Steps of Faith (2014) | Full Movie | Charles Malik Whitfield | Chrystee Pharris | Irma P. Hall

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[Music] [Music] you have got to get control of yourself sorry I working with children is definitely not your strong suit especially they branded Smith's he tests the patience of Joe oh no no you go on we'll take care of the children oh yeah thank you she said on this boy [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Sorry Sorry [Music] you know I am such a good cook Oh so could you make you want to slap your mom Oh Oh smack you like Big Momma did Martin Lawrence and their movie nothing to lose this fight I already lost one battle this week I didn't see you in church again this morning oh you know I caught it on the radio okay let's set the table okay let us bless this food father thank you for allowing my beautiful family to partake in our Sunday dinner once more a family that eats together and prays together stays together bless the hands that have prepared this food amen amen I didn't see you at service this morning faith what happened with you and the Smith point he just confirmed from me that I don't need to be volunteering for the youth ministry what's so funny oh nothing sweetheart you know you've just never been that good with animals or children mama Bob remember the goldfish that we got that died every time she walked into the room Angela leave your sister alone thank you daddy you know John you spoil her well if I don't who will speaking of which when are you gonna find yourself a good man and make me some grandbabies first I'm not good enough to be around kids but you want me to have grandbabies first you gotta get a man daddy um I'm moving to Red Springs Texas excuse me you're moving canoe what what is a Ritz really uh let me handle this I think you need to explain sweetheart I think that God is trying to tell me this is my calling God really shut up okay this is some kind of a joke right I'm dead serious daddy don't daddy me and talk straight young lady I heard it as clear as you guys are talking to me right now ain't this a blip so you don't believe me well sweetheart it's not that we don't believe you but you don't go to service but once a month and then you leave five minutes before the benediction you know this is the reason why I didn't want to tell you guys in the first place cuz I know that you wouldn't believe anything that I had to say now hold it don't forget who you're talking to and let's talk this through when Maxine Johnson moved to India because God sent her a message you guys threw her a going-away party and you you basically raised her ten thousand dollars for her trip what makes me so different first of all she was a devout Christian she never missed a service she was on the mission board uh begged the homeless she fed the homeless and she used to read to the sick so basically you're telling me that because I don't go to church every single Sunday God won't speak to me no sweetheart that's not what we're saying what we're trying to tell you what did God tell you to do in Red Springs he told me to go to Red Springs and work with children at a hippotherapy farm hippotherapy you don't even like children sweetheart do you realize how huge those animals are they will trample you to death mom I didn't say hippopotamus hippo is a Greek word for horse and you know what forget it I know you guys wouldn't approve or understand I understand Greek hippo horse I get it what is she talking about we were none this why are you talking to God you can ask him about finding you a husband god I don't know why you chose me but you did I know I'm not crazy I know you sent me a message so I'm just gonna ask that if you could just send me one more sign so that I don't have any doubts but I promise you I will trust you just one more sign hey what's up chica mm-hmm so I'm trying to get through payroll how was your weekend crazy got no fight with a eight year old boy at church and to top it off getting a bigger fight with mom and dad I want to fight it which one bait your own hmm I did that little snotty nose smiley face kid held his own closes up into a real date not long time you're a silly uh-huh how was your weekend my brother's best friend swept me off my feet I literally mean swept me off my feet do tell some things you just can't explain this is one of them come on now okay mm-hmm so Saturday night my brother sets me up on the simple date with him and his best friend long story short I drank a little too much when I slipped say with me so I'm heading down to the ground next thing you know these huge arms engulf me Oh and lift me up oh it was just something about being in a man's arms you hear me right yes I do I thought I was going to melt you a bad girl I love it go away you're gonna get me in trouble get you in trouble hey can I see a minute yes did you yes sir can you process this for me please and get a check out today if you can absolutely she could you tell me why you decided to donate to this particular charity today I just happened to answer the phone this morning and the next thing I know I committed to a thousand dollar donation Wow I'll get this out today thank you [Music] Hey what are you doing here I need to talk to mom and dad are they here yeah they're in the living room reading are they still upset are you still leaving yes God really spoke to you then I got confirmation to do a job well sis then I'm on board with you then have my back with mom and dad in a room