the consequences within some collateral damage but the cause of all I mean the drunk guy and he had no consequence there's no collateral damage he walks away and no damage he's still in prison I mean he had a successful law practice in a nice family I mean he lost all that I mean I still get phone calls from him almost every week telling me how sorry is for what happened and even when he's out of that prison still won't be free cuz he put himself in a lifelong prison ceii yeah not the labor the point you got to say something you made me think I butchered there anything in that [ __ ] oh I'm sorry man I I was uh writing something down before for God let's put in your book hey mom sorry yes to put in the book I wrote Malachi's getting a cut of all these books he's bad yeah I'm sure he does okay I gotta go it was very nice talking to you nice talking to you too [Music] anyhow I don't know or maybe it he gave me some things to think about that I seriously doubt I helped him oh I'm sure you did I don't understand why he's so darn happy I mean his situation is almost identical to mine you're going blind you know what I mean he was on top of his game and he lost everything I was on top and I lost everything and I just don't see what good God has been in all that good really know who you were you mean that I was chamfered all that that stuff happened yes no he didn't seem to so I guess that stuff must not define who you are anymore than his blindness defines who he is but what does he do now I mean what's he got to look forward to you mean besides a bunch more Grammys and Academy Awards no no that guy no he said he was unemployed well yes at the moment he's in between gigs but things change but that's what he's been doing since the accident while he was recovering in a hospital he began to hear music and started writing it down his first time out he wrote the soundtrack for the long ride and won a grammy is the hottest composer round Bobby maybe oughta read more than a sports page and watch more than ESPN what's that some shirts and pants for you I can't I guess that decides it'd be easier to carry that book with you you know I can't pay you for these so I was thinking I could do some work around the diner no we're handling it but you see if I could just get started are you on in that book chapter to read chapter three about self forgiveness that'll be pay enough [Music] [Music] sure I'm always here [Music] say would you mind making sure that back door shuts tight it's been sticking [Music] [Music] let's go with you you're like going in there are you yeah I still there lucky you oh wait what's going on then that guy up there is jerky play me master Gary yeah no man you're mistaken I was just trying to get out of the night air okay I wasn't bothering anything or anybody come over come sit over crimson telling me you're cold come on sit [Music] it's cold Oh further Don it's alright good I'm seriously dude trail Thanks so I was just around back mine and my own business trying to get some sleep I mean you couldn't even see me from the street yeah that pastor guy wasn't he Gary Gary he comes out he shakes me awake says hey why don't you move aside move aside yeah that's something like that yeah move inside it could have been maybe nobody didn't have to bother me in the first place she was offering you a place to sleep that's kind of what he does he's just like all this other god stuff none of its real brother you preaching to the choir but I got to tell you Pastor Gary is different man he's a pretty stand-up guy it lets me stay this very room he doesn't really talk to me kind of says how I had no preaching we're kind of grateful to know him you sorry bastard thing alright with your friend here do you mind if what's your name here well Pietro Pescatore but you can call me here do you mind if Peter bugs inside tonight of course not okay okay fine maybe it was inside why are you sleeping in a doorway anyway why are you here and what did you do before tonight well I was a cop seven years on the force they decided to let me go undercover try to bust this drug gang so in order to do that no I have to have to get in have to become one of them right which I do they end up getting punished for it what didn't we punished all of those guys were users as well as dealers right so how do you think it would have played out if I didn't use Matt of a big score everything goes south that night I find out that one of our guys in the department is there inside guy he finds out about me at the same time so he shows up at the drop ready to bust me everything goes crazy he ends up getting killed in the crossfire hate to say it but bad cop dead you know your problem solved right now I just starts them see nobody in the department knew that that cop was dirty so I end up getting charged with the rest of those lowlifes but you're out you're out here you're not in prison yeah I beat the murder charge finally and I even kicked the habit but it ended up costing me everything all those years on the job gone like they never happened all of my friends both inside and out of the department disappeared what little money I had went to the lawyers so I I just ended up lost abandoned you're still here you're alive you didn't fall in a heap and feel sorry for yourself