Faith's Song (2017) | Full Movie | Hayden Grace McCoy | George Dinsmore | Todd Shevchik

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do [Music] [Music] is everything okay go ahead and get dressed i'll be right back [Music] oh yes today i'll give glory to the lord [Applause] today i will praise him today's a day my life begins new and i will thank him for the blessings that he brings me you have some pancakes for me yes sir i do thank you you're welcome [Music] good morning good morning [Music] let's pray the heavenly father lord and savior thank you for your love thank you for the blessings of this day thank you for this family in jesus name amen [Music] i amen honor him i'll lift my voice and joyful song his gift of grace that makes me [Music] today i'll give glory to the lord today i will praise him oh yes today's a day my life begins and i will thank him for the blessings that brings me each and every day sister how are you today brother greg how you doing man good seeing you today how are you doing awesome awesome just faith god bless you [Music] please turn with me to the book of romans chapter 3 beginning with verse 20. it says therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin you see in this passage paul had to first understand that it wasn't his good works that was going to earn him his spot into heaven the bible tells us in the 23rd verse here that all have sinned and come short of the glory of god you and i every one of us that are here today we confess that we've sinned and while we can't earn our way praise the lord that by his amazing grace we have been justified you see the word tells us in verse 24 it says being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in christ jesus you see what good news to know that even though you and i couldn't earn our way into heaven and even though we've all sinned and in spite of all that that we have been given this divine gift of grace this amazing grace has justified you and i made us right with god it's through the events that happened at calvary's hill where the the blood of our only begotten savior was shed that made a way for you and i what glorious good news today to know that even though we couldn't earn our way into heaven that he's already given freely access to heaven by his son jesus christ amen [Music] laughs [Music] well you need to get this handled [Music] how does this quarter match up with last ready okay i'll take a look at the numbers tomorrow and see what's not matching up [Music] what is it jade i'm in a hurry it's important what is it then i'm i'm pregnant [Music] what i'm pregnant you're 15 years old what were you thinking i'm sorry do you know what this will do to my business what will people say when they find out i have a 15 year old pregnant daughter i'm sorry you know just like your mother as far as i'm concerned i have no daughter get out of here [Music] you look awfully pretty this day thank you pastor mark you guys been doing well good pastor we want to invite you over to dinner next week only if you're cooking that fried chicken just the way you like it we'll be there all right good to see you guys [Music] that sure was a nice service today wasn't it it sure was hey why don't you guys go ahead and wash up while i get uh lunch ready okay yes ma'am let's pray god our father lord and savior we thank you for your many blessings and ask that you bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies and our bodies into your great service in your holy name we pray amen amen oh happy anniversary by the way thanks yeah thanks sweetheart what are you guys doing tonight well actually we were thinking about staying in having our daughter cook us a good meal and then maybe rub our feet funny dad that actually sounds like a really great idea luckily i have choir practice tonight no feet there well i guess that means i'll just have to take your mom to one of those fancy restaurants again this year do you have a ride to choir practice tonight honey yes ma'am samantha's coming by all right will you tell her to drive safe okay oh my gosh yeah i know he told me to get out so i did no i mean you're pregnant yeah i know trust me what are you going to do does chris know no i'm scared tell him but you have to i know hey do you think maybe i could stay with you for a few nights oh i um i don't think that's a good idea it's a school night so chrissy please i have nowhere else to go i don't hello hello chrissy hello this wireless account has been canceled [Music] there she is hurry up faith we're so late mom made me bring her i made mom tell you to bring me you dork why do you always have to come with me she loves you neva i love to make you miserable [Music] we're gonna be late i hope they hold our table they will jack would never give up our table we've been going there for almost 20 years i hope you're right all right everybody ready three four [Music] she's your sister [Music] hurry girls you're lazy [Music] hey it's faith is everything okay yeah she just called to wish us a happy anniversary can't believe she's growing up so fast it's hard to believe our little girl be 16 next week hurry face you're up i've always come in second place i always dreamed i'd see this day i could know a lot that really cares who you are and all your grace you make my heart a better