hey this is my house now if you don't like me canoodling with my wife and there's the door so what are you doing here I wanted to talk with you and Dad about no no let's hear her out I know you both don't approve of me moving to Red Springs but this is something that I have to do honey how are you gonna survive I have over two thousand dollars saved faith that's not gonna last you a month I should have a job as steps of faith by then faith have you forgotten that you don't you in like animals I know this is hard for you both to comprehend but I got confirmation today at work well what do you want from us sweetheart are you both not to be upset with me okay if this is your calling and what does it matter how we feel about it are you gonna move even if we don't give you our blessings yes oh then there's your answer I'm leaving on Wednesday wait faith are you two just gonna let her walk out the door you sit in service every Sunday but because your daughter is following the voice of God you're ready to shoot the messenger you know I might just have to rethink this whole religious thing I mean I sit in service every Sunday I feed the homeless I help take care of the elderly but I I've never actually heard God's voice not once Angela you're too young to understand baby breath see I'll see you see you later say wait wait [Music] master Bruce sister fate the fear see you oh hey how are you hey before you get started back a couple things I need to say thank you so much mm-hmm what can I do for you a pastor uh I'm not even really sure if you believe me no I won't try me I now know what God wants me to do he revealed it to me yesterday mm-hmm I was a little taken aback he said that you were thinking that I wouldn't believe you no but I am in to believe in business you know no but pastor Wright I'm sorry it's not that I don't actually it's just I wasn't even sure if I believed it myself I mean but I got confirmation today at work and what was the revelation God told me to move to Red Springs Texas and work with children on a HIPAA therapy farm well I heard about you and little Brandon Smith okay Brandon got all the toys kidding just kidding how's the Deacon taken not so well no well at all actually it would just be patient he'll come around I hope so you know God puts these obstacles in our path so we don't go around feeling like Saints I have to admit pastor I'm I'm scared we have time for the old story I'd love to hear his story I love your stories when Claire and I first moved down to Dallas we had 1400 bucks between us she was pregnant with our first child and God told us to move to Dallas I had so many people telling me that I should move down here first and then send for Clare and by people I mean Christians I said all I have to say this following your heart and God's message you have my blessings thank you Pastor I taught a young pastor that finished that theologian school and I think he would be a good shepherd for your transition okay now faith mm-hmm don't sit on any of those children down here at their hippo I won't okay thank you anytime she sat on that boy are you gonna move even if we don't give you [Music] following your heart and God's message [Music] you don't have to look so happy now you finally have your own apartment oh it speed up for like the next six months and you are the best oh wait wait wait now let's get one thing straight no matter what happens in Red Springs I get to keep this apartment right yes coming back alright oh I'm really gonna miss you I'm gonna miss you too I hope you come visit I will yeah yeah um are they still upset yes but they'll come around yeah yeah okay well uh I guess I better get out of here okay will you call me when you get there [Music] [Music] I'll go into the man me [Music] after I've [Music] fire away [Music] we'll fly away fly away fly away fly away home [Music] that's how it should be [Music] the choices are free [Music] is County but you oh sorry away [Music] hello hey yeah girl I made it I just got in oh about I don't know maybe about hour and a half from Dallas maybe about hour and a half hour forty-five yeah no that's my stomach I'm hungry yeah okay all right I'll call you later I'm gonna go grab something to eat real quick okay okay all right I'll talk to you later bye love you bye forget it what can I get you a drink sweetie teeny small right yes thank you I suggest that chicken-fried steak is the best in Texas yeah I'll take that all right how about some loaded mashed potatoes with green beans yes chicken fried steak loaded all right be right back thank you and seeing you here before you new in town I yeah is it that obvious yeah yeah you stick out like a sore thumb I'm from Dallas oh well let me be the first to welcome you to our eNOS I have to remember that R&S yeah you got a new family here no I'm trying to get a job as steps of faith oh that's cool sounds like your food is ready all right chicken-fried steak the best thing Texas look like the biggest in Texas yeah enjoy it all right thank you let these boys are now come on baby come on [Music] just let the horse do all the work nice and easy okay Dan hi I'm faith Houston hello man Marshall Lee ah nice to meet you mr. Lee well everybody around here calls me Marsh I will call you Marshall if you stop calling me ma'am makes me feel old faith works what's so funny well justice our ranch is called steps of faith and my name is faith so you know you can call me no I'm sorry I know I get it up well how can I help you could you tell me who I need