Break Every Chain (2021) | Full Movie | Ignacyo Matynia | Dean Cain | Krystian Leonard

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dispatched a 44. 44 go ahead respond to the 400 block of early road report of a crash involving a motorcycle 44 copy on my way when you experience death like I have you see that God's Not There [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] why does God let bad things happen to good people why is God silent you really think that God the creator of Heaven and Earth and everything in it is silent I really think he's just ignoring all of us down here maybe he's talking Jonathan and you're just not listening I wonder what you'd say if you saw the things I've seen foreign and my best memories of him were on that Lake doing what we loved yeah you know I remember one time we we went deep sea fishing and I put a bass line in looking for sea bass all of a sudden my line just took off of something big I finally pulled him up to the top and it was huge and the three of us pulled that thing up over the side and got it on the deck of the boat it was a hundred and five pounds it was five foot long five foot so what do you think for your next birthday if we take you deep sea fishing for real for real wow that's pretty cool I can't think of a better way to celebrate your next birthday than to take you deep sea fishing I didn't realize it then but that was my last good memory of my dad I can remember the day she told us as a kid you never fully understand Daddy's really sick [Music] Jesus is gonna take him to Heaven soon [Music] [Music] we're gonna be okay we're gonna be okay hi Jonathan come here okay you'll be a man of the house mom's gonna need you to be strong okay I'm just gonna take me fishing in the ocean it's very Joseph I won't be able to take it to the ocean I'm sorry oh I still regret not spending more time with him I regret not talking to him more [Music] no no no [Music] that was the day I realized God didn't care about me God didn't care about any of us even if he was real why wouldn't he listen to a child [Music] [Music] I'm sorry Joseph I will be able to take it to the ocean you'll be men of the house [Music] mom's gonna need you to be strong [Music] hey [Music] cotton why did daddy die we prayed for him who's gonna take care of you who's going to take care of me [Music] you're not you don't understand Jonathan wait please Jonathan [Music] eight years later I was training to become an officer let's go Jonathan move it come on come on get him out of there come on why do you want to be a cop I want to make a difference sir foreign I want to protect and serve sir I want to be a better man sir we'll see about that put your hands on the ground welcome to the force congratulations Hickory you made it thank you sir proud of it [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey how'd it go I don't think I did that great I'm sure you did better than what you think right yeah well listen you're smart you know what you're doing I'm sure you're going to figure out a way to get in there right yeah I guess that's why you're looking at the new officer Hickory no oh yeah yeah oh yeah I'm so happy for you put this on strap up you ready [Music] [Music] Stacy did I ever tell you the story of the most beautiful girl in the world no once upon a time there was a girl so beautiful she lit up every room she walked into she was confident with piercing bluish greenish eyes that always changed colors and radiant blonde hair that shined like the morning sun now you might be wondering whatever happened to the most beautiful girl in the world well she met some lucky chump and gave him her number on a napkin with a note that said don't lose this [Music] I didn't [Music] Stacy Badgley they say in life we only fall in love three times but I've been falling in love with you 365 days a year for the last three years of my life and if you promise not to lose this I plan on falling in love with you over and over and over again for the rest of my life so will the most beautiful girl in the world marry me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wish your father were here yeah me too he'd be so proud of you oh I love you my son I love you more Mom oh okay I'm so happy for you [Music] [Music] Stacy was the best thing that ever happened to me she's the reason I'm here today she's loving my life I really don't deserve her she sounds like an amazing woman she is what happened to that happy couple when did things go wrong On My Honor I will never betray my badge my Integrity my character or the public trust I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions I will always uphold the Constitution the community and the agency I serve so help me God okay officer Hickory yes sir Steve Watson Field training officer nice to meet you you ready uh yeah let's go so I read your file looked like it was top of your class but trust me there is no training that could prepare you for the streets now look I know you just got married you all excited I get it but you got to get your head out of the cloud son these streets are tough if you aren't sharp and focused these streets are Eat You Alive and it will get you killed do you understand yes sir look I'm here to learn you won't have to worry about me let's get this straight I run a tight ship you do about a book if you want to get trained by me you do what I say when I say it if you hesitate it could cost you your life now fix your collar you're a professional and you need to look like one it's your fun at parties no I am not fun now get in the car so we're getting some donuts or what no room you have something stupid to say don't yes sir the sauce 71 go ahead Area Salvage yard and the 900 watts for the report of shots fired a caller stated at least Charmed with assault rifles it's heard no further description in the 7-1 on location so what's the plan Keep Your Head on the swivel we don't know we're walking into back at tourniquet what