Down By The River (2012) | Full Movie | Sean Johnson | Adriana Ford | Alethea Bailey

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[Music] [Music] remember when you said boys and girls don't sleep in the same man yeah whoa no man that's it take your medicine [Music] did you do whoa dick let me see alright you press it okay more complete goodnight before you go check into my bed for the boogie monster look you bastard yep make a thought noble it's not a buggy monster but someone needs to clean up you think right a mom you know you think you up one month and next month brings you right back down to earth all right what's wrong mom Hannah's medical bills and medication I getting out of hand I think don't stress yourself no I don't worry about it now just how you gonna take care of it I have a job mouth cute okay you want to take care of it exactly I need to get to work anyway well at least let me walk you out I was watching a book club earlier today and that reminded me Scott when are you gonna finish your book Skylar Sam I'm just not sure yeah son you have a gift and it needs to be shared yeah good night mom what can't you at least give your mother a hug thank you good night good night I love you love you too [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Bobby I gotta get out of his punky don't wait come on man don't leave me here by myself I got two cars left maybe if you work more talk less shitty idea to use your imagination you owe me though guess I'm next yes hey stop running would you want to go and do something today no right here want that we're doing what I know you love your sister I don't want you to feel obligated don't feel obligated mine okay my monofin they want to hear my music music mm-hmm look at me for my birthday yeah I think chef alright smile at that one look at it mom even the color is fading hey hey stop running you know something I want to show you mom what is this that's my book I mean the cover isn't the greatest but I sent two copies off the publicist today are you serious what baby I'm so proud of you I knew you could do it oh did you feel Hannah yet no I'm not there's tell anybody about Steve Steve I mean I'd rather wait to see what happens first you know wow you finally came through with your book Hannah will be so proud of you my son is an author man oh boy [Music] babies huh now you see where I told you to stop running okay did you want me cleaned up all right all right she had a fever but it broke just don't like to see a light there you didn't know she said getting to the point where she's asking questions now she'll be all right I'll keep her home tomorrow you go and get some rest I'm calling nothing more right no it's okay I can take care uncle do it nothing to Skyler you're the brother and the mother you don't need to be there all the time [Music] give Hanna whatever she wants I'm sorry hey you know mom told me you still asleep are you feeling better until now yeah you know I love you more than anything in the world every single continent ever meaning that in it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] do you want to come back here later and burn this place down yeah meet your head just start without me remember I was telling you I was writing stories for Hannah yeah okay don't laugh but I wrote a book he wrote a book yeah a book way like more than just the stuff for Hannah yep me really yeah where is it I sent it out to some publication places dude we need to celebrate oh come on man like I Hannah she's at home so I got it your mom's home too so you can watch it come on we never get to hang out and you wrote a book okay I get to pick the please nothing crazy no nothing crazy nothing crazy for a fever rolls to 102 was okay this guy I'm sorry this happened but it's not your fault you guys sure they don't know you should have been out I feel like you take care of us so much I appreciate it but I want you to have a life you're young I mean it was stupid anyways you why am I going to book clubs and trying to be a writer mechanic man just some candy in the brother of a sister who sick see somebody's already been in to visit our patient my name is Patricia I'm gonna be your nurse and this is dr. Julia yeah a meter so fever was about 102 at 901 they broke roughly around 10 27 since this isn't a crisis we're gonna go ahead on it send her home in the morning do you have any questions for me no okay well I'm gonna leave you in good hands and I'll be stopping by thank you I hope you get better and I'm gonna go turn these in okay thank you hey Tinker Bell are you feeling better I know me neither why do I have to get needles I guess the doctors are trying to make you better and he needs your wrist sorry what what kind of stone me I want to beat up the needles needles you do yeah warrior style excuse me are you all having fun I didn't mean to interrupt I actually heard some noises down the hallway I wanted to make sure that everything was okay you guys see that things are fine I'm gonna leave you to thank you okay actually if you don't mind can I talk to you guys out for a second sure Hey look about earlier I wanted to apologize to you I'm gonna get upset sometimes when it comes to hand it's okay no one wants to see their family that way I'm sorry are you our Father no I'm my brother actually okay my name is kaya by the way nice to meet you in tammy's I'm mother Lorna Barney oh yes I spoke with her briefly yes excuse me we need your roommate okay thank you doctor it's okay um actually Skyler I understand more than you may realize so let me take this okay take care okay my mom said not to wake you up but I was waiting here