to speak to you about applying for a job that'd be the silver headed lady in chorale 3 what is that god-awful smell oh wow that's sweet pungent smell that be the smell of horse manure seems like that's all I shuffle these days I wouldn't want your job all right man oh by the way my name is Belle thank you Oh hi I was told you were the owner if you're selling I'm not buying no no no I'm not selling anything how do you think about how I was gonna say this until just now darlin I shoot straight and I expect people to shoot it straight to me okay I was told by God to come work on your farm with your children through your hippotherapy program with me no no no the marshal put you up to this like Mark marshal marshal right now no what's your name darling faith Houston faith well you're from Dallas I packed up everything that I own and move to R&S yesterday and what exactly did God tell you to do told me to do what you are doing right now this is all a little too cuckoo for me I have to get back to my client we're not taking on any new staff right now check back in six months but gods hope God told me that I you're having way too much fun Jan give my tip that I see you tomorrow you back yeah I ran into a brick wall what brick wall is that the owner wouldn't even let me through the door I don't know what to do yes you do you gotta knock the front door down honey if you want that job you gotta get it maybe some clue to help you feel better we got some chipping 5-second want that mmm the a meat loaf is good it's really good can I just have a plain old-fashioned regular cheese yeah yeah let's good with the works yeah what extra pickles mayonnaise mustard onions first girl okay what about a drink give me a coke all right G heart attack special keep your head out [Music] who are you looking for I'm looking for a church that has pastor Olson fast rolls hey there hi I assume your feet yes pastor Olson oh yeah don't get rid of me [Laughter] sure yeah did you know that you're white you know I'm actually quite perceptive I picked up on this so I assumed when didn't tell you his wife no he kind of left out that little tidbit well I can recommend an african-american church oh no white churches all the time nice you know you will fit right in yeah on a serious note did pastor Brooks tell you about my situation he did do you think it's crazy no let's get you inside we'll meet the staff get a new member packet for you besides we go in the front door usually hey so have you been out two steps to pay for Mia um yes but I didn't get a warm reception that's bail for it I'll be nicer if you're nice me if you're not nice though I can't promise [Music] [Music] your back I'm a glutton for punishment I was not around she's out riding right now but more than welcome to hang out here and wait for now how do you stand it yeah used to it after a while is this what you do all day no I work with the children a lot but since there's nobody clean out the stalls well that falls on me nowadays most of it yeah you keep Marshall from his work no I was just looking for you the answer is still no I'll do anything darlin faith okay faith we have a lot of work to get to so if you would please just leave the brush God told me that I was supposed to be doing this well didn't tell me I'll be back every day until you hire me goodbye see you tomorrow she likes me [Music] [Music] [Music] stalk much oh don't start people I want just down take it in the town I'm just saying it looks like you following cannot [ __ ] no why would I be following you cuz you need a job I'm just I heard about this really face because I need a place to live I need to find a place okay you know I'm just saying because my mistake just one question what's that how can I get bail to hire me why would I want to tell you that because I really need this job all right you know what maybe I tell you if you admit that you were stalking me okay that you were following me I was trying to get a place okay I was following they'll be at the barn 6:00 a.m. make sure you can wear some you don't mind getting dirty and stuff why do I have a feeling I'm gonna be breakfast I'm gonna leave you know look for now okay morning you know I didn't actually think you'd do it go a lot faster if I stop throwing up you didn't give me this job so that you could stop doing it did you well you asked for an opportunity and I think this will definitely get bailed and notice you think I'm gonna be sick too prissy that turns Bell off makes people who can roll up their sleeve and get the job done you're right I can do it well you showed it at the persistent and get the job done not auntie your absent acity I'm willing to do anything to prove to you that I wasn't lying I never said you were lying dump a seven a quarter an hour you want it yes it's my son off to sundown five days a week I'm your girl you need to feed and water the horses brush them down good every night think your cowboy enough to do that yes ma'am just yeah faith your journey begins today I give her a wheeze she is exactly what we need on this farm [Music] you're live in there you okay all right everywhere I'm sorry but you really got to speak up I can't hear you I can't move oh yeah that's some real hard work you were doing are you doing here I figured you might be exhausted and didn't have any time to stop and eat so watch your little some so do I have to get out of the car to eat it no I mean it's really nothing fancy just a burger and fries ah my lifesaver soda yeah thank you you worked your