Born Again | FULL MOVIE | 2015 | Drama, Inspiration, Faith

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[Music] [Music] hey boss hi have you been able to talk to the printers are the brochures down for the next campaign yes they are we can pick them up at 2 great and how about the TV at producers I set up a meeting with them at 10:00 tomorrow morning they have several ideas for this campaign said we'd be impressed well they better considering how much you paid them I hope you are not going to be late today I'm halfway there bye okay good morning good morning thank you have I told you I like your car it's not my car what do you mean you've been driving for 6 months yeah but it belongs to the bank I should buy one too Credit Credit Credit as simple as that I see I see I see like the coffee I feel better good morning good morning good morning Jam Happ happy birthday thank you Jen what's the matter with the boss I've been working here for a year and a half and I've never seen him smile you mean you don't know know what his daughter died in an accident about 3 years ago I haven't seen him happy since that explains [Applause] it hi Nai this is Sarah we really need prayers mat you hasn't been able to find a job for months we have a huge amount of debt and our house will be auctioned up next monthless we find something soon or my best friend I have no one else to turn to please pray for us hey happy birthday hi thank you when I saw this I thought you might like it thank you BL out the [Music] candle thank you for what for respecting it when I pray it's all right and how was your day nothing special just like any other day and how about you I talked to Sarah today Matthew still hasn't found a job they are desperate and they pray as far as I know still know how for them being a Christian does not mean that everything comes easily without any difficulties if that were true everyone would go to church out of selfish interest I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you you haven't offended me I love you I talked to the Jersy guys today they were install it next week are you sure we really need that we have enough debt already we can afford it so why not my firm is stable we have no reason to worry you just let me worry about the payment all right all right good morning Jennifer we were supposed to meet with the TV ad producers at 10 could you call them and tell them to come at 11: I have to leave at 9:00 and one Me by backt sure thing the big boss wants to talk to you he didn't seem to be in a good mood all right thank you good morning you wanted to see me yes come in and sit down I have some bad news for you Mr Miller sadly the economic crisis has come to our doors and even though we did not think it would affect us it has shaken the foundations of our firm stability therefore we've had to make some major decisions and unfortunately we have been forced to take some very unpleasant measures although we are extremely pleased with the work done by the creative team under your leadership I'm afraid we can no longer afford the luxury of operating a separate marketing department so we have to eliminate this department within our firm I am sorry I see the rushers of the latest campaign are done we have a meeting with the TV at producers at 11: they are supposed to show us the finished material if it's all right I will pay them and then share the bad news with the others thank [Music] you believe me I am very sorry to let go of an honest and excellent manager like you but we have no other choice our basic survival is at stake [Music] hey you home already what's up hi I spoke to the jacuzzi guys told them not to come after all I'm happy about that but what happened this morning they laid me off not just me but the whole marketing department long leave the crises you've been drinking just a little then a little more it's been 2 years since your detox and you haven't touched alcohol during that time if you start drinking again it's not going to solve the problem I know I I know I know don't you worry I will start looking for a job F thing tomorrow everything will be all right trust me [Music] oh no it's morning already morning it is I brought you a little breakfast thank you very much I'm sorry about the way I've behaved yesterday I shouldn't have been drinking yes I know but it's all right will you come to church with me no definitely not all right then what are your plans for today I will put together my resume and sending to a few places things like that all right then I'll be back this afternoon have a nice day I love you [Music] bye okay let's get to [Music] it [Music] [Music] okay and now [Music] what I see you've not been bored try to make myself useful have you had lunch no I'm [Music] starving our Becca fans will last us about 3 to four mon Stops Plus we have your celery to cover the EXP expenses of the house the cars and the things he bought on credit I am not worried I am sure God would not forsake us and soon you will have a job God oh God does is watch the way humans struggle in this miserable planet please don't say that you know that's not true what I know is there are cacks everywhere people keep losing their jobs there are hardly any new openings and while you and a handful of people talk about a loving God who does not even exist in real life families are being destroyed and children die I'm sorry forgive me I I didn't mean to bring up Aster I'm just I'm just upset because it took me only half an hour to go through all the job openings I might have a chance they weren mared all the channel are talking about FMS going bankrupt people out on the street and their lives falling apart they bought everything on credit just like everyone else I [Music] know but what really matters what is the most important is that we are there for one another that's sweet but I need more than that [Music] hi this is Mark Miller I'm calling about the position it's already filled I see thank you [Music] bye hi Thomas I'm looking for a job and I was wondering if if there