'Let Go and Let God' - Greater is He - Full, Free Inspirational Movie

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(slow paced techno music) - Dude, get out of the way! - [Boy On Bike] Put down your phone then! (dog barking) (dramatic music) (cabinet door creaking) (ominous music) - Hey, call you back? - [Male] Morning. - [Woman] Good morning. - Hey buddy. - Hey. - You get your homework done? - Yes. - Good. You make it a great day. - [Boy] All right. - Oh. (tires screeching) (car crashing) (ominous music) (slow eerie music) - Hey! Good morning sir. You're early. - [Male] Yeah. - I'm getting ready to make some coffee, you want some? - No thank you. - I'll be in my office if you need anything. Moody this morning. Sir. - [Male] Yeah? - We're having a service Friday night at the church. Thought it'd be a good idea-- - I know all about it. I know all about it. I'm one of the members. - Care to join us? (male exhales sharply) - I don't know. I'll think about it. - [Woman] I'll just leave this here, just in case you do decide to come. (egg sizzling) (solemn music) - John! John! John. Johnny? John! Johnny! John? John? Johnny! John! Johnny! Johnny! (door knocking) - You think I didn't see you hiding behind my door? What's going on? - I was just trying to see if you had a chance to look at the flyer. - I did. And chances are I'm not gonna make it. - You sure? - [Male] Yeah. - But, I just-- (phone ringing) You serious? Yeah. Are you, okay bye. Johnny's missing. - Johnny's missing? Jake's Johnny? - [Woman] Yeah, I'll go ahead and call the watch team so they could start looking-- - No, no, no, no, no. - We'll just gather all the information and we'll deal with it if the police need our help. - [Woman] You wanna wait? - Yeah. - Why? - Because it's Father's Day weekend. - Are you okay? This is what we do, it's our job. We're the Community Ministry! - Yeah, well whatever that means, why don't you just pray about it. (slow paced music) (rushing winds) - Enjoying your morning wine again? (door creaking) Drunk. (phone buzzing) - Hello. - Mom. Johnny's missing. - Did you call the police? - Yes. - Do you think he ran away? - [Woman] I don't know. - I probably shouldn't say this, but I mean, I hope he's all right, but this is probably a sign. - What is that supposed to mean? - I told you and Jake not to adopt a black boy. They need to be with their own kind. You think he doesn't see that? - I'm not doing this right now. - Your husband died and you're left to raise him all alone. - Race has nothing to do with it! Hateful people make it that way! I called you to let you know your grandson is missing! Bye! - Grandson. You taught her, she's just like you. She never listens to a word I say. (door knocking) - We came over as soon as we heard. You okay? - Not at all. - [Male] It's good to see you Wendy. - Good to see you too. - I haven't been here in a while. - I talked to my mom, and she just made things worse. - Let's just focus on John, 'cause your mom... - [Male] Yeah, is it okay if I searched the place? Look for forced entry? - Yes. - Are there any leads on where he might be? - I have no idea. I'm not even sure he left on his own. - Have you talked to the school or any of his friends? - I called, he's not at school. The principal talked to the classmates and nobody has seen him. - Do you mind if we pray for you? - Okay, thanks. No sign of forced entry. I spoke with the police. Because it hasn't been 24 hours yet there's nothing they can do until then. - 24 hours? Somebody could have taken him across country by then. - Look, I have some of my friends on the force looking for John while they're on patrol. And I also called the Help Center. - You mean the community group at that church? - At least we have someone looking with us. - We just can't sit here and hope that they find him. - Let's just calm down. We can think better- - Calm down? I lost my husband. And now I'm ab out to lost my son. You have yours. I waited until I was married to have children. Trying to be obedient. Nobody does that anymore. (slow paced music) I thought the Lord would honor it. And instead he took Jake from me. A couple of years before Jake passed, we found out we couldn't have children. That's why we decided to adopt. As soon as life starts to act right, Jake passes, and now this. I don't think I can believe in God anymore. God wouldn't give people more than they can bare. - And we know that those who love God, all things work for good for those who are called according to His purpose. (birds chirping) (ominous music) - Yeah, there's this super hot guy here. He has so many tattoos on his arm. But he has that one piercing on his nose. Oh it's so hot. My Mom hates when they have nose piercings. Hold on, my Mom's calling. Yes Mom. I'm on the way okay. Yes. I was on the phone. Wait Mom, Mom, Mom. Can I use the car later? (door knocking) - Judy! Judy. I just got a call. - [Judy] Okay. I get those every day. - Did you tell some people to