tail off today that says a lot thank you but to be honest with you I quit about 20 times I just couldn't muster up enough energy to go to him hey well you know what it's either gonna get better or get a whole lot worse but I think I'm in a couple of days you'd be a pro at it I hope not let me uh let me walk you to your door [Music] he says I can barely get in the car and drive a home you stay right there all you have to do is I give me your keys okay 110 honey you didn't tell me was there be this my take on my oh my god I put y'all there we go how's that a little better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey come on get in here little bit and watch you know you've been dealing with the horses and you gotta connect with these horses like you do humans all right I have to admit I don't have a good rapport with animals okay you need to do most of the children I come here think that like Boyka see I'm stroking it mm-hmm touching I want you to come on the other side I want you to do the same thing ah Marshall come on don't worry about I won't invite you my heart is beating so fast well I feel like it's gonna jump out of my chest take a deep breath see when your heart's racing horse they can hear it from at least six feet away there you go is brie wait what are you doing max just stay there just keep keep struggling where are you going keep stroke there you go some so confident something so powerful allows us to be apart it's like being in love the Gulf's every part of us takes your breath away I don't want to let go that feeling that thank you for being such a gentleman last night you mentioned you know truth be told I didn't even think he was show up today I have a great responsibility I told me that I was supposed to be doing I think Buttercup rice I like butter cut well I gotta get them cleaned and dressed yeah I guess I got to get back to shoveling try it work work work [Music] [Music] are you stalking me no no no just checking up on you I not think that's a good I gotta call right well no no didn't seem to happen but you know what I got a better idea for you gonna be a carhop come on get on let's go come on you can make it out oh I don't know the way you jumped I'm definitely not gonna make this a habit so what's on the menu for the night ah here you go all right Luann's famous club turkey sandwich with baked potato chips okay well you know I guess you're on my evil plan if you look in there you might even see old male razor cooking here uh-huh all right so get some rest yeah I'm definitely gonna do that it's gonna take me two days to recover you know if you up to it this weekend maybe you might want to catch a movie are you asking me out on a date no best way I know how well I won't go to the movies with you but you can accompany me to church Sunday church be right here with bells on you don't have to look so excited oh no no I'm excited yeah Church no I'll be here I'll be here all right Sunday thank you for the cookie [Music] he's after you now you do notice is a white shirt you just forgive me you know I'm joking all right okay all right you may be seated thank you guys so much for being here and thank you for the music it was great you know believe it or not the attendance was actually up by two this week so maybe if we all get here at the same time you might have more people yeah I'd like for the church to welcome miss Houston is all the way from Dallas and a friend give her a drink you guys are stuck now these doors only open from the outside all the way up to the front here guys yeah it's actually softer over here doesn't get you as much come on down you know a good friend of mine told me that one of his sheep was moving to Red Springs it was in need of a really good Shepherd to make the transition smooth I accepted that honor he also told me something about Miss Houston that was a little refreshing do you mind if I share with the congregation faith accepted a vision from God that her calling was to move to Red Springs and help the children on the steps of faith farm now that's spectacular but what I find even more spectacular is the action of God see my good friend went on to tell me that faith doesn't have a great rapport with children or animals and she wasn't even a regular attendee at her previous church now I have assurance that faith will be here every Sunday but the miracle is that God uses us all in different ways we don't have to be pew members or or career Saints for God to speak to us in fact my sermon today asked the question would you know God's voice if you spoke to you I think that's something we all need to ask ourselves so it's over now our Bibles now hey how are you sparks Thank You feather thanks sir we'll see you later love Lisa thank you a secure message yeah thanks man we'll see you later hey are you good yeah yeah your sermon you want 5 today I think you're being just a little too kind there you know I think the congregation perked up when you two walked a few members are sick during bus they just ran up that's the first time I heard one of my sermons you know I've seen you around town but I don't know your name I'm sorry Marshall Lee Marshall are you Dorothy's principle actually yes I am love one and only how is your grandmother she mean as ever huh she wouldn't be mrs. Dorothy she wasn't well you'll come back and visit us all yeah yeah yes sir great faith pasture Brooks tells me that you have an angelic voice please exaggerating a little bit man well I'd like to put in just a small request um I've