A Heart That Forgives 2: The Battle Within

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[Music] [Music] so many times in my life I heard the phrase tomorrow's not promised either at church or in someone's inspirational self-help book you hear the stories all the time but you never think it's going to be you especially when things seems to be going so perfect but I can honestly say I wasn't prepared sometimes I think God is punishing me I must have done something to somebody wrong and now it's my turn to have my heart torn apart I don't know all my friends tell me God doesn't punish us that way well it sure feels like [Music] it God I thank you for helping me watching over me protecting me when I needed you you were there for me when I lost my my faith you didn't give up on me there were times and I did not want to pray didn't think that you would me any way Lord I never should have doubted your face and I promise out never do that again got to give my God PR God PR thank you every day God the pr give you all the praise and I thank you God for helping me praise got to give God the praise God the praise give him praise every day God the praise when you get out know you needs to PR I must ADM I did some wrong you been there for me when I could not go when everybody around me on me you told me keeping the oh man that's funny uh don't mind me have you girls finished your homework not yet okay uh how many times have y'all seen this movie okay look like maybe once or twice really okay look I don't have time for this okay come on girls let's go actually we have plenty of time if you think about it okay so you think you helping the Cs right now be quiet Jade okay okay that's it that's enough listen to your mother all right we hey look hey we have this on Blu-ray anyway oh sweet dreams get I'm going need you to be a little bit more supportive I ain't trying to raise no lazy women look you have those girls in every activity Under the Sun the last thing they're going to be is lazy all right I got to tell you something you know a couple nights ago I had a dream that I was at a funeral when it was raining and you and the girls were under an umbrella and I tried to get under the umbrella but it was like you guys couldn't see me or hear me me well you did lose your mother a few months ago so it does make sense yeah but it wasn't Mama's funeral I was dreaming about what was it all I'm saying if something happens to me I want to be created oh you know look I am not having this conversation look I'm just saying every time I try to think about what Mama looks like all I can see is her lay in that casket and I don't want the girls to remember me like that baby listen to me you and I are going to grow old together okay okay look let me go check out the girls okay okay all [Music] right better go check on [Music] them hey girls you finish with your homework yeah girls are you finished with your homework yes ma yes ma'am okay well let's get ready for bed say our purse first come on ready over here all right Lord thank you for another day for blessing us and keeping us safe please send your angels down there to be with us as we sleep and let our dreams be peaceful dreams in Jesus's name amen amen and what what's our family Mantra we are wi woman standing together resilient obedient numinous and godly amen amen you're right and what does each letter stand for strong yes okay girls hop in bed time to go right little one all tucked in good night you you all right okay girls and no giggling tonight all right can you please pass me my teddy bear yes I will here you go thank you all right love you girls thank you [Music] M I finally got the girls down for the night M hey you want to watch a movie or something oh baby you know I got to get this cookie order done I mean this could be my biggest client yet 250 sugar cookies 250 chocolate kisses well I was hoping that we could snuggle up by the fire get close maybe uh share some chocolate Kiss of our own yeah it sounds great baby but I got to get this cookie order done I mean this could be a big paycheck for family and my business it's always something what' you say oh nothing nothing you said you would support me in this okay look you're right I didn't say anything just get your little cookie order done okay any room for me over there absolutely I just want to say I apologize for earlier I don't never want you to think that I'm neglecting you just want the business to be something and what about your cookie order I got half of it done it's not do until Saturday so I'll do the other half later did I tell you I love you today you did but uh you can tell me again I love you more today than I did yesterday and why do you love me so [Music] much because I've been walking around my entire life with a piece of me missing and what piece is that you know how it says in the Bible in Genesis where God takes a from Adam and he creates Eve to be a soulmate of course well I believe when a man finds a soulmate he gets his rib [Music] back and that woman makes him whole again things you say [Music] hey look like you got it in this morning look I told you to wake me up and I would go with you yeah you were knocked out I had delivered order cookies and got five miles in before you rolled over I'm being serious I would love to go running with you okay well tomorrow I'll wake you up and we can go together sounds good to me okay I can you check on the girls for me not yet okay the flight leaves in about 4 hours wait a minute you know what I need to send off this email real quick if