might be something at your company for a marketing guy I see all right thank [Music] you [Music] hi [Music] oh [Music] what's the matter the bank has just taken the Jeep well we were expecting this to happen yes I know but we just lost €40,000 I know but money is not everything it's not just about the money this is going to continue soon they will come and take the TV the furniture the other car and the Halls that is the real issue look it's not your fault it's hard on everyone who's become unemployed why don't you try to ask God for help no no no no no not again I don't care about God just look around the world you think God exists at all soon we we lose all we have left as if it was not enough that 3 years ago we lost our only daughter why just got El loaded why I don't know but I am sure he is the only one who can bring peace in situations like this one if I didn't know him and had no faith that I would see Esther again one day I would have been even more devastated by her death how could you get over it just like that sometimes I feel like you didn't really laugh her at [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I'm so happy to came [Music] [Applause] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus is your best friend he's always with you no matter what happens if you say so sweetie you soet [Music] [Music] dear Mark your words concerning Esther hurt me beyond words I loved her more than anything and every single day I think about what it would be like to have her here to have her run through the door again to be able to hold her in my arms just one more time losing her changed everything but I believe the two of us could be happy again however this belief was broken in me today I have been deceiving myself and now I realize I cannot live like this any [Music] longer Lord help me to get there in time please help me [Music] w [Music] [Music] I thought you had laugh I wanted to but on the way here I kept praying for God to show me his will so that I would not make a decision I would later regret then on the train the words of Jesus struck me when he said carry one another's burdens this was the answer to my prayer I knew what I had to do to stay here and help you carry the burden that you are carrying now but it would be really nice if you could also help me every now and then I promise I will I'm sorry about the way I've behaved in the past 3 years I'm sorry for making your life unbearable and making grieving all harder for you today I went to the church and I kept thinking of the day when all three of us were dead together I could see how happy Esther was that I had gone that day I prayed and ask God to forgive me and now I want to ask you to forgive me too for I made it pretty intolerable for you to live with me in the past few years and for being a bad husband and for not taking care of our daughter who died because of me no don't say that it wasn't your [Music] fault [Music] oh [Music] hi hi how was your day it has been the greatest terrible day of my life what do you mean you know I checked my ears in the morning but I didn't get a single message no one's responded about any job so the day started out really bad then I picked up the Bible you gave me by the way in case I haven't mentioned it yet this book has been the best birthday gift I've ever received I've been reading it all day it was incredible I felt like most of the stories I read were written dilet to me one of my favorites so far is that of Solomon I always wanted to know the reason why Solomon became so rich did you know that God appeared to him and asked him what he wanted because he would get whatever he asked for I do not remember the story as I was reading that I thought to myself well I'm going to find that the answer to my question Solomon surely asked for riches and God give it to him but that was not the case Solomon only wanted to be a good leader to his people and to make good decisions so he asked for wisdom and not riches but God gave him wisdom and added riches to it it's amazing I realized what I had been doing wrong why I haven't been able to find a job really and why is that so far I've been trying to find a job that would lead to wealth but today I realized that's the wrong motivation and no longer care about money I don't want to be rich only one thing is important to me from now on to be [Music] Wise Wise enough to make you happy wise enough to help you forget these terrible past years wise enough to understand where God is leading me whether he wants to give me a job with a high salary or he wants me to work as a simple sales assistant let his will be done the first part of your request has already been granted you have never made me so [Music] happy okay Lord let it happen your way what has happened to you what do you mean come on even a blind person could see that something has changed I haven't seen you like this for for years what makes you so happy have you given into the advances of that Charming guy who comes in three times a week to buy a tie just because of you of course not you think I would do such a thing okay just asking but then what happened something I no longer thought possible Mark finally got a job no something way better than that okay now you are making me really curious come on why do I have to drag it out of you like this Mark has made the most important decision of his life he has surrendered to God he is like he used to be he is full of Ambitions plans and enthusiasm only he's not motivated by money but by his love for God I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see that well based on what you had told me before I'm sorry but I did not think that this was possible God has done a miracle in our lives well you know it was about time I just started to feel I couldn't cope up with your Sor face around here anymore no really it was bad for business hi how was your day hi pretty bad what happened Pet's wife called Peter is in the hospital he attempted suicide he wasn't able to get a job either since the marketing department that