you got up what you say is gonna take me to lick some new harmonicas get up Hannah please [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right stop I'll take you come on go go I'll beat up don't yeah yeah yeah this is for thank you thank you to my birthday party you know it good and bring your presents guys gonna buy me a flu sometimes how to play the flute no well I can't wait to hear it damn you're an insider FS I'll get you I'll be out here appreciate it yeah what's up and put in the next one to come and talk to you for a second why were you so much um think was thinking that bonus yeah just actually going a little knows man oh he's looking at me it's five four hundred four hundred bucks think that's too much now thank you too right now huh now right now would you get out of here hey yeah I know that was unlocked look sky my daddy's here Hey can you tell me what is he doing here he just decided to show up and see Hannah I can't tell her she can't see her father you want me to do about it just put him out he said someone just dropped him off for a while he just can't show up me in Hunter of my life like this and you know that she's going through enough and he's just going to disappoint her listen to me you can't take her away from her father no matter what you think about what no matter what I think about this guy you hope enough for this guy what are you talking about this boy I don't take sides for nobody sky what is really bothering you okay you want to know what's really going on there you go got the right first rejection letter fine a no is just a one step closer to a yes everything would be alright come back inside amen yeah I got to my birthday party oh yeah late Bob would never miss it for the world I was lots of prints in there my dad today saw you've been making out still working down here in the new chop shop yeah Leroy I'm still working still if your mother won't mind but be nice and you stay over there for a bit just to make sure that the checks start rolling in didn't I have some real good daddy taught me on my ladybug your mother told me you write books now what are you some type of author you wrote a book you told me about that because they didn't like it well I like it the only one person if they didn't like it they didn't like it Leroy eighty what's going on where's the rains no they don't do good for you eat your greens little live rings axe Kylie I'm your father I don't need a Scylla degrees now you know what you look at me don't you ever talk back to your father you got that [Music] I hate grains you know I know that's why all the green cans are going out tonight okay there's my daddy gonna win again because I made a man no I don't think like that but nothing you won't leave okay okay let me tell you a story I just don't want alright alright whatever you want okay well maybe he changed I heard that way too many times before alright well look if he's driving we'll go get him tie him up take him in the woods and drop him off what it don't see job what why not cuz you don't sound right when you see job look how am I supposed to say it you shouldn't say it hey amigo telephone Oh Steve I gotta go where're you going that was ridges publishing you didn't wanna talk to me about my book really cover for me alright he closed down shop yeah okay don't worry about it Skyler he's ready to see you how you doing hi my pleasure have a seat George is fine George is fine so Schuyler tell me about this book of yours it's about a steam burner he's going into college and you can lose a race the only thing about is when you get the college you understand that it's not just about him you know he has to learn how to be a team play and help out everyone because winning isn't everything if you don't have the sacrifice for the whole team okay Schuyler I just want to be a straight shooter with you all right but can it sell that's always the question can it sell yeah I like your writing I do and that's the reason I called you but this is just not the style we're looking for right now success stories are great I like success stories but I feel that this one is just it just lacks something it seems a bit disconnected no no real reality in it do you understand what I'm telling you all right now I don't want to let that discourage you well I'll tell you what we're going to do now again I do like your writing I think you've got a good thing going I want you to go home I want you to write more and when you feel that there's something there that you want to show me you have my number and you call me and we'll visit some more okay okay and please like I said earlier do not let this discourage you but good yes great scattered thank you for coming in thank you so much I know you're going to be successful not looking forward to seeing you again absolutely you have a great day hey do we need anything else [Music] sarlaac really sure you want some girl agree because your breath stinks at the caliber that's why did my best pants all the time my breath never stinks oh my gosh Skylar hey Hannah I take it you don't remember my name Julia hmm so are we shopping for the family yeah well mom and a visitor Julian yes are you coming to my birthday party everyone will be there let's see I'm a woman hello say again to everybody I don't know am i that we agree okay so I'm coming hey you know what tomorrow I have to go body shot for a birthday party maybe we could go together and get a pie thing yeah that would be great okay see then all right I have a good feeling about that party Hannah see you later sweetie [Music] one of the keys to go outside and play I would try to do that then I come home