been really wanting to kind of branch out with our music lately just kind of I had more styles and just kind of I don't broaden a little but I just want to build things up and build some excitement goal and I just think you'd be perfect with that would you mind okay that was easy please don't leave until everyone has a chance to introduce themselves all right and I'm gonna call a pastor breaths and let him know I'm on to you just don't call him from this porch he's never gonna let that go - lets go snacks outside that's not if you brought some oh yeah No Marshalls here hey girl yeah oh yeah did they coin and put it over there on the table so why are you so late well uh I was in church a church I know Jesus Christ big momma this is faith Houston she's from Dallas my name is Noah thing then everybody call me big momma anyway the food and the conversations all free nothing like that church yeah I can't believe you scared me like that Big Momma I think I aged 15 years I see Cheryl dumped the kids on you again hey you know your sister work work work you from Dallas who is him oh hush boy yes hello Jake you you attend in Dallas I've been going to Mount Tabor Baptist Church but here I've been going to Pastor Olsen's church Oh first-rate good you got insurance oh I'm sorry I forgot to tell you big mamas you don't go for the jab she goes straight for them okay you be quiet no mom no man hey she looks like a nice woman might get you the church well the food mom mama say you're all right you're all right Bobby bless this food and bless this family better be a nourishment to our bodies amen and what miss giggles what what is it has anybody ever told you that you your grandmother looks like the woman from soul food no she doesn't look like the woman from soul food yes she really I don't see that at all all right well you know what maybe I'll tell us you'll probably get a kick out yeah Big Momma would get a kick out of it I had a good time today yeah what I had a really really great time too you know it's the first time I've ever been on a first date at the church it's pretty nice huh I guess I better turn in let me get the door for this you're gonna need to pick up the pace our job agreement is based on your clean out stalls feeding the horses as well as grooming them but the most important part is the children those children depend on us to do our job every day I'll keep up I haven't seen you interact with one child since you've been here things your focus has been other places I'm just trying to do my job last man who had this job did in half the time and you still need to work with the children can you handle that I'll be up to speed tomorrow I hope so hey those who might wanna grab some dinner I need your help I need a crash course on how to work with a horses from dressing them to brushing them down you know there is no cliff note birth please pills gonna fire me if I don't okay all right first thing you want to do do you want to respect the horse trust has got to be established think Buttercup fastest 1,200 pounds power and grace in that body but at the same time act just like a child one kick from that magnificent beasts kill you instantly yeah you already got a fare animals so you got to get over that quick alright because they can sense how do I do that I think of somebody trying to hurt somebody you loved you don't think about he just react you got to control the horse I'm mostly by the reins alright but a firm hand not abusive but firm you wanna buttercup already have rapport so you got to continue to build that relationship all right first things first won't put the pad next to the horses skin that's the pad there you go no nice and easy and want to get the Sal uh-huh like so yeah and won't make sure main is not on the meat so when you're riding horse doesn't get uncomfortable you always want to keep this on top we will let this down there we go that down and the girth so I would take the curt right here let you step back a little bit there we go we want this girth to be nice since a yeah but we don't want it too tight where irritates the horse because they irritate a horse oh that is not a fun horse now all right are you catching up with all this so far yo not good it's a lot of information but but I'm getting it next important step when you're walking behind the horse you're always going touch the horse just like you're doing right here I'll let the horse know that you did so the horse doesn't get spooked you don't want to get kicked got it if you forget just about everything I just told you you don't want to have it figured out I got it all right I'm gonna get a shot my daddy gave me his hat then ever ever happened to me on a horse nothing but good things wearing this hat not as hot as yours all right okay okay and I think you're ready [Music] does she know this starts at 7 p.m. hi sorry I'm late I'm fade don't worry about it sweetheart let's just get to practice but on behalf of the choir we're so excited we welcome you with open arms we hear that the pastor is gonna make you have the choir it's so exciting it feels like joyful noise choir or Sister Act yeah I wouldn't quite put it like that but but we'll see so what is your favorite song a mighty fortress is our God okay I don't know that one how about Lord I come home okay let's try something different actually let's try Amazing Grace everybody knows Amazing Grace right I leave the majority of songs for the choir perfect all right so let me hear your rendition awesome awesome little room