our company was eliminated they were in depth and they lost everything the day before yesterday the bank seized their home [Music] and that day Peter took a lot of bills that is terrible it is unbelievable he had always been so cheerful full of energy I never thought he would do such a thing what is going on in this world every day the news reports about firms being closed and ever increasing unemployment rates and family m taking their own [Music] lives I wanted to do the [Music] same then we had that fight and and I laugh I felt my life was totally [Music] meaningless we lost our only daughter I had ruined my wife's life i' lost my [Music] chop I was good for [Music] nothing and I couldn't solve our [Music] problems and then I have no idea how [Music] suddenly I found myself front of the church and I knew I should trust God with my life or else there was no point in living any further because I was unable to find a solution for all the pain that I had inflicted up you that was consuming me as [Music] well and the only reason why I didn't do the same thing as Peter is that I found God and I am so eternally grateful for that this book is so much more than I had ever thought as I read from it my soul is healing and I see that even those who love God often had to go through great difficulties but God was always there in their struggle and he blessed them in the end it makes me feel he will also bless [Music] me and there is also a chance for my problem to to be soft God never allows us to go through a greater trial than we can endure I know he hears your prayers of Faith because he sees you have given your life to [Music] him [Music] [Music] hi this is Mark Miller I'm calling about the [Music] position I see all right thank you [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] I know I'm over qualified for this job but I really need it thanks for coming we'll let you [Music] know [Music] hello thank you [Music] by hi is this what I find the bir's most talented marketing assistant Chen said you never smile yes that used to be true but many things have changed since then I was told you may receive visitors now how are you feeling better than yesterday I did something pretty stupid he boss well I can't argue with that but but why are you so cheerful back when you were making the big bucks and were director you were constantly moping around and now you're joking with me what's changed are you happy to finally see me in my right place I'm sorry to see you here I almost did the same and what happened you know 3 years ago my daughter died and since then my life has been unbearable I was blaming myself blaming God and I couldn't find Comfort Anywhere work was the only thing that distracted me from the anger and sadness inside when I lost my job I thought I lost everything soon after that I wanted to do the same as you but I was reminded of my daughter's world she was a special child you know and she loved God very much and even though I didn't believe in him she would always say Jesus is your best friend you can always turn to him so in the darkest hour of my life I decided to try and see if she had been right is this the reason you're smiling now yes that's the only reason we are in a downward slop our cars have been taken by the the bank it's only matter of weeks before the house is foreclosed and no matter where I look for a job that I know panics but the more I read from this which by the way I brought for you the more I realize that I don't need to worry because God has something special in store for me and the most important thing is that Jesus word through this book tell me that I haven't lost my daughter forever either and that's the only reason why I finally have peace in my heart even though my situation is quite desperate so you're saying in this book you found the answers to your financial and emotional crisis God has shown it to me and now I know because every day I experienced that my daughter was right but what if you lose your house and you still can't find a job what if God's not able to help you through this if he was able to deal with my emotional issues that I thought were impossible to salvage my financial issues are just a brace for him no matter how desperate my situation seems right now all right what's wrong we got a notification from the bank they are for closing on the house this [Music] Friday so [Music] soon I thought we would have a few more weeks we don't I talked to Claudia who mentioned her dad has an apartment downtown we could rent I see all right you know I don't understand this I've been praying and reading the Bible for weeks now honestly seeking the will of God why will he not bless me why am I not not able to find a job somewhere if God made everyone rich and carefree as soon as they started following him then everybody would be Christian but not from their hearts from self-interest God sees your faith and I know he will lead us out of this crisis I believe even though we've lost a lot of things and now we're losing our house God has a purpose for all that is happening in our lives it is just not always clear what that purpose is you're right let us pray that we may understand what his purpose is I agree well not too big but good quality and cheap it is gorgeous the perfect place for the new beginning I agree so can you rent it furnished yes of course the rental fee includes all the furniture just how you see it now no extra fees just because your wife is the best colleague in the world and the best wife in the world too well guys if I didn't know what kind of trouble you are in financially I think I would envy you excuse me hello good afternoon Mr Miller this is Nicholas Taylor the CEO of success business Consulting I'm looking for a department manager for our company would you be interested department manager I haven't applied for such a position well that's because we have not yet advertised this position yesterday I had a meeting with your former boss who had very good things to say about you and I know this is not exactly the