something on your mind Schuyler no one likes the Booker right I went to bridges my bridges and they turned it down I mean what's the sense of me writing something if no one cares I'm not kidding you know much over time I could have had in my regular job my day job if I wasn't messing with that book you talking real negative and I don't talk to negative people son just won't worth taking that foolishness anyways guess what we started to leave today yeah do you leave from the hospital tannaz doctor yeah in the hand it's all about a birthday party now she wants to shop with him huh so you like it yeah are you talking about yeah right she's nice but I don't think I'm not tight you never know son just keep your heart open don't help me fold these towels don't all right hey I really like the decorations I think yeah I think so I think she like yeah the relationship that you and I share is the sweetest thing I've ever seen thank you it's clear how much you love her really is thank you so what do you enjoy doing like what do you like to do when you're not working well I do like to write so you're a writer then no I wouldn't call myself a writer I wouldn't do that well you know I try all right posture thank you there's nothing else I'm get you guys all right thank you thank you I know it was good for me too so do you have a favorite author I know it's cliche tax at all but most writers have someone they're inspired by right well besides Hannah be my inspiration and Iran do it I guess there is one author great Heat oh I work available yeah yeah I saw a commercial of the day saying he would be in town for some discussion and book signing yeah I actually went to Anna's readings I have of it I didn't get a state it was the night Hannah came to the hospital Oh No so you left to take care of your sister yeah but there's no big deal anyway right this is so good you have to try something you want to yeah it is good you should try it is yours let me write that chicken in mm mm mm now that is really good my season just right you cannot stay at the hospital me and a couple of doctors have been working on a project mhm actually we've been working on it for the past six months we are planning on opening up our own clinic we're trying to find better treatments and ways for them to cope with the disease that they have my hope is that it'll become a place that they are able to enjoy a place where they don't fear the cold instilled up hospitals something geared more towards making them laugh as much as possible that way when they're admitted they're not sad and every time I'm thinking more like paradise instead of some operation room you know I don't know the disease's normally looked over a lot I think you're gonna do great thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] what are you looking for oh you know what this is the wrong map they wouldn't put it on here yeah why would he do that they want to hide it from people it's a sacred place where we can't we have to put so appointment at the hospital I don't want to go to the hospital I want to go down by the river I'm working on it all right let me get the wildlife permits and we'll go okay why why because they're ferocious animals in there okay like the Bears yeah yeah like lions tigers and bears hey trust me all right okay put the map up let's go she don't know what she's talking about no no she's a witch yeah okay her blood counts below normal which is normal for kids like this the doctors going to prescribe some more folic acid for the blood and the rest of the test results wood to fill out excuse me Hey this is up front for you what is it who's it from Julia Julia Hanna's doctor oh why dude you're you're dating Hannah's doctor yeah I guess I am why don't you tell me maybe echos stupid oh by the way there was chocolate in there oh yeah what's it I said the was it well we're big sup man wasn't today fob bonuses yeah I got mine you didn't then somebody minute a man haircut the bounce I'm sorry you're sorry look I know you're fit and you have the right to be but I'm sorry man make sure you okay with next year all right made my sister's birthday is tomorrow man look maybe you should go home early cool off I really think that'll be best for you right now Scott dude what happened sky sowhat's that'll do right sup man so these connector will work everything good you going somewhere yeah working another dope can we same clothes twice you know yeah so you'll be here for Hannah's birthday tomorrow right yeah yeah yeah I'll be here oh you know basic you know for about 12 o'clock in the afternoon ladybug hawk would never miss this for the world gotta be there for you don't step it up man how you getting the word yeah I got a guy coming from a job you know who should be here any minute now I'll walk you out no no just tell me the truth three men you are you leaving hand or what listen for kind of time we take care no sick child I'm a whole life ahead of me you telling me that you can't even stay for a birthday party tomorrow right you seem like you two better man now for huh just go me just go what are you doing up you didn't give me the bonus for Hannah's fluid being on top of that Levi left for good Hannah doesn't care about that she loves you so don't stress yourself all right now I don't want to start this food you get yourself to death [Music] oh hey what are you doing here your mom asked me to come help uh prepare for the party okay so can I come in oh yeah man it's been crazy in here fun yeah I just got here yeah but it looks like I want you to meet Julia yeah Julia nothing crazy so this is Julia I'm Stephen I gotta say this guy can't keep the