for improvement anybody else want to try okay can you sing oh no no no no you on your own but you know I did text somebody nothing help is right on the way they should be here in like a few minutes okay so why don't we practice a little bit until they arrive okay so uh mazing grace is amazing grace oh sweet hey ah there goes my nephew's yeah and they started in Georgia all the way in California putting it down and call themselves the Jackie boys anoint them okay okay all right so can I hear [Music] can I hear your rendition of Amazing Grace sure no problem absolutely come on nephews give it to him Amazing Grace how sweet sound less a courage like me I once was lost but now I'm found on spine but now I see holy holy holy holy holy holy holy is the lady [Music] Myrtle how was that a little better [Music] [Music] see you made a new friend other thing you can tell better than anyone else she's becoming a little more in the frame I didn't think she last a week probably wouldn't have anything for you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you know she's been sleeping in the barn the past few nights and she's gonna make a believer out of you yet oh yeah she's growing on you Down Goes Frazier [Laughter] [Music] hey good this for me this my table that's your table that's my man waiting on you where you been oh I got that job as steps of faith oh really the hardest work that I've ever done in my life hey we got a dishwashing position open back there thank you but I will hold on there a little bit longer hey where will you be MD I want a chicken fried steak with double mashed potatoes and I slice a Apple okay you got a grown man's appetite damn yeah when you have a grown man's job you eat like one okay all right when you're gonna have to drink give me a big huge lemonade yeah all right all right coming right up sir all right it's good to see you likewise I'm hungry tell Maria I [Music] [Music] [Music] we're talking about you know what I think we should just stop right there because I'm not gonna be able to beat that at all Thank You face so much you uh you've definitely brought out the best in our choir all right guys open up your Bibles to Matthew 13 1 through 13 and today's sermon we're gonna dress sewing good seed on to good ground let's start there mmm get that star every night no it's just wonder what allows it to grow so bright kind of does something to me you know I never asked you uh why is it that you're single dark are you single well my mother asked me that spot you know I just decide to from priority see wasn't wasn't on the top of my list at that time what about you Oh me I'm single well let me yeah I guess I am well that tired of using that excuse that men like to use that I'm just a man chasing all these women and uh I don't know I have to finally spend time with myself and focus on the important things at the ranch yeah so what is it that attracts you to me well right off your smile absolutely and the way you said first time I met your faith works but it's time went on I have to be honest though that would also be shared with your heart it's the way you open up to me showed me a really special [Music] [Music] whoa whoa tell me what you did I I put the pad on the horses skin and then the saddle on top of the horse as you can see i connected the lead row made sure the girth was tight yes absolutely double check twice yeah hey I need you to be a side walker today I still have to prepare the rest of the horses faith eventually you're gonna have to work with the children I will I promise tomorrow I don't want any excuses I'll be ready [Music] [Applause] Marshall nut now too tired to eat come back later better have a juicy t-bone mistake what and who is this Marshall don't worry about the whole Marshall thing and what are you doing here I just came here to surprise you ah well I am definitely pleasantly surprised so tell me how are things going and honey why do you stink oh let's just got in I haven't had a chance to get in the shower yet well you you smell like a pig paint oh yeah yeah yeah you hungry I am starving oh I know this little restaurant that's is the best country fried steak sounds good alright I'm ready okay but but you need to go find you some soap and water that way help me let me take this boot off I carry okay ready yes you ready to go thank you to the fab know why you fall every time my pants thirty favorite pants oh this place yes yes thank you thank you Nicole this is my baby sister Angela Angela this is Nicole it's nice to meet you Angela like why you know a fan says that you guys have the best chicken fried steak in the whole town yeah so you want to right yeah I'll be right back yeah that's a date yes so where's my dinner uh well you know what I invited you however I thought you being a deep sleeper why are you awake but I was to what my baby sister showed up at my doorstep your sister my little baby sister Oh want you to come over and join me yeah absolutely okay hey I know she got our tea right yes I really like Nicole she is all nice ticket get your stuff I want you to meet somebody okay Marshall I want you to meet my baby sister Angela Angela this is Marshall Wow it's nice to meet you baby sister Angela the reason I want to shout out we are mosh well you could shout out we are Marshall but they might kick us out yeah oh ah two ladies have just made my night oh so how long will you be in town no just a couple of days but um real question how do you guys know each other well coworkers oh look look look Nicki