place you freaking change that i have so tightly [Music] is [Music] accept me [Music] lord your mind [Music] is [Music] is i'm not [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes can i help you can i speak to chris please chris there's some girl at the door for you you know i don't like people here this late just take care of this all right jade what are you doing here chris i'm pregnant what's people do is that my responsibility you can take care of it you guys got a lot of money what i got too much in line to deal with this just go get out of here i have nowhere else to go wait please wait please come back i have nowhere else to go please [Music] i'll see you all sunday morning will we worship together and remember god is good all the time god is good [Music] i really did have a nice night tonight thank you for dinner you know you and faith really mean the world to me we love you too how have you put up with me all these years i guess i'm a saint uh [Music] are you okay [Music] [Music] let's get around in here [Music] i really like the songs you have planned i've never heard some of them before but i'm sure they're going to be a really big hit with everyone the choir's excited just trying to keep it fresh can't sing the same songs week after week you'd be surprised i'm saying the same five songs every sunday and wednesday for three months straight that's why you hired me as the new music poster have you guys started on that math homework yet because i'm completely lost i was hoping you'd help me out math is easy i got an a on my last math test okay smart one do you even know what algebra is no but from the sound of it neither do any of you she's got a point hey david hey have some horrible news greg and carol they've been in a horrific car crash are they okay carol she's in serious condition but greg i'm afraid he didn't make it oh my god faith [Music] hey this pastor mark what when where oh my gosh i'll be there right away oh god please help his family what is it it's greg and carol there's been an accident all right tell me what we got female mid 40s internal bleeding bp 85 over 60 heart rate is weak and ready she's lost a lot of blood we've already given her two liters of fluid gotcha we got it from here let's get it or now [Music] [Music] hi is there any word on carol bowling yet no sir she's still in surgery if you like take a seat at the waiting area we'll notify you when there's any updates on her okay thank you [Music] foreign [Music] bowling family [Music] often we feel as though we're entitled to a certain number of days or years on this earth this is part of what makes greg and carol's death so much more difficult to bear one thing i need to remind you though is the bible makes no such promise as a matter of fact the book of james in the fourth chapter tells us that our life is just a vapor that's here today and gone tomorrow psalms verse nine and twelve teach us to number our days so that we may gain a heart of wisdom death is always near us walking beside each of us as a constant companion and many of you that are here today you know that all too well you realize that the only reason that you're still here today is because of god's grace and mercy where he saved you from a situation that you shouldn't have walked away from because it was part of god's plan the bible tells us in matthew chapter 29 that not one sparrow falls from the sky without the will of god and he goes on to tell us that you are much more valuable than many sparrows as tragic as it is to see the death of greg and carol i want to remind you and comfort you that this too is part of god's plan i don't understand why can't you just come live with us i don't want you to leave faith i'm gonna miss you so much i know i'm gonna miss you both i'll never have friends like you ever again hey that's not true you will always have friends like us because we're always going to be here for you and i mean i know no one can compare to us but let's face it you're amazing you're going to find amazing people who want to be with you come here take my hand dear daddy jesus thank you so much for my best friend faith i love her so much and she's such an amazing person but right now she's going through a really hard time and she's hurting a lot and i know all i want to do is have her stay here with me so i can give her a big hug and make all her problems go away but i know i can't do that so god even though it's really hard today i let her go so you can come and put your arms around her because i know only in your arms can she truly start to be healed god i also pray that you would bring new friends into faith's life that will love her and lead her down the right path i trust you jesus you're the only reason we can look to the future and have hope in your mighty loving name we pray amen [Music] pastor mark can i talk with you for a minute yeah absolutely come on in i don't know if faith can cope with all of this i she just lost her parents has to move to a new city leave behind all her friends and move in with a family she hardly knows jay she's going to be all right i know this is tough but her name is faith for a reason you know it's easy to say that god has a plan for our life but it's times like this we really have to have faith to know that he does the word reminds us that god works