you should [Music] all right [Music] shots fired hope they showed you how to use that thing [Music] [Music] all right guys [Music] shut this corner [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] put your guns down now [Music] oh we shot him I know I almost shot him I know but you didn't you know why you use your brain good Instinct son good instincts come on [Music] please freeze get on the ground now all of you on the ground now hands where I can see them thank you all right oh it's a circle I got a couple cold ones if you just let me go I don't drink on the job man come on watch your head did a good job today all right thanks hi hey baby how are you I'm good I'm just grading papers yeah is everything okay yeah everything's going fine it's a slow night pretty boring actually well I miss you I miss you too I just want to call and hear your voice and tell you I love you I love you too yeah look um I gotta go so don't wait up for me okay good night I love you sorry about that hey man it's all right listen you did the right thing over there you need to bring this world into our homes our families don't need to know what's going on out here an injury part of equal dominance on its side to appear to be racing before the crash unknown as any other people are involved at this time Express this looks here it's 1180 put a rush on that bus hey police stand right there [Music] Sydney she was 16. Sydney would never get to fall in love she would never get married never experienced motherhood [Music] all her hopes dreams gone her entire life flashed before my eyes [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] doing all right I've never seen someone dead like that before look at police work isn't easy [Music] see a lot of crazy things out there but let me tell you something off the Record I found one thing that helps me get through all of this what's that couldn't do this job without Jesus really yeah yeah take this [Music] that's our church [Music] stop by sometime all right come on let's go [Music] [Music] death notifications this is the hardest part of my job I have no idea no idea whatsoever what are you doing reading the Bible why because it helps me how do you tell a mother her child just died [Music] laughs [Music] foreign [Music] here's a drink for you for you I'm Thomas Jonathan nice to meet you good to meet you thank you I heard uh you ran into some of West Virginia's finest today yeah that's one way to put it I don't know how you guys do this man hey look kid after a while you get used to it yeah some days you're out there doing paperwork for eight hours and the next day you're getting shot at where's Watson oh guy's a square doesn't drink at all he'll never step foot in here I heard about the girl how are you handling that I mean I've never experienced something like that before in my life it is what it is hey guys to the rookie to the rookie get that glass up here to the rookie thank you it'll get easier sooner or later I don't feel a thing you have a good night hey you stink um where have you been you know the guys they wanted to celebrate the rookies first day couldn't say no so how was the Rookie's first day [Music] it was different my fto was a nice guy I met him for the first time today he had donuts and joked around good I'm gonna get some rest I'll catch up with you okay I love you I love you too [Music] [Music] [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you can you all help me um pray for my husband Lord Jonathan is a good man but I think this job is more than he expected I think that he sees things and he can't talk to anybody about sense that it's hurting him is changing him I feel like he's feeling hopeless and he needs you God I know that God can help him hear that through the power of Jesus that I can get my husband back [Music] amen hey Jonathan come on in attendant good to see you it's great to see you please have a seat so I've been talking to your fto and he tells me you have some Talent just doing my job sir well that's certainly good to hear apparently you're doing it really well we're thinking about moving you up how you feel about traffic safety unit pulling my leg no I am not as part of that you get a motorcycle and an unmarked car congratulations son wow this uh it's it's an honor sir thank you so much well you know what you've earned it just don't make me regret it do my best all right look at that nice yeah and we can afford that but they can't upgrade my crappy Cruiser I know kills me wow he's a lucky chump no idea certainly isn't you Hickory oh no way there is no way on God's green earth they are trusting that to you hey were you able to find a big enough helmet to go over that head of yours don't be mad they don't make these for senior citizens Rodriguez oh that's cold dude what was that that is cold bro that's cold one more time I can't hear you that's cold bro man I can't believe he's got that ride it's actually in at 44. 44 go ahead 44 respond code three to the intersection of 2nd Street and Maple Avenue we have a report of a single vehicle overturned multiple occupants possibly children in the vehicle unknown injury fire rescue are responding 44 10-4 [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign huh the whole family it was horrible what can I say kid it's part of the job someone's got to do it thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] hmm [Music] thank you [Music] uh Mrs Hickory where is she excuse me is everything okay yeah I'm just looking for my wife oh I said can any body good job and how about this funnel good job and what about this good job we're having a baby we're having a baby [Applause] [Music] it's perfect let her sleep laughs [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] and you know her sleep schedule yeah and you know she gets fed in 20 minutes right are you sure you need me no no fine are you sure okay and you're gonna call me right okay [Music] thank you [Music] okay [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign driving is still the number one cause of death on our roadways two out of three people will be impacted by a drunk driving crash in their lifetime which is why we take this award very seriously it is reserved for an officer an exceptional officer who has gone above and beyond to keep our streets safe he is a shining example of someone who is making our community a better place it is my honor to present this award to officer Jonathan Hickory John [Music] [Applause] week of alcohol [Music] wow [Music] thank you everyone it is an honor and a pleasure to stand here before you all family comes first in our lives with another baby on the way we know just how important it is to keep our streets safe I unfortunately no better than most the horrific tragic effects of drunk driving it's heartbreaking to say the least the effects of drunk driving aren't just limited to those in the impact to our family members our friends [Music] we're kids thank you [Music] [Applause] dispatched a 44. 44 go ahead respond to the 400 block of early road report a crash involving a motorcycle 44 copy on my way [Music] hey what do you got for me oh hey man took you long enough I actually do have something for you here this is wallet whose wallet the guy on the motorcycle is over there oh man what I know this guy went to high school with him uh where did you say right over there on that white shoe thanks [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you kill them [Music] foreign [Music] thank you I couldn't understand why they weren't angry I looked into the eyes of that family all I saw was sadness pure sadness no anger no resentment they just missed their kid [Music] they should be angry at the drunk who killed them they should hate him but they couldn't they were calm and peaceful and not even infuriated me here's the stroke who just took the life of their loved one over some stupid bottle of liquor and they just forgave just like that if there's one thing I know is that we're all going to end up dead with no Hope anyway in this life what difference does it make and who cares I don't understand where was Jesus when that guy swerved through three lanes and killed Daniel Jonathan Jesus didn't kill Daniel why don't you blame Satan come on see oh so it's okay to blame Jesus for everything but not Satan not the one that the Bible tells us comes to to steal kill and destroy he gets no credit that family had peace because they know Jesus because they know there's more to this life because this life is not perfect it's broken we broke it sin broke it I'm having a really hard time buying that oh if you got it all figured out then what are we doing here I don't know why did you want to talk you want help I'm trying to help you wouldn't understand then make me understand it was Sunday October 20th my wife was in her 20th week call 9-1-1 what do you mean Chicago [Music] Nicole 9-1-1 my wife is 20 weeks pregnant [Music] she just uh just passed the baby [Music] I can't [Music] 14 weeks the brain impulses in an unborn baby begin to fire in 15 weeks the unborn baby can sense light at 19 weeks the baby's senses are all developing touch taste Vision smell and hearing Christian was 20 weeks old [Music] [Music] hey God hear us as we pray for the Hickory family and pray for their comfort in their time of sadness be a refuge for his family as they deal with them trying time and their child into your kingdom of life and joy your name is crazy amen [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Music] Ness thank you [Music] neighbor [Music] Hood foreign [Music] but I need to meet your help he's still the man that I love it's my Jonah [Music] and he's lost at sea he needs you [Music] this is my last prayer God and I don't know how [Music] but he needs your help [Music] we need your help for our family for me for Honor for Jonathan I need you to bring it back to me please help me [Music] bring it back thank you okay let me call you back Jonathan come on these detectives are from internal affairs have a seat can I ask what this is all about I think you know why they're here you're under investigation for violating our code of conduct you better hope we don't find out you're involved in immoral conduct you are to hand over your departmental laptop and cell phones along with all the lock codes and passwords and you will not discuss this investigation with anyone is that clear you're dismissed this is the story of Jonah Jonah was a good man but he was scared [Music] what did he do mommy Jonah didn't know that God had a purpose for him that God had a special mission for him and God found a way to get his attention God set a storm and he sent a big fish you go and get Jonah and bring him back [Music] and in the end Jonah did the right thing he did God's social mission and he came back [Music] he did the rightly [Music] [Music] [Music] what's the point of this life what difference does it make [Music] thank you [Music] like me [Music] you've seen so Much Death [Music] your whole profession revolves around the evil in this world you see Satan's handiwork every day that must be tough the thief comes to steal to kill and to destroy you've let him rob you of your peace of your family of your life it's time you fought back [Music] you need the only one who's ever overcome this evil you need Jesus you've been doing things your way your whole life how's that working out for you it's time you did things God's way I do you need to be honest about your affair about your drinking about the way you've been treating your family there are consequences to your actions Jesus is not going to change that but Jesus will change you all right you want to be a man about this you want to make things right you want to fix it first you have to surrender yourself to Jesus that's the first step [Music] [Music] honey I realized I made a lot of mistakes I know I haven't been good to you I know I've been a disaster but that's