I close this deal baby oh I'll be sales rep of the month and I I'll be able to pay off the girls college tuition oo I like that okay so when you send the email go check on the girls I got to get these cookies out another big order yeah my corporate client ordered 250 cinnamon squares and Wendy ordered 500 chocolate kisses for next week cookie time is about to blow up yes sure is well can the R&D team get a chocolate Kiss H yeah hey girls y'all better be in that packing you got 3 hours in 59 minutes coming in take W is everybody awake and and and decent now I don't want to see anything that I can't unse and honestly uh y'all need to get away from those cookies with all that better not be my o you know what I forgot she had that spare key but perfect timeing sister-in-law hey could you check on the girls for me I need to send out this email real quick love you okay and I love you too brother-in-law oh Lord the typical Whirlwind morning in the Wilson home my goodness yes and what are you doing here coming to the rescue as usual you can help me get the girls ready to go to the airport so y'all looking forward to your free time free time time I got to get these cookies out I got to get the invoice done I got to take a shower and deliver the cookies go get the girls and take them to the airport oh and I also have to get something together for Sandra and Larry for game night oh my goodness like I said to the Rescue come on baby girl you you you you you always trying to do too much I know and you always keep telling me that but can you just go and get the girls ready for me uhhuh but it's going to cost you okay you give me a cookie M thank you all righty I love you I love you too I love you more no I love you more boy Manny come on in how did the meeting go this morning well that's what I need to talk to you about well I crunched the numbers twice and I cross referenced it before I sent out that email I think you misunderstanding me we closed the deal son your commission check is going to be Mighty sweet one other thing I heard from the top and you my man if you'll accept it are going to be the next regional manager I don't I don't know what to say well how about you start with a yes and then secondly you know you really deserve it you've worked really hard what this is going to allow you to be off the road some spend more time with your family this is what the increase in pay is going to look like oh oh well um my apologies if I sound ungrateful of course I'll accept the position great well I'll get this paperwork all worked up get it submitted you can look for that commission check coming in on next week's check and then uh bump and pay in a new position that'll start the first next month thank you get out of here and go tell your family about it David appreciate it well here is the last of your order I just love your cookies they just melt in your mouth oh well I'm glad to see you enjoy them I am enjoying them so much that I want to do another order of 500 chocolate kisses all right well thank you for the additional order I look forward to us being in buit for a long time you and me both have a good one you too [Music] [Music] oh girl it's so good to relax I'm just saying so how's everything going oh it's going good girl I just I mean the business is starting to take off you know I got an offer for my on brick and mortar building congratulations girl you know that's how Sarah Lee got started I do you know what that's not the only exciting news Manny he got this huge promotion and guess what that means a salary increase that's what's up yes ma'am the girls got off okay yeah they did they are super excited so what do you say about the trip ah well I haven't mentioned it to him yet and why not I don't know if it's the right time when was the last time you got away and let your hair down H Cancun exactly 5 years ago you got all this great news celebrate it I should shouldn't i h in Jamaica would be good for both of us besides I got a good deal for next month next month I mean why are you rushing this trip I just think now it's better than later mhm what's really going on I might be pregnant are you serious I'm not 100% sure but you know Larry's been wanting to start a family and I just want to see his sunset in another country before I become a mother for 100% of the time that's a good idea if not now then when look let me just running by him tonight okay tonight yes I put a deposit down for both of us and why am I not surprised you know how I do okay well to Jamaica [Music] Jamaica hey I thought this was game night what we doing we playing Domino's or what look it's on come on boys against the girls oh y'all about to get beat how about that bring it on against the losers really really let's your seat let's see about [Music] that hey Manny Manny everything all right oh yeah yeah yeah everything is good just you know I got to get my steps in just want to see if you want to join me you know what we were pretty late last night you don't mind if I pass and go with you tomorrow of course not I don't mind love you love you too love you way more okay hey hey hey what were you and Sandra huddled up about oh nothing really she was talking about a girl trip to Jamaica and I told it's not a good time right now though why you should go I you've been working really hard I'll take care the girls H you why you saying it like that Cancun what about Cancun uh picture day and you decide to do the girls hair oh yeah I did mess that up yeah but you still should go oh I think about it we'll talk more when I get back