Angels In Our Midst (2007) | Full Movie | Ryan Sotzen | Therese Boyich | Matthew Vuckovich

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[Music] [Music] you [Music] the Lord there's a special place in my life [Music] that needs my home Skinner why I never went a certain job I Manta - yeah right that no one else can fit the hours may be demanding and the play is not so good and yet [Music] there's a special place in my life goal I must attain a dream that I must follow we're back again [Music] there's a mark that I must leave however small it may be a legacy of love for those who will follow after me [Music] [Applause] the cameras as described sir I stated that in the description I never said he came in the battery well it's in there read it again what'd I tell you about me talk on the phone I'm home that go upstairs dad put my chess it away just do it no no refunds I'm sorry get a battery online no I'll tell you what I'll do I'll throw in a carrying case you have to pay for shipping though have a nice day hi mum I did [Music] are you hungry not too much [Music] these things are so cool where's the part where it says they know not they know not what they do you don't have time for that now it's not really about no you having dinner with us no I'm gonna stay here and figure this thing out matter technology new boy Robertson's classic you what's his name Richard I think oh he's not that cute how about it Suzie I don't really care like you're not interested in boy I've got better things to do like homework I think the Honorable is gon be offended you two ever then let's see you make it TAS uh-oh Honor Roll gang of just because I don't go gawking it everywhere that walks down the streets you don't [ __ ] it any boy never go out never get involved that's getting old Delaney you're a hermit a hermit Delaney shut up Tess how come you girls don't come to the games you're missing me in action maybe that's the reason I go to the games Jim yeah pre-madonna rule again Suzie I like girls brains well we always covet what we don't have stop all right dude Jim I made a Darrell - he likes you well I don't like him are you nuts we won the game last week because of him [Music] bad looking bookworm huh this is just what I'm talking about you're just afraid to get involved you're just afraid to get it off it could always go out with Toby he's not talking to squirrels okay what are you doing up there [Music] on a roll good girl always been there haven't you what are you doing home nothing to do I want something to eat yeah my kids home here our physical health can be directly affected by other factors such as our emotional and mental health let's define some terms i need a definition for empathy and for compassion let's start with compassion what is compassion Susan isn't it a feeling you have for someone who's less fortunate than you are yes and more it is the act of understanding and genuine concern that one human being can have for another it could be but it's not limited to the fact that they are less fortunate and it is through compassion that we define our own humanity and we'll talk about that next time we are leaving for New York now we're gonna go see Mamma Mia Broadway for anniversary dad has some business to take care of after that and we'll be back home on Wednesday okay uncle Nick will take good care of your mom what do you don't come back I'll be alone God will watch over you you'll never be able [Music] life can be so strange paths of rearranged it's no doubt God had his head in the making of these two friends Toby Toby come here here we go what are you doing don't worry about it Toby buddy how's it going buddy listen Toby just wanted to see if you heard about the curfew curfew yeah the Ville just issued a new curfew for all the [ __ ] kids drive home by 4 o'clock each day lock you up didn't you hear about it no you better get going okay thank you no problem you're all nude what can I say stupid is as stupid does I don't think that was very funny don't you yeah I had to be home before 4 o'clock why well well Jim daughter told me about the new curfew what curfew all the [ __ ] kids have to be in the house by 4 o'clock there's no curfew he's messing with your head you got to learn not to fall for that stuff you know that's why they think you're [ __ ] okay people I I don't I know that's good then why do they do it they know not what they do remember [Music] [Applause] [Music] when did you get that yesterday finally got the money you got to put angel stickers on everything he's so weird why his parents were killed at the World Trade Center 9/11 they were there did they live there they were there on vacation visiting his aunt I think he's kind of a sympathy celebrity Abby what what are you doing stay there hi we go to the same school you probably already know that the Bible huh what part you reading it's a hard book to read not really I read it many times the whole thing yes did you start reading it after your parents died sorry told you is weird I told you them to read at the table example the girls copy everything you do not come on girls let's put that away we're gonna eat soon I was just about to do that [Applause] it was another break-in they got away with some video cameras and computer stuff some cash that guy you knew the one who died in New York on 9/11 did he have any children son is he okay what do you mean it's you like mentally ill or anything I mean how is he feeling about how his dad died well I don't know I would imagine that when you lose a parent it's a painful loss no matter how they died