area in which you've been working but as John told me you did a great job leading his marketing department and prepared excellent presentations and PR materials your work would be very similar if you took my offer when can we talk about the details will 10:00 a.m. tomorrow work for you sure that would be perfect thank you [Music] bye thank you Lord thank you who was that I've been offered a job with the business culting company that is wonderful now I'm really envious thank you for coming please sit down John praised you so highly that I could not wait to meet you in person let me tell you what we're looking for I have two reasons for wanting to hire you within our company first we have some conflict going on within our team and I don't have time to deal with it and it's keeping us from effective work we have two very talented bid proposal writers almost all of their proposals are awarded and now not long ago they started competing with one another and at first like that very much but now the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages now I cannot fire them because they are the best bid proposal writers I've ever had the opportunity to work with now John had said that you were an excellent leader in his firm so I'm hoping that you can help us find a solution to this problem I will try my best another important task for you in this job is that you would also write bid proposals John had mentioned that not long ago you and your team had put together a large Market marketing campaign for a large energy corporation he said that as the project leader you excelled in this area yes we developed DPR material for incorp along with an add reference film and in order for that to be a success I had to learn a lot about this bench of Industry well this is exactly why we need you this same company would like to assign us a large project but none of my people have any knowledge or experience in this area now that's why when I first heard about you that I thought you would be the perfect man for this job I see you won't be disappointed in me hi hi how was your day awesome I'm going to love this job through I'm only making half as much as I used to but it doesn't matter the important thing is that I have a job again I can work and God has shown me the way so today was perfect I'm really glad and what will you have to do I'm going to have to write a bat proposal in the there is a team whose work I will have to coordinate and straight it out a little and what is that supposed to mean I don't know exactly but there is some tension between the colleagues and I will have to resolve that and what are you planning to do I don't know yet there were issues with my team at the other place too but nothing that affected their performance now I will have to find out what the problem is then look for the solution so I don't have a play yet but let's stop talking about it and tell me if I want to take out the most beautiful woman in the world for dinner tonight where should I go well I don't know what she would say to your offer but if she turns you down I happen to be free tonight I'm happy to hear that I was thinking of going to cashmir how dides that sound that sounds wonderful that is where I'm at the love of my life what a surprise just like [Music] me good morning good morning sorry Mr Miller no it's not problem until you are given a test you do whatever you wish thank you Mr Miller to mention it would you mind coming in to my office for a minute please yeah of course thank you Martha please help me I hear there is a nasty conflict between certain colleagues and it cannot go like this any longer so please help me and tell me what you know about this problem Mr Miller please don't ask me to do this I don't want to hurt anybody don't worry neither do I I just want this to be resolved and this seem to be a real Community will you help me okay I'll help great I'm listening well the problem is we have two people who just can't stand each other first there's Monica she's the greatest at writing proposals from the building industry almost every proposal she writes wins and then there's Anita she handles proposals for agriculture and almost never gets a negative evaluation well you know the company gives a bonus to the proposal writer with the greatest number of successful proposals each quarter so they both do everything they can to be the one who gets the bonus but lately they aren't just working to write the best proposals possible they're also doing everything they can to hinder each other's work mhm I see so that's the reason why the tension between the two of them is doing more harm than good all right thank you very much Martha you have been very helpful of course Mr Miller but youen going to fire them are you don't worry I'm not going to fire anyone thank you [Music] [Music] no no no no I didn't save [Music] it [Music] oh [Music] crap good morning arita would you mind coming into my office for a minute to get a v Monica please certainly Mr Miller I'll be right there thank you [Music] according to this data you two are the most talented proposal writers in this company's history in the past six months however both of your performances have significantly dropped would you tell me what happened look I've heard some things from your colleagues but I don't want to jump to conclusions until I hear from you what the problem is the problems began when the So-Cal proposal writer was hired here yes because I'm better in my area than you are in yours and that must be hard to swallow of course because to send a virus to my computer so I can no work it's an easy way to be better and you put a spider on my desk it was a toy spider ladies ladies would you stop please now I see that all I've heard is true you two are more occupied with trying to hinder each other than working for the success of your own work it cannot go like this any longer no matter how good you are I will take away your projects from now on you are responsible for the agricultural proposals and you will be responsible for