pipes up I thought you were gonna bring your way she has trouble walking from obesity oh yeah I know it's all kinds of stuff hey what's the birthday girl hey birthday girl how are you how old are you know what 20 can keep the pipe shut oh you know no no jokes you know that it's not funny man is not funny [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and this is from [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] when I say okay you say alright okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey can't get a place right now yeah you get out of it tonight okay what do you want to go yeah I'm gonna go down by the river well go and guess what give you no more needles [Music] ya suckas there for 48 hours if you want okay so you believing I mean all of this risky me and my love you [Music] right here key [Music] [Music] hey there I know it's been a long day guys I know she's tired we should probably let her get some rest why don't we take you up to the family waiting area and we'll come and get you if anything changes okay the thing is hannah has splenic sequestration the sickle cells on her body are pulling in her spleen causing a sudden drop in hemoglobin what does they mean her spleen is acting like a sponge its retaining a lot of blood we're giving her blood transfusion but she may not make it through the night I'm sorry we're doing everything we can [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are gathered here today for our little angel who's in the mighty hands of our Father Hera has taught us all what it is to be an angel she was kind as we say our final farewells to Hannah ashes to ashes dust to dust she is now with the Lord let us bow our heads in the moment of silence for prayer amen [Music] [Music] [Music] that's only been two weeks now I'm good man I don't need that right now I need to work all right man it's only been two weeks sky man it's only been it's only been two weeks good man I really think you should take the time off of Steve how do you think you know what's best for me right now sky sky stop Scott dude look man it can wait got it alright Scott what are you doing here man welcome channel work it's all in Chinese I'm trying to fix this you need to go home till you get yourself together man yeah ma come on man you know me I'm good man Steve walks guys to his car mom mom mom come on mom what's his problem his wife left him for an eighth grader she's that thing for uniforms get out of here before he comes back all right I'm gonna bring my three home hey you got your three days let's take off man go I've been reading this book it's about heaven how when you die what happens to you the school call today and wanted to know why Hannah didn't show up a class I tell them she'll be there tomorrow [Music] this is so hard for me God knows it is but he has his reasons oh my it's gotta wake up I made you coffee I wanted to ask you something I wanted to know if you could speak at the clinic opening today to the other children and families I think that would really help them on a lot maybe to help you out too look I know you're still going through your mom would like for you to do it also Steve said he would be there to support you and Hannah Hannah I know she would love for you to do it for her you're acting as if I'm trying to hurt you when all I'm trying to do is help help me do what Julie did you come here to agonize me I just what do you want to help me do you tell me they're trying to bring you back back from what Julia there's nothing to bring me back from she's God don't you get that he's gone she's not here anymore you want me to go to that clinic a lot of those people and tell them everything's gonna be all right right that's what you want me to do because it's not do you understand why Hannah died I died do you see that no I guess oh to get it registered to you know get out there yeah [Music] [Applause] who would like to cut the ribbon for me I do it are you going to cut the ribbon what's your name handsome welcome to our new clinic Hanna's Medical Center I'm so glad to see the faces of our better tomorrow thank you to the parents for believing in our children for you are the hope in their eyes as we begin a new chapter in our lives I'd like to start with someone very dear and close to our hearts Skylar [Applause] welcome to Hannah's Medical Center Hannah was diagnosed with sickle cell at a young age but she never let that seem to get her down she was loving kind fun she was strong you know she couldn't be here today but I guess because uh she had somewhere else to be but if she was as she would play a flute and let us all dance and have a good time but she told me to tell you all this is the place to be it's no more Hospital it's no more cold rooms no more waiting for us it's fine it's loving and it's one big family and I want to thank Julia if opening up this clinic in loving memory of him [Music] [Applause] [Music] finally here I'm really happy with it it's doing great congratulations how are you how are you big thank you I'll be back all right and where you going the one thing okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 371,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EncourageTV, Movie, movies, God, trailers, bridgestone multimedia BMG, christian, Jesus, Sean Johnson, Adriana Ford, Alethea Bailey, William Leanardo Molina, Down By The River Full Movie, Down By The River Movie, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Id: uZGDxInkl6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 32sec (4532 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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