yeah but it must have been worse seen it on TV over and over why do you want to know well there's this boy at our school everyone says he's [ __ ] both of his parents died at the World Trade Center what did I say I don't this get here all right dinner'll be ready in 10 more minutes the kids make fun of him all the time I kind of feel sorry for him for who his name is Toby I don't know his last name Martin no Marshall oh he's Nick Marcia's nephew you know who she's talking about I know who his uncle is he sold used cars at that lot where the new bank is mom what does he mentally ill I don't know I know someone else who's mentally ill oh my shot oh my gosh Jesus Freak hottest night ever George oh my gosh she's absolute perfect look at them oh let's count them shall we and one two three move the bishop hi [Music] sorry about the other day I didn't mean to be nosy friends I don't have any oh no I mean me and you friends [ __ ] is that what you think you are it doesn't matter what I think Oh mr. Robertson's history class is so boring he's absolutely annoying he just goes on and on about the war and how used to take baths our new helmet how you stick you just move next to dead bodies oh this is what time he started telling us about how he's go to the bathroom and I'd raise my hand and ask a question just to change the subject gross speeches are boring you sure do talk a lot but it's okay I don't know too many Toby's this is a nickname yes well what's your real name Tobias Wow coby's a nice name do you like school it's okay I like to read like the Bible I always read the Bible I like it feels good one everything and it helps me understand angels address my friend Abby loves images she has a whole roomful of angel stuff she was angel stickers on everything shut up I have a time is it Wow I gotta go look I really enjoyed talking to Julie let's do it again okay bye Susy so you like her she said she wants to be my friend maybe she does who are we talking about girl from school girl just when do you talk to girls [Applause] [Music] [Applause] back I hear you helped win another game the other night I'm very proud of you so how long is this going to go on you're gonna blame me forever listen you don't know what it was like with your father and me I mean after he got that new position he didn't even look at me talk nice I didn't even want to touch me it's very slept at one of his friends you don't know what happened I asked you not to tell your father yeah I know you were gonna tell him right when you took too long you think you know everything don't you well you're only 15 years old you're just a stupid kid yeah stupid kid who walked in on you that night [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] oh no not a second oh hey she the [ __ ] was too Stanley so Jim I think someone sauce last night don't shoot off your mouth in front everyone you idiot guys check this on a nobody son nothing Vicky you check this one off me my dad we were at the gas station this morning he was talking to a friend I heard there's a witness shut up only way we'll get caught joking you're a big mouth the wrong time to the wrong be that ever happens I'll close it for you got it get out here Cavan in between classes next mrs. Carlson's class I know I mean who does that for me like seriously I may not get caught you know mrs. Carlsen she's clueless yeah all the guys do is sleep in my class what else is there to do hello oh hi Toby Susy is my friend yeah well maybe we should get going what are you doing Toby you said we would do it again I decide that oh sorry Toby it's okay you can decide that too [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you'd probably get along really well with my mom she loves the Bible a lot yeah me too and she's always dragging me and Karras somewhere that has something to do with Christianity church youth group what's wrong with that when it's constantly being pushed to you every day you start to get sick of it pretty fast I mean I'm not even allowed to go out with guys or go to parties and all my friends think I'm weird cuz I'm different and I'm alone a lot of the time just like you [Music] Tommy I'm fine I haven't saw that hard mom that hurt case maybe I son those gone for the ball [Music] you do that a lot don't you oh no talk to yourself I'm not talking on myself who then an angel an angel you mean a real angel it's okay no one believes me you see angels just one what one is that one that my mom and dad let's learn to watch over me how do you know that I just know things haven't been too good for you have they my mom called it bitter blue bitter blue there was a song her favorite song never heard it what's it about the word Bitterblue in a song beam's all the bad things in our lives and the song is about getting rid of bitter blue I like it [Music] Oh one of my friends lives down the street at your house it's my uncle Nick's house just you and your uncle live there and Jonna [Music] you read all these books except for the ones at the library I returned those is that your angel well who's your little friend Toby Susan Stanley Stanley I think I know who your mother is yeah I think you do she talked one of her friends and returning a car I sold her yeah cost me a job Toby I want to tell you about bringing kids into the house she wanted to see my books you not supposed to have girls in your room I don't care if puberty started or what charming do you think so No so what are the signs of depression loneliness anger isolation how can these things affect our health one state of mind can sometimes contribute