would you mind putting your foot on my tab please and be my pleasure thank you Thank You Marshall you're welcome okay I know you a but come back to me again she seems to be coming along well she's great with the horses she won't go near the children she always makes some excuse to disappear I'll talk to him by the way I want the company to pay for the get certified that's a huge commitment and a lot of money I think you're letting your emotions get the best of you you might be right but I'm gonna follow my instincts on this one what makes you think she's got what it takes to do this kind of work first off we're not using in the right way we got it working in the barn she's an account she needs to be an office taking care of payroll so why somebody else to take care of a barn this week it's your company but you asked me to make sure the children come first and to keep the doors open that's right she's gonna have to do both jobs so I can hire somebody else I'll find somebody in a week you tell her about the certification Oh will right after she works with the children enough you know it's not just your head you're putting on the chopping block mine's lined up right next to yours if this doesn't work out see we're much more than I dare over here I mean we really really help people now you know our kids the mostly our mainstay but we also have 20 active adults syringe in from the ages of 18 to 65 so for us it's all about a client assistance now staff consists of two therapists we work with over 30 kids annually but we never never work with more than three kids out of time and we may be four years new a mission is quality over quantity which it brings us up to you and what this ranch would like to accomplish we want a high on a hypnotherapist that way we'd be able to work with the people with cerebral palsy autism learning disabilities speech disorders make us a much more effective wrench and you got here you afraid of horses huh now look at you and buttercup you're practically inseparable so imagine how much inspiration that would give all those children are just looking for a little bit of hope I want you to think about it all right really think about it all right okay so tell me Ken cuz I don't understand what if I mess up at him one of those kids gets hurt faith honey you move to a whole new city and you got a job without anybody's help girl I'm sure you could get over this Mora's oh yeah all you need is a good night's sleep and then you'll be fine hey hey remember God said that this was your purpose hmm huh you're right yes big sister yeah looks like I yeah I'm due back at work at 10:00 I really enjoyed you in here I'm glad I could come down oh you know something what that marshal yeah he is fine what'd you say oh he's fine I mean who knows mama might be getting them grandchildren sooner than she thinks I'm doing great Emily sit up tall they're right there to help you that's right don't know well got lots of people there helping you fight a cop slow down a little Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] thank [Music] faith [Music] hey Marshall you're doing fine okay what are you doing all right I gotta go home why because this isn't for me all right what is it for you saw this the kids the farm it's just not for me whoa slow down and just talk to me okay hey why don't you just go come on take a moment and just lie to me what do you want did you see what happened today yes now no what happened I could have hurt that kid yeah but you didn't yeah but I couldn't it wasn't your fault okay and these kids know the difference between pity and compassion you told us that God sent you to our farm I was wrong he was wrong why would God send me here when he knew I would fail and what you think running away is gonna solve anything scared Marshall okay that's fine if you say and that's fine if you scared we all get scared okay you leaving now changes nothing you come so far in such a short time look I get it school faith where does that leave us I don't know you need time to me I just just need a little time I don't know [Music] [Music] did you talk to her no I thought you were gonna talk to her oh I tried staff try again do you that your daughter has been on that couch for a week and I haven't seen her take as much as a slice of bread I need you to talk to your daughter honey I just need you to be the kind and loving compassionate father that you always are oh and then go talk to your daughter first and then we'll see faith what's the matter sweetheart come on now come on see what's the matter we we've been trying to wait until you were ready to talk it's been a week and your mother and I were worried like I could couldn't do what you guys are right up I'm not good with children well what does that mean it's no place that he knew I was gonna fail God doesn't make mistakes faith look at me look command now listen God said his word would not come back to him void but it shall accomplish all that he pleases and it shall prosper in the thing for which he sent it yeah but you you guys you didn't even believe me when I told you what God said nah I didn't say I didn't believe you but you said what the blimp and then all of you guys said that faith faith you have to understand my job as a husband and as a father is to protect my family when you are away from me I can't protect you no day maybe I was wrong I don't think so how do you know you said I down over there at that table you looked me in my eyes and you told me and your mother that you heard him