okay got it love you love you too I'mma catch another 30 winks chasing the Shadows broke me to Pieces not even just as could he or help me ease the load so many questions Rob my attention I needed new meaning just to carry on oh and find my love intering Grace B like r I'm fin free so I'm coming out with my hands up walls down I've been forgiv I can forgive now oh I'm giving [Music] Pam where you at girl baby oh oh okay you forgot your phone so you forgot your keys all are you uh Manny Wilson yes do you know of Pamela Wilson yes she's my wife and why do you have her phone uh can we come in no but where's my wife she collapsed today while jogging in the in in the park all right where is she is she safe the paramedics have taken her to uh Valley Ridge Hospital wait you didn't answer my question is she okay well we don't know at this time but we've been looking all day for for you or somebody that knew her uh I'll tell you what why don't you meet us at the hospital or if you don't know where it is why don't you follow us I know where it is we'll meet you at the hospital and I need to get some more okay fine I need to get ready thank you hey what's going on brother hey I need you Larry what is it is Pam kick you out on the couch again I told you I can write you a prescription for a sleep study program oh no this is serious man the cops came to my door Pam collapsed while she was jogging and then taking her to Valley Ridge what is she all right they would have a phone if she was okay okay I'm on my way over no no no no no no no no no I want you to pick up the girls from the airport and take them to the house man um I don't want them at the hospital until I find out Pam is okay she's going to be all right you stay focused on being positive Larry man I don't know what I would do if some hey hey she's going to be all right like I said you stay focused on being positive and we'll go pick up the girls okay thanks man I appreciate it what's going on it's Manny cops came to the house told him that Pam collaps while out jogging what oh my God is she okay he doesn't know they took her over the Valley Ridge and I'm going over now let's go right what Manny really wants us to go pick up the girls at the airport and take them to the house he doesn't want them to worry okay let's go let's go [Music] [Music] f [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Applause] it wasn't supposed to happen like this baby we had so many plans we were supposed to see our girls cratch away how am I supposed to raise him without you baby I love you baby [Music] why oh [Music] why how can I go on go on with Without You Without You My Heart AES heart a Without You Without You what can I do what can I do without you without I feel that I have no life without you without what am I supposed to do with our kids how can I take care of them like you did you a perfect mother and wife to me yes you so Lord why you have to take my wife from me Lord why me Lord why I can't go on without you tell me why did you take from you why didn't you take no I can go go [Music] I feel like I want to [Music] die I can't go on without you I go why why why oh why why oh why I can't go on without you [Music] [Music] why oh why [Music] how can I go without [Music] without without you without what can I do what can I do without you without you feel that I have no life without you without what am I supposed to do with I kids how can I take care of them like you did you was a perfect mother and wife to me yes you oh Lord why do you have to take my wife from me Lord why Lord why I can go on without you tell me why you take from me why didn't you take [Music] Daddy it's time to take us to school black daddy sleep we can get ready on our own Daddy come on jel I got you I'll call Auntie Sandra to come take us to school what about daddy we'll see him later [Music] hello hey hey get up I'm on my way over it's the middle of the night why you coming over here it's 10:00 in the a.m. and I've already played 18 this morning so I'm going to stop by and get some coffee and I'll be right over oh man I got to go I got to take the girls to school man I got to go hey Slow Down slow down don't worry about it Sandra already picked up the girls for school and she's going to pick them up after school so I will be over with coffee and you can get up and we can talk man you guys must think I'm terrible no no not at all give yourself a break besides what are God Parents for thanks Larry man I really mean that man hey what are friends for for hold your horses sh all right man I was about to go big bad woof huffing puffing blow your D down whatever it so dark in here I need to turn on some lights it's like Tails from the Crypt in here really oh so you working on a comedy routine now see you eating healthy and chasing everything down with a little bit of yak I don't need a lecture I'm not here to give you one just here to bring my boy a cup of coffee thanks man so Sandra tells me that it took two hours to comb the girl's hair see there you go hey got an idea I got my clubs in the trunk let's go squeeze in a quick 18 man I can't I got the funeral director coming by here and I need to sign some paperwork I'm glad that you finally made a decision you want to know what's weird what man the night before she died Pam promised me that I cremate her are you serious man I wish I was lying she told me that she wanted the girls to remember her as a smiling loving mother not that not that casket stuff so you going on cremated yeah I'm going to respect the wishes but I'm still going to