you picked yourself up you did something about it you did what you had to do the bad guys were in jail and you know bad cops dad I mean at least he got all bad hmm sounds real good too bad you didn't take your own advice so right excuse me [Music] you are Sonny boon right [Music] I used to be so what are you doing know me you know my story you know what happened and I know you got a bad rap come on that bum didn't have to stick his chin out what were you supposed to do huh his name was Hector Hector control him he was kicking the crap out of me sorry didn't mean to offend still they didn't have to take away your title no argument there buddy but I'm here now and I gotta make the best of it and so what you think God is the answer poverty's I mean he's the one that that caused all of this right and what you just got to deal with it no I got to live through it through it sighs I don't know if you caused this pretty sure I do huh you kidding me right I mean come on you were just doing your job you were just doing what you were trained to do but you were made to do it just like me I know this is not what you want to hear it may be the fault of the world we live in I want you to think about this if God is real he's not liking some of the stuff we're doing down here like what do you remember when we used to say the Lord's Prayer in school and then somewhere along the line someone got offended so he stopped yeah yeah I remember that yeah we've taken God out of our schools out of our homes out of her government we're so darn politically correct that we're so worried about not offending anybody but I can't help to think that we're finding God [Music] I mean we don't think a thing about it if we're offending God I can see why he's not giving us his blessings protection and all that but all we're doing is asking him to leave us alone [Music] it sounds to me like you do think he's real let's put it this way all right I think about how I used to just just like my trainer so much back in the day but he was always there looking out for me I didn't mean I mean he would you drive me push me would make me hit them the heavy bag for hours on end and when everyone else had gone home made me run mile after mile after mile and until I was dead tired yeah but he was just my testing you right he was just preparing you yeah I know that now but when I was aching from head to toe [Music] but he he somehow knew that I was gonna be champion with me now if he would have told me that and then asked me to do all that stuff I don't love him for it and probably done twice as much yeah if he somehow woulda let me know where I'd end up I'd have thought different of him [Music] amen hi I was uh was beginning to think you were off tonight oh I never take a day off at first I thought maybe you were already inside I didn't see your your apron out back so I just I went ahead didn't came on in nice shirt Thanks so how's it going you know about the same I'm still homeless if no friends in hiding you know basically ruin bro no I can pay tonight that's that's what you're saying no how that happen like you don't know then you and Pastor Gary get together and work this whole thing out I'm not sure I know what you mean I mean I talked to Pastor Gary but not about shoes at least not today really well I found this under my door this evening $11 give me a bill tonight did you put that in your book oh I did I did right here the chapter after giving right there [Music] so you were wrong about what what you said about how things were let's see you were homeless I see here you put that you were grateful for a place to live so that's how no friends one two three [Music] almost every page has a new friend that you're grateful for in hiding you realize how visible you are sitting here if you could be all the way down the block and see inside that's done at night and what was the last thing you said that you were ruined find a place in that book where it says I'm not ruined I dare you you haven't read the last chapter yet okay well then how is that gonna make me Unruh 'end well the story in any book isn't done to the last chapters read and God isn't done with you either oh there was all stop protesting you've got many things written in that book in your own handwriting that proves God's existence your admission that sin exists proves the reality of a God who overcomes even the bad things I appreciate that I do I can't see how he or anyone else can make any of this useful [Music] hey hey I'm paying tonight I would like what are you laughing at would you like do you let me cook my own food no didn't Paul be out of a job [Music] but uh just what was wrong with that stuff for starters none of it was cooked it wasn't done no not even the coffee he wasn't it wasn't done [Music] so what you're saying is what Paul brought you will be something good when he's done with it you're something else you know that that's what I do apparently so all right if if I say there's a god are you telling me something miraculous is gonna happen no I can't know that then how are we gonna make me done that's pretty much up to you but look at the past few days just think about all the things that have happened that you've acknowledged that you're grateful for God has been with you the whole time you've