go look for Johnny? - [Judy] I'm busy. - I asked you to wait Judy. What if we have an emergency we can't fulfill? It's Father's Day weekend and we're short of help. - I'm not gonna sit around and wait for another emergency when we have one right now. - [Male] What if he's not lost? Huh? What if he's at a friends house or something? - Exactly. You don't know where he is. That's why we prepare for the worst and expect the best. - [Male] Judy come on. - What is wrong with you? This isn't you. I figured after what happened to Lily you would be the first person to wanna find somebody else's child. You were born and raised in a church. Do you believe this is what God wants? - [Male] I don't even believe in God. - I said "Do you believe this is "what God wants from you?" - Are you listening to me? I said "I don't even believe in God!" - How? You work at a church. - So what? 'Cause I work at a church doesn't mean I have to believe in God. I need a paycheck! - [Judy] What? - When I was coming up, I didn't have choice of religion, it was given to me. And as a kid, I couldn't ask any questions. - You were just being curious. - No, no, no. You try telling that to my Aunt Nessa. You question anything in the Bible, she find the biggest, thickest Bible she could and she hit you it right in the back of your head. And I didn't realize until I got older that she was afraid. Look, I never believed in God, I never embraced any of it. I mean I took communion, I got baptized. I went to confession. I was just faking it. I don't believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins. Especially no one as crazy as I was. But after Lily died, I just stopped believing all together. I didn't think He was real. Why would He do that? - Because He loves you. - If He loved her why did He let her die? Why did He let my baby die? I mean it wasn't her fault. I didn't take care of my health. And if he loved her why did He do that? She didn't deserve it. I was driving and I passed out and I was wrong and she had to pay for it. It's not love. That's why I don't believe in God no more. I don't believe it. (solemn music) Oh my God, this is crazy. When did you know you were a Christian? I asked you a question. It's a simple answer. When did you know you were a Christian? - [Judy] When Jesus died on the cross for my sins. - No, no, no, no, no. I'm not asking you when you knew you were saved, I'm asking you to tell me, when did you know that you were a Christian? The moment. The second, hour, the minute that you knew what you believe now. When did you know you were a Christian? (somber music) - [Woman] Lord, can you hear me though? A long time ago I stopped believing Your reports. Through Your son Christ all things were possible, and that I simply believe. I believed every word You said. After all, You're the same God that raised Lazarus from the dead. He that wants some more, so I got a question, why did you save him and not my daughter. This is not divine order. I wasn't supposed to bury her, she's supposed to bury me now. What in the world do you want from me? What do you mean that the faith of a mustard seed? It was your mountain that fell down on me. Left to die and the rumble can't see to get from under my humbles. You never believed in me til you see miraculous signs and wonders. I wonder, I wonder was all that you could claim even real. When she touched the hem of your garment was she healed? What miracles did you perform for Paul? How did five loaves and two fish feed all of y'all? That water into wine, they had to be lying. Babies birthed by old women and virgins, Jonah in the whale, Daniel in the den, okay then, really. See up until now I never questioned you. But the prayers of the righteous did you even hear? I begged to switch places. She was just a baby. Jesus was supposed to take the will in an instant my lifeline was killed. Awake me from this dream, this can't be real. Devil on duty, lie, destroy, kill. Mission accomplished I'm all out of options, I can't face the odds. The Lord said, "Let go, and let God." - Do you ever feel like if you prayed hard enough, certain things wouldn't happen? - I never thought about it like that, but I know what you mean. God's not punishing you for not praying enough. - It feels like it. Or either He just isn't there. - What? - I just feel like prayer doesn't work. If it did, why are all these things happening to me? - Remember when was asked why the blind man was blind? He said "So that God may get the glory." Let God get the glory on this. - So what do we do now? - Why don't we go inside and see if there might be a clue as to where he might have went? Yeah, come on. - [Wendy] No, no, no. No, no, that's not his room anymore. It's this way, come on. This way. Why is this missing? - [Woman] What is it? - [Wendy] John's knife. - You okay? - Jake bought John this knife as a souvenir from the Father and Son retreat. John never took it out of the case. - [Friend] What do you think it