have a ceremony for the girls just for closure but I can respect that well come on let me help you clean this place up before the funeral director gets you well it does need a little Dustin yeah if you mean with a blow torch I agree hey it's uh it's nice to hear you laugh again right on wait well let's get started before you start getting all sentimental on me man yeah Daddy we're home Auntie Sandra's here hey baby come here I'm sorry about this morning Daddy overslept how was school it was okay are you okay Daddy yes baby daddy's okay can I ask you something sure sweetie do you think mommy knew why do you ask that baby it seems like she was always in a hurry to do stuff like she knew she didn't have much time you know I don't think she knew exactly sometime God has us do things because he knows why would God take her away from us I don't know baby I've been asking myself that same thing hey but you know what how do you feel about spending the weekend with your Auntie Debbie she's been dying to take you guys to that new water park and just to spend some time with you what are you going to be doing I'm going to be preparing for the funeral I love you Daddy I love you too sweet pee come on let's go say goodbye to your auntie now this is our bestselling casket solid oak brass handles lined in velvet the color of your choosing now I put a package together for you that includes this casket a hearse and two limousines now I do understand that your wife wanted to be cremated so here's what I'm going to do if you can put down a deposit today I will upgrade your package to include our premium casket at no extra cost well if money is a problem we can always think about all right all right all right all right all right all right that's enough for right now okay that's just that is enough that's enough for right now well what are your thoughts Mr Wilson um Debbie could you please go check on the girls for me yeah uh Mr Wilson what do you think you want to know what I think I think it's time for you to get out come on get out thank you but I need you to get the hell out of my house well if you change your mind you can always give me a call God I can still smell her perfume I can't hear her voice anymore do we have to go to the funeral room yes you have to be able to say goodbye and your father he's going to need you just as much as you need him I'll will help Daddy as much as I can yeah that's my big girl I can't handle it why will you sing us a song only if you promise to settle down and go to sleep I promise me too oh Lord come feel this place oh Lord [Music] come feel this place I've got the girls stressed and they're waiting in a living room you okay I don't want to go but you got to if I go that means it just means all of this is real I wish that I had words that I that I can make it right I'm sorry I know you have to be hurting just as much as me and the girls that's rough really R but I believe that um no I know that God doesn't make mistakes and you know maybe maybe he needed the premiere cookie maker up in [Music] heaven I wish I was as strong as you are right now I'm not strong I'm just leaning on my [Music] faith I guess it's time look Emmanuel please don't don't let this darken your [Music] heart God loves us and even when we don't understand his reasons [Music] why want ride with us over in the family car no I will be here for the repass when you guys return I have already I made my peace I've said my [Music] goodbyes you you and a [Music] girls you're going to have to work through this [Music] Thank [Music] You From the Ashes of the earth we are formed and it is to the Earth that we are returned for we know that when the earth that we live on is no [Music] more we have an eternal home in heaven not built by human hands and in that house there are many rooms that have been prepared for us [Music] hi Deon batt hello he guys do you guys are being so brave you know that yeah your daddy he's uh he's going to need you two to be strong okay look um here's my card make sure you give this to your dad all right this is my direct number I have a program outside of the church it's uh is to help people deal with the grieving process it's called finding a heart to forgive okay you you too if you need anything if you have any questions or even if you just want to talk do not hesitate to call me okay all right strong he's strong come here hey hey brother thank you so much for coming out no no worries no worries at all please accept my condolences I just want you to know that me and my family are going to keep you uplift getting grab all right come on girls [Music] [Music] AR you tired when is Daddy coming out of that room when he gets ready it's been 3 weeks we barely see him okay he's still hurting AR [Applause] I think I'll just have toast no ma'am I cooked it and you're going to eat it [Laughter] hello may I speak the Deacon battle hello who's calling oh good this is Jade Wilson the reason for my call is I like to hire you to help my dad you want to hire me yes I'm serious I'll text you my address if you can come over tomorrow hey good morning morning little lady um listen uh I just want please come in okay so you with my sister juel Welcome to our home tick battle hi thank you juel but you can call me Lavar so listen ladies um would you please take a seat of course thank you I just wanted to come by this morning so I can tell you would you like a sandwich I just ate but seeing as how hard you guys have worked on this I think I'll have one PB&J is it strawberry that's my favorite strawberry all right