simply been running from you're just now slowing down enough to see that there's gonna have to be some mighty miracles to get me back to where it was huh can you find that promise in there anyway but you just said that I said God wasn't done with you everything that has happened to you was to get you where you're supposed to be and you got the quietest customers on earth great she's here I like for you to talk with the for a few minutes I'm paying for my meal tonight so I'd actually like it to be hot all we'll bring it in a minute and this won't take long [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] hello when it's not cheese [Music] Malakai wanted me to speak with you ah Malik I see hey listen Wang on buddy a pero lo siento did you know having glaze she said she doesn't speak English well Malachi wanted me to visit with her no how am I supposed to do that I speak Spanish of course you do tell her that Malachi wanted me to speak with her Senora Malachi appeal see please have Lada Kalina Senor boon si por supuesto por favor sienta see she says grab a seat got it I'm Remo boom you know Osama else in your dream Oh boom where this de Malmaison you're a Maria Joe say king aerys Jose de la conozco paul her miss Maria she also said she knows who you are it's kind of enjoying my anonymity there for a minute if you don't have a trans like that just tell her it's nice to meet her it won't bless that are gonna Saturday and um ask her how I can help her SEO tierra como te puedes you gotta save his soy she wants to know if you know where she is no I'm afraid I don't know side of giddiness you just find out what she wants from me Katie said I could get ahead yo quiero que venga a conocer mi familia it can be aim but I'm Australian go she said she'd like you to meet her family she said she has something to show you why would I do that why would I do that you must is muy importante she says it's very yeah it's very important yes I got dead what's this it's her family's address porfavor bank mañana por la mañana she says come tomorrow in the morning I don't I don't know this is in Orland this is white it this is an Orlando q must controller is this some [Music] you must eight I know Oh Joe Cece is lobbying when L see a las ocho [Music] here we are three or four North 19 some will build in pollution every 10 bucks but imagine everyone's I have the truth within a song hi this lady miss she has been praying that you would come please come in mr. Boone I am Sofia conch Ola Hector's wife and this is our fun greggers control Gregory time I'm so sorry about what happened craigory would you get us some lemonade that thing about what happened every night for the last six months can you ever forgive me all of us including Hector are Christians we know that all things work together for our good and that God is in control he is even in control of this situation just so sorry I have wished that I could but I could trade places with Hector every day since it happened mr. bell call me Sonny please sure of course Sonny God's plans are much bigger and better than we could ever know you take the first step on the staircase not knowing but believing it will lead to the top we are taking the steps God has ordered to get to the top but can you forgive me Sonny we forgave you long long ago we know this is all God's plan for the good of our family good yes because we are Christians we know that doesn't mean we won't go through hard times it does mean that Jesus will be there to help us through and he has been we have so much to be grateful for which is a grateful have you forgiven yourself no one can truly change until he has stopped thinking about yesterday and starts thinking about tomorrow if we are anchored and yesterday we will miss moving on we've moved on the last chapter of the book the book my friend my friend gave me a book and it's it's lined out pretty much everything that's happened to me but it still doesn't answer why it happened and and God hasn't given me that answer either it is because God is concerned with our eternity to God it is everything God simply does not answer why humans are the only species that even asked that question when the beaver dam collapses he doesn't just sit by the banks of the stream and ask why he simply starts to rebuild we should do the same why don't you miss him oh I do I miss Hector every day but I'm happy he is not I am happy that I will meet him again one day and the Eternity promised by God you said suffering no one knew about Hector what about a week before the fight while he was training he started to feel tired we all get that way but you know usually just the adrenaline carry us through this was something more he went to our family doctor to see about getting some sort of prescription something to get him through the fight I'm not telling everything I will fun yeah everything during the routine exam with our family doctor he discovered some disturbing news in the blood tests what kind of disturbing the doctor found that Hector had abnormal levels of white blood cells I'm sorry I don't it meant that he had leukemia both his mother and father died of leukemia so we were very certain leukemia is very hereditary mr. moon huh I still understand why did he why did he go ahead with a fight why