means? - Hopefully it means he left on his own and he's coming back. (slow paced music) (birds chirping) - [Male] Come on John, you can do this. - [John] Hey! - Hey. - [John] Look what I made at school. - Wow, that came out great. - [John] Yeah, I got an A on it. - I bet you did. Can I hang on to this? - [John] Yeah. - I'll put it up here. That way, when I roll in a call, I can think of you. (ominous music) - I appreciate your help, but can you exactly explain how the program works? - Okay, so say your bill is $1,000 and our budget for that day is 700, you have to come up with the other 300 and show us proof that you can pay it before we can give you the other 700. - Well exactly how fast do I have to get the money? - Just as soon as you can. It's based upon needs, but I'm sure we can work something out. - I understand. I'll try to come up with the money. Thank you, thank you. - Sorry. We'll get it figured out. (door slamming) - Look, I just miss her a little. I miss her so much. I don't know why God took Lily from me. I miss her so much. - It was a miracle. - What is a miracle? - Earlier today you asked me, "When was the moment, the second that I "knew I was a Christian?" It was when I saw a miracle. Jesus said in John 4:48, "Unless I see miracles in amazing things, "they will not believe." Some won't believe until they see a miracle. I believe we're so consumed by the worlds ways that it hinders our beliefs. We can't see clearly. My Mom had cancer. - [Male] You don't need to tell me that. (slow paced music) - She had cancer. I prayed for my Mama day and night. She wasn't getting any better. Nothing was helping her. Then there was this lady, Miss Grace. She came to see Mama and she prayed for her in a way I had never seen anybody pray for somebody. She was on her knees praying for her. A few days later Mama was healed. The doctors couldn't explain it. A few days after all that I got a chance to spend some time with Miss Grace. I understood why God answered her prayers that she was praying for Mama, she loved Jesus. I promise you, try loving Him. Just try. And you'll see. He's been loving you for a long time. A long time. (male sniffling) - Why don't we just pray? - [Wendy] We need more than prayer right now. - The Bible says pray for all things. - It's gonna be getting dark soon. - You've seen those trophies in his room? You know what those mean? That means he's a winner. He's gonna be okay. - But right now we're losing, and I'm tired of losing. - Let's do something. Let's play a board game. - My kid is either lost, stolen, or kidnapped, a board game is the last thing on my mind. - I'm just trying to help. I'm trying to ease your mind. You don't wanna pray. - I'll pray whenever God brings my son back. Jake's shoes are missing. No, I mean Jake's shoes are missing. Oh my goodness, what if it was a robber? Like a petty theft? - No, no, no, no. Don't jump to conclusions. Jamal already checked the house and there's no forced entry. Just trust God, God's got this. - Trust God? Trust Him? The one that let my husband die? The one that let my child get kidnapped? I'll trust Him when He brings my son back. (birds chirping) - [Jamal] What's up? How ya doing buddy? - Jamal, how are you? - Not so good. Not so good. You know John is missing right? - Sorry man, I heard. No sign yet? - Nothing, nothing. Look, you got a couple hours, you can hop in the car and help me look for him? - You know, I wish I could, I really do. - [Jamal] I really need your help buddy. - You know the kids are gonna pull up any second. They've been driving all day. We're gonna hook up, we're gonna head out. We've been looking forward to this trip. - Father's Day weekend right? Slim, I really need your help. - I bet you if I get on this phone, make these few phone calls, we'll get you some help. - You still got Wendy's number right? - [Slim] I've got Wendy's, I believe I have yours. - Yeah, mine hasn't changed. It hasn't changed. - [Slim] I got it then. - All right. All right Slim, if you hear anything, please give me a call or contact Wendy all right? - [Slim] You got it. - All right man. - [Slim] I'll get on that phone call. - Thanks. Happy Father's Day. - [Slim] Thanks. (slow paced music) - Talk to me. Just keep pushing. All right. All right yeah. Hello? Tell me something good. No leads? We gotta do something. Wendy's about to have a breakdown. All right look, I'm gonna check a little further out and then I'm gonna go back and check on, yeah, I'm gonna check on Wendy and Natasha. All right. All right, yeah. (water running) (pots clanking) (machine beeping) - Hello. Hello. Are you gonna pay for your food ma'am or stand there and keep loitering? 