not grape but red yes thank you thanks a lot not bad you guys present a um respectable setting I might Tire how to entertain well you know Sister Wilson was always about her business now to get down to business we like to hire you to help our father you want to hire me yes I looked at your website and read the reviews we think you could help our father okay well um it's a little bit more complicated than that I actually have a team that uh told you he wouldn't help us I'm sorry she's having a really hard time with all of this right now okay uh maybe I spoke in haste um tell me more well we haven't seen our father in a month he comes down Cooks us something that looks like dinner eats then barricades himself in his room where scared we might lose him forever mhm H okay I see you know what I think I will take your offer yeah yeah as a matter of fact I think I will work with your father personally you will yeah yeah and um tell you what I'll come over here first thing tomorrow morning and we can tell your dad together we'll be a bright and early bright and early all right good job rting early now thank you thank you thank you all right tomorrow morning bright and early all right amazing girls [Music] [Music] [Music] listen oh you guys might hear a lot of cut in and a lot of screaming but trust me it's going to be okay all right go go away from me got to be kidding me for the you walk to the wrong house partner yeah what you going to do what you going to do get up get up huh show me what you going to do what you going to do do something about it do something about it do something about you here to rob me man to get on with it ain't nobody here to Rob hey get out my house then I don't think so wa Deacon battle right yeah your girls hired me to help you is this true daddy we're scared that you might kill yourself please let Mr Lavar help you come here bab your daughters they presented a very convincing argument and I bought into a hook line and sinker usually I have a team of assistants come in here and they they help get things together but uh you're in luck my friend see you you get me mhm you get one onone personal time with me I'm going to be here 24 hours a day for the next six weeks long if need be I'm going to be here as long as it takes as long as I need to be here that's right from here on out I'm going be your best friend we going to be handcuffed together and there's no place that you can go that I won't go see when you go to sleep guess what I'm I'm going to be right outside that door sleeping and when you go to the bathroom guess I'm I'm going be I'm not going to be in there with you but no I'm going to be right outside that door waiting on you we going to be best friends we going to make you into the man that God intended you to be cuz I don't think this is who God intended you to be do you no huh no look at your daughters man now see I work in three stages now the first stage is we going to get your life together we going to get you up and we going to get you back in shape now the second stage I'm going teach you how to mourn I'm going teach you how to grieve properly without the help of alcohol without the help of drugs without the assistance of anything but God and the third stage is I'm going to teach you how to forgive yourself properly not all this self-pity do you understand please Daddy [Music] please when do I start right now right now girls first thing we got to do is we got to get this room together girls here you go come on you got your legs together yet I believe so you believe so first thing you need to do is take a shower come on I help you here you go come on put it in there that's right use all the soap I want a heart that fores when the pain is so deep it's so hard to speak I'm about into anyone just like your son I give up my ride to hold it against them with hatred inside I want a heart that love everybody even my enemies want to love like and be like it just like it did I want to walk like it talk like just like you did want to be like you live like just like you did cuz a heart that forgive hey rise and shine rise and shine come on boy Get on Up go get out oh no no I can't do that see I would if I could but today is the first day that we get you up out this dungeon so come on if I pay in now will you go away yes I you can pay me by getting out of the bed get up out this bed boy let's go let's go yeah let's get it I got some breakfast in the kitchen okay yeah yeah I got that good stuff in there for you I got that J got eggs egg whites for you I got turkey bacon yes yes okay we going to get all that you know what B man this is getting old I want you to leave right now I could do that I could do that I get out your hair for good if sooner you get on board the sooner I get up out your hair you understand what I'm saying you dig what I'm saying so if you're not gonna do this for me play it and do it for your girls okay okay okay all right hey look stop talking stop talking all right all right come please all right look what I'm gonna do yeah is I'm g go to the shower I'm G get ready and when I get out you can throw whatever you want at me man 10 minutes 10 minutes that's how long you got guess where I'm going to be right here come on come on yeah yeah yeah let's get it yeah let's get it get it let's get it get it come on there we go come on keep up come on what's up man what's wrong come on come on come on come on come all right put your hands up put your hands come on put them on your shoulder come on on top of your head top your head right here Y come on let