didn't he get treatment we prayed about it very much he knew if word got out that he had the disease the fight would have been cancelled and with his family history he wanted his own family us to have a better life so you're not well-off financially or you weren't the payday he was going to get from that fight with you could have set us up for life it would be enough to take care of his family even if he couldn't well I get that I guess I know the Commission probably would have you know stopped the fight if they would have known but that doesn't excuse me for what I did you didn't know Hector very well he was really an unselfish person being a fighter was his job it wasn't who he was the only thing I can come up with is that he knew treatment of the disease would take all of the money he would get from that fight he wouldn't be able to fight anymore and would make no more money he was so pretty certain of the eventual outcome of his condition because both of his parents died Zora yeah so you're saying [Music] he sacrificed himself how how could I know there was just something in that arena that night that put him at peace I'm sorry I didn't know it yet [Music] mama let's show you ten sorry the red he come with us something you want to show you [Music] five stars closed oh they're putting up this nice well how am I supposed to find it oh okay [Music] Hector started remodeling this gym before the fight and he was going to use some of the money to complete the work you know we got some extra money from the fight we used it to finish this it's an honor his memory I'm glad you got this money and it would be so good if you would run it for us and train me don't forget that Mona can train Gregory what do you say yeah we will hold a press conference and tell the world we have forgiven you and that you're going to help our family here [Music] he built a nice apartment on the second floor you could stay there as part of the job how's that we put out seek out see you later [Applause] can I help you there son you're closed oh oh you're close to like like dinner no we don't do dinner breakfast and lunch every day we close it - okay but I need to speak to Malik something wonderful with who welcome your night management son I'm mr. brown Joe Brown and I've owned this diner since it open never been overnight so don't need a night manager well no no wait I need to speak to Malachi I eat here at night oh oh oh at night you're probably thinking of the city diner it's dead it's downtown you know a couple blocks I mean will you go down no The Syndicate no Paul Paul Paul Paul your cook son I do most of the cooking me and Josh here I know Paul here think you got your wires crossed someplace have a blessed day [Applause] if how we're open [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] because you were so thoughtful stressed but now I am hope you know I can say no with God yes pastors and I I know I do look different I feel good I hope you enjoy your job oh my goodness that's I almost forgot I didn't write down my name Chuck yes it sure is something to be grateful for in this day yes sir and I am and I'm doing someone was born to do you are a blessed man sign I'm a grateful man pastor thank you for everything eternally grateful and thankful cause you were so thoughtful and I was so proud full stressful our son skillful joy you may wish so I have been transformed because hey there ain't another ride just in time what a coincidence there are no coincidences yeah I kind of figured that one out where you headed Orlando yeah I got a job it was was waiting for well miracles never cease thankful cuz you [Music] [Music] [Music] all right kids by my side and you take good care of me all right hands on my side and he knows my every name he said oh you of little faith see the sparrows in the sky unencumbered by the cares of the world [Music] high 50 even them for the lilies in the field how much more to me are you worth in the East I gave my son for you it's all right by your side and I take good care of you all right I call your side and I know all that you go through he said when you're at your lowest of lows I want you to know I think more of youth and or you could yourself my love is deeper than the oceans what is then the valleys higher than the mountains homes I gave my son for you it's all right by your side and a tiny good care of you [Music] all right by your side and I know all that you go through I said you phoned and fought for my heart father how great though I know all that you are seems too good but it's true you made me the saint me love me unconditionally father of mine how did you give your son for me is all right by my side ends here hey good care of me all right he is on my side and he knows my every day [Music] [Music]
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 815,527
Rating: 4.8277407 out of 5
Keywords: trailers, Movie, movies, God, EncourageTV, bridgestone multimedia BMG, christian, Jesus, Wade Williams, Kibwe Dorsey, David Ralzor, Brooks Braswell, Gerald Doggett, De Miller, God Where Are You? Full Movie, God Where Are You? Movie
Id: C3iEntI1QSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 6sec (5826 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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