all things to the good of those that love him and are the called according to his purposes god really does have a plan for faith's life and as tough as this may be i promise you that god's going to use this to mold her life in ways that you and i could never even imagine i know but my job is to help these kids in any way that i can and i've never experienced anything like this before greg and carol were good friends i feel like i'm failing them i feel like i'm feeling faith no jay you're not failing them and you're certainly not failing faith greg and carol were some of the best people i've ever had the privilege of knowing and this has just affected you this has affected our entire church and it's really shaking the entire community this lost at the center of all of it is this innocent young girl who's lost her parents and she's hurting jay and she just needs us right now she needs our prayers more than anything she doesn't think for one second that you're failing her matter of fact just you being here right now shows how much you really do care about her jay she's going to be all right god's going to take care of her i promise i hope you're right pastor mark i know i am what do i do [Music] how can i live without you [Music] why would god take you away from me always worshiped him and praised him [Music] what did i do wrong [Music] why would he do this to me i just don't understand faith i'm sorry but we need to get on the road we got a long drive ahead of us i love you mom and dad i'm gonna miss you both so much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah i played golf with the mayor yesterday he said everything's okay [Music] i think we got the problem ironed out that's right i had to let ted go he just couldn't get the job done [Music] so [Music] i feel bad for him and his family but you know it is what it is [Music] that's right okay that sounds good we'll wrap it up tomorrow okay bye [Music] hello this is frank i need you to send me the jacobson contracts by tomorrow [Music] hey i need to call you back [Music] hello this is frank yes mr johnson we're gonna have everything to you by tomorrow that's right [Music] roger what are you doing does it look like i'm doing i'm working on my truck a face on the way and she's been through a lot and i want you to be on your best behavior no that's your family not mine here she comes i mean it roger hey sweetie you have a good trip it was okay okay well come on we'll take you out to see your run okay hi i'm pastor jay i can take those on inside okay all right now faith remember keep your name safe i'm only a call away thank you pastor jay thank you for everything you're welcome i'll talk to you soon so hey how's it going over there so far i guess okay i don't really think my uncle roger wants me here come on i'm sure that's not true you know i miss you so much already i wish you could come back and live with us i know i miss you too i started my new school tomorrow well i'm sure you'll meet plenty of new people just be your old happy self you'll be fine i don't know if i can be right now how long is she going to be here anyway as long as she needs to be here we're the only family she has left no you're the only family she has left why do you keep saying that roger you married into this family but it's still not mine no matter how hard you try it it never will be [Music] roger this is our chance this is our chance to move forward after all these years after all these years [Music] you [Music] so [Music] so [Music] morning sweetie morning made you some breakfast hope you like scrambled eggs yes ma'am lord thank you for this food please bless it to the nourishments of my body amen just lost my appetite hey hon i'm just gonna grab something on the way to work okay [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] faith hurry we're gonna be late i'm coming [Music] dog went the prettiest time of year [Music] [Music] faith where are you going i'll be right back okay here i'll get that for you well thank you sweetie thank you oh my you look like an angel come on faith we're late that's your name faith yes ma'am don't let him change well have a blessed day thank you you too darling i'm gonna be late um do you think that you can register yourself yes ma'am just try to fit in okay and have a good day all right and i'll pick you up after school watch it freak sorry you better be [Music] god please keep faith strong in your word and know that you are our father in heaven that you can provide for all things and that you alone are our strongest tower our strength and our way help her to face these giants before her help her to understand that even the smallest stone can vanquish the tallest of them when trust is given to you father though she has lost those who have loved and guided her thus far help her to endure her see the way the only way your way and in your son's name i pray amen hey check it out a new girl they always say modest is hottest but i think she took that way too seriously well it's a nice change of pace from what we usually see around here come on let's get to class sorry i'm late it's no problem just want to take a seat i can't wait that long now hey michael hey katie i think we're having pizza hey dude check out her book bag what is she a nine caleb and jacob see me after class i have