to one's mental health sometimes even causing delusions seeing or believing in things that actually are not there Susan like angels I'm an angel can you see me actually miss daemon angels do qualify as a delusion yeah like the Easter Bunny [Music] and it is not a laughing matter delusions very serious especially there are different kinds of angels one of them as a messenger God sends in to tell us things and the avenging angels you don't want to mess with them then there are the guardian angels which one's yours Oh Guardian Toby are you sure you see angels just one one yes but are you sure you have to believe Susie [Music] where have you been what I was just wanted to sit I thought you weren't interested in boys don't push it maybe they got to be [ __ ] like your parents [Applause] [Music] life can be so strange [Music] that's a pre-arranged snow top god had his head in the making of these two friends [Music] Toby close your eyes [Music] open your eyes Toby what are you doing and we had laughter than ever lovefield between two fray as I created a foundation made of snow [Music] here what about those you get the pretty ones cuz you're the pretty one we should play chess mean you situations changed and since you want to play a gun no way threes enough why are you doing this today I'm gonna like me I'm not pretending Toby what happened on 9/11 happened to all of us I remember when the plane stick we all cried and just like you we all lost something that day [Music] our confidence our security trust [Music] because we have laughter than ever because ever love between two friends with a bear foundation made of stone never [Music] [Music] [Music] where's you going on you got anything for me no not yet want to meet me ask me that Victor said there were some money don't know nothing about that right hey perfume what's that all about or clock lock up leave told me alone all right I know what I'm knowing about that's having some fun keep your mind on what you're doing and be careful okay don't worry just sell this stuff Hey look I'm just trying to watch out for it good not bad [Music] [Music] [Music] hey did you take my blue earrings this morning no Kara I'm not mad you just need to ask okay okay yeah kara I'm gonna have to call you back in a second okay love you too by was it that hard I guess not where's Vicki don't know don't really care so why don't you like me because you're not you're not real what you're always trying to be somebody that you're not you think so maybe that's because people wouldn't like to reel me my parents split it's partly my fault [Music] about a year ago my mom was cheating on my dad one of his friends came home early one day walked in on [Music] please promise me I wouldn't say anything she said she would do it a couple months went by I just couldn't do it anymore so I told him why are you telling me this because I want you to know a lot of bad guy I just want you to understand want me to understand what it's not my fault then who's Jim I'm sorry but you're looking for sympathy from the wrong person what are you doing Jim well sort of a tradition that I started do you like stupid people Toby I don't know any stupid people [Music] sometimes people from fuya taking me stupid not know it so came up with this test test yeah everyone in school knows not to mess with me and fighting me would be pretty stupid let's buy that in the match don't know if they're stupid or not how Jim don't do this the win good-o me oh my goodness do you think this is funny don't forget his toys everyone in school looks up to you what a great example you set I don't think you need stitches I'm sorry they're in the basement but if I got blood on anything upstairs and I'm gonna kill me you got a beautiful house Susie thank you are you sure you don't want to call your uncle no we should go to the police no Susie Nick doesn't like the police well there's never a guardian angel around when you need me angels sent you we need to talk about this angel thing Toby what happened your parents it messed up your head and accreted the angel in your mind to help you cope with their deaths and it's okay but some people don't understand and that's why some of them think you're [ __ ] and it's their ignorance that even makes you think that you are why are you there in the forest buzzer I had to stay a little later after school so I decided to walk home I had to turn in this paper at the end of the day and when I went to look for it in my bag it wasn't there I was supposed to get a ride home from Abby's mom but when I got out there they already left so what you're like trying to tell me that the angel arranged for this to happen what do you believe it was a coincidence are you gonna be okay yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] daddy yeah remember that boy I told you about Toby well my ride left without me so I had to walk home from school and I saw him getting beat up by Jim Toder I had to bring him here to clean him up because he didn't want his uncle to know you brought him where don't worry we were in the basement I didn't get blood on anything and I cleaned the washcloth afterwards blood you brought someone in the house when we weren't home he was hurt he wouldn't go to the doctors and that is not your concern uncle doesn't care about his uncle is a crook he's been fired several times for cheating people you remember what I went through with Janice Simmons if I hadn't stepped in she'd still be stuck with that clunker I wasn't helping the kids uncle barb was the Christian thing too there are exceptions to