writing the papers related to the building industry if either of you doesn't submit the project by the deadline I will be compelled to fire both of you well I do not know anything thing about agriculture I can't even tell a shovel from a r and I know nothing of the building industry I'm an agricultural engineer there is no way I can write a building industry proposal ask for help from each other if two of you were to assist rather than imped each other both of you could be more productive believe me I mean no har for you but I'm certain that this trial will be beneficial for both of you if you are successful in overcoming this this obstacle you will even be grateful for it in the [Music] end enter your rock thank [Music] you [Music] you forgot to take this back [Music] how's it going anything I can help [Music] with [Music] I thought you ladies could use this thank you thank you no [Music] problem we have just completed the most suc successful quarter in the history of our company we all know that we have two female colleagues who are unsurpassed in their skills at writing proposals however it has never been the case that either have achieved 100% performance today I honored to present to both of them a bonus because For the First time ever they have both achieved 100% performance this [Music] quarter con but that's not all the company is also given to those employees who were capable of demonstrating such outstanding performance a twow week dream trip two gree for four and this at the suggestion of Mr Mark [Applause] Miller congratulations l have a fabulous trip and now for the rest of us let us get back to work because as you can see it is well worth [Applause] it thank you Mr Miller yes thank you so much no need to thank me there wasn't much I did in this matter God showed me what I should do with your problematic relationship I just prayed for you and I'm certain that he's the one who help you perform with such a success this past quarter we didn't know you were religious I haven't always been this way but 3 years after my daughter's dead I realized that are things I'm unable to solve and handle by myself only God can [Music] out Mark I really like the way you handle that situation with girls I can thank God for that I can see I made a good decision when I chose to hire you I've got great plans for you I will try to do my best how's the Inc Court project coming along very well there are a few more details that need to be taken care of but we plan to submit it by four great the project deadline is tonight at midnight I'm glad that you haven't forgotten that of course not we will have submitted it by four good if we are offered this job then I want you to be in control of everything the contracts the documentation the account management the monitoring so on this by far is the greatest opportunity in the history of our company so I want to be sure it's in good hands thank you for your confidence in me all right hi Mike this needs to be Bond mail today okay thank you [Music] hi hi great [Music] timing [Music] father thank you for your many blessings and for giving us our daily bread thank you that we can know your presence in our lives and we can ask you to be here with us thank you for what you have given us amen amen enjoy your meal thank you honey and you too how was your day it was good we were quite busy in the store today how about you had a wonderful day you know both h and Monica achieved 100% performance this past quarter this has never happened before that is incredible yes and this means a huge profit for the company and both of them no that's not what I mean I mean the way you handled the conflict two women as Rivals at the workplace honestly when you first told me about them I thought it all seemed pretty hopeless yes that's what I thought but just like Solomon asked for wisdom I did too and Incredibly God gave it to me why year youo I would have probably just fired one of them but since I've seen hard to lose a job I realized that firing someone means toying with their life so I needed a different solution that I wouldn't have found by myself a few years back I would not have imagined you thinking this way but I was secretly hoping it would happen and you would surrender to God's Direction it is amazing to see his work in your life I have never been so happy we have quite a few orders already for the next quarter three big agricultural projects and four building companies among others girls I would like for you to impress me again Mark you sent the incorp materials yes I left it with Mike yesterday what with me I didn't get anything from you but I took it over to your office yesterday around noon what's going on here are you trying to tell me you did not send in The Proposal yes I did Mike what is this supposed to mean excuse me I I'm sorry Mr Taylor I don't mean to interrupt but but I saw Mr Miller put that material in Mr holton's office yesterday and later I saw Mr Holton trash it how can you explain that you employed this man in my place you gave the biggest projects to him even though I've been working here from the very beginning this should have him my position and my project not some kind of up sorts I see you're fired see D Mike please allow me to protest what he did was indeed horrible but if you fire him now that will probably not help in fact this situation will be worse the company will lose a good worker and in his life a great crisis will start and I know what he did is terrible but I can also see that he has been doing an excellent job and this company needs him provided of course that he will change his attitude so I'd like to ask you not to fire him but give him a new chance to prove himself what he did he did against you and yet you're standing up for him everybody makes mistakes therefore everybody deserves a new chance and what's more I got an email this morning telling me that the deadline of the energy proposal was extended by a week so we are not even losing the incar project all right you can stay let's continue [Music] do you expect