some extra homework for you too now class let's give our new classmates a proper central high welcome would you stand up and tell us a little about yourself my name is faith of course i just moved to the city to live with my aunt and uncle and that's pretty much it cool story tell it again thank you faith now class we're going to pick up where we left off yesterday if you please take out your books and turn to page 375. hey do you need some help that's okay i'll just go to the office you don't have to do that i'll get it for you there you go thanks by the way my name is michael faith yeah i was just in class with you oh yeah don't worry about it new school you're allowed to be nervous come on let's go all right well i gotta get him i'll see you around babe [Music] [Music] here let me get that ah you are too kind it's no problem here let me walk you into your house you don't have to do that i want to you have such a giving heart faith what are you doing it'll just take a second i'll be right there you're such a blessing to me faith do you know the lord yes ma'am i believe he's got some big plans for you sweetie do you mind if i ask why you're living next door it's a long story well i need to get going thank you so much for your help i can pick up your paper for you in the morning before i head to school oh you don't have to do that no i want to well thank you you're welcome bye-bye bye [Music] you [Music] somehow it started over again somehow i knew there'd be no more chances i've got to move [Music] take it all i'm letting go trusted that you'll catch me when i fall catch me when i fall open hands [Music] from [Music] somehow i know i'm so close to being all [Music] take it all i'm letting go and trusting that you'll catch me when i fall catch me when i fall over [Music] opening my [Music] i trust [Music] you'll catch me when i'm fall will you catch me when i fall open hands [Music] hey i'm gonna go to bailey's for a drink maybe to be quieter there don't be home late [Music] so how's your niece doing parents hadn't left us a butt load of money should be on the street yeah right that's your niece man no it's pam's niece no member of my family would ever even mention god hey brian bring me that 10 millimeter wrench would you thanks so you mean to tell me you don't believe in god at all i'm telling you churches are just a legal way to steal people's money and brainwash them to thinking that if they do good and don't sin they'll have eternal life let me tell you when you die you're dead there's no afterlife oh man i hope you're wrong show me a real miracle then i'll believe hey miss bell i got your mail for you faith you are so kind be careful i'll be okay i'll be praying for you hey hey uh let me ask you something now that we're family and all when you're praying and talking to god you ever ask him why you killed your parents i hate it here i want to go home i just don't understand why god would let me go through this what did i do wrong faith you didn't do anything wrong i wish i could explain why this is happening to you but but i can't just know that god hasn't forsaken you and he's gonna be with you through this entire thing just please don't give up faith continue to be in prayer with the lord and ask him for guidance he'll show you the way but when how long do i have to go through this i don't know but i do know that god will be with you every step of the way something good will come out of this i'm trying so hard to believe that but i miss mom and dad i miss my friends i know faith i know who does she think she is thinking she can take him from me and michael keeps staring at her it's disgusting she thinks she's such a good question like oh look at me i'm so much better than everyone give me a break i mean i know what she really wants here and did you hear the real reason why she moved here okay stop what do you want me to do apologize [Music] god i don't know what i did wrong i don't know why everyone hates me i'm trying so hard i just want to fit in [Music] i don't want to be lonely anymore god please please god i don't know what to do [Music] [Music] saved me from my afflictions [Music] oh what an honor to praise you for the rest of my life i'll praise you over and over because of your love because of your grace because of the joy i have seeking your face i'll lift you up and tell of your fame shout it out so the world knows your name i'll praise you oh what an honor to praise you for the rest of my life i'll praise you over and over [Music] oh what an honor to praise you it's the reason i live to praise you over that was awesome you have such a gift wait i'm sorry i just heard you singing did you write that i've gotta go hey boss congratulations on getting that murphy contract yeah thanks we really need to ramp up production if we're gonna meet the deadlines how's jade by the way don't forget i need that mckinley file by the end of the day yes sir you have it by the end of the day [Music] god why is this so hard i've always tried to do your will your word says that you will never forsake me but i feel so alone i feel like i'm lost somewhere that i've never been before and i can't find my way out please help me understand is there something i can help you with seems like something's troubling you i just don't understand what god wants from me