that air fill your lungs let the air fill your lung Breathe It In Breathe it in that Fresh Hair come on make you feel like a new man don't it huh that's a lot better that's it that's it that's it oh yeah come on come on Breathe It Out oh man huh hey how you feeling man I'm feeling good yeah yes I really appreciate you helping me out man I think I'm really starting to see the daylight that's all good that's what I do that's what I do but uh I'm glad to hear you say that cuz today my brother today is going to be your biggest test yet how so we just ran 15 miles what we going to do 20 nothing like that so this route that we've just ran huh it's the same route that your wife took but she passed yep right around that corner right there that's where she fell are you serious I am I am Listen Hold Up Hold Up listen just listen now when you're ready just take a second when you're ready I think you need to go over there all right just just wa just wait a second okay just get your hands up me just listen to me just just just listen for one second okay I know this is a big moment okay but but but trust me if you really want to heal bro bro and you want to get back to your girls you you got to go to where it all happened okay I can't believe this all right all right you know what you know what forget it forget it forget it forget it's too soon it's too soon baby steps baby steps okay so you can just keep going and we'll come back and we'll try again another day all right how dare you bring me here look this this the first step to healing and I understand I understand how you feel trust me trust me oh no no no see you just keep talking all right poking all right and poking I know all right man what what do you want from me I don't want anything from you but your daughters they want their daddy man they want their father that's all I'm trying to do you just can't keep throwing my daughters in my face Manny Manny man just man Manny wait Manny wait that Morey [Music] fast how many times should we forgive does anyone know what is it 10 times there only certain types of offenses that should be forgiven let me ask it this way how many times is forgiveness mentioned in the bible H I'll tell you concept of forgiveness including words like forgive or forgiving and forgiven appear over 120 times in the Bible you do the math that's almost two times if something is mentioned that much I'm thinking okay this is important and this is important to God so pay attention Websters offers us simonm like pardon exoneration clemency lency and oh oh oh here's my favorite Mercy Mark puts it this way in ch 11: 25 and whenever you stand praying forgive if you have anything against anyone so that your father who also is in heaven May forgive you your trespasses sometimes the hardest person to forgive is yourself you thought you were in control didn't you huh yeah yeah you thought you were in control of some situation now it's not going your way and you're carrying all the baggage of that guilt on your shoulders face all frowned up hunched over like Quasimoto because oo it's so heavy [Music] I don't know what your forgiveness is asking for it offering it or giving it to yourself it all and I mean all of it comes through God and in him and only in him you have the best example of what forgiveness really [Music] is what about that NBA game man that Euro Step ain't able to travel bro come on come on man travel three step jump step drop back if I was R I'd be blowing a whistle all night all the time man paying me off hey Manny you got a second hey how you doing Z you've been working so hard ever since you got back but I really need you to take a couple of weeks vacation just so I can get the books regulated oh I really would like to finish closing this deal I just feel like you saved my job and I just have a little catching up to do well again I say you've outworked everybody in this building and son you don't have one thing you need to prove here I really appreciate you saying that well let me get this wrapped up in a couple of days and I'm going to take you up on that offer the girls and I could use a nice vacation all right just a couple of days then I want you on that vacation promise all right Daddy can I come in of course you can I thought you guys were going to be at the water park all day we got bored so Auntie dabby said we can go to a movie we just came back to get some dry clothes you two are in my bed with some wet clothes on oh and some popcorn because someone told me that somebody here likes to pop their own popcorn and sneak it into the theater you two ratted me out you're not supposed to WRA me up you know they can send me to popcorn prison no such thing oh yes there is it's when they lock you up in this little tiny room and they make you stuff those little tiny kernels and those flat bags nuh-uh uhhuh we're going to have to go if we're going to catch the 5:00 show the minions again I saw when I was her age but I don't mind seeing it again you know why I forget you're such a grown young lady now I'm not a baby anymore Daddy hey well don't you get too old too fast you're still you are still my baby all right ladies come on let's go and let Daddy finish getting ready daddy yes sweet pee try to relax and enjoy yourself they're growing up faster than they have to [Music] well you know that you have nothing to feel guilty about I know I know I hope that you really do you are looking mighty Dappa like a young Mo's Chestnut I wouldn't go that far [Music] thank [Music] you thank you you've got this I got it I love you I love