everything including Christianity you're grounded dad go to your room I'd never do that dad me a break okay [Music] [Music] [Music] I forgot to feed them sometimes when you focus too much on one thing the other things you like and suffer they with God [Music] No but my real mama did our right another mom and dad God [Music] [Music] [Applause] I told you I don't want to see these get anything for them anymore so my guys this computer stuff you know digital cameras iPods stuff like that right let me check it out this one house in Brighton Creek yeah one night the owners went out for four or five hours left the garage door wide open I don't want to know not getting nervous are you Nick me you're the one that ought to be nervous did you see the paper what are you stupid looking I don't appreciate you guys coming here on a now stealer it's not how we do things now lay low for a while go in some basketball games [Applause] you know maybe he's right you shut up Larry he's nothing to do with us we'll do what we want let's get out of here [Music] it's baby [Music] [Music] stay away from him who your psycho boyfriend that's right you've gotta be kidding me we ain't kidding hey he's all yours what makes you think you're so smart I'm not the one interested in dota girls hello mr. Warren hey Susie wait up what do you want there was Delaney who said that [ __ ] thing not me you shouldn't you're my best friend I didn't ever since I've started seeing Toby everyone's been turning me the way they treat him that's because no one knows why you're doing it he's not [ __ ] Abby he was called that so much they started to believe it that's why he doesn't fit in and I felt like we have something in common because sometimes I feel like I don't fit in so we became friends but now I think that he likes me do you like him I don't know come with me I gotta show you something [Music] who did this I knows that the whole school knows about it can you think it was Toby we're just friends I just wanted to help it help him how you were the one telling me that I don't get involved that I was a Harless Delaney [Music] I just I just wanted to be his friend [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah Jimmy good you want another game the other night yeah it's great Jimmy what's going on we're getting divorced am I gonna go you're gonna have to stay here I've got to get settled I may be getting transferred to Arizona but with you you can't not until we've sorted everything out it's gonna take a while [Music] it'll all be for the better who for you for her for the better didn't you just hear what your father said everything was so good that's what I've been trying to tell you it was never good it was for me you know what my when I was little you told me God but you and dad together if that's true now why did you do what you did if she's right why did you treat her better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] Ryan [Music] what are you alone in my house what do you want in my house [Music] here compassed leader but you're gonna lay low we did ah this is the stuff left over from last time DVDs computer stuff an iPod the stuff you wanted wait here soozee soozee Abigail's house got robbed what my dad heard something from the bathroom so we kept quiet and then grabbed one about who was it I'm not supposed to say come on come on okay but you can't tell no one no one no one okay that kid hangs around gym daughter Larry Larry Morgan Larry Morgan Larry Morgan I can't stand that crap stand that guy either look at they steal not much saw our DVDs but they take at my new iPod Larry Morgan unbelievable on bullets you're done come on Abbi we rowdy Tess you're really a sweetheart and the world doesn't need to Bellinis use it's a test [Music] yeah [Applause] what's going on yours at the police station all night but his dad got him out and he's at home now do you think he told the police anything uh I'm not sure I mean if he did wouldn't when they have come to get us he's old Nick's fault wait what he's the one who told us to lay low I don't care what you think we gotta stick together we're at the movies last night right what did we see I'll check the papers and get the times we gotta top - Larry Abbie said her dad was hiding in the bathroom and when he jumped out he grabbed Larry Morgan who the Morgan boy doesn't surprise me they haven't been to church in quite a while Joan hasn't been to Bible study in two months huh what's that got to do with anything we always go to church ty regularly and we are blessed mom's so old the Bible is old [Music] [Music] then you seen that new boy Alex oh yeah he's hot too I don't know what to do they're just so many hot guys I can't get away Jim I didn't tell them anything I know you didn't let her that's good for me good for us good for you if you get there how long it took what I had to do or break your job so many places we've never gonna eat again you understand me I have to tell him something tell him Nick put you up to it go his house find the stuff bad I don't think they know there was a third guy but the man who grabbed me Abigail's dad he saw you no no I don't mean he saw you he saw someone else I wanted to tell him who that was [Music] Toby yeah [Music] hi hi I lied to you Toby I paid attention to you not because I liked you but because I wanted to see what me just the same you were alone all the time and so was I sort of I'm not making any sense am i you're very smart Suzy you do what you believe is right you don't care what other people think you're not afraid to help someone that's what you