i know that feeling well did something happen that brought these feelings out i recently lost both my parents and i had to move to love with my aunt and uncle i'm sorry to hear that you know losing a loved one is a terrible thing did they happen to have a relationship with jesus christ yes sir they were both christians well then you have the comfort of knowing that they were in covenant with god through his son jesus christ and they will have eternal life i know i just miss them so much it's okay to miss them and even a morning period is needed but when the time comes will you praise and thank god for the time you have with your parents or will you be bitter always questioning his reasoning you see the answers are not always easy to find sometimes we've got to rely strictly on god's word i'm sure you're familiar with second corinthians 5 and 7. before you walk by faith not by sight keep the faith and god will see you through thank you you're welcome why don't you come and join us for sunday service we'd love to have you [Music] [Music] so [Music] hello hey is this faith yes this is michael from school oh hey listen i just wanted to apologize for walking in on you the other day i heard you from the hall and i don't know what i was thinking it's fine really don't worry about it it's just that was the first time i've sang in front of anybody since my parents died i'm sorry i had no idea can i make it up to you maybe i could take you to dinner sometime yeah i'd like that okay well i'll talk to you later bye bye wow you must be hungry actually i was hoping i could bring this food to a girl scene in the park she looks hungry she looks like she needs help there's no stopping your kindness is there faith just go ahead and get what you need thanks aunt pam carol you raised a wonderful daughter [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all right [Music] where'd they go [Music] a good book you read yes sir has a lot of great stories in it fearless leaders courageous triumphs and selfless acts but most of all it's about hope salvation and unconditional love yes sir it is do you mind if i share my testimony with you sure i was once a college football player with a promising pro career then my sophomore year i tore my knee up i worked hard and i prayed to god to give me the strength to come back and play again he did but less than a year later i blew out my other knee even worse than the first time you know i started to ask god why why would he let me work so hard to come back from the first knee injury just to let it happen again i'm so sorry thanks but i knew god had greater plans for me plans that i was not aware of plans even greater than playing the game of football so let god lead you towards his plans for you i will thanks hey everybody see you up there what's up how are you doing hey coach how's my nephew doing man he's really blocking the cover off the ball well how's this building going he's having a great year that's good you have a wonderful day you too you really need to cut face and slack she's been through a lot and she doesn't deserve you always be mean to her come on i'm doing the girl a favor as soon as she gets all this god nonsense the sooner she can fit in you remember when we met and you're so full of that god stuff good thing i got that out of your system huh shut up roger so when they had eaten breathless jesus said to simon peter simon son of jonah do you love me more than these he said yes lord you know that i love you jesus says to him feed my sheep three different times and what did jesus mean when he said over and over for peter to tend and feed his sheep you know most of us think of feeding an animal to be food of some sort but what jesus was saying to peter was that he would be charged with overseeing the church and he would be charged with overseeing the church as well as to ensure that the word of god and his sheep you and i would be fed the word the disciples at the time did not realize that jesus would have to go and die for your sins and mine and they would be charged with spreading the gospel to the world amen well we have a special guest today with us that's going to be singing a song for us faith would you come on up when i'm scared let your grace [Music] like the waves that crash will you cover me cover me [Music] let your cover arms with your love cover me with your love cover me [Music] cover me with your love [Music] cover me with your love yes [Music] i'm so glad you came me too sweetie you did a great job thank you hey faith wait up hey michael i want to introduce you to my parents hi faith i'm rachel and this is my husband mike hi faith nice to meet you i can see why michael talks about you all the time you are a very pretty girl thank you come on mom uh sorry faith i'll see you at school tomorrow okay how can i help you dear i need to see a doctor what about pregnancy okay right if you could just fill this out as best as you can we'll send you on back well looks like it's for sure you're pregnant how am i supposed to take care of it with love and compassion what if i don't want it i'm sorry but uh we don't we don't do that here listen what i can do for you is write you a prescription so you have the right medicine and you and the baby are healthy throughout the pregnancy [Music] and i can tell you that