me to thank you now you know not so long ago I almost went bankrupt the bank took my cars in my beautiful house with all my furniture but then God came to my rescue and gave me a new chance to get back on my feet and you know what he's not expecting me to thank him but to stand up for him and demonstrate to the others that he does exist so you want me to tell others about your generousity toward me today no believe in God and tell others about him but he didn't do this you did you know if you hadn't shown me that everybody deserves a new new chance I would be the happiest to see you fire today but the most important thing is what save your job is what is at working me so you should not thank me or anybody else but [Music] God honey have you seen my time with the blue stripes since the inor project was awarded I haven't been sure where my her is what is it what's the problem I'm pregnant what I'm pregnant [Music] awesome good morning Mara how are you today fine thank you Mr Miller um you got an official letter from the County Police from the [Music] police thank [Music] you [Music] how long have you been working for Success ATD for about 6 months what is your job with this company I'm the head of a department it's my job to coordinate the work of the staff and I'm responsible for the incap project but would you tell me what exactly I'm charged with it is my turn to ask question you will learn everything in time what is your task in connection with this contract I was responsible for writing the bit proposal and making the contracts documenting monitoring so basically everything so you were the one who signed these papers yes Bank transactions could only be done with my permission so yes it was me what connection do you have with the owner of the Builder PRD I don't know him I did negotiations with the managing director about the Inca project are you aware of the fact that Builder Pro LTD is a company registered in the Bahamas which is one of the citadels for offshore firms I haven't been aware of that why did you spend 3 days in the Bahamas 1 and a half years ago I was on vacation but what does that have to do with this vacation went to the Bahamas for 3 days originally we were planning to stay for 2 weeks but because of the project I was working on at the time we have to come home urgently but what are you driving at I'm driving at the fact that in cooperation with Builder proti you have embezzled the €50 million awarded in the contract what say Mr Miller is it not strange that as soon as you signed the contracts and transfer the money to a firm that was was mely registered 6 months ago this firm immediately fight for bankruptcy do you not consider it unusual that the owner whom you say you do not know is none other than Thomas little a former colleague of yours would it be mere coincidence that you spent three days in one of the Havens for offshore companies saying that you were there for vacation there are a few too many coincidences in this story for me [Music] you have the audacity to come back here after embezzling the money that would have ensured this company's future but I had nothing to do with this whole thing you're pathetic we've sted everything on this how will it fail to wake up in the morning knowing that 50 people lost their jobs because of you but I have done nothing wrong I can't stand seeing your face you're fired get out of my sight hi I've been sitting here for 2 hours but I haven't drunk yet what happened today I was called into the police station they are judging me with emzl I hear I could get 10 years for that oh and the company fired me but why Builder Pro immediately fight for bankruptcy after I transferred them the money and what more it turns out they are an offshore company that registered in Bahamas only 6 months ago and the references probably all fake but you are innocent will we get a good lawyer who will prove it we can't afford the lawyer especially after being fired today we will have to make do with the public defender I'm meeting with him tomorrow God will not forsake us believe me he will not allow any harm to come to us that's my only hope [Music] can't sleep no but I'm glad because the Lord has really strengthened me tonight I've reading about Joseph he was falsely accused too but he didn't turn away from God even in prison and neither will I no matter what happens I don't know what God's plan is with this but I believe that just as he didn't leave Joseph alone but delivered him he will rescue me [Music] too Mr Miller I have done a l research regarding your case and unfortunately it does not look very hopeful the law is very clear on this case the sentence for embezzlement of such magnitude or compliance in it is 10 years imprisonment in fact since you were in charge of another's assets the prosecution will most likely also charge you with misappropriation of funds and that has serious consequences yes if one is guilty everyone is innocent until proven guilty unfortunately in your case prosecution has found sufficient evidence to find you guilty this is ridiculous I didn't do anything do you at least believe me but I believe in this case is completely beside the point that is great look Mr Miller all is not yet lost you will not have to spend 10 years in prison pled guilty to compliance and you may get only four to 5 years for good behavior they will let you out in 3 years you can enjoy your life again sir I didn't do [Music] anything I had no idea who the owner of Builder Pro LTD was because I only met with the CEO I didn't know that this is an offshore company because that's not something they go around telling people and I was in the Bahamas on vacation and no matter what you advise me this is what I'm going to say in court because this is the truth [Music] I hereby open the hearing in the case regarding Mark Miller's alleged offense I will now ask the prosecutor to inform us of the details of this case thank you honor honored court and corp Corporation sought out success Limited in January 2013 and commissioned them to