you too go ahead do it [Music] you know they're not going to see this until our entire group is here and if they give away our reservation I won't be happy you know what I can go home you did tell her 7:00 right yes and there she is right now hey girl sorry I'm late my Uber got lost hey Larry Sheila Sheil look you remember our good friend Emanuel Wilson don't of course I do hello hi it's good to see you uh Mr Wilson hi it's a pleasure to meet you oh well you can call me Manny I can do that and I like to keep my hand on I'm sorry Johnson party of two excuse me you mean a party of four don't you uh um no sir I have a reservation for two are you serious right now sorry we are busy tonight um if you'd like seating for four I can put you on the list it'll be about an hour and a half man you and Sheila go ahead no now I've been trying to eat here for over a month and that's how long it took to make the reservation honey it's not going to be a problem is it but no um I um I know this may sound awkward but my car is parked right over there um I really don't like crowds how about you and I go somewhere else we could do that um hey guys just give us a review um but thank you oh yeah well I guess that's uh reservation for SE right this way penny for your thoughts I'm sorry I guess I haven't been a very good date n you haven't it's just that I haven't been out on a dating scene in so long I just don't know know what to do or say anymore okay well let's just go ahead and address the elephant in the room I apologize about your wife's P thank you yeah it's just that I feel so awkward being on a date but I do want to get to know you okay well that's a start I wasn't sure if you found me attractive attractive girl you can make a weak eyed man go blind oh that's a that's a compliment I'll take that but you know what I really do appreciate you letting me talk about my wife without it being awkward yeah no problem M hey I would like a doover I'm sure that I could be a much better date okay well I mean tonight hasn't been all that bad I am enjoying your company right now whoa watch out now but um there is one more thing I would like to get off my chest all right what's bad I have two beautiful daughters if you're trying to find a way to scare me off you're doing a horrible job you want to get some ice cream sure let's [Applause] [Music] go hello this is principal Michaels from your school oh yeah yeah yeah um principal Michael what's going on I'm calling about your daughter jeel she's having a rough day I'm sure it's nothing to get too alarmed about wait wait is everything okay one of juul's teachers found her crying in the girl's restroom and we cannot get her to stop okay I'm on my way did someone say something to upset you today now you know you can talk to me about anything you know sometimes I feel like I'm okay then I'll see or hear something that reminds me of your mother then I start crying that's not it could you please tell me why you were crying today you promise you won't get mad I promise Jade said shelda is going to be your new mama and we're going to forget all about our mama I promise you that will never happen I'll never forget about your mother I promise you I love you Daddy I love you too sweet pee ready to go home yes but can you please push me a few more times of course all right hold on you go here let me help you you know I want extra pepperoni on mine oh I love pepperoni babe oh that's a lot of cheese baby she wants a lot of cheese on her Pizza let her put a lot of cheese on her Pizza I don't need you to defend me you apologize right now no I don't have to she's not my mama um I apologize for that you don't have to apologize for her I'm sure the situation must be tough yeah but it's not okay for her to be rude I mean it's okay just give her some space okay all right hey well let's finish making us some pizza my pizza is ready to be put in the oven mine is too let's go all right prob that oh and mine is ready too thank yes it is that looks good yours look good oh Daddy can I please chose the movie while the pizza's cooking you sure can sweetie you know I thought she would be good with us dating by now no takes time yeah thank you for being so understanding not all right you know what let's go help her pick this movie yes let's go get you you got it you got it you got it get her get her get her get her get her T what what right what what right here right here right here right you got [Applause] it no no right here right here right here right here right here right here tag me right here uhuh uhuh come on come on come on get I just want to thank you for coming by on such short notice yeah no problem thanks for calling I wanted to make sure that we clear the air I appreciate that here we go hey girls I want to talk to you about something now I asked michila to come over so that you could hear from her firsthand hello beautiful Jade and jel um I wanted to make sure that you heard it directly from me I am not here to try to replace your mother I really like your father oh you like me not right now but um I would hope that if you ever have something that you have to talk to any woman about that obviously you can't talk to your dad about you would consider me and something I can help you with hey I want you girls to know that I will never forget about your mother and I thought you thought you like Sheila we do so is it okay if I continue to date her all right and just know this no one will ever ever replace your mother yes sir yes sir all right well who's up for ice cream me come on let's go