feel alone maybe but even though I lost my mom and dad I've never been alone the angel right right I'm so sick of this angel crap Toby you are not stupid mentally ill or [ __ ] you are just as smart as me but this angel crap makes you look like an idiot what do you believe well I don't believe in angels that's for sure I don't even know if I believe in God Toby what Susie what's wrong [Music] right what are you doing listen we got a lot of problems gonna talk to you.we Jim what what Gary de nada shooting his mouth off to everyone saying you're involved in the robbery Gary de nada Toby don't expect too much from Susie she's a lot to deal with right now just like you Nicholas Marshall huh I'm detective Pardo we have a search warrant [Music] there's some boxes in the garage and I found some stuff by the computer in the other room you have to go where anywhere but here your uncle Nick is going to jail check upstairs go hide [Music] [Applause] what are you doing here why did you run away why did you break into Abigail's house I didn't you had her iPod you knew about the home invasions but it never seemed to bother you the eye-pal was at my house along with the other things that you and though your morgan stole think the police arrested my uncle I don't know what to do Suzy I didn't steal anything and I'm supposed to believe you I know you don't believe in angels Susy I always thought you believed in me [Music] I don't believe in anything anymore Toby [Music] and neither should you [Music] they took him the police right it was only a matter of time if you know about it why don't you stop him it was his choice soozee soozee things that i stole things the boy they caught he said that it was you and him who broke into houses for neck so what happens now that is your choice come with me [Music] he kept everything in here in boxes [Music] it was Toby no way hey guys hey you to hear the news about Tobey Marshall being mixed up in all this home invasion mess man again no I didn't say anything what happened to you nothing now when I heard Gary let me go big mouth de nada kind of stupid don't you think No [Music] there's a criminal the village idiot no Jim you're the criminal so is Ryan [Music] what [Music] I was thinking pictures with what idiot get it [Music] what are you doing here Toby going to show the truth to everyone truth is you and your uncle wanted me and Ryan to join your little gang I'm like my not-so-great friend Larry said no that's a lie and you know it what you're doing here is stupid [Music] [Music] but then again you are [ __ ] wrong with him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shucks make Toby yeah get up Toby too strong I know you gotta stop oh no you're gonna have to be strong how you are David he's playing I sure I'm the man no one messes me [Music] [Music] all right [Music] that's how you want it [Music] it's ass you look cute thank you I like that best Alyssa what's going on Toby's getting beat up by him gym donor Suzy where are you going we're at the Forest Preserve I'll call police what do you think you're gonna do if they can't approve something not anymore [Music] how smart can [ __ ] be down pictures what [Music] the police Susy [Music] okay nobody leaves here [Music] we need an ambulance at the forest preserve across from a junior high we have an unconscious girl here I think she broke her neck might be broke Steven Warren I have a teacher of the junior high I said nobody leaves [Music] ha ha Donna [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank You Jonna you know who to think they're gonna be alone no you'll never be alone what's going on here you need to talk to that kid over there are you Jim daughter yeah I'm detective Pardo you need to come with me [Music] everything's gonna be okay [Music] let's go don't forget the cameraman officer Susie you okay what happened I hit my head and there was this pain in my neck and then I saw her who you saw who an angel I hate when that happens shut up Delaney oh I saw her didn't I [Music] I told you before it's what you believe Susie okay I believe in angels and I believe in you gross ah [Music] no the day passes by it's all the same the lights are out inside who's to blame for this feeling of emptiness how can I describe [Music] you take a breath and hold it close your eyes skip the chance to pay it forward one surprise for the gifts you had on a shelf the gift of life thank you don't you know that [Music] to you [Music] smoking mirrors lies in tears [Music] keep on your fists upon your head at him scream out loud dance a little different from the rest of the crowd life get through its curves it's so part of the game [Music] with someone else it's an all the ring you just might find [Music] is this God's own winking [Music] what do you believe [Music] don't you know that good is a promise to you smoking mirrors lies in tears [Music] don't you know that the goodbye it's a promise to you [Music] smoke mirrors [Music] because it's not you [Music] you you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 1,638,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movies, Movie, bridgestone multimedia BMG, High School, trailers, World Trade Center, EncourageTV, God, Angels, buglary, christian, Relationships, Jesus, Death, Ryan Sotzen, Therese Boyich, Matthew Vuckovich, Robert Alaniz, Angels In Our Midst Full Movie, Angels In Our Midst Movie
Id: 0FvmsJ0UqRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 21sec (6321 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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