clear as we're talking to you right now am i correct yes but there are no buts now everything God sends you to do is it's not gonna be easy however with him you can accomplish all things why does he make things so hard cuz it hasn't won a whole lot of weak Christians walking around here I guess he's trying to make me into Hercules listen you overcame your fear of animals maybe God wants you to overcome your fear of children that might be part of his plan I think it's time for you to pick yourself up and go and get what God has for you yes sir [Music] daddy yes sweetheart thank you anytime yeah sorry for losing my head from a thing where you watch faith Marshalls not here I didn't come here from Marshall I came here to get my job back and to make everything right off of me keep up Marshalls dad and his brother Patrick are married here his dad ran this place back before it was steps of faith ranch you know faith when you first came here I thought you were one of those mission seekers mission seeker people who try to build themselves up by traveling around the world helping people yeah no no I'm far from that to be honest I probably went to church maybe once a month before I moved here that's news my family thought I was crazy when I told them that God spoke to me you know I ride every morning I want to make sure I pray at least once a day so I have the strength and wisdom to help those kids when I'm on that horse feel the wind in my face see the Sun peeking through paid this guy red and purpl not realize I'm here to do more than just think about myself what we do is special you see a child walk talk for the first time like a glimpse of God [Music] this ranch means everything to Marshall in me I understand you know I don't think you do Marshall founded step is a faith dream it's just calling brother Patrick was autistic you need a lot of help in years again you know wasn't always easy on Marshall they left home when he was a teenager didn't come back till after his dad died you know anything about riding a ranch that's why I'm here you know the reason I didn't fire you because of Marshall he put his neck on the line for you he never questioned anything I did he thought you were the missing piece he had a dream that one day you two would run this place together I feel like I let everybody down faith [Music] do you really want to commit helping these kids yes then you need to become a licensed therapist trained and registered takes at least three years I'll do whatever it takes we've heard that before I understand on your last job you were an accountant yes I did payroll amongst other things I can use someone in the office yes I go v Marshall I don't know where to begin I think you might find him at his grandmother's house [Music] Hey and get out of here I'm gonna put you to work shoveling please no [Music] Oh L come right on in hi Big Mama do you know where I can find Marshall I'm down in the church I think okay thank you where are you going to find him baby women don't chase me let him come to you but I really really really need to talk to him a baby he comes here every Sunday for dinner and I don't hardly think he's gonna stop now come on help me face down yes now what are you doing here um I needed to see you you need to see me why I wanted to try to try to explain what happened you want to explain how you just left I was confused you're confused I know that sorry does not help everything but I I would like to try to make it up to you even if it takes a lifetime what happens the next time you get confused I'm not perfect I'm a work in progress I know that I'm going to make more mistakes but I will do my best to try to make it up to you as soon as possible you are my best friend and I am madly in love with you what about the children in the farm no one will work harder than me with those kids on that farm I've already spoken to Belle and she's hired me back No [Music] she didn't hire you back I did I just needed yeah and you say well you better go in and kiss that girl and drag her to the altar [Music] I help good so did I did a child with ASD such as Levi our first goal is to make sure he's not afraid of the horses if he doesn't cry our stops crying in the first 15 minutes of the process he's a good candidate for the program Levi is severely withdrawn it's like he's in his own little world we've been to every doctor and specialist no one has an answer I still want to get our hopes up if you give us a chance I think you will see a remarkable difference it won't happen overnight but it will happen we've seen it time and time again what if he gets hurt I can assure you safety is our first priority we have a staff that is very well trained and we have the best hippotherapy program in the country Levi Levi one go see horse one go see horse leave us go see it's okay oh yeah Levi meet my friend buttercup [Music] honey mommy so hard [Music] to the love [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 696,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: christian, Steps of Faith, God, Jesus, movies, trailers, Full Movie, bridgestone multimedia BMG, Movie, Charles Malik Whitfield, Chrystee Pharris, Irma P. Hall, Micheal D. Brown, T.K. Henderson, M. Legend Brown, Steps of Faith Full Movie, Steps of Faith Movie, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Id: jpizuTg6nyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 48sec (5748 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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