every child is a gift from god jade wait your medication do you want to go get something to eat sure all right let's go uh you know we played baseball for a while so dear lord thank you for your blessings thank you for the food you provide please bust it to the nourishments of our bodies amen amen so i have a game on friday are you gonna come maybe maybe well i hope you do have you decided on what you want to do with your music i don't know i mean growing up i always thought i'd be doing something to worship god with my music but now after all that's happened i'm just not sure i'm not entirely sure i even want to keep singing but faith you have such an amazing gift i don't think you realize how your music affects people i love god but i'm just not sure that people care anymore so many have pulled away all the awful things i've seen these past few weeks but that's the reason why to use your god-given talent i don't know i have an idea why don't you grab some friends and put a concert on at the school a jesus concert who would come i'll take care of that you just get ready to sing [Music] [Music] [Music] god it's been a while i don't really know what to say i need your help got him sorry for all that i've done [Music] tried to do everything right [Music] look where that's got me lost my wife my daughter now i'm here all alone all i have is my job please help me god please help me find my daughter please roger i thought you were coming home hours ago chill out i'll be home later no you're coming out now i said i'll be home later don't piss me off i'm not living like this anymore it's either this or it's us and i'm praying you choose us i'm going home you're doing what putting on a concert at school who put you up to that oh just some guy oh a boyfriend no not a boyfriend sounds like you're doing pretty well for yourself new school new boyfriend anyways we're planning this concert and i was wondering do you guys want in i'm in faith you know we'll be there i'll be there too faith have you been there the whole time hush nevaeh sophie what's this boyfriend i hear about give it back does he have a little brother [Music] [Music] god please help me i have nowhere to go and no one wants me [Music] come home roger what are you doing you told me to come home that was hours ago you're drunk ah here comes the priest you here to tell me i'm going to hell roger that's enough i say when it's enough there is no god you know how i know because i got you instead of my own baby girl and if there is a god he's cruel because now you're here living in my house eating my food trying to change my life i didn't try to change anything take my wife to church messing with the old bag next door i was just trying to help trying you're not helping every day that i have to see your face reminds me of the daughter that i lost that's how i know there's no god i don't know what you want from me get out of my house i just go [Music] uh wait listen i don't know what you've been going through but this isn't the answer you don't know me i've seen you around i've been wanting to help you my mom used to tell me before she died that one small gesture or kind word could change someone's life i know you may feel lost right now but there's a god and he loves you he's the one that directed me to help you it's because of his love for you that led me here tonight you really believe that yes i do and even though we don't understand it sometimes god doesn't work in our lives every day to fill his plan he has for us you must be hungry how about we grab something to eat and talk my treat sure [Music] [Music] [Music] the flood of your spirit rushes me deeper than waters showers of mercy they wash over me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] you've been looking for me [Music] i haven't been a real good father when your mother left [Music] that's when you needed me both and i wasn't there for you i'm sorry i love you you still love me baby girl i love you it's just you and me and we're gonna get through this together [Music] hi [Music] certainly [Music] wait here's your bible back no i want you to have it thank [Music] a you of glory all that i hope for all my heart desires lord is just one moment a glimpse of glory [Music] is [Music] thank you god thank you for jade if it means saving her life coming to the city was worth it and thank you for my friends samantha and veya they're always there when i need them even if they're hours away and michael thank you for him he's given me hope that i thought i'd lost and lastly thank you for my parents thank you for the time i got to spend with them thank you for the lessons i learned from them that help me even now that they're gone [Music] thank you for helping me understand that they're always with me [Music] tell them i love them just tell them for me thank you for never leaving me god thank you i'm sorry it took so long to get you roger i was trying to calm him down how is he he's passed out on the couch and um he's gonna follow tomorrow though what was he talking about he said he lost his baby girl your mother had a hard time getting pregnant with you i've heard that i had problems too and finally after what seemed like forever of trying i got pregnant and two weeks later carol got pregnant too i didn't know that me and your mother thought it was