'Cause we have customers waiting. - Looks like there's nobody here. - They're coming. Hey. For whatever it's worth, listen, don't let bad habits hold you back from missing life. Sometimes you just need to stop and look up. Hey, you shorted me two cents! How in the world she know how to use a smartphone and can't even count! Dang gone millennials! (woman exhales) - Nothing? All right, thanks. And Happy Father's Day to you too. (people chattering) They said they done all they can do. Let's just let the police handle this. - I'm going out there by myself. - Wendy! It's gonna get dark soon! (slow paced music) Everybody had big plans for Father's Day weekend. - I'm done. I lost everything. Back to what? I've got to move out in two weeks. - [Natasha] Why? - The house is in foreclosure. I used up everything to keep it. - Wendy, why didn't you say something? We could of helped you. Wendy! Wendy. Talk to me. - [Jamal] Baby. How ya doing Wendy? - I'm just tired. Feeling depressed all the time. - Everything will get better as soon as everything gets back to normal. - Yeah. - I'm gonna be honest with you, maybe you should put up a few things. I mean, the pictures that you have of Jake can be pretty depressing. You have a photo of him as your screensaver on your computer and phone. You mentioned the other day that you have a photo of him on a dashboard of your car. You even planning a ceremony for the day that he died. Look, I'm not saying forget about him, I just think it's important that we celebrate the joy of Jakes life. Immersing yourself in his death is only gonna make you more depressed. You probably don't even realize it. - And I agree. You need surround yourself with things that bring you laughter, joy, and inspiration. You need to celebrate his good memories. And remember, you have a life to live too. - Our intake in our lives is crucial. Look, people say we are what we eat. We're also what we hear and see. And we gotta be careful what we allow in our lives. - Do you mind if we prayed for you? - [Jamal] Lord God, the creator of the earth, the heavens-- - Dear God, please bring my son back. (birds chirping) (heart beating) - Okay, take your book bag! - You stole my drink! - I was thirsty. Why are you at my house? - Your house? Wait, you live out here? - [Girl] Yes, why are you here? - I gotta do something. (solemn music) My Dad died here. I just need to cross the street. - [Girl] Why? - I don't know. I just got to. What? - I need to make it across the street also. - Why? - It's a part of someones destiny. - Why do you keep staring at me? - I think we should cross the street together. - [John] I don't need you to cross the street with me. - I know. - You can just do it by yourself. - No I can't do that. - Why? You scared? - No, I have nothing to be scared of anymore. We are brought here for closure. (eerie music) ♪ Amazing ♪ Grace ♪ How ♪ Sweet ♪ The ♪ Sound ♪ That saved ♪ A wretch ♪ Like me ♪ I once ♪ Was lost ♪ But ♪ Now ♪ I'm found ♪ Was blind ♪ But now ♪ I see (slow light music) - I've avoided coming in here. Because every time I do, I can't stop crying. The last time I was in here was when Jake died. John would run up the steps every morning to watch Jake's car go by. He would look through these binoculars, to watch Jake go to work. The last time he looked through the binoculars, was when the wreck happened. - [Jamal] Oh my goodness. - Johnny! John! John! He's at the road! - We've been looking 10 miles out and he's out here the whole time? (somber music) - Lily? Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. (male sobbing) Oh my God. (tires screeching) - We've been looking for you all day. Why didn't you tell me you were leaving? - Where is she? - Who? - The girl. Never mind. (somber music) (door knocking) - Finally. Come on in Gloria, the door's open. Where's Wendy? - Home. - Does she know you're here? - No ma'am. - You ain't got tired of running yet? I'm not scared of you. - I hope not. I'm your grandson. Look, I just wanted to say thank you. - For what? - For raising a son that was willing to adopt me and love me. He knew people would say mean things. - You're welcome. - Can I pray for you? - I definitely don't want you to pray for me. It can wait until church on Sunday. (slow paced music) What are you doing? - [John] Serving. - I'm sorry I never forgave you for what you did to me. - I'll call you back. - Good morning. - Good morning. - Hey. - Hello. - [Jake] What's up buddy? Oh hey, you're gonna need these. Have fun. What? Look, I am trying to move past this. - I guess that's easy for you. - Look, we cannot be doing this in front of Johnny. - I'm not gonna pretend like you didn't cheat on me. I just pray that my anger towards you had nothing to do with the wreck. - I am sorry! - [Wendy] That you got caught or that you hurt me? - Whatever. Look, we... - Don't touch me. Take your lunch. Why am I even talking to you? You're not here. This is just a shell in the ground. I just need to let go and let God. (light instrumental music)
Channel: Maverick Movies
Views: 816,650
Rating: 4.6707335 out of 5
Id: F8IPzpcuPGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 33sec (4413 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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