write a contract bit for an EU approval of their planned investment and also to coordinate the financing of the project success limited commissioned Mark Miller to be in charge of this project after they won the contract Mr Miller transferred the €50 million fixed amount to a firm registered in the Bahamas whose owner is Thomas little a former colleague of Mr Miller's mysteriously one and a half years ago Mr Miller spent three days in the Bahamas saying he was on vacation Thomas little the owner of builda Pro limited was also in the Bahamas during those three days The Firm filed for bankruptcy immediately after the bank transfer the prosecution is charging Mr Miller with compliance in embezzlement based on paragraph 372 of the legal code as well as with misappropriation based on paragraph 319 the prosecution is calling to the witness stand lenta Smith the CEO of encorp Corporation hi hello Mr hton Martha what happened don't you know today's a trial what kind of trial haven't you heard the money from the encorp contract it's been embezzled I've been W King for 2 weeks I haven't heard any of this they're accusing Mr Miller they say he'll probably be convicted well well I leave for two weeks and the whole company Turns Upside down so you are saying you commissioned success limited with the whole project and left them in charge that's correct why was this necessary would it not have been possible to have someone working within your company be responsible for this project look this was a huge task with a tremendous amount of responsibility we had needed capacity nor personnel with the proper expertise that we could have put in charge of such a project we wanted Professionals in this field to deal with it now we know we made a mistake when we made our choice I have no more questions does the defense have any questions no your honor the witness May step down the prosecution is calling to the witness stand Nicholas Taylor Mr Taylor why did you choose Mr Miller to be in charge of this project I hired Mr Miller specifically for this project he was familiar with the subject matter due to his former work so we thought he would be the right man to write this contract and to carry out the whole project so you are saying Mr Miller was responsible for everything that happened in connection with the proposal as well as the whole project yes I have no more questions does the defense have any questions none your honor the witness May step down Mr Miller do you insist on everything you state stated in your statement yes uror I do so you were affirming that you are innocent and have nothing to do with the embezzlement yes youran all right the court will retire to consider a [Music] verdict [Music] the court has found Mark Miller guilty in compliance with embezzlement as well as in misappropriation the sentence is 10 years [Music] imprisonment the defense wishes to exercise its right to appeal who are you I'm Mr Miller's attorney uh my apologies for being late your honor but I can't afford the lawyer don't worry about what is the basis of the appeal chapter 20 of act 3 1952 of the code of civil procedure further may I remind you your honor of the Harrington case file number 0342 3 I will accept the appeal and postpone the trial I'm Abraham hton from now on I'm your legal council sir my client no longer requires your services thank you hon are you Mike's father yeah look before we go any further you have to know that we won't be able to pay you look I was 20 years old when I had an encounter with God that's when I got baptized I'd always dreamt of having a close tight KN family but my career got in the way I was working long hours I was hardly ever at home and I never got to spend much time with my son so I try to make up for my absence with guidance rules and strictness but all that just backfired badly Mike and I grew further and further apart because of me he didn't want to have anything to do with God for over a decade I prayed to the Lord to help me write what I'd done wrong then four months ago Mike came up to me and told me what you'd done for him and that you talked to him about God his life changed that day and so did mine Mr Miller I am so indebted to you for what you've done for me and my family that I will never be able to repay you the God be the glory amen and now I'm going to need every contract that has anything to do with this project any receipts you may have kept from your time in the Bahamas I need to know who you had meetings with and when why you were employed by success limited who your previous employer was and what kind of relationships you had with your bosses colleagues clients and Associates I need to know everything I hereby open the trial in the case of Mark Miller's alleged embezzlement the defense calls John Hoffman to the witness stand Mr Hoffman how long was Mark Miller employed by your company seven years and what is your honest opinion of Mr Miller Mr Miller is a very creative and an extremely trustworthy man why did you let him go unfortunately the crisis reached us and we had to eliminate the marketing department mhm and during that seven years did you ever receive any complaints about Mr Miller's work no he always did his work on time and with Integrity thank you no more questions you you stated that m Mr Miller was a highly creative man that's right please answer my following question with a simple yes or no do you think he is creative enough to plan such a crime yes he is but he would never do such a thing so he is I have no more questions the witness May step down the defense calls Peter Simon to the witness stand Mr Simon what kind of a boss was Mr Miller what expectations did he have of you and your staff he was the best boss I ever had he expected honesty punctuality and integrity from all of us could you give us a practical example of that about 3 years ago we were having a very serious ad film done by Film Studio since it was highly valuable material we took out insurance but before the item could reach as TV stations involved our hard drive