all going to change because last night I made a promise to God I spoke to him for the first time and I promised him I'm going to be a better man better father better husband I'm going to make it up to you and Anna foreign please [Music] okay I'm working on it I'm going to be better [Music] okay this one's for you and this one's for me carefully you got it oh say thank you oh my God Jonathan you do know that this is strange right you sitting here with us getting ice cream spending time with us it's gonna get better exactly well she said Jonathan our family needs this I know I promise things are going to change next time we're getting pizza right yeah ice cream again ice cream is it good yeah all right I'm gonna take this okay okay Jonathan I need to see you in my office I have the results of your investigation what flavor are you gonna get next time Vanilla you didn't like this one no no all right I guess I'll see you then oh my goodness gracious it wasn't lieutenant okay they need you oh say no okay [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] well at least this time you don't have your gun drawn I need your help sure what's going on I'm an idiot I take it you haven't told her no I haven't you need to tell her Jonathan I can't tell her she's going to leave and take on the I don't know what I would do if I lost them both well if you don't tell her you're going to lose them both anyway I sense there's something else going on of course they uh found out about the affair did an entire investigation I'm about to find out if I lost my job I screwed up really really screwed up I could really use a prayer right now I told you before there are consequences to your actions and praying won't make them go away but God promises to be there to help you through those consequences I'm not asking for a miracle I know there are consequences but I also believe that God does answer prayers please could you just if you say a prayer with me of course God please help me keep my job you know being an officer in this county is a privilege oh do you we demand all of our officers be Beyond reproach all of them and you you don't yes sir I understand I'm sorry I believe I was still speaking as for the charge officer behaving in a scandalous Infamous manner in violation of West Virginia code for that you're guilty dismissal without pension without severance nothing that's the verdict the job is all I know sir it's my passion it's what I'm good at it's the only thing I'm good at I didn't come here to make excuses but we both know that this line of work gets inside your head and between the things I've seen on the job and losing my son I've been a wrecked I've been avoiding my problems and this this job is being here it's the only thing that makes me feel like I'm making a difference I know I need to be held accountable for my actions and I I don't deserve this job I don't deserve my family but I want you to know that I'm working on it I'm going to be a better man look Jonathan I know you okay I know this isn't like you look at me you know I'm actually willing to bet my badge on you you know why because at the end of the day I think you're a good cop and I truly believe everyone deserves a second chance that's why I fall for you guess what that's why I got them to keep you on the force oh no no no no don't thank me yet oh no you will be disciplined you will no longer be a motorcycle or traffic officer and that take-home vehicle yeah that's gone you will immediately be sent to the uniform Patrol Division on a midnight shift pushing a cruiser give me the keys to the motorcycle in the unmarked look Jonathan I am taking a huge risk on you you understand that huge tell me I'm not making a mistake I will let you down sir thank you these are the keys to your new ride car 305. you proved to me that you can change and in a year maybe we could reevaluate your performance don't make me regret this you're dismissed so um what's with the squad car out there I gotta put back on nights start tomorrow night yeah I got some trouble at work they swapped me over the midnight shift Jonathan how I mean you've been you've been working so hard what happened there was a vehicle Pursuit a few months ago remember what I was telling you about yes and and I gave the suspect a break then write them up turns out they had warrants I think I like this better anyways I won't have to deal with seeing the wrecks and who knows maybe this is a good thing a good thing Jonathan how is this going to be a good thing you're never going to see us it's only for a while okay we'll make it work yeah I guess I love you don't worry figure it out okay okay thank you thank you [Music] 44 respond code 3 to Rocco's liquor store 1260 East Main Street for the possible carjacking color stating they saw a large male with a forcing his way into a black van in the parking lot s stop right there you're the 44 I need backup 44. we have backup on the way any available units respond number three foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Hi Megan hi Anna what's going on to get some ice cream we'll be right back okay hey what are you doing here get in the car Jonathan what's going on just get in the car now thank you foreign [Music] you weren't my best friend you were the one the one I wanted to spend forever with that I loved unconditionally that I went there and I took these vows [Music] not mean anything [Music] what happened to my husband when I lost my baby where were you [Music] you were getting drunk you were disappearing you were working night shifts and everything else and this is what you were doing [Music] when I laid there every night aching in pain needing you here needing my husband to come home to me to tell me that he loves me and you're out sleeping with some other woman do you even know what you've done do you know what you're doing to me [Music] are not the man that I married and I want him back [Music] you broke us you broke me fish what happened [Music] no because you're not sorry no I don't know oh God [Music] Stacy you should know that the day that Jonathan came to see me he he told me all about the demons he was fighting he told me about the infidelity he also told me that you are the love of his life he didn't feel like he deserved you this is one of the most difficult things that could ever happen in a marriage Jonathan it took you years to break this marriage it's going to take you a long time to repair it you're going to have to ask yourself the hardest questions do you want to fix this do you want to move forward to forgiving you're going to have to look deep within your heart and you're going to have to decide is this family Worth Fighting For it's going to be a long journey but if you turn toward God I think you have a chance [Music] there are consequences to your actions and Jesus will not change that but Jesus will change you you know you want to be a man about this you want to make things right you want to fix it first you have to surrender yourself to Jesus that's the first step [Music] thank you I've been a slave to you for way too long I am sick and tired of you controlling me God God please give me the strength to break free from these chains foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I hate myself [Music] I hate what I've done Stacy to my family to honor and the weight of all this is overwhelming and I'm having a lot of trouble dealing with it Jonathan [Music] that burden is not for you to carry that weight on your shoulders is for Jesus to carry you have to give it to him or it'll Crush you I just want my wife to Love Me Again [Music] [Music] it's going to take time I could do that for you don't touch me stay away from me [Music] it's not going to be easy [Music] through you have to believe there's hope she believed for years that you would turn around now it's your turn to believe in her Jesus help me become the man my family needs me to be forgive me for what I've done help heal our wounds help me fix this mess I made please can I talk to you for a second sweetheart come here you know your Daddy loves you very much right very very much look I know Daddy's been mean a lot lately and that's not your fault okay I want you to know that Daddy promises to never be mean to you ever again okay I love you sweetheart I'm sorry could you forgive me [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you okay well before we can make any changes together as a couple Jonathan you're gonna have to face some things now I know you have a lot of hurt from the loss of your father so I want you to try something we are going to try and exercise I want you to pretend your father is sitting in this chair you want me to play pretend with that chair Jonathan we're gonna have to work on you before we can work on restoring your marriage now I want you to speak to this chair as if your father is sitting in it right here in front of you I want you to say all the things you wanted to say to him that that [Music] you were my best friend foreign I miss you I wish you were here [Music] I wish you were here to see me graduate the academy become a police officer I wish you were here to see me marry Stacy and meet your granddaughter Anna she's just like you smart funny I want to tell you that I love you because I feel like I I didn't have enough time to tell you it's not fair I never heard the words good job son I miss you son you're a good son I couldn't say the word dad I just want to tell you I love you because I feel like I didn't get to tell you enough I feel like God took you away from me I feel like a piece of my heart is missing and I'm never going to get it back [Music] thank you [Music] all right my life get home safe okay thank you foreign [Music] what's it say I am soft and I help you sleep that's a tough one what do you think would help Mom and Dad sleep a blanket where do you keep blankets the bedroom I have one for YouTube Daddy I found it was under the pillow you did what'd you get a princess crown wow what a beautiful crowd beautiful crown for a beautiful princess [Music] I got a clue too what is it something Waits For You in a safe place what do you think I don't know to be in the safe Maybe only one way to find out right what'd you get what'd you get what'd you get what'd you get what'd you get what did you get what'd you get what'd you get I have another bit we're having a baby we're having a baby we're having a baby oh we're having a baby wow get ready to learn how to share yeah you too family pictures let's get your hair grandma likes her hair you're so beautiful you know that you're the best thing that ever happened you have faith you held on I love you you're my heart I'm just so happy to have you back I love you hold on get over here okay everybody ready come on all right make it a good one all right guys say cheese cheese thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I could take the pain away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's gonna bring us down [Music] together [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she's gonna bring us down [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't be afraid [Music] [Music] I'll give up nothing's gonna bring us down [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 2,792,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ignacyo Matynia, Dean Cain, Krystian Leonard, Tim Searfoss, Break Every Chain Movie, Break Every Chain Full movie, Break Every Chain 2021 movie, Break Every Chain 2021 full movie, Break Every Chain, 2021 movie, 2021 full movies, new full movie, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films, police officer, substance abuse, wife loss, father and daughter, faith, redemption, depression, Christian movies, BMG
Id: -Mp7hjgjY70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 50sec (6230 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2022
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