the best thing that could ever happen for the kids to grow up and be best friends just like we were but our little daughter didn't make it i'm so sorry [Music] it's not your fault as much as roger says it is it's not it's just hard to look at you and think of what could have been that's why roger is the man he is today and the woman i am we never let it go and we blamed god for the loss of our daughter [Music] i wasn't sure about you moving in but when i saw you help our neighbor and he took food to the girl in the park we didn't stop living but we did we stopped living it's not too late aunt piano i can't apologize to carol and roger he's so far gone i don't think i'll ever get him back you have to have faith i have faith she's right here [Music] oh oh god [Music] pam pam [Music] faith [Music] [Music] hey caleb what are you doing this weekend oh no me and the boys might go to the mall that sounds fun you want to go to yeah we should tell a girl think you should i might hit y'all up okay i'll catch y'all later all right so oh i'm sorry wait i heard you singing in the music hall it was fantastic you were the one that sang at church the other week right you did really good yeah you should join the music club here we could really use your talent really yeah [Music] [Music] i don't know what i'm doing here i don't know what to do roger is that you uh i was just leaving well if you came in here there must be a reason i don't know what i'm doing here some people come for guidance roger i've lived next door to you for years and i've never seen you come in here before [Music] you seem so upset do you want to talk about it i think i lost my wife [Music] i messed up bad and you want forgiveness it's too late for that it's never too late for forgiveness roger that's what the love and the grace of god is all about i don't even know if i believe in god so you came in here sat down in this pew in this sanctuary trying to convince me convince you otherwise [Music] no roger god is all about forgiveness and i think that's why you came in here this is the perfect place to find it may i pray for you and your family [Music] i'm so sorry i can change [Music] i promise you i i will change hey you should come to the concert check it out y'all should come to the concert that um this weekend michael i don't know hey you should come to the concert you too this place is huge yeah do you think we should have trout someplace smaller michael took care of it this is the first time i've seen it too do you guys think we'll be singing to an empty room if that's what we have to do how much longer just a few more minutes remember we do this for his praise not theirs we glorify him with our songs regardless of how many people show up let's pray dear god thank you for your goodness your mercy and your grace help us carry these wonderful gifts in our own hearts may your will be done even if we can't see your plans lead us even if we don't understand where we're going thank you for bringing us to where we stand today here on this stage we will glorify you with our songs we will sing our hearts desires in your name we pray amen [Music] when i think about the lord how he saved me how he raised me how he filled me with the holy ghost how he healed me to the uttermost [Music] how we place my feet on solid ground [Music] when i think about the lord how we save me how we raise me how we fill me [Music] how he picked me up and turned me [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus lord you're worthy of all the glory and all the honor and all the praise it makes me thank you jesus [Music] when i think about the love how he saved me how he raised me how he filled me with the holy ghost how [Music] how we place my feet [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] it makes hallelujah thank you jesus lord you're worthy of all the glory and all the honor and all the [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] to be so close to you i can feel your heart beating to be so close to you i can hear your to be caught up in you to be found where you're moving this one thing has [Music] [Applause] hey sweetie it's been a long time [Music] so sorry about that please forgive me we love you so much and we always miss you i know you're up there waiting for us i'm going to see you again someday i know that because of your cousin faith [Music] i look forward to meeting you one day i'm sure you probably already met my mom and dad tell them i love them and don't worry i'll keep an eye on your parents [Music] [Applause] [Music] we can't describe just how brave [Music] [Music] to be caught up in you to be found where you're moving this one thing has father bring me closer [Music] we can't describe just how brave we stop singing in the mountains [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 1,837,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EncourageTV, christian, bridgestone multimedia BMG, Movie, God, movies, trailers, Jesus, Hayden Grace McCoy, George Dinsmore, Todd Shevchik, Frank Hutto, Faith's Song Full Movie, Faith's Song Movie, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Id: m_843uAY-r8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 40sec (6160 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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