I'm driving come on so you like me and Y ain't going to help me get up that's all right it's all good bu up you in all right I got you your life is in good hands ice cream ice cream [Laughter] funny funny oh seriously seriously how you doing I've been doing good honestly good good cuz I could sleep outside your room again if you want me to no no I I mean it was actually kind of comfortable I'll bring my own bro when you told me that I honestly didn't believe you until I almost tripped over you that night we heard you screaming from all the way upstairs I wasn't screaming that loud uhhuh you woke me up oh man I tell you these two right here you got something special oh yeah absolutely they going to do big things in the world yes they are as long as they have their mother's heart let's see brother Manny things have been so busy you'll be glad to know that Jade picked up right where you left off bossing everybody around we were talking the other day and I called her Pam it was so funny juwel looks like you but Jade acts more like you Larry has been trying to get me to go back to church don't be mad but it's just not the same without you I realize I've been pulling the girls into my grief isol them from the people who love them because that's how I dealt [Music] withy and I need that Village to help me support [Music] them Jade asked me if you knew did you [Music] babe somebody told me the other day that nothing catches God by surprize I know that's true because I was mad at God for a long time and myself but I'm working through it even considering going to counseling at the [Music] church W well it's time to let you go baby you'll always be with me want to know why because you were my everything my life my sunshine and my joy you'll always be with me girls you called us daddy yes have a seat did we do something wrong oh no no of course not is this this about Mommy no actually it's about me I know losing your mother was tough on all of us none of us knew what to do or how to handle it and to be honest with you I was mad at myself so at times I might have taken that out on you that's why we called Mr Lavar and that was such a wonderful thing you girls did so instead of being sad we're going to thank God for the times that we did have with your mother okay and Jade I need you to not think that you need to fill your mother's shoes okay that's my job yes sir cuz I need you girls to be kids just a little while longer okay okay and I think there's one more thing I think we could do to heal as a family what is that go back to church [Music] yay and I want to apologize for that too because I know that's something that you girls enjoy and mommy did too yes she did so from this point on we're going to heal as a family and we're going to be there for one another okay okay all right and there's one more thing I need you to girls to do what's that I want you girls to put something together in memory of your mother okay all right awesome I love you so did you girls bring memories of your mother I think in order for us to move forward I wanted to take you to the place where your mother had a heart attack I want us to build a shrine so everyone would know that your mother was a good person do you girls want to go I do all right so if at any point you feel like you want to turn around please don't hesitate to let me know cuz it was tough on me all right okay Daddy Le listen breath is a blessing I'm pushing forward cuz a cold past and with one look back carish the moment Shing his freedom this is my purpose I'm so overjoy cuz I found my [Music] voice your love i'me now I'm coming out with [Music] my God thank you for giving me these beautiful and strong young women to raise I know that you will allow us to grow and heal as we move forward Lord please keep your loving arms around the Wilson [Music] family keep in I TR and I'm coming my hands up oh w down said I've been forgi I can forgi now I'm putting my heart out letting this light shine I'm living [Applause] this I'm living [Music] I'm loud up your hands all G and be lifted up lifted up the Everlasting I'm the king king of glory I'm the king king of glory K king of glory shall come I'm the king king of glory I'm the king king of glory the king king of glory shall who is the king of glory Lord God strong and might who is the king of glory the glory god Mighty in battle tell them who is the king the king of glory tell them who is the king the king of glory INE they don't know who is the king of glory tell me who is the king the king of glory god Mighty in who is the king of glory got strong who is the king of glor got might lift up your hands oh he G and be lifted up be lifted up the Everlasting and the king and the king of glory and the king the king of glory king of glory K of Glory shall say the king of glory the king of glory the king of glory king of glory king of glory King the glory shall come on put your hands together let's bless the Lord right here hallelujah hallelujah we love you we love you we love you we love you Jesus this one's for you this one for you this one for you
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 267,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chrisitan Movies, Full Movies, Full Film, Religious Movies, Feature Film, Faith based movies, faith based films, Chrisitan films, Christian films, Hollywood Christian movie, Hollywood Christian film
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 54sec (5154 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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