broke down and we lost everything since the production company didn't have the material anymore the insurance company paid us a few days later the film Film Studio informed us they found the material after all and they were sending it to us then Mark called the insurance company and reimburse the full amount that they had paid as compensation thank you your honor I have submitted a bank statement confirming the return transfer of the funds as exhibit number five no more questions Mrs Miller were you with your husband in the some 18 months ago yes I was and where were you exactly on the island of Nassau for how long for 3 days and what do you and your husband normally do when you're on vacation together we try to sighty as much as we can we spend very little time on the beach what did you do specifically during those 3 days on Nassau Island we visited the Pompei Museum the ardastra gardens the queen staircase the Fort Charlotte and the queen Victorian Gardens so you were sightseeing all day every day yes and uh did your husband ever leave you for an hour or two saying that he had some business or something to attend to no so you're saying that you and your husband were together the whole time for the whole 3 days yes thank you no more questions Mrs Miller do you love your husband yes then we can say that the vow you took is still valid today that you would stand by him for Better or For Worse yes thank you no more questions the witness May step down the defense calls Nicholas Taylor to the stand Mr Taylor why did you employ Mark Miller at success limited we hired Mr Miller at the recommendation of his former employer and what did his previous employer say about him that Mr Miller was familiar with energy projects and we needed someone like that and is that all he said or did he say something else about him he said that Mr Miller was an honest and reliable man well you must have found him to be so if you entrusted the entire project to him is that not correct yes it seemed to be and do you have any business contact with uh Joseph Briggs Mr Miller's previous lawyer in this case no so you didn't buy anything from him recently like like a car or boat or jewelry or anything like that of course [Music] not then how do you explain this bank statement that I hold here showing that a significant amount of money was transferred from your bank account to Mr briggs' bank account exactly 1 month ago when these proceedings started you're could it not be possible that you bride Joseph Brig so that he would do a lousy job on Mark Miller's defense this is slander well how else do you explain the transfer of these funds Mr Taylor that is none of your business I see and what is your connection to Thomas little the owner of Builder Pro limited none whatsoever have you ever met him before do you know him at all of course not well then how do you explain the fact that you had coffee with him just last week [Music] your honor these photos were taken one week ago and show the witness and Thomas little sitting in a downtown coffee shop together that doesn't prove anything what are you trying to hint at merely the fact that my client Mark Miller had nothing to do with the embezzlement and I'm not just hinting at it I'm going to prove it this document from the court of business registrations on Pro limited shows that Thomas little is merely the owner in name and that the real owner of the company is none other than the witness Nicholas Taylor therefore the money was not embezzled by Thomas little and my client Mark Miller had absolutely nothing to do with it you sir were behind it [Music] all I would never have imagine Order in the Court until this case is closed I order Nicholas Taylor to be arrested while I dismiss all charges against Mark Miller thank you very much what was it you said to God be the glory [Music] amen good afternoon Mr Miller good afternoon we don't know each other I'm Francis Meyer I'm the found found ER and owner of success LTD it's been very interesting to watch and listen to the events unfold here and I must say I am very happy to meet you in person you see my company has a little problem that I think you can help us with what is that you see we just lost our CEO and I would be honored if you would accept that position I'd be happy too Mr [Music] Maya the world is full of selfishness and greed the scriptures say let no one look at his own interest only but also to the interest of others but we don't listen to these words we only look to our own interest and so the system that we built will sooner or later fall down and when this happens we will all be overrun by the world's problems we may lose our job we may lose someone very important to us or our life just seems so hopeless that it's impossible to find a solution all by ourselves however we have a loving God who cares for us who provides for us who has a plan for us come with me let us never forget that he has a solution for the biggest problems he will not leave us alone in our darkest hours and he will provide a way out even when we think it is impossible I know because it happened to me I don't know what kind of difficulties you are struggling with right now I don't know what is making your life tough today but I do know one thing God is able to solve your problem and if you place your life In His Hands you will also be him a new [Music] [Music] chance [Music] [Music] [Music] l [Music]
Channel: Chicken Soup for the Soul TV
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Keywords: chicken soup for the soul, chicken soup for the soul movies, born again movie, born again full movie, born again, new chance, christian movies, christian movie, christian movies full movies, free christian movies, chicken soup movies, faith based movies, inspirational movies, christian family movies, religious movies, faith-based movies
Id: ZOPuicX2zI4
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Length: 101min 38sec (6098 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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